A Fun Time Christmas

by AmethystMajesty25

First published

Can this boy band make three songs in one day before Christmas Day?

Filthy Rich assigns Fun Time Rush to make their own Christmas EP, but in order to get back to Whinnyapolis for the holidays, FTR has to make 3 songs as well as find two guest stars to join them. Can they do it on time?

Inspired and based on Big Time Christmas, from Big Time Rush. The story takes place after the events of Equestria Girls: Holidays Unwrapped.

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25.

Chapter 1

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Twas the morning before Christmas and Canterlot City was hopping and the boys were up early doing last minute shopping.

On a busy busy, Christmas Eve morning in Canterlot City, the shoppers including Fun Time Rush and the Rainbooms wore their cozy winter clothes and they were all waiting in line for the mall to be open.

“Who shops at 5 a.m. on Christmas Eve?” Mind Tempo asked.

Diamond Glow answered, “Us. Because we didn’t shop for anyone except Golden Rock.”

“Who’s going to love his gift.” Cloudburst cheered.

“And for everyone else, we can save up to 70% of Canterlot City Mall’s Last Minute Shoppers’ Super Sale.” Beryl Fury added.

Diamond Glow said, “All our shopping in one location and low, low prices.”

“It’s a perfect holiday shopping experience.” Cloudburst stated.

Then, Rarity asked the boys right next to them, “Excuse me, darlings. Is this your first 5 a.m. Super Sale?”

The boys answered in unison, “Yeah.”

Rainbow Dash warned them, “Good luck.”

Mind Tempo chuckled, “Good luck? Wh... What does that mean?”

FTR had no clue of what lies ahead in the mall when it comes to low prices and sales. Minutes later, the shoppers were all fighting each other for the low-priced gifts. Total chaos and mayhem ensued around the mall and the boys were in for a fight. Not just for the gifts, but for their lives too.

Beryl Fury and Rainbow were playing a game of tug of war, fighting for an ugly Christmas sweater.

“It’s for my mom!” Beryl yelled.

Rainbow yelled, “Back off!”

Another random shopper piggybacked rode him and tried to put Diamond Glow with a sleeping hold, but Diamond ran around and tried to hit the shopper back. “Not the hair! Not the hair!” Diamond shouted.

As for the other Rainbooms, they too were in the chaos and grabbed their items before they went to pay and exited the mall quickly.

Cloudburst defended his gift and used a frying pan to defend himself with another shopper who’s using a frying pan as a weapon too until Cloudburst looked up and another shopper dived onto him.

The tug of war continued between Beryl and Rainbow until Beryl lost it and fell down on the ground.

Mind Tempo popped up and got the items he wanted and said, “I’ve got it.”

However, he screamed and braced himself as another random shopper tackled him like she was a football player.

Beryl, Diamond, and Cloudburst paid their gifts and exited the mall after dealing with the chaos inside.

“We did it! Christmas shopping is done!” Cloudburst stated.

Diamond said, “We have no idea what we got, but the savings were incredible.”

Beryl looked around and asked his buds, “Wait, where’s Silver?”

“Ahhh! I think I got mugged.” Tempo said as he was dragged in the cart with a bow on his head by a random shopper trying to run away.

The rest of Tempo’s buds started running to rescue him with shopping bags in their hands.



Ho, ho, ho-ho, ho!


Make it count

Play it straight

Don’t hold back

Don’t hesitate

[Diamond Glow]

When you go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Whatcha want

Whatcha feel

Never quitting

Make it real


When you roll Fun Time


Oh woah!


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Listen to your heart now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

[Diamond Glow]

Don’t you feel the rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh

Oh-oh, oh!

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!

FTR were back together after rescuing Mind Tempo and headed towards Beryl’s house.

“I gotta say, that was quite the shopping experience we had, I should say.” Cloudburst said.

Diamond responded, “Yeah, that’s something we’ll never forget.”

They arrived and entered Beryl’s house to start gift wrapping the presents for their families and friends. Luckily, none of them were in the house except FTR. Once they were done in just a few hours, they went back to the mall to meet up with their friends. Arriving there, they met Watermelody first.

“Merry Christmas. Don’t open it til tomorrow.” Watermelody said.

Mind Tempo received the gift and said, “Thank you,” He then started searching a gift for Watermelody, “And here’s my present to you.” He gave Watermelody a can of ham from his shopping bag.

“Canned ham?” Watermelody asked.

Mind Tempo answered, “Yes.”

The boys panicked and started searching for more items from their shopping bags.

“Or would you prefer... a scented candle.” Mind Tempo suggested.

Watermelody answered, “I’ll keep the ham. And I’ll see you guys next year.”

“Great! Bye girls.” Beryl said.

Watermelody replied and walked off, “Bye.”

Beryl and his friends continued searching around the mall until they ran into Shining Star.

“Stop... right there until you get your Christmas gift.” Beryl said as he gave Shining Star a small picture frame.

Shining Star felt happy and replied, “Family picture frame.”

“No,” Beryl said as Tempo lended him a bow and Beryl put it on top of her gift, “It’s our first Christmas frame, or it will be when Karai put a picture of us teammates in it.”

Then, Feather Bangs appeared from behind and presented a gift to his co-star, “And here is my gift to you.”

Feather presented Star with an electronic tablet and she reacted, “Wow! Feather, a tablet?”

“And it’s preloaded with pics...” Feather said while Beryl was triggered with jealousy.

“Of us.” Feather finished as he started showing pictures of him and Star, but she kept rejecting him and showing signs of disgust in those pictures.

Feather laughed, “Oh, that’s right, you don’t have a rich lifestyle like me.”

“Yes, but you don’t have three friends who are ninjas, like me.” Beryl snapped his fingers and three of his friends appeared right behind Feather, looking straight at him like they were ready to beat him to a pulp.

Beryl’s friends carried Feather and panicked, “Agh! Oh no, no, no... wait! Girls, help me!”

Shining Star presented Beryl a hockey stick-like present to him, “And this is... my gift to you.”

“I wonder what it could be.” Beryl wondered until Star also presented him a mistletoe attached to his present.

“Just kiss me under the mistletoe.” Shining Star ordered and Beryl gave her a kiss on the lips.

After the rest of the boys took care of business with Feather Bangs, they saw Beryl kissing Shining Star and they looked away while whistling.

The elevator door opened and Cloudburst saw Lyra and Bon Bon leaving. Cloudburst grabbed Beryl’s present and told him, “Give me that,” He walked right up to them and said, “Mistletoe. Now you have to kiss me.”

Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other and told him, “No.”

They both left and Cloudburst felt upset that he never got a kiss under the mistletoe and his friends felt bad for him. That was until the two besties came back and Lyra said, “Oh, what the heck, it’s Christmas.”

Both Lyra and Bon Bon kissed Cloudburst on each side of his cheeks and he blushed real hard. After they left, Cloudburst felt even more happier than Beryl and told the mistletoe, “I love you.”

After that, Diamond grabbed the stick with the mistletoe from Cloudburst and pushed him aside, “My turn!” He stood in front of the elevator and waited for some lucky lady to arrive. He turned around and asked them, “So who is the lucky lady going to be?”

His friends shrugged until the elevator door opened and Diamond turned around to see a bunch of high school girls from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep. “Mistletoe!” They all pulled and grabbed Diamond to the elevator, but he wanted to get out until the elevator closed him in along with the rest of the girls.

“Welp, nice knowing you Diamond.” Shining Star commented.

After the gift exchanging with their friends, the three boys exited the mall and Diamond showed up later with smooches on his face and saw the mistletoe on Beryl’s broken hockey stick.

“Oh, mistletoe. Bad!” Diamond said until he fainted.

Then, Beryl’s phone rang and answered it right away. “Hello?”

Beryl continued listening on his phone until he answered, “Okay. We’l be right there.”

He put away his phone and Diamond asked, “What is it, Beryl?”

Beryl said, “It’s our manager. He wants us to come to his studio right away.”

“Great! Perfect timing! Good thing we got a gift for him and his assistant.” Silver informed them.

“Excellent! Let’s go!” Beryl answered as he and the boys carried Diamond and went to their manager’s mansion.

Meanwhile in Golden Rock Records, their manager, Golden Rock, wore his nice vacation attire and his assistant, Shelly, informed the boy band, “Dogs, let’s make this quick because...” He started singing, “I’m going to Fiji for the holidays.”

The boys were not quite sure of what to think of his short song.

Golden Rock retracted, “Okay. That’s not my best song ever, but who cares? I’m going to Fiji.”

Mind Tempo said, “Well, we just wanted to give you... this.”

The boys presented his manager their present and Golden Rock felt happy after receiving his gift and started opened it. However, Golden Rock was not too fond of their gift. “Pajamas? Really?” He asked.

Beryl explained to him, “Every Christmas, we wear our PJs all day long.”

“It’s our holiday tradition, Goldie.” Diamond added.

“Yea, I’m not doing that.” Golden Rock disagreed and dropped his pajamas.

“And this is for you.” Mind Tempo gave Shelly another present to her.

Shelly opened it and said, “Oh, it’s a... panini alarm clock.”

The boys smiled at her while Shelly put a fake smile on her face. “Just what I wanted,” she said.

“Or...” Beryl said as he and the boys went to find another gift from their shopping bags again.

“We can offer you this nice, pig watering can...” Diamond suggested.

“...Or this rockstar nutcracker.” Cloudburst also suggested.

Shelly answered, “I’ll just stay with this.”

The boys agreed and Beryl asked them, “So, what did you get us?”

“That is a surprise.” Golden Rock answered as the boys were excited and eager to find out their gift from their manager.

Golden Rock whispered to his assistant, “Shelly, get them something surprising for Christmas and ship it,” Shelly nodded and Golden Rock shouted, “Now let’s start the holidays!”

“Whoo!” Everyone shouted and celebrated until Filthy Rich came along and announced them some news for them.

“Great news everyone! I decided to release a Fun Time Christmas EP,” Everyone listened and liked his idea. “Since it will bring your fans lots of holiday joy and me, lots of holiday money.”

Shelly suggested, “So, you’re putting extended mixes in Christmas packaging?”

“No. I’m putting Christmas songs in Christmas packaging.” Filthy Rich answered.

“Uhh... we haven’t recorded any Christmas songs.” Golden Rock responded as the boys shook their heads.

Filthy Rich demanded, “Well, then you better get started because no one is going anywhere, until I get my holiday song.”

The boys, Shelly, and Golden Rock dropped their items and groaned out of annoyance.

Golden Rock felt angry and stormed into his recording studio, “Three Christmas songs and make my flight by tonight?” He threw his hat down and shouted, “It can’t be done!”

“Sure it can. It’s called a Christmas miracle.” Filthy Rich responded.

“Like me getting a kiss by Lyra and Bon Bon today?” Cloudburst said.

Diamond remembered, “I heard this old lady who lost her artificial leg, right?! And found it next morning in her Christmas stocking.”

Filthy Rich proved his point as if the angels were singing and he demanded, “Now that’s what I call a Christmas miracle. Now I want songs are avaliable for download tonight or else you all won’t be going home for the holidays.”

Golden Rock dropped his jaw and was even more shocked along with Shelly and FTR.

“Now, since it’s Christmas Eve, I’m off to the office to fire some people. I will check in with you later.” Filthy Rich said as he exited the mansion and rode off with his limo.

The group were concerned of how they’re going to pull it all off by tonight and Mind Tempo suggested, “We should this. I think it would be nice to give our fans a Christmas gift.”

Golden Rock shouted, “I can’t write three songs in three hours!”

“Actually, you wrote Yard Squirrels Christmas in five minutes and it’s your biggest selling single, ever.” Shelly pointed out to his platinum disc record display.

Golden Rock remembered that time he created that song and it was such an annoyance to it.


Golden Rock explained to them, “That was a stupid, novelty song with sped up voices and I hated it.”

Diamond replied, “Hey, I loved that song.”

The boys answered in unison, “Everybody loves that song.”

“I write the best pop songs in the world. And I don’t want to be remembered for that stupid squirrel song.” Golden Rock vowed.

Beryl suggested, “Well then, I think it’s time to write a new Christmas classic.”

The boys and Shelly approached closer to Golden Rock and started motivating him.

“You can do it, Rocky.” Mind Tempo said.

Cloudburst added, “You’re a genius.”

“You have the power to get us home for Christmas.” Diamond stated.

Shelly pointed out to him, “And get yourself to Fiji.”

Golden Rock thought about it and ordered, “Get me blank music sheets, 13 candy canes, and a cup of coco with marshmallows piled high because we’re about to pull off a fun time Christmas miracle.”

Everyone raised their fists in the air and celebrated, knowing that they can do it before Christmas Day.

Chapter 2

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Golden Rock kept thinking of ideas for the lyrics by singing a tune, but kept rejecting those ideas every time it doesn’t click to him. As for the rest, Shelly watched while the boys used their phones to play games or text with each other.

“Anything yet?” Beryl asked.

Golden Rock angrily answered, “Great Christmas songs don’t just happen. I need to be in a christmassy mood!”

“Can we help you?” Diamond asked.

Their manager questioned, “How?”

Mind Tempo replied, “Well, whenever we want to get into a christmassy mood...”

The boys stood up and answered in unison, “We put in our...” They threw smoke bombs and changed into their pajamas, “PJs!”

“Ooah! Ooah!” The boys celebrated and gave themselves high fives to each other.

Golden Rock and Shelly were surprised, but coughed as they waved their hands to clear the smoke out.

“Can you not threw smoke bombs in my studio please? I don’t want my smoke detectors to go off like the last time.” Golden Rock ordered.

Shelly pointed out to her manager, “How do they do that?”

“The cottony holiday joy.” Mind Tempo suggested as he and Diamond offered Golden Rock his new PJs.

Golden Rock bluntly rejected, “Yeah, I’m not wearing that.”

The two boys put away their manager’s pajamas and Cloudburst got an idea, “Well, we could try decorating the place.”

Shelly love the idea of decorating her manager’s house, “Oh, I have always wanted to decorate the studio for Christmas.”

“Bingo!” The boys pointed out to Shelly and proved their point.

However, Golden Rock responded in an angry tone, “Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s a great idea. Let’s take a couple of hours driving around town and buying Christmas decorations!”

“Eh, what are you talking about? Every company in your boss’s building is gone for the holidays.” Cloudburst explained.

Mind Tempo added, “Yeah, “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind if we "borrowed decorations".”

Shelly turned to her manager as Golden Rock took off his shades and raised his eyebrow, thinking about what the boys are up to when Beryl said "Borrow decorations".

“Go, go, go!” Diamond ordered as he and the rest of the guys exited his house immediately to "borrow" the decorations.

The montage started with the boys borrowing the Christmas decorations and rearranging Golden Rock’s mansion with the help of Shelly while Golden Rock gets to work with the first song while drinking some hot coco.


After the boys sang their first song with Golden Rock playing the piano, Filthy Rock was happy and loved their first song along with the decorations in and out of the mansion. He said, “See, Christmas miracles do happen,” The boys and their managers were happy to hear his response. “And thanks for the PJs, boys. They make me feel so christmassy.”

The boys agreed and Shelly begged Filthy Rich, “Christmassy enough to let us release a single instead of an EP?”

Filthy responded in a Santa-like tone, “Ho, ho, ho... no.”

The boys and their managers didn’t like that response, but Filthy Rich issued another challenge for them, “Make the other two songs, celebrity duets.”

“Celebrity duets?!” The boys responded in unison.

Golden Rock angrily asked Filthy, “How are we suppose to get celebrities to sing with Fun Time Rush on Christmas Eve?!”

“It’s easy... you just get celebrities and sing with them. Now if you excuse me, I’m off to a soup kitchen to remind myself how lucky I am on Christmas,” His clients were all in hot water while Filthy Rich took a candy cane from the large candy cane bowl and said, “Buh bye.”

After Filthy Rich and his agent left the mansion, Diamond said, “Welp, it’s bye bye to Christmas for us.”

“We are so doomed,” Cloudburst added.

Golden Rock then played an unhappy tune on his piano, everyone in the room were frustrated as ever, hoping to pull off another Christmas miracle.

As Beryl fell back, the boys stood listless - for Filthy may have crushed their Christmas Sprits.

Chapter 3

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So with just hours to catch their homes for the holidays, the gang prayed for another miracle and two celebrity duets.

The boys were searching on their laptops and calling on their phones if there were any celebrities available in their area.

Shelly got off the phone and informed her manager, “Okay, I pushed your flight to four hours, boss.”

“And how are we doing on our celebrity search?” Golden Rock asked the boys.

Beryl got off the telephone and said, “I’ve just got off the phone with Songbird Serenade’s people.”

Everyone stopped and liked what they were hearing from Beryl. Golden Rock asked him, “Ooh, what did she say?”

Beryl answered to him in Songbird’s words, “Who is Fun Time Rush?”

They all groaned after hearing that answer from Songbird Serenade’s agents.

“What about Maroon Star?” Shelly Shores asked.

Mind Tempo replied, “He’s out of town for the holidays. Just like every other celebrity we can sing with.”

Golden Rock and Shelly were not happy with that answer.

Shelly added, “Except my sister, Sapphire Shores. However, she’s taking a break and staying here with my family. I just hope I can be there to spend family time with them.”

Then, Cloudburst suggested an idea, “Hey, look on the bright side, at least an astronaut I called is very interested.”

Everyone became confused and Ice reminded them, “He’s the man who walked on the moon.”

The boys and Shelly thought about it and nodded afterwards.

“Oh. Heh heh...” Golden Rock laughed at Cloudburst’s idea.

“There has to be some celebrity who’s still in town.” Diamond said as he put his hand down on the remote, turning the TV on by accident.

On TV, Countess Coloratura was on and announced, “Join me, Countess Coloratura and have yourself a Coloratura Christmas Special. Live from Canterlot City,” Everyone in the room paid attention to the TV, “With a musical performances from Amethyst Majesty and the Rainbooms, and special duets with Chestnut Magnifico and...”

Diamond paused the TV from the remote and the boys grouped together around the TV and they answered in unison, “Fun Time Rush!”

Golden Rock questioned them, “How?!”

“It’ll be another Christmas miracle.” Beryl answered and the boys gave them a thumbs-up, knowing that they got a plan that can help them enter the show.

Meanwhile in backstage, Colroatura was in her dressing room, getting ready for the show with her lovely dress on until she heard a knock on the door. “Now who can that be?” She asked as she walked towards the door and opened it to see the Rainbooms in front of them.

Coloratura gasped with glee and said, “Oh my gosh! AJ, girls, you all came!” She then noticed the bouquet of flowers on Applejack’s arms, “Are these for me?”

“They sure are. It’s a gift to you from us.” Applejack answered. After hearing AJ’s words, Coloratura gave them a big hug and they too hugged the pop star back.

“It’s so good to see ya again, old friend. Thanks for these backstage passes ya gave us.” Applejack responded as she along with the rest of the Rainbooms showed her their passes.

Coloratura replied, “Oh, it was nothing. I saw your music video on Haytube and it was spectacular. How did you girls do it?”

“Teamwork and friendship. Besides, I’m the one who came up with the idea of our music video.” Rarity explained.

Coloratura nodded, “Interesting. I think it will be a great idea for you girls to be a part of my show.”

“Wait. Are you serious? We get to be on live TV?!” Rainbow asked her.

Coloratura answered her, “Yes. And I look forward to see you girls perform onstage.”

“Don’t worry, old pal. You can count on us to help you with your show.” Applejack stated.

“Excellent. I’ll have one of the backstage crew members show you girls your dressing room. So, thank you for coming to my show.” Coloratura informed them.

Applejack smiled, “No problem, Coloratura.”

The Rainbooms left the room and Coloratura went back to put her makeup on.

The gang arrived in front of the building where Coloratura’s Christmas Special is televised. They looked around like a couple of spies while no one was watching and Ice asked, “So what’s the plan?”

“The plan is there is no plan if we can’t get into the studio.” Golden Rock responded.

The gang continued observing and saw that one of the visitors have a ticket to the show and the security guard accepted it.

“Easy, all we have to do is get passed security.” Diamond answered.

Cloudburst and Beryl fist bumped to each other and said in unison, “Piece of cake.”

However, the security guard as he grabbed a random guy, “No entry if you’re not on the list.”

They felt nervous after watching that guy getting thrown out, but Mind Tempo calmed the gang down, “Don’t panic. Remember there is one guy who is on everybody’s list.”

Everyone nodded and knew exactly what to do. They went with Plan A by having Golden Rock dressed up as Santa Claus and entered the building. “Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas.”

The security guard took off his shades and noticed what was going on as Golden Rock resumed walking forward while the rest of the gang were dressed as elves followed him, waddling with their knees. However, the security guard stopped them.

“Seriously, you thought I would believe you were Santa, and his elves?” The security guard questioned him.

Golden Rock continued to impersonate as Santa and said, “But I am Santa.” He showed them his elves and waved "Hello" to the security guard. However, he was not too pleased and pushed them out of the building.

“You’re on my naughty list, pal.” Golden Rock commented as the security guard went back into the building.

Next, they tried Plan B. Shelly disguised herself as a mailwoman and pushed the long present to enter the building. “Sir, special delivery to Countess Coloratura.”

The security guard blocked her path and informed her as he continued to eat his sandwich, “All packages must be inspected.”

“Yo, you can’t open Coloratura’s present, dude.” Shelly said, but the security guard didn’t take that kindly and gave her the cold stare.

Shelly felt scared and the security guard threw them out of the building again. “I told you this was a bad idea!” She shouted.

Minutes later, they went with Plan C. The gang disguised themselves as a German music band.

Diamond greeted the guard with his fake German accent, “Ello. We are the Vanstroozel Christmas clog dancers, ya.”

They all greeted him, “Ya.”

“We are here to dance for the TV program.” Silver said in his fake German accent as the rest of the gang smiled.

“Well let’s see you dance.” The security guard demanded as he took another bite out of his sandwich.

The gang started doing their fake dance slowly and tried to sneak passed the guard, but he noticed it and said, “The other way.”

They went the other way, but Shelly panicked and ordered, “Just run for it!” The gang ran forward but the guard stopped them. “Okay, I had enough of you!” Before the security guard can say anything else, he started choking because he took a bite out of that sandwich earlier.

“I think he’s choking.” Diamond said as the gang didn’t do anything but watch as the security guard tried to get the piece out of his throat. Beryl ordered everyone, “Do something.” They were too late and the guard passed out. Golden Rock moved over to see the guard unconscious and said, “It’s another Christmas miracle.”

Everyone made a run for it while no one was looking, but they stopped and turned around only to find the guard feeling helpless and unconscious. “Okay. We might be horrible people...” Silver admitted as he and the gang decided to rush over to the guard and help him. They pulled the guard up and Shelly pulled a heimlich maneuver on him. He spit out the chunk of food that was in his throat and it hit right in Golden Rock’s face.

“Oh. That was gross.” Golden Rock reacted.

They all sighed in relief and saved the guard’s life. He thanked them, “Thanks. Who are you guys?”

“We’re Fun Time Rush and we just want to get home for the holidays.” Beryl answered as the rest of the gang begged the guard to let them in.

The security guard responded, “Well, merry Christmas.” He dropped his clipboard on the ground but they have no idea what the guard was trying to tell them. “I dropped my clipboard and I’m distracted and I can’t see you.” He explained.

The gang realized it and thanked him as they ran away from the guard and headed towards the show. After they left, the security guard picked up his clipboard, smiled at the gang, and went back to work.

During the show, three people in bear costumes were sitting around with Countess Coloratura and they gave her mittens as their gift to the pop star.

“Homemade mittens? Baby bear, this present is just right.” Coloratura said as the audience replied, “Aww.”

“Aww.” Fluttershy reacted as she and the Rainbooms were also watching the show from backstage.

“Now that’s what I call a Beary Christmas.” Coloratura explained as the audience laughed along with Pinkie Pie, but the rest of the Rainbooms didn’t and Rainbow asked, “Wow. Who came up those jokes?”

The announcer announced, “Coming up next, a musical performance by the Rainbooms and Amethyst Majesty along with Coloratura’s duet with Stalwart Stallion when Have Yourself a Coloratura Christmas Special returns.”

“Next commercial.” The director said as the backstage crew started working and getting ready for the next segment of the show.

Coloratura commented, “Bears are funny.”

“Next commercial.” The filmmaker said as the backstage crew started working and getting ready for the next segment of the show.

Coloratura commented, “Bears are funny.”

After Coloratura left, The backstage producer called the Rainbooms and informed them, “Girls, you got five minutes to change and get ready for your musical performance.”

“We’re on it.” Sunset answered as the Rainbooms went back to their dressing room to get change.

Meanwhile, the Turtles along with Casey, April, Keno, Karai, Carter, Angel, Caitlyn, Zach, and Shini were in the Turtle Lair watching the Christmas special on TV.

“Can’t wait to see our friends on television. This is so exciting.” Mikey cheered.

Caitlyn replied, “I know,” The special was back from commercial break, “Ooh, Coloratura is back on.”

The show was back on air with Coloratura appearing onstage once more. “Welcome back, everyone. Our first special guests today won a contest just months ago and their song was lit on HayTube. Trust me, you’re going to love this band. Making their television debut, give it up for the Rainbooms.”

The audience applauded and cheered as the Rainbooms went onstage to get ready to put on a show for the audience and they start their performance off with Rarity as the lead singer first to perform their new Christmas song.


With the first song done, Rarity went back as their keytarist and Sunset along with Twilight were back as lead singers to perform another Christmas song.


After they sang the last song, the audience applauded wildly and loved their performance. Back in the Turtle Lair, their ninja friends applauded for them too.

“Thank you everyone.” Pinkie cheered.

“Merry Christmas!” The Rainbooms shouted and they all took a bow and left the stage while Countess Coloratura came back onstage. “Wow. That was awesome! Give it up one more time for the Rainbooms!” Coloratura said as the audience cheered again.

As the Rainbooms were heading back to their dressing rooms, Rarity accidentally bumped into Amethyst Majesty, the former villain known as the Shadow King many months ago.

“Oh dear, I’m so sorry darling.” Rarity apologized as she picked him up.

Amethyst dusted himself off and he replied, “Hi Rarity. It’s fine, but you girls did great out there.”

“Why thank you.” Rarity said.

“Um, here’s a gift from me.” Amethyst presented her a bouquet of flowers.

Rarity gasped, “Aww, for me?”

“Yes, but it’s for your friends too. This is the only way I can make it up and repay my mistakes to you and your friends.” Amethyst explained.

Rarity responded, “That’s very thoughtful of you, darling. And you don’t have to do that because we forgive you.”

“I understand, but I just want to get into the holiday spirit.” Amethyst answered.

“Of course, darling,” She then gave Amethyst a kiss on the lips and he blushed real hard.

Amethyst chuckled, “Oh my, thank you Rarity.”

“If you ask me, you were standing above the mistletoe, but you’re welcome sweetie. Merry Christmas.” Rarity said and walked away to go to the Rainbooms’ dressing room.

“Say uh, does this mean we can go out on a date?” Amethyst asked.

Rarity answered, “Don’t push it.”

“Okay, but Merry Christmas!” Amethyst shouted and warmed himself up to get ready as Coloratura announced, “Give it up for Amethyst Majesty!”

Amethyst went up onstage and got ready to perform his Christmas songs with a backup band onstage as well while Coloratura exited the stage and went backstage.



“Thank you and have a safe Merry Christmas everybody!” Amethyst cheered and waved at the audience.

The audience applauded and he left on stage and Coloratura announced, “Thanks, Amethyst. Coming up next is a special duet with Stalwart Stallion. So stay tuned.”

“And cut. Next commercial.” The filmmaker said again.

The backstage producer informed Coloratura, “Okay, you got five minutes to change and get ready for Chestnut.”

As they were heading to Coloratura’s dressing room, the gang spied on Coloratura and Golden Rock said, “All we have to do is get actor Slingshot not to make his performance.”

“The producer will freak. How are we going to replace Stalwart in such short notice?” Cloudburst asked, impersonating the producer’s voice.

Beryl answered, “That’s when we show up and check out the show.”

“Oh hey, do you need someone to sing a duet with Coloratura?” Mind Tempo asked, impersonating the producer’s voice as well.

Diamond answered, “We’re Fun Time Rush. We’re a band.”

“We record the song and boom. Christmas miracle number two.” Shelly said.

Golden Rock laid out his plan, “And me and Shelly hack into the soundboard,” He turned his attention to the soundboard, “And record the whole thing.”

“Good luck.” Golden Rock said as he and Shelly sneaked quietly to the soundboard.

As for the boys, they continued spying.

“Okay. Now how do we keep Stalwart from stepping on that stage?” Cloudburst asked until they hid themselves and spotted a backstage crew member pushing the costume bin with the bear costumes inside and parked it aside from the stage.

After the crew member left, the boys looked at the costumes and knew exactly what to do.

Diamond, Beryl, and Cloudburst disguised themselves as the three bears and entered Stalwart’s dressing room as he was sitting on his couch drinking hot coco with marshmallows.

“Oh, hello, Christmas bears,” Stalwart greeted as the bears waved back at him. “Oh, by the way, hilarious sketch.”

The three bears walked closer to him and Stalwart asked as he put down his cup with hot coco, “Um, can I help you with something?”

They didn’t answer and the three bears were moving closer to him. Stalwart was creeped out by them and said, “Okay, you are starting to freak me out right now.”

The bears made their move and kidnapped Stalwart. As for Mind Tempo, he along with the three bears were moving the load and Cloudburst said, “Alright! We’re going live! Nothing to see here!”

Stalwart was trapped inside the box and shouted, “Let me out!”

While they continued pushing the box, Mind Tempo spotted Coloratura and the producer talking to each other, causing the boys to gasp and they were in big trouble. Mind Tempo whispered to the bears, “Rara, Rara.”

The boys moved back and head to the storage room while the producer and Coloratura were distracted. They entered the room and Mind Tempo shut the door as they all calm down. However, Mind Tempo discovered that the room they were in wasn’t a storage room, it was Coloratura’s dressing room.

Mind Tempo freaked out with anger, “Please tell me this isn’t the dressing room who I think it is.”

The other three boys unmasked themselves and Mind Tempo looked around the dressing room.

“And who might not like that we kidnapped her guest star?!” Diamond also freaked out.

The producer and Coloratura opened the door and caught the boys as they turned around to see them. So, the boys were busted.

“What’s going on here?!” Coloratura questioned them.

As the boys were about to speak, Stalwart opened the top and she begged her, “Oh, Rara, help!”

The boys were now feeling nervous and Stalwart realized who kidnapped her. “Oh no, not Fun Time Rush.”

Coloratura and the producer understood what’s going on and Cloudburst asked, “Coloratura, do you believe in Christmas miracles?”

The ladies looked at each other and Coloratura tried to figure out and decide what to do while the boys were really nervous and in deep, hot water for their troubles.

As Coloratura stared daggers, the boys began to fret, would this be their worst Christmas yet?

Chapter 4

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Back into our Fun Time Christmas now full of scares for Coloratura had just caught Silver and his three Bears!

The producer told the boys, “You’re all going to jail for Christmas.”

The boys were on thin ice and panicked, but Cloudburst begged her, “Don’t call the police. We’re allergic to police.”

Beryl explained, “We weren’t Stalwart-napping. We were hiding him to record a song with Coloratura. Sorry Stalwart.”

“Look, if we don’t record three songs by today, our C.E.O. won’t let us go home for Christmas.” Mind Tempo explained to them.

Diamond added, “We’re Fun Time Rush, we’re a band.”

“They’re really cute.” Coloratura commented.

The producer explained to Coloratura, “They locked Stalwart in a costume bin!”

“Yeah, but they’re really cute.” Coloratura said.

The producer changed her mind and admitted, “My daughter loves their album.”

“I was enjoying a dip with some tasty snacks and a movie to watch for me. And by the way, I am a horrible singer.” Stalwart admitted, feeling much better after being kidnapped.

Coloratura nodded, “He’s right. He’s a horrible singer.”

“Oh... and we can sing...” Beryl sang and the rest of the boys followed in sync to convince them.

Mind Tempo asked them, “So, how are we doing?”

Coloratura thought about it and said, “Honestly... it could go either way.”

They both crossed their arms and started thinking about the fate of FTR. Will they send them to jail or do they have another idea in their mind?

Meanwhile, Golden Rock and Shelly were hiding right next to the soundboard while Golden Rock continued to connect the soundboard with his recording device. They both felt nervous about the boys and Shelly said, “Okay. The producer should be freaking out and looking for a replacement for Stalwart by now.”

“Which means either a miracle happened and the dogs are in wardrobe or they got caught and we’re going to jail for Christmas!” Golden Rock explained.

The show was back on.

Welcome back to Have Yourself a Coloratura Christmas.

“Hey, I hope it’s the Christmas pizza that I’ve ordered.” Coloratura said as she walked down the stairs with the audience laughing while Golden Rock and Shelly crossed their fingers to see if Fun Time Rush made it out alive. She opened the door to see Stalwart as the pizza delivery guy.

Stalwart greeted her, “Hi, Miss Coloratura.”

Golden Rock and Shelly groaned out of disappointment.

“Oh look, it’s the pizza delivery guy, Stalwart Stallion.” Coloratura said.

Stalwart winked at the camera and told her, “I got you some candy cane peppermint pizza.”

“Yum.” The audience laughed as Colratura asked, “What took you so long?”

“I got stuck in the road.” Stalwart answered.

Coloratura asked him again, “How did you get out?”

“Well, you know, some guys came along and helped me.” Stalwart opened the door and FTR entered the stage.

“Hey, what's up Coloratura?” Beryl asked.

Mind Tempo greeted Coloratura, “Hey, merry Christmas.”

The audience cheered as Golden Rock and Shelly happily gasped to see their band okay.

Coloratura announced, “Well what do you know, it's Fun Time Rush.”

Shelly instructed him, “Press record. Press record.”

“Fiji, here I come.” Golden Rock cheered as he pressed the record button and the music started playing in the background.

“Do you guys want to join me for a song?” Coloratura asked the boys.

The boys answered in unison, “Yeah, let’s do it.”

Coloratura and the boys started singing the song with Stalwart dressed up as Santa Claus as part of the act.


Golden Rock and Shelly stood up and celebrated, “YES!”

“Thank you.” Shelly said as she unplugged the recording device right before Golden Rock got the song recorded and pressed stop. The soundboard crew had no idea and they were confused.

The audience cheered as all of the cast members clapped and Coloratura said, “Thanks, everyone, for watching. Thanks to the Rainbooms, to Amethyst, to Stalwart, and to Fun Time Rush.”

“Happy Holidays!” Everyone said in unison.

“That’s a wrap, folks.” The director shouted and everyone in backstage celebrated while the Rainbooms and Amethyst left except for Applejack and Fun Time Rush.

“Thanks for being a part of yer show, Coloratura.” Applejack said.

“You’re welcome, AJ. Happy Holidays!” Coloratura said and hugged her old pal.

“Thanks. You too, Rara.” AJ said as she walked away to catch up to her friends.

Diamond thanked Coloratura, “Thank you so much.”

Coloratura replied, “No, thank you guys for being on the show. You were great. Good luck on your EP and going back to Vanhoover for the holidays.”

Diamond wrapped her shoulder around with his arm and said, “Yeah, no problem. Maybe after this, we can stop by my place, huddle together, and stay warm.”

Shelly marched towards them and ordered, “No, we have to leave NOW.”

The boys waved bye to her and Stalwart as Golden Rock shouted, “Okay, happy holidays. Merry Christmas.”

The celebrities looked at each other and answered in unison, “Weird,” They both high-fived to each other and left the stage.

The gang celebrated with their second Christmas song finished, but Golden Rock calmed them down and informed them, “Why are you guys so happy? We still need to write a third song. Find another superstar to sing-it with, and oh, yeah, do it on time to catch our rides for Christmas.”

Cloudburst suggested everyone, “Ooh, everybody close your eyes and wish for another Christmas miracle.”

Everyone closed their eyes except for Golden Rock and Mind Tempo.

Mind Tempo rebuffed, “That’s ridiculous. There’s never going to be...” Mind Tempo thought about it and said, “Oh, screw it. I’ll do it anyway.”

He too closed his eyes and prayed for another miracle along with the gang except for Golden Rock.

He broke the news to them, “I hate to break it to you dogs, but I think we’re fresh out of Christmas miracles.”

“Not quite yet.” Sunset informed everyone as the gang turned around to see the Rainbooms.

Beryl asked the girls, “Have you been listening this whole time?”

“Yeah. We’ve heard that you’re not going to be home until you finished your Christmas EP.” Twilight answered.

Pinkie added, “So, we decided to help you on your last Christmas song.”

Cloudburst cheered and shouted, “Yes! It’s a Christmas miracle! Woohoo!”

“Really? Because I don’t have enough time to collaborate with a bunch of girly girl Haytubers for another Christmas song.” Golden Rock said and the girls gave him the dry looks until an incoming taxi cab was heading towards him, and Golden Rock didn’t realize he was standing in the middle of the road.

“Aaaaahhh!” Golden Rock looked at the taxi and screamed. But it was too late, he got hit and fell down on the ground.

Everyone cringed and covered their mouths after witnessing that accident. The taxi cab driver pulled the window down and asked them as he looked over, “Please tell me I didn’t just hit a reindeer.”

Everyone shook their heads, telling him no.

Meanwhile in a snowy New York, Casey, April, Carter, Angel, Zach, Caitlyn, and Keno were walking around the streets.

“That was nice Christmas special we just watched.” Zach commented.

Caitlyn replied, “Yeah, it was definitely something alright.”

Then, Casey and April saw a truck driver feeling upset on the sidewalk with toys in the delivery truck right outside the community center. So, the two teens headed towards the community center to talk to the truck driver.

“What happened?” Keno asked her.

“On my inventory checklist, we had a couple hundred missing for the toy donation.” The truck driver said.

Carter asked the truck driver, “You think somebody stole them?”

“I don’t know, but today we’re supposed to have two trucks out making pick ups, but our GPS transponders say there are three. Something’s up.” The truck driver said.

Angel informed her, “Sounds like you got yourself a poser, but we’ll help you find those missing toys.”

“Really? That’s great. Thank you.” The truck driver said.

Keno asked her again, “Okay. Now the question is, how are we going to know which one it is?”

The truck driver explained to them, “If you can check their license plates, we’ll know which one shouldn’t be out there.”

“You can count on us then.” Casey stated.

The truck driver warned the teens, “Okay, just be careful out there. Let me know when you find those missing toys.”

“Will do. See ya.” After hearing the urgent news from the truck driver, April contacted the Ninja Turtles and Karai on her phone, “Turtles, Karai, we got a problem. There are three toy delivery trucks out in the city, and one of them is a phony. We could use your help out here.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get those toys back for the charity.” Karai stated.

Donnie suggested the ninjas, “Hmm, we could use the cameras in our phones to grab license plate numbers and I’ll run them against stolen car databases from my laptop. Try it on that truck.”

April took a picture of the license number and sent it to Donnie.

“Good job. Okay, I got the truck locations, so we should see them now. Snap the plates and I’ll run em’ against the database.” Donnie informed everyone.

April responded, “Thanks Donnie, you’re the best. Standby for those pics.”

Donnie blushed and Raph snapped him out of his daydream, “C’mon lover boy, let’s get back to work.”

“Okay, I’ll stay here while you three go find those trucks.” Donnie informed his brothers.

Leo replied, “Good idea, Donnie. Alright brothers, let’s go!”

The three ninja turtles exited the lair while Donnie stayed and continued monitoring the situation by using his laptop. Donnie said, “We gotta get those toys back for the kids. Man, nothing beats holiday stress, huh?”

Casey drove the Party Wagon and followed the delivery truck. While the Party Wagon moved inches away from the truck, Keno took a picture of its license plate and sent it to Donnie.

Donnie received the picture, “Got it. Now for the moment of truth...” Donnie searched through the database and said, “Nope. Not our truck thief.”

“Darn. Sorry Donnie.” Keno apologized.

As for the Turtles, they drove the Shell Raiser and followed the second delivery truck.

“We gotta get closer to the truck.” Leo ordered.

“You don’t have to tell me twice, bro.” Mikey replied as he went up to the roof of their vehicle and took a picture of the license plate on the truck.

Donnie received the next pic and said, “Okay, running the plate...” Donnie resumed searching until he informed his brothers, “Nope. Not a match.”

And last but not least, Bebop and Rocksteady were driving their van with Karai and Shini in the backseat and followed the truck.

“It’s up to you guys, now. So don’t lose focus.” Donnie reminded them.

Rocksteady replied, “You got it, comrade. Let us get the truck for evidence.”

As the van went closer to the truck, Karai opened the backdoors and climbed up to the roof very quickly as Shini closed the door after her friend exited. Karai used her phone and took a picture and sent it to Donnie.

“Hold please...” Donnie searched through the database again until he found it and said, “Bingo! Follow that truck! Nice work, you guys. I’ll meet up with my brothers and catch up to you guys later.”

“Ha! Score one for Foot!” Rocksteady cheered.

Bebop reminded him, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Rocky. We’re not out of the woods just yet.”

“I’ll hitch a ride on that truck and see what those Christmas capers are up to.” Karai informed her comrades as she jumped from the van and landed on the truck. From there, she used one of Donnie’s gadgets and eavesdropped on the driver’s conversation.

The driver said, “Listen, all I’m saying is don’t make me look like an idiot in front of Hun, alright? He’s running this deal.”

“But stealing toys? I mean, these kids are looking forward to this stuff.” His accomplice reminded him.

The driver replied back, “Hey, I didn’t get presents as a kid and I turned out fine.”

“Right...” Karai whispered.

The Rainbooms, FTR, Golden Rock, and Shelly were in the studio and sit down to come up with the last Christmas song for FTR’s Christmas EP with Rarity drinking hot coco with marshmallows on top.

“Mm-mmm! Now that’s some coco. So refreshing.” Rarity commented after taking a sip.

“You know, I can’t believe we’re going to sing the last Christmas song with the Rainbooms.” Diamond cheered as the boys gave each other fist bumps.

Twilight nodded and replied, “Hey, it’s the least we can do after we helped your manager when he got run over by a taxi cab.”

Golden Rock cried, trying to play the piano with his arm brace on. “Now I just have to write this song.”

“Don’t worry, you girls won’t be here long. He writes songs really fast.” Shelly informed the girls as the boys nodded.

“Writing songs really fast, eh? I believe it when I see it.” Applejack said, raising her eyebrow.

“Agreed.” Rainbow added.

Golden Rock pitched an idea and informed everyone, “I got it. I got it,” However, he felt sad and cried while playing the piano, “I don’t got it. I’m never going to Fiji.”

The girls were confused and Beryl told them, “You know what, girls? This is all part of the process. He gets it, doesn’t get it, then he cries.” He then looked at Applejack and asked her, “Hey, who is that present for?”

Applejack looked at her present and answered, “It’s for mah grandma. Granny Smith.”

“Oh...” The boys nodded and replied in unison.

After that, the boys started guessing with Beryl starting off and asked, “That’s cool. Is it a cowboy hat?”

“Ooh, is it a bracelet that says "Number #1 Granny"?” Diamond asked too.

Cloudburst asked as well “Is it a helicopter?”

“Boys, it’s even better than that,” Applejack opened the present and presented the boys, Granny Smith’s gift, “It’s a homemade, scented candle holder. And ah made it myself.”

“Where are the emeralds?” Diamond asked.

Applejack gave them her honest answer, “Christmas isn’t about expensive gifts. It’s about giving from da heart.”

“Nice, that’s a very good Christmas message.” Mind Tempo commented.

Golden Rock informed everyone, “Now only if we could make a song out of it!”

Everyone started thinking real hard to try to come up with a song until Beryl had an idea.

Beryl requested, “Maybe we can. Tempo, fresh holiday beat, please?”

“Okay.” Mind Tempo answered and started beatboxing, giving them the rhythm they need.

Rainbow loved what she’s hearing and said, “Oh I can work with this.”

The rest of the Rainbooms and FTR cheered, “WOO!”

[Beryl Fury]

On the first day of Christmas, the Rainbooms gave to me

[Pinkie Pie]

A song for your Christmas EP

The boys cheered, “Ohhhh!”

[Fun Time Rush]

On the second day of Christmas, the Rainbooms gave to me...

Golden Rock angrily shouted, “Two broken femurs!”

The boys and girls had no clue of what to think of it, but Pinkie shrugged it off and continued with the song.

[Rainbow Dash]

And a song for your Christmas EP.

They all celebrated until Shelly order them, “Guys! Take it to the studio.”

Fun Time Rush guided the Rainbooms to Golden Rock’s recording studio to finish the Christmas song.

The two bands continued recording the song in the live room while Golden Rock, Shelly, Filthy Rich, and his agent were in the control room listening to the song.



On the 12th day of Christmas, the Rainbooms gave to me

[Rainbow Dash]

12 ring-side tickets

[Mind Tempo]

11 books of physics


10 juicy corn dogs

[Diamond Glow]

9 lucky combs


8 cute animals


7 sweater vests


6 hockey helmets


5 golden rings

[Fun Time Rush]

4 comfy PJs

[Twilight Sparkle]

3 canned hams

[Fun Time Rush]

2 broken femurs


And a song for the Christmas EP

And a song for the Christmas EP

With Filthy Rich and his agent listening to their song in the recording studio with Golden Rock and Shelly on the chairs.

Shelly informed everyone, “Guys, that was awesome.”

“And that makes three FTR Christmas songs,” Golden Rock said as he stood up and grabbed his briefcase. He shouted, “Fiji, here we come!”

“Except, Beaver released 50 Days of Christmas with Maroon Star,” Everyone became disappointed as Filthy Rich continued, “It’s 8 hours long and it was a masterpiece.”

“Hey guys, sorry about Beaver, but we gotta get back home for the holidays.” Sunset told the boys.

Mind Tempo replied, “Don’t worry, Sunset. I’m sure Goldie will get this figured out.”

“Y’all will be over the river and through the woods at your houses in a couple of hours.” Diamond said and Beryl agreed.

“Yeah, but we all have to go home in 15 minutes.” Applejack informed the boys.

The boys shouted, “WHAT?!”

Golden Rock shouted, “What?!”

Shelly shouted too, “What?!”

“What?” Pinkie added, feeling like it was fun to do.

“Uh, yeah, we all have to be there in 15 minutes. Sorry guys.” Twilight apologized to them.

Shelly and Golden Rock slumped down in defeat as the manager screamed, “Ahhh, Fiji!”

The boys were upset and the Rainbooms felt bad about breaking them the bad news.

With the ninjas out for searching thieves and Golden Rock collapsed full of holiday blues, ‘cuz on the day before Christmas, the Rainbooms gave the boys all terrible news.

Chapter 5

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With the Rainbooms leaving for the holidays, the gang didn’t have long, just 15 minutes to write their last holiday song.

Golden Rock was seething with rage and started wrecking the instruments one by one like a raging monster in the live room while the rest cringed and watched his destruction from the control room. As for the Rainbooms, Fluttershy and Rarity shook in fear and hid behind the gang.

“CHRISTMAS!!!” He yelled as he smashed an electric guitar to the ground.

“So this is how he writes your songs?” Applejack asked the gang.

Shelly answered, “Yeah.”

“Yep.” Mind Tempo nodded.

“HO, HO, HO, HO! AHHHH!” The angry manager shouted and smashed a large red Christmas ornament ball at the drum set, continuing his destructive path.

Sunset suggested them, “Can we at least calm him down first before we move on?”

“I tried, but he told us to hit the showers and he hit us with very hot water. Man, that didn’t go so well.” Cloudburst answered, feeling humiliated already.

“Oh you know what, I got an idea. Let’s make things...,” Beryl turned the voice pitch up to high from the soundboard, “Hilarious.”

As if things were going to get worst for Golden Rock, he started shouting like a squirrel.

“Oh, you want a CHRISTMAS EP?! You want a CHRISTMAS EP?!” He angrily shouted and continued smashing the guitar on the drum set.

The boys, Spike, Pinkie, and Rainbow laughed at Golden Rock while the rest were disappointed and gave them the dry looks.

“FIJI! FIJI! FIJI! AHHHH!” Golden Rock kept shouting and finally threw down the guitar and walked away.

Shelly told the boys, “No pitch fader. Let’s remind our guests that Golden Rock works very well under pressure.”

“Seriously, guys. Do you really have to throw the salt at your manager by increasing the pitch fader up?” Sunset asked them.

“What? We’re just having some laughs to calm ourselves down.” Beryl explained.

Applejack confronted the boys and replied, “Well Ah think it’s not nice.”

“We’re sorry.” The boy band answered in unison.

“It’s alright. We forgive you. After all, it’s Christmas.” Pinkie answered as the angry manager came back with a chainsaw in his hands. Everyone in the room were even more nervous and scared at the same time.

“Oh, he’s brandishing the Christmas chainsaw. Don’t worry, he’s almost done.” Shelly reminded the girls, but she felt really nervous while everyone else cringed and watched Golden Rock using the chainsaw like a madman.

Golden Rock yelled, “CHRISTMAS!!!”

Meanwhile in New York, Bebop and Rocksteady parked their van near the shipyard while Karai and Shini sneaked into the shipyard and surveyed the area. A bunch of Purple Dragon gang members were guarding the shipyard, but no sign of Hun. The Turtles arrived just in time and observed the area.

“Sounds like the Purple Dragons are stealing toys for some sort of deal, and Hun is the one in charge.” Karai said.

Leo answered, “Yeah, but I don’t see him around here. He could be tricking us.”

Then, a black van arrived at the docks and four men in black ski masks came out.

Donnie alerted his allies, “That must be the buyers. Once they’re all together, we can take out their whole operation.”

“Piece of cake.” Casey and Mikey answered.

Fong, Tsoi, and Sid came by to meet the buyers and Fong told them, “I’ll cut to the chase. You’re about to have the hottest toys of the season. But because I like working with you guys, I’ll do a bulk discount.”

While the three Purple Dragon members were busy making business with the buyers, the ninjas took out the rest of their squad one by one without them noticing.

Then, one of the buyers spotted an unconscious Purple Dragon member and alerted everyone, “Uhh, fellas?! This guy’s knocked out!”

“What? Are we being attacked? Are you setting us up or something?!” Fong asked them.

“No, we didn’t set this up! I swear!” One of the buyers convinced them.

Then, Karai and Shini threw smoke bombs around them and they couldn’t see a thing. While the bad guys were caught in the smoke, Karai, Shini, and the Turtles knocked them out with their hand-to-hand combat skills within minutes. After the smoke was clear, the bad guys were all unconscious.

“Alright, the holidays are saved! Now let’s check the truck and make sure the toys are still in there.” Donnie said.

Casey and Keno opened the door in the back of the truck, a big Puprle Dragon gang member appeared and threw a box right at them, but the two boys missed and stepped back.

The big Purple Dragon criminal stepped out and guarded the vehicle. He said, “Hands off the merchandise, you punks.”

Leo threw three bolas at the big criminal and got caught. Raph took him out and sent him flying to the floor. Then, three black cars arrived and Hun along with more Purple Dragons came out.

“Well, we found the toys. Just need to clean up more stragglers.” Casey commented.

Hun confronted the heroes and said, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the Ninja Turtles and their little helpers. I figured you guys wouldn’t let this slide.”

“We won’t let you take these toys and sell it to the black market.” Leo vowed.

“Have it your way. Taking you guys down will be the best Christmas gift for the Purple Dragons and we’re going to take over New York. Purple Dragons, attack!” Hun ordered as he and the Purple Dragons charged towards them.

The heroes armed themselves with their weapons and Keno suggested, “Well, we’re going to be stuck here for a while now.”

“Yeah. Let’s wrap this up, get it?” Mikey joked while the rest groaned due to Mikey’s puns.

Raph was annoyed by Mikey’s puns and told him, “Okay, can you please stop with the Christmas puns? Now is not a good time.”

“C’mon, I was just joking.” Mikey explained.

Leo ordered his brothers, “Enough you two. Focus. Now let’s go save Christmas.”

Their allies answered, “Right.”

And so, The Turtles, Bebop, Rocksteady, and their allies clashed with Hun and the Purple Dragons to defend the missing toys and save Christmas.

Meanwhile, Golden Rock was finally relaxing in Fiji with his vacation clothes on. He sat on his beach chair, listened to the relaxing music on from his radio, and took a sip from his coconut drink.

“Oh, I can’t believe I finished the song and I’m finally relaxing in Fiji.”

However, that was not the case. In reality, Golden Rock was still in the studio, imagining himself that he was relaxing in Fiji with the beach backdrop behind him.

“Oh garçon...,” Golden Rock laughed. “Just give me something, something delicious, please?”

Back in the control room, they continued to watch and Spike said, “Yep. He’s lost it. And we gotta go.”

“Oh, wait, wait, wait...” The boys as they stopped the Rainbooms from leaving.

“Wait, girls, we still got five minutes left.” Shelly panicked.

Cloudburst informed them, “Yep, just tell your parents that you hit a producer with your bus and you’re going to be a little late.”

“WHAT?!” The girls angrily shouted.

Applejack rebuffed, “We didn’t hit yer producer, that was the taxi driver, ya idiot!”

Pinkie added, “Yeah, we can’t just lie and tell our parents that we ran over somebody. If we do that, we’ll all be in really, big trouble from them, Santa, and Hasbro.”

“Well we just need one more Christmas miracle. Please?” Mind Tempo begged the Rainbooms.

Beryl sighed, “Forget it. No one can write a song in five minutes.”

Shelly remembered something and reminded the boys, “Golden Rock did. Once, and it was his biggest hit ever.”

FTR and the Rainbooms remembered and they all said it out loud, “Yard Squirrels Christmas!”

Golden Rock puts his face on the window and angrily said, “Don’t mention that song!”

“That was you? Oh man, that song cracked me and my friends up. I’ve always wanted to make silly Christmas songs.” Pinkie said as she sat down on the chair and smiled at him, feeling excited already.

Golden Rock did not take that kindly and shouted, “Well you can forget about it because I’m done with silly Christmas songs!”

The manager brought out another Christmas ornament and smashed it on the ground, telling them that he is done. And just when he was about to walk away, Beryl turned the pitch fader up and everyone in the control room started to cheered Golden Rock up with their squirrelly voices. Beryl told him, “Come on, Golden, it’s Christmas.”

Golden Rock suddenly became afraid, haunted by those squirrelly voices again from his past, and started defending himself with some cymbals.

“We all want to go home for the holidays.” Mind Tempo said.

Cloudburst added, “Oh, come on, Goldie. You can wear your PJs.”

Diamond motivated him, “You can do it, Goldie. Do it for Fiji.”

Golden Rock continued panicking like he had seen ghosts from his Christmas past.

Sunset turned it down and informed him, “And we gotta get to our houses.”

The cowgirl turned it back up and everyone resumed speaking like squirrels and cheering up Golden Rock to make the song. He was under pressure and it was too much for the manager to take it in. So, Golden Rock threw down a drum and shouted, “Yard squirrels!”

Everyone stopped after hearing Golden Rock’s loud voice. But then, Golden Rock had an idea and told them, “Get in the booth. I got the song.”

Everyone in the control room celebrated and shouted in unison, “Yes!”

Shelly checked her list that they need for FTR’s last Christmas song.

“Rainbooms.” She said.

The Rainbooms answered, “Check.”

“Fun Time Rush in their PJs.” Shelly called.

They boys replied, “Check.”

Shelly called again, “Stroke of Christmas genius.”

Golden Rock answered, “Double check.” He then explained to the group, “Okay, here’s how I see it. The music starts playing,” He started playing the music filled with bells jingling in the background. After he explained the scenario for their song, “It’s Christmas morning and the Rainbooms are in a Fun Time Rush to get to Granny Smith’s house.”

“Snowflakes are falling like crazy.” Pinkie then threw some fake snow in the air and now all of a sudden, some drops of fake snow started falling inside the live room. They were all ecstatic and the two adults in the control room had no idea how the snow got in there. So, the two music bands were ready to record the last Christmas song for the FTR Christmas EP.

Fun Time Rush as the Yard Squirrels featuring celebrity guests, the Rainbooms.

(Yeah, I know the original song featured Snoop Dogg. So, just imagine that the girls are filling in Snoop Dogg’s role.)


“Ohh, nice!” Beryl cheered as the two bands gave themselves high fives to each other with their PJs on.

Filthy Rich put out his final thoughts, giving them all some dramatic suspense. He said. “Well, my grandma may not like it... but I love it.”

Everyone celebrated as Shelly ejected the disc from the computer and gave it to Filthy Rich.

Filthy Rich gave the disc to his agent and ordered him, “Upload this immediately. So kids can enjoy a Fun Time Christmas all over the world. And I will enjoy big time profits.”

Sunset told the boy band, “Well, we had a lot of fun, boys. But we got to get back to our homes.”

“And we gotta go back to Whinnyapolis!” Fun Time Rush alerted them in unison.

Shelly informed them, “You can all make your bus travels if you leave right now.”

Golden Rock was back in his vacation clothes with luggages in his hands and celebrated, “Happy holidays!”

The two bands alternatively shouted in unison, “RUN!”

And so, everyone left the mansion immediately with Golden Rock and Shelly heading into the limo and drove to the airport, leaving Canterlot City and Fun Time Rush rode on the Rainbooms’ tour bus with Big Mac as their driver and they all head home for the holidays.

After the chilling battle in the docks, the Turtles and their allies defeated Hun and the Purple Dragons once again.

Karai felt tired and said “Well, that’s the last of them.”

April contacted the truck driver by phone and told her, “Hey Sam, I’m sending you the location, but they’re all safe and sound at the docks in Midtown.”

“Ah, I’m so glad to hear that! On my way over right now!” Sam answered and hung up her phone to start driving her truck.

Mikey cheered, feeling excited already, “Oh I can’t wait to open my presents for this year.”

“Let’s save that excitement for tomorrow. For now, we’ll leave the rest to you, April.” Leo suggested.

“Can’t thank you enough guys. We appreciate your help.” April thanked the Turtles and Karai’s Foot Clan.

Donnie blushed, “Aw, shucks.”

The Turtles and Karai’s Foot Clan exited the docks and went back to their homes for the holidays.

Minutes later, Sam and the police arrived and put the bad guys into their police cars and vans one by one.

The truck driver approached the three teens and said, “Can’t thank you enough for finding the toys, kids. You just saved the holidays for a lot of kids. I’ll make sure these toys get back to safety.”

Keno nodded, “Glad we could help, Sam.”

“Can we at least have one toy for each of us for Christmas, please?” Fong begged the teens while continuing to walk and being escorted and handcuffed by the two policemen.

The teens shook their heads and Casey answered, “Sorry, dude. You did the crime, you do the time.”

Fong sighed as he went inside the police van last and sat with Hun and the rest of the Purple Dragon gangsters inside. The policemen locked the doors and drove them to prison.

“I’m beat. Let’s head home and get some rest.” April suggested.

Keno nodded, “Agreed. I’m freezing in this atmosphere and I really need some hot coco to warm me up.”

The three teenagers exited the docks and head back home to their families for the rest of Christmas Eve.

At last, the day has arrived. Christmas Day. It was Christmas morning and the boys arrived at Golden Roc’s mansion after the boys got their presents from their respective homes and getting a text message from their manager. He texted them that they got a huge surprise waiting for them.

“So, where’s this surprise from Golden Rock?” Mind Tempo asked his friends.

Then, a portal appeared right beside them and they all saw it.

“Whoa, what is that?” Beryl asked as the boys got into their battle stance until Pinkie popped out of the portal.

She told them, “False alarm, boys. It’s just us.”

They stood down and the rest of the Rainbooms showed up.

“What’s up ladies? Merry Christmas.” Diamond greeted them.

Everyone else greeted each other and Silver asked them, “So, what are you girls doing here?”

“We got a text message from your manager and told us to come here.” Twilight answered.

“You girls, too? That’s great.” Diamond answered as he wrapped his arms around Rarity and Applejack, “With you girls around, we can all hang out and celebrate the holidays together.”

Rarity and Applejack rolled their eyes as they both moved his arms aside and walked away from Diamond.

“Hold on, we didn’t come alone. We also brought our friends too to celebrate with us?”

“And who would that be?”

April came out of the portal and answered, “Us.” The Turtles, Casey, Karai, Shini, Keno, Carter, Angel, Zach, Caitlyn, Fugitoid, Bebop, Rocksteady, Amethyst Majesty, The Dazzlings, Sugarcoat, Sour Sweet, Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, and the Mighty Mutanimals all entered from the portal. After the portal closed from Donnie’s Portal Projector, the boys were in shock.

Mind Tempo whistled and commented, “Wow, that’s a lot of people and mutants you guys invited.”

“Dang, we’re standing in the inside of a mansion. This is awesome. I should take a look around.” Bebop suggested before Rocksteady pulled him by the collar of his jacket.

Rocksteady reminded Bebop, “No, no, let’s not break and steal anything from this place. Otherwise, we’d be in jail again.”

“That’s true.” Bebop answered.

“And speaking of mutants, so we meet again Turtles. Long time no see.” Beryl said as he and his friends stood face-to-face with the Ninja Turtles and confronted them.

Everyone in the mansion felt really nervous, thinking that the confrontation won’t end well.

Ten months ago, The Turtles helped Logan Berrytown to sing his song to the audience in the auditorium, but Fun Time Rush were also in attendance. However, they were unimpressed by their performance.

“So, it’s been awhile. How’s it hanging?” Beryl asked them while glaring at Leo.

Leo answered, “Not much.”

“Yeah, we’ve been kicking all kinds of butt to our enemies.” Raph added.

“Oh, that’s cool. It’s too bad you don’t have your own album like us.” Mind Tempo pointed out as they all gave fist bumps to each other.

Leo gave them their honest opinion, “Listen boys, we don’t need fame, and/or fortune to be relevant. For us brothers, all we want to do is to help people. Help those in need whenever there’s trouble. And if we can’t do it, then we’re no better than our enemies.”

Donnie added, “We risked our lives to save our friends and they too helped us in return. All we can say to them is thank you.”

Beryl chuckled and answered to them, “You know, to be quite honest, I’m the only person within FTR to help Karai and her gang many months ago. I wanted their help in search for my father and I too saved their lives. As for my boys, they to want to get in the action since they found out about me working with Karai. Now, they’re here with me and we’re ready to take on the world.”

“Wow, that was a nice story you just gave out.” Mikey cried.

Beryl sighed, “Yeah, but anyway, me and my friends wanted to say that we’re sorry that we were being so cocky many months ago. So, are we cool?”

“Yeah, we’re cool. Bring it in boys.” Leo informed them as he shed a tear.

The two gangs hugged it out, cutting the tension between them while everyone else was touched by their interaction and smiled at them.

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie shed a tear too and said, “Aww...,” Applejack gave them some tissues and they wiped tears away. While that was happening, the Rainbooms along with Fugitoid and April walked away and headed towards the kitchen while no one was looking.

The two teams put their fists together and Leo called, “One, two, three...”

“Brotherhood!” The two teams shouted in unison.

“Well, now with that’s out of the way, we got a gift for you, guys.” Diamond told the turtles.

Cloudburst gave them a bag and Mikey pulled the item out of the bag, revealing it to be a nutcracker dressed up as a rockstar.

“Wow. A rockstar nutcracker. I’ve always wanted one of these.” Mikey replied as he started opening and closing his mouth with the nutcracker doing the same.

“Thank you FTR. We appreciate it.” Leo thanked the boy band.

Mind Tempo replied, “You’re very welcome. Now with that’s out of the way, I wonder if Santa came by already and put our presents in here. Don’t you think?”

The boy band shrugged until everyone heard Golden Rock’s voice as he and Shelly approached the guests, “Ho, ho, ho.”

“Close enough.” Mikey commented.

Golden Rock and Shelly came by and Fun Time Rush were completely surprised that their manager along with his assistant was still in Canterlot City.

“Wow, that’s a lot of people.” Shelly commented.

Golden Rock broke the news to FTR, “Anyway, I missed my flight to Fiji. So I figured, I would spend the holidays with my dawgs...” The boys were very happy to hear that and their manager continued his sentence, “In my PJs.”

“Ohhhhhh!” The boy band celebrated.

Shelly felt excited too and informed everyone, “And we brought a little holiday feast.”

One by one, The Rainbooms, April, and Fugitoid were bringing each food to the dining table like the stuffed turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, bread, cookies, cupcakes, candy canes, and all of the delicious food they cooked. The ninjas and their allies were in shock and awe and felt very happy that they’re going to have the biggest Christmas feast ever. Everyone went to the dining room excpet Beryl who looked on and pulled out an old photo of his father, mother, and his with his little brother as a baby. Beryl felt sad that his father wasn’t there to celebrate with him.

Beryl thought to himself, ‘I wish you were here Dad and I hope we get to see each other again. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year.’

After that, he put his photo away and went to the dining room with his friends. Minutes later, the Christmas feast was set with all of the food on the long table with Christmas music playing from the radio while everyone gathered around the long table and started getting their piece of food to enjoy their holiday feast.

So, with family beside you and friends together, that’s the recipe for the best holiday ever. And give your gifts many, keep your heart full of light and Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a Fun Time night.



Step it up

Get in gear

Go for broke

Make it clear

Kendall Schmidt as Cloudburst

James Maslow as Diamond Glow

Carlos Penavega as Beryl Fury

Logan Henderson as Mind Tempo

Stephen Kramer Glickman as Golden Rock

Tanya Chisholm as Shelly Shores

[Mind Tempo]

Gotta go Fun Time

[Diamond Glow]

Make it work

Get it right

Change your world

[Beryl Fury]


Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Lyra Heartstrings

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Sweetie Drops

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity


Gotta dream Fun Time

[Mind Tempo]

Oh woah!

Seth Green as Leonardo

Sean Astin as Raphael

Greg Cipes as Michelangelo

Rob Paulsen as Donatello

Mae Whitman as April O'Neil

Josh Peck as Casey Jones

Kelly Hu as Karai

Gwendoline Yeo as Shinigami


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!


Give it all you got now


Hey! Oh! Hey! Oh!

Kazumi Evans as Adagio Dazzle

Diana Kaarina as Aria Blaze

Maryke Hendrikse as Sonata Dusk

J.B. Smoove as Bebop

Fred Tatasciore as Rocksteady

[Diamond Glow]

Isn’t it a rush?


Oh-oh, oh-oh.

Oh-oh, oh!

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Lena Hall as Coloratura

Charles Zuckerman as Stalwart Stallion

Brian Drummond as Filthy Rich

Jason Marshden as Keno

Eric Bauza as Hun

Go and shake it up!

Whatcha gotta lose?

Go and make your luck with the life you choose.

If you want it all,

Lay it on the line.

It's the only life ya got,

So ya gotta have a Fun Time!