• Published 27th Jan 2021
  • 1,087 Views, 31 Comments

Thomas and Twilight: Heroes of the rails - 4804255858ARD

A few heroes and their friends help an old hero and a new friend

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Telling the truth to friends

The next day, Thomas and Twilight were working on the Ffarquhar branch line, but they were feeling worried and wanted to be with Hiro and Starswirl, when Percy and Pinkie Pie came up to them.

"Hello Thomas, hello Twilight," Percy greeted them cheerfully.

"Why are you so glum chums?" Pinkie Pie asked noticing their sad faces. "And where is Spike? I don't see him with you two."

Thomas and Twilight looked at each other they knew that they had to tell their best friends the truth about what they were doing.

"Twilight, Sunset, Spike and I have met an Old engine named Hiro and his driver Starswirl." Thomas answered, "Hiro is broken and worried he might get scrapped so Twilight and I are trying to fix him."

"Spike isn't with us because he is staying with them so they can have company." Twilight added "We can't let Sir Topham Hatt or Princess Celestia know or Hiro might get scrapped and Starswirl doesn't want to lose him."

Percy and Pinkie were amazed. They wanted to help out their friends.

"Wow that's amazing." Pinkie gasped "Where are they?"

"We will tell you two later," Twilight promised "They need us to look after them, can you two please help us and promise to keep our secret a secret?"

"Of course. We pinkie promise." Pinkie said. "Cross our hearts and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in our eye."

"What can we do?" Percy asked.

"Could you please take this flatbed of farm machinery to farmer McColl's?" Thomas asked

"Sure we could. But what do I do with my mail trucks?" asked Percy

"Just put them in a siding, somewhere safe, as soon as you deliver the machinery we promise you two will take the mail." Twilight replied, "Now come on Thomas let's get to Hiro and Starswirl straight away."

As Thomas and Twilight puffed away, Percy and Pinkie went in the opposite direction. They were happy to help out their friends. Percy and Pinkie puffed a long way; they soon were on tracks they never went on. They were still trying to find a good place to hide their mail trucks. Then they came up to a siding.

"That is the perfect place Percy Wercy," Pinkie said, "no one will find them here."

"I think I'll be able to remember this spot." Percy said and puffed to the siding. Once they dropped off the mail trucks, they went to deliver the machinery.

Meanwhile Thomas and Twilight puffed to Hiro's hiding place. They were so excited that they didn't see Spencer and Silver Spoon puff alongside the duo.

"What are you two doing here Thomas?" Spencer asked "You two are a long way away from your branch line aren't you?"

"Thomas and I were...um...going to Brendam docks to collect some pipes." Twilight lied to the Silvery duo and Thomas and Twilight steamed away as fast as they could, leaving Silver Spoon and Spencer interested and suspicious of the two friends.

"This is very strange Spencer." Silver Spoon said "Very strange indeed. I think they are hiding something behind our backs."

"I agree Silver Spoon," said Spencer "We should keep a close eye on those two."

Thomas and Twilight didn't dare puff to Hiro and Starswirl until they knew they were in the clear.

"We thought you would never come see us Thomas and Twilight." said Hiro

"Sorry Hiro Sorry Starswirl," said Twilight, "but Thomas and I needed to be in the clear. We still promise that we won't let you down."

Then Twilight got a toolbox and started work. Soon, Hiro's piston rods were in place.

"Tomorrow we will bring you new parts." said Thomas.

"Thank you Thomas. Thank you Twilight." said Starswirl, "just don't get into too much trouble for me and Hiro. We are very old."

"And we promise we will make you look as good as new." said Spike.

"Goodbye Hiro." said Thomas

"Goodbye Starswirl. See you later Spike." said Twilight.

"Bye Thomas and Twilight." said Spike

Thomas and Twilight were puffing home as fast as they could. They were running late. They had to go past the summerhouse. Then Spencer and Silver Spoon caught the two friends.

"Thomas, you and Sparkle are up to something aren't you?" accused Spencer

"Tell us what you are hiding and maybe we will let you two off easy." bargained Silver Spoon

But Thomas and Twilight didn't say a word and just steamed away with Spencer and Silver Spoon following behind.

Thomas and Twilight were going faster. Then they saw Percy and Pinkie Pie at the water tower. Percy and Pinkie Pie looked sad.

"What happened Percy?" asked Twilight, "Why did you stop?"

"I popped a valve while pulling the heavy farm machinery." answered Percy. "Now I can't puff on."

"Oh no." thought Thomas, "I should have thought about the weight of the machinery this is a disaster."

Then Spencer and Silver Spoon puffed up. They followed Thomas and Twilight.

"Dear oh dear Percy and Pinkie." smirked Spencer, "You should get a stronger engine to pull that heavy load."

"Well we can't stop," said Silver Spoon, "we have things to do, supplies to collect."

And Spencer chuffed away.

"We're sorry Percy and Pinkie," said Thomas. "You were helping me and Twilight and now you broke down."

"We are worried Thomas." said Pinkie, "Percy and I still haven't delivered the mail. Sir Topham Hatt and Celestia will be cross with us now."

"Don't worry Pinkie," said Twilight, "tomorrow we will make things better. Thomas and I will shunt Percy to the Steam works. Victor will have you fixed in a jiffy."

Thomas and Twilight pushed Percy and Pinkie Pie to the sodor Steamworks. They were chattering and chuckling about Hiro and Starswirl. The sodor steamworks was quiet. Victor and Dr. Whooves were surprised to see Thomas and Twilight with Percy and Pinkie Pie.

"Surprising sprockets!" exclaimed Victor, "What happened my friends?"

"Twilight and I asked Percy and Pinkie Pie to deliver our special." answered Thomas

"Percy popped a valve because the machinery was too heavy for him." added Twilight

"But why didn't you take it yourselves?" asked Dr. Whooves

Thomas stammered, "Because uh uh..."

"Because they.." Pinkie started to say but was interrupted by a loud clang.

"Kevin," scolded Victor, "Remember; Slowly slowly, gently gently."

"Sorry boss," apologized Kevin, "It was a slip of the..."

"Hook." sighed Dr Whooves, "we know Kevin."

Then Thomas and Twilight spotted some more parts. They knew Hiro needed them. Now they knew that they have to tell Victor and Dr. Whooves the truth.

"Victor, Dr. Whooves. Twilight and I need your help." said Thomas

"We all need your help." said Percy.

"Of course," said Dr. Whooves, "what do you need?"

And Thomas and Twilight told them about finding Hiro and Starswirl, and how they needed parts to fix Hiro. Victor and Starswirl were amazed.

"Wow, that is very thoughtful of you two," said Victor, "looking after and old engine and his driver. Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia should know about this."

"No please," said Twilight, "Hiro is old and broken. If Sir Topham Hatt learns about that, he may have to scrap him and Starswirl will lose his friend."

"But," added Thomas, "If we can rebuild Hiro in secret, he and Starswirl can be really useful again. And Sir Topham Hatt won't have to scrap him."

"We understand," said Dr. Whooves, "if there are any parts you need we have them for you right here."

"Thank you Victor. Thank you Dr. Whooves." said Thomas and Twilight

"Alright now Percy," said Victor, "Time for you to get fixed."

That night Thomas and Twilight puffed to Tidmouth sheds, Sir Topham Hatt was waiting for them. He was cross.

"Thomas and Twilight," he said sternly, "I heard that Percy and Pinkie Pie were pulling your special instead of delivering the mail; and now Percy's mail trucks are missing. To make matters worse, Spike hasn't been with you two. Where is he?"

Thomas and Twilight felt guilty.

"We're sorry sir," said Thomas, "to be perfectly honest, we don't know where Percy's mail cars are."

"And we aren't sure where Spike is either," lied Twilight not wanting to let the fat controller know that Spike is with Hiro and Starswirl, "but we promise that we will help Percy and Pinkie find the mail cars tomorrow. And after that we will find Spike."

"That's exactly what you two will do tomorrow," boomed Sir Topham Hatt, "By my ORDER!" Sir Topham Hatt's voice boomed all over Tidmouth sheds from top to track as he went back to his car.

The steam team and the mane 6 could see that Thomas and Twilight were worried. Then they looked at Sunset who was equally worried.

"What's the matter Thomas?" asked Henry, "You and Twilight look like you are worried about something."

"And the same could be said to you," added Toby, "you haven't spoken to me all day when you were helping me with work."

"Oh um well it's just that I" Sunset stammered.

"Come on. You three you can tell us what the matter is." said Edward, "we are your friends after all."

"Eddie's got a point there," agreed Applejack, "we are all here to help anyway we can."

"Just tell us what happened after you got lost during the contest of strength." said Starlight.

"Alright you caught us." said Sunset, "we all have something very important to tell you all. And we need your help."

"Of course." said Emily, "what is it?"

"Well we went down a rickety old track after Thomas' brakes broke and sped along the line..." Twilight started to explain.

As the stars twinkled in the night sky, Thomas, Twilight and Sunset told the others about meeting Hiro and Starswirl, how he needed looking after, and how they are trying to fix Hiro and make him and Starswirl really useful. The engines and drivers were amazed. They had never heard such a tale before. And they all wanted to help Hiro and Starswirl. They promised that they will help out their friends.

"Of course we will help darlings," said Rarity

"We can all help out." assured Starlight

"We can all take parts to Hiro when we find enough time to finish up our jobs." James said.

"We promise we will keep it a secret until Hiro is as good as new." Fluttershy promised.

Thomas Twilight and Sunset were relieved. They were very thankful.

"Thank you," said Thomas, "Thank you all."

"It's so great to know that we always have friends to help out," said Sunset

"Now come on," said Twilight, "we all have a busy day tomorrow; so let's get some shut eye."

And that's what everyone did. They all went to sleep thinking about Hiro and Starswirl.

Author's Note:

If you think this needs editing let me know in the comments.