• Published 1st Dec 2020
  • 1,467 Views, 19 Comments

A Fun Time Christmas - AmethystMajesty25

Can this boy band make three songs in one day before Christmas Day?

  • ...

Chapter 4

Back into our Fun Time Christmas now full of scares for Coloratura had just caught Silver and his three Bears!

The producer told the boys, “You’re all going to jail for Christmas.”

The boys were on thin ice and panicked, but Cloudburst begged her, “Don’t call the police. We’re allergic to police.”

Beryl explained, “We weren’t Stalwart-napping. We were hiding him to record a song with Coloratura. Sorry Stalwart.”

“Look, if we don’t record three songs by today, our C.E.O. won’t let us go home for Christmas.” Mind Tempo explained to them.

Diamond added, “We’re Fun Time Rush, we’re a band.”

“They’re really cute.” Coloratura commented.

The producer explained to Coloratura, “They locked Stalwart in a costume bin!”

“Yeah, but they’re really cute.” Coloratura said.

The producer changed her mind and admitted, “My daughter loves their album.”

“I was enjoying a dip with some tasty snacks and a movie to watch for me. And by the way, I am a horrible singer.” Stalwart admitted, feeling much better after being kidnapped.

Coloratura nodded, “He’s right. He’s a horrible singer.”

“Oh... and we can sing...” Beryl sang and the rest of the boys followed in sync to convince them.

Mind Tempo asked them, “So, how are we doing?”

Coloratura thought about it and said, “Honestly... it could go either way.”

They both crossed their arms and started thinking about the fate of FTR. Will they send them to jail or do they have another idea in their mind?

Meanwhile, Golden Rock and Shelly were hiding right next to the soundboard while Golden Rock continued to connect the soundboard with his recording device. They both felt nervous about the boys and Shelly said, “Okay. The producer should be freaking out and looking for a replacement for Stalwart by now.”

“Which means either a miracle happened and the dogs are in wardrobe or they got caught and we’re going to jail for Christmas!” Golden Rock explained.

The show was back on.

Welcome back to Have Yourself a Coloratura Christmas.

“Hey, I hope it’s the Christmas pizza that I’ve ordered.” Coloratura said as she walked down the stairs with the audience laughing while Golden Rock and Shelly crossed their fingers to see if Fun Time Rush made it out alive. She opened the door to see Stalwart as the pizza delivery guy.

Stalwart greeted her, “Hi, Miss Coloratura.”

Golden Rock and Shelly groaned out of disappointment.

“Oh look, it’s the pizza delivery guy, Stalwart Stallion.” Coloratura said.

Stalwart winked at the camera and told her, “I got you some candy cane peppermint pizza.”

“Yum.” The audience laughed as Colratura asked, “What took you so long?”

“I got stuck in the road.” Stalwart answered.

Coloratura asked him again, “How did you get out?”

“Well, you know, some guys came along and helped me.” Stalwart opened the door and FTR entered the stage.

“Hey, what's up Coloratura?” Beryl asked.

Mind Tempo greeted Coloratura, “Hey, merry Christmas.”

The audience cheered as Golden Rock and Shelly happily gasped to see their band okay.

Coloratura announced, “Well what do you know, it's Fun Time Rush.”

Shelly instructed him, “Press record. Press record.”

“Fiji, here I come.” Golden Rock cheered as he pressed the record button and the music started playing in the background.

“Do you guys want to join me for a song?” Coloratura asked the boys.

The boys answered in unison, “Yeah, let’s do it.”

Coloratura and the boys started singing the song with Stalwart dressed up as Santa Claus as part of the act.

Golden Rock and Shelly stood up and celebrated, “YES!”

“Thank you.” Shelly said as she unplugged the recording device right before Golden Rock got the song recorded and pressed stop. The soundboard crew had no idea and they were confused.

The audience cheered as all of the cast members clapped and Coloratura said, “Thanks, everyone, for watching. Thanks to the Rainbooms, to Amethyst, to Stalwart, and to Fun Time Rush.”

“Happy Holidays!” Everyone said in unison.

“That’s a wrap, folks.” The director shouted and everyone in backstage celebrated while the Rainbooms and Amethyst left except for Applejack and Fun Time Rush.

“Thanks for being a part of yer show, Coloratura.” Applejack said.

“You’re welcome, AJ. Happy Holidays!” Coloratura said and hugged her old pal.

“Thanks. You too, Rara.” AJ said as she walked away to catch up to her friends.

Diamond thanked Coloratura, “Thank you so much.”

Coloratura replied, “No, thank you guys for being on the show. You were great. Good luck on your EP and going back to Vanhoover for the holidays.”

Diamond wrapped her shoulder around with his arm and said, “Yeah, no problem. Maybe after this, we can stop by my place, huddle together, and stay warm.”

Shelly marched towards them and ordered, “No, we have to leave NOW.”

The boys waved bye to her and Stalwart as Golden Rock shouted, “Okay, happy holidays. Merry Christmas.”

The celebrities looked at each other and answered in unison, “Weird,” They both high-fived to each other and left the stage.

The gang celebrated with their second Christmas song finished, but Golden Rock calmed them down and informed them, “Why are you guys so happy? We still need to write a third song. Find another superstar to sing-it with, and oh, yeah, do it on time to catch our rides for Christmas.”

Cloudburst suggested everyone, “Ooh, everybody close your eyes and wish for another Christmas miracle.”

Everyone closed their eyes except for Golden Rock and Mind Tempo.

Mind Tempo rebuffed, “That’s ridiculous. There’s never going to be...” Mind Tempo thought about it and said, “Oh, screw it. I’ll do it anyway.”

He too closed his eyes and prayed for another miracle along with the gang except for Golden Rock.

He broke the news to them, “I hate to break it to you dogs, but I think we’re fresh out of Christmas miracles.”

“Not quite yet.” Sunset informed everyone as the gang turned around to see the Rainbooms.

Beryl asked the girls, “Have you been listening this whole time?”

“Yeah. We’ve heard that you’re not going to be home until you finished your Christmas EP.” Twilight answered.

Pinkie added, “So, we decided to help you on your last Christmas song.”

Cloudburst cheered and shouted, “Yes! It’s a Christmas miracle! Woohoo!”

“Really? Because I don’t have enough time to collaborate with a bunch of girly girl Haytubers for another Christmas song.” Golden Rock said and the girls gave him the dry looks until an incoming taxi cab was heading towards him, and Golden Rock didn’t realize he was standing in the middle of the road.

“Aaaaahhh!” Golden Rock looked at the taxi and screamed. But it was too late, he got hit and fell down on the ground.

Everyone cringed and covered their mouths after witnessing that accident. The taxi cab driver pulled the window down and asked them as he looked over, “Please tell me I didn’t just hit a reindeer.”

Everyone shook their heads, telling him no.

Meanwhile in a snowy New York, Casey, April, Carter, Angel, Zach, Caitlyn, and Keno were walking around the streets.

“That was nice Christmas special we just watched.” Zach commented.

Caitlyn replied, “Yeah, it was definitely something alright.”

Then, Casey and April saw a truck driver feeling upset on the sidewalk with toys in the delivery truck right outside the community center. So, the two teens headed towards the community center to talk to the truck driver.

“What happened?” Keno asked her.

“On my inventory checklist, we had a couple hundred missing for the toy donation.” The truck driver said.

Carter asked the truck driver, “You think somebody stole them?”

“I don’t know, but today we’re supposed to have two trucks out making pick ups, but our GPS transponders say there are three. Something’s up.” The truck driver said.

Angel informed her, “Sounds like you got yourself a poser, but we’ll help you find those missing toys.”

“Really? That’s great. Thank you.” The truck driver said.

Keno asked her again, “Okay. Now the question is, how are we going to know which one it is?”

The truck driver explained to them, “If you can check their license plates, we’ll know which one shouldn’t be out there.”

“You can count on us then.” Casey stated.

The truck driver warned the teens, “Okay, just be careful out there. Let me know when you find those missing toys.”

“Will do. See ya.” After hearing the urgent news from the truck driver, April contacted the Ninja Turtles and Karai on her phone, “Turtles, Karai, we got a problem. There are three toy delivery trucks out in the city, and one of them is a phony. We could use your help out here.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll get those toys back for the charity.” Karai stated.

Donnie suggested the ninjas, “Hmm, we could use the cameras in our phones to grab license plate numbers and I’ll run them against stolen car databases from my laptop. Try it on that truck.”

April took a picture of the license number and sent it to Donnie.

“Good job. Okay, I got the truck locations, so we should see them now. Snap the plates and I’ll run em’ against the database.” Donnie informed everyone.

April responded, “Thanks Donnie, you’re the best. Standby for those pics.”

Donnie blushed and Raph snapped him out of his daydream, “C’mon lover boy, let’s get back to work.”

“Okay, I’ll stay here while you three go find those trucks.” Donnie informed his brothers.

Leo replied, “Good idea, Donnie. Alright brothers, let’s go!”

The three ninja turtles exited the lair while Donnie stayed and continued monitoring the situation by using his laptop. Donnie said, “We gotta get those toys back for the kids. Man, nothing beats holiday stress, huh?”

Casey drove the Party Wagon and followed the delivery truck. While the Party Wagon moved inches away from the truck, Keno took a picture of its license plate and sent it to Donnie.

Donnie received the picture, “Got it. Now for the moment of truth...” Donnie searched through the database and said, “Nope. Not our truck thief.”

“Darn. Sorry Donnie.” Keno apologized.

As for the Turtles, they drove the Shell Raiser and followed the second delivery truck.

“We gotta get closer to the truck.” Leo ordered.

“You don’t have to tell me twice, bro.” Mikey replied as he went up to the roof of their vehicle and took a picture of the license plate on the truck.

Donnie received the next pic and said, “Okay, running the plate...” Donnie resumed searching until he informed his brothers, “Nope. Not a match.”

And last but not least, Bebop and Rocksteady were driving their van with Karai and Shini in the backseat and followed the truck.

“It’s up to you guys, now. So don’t lose focus.” Donnie reminded them.

Rocksteady replied, “You got it, comrade. Let us get the truck for evidence.”

As the van went closer to the truck, Karai opened the backdoors and climbed up to the roof very quickly as Shini closed the door after her friend exited. Karai used her phone and took a picture and sent it to Donnie.

“Hold please...” Donnie searched through the database again until he found it and said, “Bingo! Follow that truck! Nice work, you guys. I’ll meet up with my brothers and catch up to you guys later.”

“Ha! Score one for Foot!” Rocksteady cheered.

Bebop reminded him, “Don’t get ahead of yourself, Rocky. We’re not out of the woods just yet.”

“I’ll hitch a ride on that truck and see what those Christmas capers are up to.” Karai informed her comrades as she jumped from the van and landed on the truck. From there, she used one of Donnie’s gadgets and eavesdropped on the driver’s conversation.

The driver said, “Listen, all I’m saying is don’t make me look like an idiot in front of Hun, alright? He’s running this deal.”

“But stealing toys? I mean, these kids are looking forward to this stuff.” His accomplice reminded him.

The driver replied back, “Hey, I didn’t get presents as a kid and I turned out fine.”

“Right...” Karai whispered.

The Rainbooms, FTR, Golden Rock, and Shelly were in the studio and sit down to come up with the last Christmas song for FTR’s Christmas EP with Rarity drinking hot coco with marshmallows on top.

“Mm-mmm! Now that’s some coco. So refreshing.” Rarity commented after taking a sip.

“You know, I can’t believe we’re going to sing the last Christmas song with the Rainbooms.” Diamond cheered as the boys gave each other fist bumps.

Twilight nodded and replied, “Hey, it’s the least we can do after we helped your manager when he got run over by a taxi cab.”

Golden Rock cried, trying to play the piano with his arm brace on. “Now I just have to write this song.”

“Don’t worry, you girls won’t be here long. He writes songs really fast.” Shelly informed the girls as the boys nodded.

“Writing songs really fast, eh? I believe it when I see it.” Applejack said, raising her eyebrow.

“Agreed.” Rainbow added.

Golden Rock pitched an idea and informed everyone, “I got it. I got it,” However, he felt sad and cried while playing the piano, “I don’t got it. I’m never going to Fiji.”

The girls were confused and Beryl told them, “You know what, girls? This is all part of the process. He gets it, doesn’t get it, then he cries.” He then looked at Applejack and asked her, “Hey, who is that present for?”

Applejack looked at her present and answered, “It’s for mah grandma. Granny Smith.”

“Oh...” The boys nodded and replied in unison.

After that, the boys started guessing with Beryl starting off and asked, “That’s cool. Is it a cowboy hat?”

“Ooh, is it a bracelet that says "Number #1 Granny"?” Diamond asked too.

Cloudburst asked as well “Is it a helicopter?”

“Boys, it’s even better than that,” Applejack opened the present and presented the boys, Granny Smith’s gift, “It’s a homemade, scented candle holder. And ah made it myself.”

“Where are the emeralds?” Diamond asked.

Applejack gave them her honest answer, “Christmas isn’t about expensive gifts. It’s about giving from da heart.”

“Nice, that’s a very good Christmas message.” Mind Tempo commented.

Golden Rock informed everyone, “Now only if we could make a song out of it!”

Everyone started thinking real hard to try to come up with a song until Beryl had an idea.

Beryl requested, “Maybe we can. Tempo, fresh holiday beat, please?”

“Okay.” Mind Tempo answered and started beatboxing, giving them the rhythm they need.

Rainbow loved what she’s hearing and said, “Oh I can work with this.”

The rest of the Rainbooms and FTR cheered, “WOO!”

[Beryl Fury]

On the first day of Christmas, the Rainbooms gave to me

[Pinkie Pie]

A song for your Christmas EP

The boys cheered, “Ohhhh!”

[Fun Time Rush]

On the second day of Christmas, the Rainbooms gave to me...

Golden Rock angrily shouted, “Two broken femurs!”

The boys and girls had no clue of what to think of it, but Pinkie shrugged it off and continued with the song.

[Rainbow Dash]

And a song for your Christmas EP.

They all celebrated until Shelly order them, “Guys! Take it to the studio.”

Fun Time Rush guided the Rainbooms to Golden Rock’s recording studio to finish the Christmas song.

The two bands continued recording the song in the live room while Golden Rock, Shelly, Filthy Rich, and his agent were in the control room listening to the song.


On the 12th day of Christmas, the Rainbooms gave to me

[Rainbow Dash]

12 ring-side tickets

[Mind Tempo]

11 books of physics


10 juicy corn dogs

[Diamond Glow]

9 lucky combs


8 cute animals


7 sweater vests


6 hockey helmets


5 golden rings

[Fun Time Rush]

4 comfy PJs

[Twilight Sparkle]

3 canned hams

[Fun Time Rush]

2 broken femurs


And a song for the Christmas EP

And a song for the Christmas EP

With Filthy Rich and his agent listening to their song in the recording studio with Golden Rock and Shelly on the chairs.

Shelly informed everyone, “Guys, that was awesome.”

“And that makes three FTR Christmas songs,” Golden Rock said as he stood up and grabbed his briefcase. He shouted, “Fiji, here we come!”

“Except, Beaver released 50 Days of Christmas with Maroon Star,” Everyone became disappointed as Filthy Rich continued, “It’s 8 hours long and it was a masterpiece.”

“Hey guys, sorry about Beaver, but we gotta get back home for the holidays.” Sunset told the boys.

Mind Tempo replied, “Don’t worry, Sunset. I’m sure Goldie will get this figured out.”

“Y’all will be over the river and through the woods at your houses in a couple of hours.” Diamond said and Beryl agreed.

“Yeah, but we all have to go home in 15 minutes.” Applejack informed the boys.

The boys shouted, “WHAT?!”

Golden Rock shouted, “What?!”

Shelly shouted too, “What?!”

“What?” Pinkie added, feeling like it was fun to do.

“Uh, yeah, we all have to be there in 15 minutes. Sorry guys.” Twilight apologized to them.

Shelly and Golden Rock slumped down in defeat as the manager screamed, “Ahhh, Fiji!”

The boys were upset and the Rainbooms felt bad about breaking them the bad news.

With the ninjas out for searching thieves and Golden Rock collapsed full of holiday blues, ‘cuz on the day before Christmas, the Rainbooms gave the boys all terrible news.

Author's Note:


  • Having both bands sing their version of the 12 Days of Christmas song was a reference to Big Time Rush with Snoop Dog singing their version of the 12 Days of Christmas from the Big Time Rush episode, Big Time Christmas.