• Published 27th Jan 2021
  • 1,095 Views, 31 Comments

Thomas and Twilight: Heroes of the rails - 4804255858ARD

A few heroes and their friends help an old hero and a new friend

  • ...

The discovered masters of the railway

Author's Note:

I'm sorry if I am taking some elements from the script of the movie. I just have trouble putting it in my own words. And put 8 Berths in Tidmouth so the whole steam team will be with each other.

Thomas, Spike, Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle were crunching through the brambles and bushes and their eyes opened wide with surprise. There on the track was an old engine. He was broken and rusty, and covered with overgrown plants. He was a japanese national railways (JNR) class D51 2-8-2 Mikado engine from a railway far far away. And next to him was an old man. He had grey skin, blue eyes, and white hair. He also had a beard the same color as his hair. He wore a blue shirt, blue jeans, and black boots, he also had a hat that looked like a wizards hat with bells attached to it and a cloak that has star designs on it.

Thomas, the girls and Spike were a little scared. They didn't dare move. Then the engine and the man smiled. It was a nervous and frightened smile, but it made them look kind and gentle and this calmed the four friends.

"Hello," the engine greeted warmly, "me and my driver heard that you lost your brakes. That's too bad. Doesn't that always happen when you are on the hill?"

The engine and his driver smiled again. TTSS (Thomas, Twilight, Spike, and Sunset) wanted to smile at them too. But they were still scared. They didn't know whether to speak to the strangers, call for help, or race backwards as fast as they could. But they couldn't take their eyes off the engine and his driver. So Thomas decided to talk.

"Hello. My name is Thomas and these are my friends, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike."

"Ah, my name is Hiro and this is my driver and my closest friend, Starswirl the bearded."

"Pleasure to meet you."

The four friends weren't sure what to say next. They never saw an engine as old and strange as Hiro or a driver like Starswirl.

"Why are you two here? Where have you two been?" Asked Spike

"Well, that's a long story. Don't you four youngsters like stories?" asked Starswirl

"Yes we do," Twilight answered, "our friends tell each other stories all the time."

"Then I hope you will like this one." and this is the story Hiro told, "Starswirl arrived here a long long long time ago from another island. I was one of the first steam engines to arrive on sodor and Starswirl was the first driver from Japan to arrive here with me."

Thomas, Sunset, Twilight and Spike were amazed by the start of the story

"Where was your island?" Spike asked

"Well, young Spike, our island was in a far away country called Japan," Starswirl explained, "Japan is a long long way away from sodor but a beautiful place. There were mighty mountains, swirling seas, and majestic snow. There were also lots of railways there."

"That's right Starswirl," Hiro continued, "And I was the strongest and fastest engine in Japan. They called us Masters of the railway."

"But you sounded like you liked Japan so much. Why and how did you two come to Sodor?" Thomas asked

"We came to Sodor to help out with the railway's growth," replied Starswirl, "Hiro and I arrived here on a very big ship. The journey lasted several days, and traveled through many seas. When we arrived at Brendam docks, it didn't look like home at all."

"What was Sodor like for you two back then?" asked Twilight curiously.

"It was quiet and peaceful," Hiro answered, "Me and Starswirl were the only ones on sodor. And they called us master of the Railway here too. We were so happy and Sodor felt like a home away from home."

"But what happened and why are you two here?" asked Sunset

"I started to break down," Hiro sighed sadly, "the engineers didn't have the right parts for me. So Starswirl put me here in this siding. I had to wait for the parts to arrive from Japan. So I waited and waited and the parts never came. Starswirl didn't want to leave me so he stayed with me for as long as I can remember."

"But, Starswirl don't you ever get hungry and thirsty?" asked Spike

"Yes I did get hungry," Starswirl replied, "but the animals around here were so kind that they helped me get food and water and kept me and Hiro company ever since."

The friends' eyes were wide with wonder, misery, and guilt. They felt sorry for their new friend.

"Do you miss your home in Japan?" asked Thomas sympathetically

"Yes we do." Hiro answered

"We also miss being masters of the railway." Starswirl sighed.

The four friends were even more sorry for their sad new friends. Then an idea flew in Thomas' funnel

"I have an idea. We can go get Sir Topham Hatt, he is the controller of the railway and maybe we can let Princess Celestia know too. They will know how to help you two."

"Good idea Thomas." said Sunset "We can do it right now."

"No! No!" Hiro shouted

"You mustn't tell Sir Topham Hatt or princess Celestia." Starswirl pleaded

The four friends were so surprised at the answer they got from their new friends

"Why?" the four friends asked

"I am an old engine that cannot be repaired," answered Hiro worried, "And me and Starswirl know what happens to engines who cannot be really useful. They get scrapped and sent to the smelters yard."

"I just can't stand to let that happen to Hiro I can't." Starswirl said. "My friend would be gone and then I would have no work to do."

"That's not fair. That's not right. That can't happen!" Spike said

But Thomas, Twilight, Sunset and Spike looked at their new friends who were once masters of the railway, were now old, alone, sad, and scared of what might happen if they were discovered by the Fat Controller and the Princess and get scrapped.

Then they made a decision

"Don't worry Hiro. We will look after you and Starswirl." Twilight promised

"Yeah we won't tell Sir Topham Hatt or Princess Celestia until you are fixed. You are safe with us and so is our secret." Sunset added

"I could stay with you until you two until Hiro is fixed and Thomas, Twilight and Sunset can find the parts to fix you up." Spike suggested

"That's right. We promise you two will be really useful. We promise that we will make you Master of the Railway again!" Thomas promised

Then Hiro and Starswirl smiled their biggest smiles they had in a long time.

"Thank you, Thomas." said Hiro gratefully, "Thank you girls, Thank you Spike."

"Thank you for looking after us."

Thomas puffed with pride and Sunset and Twilight were feeling Thomas' energy. So it was arranged. Spike stayed with Hiro and Starswirl to keep them company, meanwhile Thomas, Twilight and Sunset went to the Sodor steamworks. They liked the steam works. There was hustle and bustle. It was lively and friendly and there was Victor and his driver Dr. Whooves. Thomas liked Victor and Sunset and Twilight liked Dr. Whooves. Whooves was bandaging Twilight's arm and Victor spoke to him, Sunset and Twilight.

"Thomas, Sunset, Twilight tell me my friends, what were you doing out in the middle of nowhere pulling 7 heavy flatbeds. Are you three crazy? Please do me and the doctor a favor will you? The next time Spencer wants you to do something silly and dangerous just say no."

"Ok Victor. We will." Thomas promised. Soon he, Twi and Sunset forgot almost about the contest of strength. They were bubbling with excitement over Hiro and Starswirl. They wanted to tell Victor and Dr. Whooves but they think if they tell them about their new friends the story would soon spread and eventually get to Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia. Just then Spencer and Silver Spoon puffed in.

"So there was where you've been with Sunset and Twilight Thomas," said Spencer "Broken down I see? Seven heavy loads of flatbeds were too much for you is that it?"

"Good morning Spencer. Good morning Silver Spoon. Well done." Thomas said in a happy mood

Silver Spoon and Spencer were amazed. They didn't expect Thomas and the girls to be so cheery.

"Um What did you say?" asked Silver Spoon

"Thomas said good morning and well done Silver Spoon." said Sunset Shimmer


"Spencer don't you and Silver Spoon have a job to do? Do you need fixing or are you standing there gossiping?" asked Dr. Whooves, "You two are taking up a lot of track and space."

Spencer and Silver Spoon gasped

"No one speaks to us like that."
And they grumbled out of the Steamworks.

"They are both silver showoffs those two." Victor said "Just ignore them my friends."

Thomas and Sunset and Twilight just laughed. They liked Victor.

"Alright Twilight," Dr. Whooves said "You should be okay driving Thomas again."

"And you're all fixed Thomas." Victor said "Just stay away from Mr. Silver steam and Ms. Bossy boots. Sir Topham Hatt needs you and Twilight on your branch line and Sunset, you need to get to Edward."

"Thank you Victor We will." thanked Thomas Twilight and Sunset and Twilight.

Then a loud clang happened where Sunset was. It was Kevin who dropped something.

"Kevin!" Victor shouted "How many times do me and the doctor have to tell you? You were made to lower things, not drop things. Slowly slowly. Gently gently."

"Sorry boss. It was a slip of the hook." Kevin said.
Then behind Kevin Sunset noticed something. It was a wagon with an old piston cylinder on it.

"Thomas I think that part would be perfect for Hiro." whispered Sunset.

"I wonder if the doctor and Victor will let us borrow it." whispered Thomas back

Then after Thomas and Twilight brought Sunset to Edward, they were busy on the Ffarquhar branch line. They wanted to get their jobs done as fast as they could. Just then Percy and Pinkie Pie went up to them.

"Tell us about the race Thomas." Percy said

"Did you guys win?" Pinkie asked

"I'm sorry Percy. I'm sorry Percy but me and Twilight are in a hurry." Thomas said

"Yeah. We'll tell you and the others all about it this evening." Twilight assured them

Thomas and Twilight puffed off leaving Percy and Pinkie Pie disappointed

"Goodbye then Thomas. Goodbye then Twilight." They called

Later after they finished their jobs Thomas and Twilight went back to the Steamworks. They were glad to see that it was quiet.

"What are you two doing back here?" asked Dr. Whooves

"We just wanted to know if you are using that piston cylinder." Twilight asked

"That piece of scrap? It's going to the garbage. It's taking up a lot of space." Victor answered

"Can we take it away for you?" Thomas asked.

"Shall we take it away for you?" asked Twilight hopefully.

"Aren't you two busy already?" questioned Victor

"No." Twilight answered "We can take it easily."

"Would you like a helping hook?" asked Kevin

"No thank you Kevin. We can do it ourselves." assured Thomas.

Soon Thomas was coupled to the flatbed and steamed cheerfully away. He and Twilight were happy. Just then they heard the pounding of rails and a certain whistle.

"Uh Oh. It's Spencer and Silver Spoon." Twilight gasped "We can't let them see us. They might get suspicious if they catch us pulling this old cylinder."

"We gotta hide." Thomas said. "Ah ha. That siding is perfect; there are tall trees to cover us. Let's hide there."

And they did. Spencer and Silver Spoon were closing in on them. Then Spencer stopped and backed up. He and Silver Spoon were on the other side of Thomas and Twilight. Thomas didn't dare puff and Twilight didn't dare breath.

"That's funny." said Silver Spoon, "I could've sworn I heard someone."

"Must have been your imagination Silver." Spencer suggested "These trees and steam can play tricks on your eyes. Come on let's just go to the summer house. We will find out later."

And Spencer and Silver Spoon thundered away. Thomas and Twilight were relieved.

"Cinders and Ashes!" Thomas sighed "That was close."

"Too close for our comfort." added Twilight "Come on Thom, Hiro needs this part. And I am sure Spike is hungry."

Thomas and Twilight got to Hiro. Twilight got the cylinder and placed it on Hiro.

"Thank you Thomas. Thank you Twilight." Hiro gratefully thanked. "Thank you for looking after me and Starswirl."

"Spike was great company." Starswirl told Twilight, "he told us great stories and he promised that nothing will happen to us."

"You're welcome you two. Tomorrow me and Twilight will get another part for you, Hiro." said Thomas

"Now let's get back to Tidmouth Thomas." Twilight said to her blue friend "Our friends will be wondering where we are."

"Thanks again you two." Hiro and Starswirl said. And Thomas and Twilight puffed back to Tidmouth. Then they rounded a bend and saw something that made them worry.

"Cinders and Ashes! The duke and duchess of Boxford's summerhouse!" gasped Thomas

"It is very close to the hiding place where Hiro and Starswirl are." Twilight noticed "And Spencer and Silver Spoon will be here everyday."

"That means trouble." said Thomas, "If Spencer and Silver see Hiro and Starswirl or notice that Spike isn't with us, they are sure to tell the Sir Topham Hatt and Celestia and getting us into trouble is the least of our worries. If they tell Sir Topham Hatt or Celestia about this Hiro is sure to be scrapped and Starswirl could be put into an asylum."

"We must be very very careful then." Twilight told Thomas

That night at Tidmouth Sheds, Thomas, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer told their friends all about the contest with Spencer and Silver Spoon. They wanted to tell them about Hiro and Starswirl, when Sir Topham Hatt arrived. He spoke to the engines.

"Tomorrow will be a very busy day. You're jobs will start extra early. So Thomas, Twilight and Sunset, don't puff around the island pulling heavy loads, or any other silly ideas. I need really useful engines and engineers. Not really broken and injured ones."

"Yes, Sir!" They replied. Now they couldn't tell Sir Topham Hatt or Celestia. They heard what he said, "No Broken engines or injured engineers".