• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 242 Views, 3 Comments

Feud Fight (#5) - LightningStar626

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get into a massive argument, but shortly before they forgive each other, their Pixel buddy, Jace Donar, disappears.

  • ...

Chapter 12: Final Apology

Chapter 12: Final Apology.

"...Ok, this did not go out the way I planned!" Pinkie whimpered.

"Well, yeah! Of course it didn't! You charged right in!" Rainbow glared.

"Will you two stop arguing for 1 minute!?" Applejack growled. "Unless we get out of here, you two gotta stop."

"Hey! Quiet, cowgirl!" Frad sneered. "...Actually, no, keep talking, say your final words. After all, the train is now on its way."

~He was right. The train's whistle was heard and soon enough it was on the move. The girls didn't see the train depart, but the whistle was the signal to say that it has. Frad snickered softly as he watched it in all its glory. Until suddenly and slowly, Rube tapped his shoulder.~

"Frad, come on, is all this really necessary?" Rube shrugged.

"You know why we have to do this." Frad pointed at the Mane 5. "THEY will take everything from us! Our food! Our home! OUR VERY LIVES!-"

~While Frad was ranting on, The five girls squirmed and whispered to each other.~

"What are we going to do now, girls? Rarity panicked.

"Calm down, Rarity. We just need to think of somethin'. Applejack whispered.

"Applejack, don't you have a teeny tiny knife with you?" Pinkie asked.

"I did in my propeller hat. But those thievin' lunatics took it."

Rainbow frowned."Well, that plan is thrown out of the window."

"Well, even if we do escape, we'll still be fightin' 10 guys."

"And they're only 5 of us."


"We-we need Twilight, Sunset, Lightning and Jace to help us…" Fluttershy whimpered.

"We do. We need to let them know, pronto! Thin' is I can't touch my wrist calm so I can't code in." Applejack struggled to reach for her watch.

"Hey...I think I can just about reach mine…" Fluttershy said.

"Really? Well, quickly, Fluttershy, send in a code dark blue, orange, yellow, white and pink!" Rainbow ordered.

~Fluttershy softly grunted as she attempted to pull her arm over and touch the button of her wrist calm. Her finger grazed the button, but she had enough strength in that finger to press it. The code was sent and delivered successfully.~

"Nice job!" Rainbow grinned.

"Thanks, but...how long will it be until they respond?" Fluttershy asked.

"We won't know." Applejack answered.

"We will just have to hope it's soon." Rarity sighed.

"Yeah." The four nodded.

~Jace stared flabbergasted at the roller coaster. There was no doubt the coaster's knowledge; was told to him. He thundered up the stairs and into the waiting line all giddy like. More people lined up behind him and soon enough, he was stuck in the line, but he didn't mind, it was only Lightning who minded. She was puffing and panting on the stairs as she tried to catch up with him.~

"Jace...come...back…" She said, wiping her forehead. "Oh my god, I've never seen him run this fast since the corn dogs cart opened their fifty percent off discount…"

~Lightning hurried up a few more steps until she felt her watch beep once. She darted down at it and saw it flash the colour codes; indigo, orange and white.~

"A code? Dark blue? Orange? White?" Lightning sighed. "Yes, I know Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity are in danger! I saw the whole thing! Maybe it's a late code. Wait…" She then saw it flash yellow and pink. "Code yellow and pink too?" Her eyes blinked fretly. "Oh no...Frad's captured Fluttershy and Pinkie! Now I really need to find Twilight and Sunset! And get Jace!

~Her fists clenched and with more puffing and panting, Lightning continued her way to Jace. She had to inform him that his former mate had captured two more of their friends, and fast. When she got closer to him, she called out.~

"Jace! Come here! Snap out of it! Our friends are in trouble!"

"This coaster...is so amazing! I can't wait to ride it!" Jace said to himself, ignoring Lightning's calls.

"Jace Reff Donar, would you get over here right this second! Jesus Christ, I'm starting to sound like a mother scolding her child. Whatever! Jace, get back-"

A boy in the queue suddenly shoved her. "Hey! No cutting in line!"

"Yeah, go back to the end, line cutter!" said another snooty boy.

"Excuse me, I don't want to ride this coaster, I'm just going to get my friend." Lightning madly replied, putting on a deep, male voice.

"Yeah, that's what they all say! Get back down there!"

"Hey, stop pushing me!"

~The group of boys gave her one of those 'who do you think you are' looks as she shoved one of them away from her. The two suddenly end up getting into a fight, however, it didn't last long. Because in an instant, the boy tugged on Lightning's hair, snapped the hairband she was wearing straight off, and smashed on her sunglasses. Her hair came down, and she yelled in her normal, female voice.~

"AWW-GREAT! My hairband and glasses broke. Now, how am I supposed to hide my face and keep my hair...up?" She noticed the boys staring at her dumbly. "Umm, yeah, perhaps I should cut it short, and also inhale sulphur hexafluoride to fix my girly voice. What do you guys think?"


~The boys' shriek alerted others in the line. Within seconds, everyone were coming down the stairs, shouting and trying to make way. Lightning dived into the crowds, hiding from the commotion as she made her way to Jace. He was elbowed in the gut, dragged down the stairs by a bystander, and yelled at to move, but he wouldn't. Instead, he blagged his way to the front of the line for the coaster. However, when he got there, it closed up as fast as everyone ran.~

"Closed? Wait, What in the world just happened?" He asked, snapping back to reality.

Lightning flung herself beside him. "Jace! I've been spotted!" She exclaimed, gripping tightly on his shoulders.

"Oh...your disguise fell off," Jace noted. "Ok, don't panic. I'm sure the guards haven't noticed yet.

A flurry of red dots suddenly glowed onto Lightning. "What the?"

"Target locked. Fire!"

~A rain of tranquilliser darts started to come Lightning's way. Jace tackled her to the ground as the first bunch flew over them by a hair. More were suddenly sent down and Jace watches them scatter, before he could express his concern, Lightning jumped up and swooped herself and him behind a small oak tree, it the best cover she could manage.~


~Twilight, Sunset, Stitch and Spike slipped into the strange area and closed the door behind them. They began sneaking along the main hallway and up some dark stairs to a look out area. There was very little furniture in the room, just a desk full of blinking lights and buttons, two chairs, and some shelves of books. As well as four guards staring out of the window above the desk, pressing a ton of buttons on the panel. Sunset peered into the window and saw Lightning and Jace trapped in the crossfire of the darts coming from the weapons controlled by that very panel in front of them.~

"Oh no! Lightning and Jace need help!" She said to her companions.

"We need to get access to the panel and stop the weapons from firing then." observed Twilight. "But how?"

"Only one way," barked Stitch. "Create a diversion. Spike and me got ya."

~At that very moment, Stitch and Spike darted out from under their hiding spot and began to snap at all the guards' legs. The surprised soldier swore and tried to kick them out of the way. Spike avoided the boot easily enough and, barking for all he was worth, attacked again. Then more guards joined in the fray and soon everyone was shouting and jerring at the comical sight of the four soldiers dancing about trying to keep their ankles from being nipped by these crazy dogs. While all this commotion was taking place, Sunset and Twilight simply accessed the panel and switched a lever and deactivated the blasters. Lightning opened her eyes and looked at the window from the distance. She clicked on her wrist calm.~

"Thanks a bunch, Sundown and Dusk!" She exclaimed in the watch as Sunset answered it.

"You're welcome!" Sunset waved back.

"Oh, guys, Frad now has Fluttershy and Pinkie."

"Wait, what?" Jace gasped.

"Yeah! We need to find them. Does that panel have a surveillance camera?"

"Yes!" Twilight called. "We'll have a look."

~Twilight began clicking and coding on a few buttons until she looked behind her and saw nine cameras switch on. She and Sunset gasped at one of them.~

"What?" called Lightning.

"They're in someplace dark." Twilight explained. "And has train tracks?"

"Inside the tunnel!" exclaimed Jace. "Quick, Lightning, let's get there now!" He seized her hand and ran.

"We'll meet you guys there once we help Stitch and Spike!" Sunset yelled.

"Hurry!" Lightning replied.

"Has everybody said their last words?" Frad grimaced as he looked into the girls' faces.

"Yes…" The Mane 5 reluctantly answered sadly.

"Finally! I've wanted you to shut up since the beginning."

"Wait." Rohas interjected. "The pink one hasn't said a word." He addressed Pinkie.

"She probably has nothing to say. Let's just get on with the SHOW!"

"Now, hold on there, Frad, I do believe the girl may have something on her mind." said Chip.

"Yeah, give the gal a sporting chance." Rohas nodded.

"No, don't." Rainbow spoke up. "If she hasn't spoken, she's made it clear how she feels."

"Okay, good, and I FEEL, that this has gone on long enough." Frad whispered lividly.

Pinkie began childishly thrashing. "Wait! I...have something to say now. Please! Let me say it..."

Frad sighed. "Fine. But, you only have 4 minutes."

"Are you serious? Can I get 5?"

"Hey, you better hurry up." Stato eyed.

"Ugh, Okay." Pinkie turned to Rainbow Dash. "Rainbow Dash, I'm really, really, really, really sorry. For everything. All I've thought about this day was only Jace and myself. It's-just that-before we tried to apologise, I wanted to make you a cake. It was going to be 100 layers tall, the greatest cake I've ever made in my life! But, it sorta...melted. I was crushed, so I didn't feel like apologizing."

Frad kept counting the seconds. "Tick...Tick...Tick…" He taunted.

"I felt even more worse when you parted me with a gift, and all I gave was a stupid small cupcake!" Pinkie let out a sigh. "I should've realised that it didn't matter, and that our friendship is more important."


"I should have just kept my hopes up high, and apologised right there. I'm sorry. Again."


Rainbow's eyes eased up and she looked at Pinkie in concern. "Wow, Pinkie. Why didn't you say any of this before? I would've understood. Like I do now. And, well if you did apologise, you probably wouldn't have noticed that Jace was in danger. I'm sorry for getting mad. Again."

~The two exchanged a smile as did the others around them. Even the boys listened to their conversation with great passion and wanted to ask a lot of probing questions about them. Frad was the only one not smiling. He folded his arms impatiently, awaiting to hear those words.~

"Thank you. Ok! I'm ready to die now!" Pinkie braced.

"Finally!" Frad grimaced eagerly and insanely.

Rainbow blinked and began thrashing. "No! Wait! I'm not! WAIT!"


~A blast of frozen water shot down from the end of the tunnel, nearly hitting Frad in the hand. Everyone looked across and saw none other than Lightning Star, in her penguin form, and Jace Donar booking it down the hallway of the tunnel, heading straight for them. They then sauntered when they got closer, then stopped and glared fiercely, especially at Frad, who mirrored their eyes.~

"Jace?" The boys exclaimed.

"Jace…" Frad said with a hint of amazement.

"What is going on here?!" Jace demanded.

"Nothing. Nothing that concerns you." Frad snapped.

"Really?" Lightning spoke up. "'Cause it looks like you're about to crush our friends with a giant toy train!"

"'Cause they are!" Rainbow called.

"Quiet, Skittles!" Frad ordered. He glanced back at Jace. "What are you doing here?"

"We came to save our friends." Lightning answered.

"I wasn't talking to you! UGH-None of this would have ever happened if Jace just stayed with us and learnt to hate girls!"

"No, Frad, none of this would have ever happened if you hadn't had a hatred for girls!" Jace bursted.

"He's right, you know, Frad." Rohas spoke up.


Chip frowned solemnly. "Your anger has gotten more violence over the years. Look at yourself. You are about to murder 5 innocent girls who have done nothing to you."

"They took Jace! Our friend Jace. 9 months ago, they stole him!"

"No, they didn't. I spoke with them, and they have only known him for a day." Rohas confirmed.

"You actually BELIEVED them!?"

"Yes. I can see they're telling the truth."

"You don't see what I see inside girls, Frad." Jace spoke up. "What you see is a treacherous, menacing animal. What I see is a beautiful, amiable person that's no different from guys. I left because of your insane hatred, Frad. I left to start a new life, and a future with a special girl who loves me."

Frad stopped glaring. "YOU have a girlfriend?! NO...you can't! YOU CAN'T!"

"Of course I can! You can't control me! She is the most sweetest, kindest and most thoughtful girl I could ever ask for."

"He's not wrong…" Lightning smiled. "Karly is a gem…"

"YOU'RE LYING! This isn't what I wanted!"


"You'll learn to hate girls, Jace, I know you will. Grab the girl beside him and put her with the others."

~All the boys hesitated. They are now seeing the true colours, and are having doubts about Frad's view of girls. So they stood and watched as one guy, who was still on Frad's side, stalk over to Lightning and Jace. He tried to grab Lightning, but they fought back. Jace swung his fist at the guy's face and made him stumble back. Lightning smiled then slid down to sweep the guy's legs. He fell down with a thud as the she and Jace stood proudly.~

"Darn it…" Frad grumbled.

"Yeah, you messed with the wrong girls, man. You have absolutely no idea what we're capable of!" Lightning said to Frad.

"Oh, Don't I? Well, better make sure I don't see what you're capable of then! If it's that bad, let's end this!"

~Frad smirked as he heard the chugging of the train behind him.~

"Too bad, you won't have time to stop the train!" He grinned. "Goodbye. GIRLS!"

~The good guys looked ahead and heard the chugging get closer and closer. Suddenly, the train came around the corner and was heading straight for the tunnel and the Mane 5. They cried and struggled dearly to try to get away last minute but they wouldn't budge. They looked at Lightning and Jace for help, but they froze in fear. Besides, they wouldn't be quick enough to stop it or even think of something to stop it. But before the train could crush one of the girls, a magic pulse came out of nowhere and halted the train by grabbing onto its wheels. A figure, that also came out of nowhere, then ran between the gang and jumped on the train. They found the lever controlling the brakes and pulled it back as hard as they could. The engine slowly began to stop chugging and the wheels screeched. The train finally came to a stop and everyone sighed. The magic faded away from the wheels, and Twilight Sparkle stepped out, hands still glowing from the use of her magic. Sunset Shimmer peeked out from the side on the train too.~

"Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Sunset!" Applejack cheered.

Stitch and Spike scurried across the floor to Lightning and Jace's side. "We made it!" They both barked.

Sunset approached Lightning and Jace. "Is everyone alright?"

"We are now!" Jace nodded.

"I'm glad we got here in time to stop that train."

"Talk about acting fast." Twilight nodded.

"WHAT THE-How many of you are there?!" Frad asked angrily, taken aback by the sudden appearance of more girls.

"Enough." Lightning glared. "I told you you messed with the wrong girls!"

"Honestly, Jace, have you befriended every girl in the world?!"

"No! But I would like to." He answered smugly.

Frad muffled in anger. "THIS IS RIDICULOUS!"

Sunset spat. "He's the one to talk."

"Wow, he's even crazier than I thought." Twilight whispered.

"Stay calm, men! Don't let them touch you! They will poison you!"

"Really? So, no boy will mind if I...lightly jab them on the arm with my finger?" Lightning held out her finger and began to stalk over to Frad.


~With a flying dive, Frad brought himself crashing to the ground in a state of fear. He fumbled as he scrambled to his feet and raced off. The boys followed him.~

"That's what I thought." harrumphed Lightning.