• Published 27th Jan 2021
  • 1,087 Views, 31 Comments

Thomas and Twilight: Heroes of the rails - 4804255858ARD

A few heroes and their friends help an old hero and a new friend

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Friends help friends and deep trouble

The next day, Thomas and Twilight were really useful. Thomas hauled and huffed. Twilight panted and sweated, without time to relax. Spencer and Silver Spoon watched Thomas and Twilight's every move. They weren't working to build the Duke and Duchess' summerhouse; they were busy keeping a watchful eye on the duo. They were so busy watching Thomas and Twilight, that they didn't see Gordon and Rainbow Dash pulling a flatbed of old engine parts to fix Hiro. Thomas and Twilight saw Gordon and Rainbow Dash; Gordon and Rainbow Dash saw Thomas and Twilight, and they smiled. Then Gordon and Thomas went their separate ways. Later after Thomas and Twilight finished almost all of their jobs, they were heading over to the Sodor Steamworks. Gordon and Rainbow Dash came from the opposite direction. They were beaming from ear to ear.

"Job done, job done," said Rainbow Dash, "We brought the parts for Hiro."

"Now we have to hurry." said Gordon, "The Wild Nor' Wester musn't be late."

"Well done Gordon," said Thomas and Twilight, "Well done Rainbow Dash!"

"Thank you Thomas and Twilight!" called Gordon and Rainbow.

At the sodor Steamworks, there was hustle and bustle again. There were Sparks and smoke. Percy was almost fixed and ready to leave. Thomas and Twilight and Percy and Pinkie Pie smiled at each other. Then Sir Topham Hatt arrived. He was cross.

"Thomas, Twilight, Percy and Pinkie," he boomed, "The mail trucks and Spike are still missing. Tomorrow you four must find them."

"Yes, Sir." said Percy and Pinkie Pie

"Of course Sir," said Thomas and Twilight.

Victor and Dr. Whooves could see that the four friends were worried.

"Percy my friend you are all fixed," smiled Victor.

"Come on Thomas and Twilight," encouraged Dr. Whooves, "cheer your friends up."

"We know exactly how to cheer them up." Thomas said

"Come on Percy, Come on Pinkie," Twilight said, "Follow us. We have someone you must meet."

"Oh and Thomas," called Victor, "this afternoon Dr. Whooves and I will leave some more parts for you and Twilight to take to Hiro."

"Thank you Victor." called Thomas and Percy.

"Thank you Dr. Whooves." called Twilight and Pinkie.

Thomas, Twilight, Percy and Pinkie went to the hideout where Hiro and Starswirl are. Percy and Pinkie saw Hiro and Starswirl for the first time. They gasped, they never saw an engine or driver like them before.

"Hiro, Starswirl, this is my best friend Percy and his driver Pinkie Pie." introduced Thomas.

"Um hello." said Percy nervously.

"It's nice to meet you two." said Pinkie Pie excitedly, "I just don't even know what to say!"

"Hello Percy, hello Pinkie Pie," greeted Hiro

"You two have very special friends." complimented Starswirl.

"And that makes you special too." Hiro said kindly

Percy and Pinkie Pie blushed being called special friends.

"Did you two have best friends as well?" asked Percy

"Yes we do," replied Starswirl, "We have six best friends who take turns at driving Hiro. Their names were Rockhoof, Mistmane, Flash Magnus, Meadowbrooke, Sonambula, and our personal best friend and my right hand man Stygian."

"They helped out when Starswirl ever gets ill or injured." said Hiro, "But they are still at home in Japan."

"Do you miss them?" asked Spike.

"Yes we do." replied Hiro sadly

"You poor poor friends." sympathized Twilight, "you must be sad."

"We are, but don't be sad." said Starswirl, "Look at Hiro's new funnel. Gordon and Rainbow Dash brought it for us."

"When Gordon and Rainbow Dash smile," continued Hiro, "It changes their whole faces. We like that."

That made Thomas, Twilight, Percy and Pinkie Pie smile widely. Just then Twilight checked her watch and gasped at what time it is.

"Oh my, we have to head back home, it's getting late."

"Right you are Twilight." said Thomas. "Goodnight Hiro."

"Goodnight Starswirl." said Percy and Pinkie

"Good night Spike." said Twilight.

"Goodnight my friends." said Hiro

"Stay safe." said Starswirl.

On the way back home to Tidmouth Sheds, Thomas, Twilight, Percy and Pinkie Pie went happily past the summerhouse which was still only half finished. They were so happy that they didn't see Spencer or Silver Spoon hiding in a siding; but Spencer and Silver Spoon saw them. They were hiding in the shadows. Once they passed, Spencer slid silently and slyly out of the siding.

"Alright Silver Spoon, it's time to find out just what tricky tank engine Thomas and troublesome Twilight are up to." said Spencer

"Indeed Spencer my friend," said Silver Spoon, "It's time for Sherlocks sneaky Spencer and Sleuth Silver Spoon to hunt for clues."

The next morning, Thomas and Twilight were helping Percy and Pinkie Pie find the mail trucks. But Percy and Pinkie Pie can't remember where they hid them.

"Are you and Percy sure you don't know where the mail trucks are Pinkie?" asked Thomas.

"No, I can't remember." Pinkie Pie said

"Think very hard to remember where you last saw them you two." said Twilight

"We are Twi," Percy replied, "but we can only think about Hiro and Starswirl."

Emily and Starlight Glimmer were busy working on the Ffarquhar branch line. Spencer and Silver Spoon watched them. But neither Emily nor Starlight took any notice of them. Then they decided to ask the girls questions.

"Why are Thomas and Twilight puffing around the summerhouse?" interrogated Spencer

"And why does Sunset go with Thomas sometimes?" asked Silver Spoon.

"How should we know?" replied Starlight, "Thomas and Twilight are a busy pair."

"They chuff all over the island." added Emily, "And sometimes Sunset helps with the shifts."

And they backed away. This made Spencer and Silver Spoon cross.

"If Thomas and Twilight are so busy, why are you two working on Thomas' branch line?" asked Spencer who was still suspicious.

"As Starlight said, Thomas and Twilight are very busy." answered Emily

"Then where are they if they are too busy to work on their own branch line?" asked Silver Spoon

"You are a big strong engine Spencer." said Emily, "if you want to know you will just have to find out for yourselves."

"And anyway you two have your own job to do." remarked Starlight, "if you two will excuse us, we have work to do and you have a summerhouse to build."

And Emily and Starlight steamed away.

"Well I never." remarked Silver Spoon.

She and Spencer were crosser than ever. They stared hard at Emily and Starlight. They were so cross that they didn't see Percy and Pinkie Pie and Thomas and Twilight go by on the upper track; nor did they see Edward and Applejack go the other way with a flatbed of engine parts for Hiro.

That evening, Sunset joined Thomas and Twilight and Percy and Pinkie Pie to Hiro's hideout.

"Look at me now." Hiro said proudly showing off his new boiler that has been put in place. Hiro was now a colorful patchwork of parts. That made the friends smile big.

"You look wonderful." complimented Thomas.

"You are almost as good as new." added Twilight.

"Hooray!" cheered Percy and Pinkie Pie

"Thank you." said Starswirl, "But Hiro, Spike and I are worried for you."

"Why?" asked Sunset

"The silver showoffs Spencer and Silver Spoon have been snooping around here last night." answered Spike. "I think they were trying to find out what we are up to."

"Please stay away from us for a little while." said Hiro, "your friends have been taking such good care of me and Starswirl."

"Today we saw Edward and Applejack," said Starswirl, "they were very wise and honest. And tomorrow I think James and Rarity are coming."

"Rarity is very generous but James can be a bit vain and bossy." said Sunset

And for the first time, the friends saw Hiro and Starswirl laugh; loud, long and happy.

The next morning, Thomas, Twilight, Percy and Pinkie were searching the Sodor Slate Quarry for the mail trucks. But they didn't find the cars; they did find Spencer and Silver Spoon. They had followed them. Mavis and Diamond Tiara were delighted to see Spencer and Silver Spoon. And soon went in front of them.

"Silver Spoon my old friend." greeted Diamond Tiara, "I see you brought Spencer with you."

"It really is quite an honor." said Mavis, "Let me and Diamond take you two on a tour around the quarry."

The four friends laughed; they thought it was very funny. But Spencer and Silver Spoon didn't; they scowled. And they didn't see James and Rarity go by with a flatbed of engine parts for Hiro. Mavis and Diamond Tiara proudly took Spencer and Silver Spoon under the slate chute.

"Look out Spencer!" warned Silver Spoon, but it was too late.

Spencer puffed to quickly, then he chuffed to slowly, then he rolled back too far; dust fell down Spencer's funnel and slate bounced off his boiler and Silver Spoon who was trying to cover herself.

Later, Thomas and Percy were taking on coal and Twilight and Pinkie were having a snack. Then Emily and Starlight came by, they had a flatbed of old engine parts for Hiro. Starlight and Emily were very excited.

"Good luck Emily!" called Thomas

"Good luck Starlight!" called Twilight.

Then they saw Spencer and Silver Spoon. Percy and Pinkie Pie gasped.

"Cinders and Ashes!" said Thomas, "I think we may have a problem."

Spencer was being pulled by Edward and Sunset and shunted by Henry and Fluttershy. Slate had fallen down his funnel. Silver Spoon had a few bruises and bumps from the Slate. They had to go to the Steamworks to get better.

Now the steam team and the mane 8 can visit Hiro and Starswirl as much as they want without Spencer and Silver Spoon snooping around and following them. One day Sunset Shimmer was with Thomas, Percy and PInkie Pie. Hiro was looking better and better. He almost looked like a really useful engine.

"Thomas, Starswirl and I need to look really useful by the time Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia see us." said Hiro.

"We told you before Hiro, we will make you all better." Spike said.

Meanwhile at the Sodor Steamworks, Spencer was getting his funnel cleaned and Silver Spoon was getting bandaged.

"Listen Spencer," said Victor, "looking miserable like that won't get the job done any faster. Tomorrow you will be fixed and tomorrow Silver Spoon's bruises will heal."

"Come on," said Dr. Whooves, "give us a smile. Just to show us you can."

But Spencer and Silver Spoon just groaned with displeasure. Then Thomas, Sunset, Percy and Pinkie Pie puffed in to the Steamworks. Then Kevin drops something.

"Kevin!" exclaimed Victor

"Wait Victor look." said Dr. Whooves. Then Victor saw that Spencer and Silver Spoon closed their eyes tight because of the noise. Victor winked at Thomas and Sunset.

"No problem Kevin," reassured Dr. Whooves, "those hooks can be slippery, but you are doing a fine job. Keep up the good work."

So while Kevin kept dropping things, and keeping Spencer's and Silver's eyes shut, Thomas and Sunset chuffed carefully and quietly away to Hiro and Starswirl with new parts.

Then Thomas and Sunset talked to Hiro and Starswirl after they brought the parts.

"Hiro, what do you and Starswirl think of when you are alone?" asked Sunset

"Our old home." admitted Hiro, "And since we have been telling Spike and your friends about it, we miss our home and our old friends more and more."

Thomas Sunset and Spike understood on how hard it must feel for Hiro and Starswirl to be away from their home and their old friends. They wanted to cheer them up.

"We understand what you are going through but you are not alone." said Sunset.

"And tomorrow Percy and Pinkie Pie will arrive to you with the last part you need." Spike added.

"You still have us to look after you and once you are ready, you won't have to feel alone anymore." said Thomas

"Thank you Thomas. Thank you Sunset. Thank you Spike." said Starswirl, "You understand us well. We are proud to call you our friends."

That night Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia were waiting for Thomas and Sunset at Tidmouth Sheds. They were cross.

"Thomas the tank engine and Sunset Shimmer," boomed Sir Topham Hatt, "the mail cars and Spike are still missing, Spencer and Silver Spoon are at the Sodor Steamworks, the building materials for the summerhouse are stacked up at Brendam docks."

"And you two and Twilight Sparkle aren't working on your branch line." continued Celestia, "What is going on around here?"

"We are sorry, Sir. We are sorry, your majesty," apologized Thomas.

"Tomorrow, we will set everything right." promised Sunset.

"Tomorrow then Thomas and Sunset." said Sir Topham Hatt as he and Celestia walked away.

The steam team and the mane 7 could see that Thomas and Sunset were starting to worry.

"Don't worry Thomas." said Gordon

"Don't worry Sunset." said Rainbow Dash

"Tomorrow, Percy and Pinkie Pie will deliver the last part that Hiro needs." assured Edward.

"We will all take turns to guard Hiro and Starswirl." added James,

"We will make sure that Spencer and Silver Spoon won't even come close to them." said Rarity.

"We still have time before we can tell Sir Topham Hatt and Princess Celestia." said Toby

"You still have us. And we will be here to back you up." added Twilight.

"Tomorrow it will be alright." said Henry

"We can do this." said Fluttershy

"Don't worry. Just think about tomorrow." said Emily and Starlight.

"Thank you guys." said Sunset

"You have no idea how much we appreciate that." said Thomas, "It is so great that you are all our best friends."

And everybody went to sleep knowing that everything will be alright. Or so they would think.

Author's Note:

Please give positive feedback. And if I need to fix anything in my story, let me know.