• Published 18th Nov 2012
  • 5,236 Views, 83 Comments

The AppleDash Project: Wherever Life Takes Us - bookplayer

A look at a behind the scenes relationship between AJ and Dash set around episodes from Season 3

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How to Herd Wild Ponies (Too Many Pinkie Pies)

As the sun went down, Rainbow Dash and Applejack returned to the newly built barn. It still smelled of sawed timber and paint, but it was well built and solid. Like AJ herself, but a lot less sexy, in Dash's opinion.

Applejack flopped down on the freshly laid straw in the corner, and Dash grinned and landed next to her. Applejack just looked at her and smirked.

“So, did ya' have a nice time relaxin' today?”

Dash shot her a look, before flopping heavily onto the straw.

“Well, you're the one that's been lookin' for more excitement,” Applejack pointed out with the same smirk.

“Yeah, but a whole herd of Pinkie Pies. . . she could've at least waited 'til my day off!”

“Ya' know, Dash, I don't think anypony's ever bothered to check my plans before they went and did somethin' foolish and excitin'.”

“Good thing they don't, you're always working. Nothing exciting would ever happen.”

Applejack considered that for a moment. “If, just for once, you, or Pinkie, or Twilight came up to me and said, 'Hey Applejack, tomorrow I'm gonna get myself into some great big mess that might ruin the whole town, that okay by you?' I might just take the day off. None of y'all are that polite, though.”

Dash grinned at her. “Hey Applejack, I'm gonna get myself into a mess tomorrow, and the only way to stop it is to keep me distracted all day.”

“Nice try, sugarcube.” Applejack chuckled.

“I'm totally blaming you when my double whirlwind destroys the town.” Dash giggled. Then she rolled over and wrapped her forelegs around AJ. “Really, I do need some help with it. It could be a real pain in the tail if it gets out of control.”

“I ain't your foal-sitter, Dash,” Applejack said, ruffling the rainbow mane. “There ain't enough bits in Equestria to make me take that job.”

“I don't need a foal-sitter, just somepony to shout directions at me.” Dash gave a charming smile. “Come on, do it for Ponyville.”

Applejack sighed. “I just don't got time. I got chores to get done, and my little cousin is comin' to stay with us.” She raised her eyebrows and gave a hopeful smile. “Say, I gotta help Apple Bloom and her friends make a float for the parade, you wanna help us instead?”

Dash rolled her eyes. “Paper mache a giant apple, or practice an awesome flying trick. Gee, tough one.”

Applejack's face fell, and she pulled away from Dash's forelegs. “I'm just tryin' to save everypony a couple hundred bits of property damage from that awesome flyin' trick. And for your information, it's a pumpkin.”

“A pumpkin?” Dash furrowed her brow and looked at AJ. “Who are you, and what have you done with Applejack?”

That brought a smile to AJ's face. “We don't got enough red paint left, after the barn. So we're mixin' it with some yellow paint Pinkie had, and there's only so many orange crops we grow 'round here.”

“Okay, but just this once,” Dash said, smiling and poking AJ with a hoof. “You can't make this pumpkin thing a habit. Pumpkinjack just sounds creepy.”

“I'll keep ya' safe.” Applejack smirked.

“Hey, I could totally take your evil twin. If I can take a couple of dozen evil Pinkies, one evil AJ should be a piece of cake.”

“They weren't exactly evil Pinkies, Dash.” Applejack pointed out. “And if I recall, you were hidin' with Fluttershy while I was out herdin' them.”

“I totally saved your flank,” Dash protested.

AJ raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, and how'd you do that?”

“I found that Pinkie that you missed.”

“That was more savin' Pinkie's flank than mine. And I think the family did a right good job, considerin' we ain't used to herdin' anythin' that bounces like that.”

“You did better than with those bunnies a while ago.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes at Dash. “We ain't talkin' 'bout that.”

Dash giggled. “You're just lucky it wasn't me who copied myself. I woulda been all over Equestria before you could get your rope out.”

“I dunno, I reckon I could wrangle a herd of you,” Applejack said, looking Dash up and down.

“No way.” Dash gave a dismissive wave of her hoof. “Even if I wasn't faster than you-”

“Which ya' ain't.”

“Even if I wasn't faster than you, you know all the copies of me would be in the air.”

Applejack smirked, and rolled onto her side, facing Dash. “I could do it. And I don't even need wings.”

“I'd like to see you try!”

“Simple, I'd just call up to y'all that whichever one is the most awesome gets a kiss.” Applejack slowly moved to lay on top of Dash, and smiled down at her. “Every last one of you would be on the ground in a second to claim it.”

Dash looked up at AJ's half closed eyes, feeling their bodies pressed together. “. . .Okay, that's good.”

“I know my girl.”

“Hey, since there aren't a bunch of me, can I collect on that offer? I'm officially the most awesome Rainbow Dash in Equestria,” Dash suggested hopefully.

“Well now, I guess ya' can.” Applejack leaned in and planted a long kiss on Rainbow Dash's lips.

“Mmm.” Dash melted back into the hay, then grinned up at AJ. “I know how to wrangle a herd of Applejacks.”


“Yeah.” Dash smirked. “I'd just tell 'em all I can last longer in the hay. They'd all run to prove me wrong.”

Applejack chuckled and shook her head. “Dash, even if you could last longer than me in the hay-”

“Which I totally can.”

“Even if ya' could, you know darn well you can't last longer than a whole herd of me.”

Dash wrapped her forelegs around AJ and pulled her close. “All of you would have to prove it.”

“That'd kill you,” Applejack said, smiling and nuzzling Dash's cheek.

“Maybe.” Dash smirked. “But of all the ways to go. . .”

Comments ( 43 )

I'm not sure Dash knows what she's referring to there. . . :rainbowderp:but she totally loves AJ!

“Simple, I'd just call up to y'all that whichever one is the most awesome gets a kiss.” Applejack slowly moved to lay on top of Dash, and smiled down at her. “Every last one of you would be on the ground in a second to claim it.”

That image. So adorable. :rainbowkiss:

*sighs* Okay....that chapter destroyed and fears I had about the last chapter. Good work, bookplayer.

1891725 One shouldn't be so sure.

Also, thanks for TOTALLY picking on my OC here. Pumpkinjack. Ugh, back to the drawing board, I suppose.

Also, how could Dash tell her friends that AJ passed away by over-exhaustion, and the cause of it was the loads of pleasure administered by, like, 20 Dashie's? What an awkward conversation.


Funny chapter xD.

Who knew Dash had such kinky thoughts...OK, it was obvious :derpytongue2:

Why does "Pumpkinjack" make me think of Candlejack?

Anyway, great chapter. It's a shame that barn is gonna get destroyed in 6 weeks time.
Looking forward to the next update :pinkiehappy:

Well you know what they say. Candlejack, Candlejack, Candl-

Comment posted by Taste Da Rainbow deleted Jan 7th, 2013

Death by Snu-Snu! :rainbowkiss:

Can't wait for next chapter, need more AppleDash! :3

keep up the good work I can't wait for another chapter:rainbowdetermined2::ajsmug:

I need more Appledash :pinkiegasp:

While I'm working on it, you might want to check out the AppleDash Group Collab. It's just mini-fics, but it's how the rest of us AppleDash addicts get our fix. (And there are a few there connected to The AppleDash Project- the prompts "Shock" and "Celebrity.")


thanks :) Amazing work BTW :)

Can't wait for new chapters,I love these kind of stories,you are an AMAZING writer,keep up the good work.:pinkiehappy:

I need the next chapter!!!!!!:applejackunsure::heart::rainbowkiss:

Is the Appledash project canceled? If it is that sucks because the season 1-2 fic is in my all time favrites list and I would love to see the rest of this story :fluttershyouch:

I love your stories. They are hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

I hope this will be updated soon. I keep looking back at the "Jan. 1st" date on there, and I get all depressed. Especially since only the first 3 episodes have been covered, and season 3 has been over with for almost 3 months now. I think I might've reread the first AppleDash Project at least a few times over since then.

A "Foal's Luck" update would be wonderful too, but if you're too busy, I understand. I've read a lot of your fanfiction stories, and they're some of the best I've read. At the very least, I sincerely do hope you keep up with this, along with your other incomplete stories. In the meantime, I, along with many others I'm sure, eagerly await the next chapter. :pinkiehappy:

This story is in dire need of an update

Typical rainbowdash :rainbowlaugh:
Next update needed

Looks like RD is getting more and more restless, i wonder if some revelation will be had, before something serious happens. :ajsleepy:

Cannot wait for more of this. I've read every entry of the AppleDash project in about three days... now I neeeeeeeed mooooooore! XD


Three days?

Try under three HOURS.

Now there's no more and I'm about to start going into withdrawal here. :raritydespair:

Bookplayer, my good sir or ma'am

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you are. I don't know what you want. If you want ransom, I can tell you I am not a powerful brony and I don't have money. But what I do have is a particular set of skills; skills I have aquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for bronies like you. If you update now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, nor will I pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.

All you need to do is update.
You are a writer. Not writing is like water not being wet.
If you do not update, I will hack your account. I give results.

Have a fine day my good sir or ma'am

P.s. never quit!:pinkiehappy::twilightblush:

Why has this not been updated??? Come on! I love this! PLEASE tell me your updating soon. Season 4 is almost here. AAAAAAAH! See, you made me scream. Update!!!!


The fact that this hasn't been updated for over a year depresses me :pinkiesad2:

Pumpkin Jack... is anyone else thinking of the intro to Nightmare Before Christmas? Anyone? Please don't tell me its just me.
AJ already dressed as a scarecrow, just give her a flaming pumpkin to put over her head and BAM! Apple Jack the Pumpkin queen!

also that was a pretty funny back and forth there for the second half.

Good chapter :)

When next update?

I really liked the first part of this project. It just seems so... ambitious. But you didn't just 'try', you succeeded. I was amazed how beautiful everything seemed to fall in place. When I learned that there was a sequel, I expected quiet a lot and these first chapters were perfectly standing their ground, but... then I saw that "incomplete" and that the last chapter had been added more than two years ago.
I feel sorry for this story to end this way, or better said, not to end at all. I would love to read more of it, but I doubt there will be more.
Anyway - it was beautiful, thank you.


*whacks it repeatedly with a stick*

Just finished reading. Please more? :fluttercry:


Y NO UPDATE FOR... OVER... TWO YEARS?! :flutterrage::raritydespair:

I need more! Where’s the other chapters? ;-;

Truly, a nice piece of work. I take first Appledash project mainly 'bout AJ grow. Stuff like being open up with your feelings and share anything that nagging at your mind with the ones you love. All that, yea. It's like, you literally instilled the appledash content to original canonical events and make it belivable, enjoyfull reading. 'sides there was enough good fluff and comedy here and there. Some moments with RD trolling AJ about Bloomberg or Daring Do replication was hilarious, no less. On other hand there was "Tough ponies" chapter. In my opinions this one just great to shows that how much this stubborn thick heads maybe supportive and care 'bout each other. And i didn't even mention nice pacing of relationship at the start of the story :3

I think first project is completed as it is, there no argue. But! I still love to see you finding place for another story arc with 3 season. Now for Dash and her attitude. I wonder how you wanted to pull this all out... You give me some intersting thought here. Something about how it may work out in the end. 'cause, you know, it's still sounds believable. Something i can expect from Dash character.

...And 'bout incomplete thing. It's not like i find hiatus irritating or anything like that. People tends to getting tired of their doings. That's fine. Just do what you want to do. Nonetheless, i still want to say thank you for your work. Be well, bookie :* ...~And be like Smart Coockie, who never rested on their achievements, who went on to do great things and kept working to make things better. (c) by you, silly :P

I'm sad these didn't continue hope everything is alright

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