• Published 1st Dec 2020
  • 1,467 Views, 19 Comments

A Fun Time Christmas - AmethystMajesty25

Can this boy band make three songs in one day before Christmas Day?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Twas the morning before Christmas and Canterlot City was hopping and the boys were up early doing last minute shopping.

On a busy busy, Christmas Eve morning in Canterlot City, the shoppers including Fun Time Rush and the Rainbooms wore their cozy winter clothes and they were all waiting in line for the mall to be open.

“Who shops at 5 a.m. on Christmas Eve?” Mind Tempo asked.

Diamond Glow answered, “Us. Because we didn’t shop for anyone except Golden Rock.”

“Who’s going to love his gift.” Cloudburst cheered.

“And for everyone else, we can save up to 70% of Canterlot City Mall’s Last Minute Shoppers’ Super Sale.” Beryl Fury added.

Diamond Glow said, “All our shopping in one location and low, low prices.”

“It’s a perfect holiday shopping experience.” Cloudburst stated.

Then, Rarity asked the boys right next to them, “Excuse me, darlings. Is this your first 5 a.m. Super Sale?”

The boys answered in unison, “Yeah.”

Rainbow Dash warned them, “Good luck.”

Mind Tempo chuckled, “Good luck? Wh... What does that mean?”

FTR had no clue of what lies ahead in the mall when it comes to low prices and sales. Minutes later, the shoppers were all fighting each other for the low-priced gifts. Total chaos and mayhem ensued around the mall and the boys were in for a fight. Not just for the gifts, but for their lives too.

Beryl Fury and Rainbow were playing a game of tug of war, fighting for an ugly Christmas sweater.

“It’s for my mom!” Beryl yelled.

Rainbow yelled, “Back off!”

Another random shopper piggybacked rode him and tried to put Diamond Glow with a sleeping hold, but Diamond ran around and tried to hit the shopper back. “Not the hair! Not the hair!” Diamond shouted.

As for the other Rainbooms, they too were in the chaos and grabbed their items before they went to pay and exited the mall quickly.

Cloudburst defended his gift and used a frying pan to defend himself with another shopper who’s using a frying pan as a weapon too until Cloudburst looked up and another shopper dived onto him.

The tug of war continued between Beryl and Rainbow until Beryl lost it and fell down on the ground.

Mind Tempo popped up and got the items he wanted and said, “I’ve got it.”

However, he screamed and braced himself as another random shopper tackled him like she was a football player.

Beryl, Diamond, and Cloudburst paid their gifts and exited the mall after dealing with the chaos inside.

“We did it! Christmas shopping is done!” Cloudburst stated.

Diamond said, “We have no idea what we got, but the savings were incredible.”

Beryl looked around and asked his buds, “Wait, where’s Silver?”

“Ahhh! I think I got mugged.” Tempo said as he was dragged in the cart with a bow on his head by a random shopper trying to run away.

The rest of Tempo’s buds started running to rescue him with shopping bags in their hands.


Ho, ho, ho-ho, ho!


Make it count

Play it straight

Don’t hold back

Don’t hesitate

[Diamond Glow]

When you go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Whatcha want

Whatcha feel

Never quitting

Make it real


When you roll Fun Time


Oh woah!


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Listen to your heart now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

[Diamond Glow]

Don’t you feel the rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

FTR were back together after rescuing Mind Tempo and headed towards Beryl’s house.

“I gotta say, that was quite the shopping experience we had, I should say.” Cloudburst said.

Diamond responded, “Yeah, that’s something we’ll never forget.”

They arrived and entered Beryl’s house to start gift wrapping the presents for their families and friends. Luckily, none of them were in the house except FTR. Once they were done in just a few hours, they went back to the mall to meet up with their friends. Arriving there, they met Watermelody first.

“Merry Christmas. Don’t open it til tomorrow.” Watermelody said.

Mind Tempo received the gift and said, “Thank you,” He then started searching a gift for Watermelody, “And here’s my present to you.” He gave Watermelody a can of ham from his shopping bag.

“Canned ham?” Watermelody asked.

Mind Tempo answered, “Yes.”

The boys panicked and started searching for more items from their shopping bags.

“Or would you prefer... a scented candle.” Mind Tempo suggested.

Watermelody answered, “I’ll keep the ham. And I’ll see you guys next year.”

“Great! Bye girls.” Beryl said.

Watermelody replied and walked off, “Bye.”

Beryl and his friends continued searching around the mall until they ran into Shining Star.

“Stop... right there until you get your Christmas gift.” Beryl said as he gave Shining Star a small picture frame.

Shining Star felt happy and replied, “Family picture frame.”

“No,” Beryl said as Tempo lended him a bow and Beryl put it on top of her gift, “It’s our first Christmas frame, or it will be when Karai put a picture of us teammates in it.”

Then, Feather Bangs appeared from behind and presented a gift to his co-star, “And here is my gift to you.”

Feather presented Star with an electronic tablet and she reacted, “Wow! Feather, a tablet?”

“And it’s preloaded with pics...” Feather said while Beryl was triggered with jealousy.

“Of us.” Feather finished as he started showing pictures of him and Star, but she kept rejecting him and showing signs of disgust in those pictures.

Feather laughed, “Oh, that’s right, you don’t have a rich lifestyle like me.”

“Yes, but you don’t have three friends who are ninjas, like me.” Beryl snapped his fingers and three of his friends appeared right behind Feather, looking straight at him like they were ready to beat him to a pulp.

Beryl’s friends carried Feather and panicked, “Agh! Oh no, no, no... wait! Girls, help me!”

Shining Star presented Beryl a hockey stick-like present to him, “And this is... my gift to you.”

“I wonder what it could be.” Beryl wondered until Star also presented him a mistletoe attached to his present.

“Just kiss me under the mistletoe.” Shining Star ordered and Beryl gave her a kiss on the lips.

After the rest of the boys took care of business with Feather Bangs, they saw Beryl kissing Shining Star and they looked away while whistling.

The elevator door opened and Cloudburst saw Lyra and Bon Bon leaving. Cloudburst grabbed Beryl’s present and told him, “Give me that,” He walked right up to them and said, “Mistletoe. Now you have to kiss me.”

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other and told him, “No.”

They both left and Cloudburst felt upset that he never got a kiss under the mistletoe and his friends felt bad for him. That was until the two besties came back and Lyra said, “Oh, what the heck, it’s Christmas.”

Both Lyra and Bon Bon kissed Cloudburst on each side of his cheeks and he blushed real hard. After they left, Cloudburst felt even more happier than Beryl and told the mistletoe, “I love you.”

After that, Diamond grabbed the stick with the mistletoe from Cloudburst and pushed him aside, “My turn!” He stood in front of the elevator and waited for some lucky lady to arrive. He turned around and asked them, “So who is the lucky lady going to be?”

His friends shrugged until the elevator door opened and Diamond turned around to see a bunch of high school girls from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. “Mistletoe!” They all pulled and grabbed Diamond to the elevator, but he wanted to get out until the elevator closed him in along with the rest of the girls.

“Welp, nice knowing you Diamond.” Shining Star commented.

After the gift exchanging with their friends, the three boys exited the mall and Diamond showed up later with smooches on his face and saw the mistletoe on Beryl’s broken hockey stick.

“Oh, mistletoe. Bad!” Diamond said until he fainted.

Then, Beryl’s phone rang and answered it right away. “Hello?”

Beryl continued listening on his phone until he answered, “Okay. We’l be right there.”

He put away his phone and Diamond asked, “What is it, Beryl?”

Beryl said, “It’s our manager. He wants us to come to his studio right away.”

“Great! Perfect timing! Good thing we got a gift for him and his assistant.” Silver informed them.

“Excellent! Let’s go!” Beryl answered as he and the boys carried Diamond and went to their manager’s mansion.

Meanwhile in Golden Rock Records, their manager, Golden Rock, wore his nice vacation attire and his assistant, Shelly, informed the boy band, “Dogs, let’s make this quick because...” He started singing, “I’m going to Fiji for the holidays.”

The boys were not quite sure of what to think of his short song.

Golden Rock retracted, “Okay. That’s not my best song ever, but who cares? I’m going to Fiji.”

Mind Tempo said, “Well, we just wanted to give you... this.”

The boys presented his manager their present and Golden Rock felt happy after receiving his gift and started opened it. However, Golden Rock was not too fond of their gift. “Pajamas? Really?” He asked.

Beryl explained to him, “Every Christmas, we wear our PJs all day long.”

“It’s our holiday tradition, Goldie.” Diamond added.

“Yea, I’m not doing that.” Golden Rock disagreed and dropped his pajamas.

“And this is for you.” Mind Tempo gave Shelly another present to her.

Shelly opened it and said, “Oh, it’s a... panini alarm clock.”

The boys smiled at her while Shelly put a fake smile on her face. “Just what I wanted,” she said.

“Or...” Beryl said as he and the boys went to find another gift from their shopping bags again.

“We can offer you this nice, pig watering can...” Diamond suggested.

“...Or this rockstar nutcracker.” Cloudburst also suggested.

Shelly answered, “I’ll just stay with this.”

The boys agreed and Beryl asked them, “So, what did you get us?”

“That is a surprise.” Golden Rock answered as the boys were excited and eager to find out their gift from their manager.

Golden Rock whispered to his assistant, “Shelly, get them something surprising for Christmas and ship it,” Shelly nodded and Golden Rock shouted, “Now let’s start the holidays!”

“Whoo!” Everyone shouted and celebrated until Filthy Rich came along and announced them some news for them.

“Great news everyone! I decided to release a Fun Time Christmas EP,” Everyone listened and liked his idea. “Since it will bring your fans lots of holiday joy and me, lots of holiday money.”

Shelly suggested, “So, you’re putting extended mixes in Christmas packaging?”

“No. I’m putting Christmas songs in Christmas packaging.” Filthy Rich answered.

“Uhh... we haven’t recorded any Christmas songs.” Golden Rock responded as the boys shook their heads.

Filthy Rich demanded, “Well, then you better get started because no one is going anywhere, until I get my holiday song.”

The boys, Shelly, and Golden Rock dropped their items and groaned out of annoyance.

Golden Rock felt angry and stormed into his recording studio, “Three Christmas songs and make my flight by tonight?” He threw his hat down and shouted, “It can’t be done!”

“Sure it can. It’s called a Christmas miracle.” Filthy Rich responded.

“Like me getting a kiss by Lyra and Bon Bon today?” Cloudburst said.

Diamond remembered, “I heard this old lady who lost her artificial leg, right?! And found it next morning in her Christmas stocking.”

Filthy Rich proved his point as if the angels were singing and he demanded, “Now that’s what I call a Christmas miracle. Now I want songs are avaliable for download tonight or else you all won’t be going home for the holidays.”

Golden Rock dropped his jaw and was even more shocked along with Shelly and FTR.

“Now, since it’s Christmas Eve, I’m off to the office to fire some people. I will check in with you later.” Filthy Rich said as he exited the mansion and rode off with his limo.

The group were concerned of how they’re going to pull it all off by tonight and Mind Tempo suggested, “We should this. I think it would be nice to give our fans a Christmas gift.”

Golden Rock shouted, “I can’t write three songs in three hours!”

“Actually, you wrote Yard Squirrels Christmas in five minutes and it’s your biggest selling single, ever.” Shelly pointed out to his platinum disc record display.

Golden Rock remembered that time he created that song and it was such an annoyance to it.


Golden Rock explained to them, “That was a stupid, novelty song with sped up voices and I hated it.”

Diamond replied, “Hey, I loved that song.”

The boys answered in unison, “Everybody loves that song.”

“I write the best pop songs in the world. And I don’t want to be remembered for that stupid squirrel song.” Golden Rock vowed.

Beryl suggested, “Well then, I think it’s time to write a new Christmas classic.”

The boys and Shelly approached closer to Golden Rock and started motivating him.

“You can do it, Rocky.” Mind Tempo said.

Cloudburst added, “You’re a genius.”

“You have the power to get us home for Christmas.” Diamond stated.

Shelly pointed out to him, “And get yourself to Fiji.”

Golden Rock thought about it and ordered, “Get me blank music sheets, 13 candy canes, and a cup of coco with marshmallows piled high because we’re about to pull off a fun time Christmas miracle.”

Everyone raised their fists in the air and celebrated, knowing that they can do it before Christmas Day.

Author's Note:


  • This chapter takes place within the Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped short, Dashing Through The Mall.
  • The opening song is a parody of the song, Big Time Rush, from Big Time Rush.
  • The Fun Time Rush logo was created by yours truly. :rainbowdetermined2: