• Published 1st Dec 2020
  • 1,470 Views, 19 Comments

A Fun Time Christmas - AmethystMajesty25

Can this boy band make three songs in one day before Christmas Day?

  • ...

Chapter 5

With the Rainbooms leaving for the holidays, the gang didn’t have long, just 15 minutes to write their last holiday song.

Golden Rock was seething with rage and started wrecking the instruments one by one like a raging monster in the live room while the rest cringed and watched his destruction from the control room. As for the Rainbooms, Fluttershy and Rarity shook in fear and hid behind the gang.

“CHRISTMAS!!!” He yelled as he smashed an electric guitar to the ground.

“So this is how he writes your songs?” Applejack asked the gang.

Shelly answered, “Yeah.”

“Yep.” Mind Tempo nodded.

“HO, HO, HO, HO! AHHHH!” The angry manager shouted and smashed a large red Christmas ornament ball at the drum set, continuing his destructive path.

Sunset suggested them, “Can we at least calm him down first before we move on?”

“I tried, but he told us to hit the showers and he hit us with very hot water. Man, that didn’t go so well.” Cloudburst answered, feeling humiliated already.

“Oh you know what, I got an idea. Let’s make things...,” Beryl turned the voice pitch up to high from the soundboard, “Hilarious.”

As if things were going to get worst for Golden Rock, he started shouting like a squirrel.

“Oh, you want a CHRISTMAS EP?! You want a CHRISTMAS EP?!” He angrily shouted and continued smashing the guitar on the drum set.

The boys, Spike, Pinkie, and Rainbow laughed at Golden Rock while the rest were disappointed and gave them the dry looks.

“FIJI! FIJI! FIJI! AHHHH!” Golden Rock kept shouting and finally threw down the guitar and walked away.

Shelly told the boys, “No pitch fader. Let’s remind our guests that Golden Rock works very well under pressure.”

“Seriously, guys. Do you really have to throw the salt at your manager by increasing the pitch fader up?” Sunset asked them.

“What? We’re just having some laughs to calm ourselves down.” Beryl explained.

Applejack confronted the boys and replied, “Well Ah think it’s not nice.”

“We’re sorry.” The boy band answered in unison.

“It’s alright. We forgive you. After all, it’s Christmas.” Pinkie answered as the angry manager came back with a chainsaw in his hands. Everyone in the room were even more nervous and scared at the same time.

“Oh, he’s brandishing the Christmas chainsaw. Don’t worry, he’s almost done.” Shelly reminded the girls, but she felt really nervous while everyone else cringed and watched Golden Rock using the chainsaw like a madman.

Golden Rock yelled, “CHRISTMAS!!!”

Meanwhile in New York, Bebop and Rocksteady parked their van near the shipyard while Karai and Shini sneaked into the shipyard and surveyed the area. A bunch of Purple Dragon gang members were guarding the shipyard, but no sign of Hun. The Turtles arrived just in time and observed the area.

“Sounds like the Purple Dragons are stealing toys for some sort of deal, and Hun is the one in charge.” Karai said.

Leo answered, “Yeah, but I don’t see him around here. He could be tricking us.”

Then, a black van arrived at the docks and four men in black ski masks came out.

Donnie alerted his allies, “That must be the buyers. Once they’re all together, we can take out their whole operation.”

“Piece of cake.” Casey and Mikey answered.

Fong, Tsoi, and Sid came by to meet the buyers and Fong told them, “I’ll cut to the chase. You’re about to have the hottest toys of the season. But because I like working with you guys, I’ll do a bulk discount.”

While the three Purple Dragon members were busy making business with the buyers, the ninjas took out the rest of their squad one by one without them noticing.

Then, one of the buyers spotted an unconscious Purple Dragon member and alerted everyone, “Uhh, fellas?! This guy’s knocked out!”

“What? Are we being attacked? Are you setting us up or something?!” Fong asked them.

“No, we didn’t set this up! I swear!” One of the buyers convinced them.

Then, Karai and Shini threw smoke bombs around them and they couldn’t see a thing. While the bad guys were caught in the smoke, Karai, Shini, and the Turtles knocked them out with their hand-to-hand combat skills within minutes. After the smoke was clear, the bad guys were all unconscious.

“Alright, the holidays are saved! Now let’s check the truck and make sure the toys are still in there.” Donnie said.

Casey and Keno opened the door in the back of the truck, a big Puprle Dragon gang member appeared and threw a box right at them, but the two boys missed and stepped back.

The big Purple Dragon criminal stepped out and guarded the vehicle. He said, “Hands off the merchandise, you punks.”

Leo threw three bolas at the big criminal and got caught. Raph took him out and sent him flying to the floor. Then, three black cars arrived and Hun along with more Purple Dragons came out.

“Well, we found the toys. Just need to clean up more stragglers.” Casey commented.

Hun confronted the heroes and said, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Ninja Turtles and their little helpers. I figured you guys wouldn’t let this slide.”

“We won’t let you take these toys and sell it to the black market.” Leo vowed.

“Have it your way. Taking you guys down will be the best Christmas gift for the Purple Dragons and we’re going to take over New York. Purple Dragons, attack!” Hun ordered as he and the Purple Dragons charged towards them.

The heroes armed themselves with their weapons and Keno suggested, “Well, we’re going to be stuck here for a while now.”

“Yeah. Let’s wrap this up, get it?” Mikey joked while the rest groaned due to Mikey’s puns.

Raph was annoyed by Mikey’s puns and told him, “Okay, can you please stop with the Christmas puns? Now is not a good time.”

“C’mon, I was just joking.” Mikey explained.

Leo ordered his brothers, “Enough you two. Focus. Now let’s go save Christmas.”

Their allies answered, “Right.”

And so, The Turtles, Bebop, Rocksteady, and their allies clashed with Hun and the Purple Dragons to defend the missing toys and save Christmas.

Meanwhile, Golden Rock was finally relaxing in Fiji with his vacation clothes on. He sat on his beach chair, listened to the relaxing music on from his radio, and took a sip from his coconut drink.

“Oh, I can’t believe I finished the song and I’m finally relaxing in Fiji.”

However, that was not the case. In reality, Golden Rock was still in the studio, imagining himself that he was relaxing in Fiji with the beach backdrop behind him.

“Oh garçon...,” Golden Rock laughed. “Just give me something, something delicious, please?”

Back in the control room, they continued to watch and Spike said, “Yep. He’s lost it. And we gotta go.”

“Oh, wait, wait, wait...” The boys as they stopped the Rainbooms from leaving.

“Wait, girls, we still got five minutes left.” Shelly panicked.

Cloudburst informed them, “Yep, just tell your parents that you hit a producer with your bus and you’re going to be a little late.”

“WHAT?!” The girls angrily shouted.

Applejack rebuffed, “We didn’t hit yer producer, that was the taxi driver, ya idiot!”

Pinkie added, “Yeah, we can’t just lie and tell our parents that we ran over somebody. If we do that, we’ll all be in really, big trouble from them, Santa, and Hasbro.”

“Well we just need one more Christmas miracle. Please?” Mind Tempo begged the Rainbooms.

Beryl sighed, “Forget it. No one can write a song in five minutes.”

Shelly remembered something and reminded the boys, “Golden Rock did. Once, and it was his biggest hit ever.”

FTR and the Rainbooms remembered and they all said it out loud, “Yard Squirrels Christmas!”

Golden Rock puts his face on the window and angrily said, “Don’t mention that song!”

“That was you? Oh man, that song cracked me and my friends up. I’ve always wanted to make silly Christmas songs.” Pinkie said as she sat down on the chair and smiled at him, feeling excited already.

Golden Rock did not take that kindly and shouted, “Well you can forget about it because I’m done with silly Christmas songs!”

The manager brought out another Christmas ornament and smashed it on the ground, telling them that he is done. And just when he was about to walk away, Beryl turned the pitch fader up and everyone in the control room started to cheered Golden Rock up with their squirrelly voices. Beryl told him, “Come on, Golden, it’s Christmas.”

Golden Rock suddenly became afraid, haunted by those squirrelly voices again from his past, and started defending himself with some cymbals.

“We all want to go home for the holidays.” Mind Tempo said.

Cloudburst added, “Oh, come on, Goldie. You can wear your PJs.”

Diamond motivated him, “You can do it, Goldie. Do it for Fiji.”

Golden Rock continued panicking like he had seen ghosts from his Christmas past.

Sunset turned it down and informed him, “And we gotta get to our houses.”

The cowgirl turned it back up and everyone resumed speaking like squirrels and cheering up Golden Rock to make the song. He was under pressure and it was too much for the manager to take it in. So, Golden Rock threw down a drum and shouted, “Yard squirrels!”

Everyone stopped after hearing Golden Rock’s loud voice. But then, Golden Rock had an idea and told them, “Get in the booth. I got the song.”

Everyone in the control room celebrated and shouted in unison, “Yes!”

Shelly checked her list that they need for FTR’s last Christmas song.

“Rainbooms.” She said.

The Rainbooms answered, “Check.”

“Fun Time Rush in their PJs.” Shelly called.

They boys replied, “Check.”

Shelly called again, “Stroke of Christmas genius.”

Golden Rock answered, “Double check.” He then explained to the group, “Okay, here’s how I see it. The music starts playing,” He started playing the music filled with bells jingling in the background. After he explained the scenario for their song, “It’s Christmas morning and the Rainbooms are in a Fun Time Rush to get to Granny Smith’s house.”

“Snowflakes are falling like crazy.” Pinkie then threw some fake snow in the air and now all of a sudden, some drops of fake snow started falling inside the live room. They were all ecstatic and the two adults in the control room had no idea how the snow got in there. So, the two music bands were ready to record the last Christmas song for the FTR Christmas EP.

Fun Time Rush as the Yard Squirrels featuring celebrity guests, the Rainbooms.

(Yeah, I know the original song featured Snoop Dogg. So, just imagine that the girls are filling in Snoop Dogg’s role.)

“Ohh, nice!” Beryl cheered as the two bands gave themselves high fives to each other with their PJs on.

Filthy Rich put out his final thoughts, giving them all some dramatic suspense. He said. “Well, my grandma may not like it... but I love it.”

Everyone celebrated as Shelly ejected the disc from the computer and gave it to Filthy Rich.

Filthy Rich gave the disc to his agent and ordered him, “Upload this immediately. So kids can enjoy a Fun Time Christmas all over the world. And I will enjoy big time profits.”

Sunset told the boy band, “Well, we had a lot of fun, boys. But we got to get back to our homes.”

“And we gotta go back to Whinnyapolis!” Fun Time Rush alerted them in unison.

Shelly informed them, “You can all make your bus travels if you leave right now.”

Golden Rock was back in his vacation clothes with luggages in his hands and celebrated, “Happy holidays!”

The two bands alternatively shouted in unison, “RUN!”

And so, everyone left the mansion immediately with Golden Rock and Shelly heading into the limo and drove to the airport, leaving Canterlot City and Fun Time Rush rode on the Rainbooms’ tour bus with Big Mac as their driver and they all head home for the holidays.

After the chilling battle in the docks, the Turtles and their allies defeated Hun and the Purple Dragons once again.

Karai felt tired and said “Well, that’s the last of them.”

April contacted the truck driver by phone and told her, “Hey Sam, I’m sending you the location, but they’re all safe and sound at the docks in Midtown.”

“Ah, I’m so glad to hear that! On my way over right now!” Sam answered and hung up her phone to start driving her truck.

Mikey cheered, feeling excited already, “Oh I can’t wait to open my presents for this year.”

“Let’s save that excitement for tomorrow. For now, we’ll leave the rest to you, April.” Leo suggested.

“Can’t thank you enough guys. We appreciate your help.” April thanked the Turtles and Karai’s Foot Clan.

Donnie blushed, “Aw, shucks.”

The Turtles and Karai’s Foot Clan exited the docks and went back to their homes for the holidays.

Minutes later, Sam and the police arrived and put the bad guys into their police cars and vans one by one.

The truck driver approached the three teens and said, “Can’t thank you enough for finding the toys, kids. You just saved the holidays for a lot of kids. I’ll make sure these toys get back to safety.”

Keno nodded, “Glad we could help, Sam.”

“Can we at least have one toy for each of us for Christmas, please?” Fong begged the teens while continuing to walk and being escorted and handcuffed by the two policemen.

The teens shook their heads and Casey answered, “Sorry, dude. You did the crime, you do the time.”

Fong sighed as he went inside the police van last and sat with Hun and the rest of the Purple Dragon gangsters inside. The policemen locked the doors and drove them to prison.

“I’m beat. Let’s head home and get some rest.” April suggested.

Keno nodded, “Agreed. I’m freezing in this atmosphere and I really need some hot coco to warm me up.”

The three teenagers exited the docks and head back home to their families for the rest of Christmas Eve.

At last, the day has arrived. Christmas Day. It was Christmas morning and the boys arrived at Golden Roc’s mansion after the boys got their presents from their respective homes and getting a text message from their manager. He texted them that they got a huge surprise waiting for them.

“So, where’s this surprise from Golden Rock?” Mind Tempo asked his friends.

Then, a portal appeared right beside them and they all saw it.

“Whoa, what is that?” Beryl asked as the boys got into their battle stance until Pinkie popped out of the portal.

She told them, “False alarm, boys. It’s just us.”

They stood down and the rest of the Rainbooms showed up.

“What’s up ladies? Merry Christmas.” Diamond greeted them.

Everyone else greeted each other and Silver asked them, “So, what are you girls doing here?”

“We got a text message from your manager and told us to come here.” Twilight answered.

“You girls, too? That’s great.” Diamond answered as he wrapped his arms around Rarity and Applejack, “With you girls around, we can all hang out and celebrate the holidays together.”

Rarity and Applejack rolled their eyes as they both moved his arms aside and walked away from Diamond.

“Hold on, we didn’t come alone. We also brought our friends too to celebrate with us?”

“And who would that be?”

April came out of the portal and answered, “Us.” The Turtles, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, Carter, Angel, Zach, Caitlyn, Fugitoid, Bebop, Rocksteady, Amethyst Majesty, The Dazzlings, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, and the Mighty Mutanimals all entered from the portal. After the portal closed from Donnie’s Portal Projector, the boys were in shock.

Mind Tempo whistled and commented, “Wow, that’s a lot of people and mutants you guys invited.”

“Dang, we’re standing in the inside of a mansion. This is awesome. I should take a look around.” Bebop suggested before Rocksteady pulled him by the collar of his jacket.

Rocksteady reminded Bebop, “No, no, let’s not break and steal anything from this place. Otherwise, we’d be in jail again.”

“That’s true.” Bebop answered.

“And speaking of mutants, so we meet again Turtles. Long time no see.” Beryl said as he and his friends stood face-to-face with the Ninja Turtles and confronted them.

Everyone in the mansion felt really nervous, thinking that the confrontation won’t end well.

Ten months ago, The Turtles helped Logan Berrytown to sing his song to the audience in the auditorium, but Fun Time Rush were also in attendance. However, they were unimpressed by their performance.

“So, it’s been awhile. How’s it hanging?” Beryl asked them while glaring at Leo.

Leo answered, “Not much.”

“Yeah, we’ve been kicking all kinds of butt to our enemies.” Raph added.

“Oh, that’s cool. It’s too bad you don’t have your own album like us.” Mind Tempo pointed out as they all gave fist bumps to each other.

Leo gave them their honest opinion, “Listen boys, we don’t need fame, and/or fortune to be relevant. For us brothers, all we want to do is to help people. Help those in need whenever there’s trouble. And if we can’t do it, then we’re no better than our enemies.”

Donnie added, “We risked our lives to save our friends and they too helped us in return. All we can say to them is thank you.”

Beryl chuckled and answered to them, “You know, to be quite honest, I’m the only person within FTR to help Karai and her gang many months ago. I wanted their help in search for my father and I too saved their lives. As for my boys, they to want to get in the action since they found out about me working with Karai. Now, they’re here with me and we’re ready to take on the world.”

“Wow, that was a nice story you just gave out.” Mikey cried.

Beryl sighed, “Yeah, but anyway, me and my friends wanted to say that we’re sorry that we were being so cocky many months ago. So, are we cool?”

“Yeah, we’re cool. Bring it in boys.” Leo informed them as he shed a tear.

The two gangs hugged it out, cutting the tension between them while everyone else was touched by their interaction and smiled at them.

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie shed a tear too and said, “Aww...,” Applejack gave them some tissues and they wiped tears away. While that was happening, the Rainbooms along with Fugitoid and April walked away and headed towards the kitchen while no one was looking.

The two teams put their fists together and Leo called, “One, two, three...”

“Brotherhood!” The two teams shouted in unison.

“Well, now with that’s out of the way, we got a gift for you, guys.” Diamond told the turtles.

Cloudburst gave them a bag and Mikey pulled the item out of the bag, revealing it to be a nutcracker dressed up as a rockstar.

“Wow. A rockstar nutcracker. I’ve always wanted one of these.” Mikey replied as he started opening and closing his mouth with the nutcracker doing the same.

“Thank you FTR. We appreciate it.” Leo thanked the boy band.

Mind Tempo replied, “You’re very welcome. Now with that’s out of the way, I wonder if Santa came by already and put our presents in here. Don’t you think?”

The boy band shrugged until everyone heard Golden Rock’s voice as he and Shelly approached the guests, “Ho, ho, ho.”

“Close enough.” Mikey commented.

Golden Rock and Shelly came by and Fun Time Rush were completely surprised that their manager along with his assistant was still in Canterlot City.

“Wow, that’s a lot of people.” Shelly commented.

Golden Rock broke the news to FTR, “Anyway, I missed my flight to Fiji. So I figured, I would spend the holidays with my dawgs...” The boys were very happy to hear that and their manager continued his sentence, “In my PJs.”

“Ohhhhhh!” The boy band celebrated.

Shelly felt excited too and informed everyone, “And we brought a little holiday feast.”

One by one, The Rainbooms, April, and Fugitoid were bringing each food to the dining table like the stuffed turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, bread, cookies, cupcakes, candy canes, and all of the delicious food they cooked. The ninjas and their allies were in shock and awe and felt very happy that they’re going to have the biggest Christmas feast ever. Everyone went to the dining room excpet Beryl who looked on and pulled out an old photo of his father, mother, and his with his little brother as a baby. Beryl felt sad that his father wasn’t there to celebrate with him.

Beryl thought to himself, ‘I wish you were here Dad and I hope we get to see each other again. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year.’

After that, he put his photo away and went to the dining room with his friends. Minutes later, the Christmas feast was set with all of the food on the long table with Christmas music playing from the radio while everyone gathered around the long table and started getting their piece of food to enjoy their holiday feast.

So, with family beside you and friends together, that’s the recipe for the best holiday ever. And give your gifts many, keep your heart full of light and Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a Fun Time night.


Step it up

Get in gear

Go for broke

Make it clear

Kendall Schmidt as Cloudburst

James Maslow as Diamond Glow

Carlos Penavega as Beryl Fury

Logan Henderson as Mind Tempo

Stephen Kramer Glickman as Golden Rock

Tanya Chisholm as Shelly Shores

[Mind Tempo]

Gotta go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Make it work

Get it right

Change your world

[Beryl Fury]


Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Lyra Heartstrings

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Drops

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


Gotta dream Fun Time

[Mind Tempo]

Oh woah!

Seth Green as Leonardo

Sean Astin as Raphael

Greg Cipes as Michelangelo

Rob Paulsen as Donatello

Mae Whitman as April O'Neil

Josh Peck as Casey Jones

Kelly Hu as Karai

Gwendoline Yeo as Shinigami


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Give it all you got now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

Kazumi Evans as Adagio Dazzle

Diana Kaarina as Aria Blaze

Maryke Hendrikse as Sonata Dusk

J.B. Smoove as Bebop

Fred Tatasciore as Rocksteady

[Diamond Glow]

Isn’t it a rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh.

Oh-oh, oh!

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Lena Hall as Coloratura

Charles Zuckerman as Stalwart Stallion

Brian Drummond as Filthy Rich

Jason Marshden as Keno

Eric Bauza as Hun

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

Author's Note:


  • The Turtles and their allies finding the missing toys that started from Chapter 4 is a parody of the F.E.A.S.T. side mission from the Playstation video game, Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
  • Yard Squirrels is a parody of Alvin and the Chipmunks. And yes, it was the same name used from Big Time Rush.

Image provided by Jeb.

Thank you for reading my first Christmas fanfic! I wish you all a safe Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Comments ( 4 )

That was awesome. And Happy Holidays

Thank you very much, my friend. :twilightsmile:

Happy holidays to you and your friends and family. :pinkiehappy:

Is this there first appearance

No. They made a small appearance in my first story, Rise of the Dragon Warrior.

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