• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 243 Views, 3 Comments

Feud Fight (#5) - LightningStar626

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get into a massive argument, but shortly before they forgive each other, their Pixel buddy, Jace Donar, disappears.

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Chapter 5: Pinkie Pie's Plans

Chapter 5: Pinkie Pie's Plans.


~Topas slammed his hands on the counter and glared at the man behind it. He slowly blinked and shrugged at the raging teen and was about to reply when he saw the caravan that he and his companion arrived in start up and began to move a little.~

"Sir, is that your caravan?" The kiosk man asked blankly.

Topas turned to look at it. "Well, actually, it's my friend's uncle's neighbour's brother's co worker's caravan, but yes. Wait, is it starting up? Is Luda taking off without me?! Hey!"

~As Topas stumbled and stuttered in anger, inside the caravan, the girls and Jace stood in shock silence as Pinkie began wiring the van's engine, and actually got it to start rumbling. Twilight then realised what Pinkie was about to do and yelled angrily.~

"Pinkie, we are not stealing this van!"

"Yeah, otherwise we are just as bad as the guys that abducted Jace in the first place!" Lightning shouted.

"I don't even know how to drive anyways!" Pinkie shrugged.

~Everyone sighed disappointingly and attempted to think of a new plan. A plan that didn't involve stealing, or anything violent. Lightning was deep in thought and was about to suggest something, before realising its dumb. Suddenly, her wrist calm blinked once. She looked down at it and saw that Rainbow Dash was calling outside. She answered in a flash and Rainbow's voice began screeching from the wrist calm.~

"What's wrong, Rain-"

"One of the guys is heading for the caravan! You gotta hide!"

"What?!" Lightning looked out the window and saw Topas coming.

"You heard the girl! Everyone, Hide!" Pinkie screamed.

~Everyone dove down and crawled into the huge cupboards of the caravan, just in time for Topas to look in the window and see nothing but Jace, sitting on the seats calmly. Due to all of the nearby utensils and furniture, he didn't see the tails of Stitch and Spike sticking out, or the fact that one of the cupboards was slightly ajar. Topas slowly turned away and went off again. Jace signalled the girls and they poked their heads out.~

"That was close…" Fluttershy whispered.

"Yeah. Too close." added Lightning.

~Back outside the caravan, Topas was confused as to why he saw no one was at the wheel. He looked right and spotted Luda by the petrol pump, so he decided to march over to him and confront him about it.~



"Did you just try to drive off without me?"

"No? Besides, the van is almost outta gas, so how could I? Also, I've been over here, trying to get this stupid thing out of the pump!"

"Wait, so if you've been here, then who started the engine, Jace couldn't have because he's-" Topas suddenly gasped. "Maybe it was a ghost!"

Luda sighed. "For the LAST time, Topas! There are no such things as ghosts!"

"E-Easy for you to say! Y-You didn't grow up watching horror movies!"

Luda sighed. "Did you ever once take into consideration that maybe, just maybe, the rating was there for a reason?"

"What's a rating?"

"...Just go back into the shop."

~Topas rolls his eyes, and does exactly what Luda said. Everyone inside the caravan watched him go back into the shop from the window, then sighed in relief. They all began to safely climb out of the cupboards and straighten themselves out. However, while climbing out, Lightning's leg got stuck beneath a couple of pots and pans, and when she attempted to pull it out, it thrust out suddenly and Lightning stumbled back and fell straight on top of Fluttershy. She yelped in surprise.~

"Oof! Arrr...that hurt…" grumbled Lightning, rubbing her leg.

"Oww…" Fluttershy groaned.

"Oh god, sorry, Fluttershy."

~Very carefully, Lightning lifts herself off the shy girl then helps her up afterwards. As Pinkie Pie climbed out of the cupboard, she noticed a fire extinguisher behind the door. She smiles and rips it off the wall.~

"Pinkie Pie's got another plan up her sleeve!" She said boldly and confidently.

~As Pinkie swung the fire extinguisher around, she hit a small figurine ornament in the process. It flew off the counter and smashed once it hit the floor. This alerted Luda and he looked up and turned to the van.~


"Stand back, everybody!"

"Wait, Pinkie!" Sunset screamed.

"No!" Twilight gasped.

~Pinkie pulls the pin from the fire extinguisher, aims it at Jace and, just before she squeezes the handle, Lightning, Twilight and Sunset panic, and open the window behind him. Hearing all the commotion, Luda appears and looks through the open window. Once Luda had his face over the window, the mountain of foam from the fire extinguisher splattered right in his face. He slipped and fell to the ground, foam all around him. Rainbow and Rarity saw it from a distance and jaw-dropped.~

Pinkie smugged. "Now, that was awesome."

"Okay, What exactly was your plan there, Pinkie?! You didn't even hit the fetter." Lightning shouted.

"I was hoping to! Okay, I've got another plan!"

~As Pinkie, prepared for her next plan, Luda groans and sits up from the ground. He began wiping all of the foam off his eyes, ears and mouth and lips. He tasted it because some went in his mouth. He pulled a disgusted face.~

"Ugh! Gross!" Luda gagged.

Topas appeared behind Luda. "Luda? Are you-O. M. G. You've been ectoplasm-ed by the ghosts inside our caravan! Is Jace okay? Did you see him?"

"Ugh! This is ridiculous! No, Topas! This is not ectoplasm! It's foam from a fire extinguisher."

"That's what the ghosts would want you to think…" Topas whispered mysteriously.

Luda silently began to rage. "Back in the shop."


~Topas jumped up and once again disappeared into the entrance of the shop by the station. Meanwhile, back in the van, Pinkie smiled. She was holding onto Fluttershy, who was holding onto Lightning, who was holding onto Sunset, who was holding onto Twilight, who was holding onto Applejack, who was holding onto Jace's fetter again.~

"Ok, what's this plan then?" Sunset asked, a little worried.

"I think we need more strength. So! Applejack is gonna try and pull the fetter off, and we're gonna be supporting her and helping her." Pinkie explained.

"Plan C mostly always works so I'm willing to trust her this time." Lightning shrugged.

"Okay. Is everyone ready?" Everyone nodded.




"Okay! Ready. Set. Pull!"

~Everyone dug their heels into the floor as they tugged as hard as they could. They all began grunting and straining, encouraging each other to keep going.~

"Pull harder!" Pinkie kept saying.

Jace was holding back the pain. "Oww! Girls, please be careful! Otherwise you're gonna rip my ankle off!"


"Almost...there!" Applejack gasped.


~The six Rainbooms' geodes began to glow. Suddenly, the handle where the chain was tied to screws loose and flies off the cupboard. Everyone shouts as they were taken by that surprise and falls to the ground as the handle and chain flies out of the window. They got up, groaning and choking as they checked to see if they and them were alright. Jace looked at his ankle and saw that the fetter was still around it, but the chain wasn't attached to anything, so by default, he was free.~

"I'm free? I'm free!"

"Wait, really?" Lightning asked in shock.

"Yes, really! We did it!" Pinkie jumped up.



~A shy voice choked from down below and Lightning raised a brow in confusion. She then looked down to see who said her name. She gasped when she realised she had fallen on Fluttershy again. She got up immediately and let her shy friend breathe again.~

"Oh! Fluttershy! Sorry! Again…"

Applejack panted. "Okay, now that Jace is free-"

"We can get out of here!" Spike prompted, finishing the sentence.

"Right. Come on guys!" Stitch barked. "Let's go!"

~Stitch and Spike darted for the broken window, hopped out of it and landed on their feet safely. The others bolted for the door. Sunset made it out first then Twilight, then Applejack. Lightning ran out of the door next, plus motioned the remaining guys to come quick.~

"Run like the wind!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Oww...wait! My ankle aches. I can't run very well!" Jace whined.

"Don't worry, Jace, I got you."

~Fluttershy skidded and turned back to help Jace walk. She gave him her hand and was about to direct him to the door, when Pinkie Pie sped out of it and slammed it shut. It locked automatically, causing Jace and Fluttershy to stop in front of it. Fluttershy tested the door, and confirmed she and him were trapped inside.~

"Oh dear…" She whimpered.

~The five Rainbooms and Stitch and Spike cheered as they reached the bush and Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Pinkie tackled Lightning to the ground happily as they made it back and nuzzled her head.~

"Whoo-hoo! Yes! We all made it! Alright! Roll call! Lightning."


"Sunset. Twilight. Applejack."




"Stitch. Spike." Pinkie looked down and the two dogs barked in response at her feet.

Lightning pulled a vague face when she looked forward. "Uh, Pinkie?"

"Jace. Flutter...shy? Where's Jace and Fluttershy? Guys, sound off!"



~Lightning pointed at the van and everyone looked in that direction to see Jace and Fluttershy, still inside it. They were pounding on the window and showing that the door was locked. Pinkie was conflicted.~


Jace suddenly heard hurried footsteps. "Topas and Luda are coming back. Must've realised the 'ghosts' are now gone. Quick, Fluttershy! Hide in the cupboards again! I can't let them see you!" He panicked.

~Jace swung open the largest cupboard and Fluttershy crawled in. He slammed the door but didn't close it fully, since he knows Fluttershy is afraid of the darkness. The door of the van was quickly opened and Luda got into the driver's seat. Then the opposite door was opened and Topas hopped in. He went over to Jace and hugged him.~

"Jace! Woo...Glad that you're still safe. Come on, we're going to see all of our old buddies now."

~Fluttershy took one scared look at the heads of the two boys and slid down a little. She began to tremble. But as she laid back, she felt sleepy and shut her eyes. The dark, cramped spot she was in must've felt comfortable, strangely. Luda started the engine and the van quickly moved out of the station. The Rainbooms outside watched it helplessly.~

"Well, that's just great. Not only did we fail to get Jace out of the van, poor Fluttershy is trapped in there with him too! Way to go, Agent Pie!" Lightning glared.

"Hey now, Lightning, blaming Pinkie for failing the mission isn't going to help us right now." Sunset said, calmly.

Lightning sighed, placing her hand on her face. "You're right. Sorry, Pinkie, I'm getting a little frustrated here."

"It's alright, Lightnin'." Applejack assured.

"So, back to square 1, how are we going to find out where that van is going?"

~Pinkie was to suggest something, but Rainbow intervened.~

"I have an idea. Lightning, you can use your geode and follow the RV from the sky, while we stay on the trail by foot. Once it reaches its destination, you can fly back to us and lead the way."

"I guess that could work…" Applejack smugged.

"But, what if I lose them?" Lightning asked.

"Stitch and Spike can go with you. They can trace the smell. And well, you can too. You become part raccoon and they have a good sense of smell."

"Good point. Okay, We can do that." Lightning nodded.

~Stitch titled his head up at the call of his young master's voice. He then ascended on her shoulders and whined in confidence. Lightning scooped Spike up and held him in her arms tightly too.~

"We'll be back as soon as possible. It's easy to see things from up high so hopefully, we'll be quick."

"Alright then!" Applejack winked.

"Hurry back, darlings!" Rarity waved.

"You ready, boys?" Lightning asked, smirking at the pups.

"Ih." Stitch nodded.

"Born ready!" Spike barked.

"Then let's go!"

~The two dogs began yapping excitedly as Lightning floated away from the ground. She rockets straight upwards, the clouds getting closer every second. Spike and Stitch whooed and hooed as they were blasted off down the road at an amazing height and speed. The girls waved tremendously.~

"Nice thinkin', Rainbow Dash!" Applejack prompted.

"Very nice. You almost read my mind there." Twilight smirked.

Pinkie pulled a noticeable frown. "Yes, Aerial Surveillance, Great idea, Ranger Rainbow Dash!"

"What's with you?" Rainbow asked, glaring a little.

"I was about to say I had an amazing plan, but you interrupted me!"

"I'm just trying to help save Jace, not every plan has to be yours."

"And Rainbow Dash had a good plan." Sunset added.

"And there lies the problem!" Pinkie argued.

"Oh. I get it. That's why you put me on guard duty. You didn't want me in your way." Rainbow argued back.

"Really I just wanted to show you that I can be helpful, and that I'm not crazy!"

"What?-I-Were you even listening to me when we were in the hideout?! I don't think you're crazy! But, I am starting to see that you are becoming rude, Pinkie!"

"No, I'm not! It's actually called being awkward."

"Awkward?! You call this awkward? Well, then, what do you call running off in the middle of me apologising?!"

Pinkie sighed, annoyed. "I was trying to help Jace!"

"Oh, we're back to that excuse, are we?"

Applejack steps in between the two. "Hey, hey, hey. Come on, settle down y'all!"

Rainbow shook her head. "That's it. I'm going back to the hideout. You guys are on your own."

"Hey, nobody is goin' back to E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.I.A. We need to stick together as a team."

"No, I think you SHOULD go back, Rainbow, because you're just slowing us all down! There's somebody in trouble out there, and all you care about is how I am!" Pinkie harrumphed.


"Pinkie Pie, you're the one that's slowin' us down!" Applejack suddenly bursted out.


~Everyone looked down in dismay, silently saying 'Yes, it's true'. Applejack then sighed and went up to Pinkie.~

"Pinkie Pie, we love you, but-"

"Your ideas are kinda just...impractical, darling." Rarity stated.

"And you don't actually end up helping to save Jace as you so frequently claim." Twilight added.

Pinkie's eyes changed. "I can't believe you're all taking Rainbow's side!"

"What, no Pinkie, that's not what we meant-"

"Well, fine! So what if you don't need me? Guess what? I don't need you! You've clearly just underestimated my super amazing abilities! I'll just save Jace and Fluttershy-by myself!"

~With that, she turned away and stomped furiously down the pathway, deliberately skidding her foot on the gravel as she span.~

"Pinkie, you're goin' the wrong way, again…" Applejack tried to say.

"Oh, thank you very much, it's a shortcut!"

~Then it happened. A large trench appeared out of nowhere. It was right in front of Pinkie. Her foot took a step right into it and she fell straight into it. She thudded on the ground as sand and dust smoked around her like a chimney. She got up unharmed, and limped out of the trench. Rarity reached her hand out to help Pinkie up, but she slapped it away.~

"I'm going this way." Pinkie stated, moving in the opposite direction.

"So are we."

"Like Applejack said, we're sticking together, Pinkie!" Twilight confirmed.

"No we're not!" She began running away from them.

"Pinkie, come back!" They all shouted before running after her.