• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 245 Views, 3 Comments

Feud Fight (#5) - LightningStar626

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get into a massive argument, but shortly before they forgive each other, their Pixel buddy, Jace Donar, disappears.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Rescue Attempt No. 1

Chapter 4: Rescue Attempt No. 1

"Do any o' y'all even know where we're goin'?" Applejack's voice called.

~Spike was the last to jump out of the portal. He landed on all fours then was lifted off the ground by Fluttershy. The Rainbooms, Stitch and Spike just stood around for a moment and discussed where to go. Lightning Star placed her hand above her eyes and started scanning the car park of Pixel High School to see if she could find a lead. Pinkie Pie leapt beside her.~

"Whatcha doing, Lightning?" She asked.

"Trying to see if Jace or his abductors have generously left any clues for us behind…" She answered seriously. "Like a lock of hair, an accessory, the zipper on his jacket. Anything Stitch, Spike, or even me for that matter, can sniff…"

"Oh! I can help you!" Pinkie literally began sniffing the area like a bloodhound. "Ah-ha!"

"Find something?"

"How about this?!"

~Pinkie pushes herself up from the ground before rushing over to Lightning and thrusting a clue into her face. She plucks it out of her hand and examines it. It was pretty difficult though because it was small and thin.~

"It's a thread." Lightning stated.

"A red thread! Maybe it comes from Jace's jacket!"

"Maybe...But his jacket is a unique shade of red. Thing is, I can never tell what shade of any colour is…"

"Oh, it's ruby." Rarity stated.

Lightning turned to her. "I'm sorry?"

"That is a shade of ruby. The finest of reds. And if I recall, Jace's jacket is indeed ruby. I love to examine people's clothing."

"Oh. Well, thanks."

"Must I say as well, that his jacket isn't just ruby. It's also, lipstick red, spicy orange, summer sunset, and-"

"Yeah, I figured that too. It's tartan. Anyways...Stitch! Or Spike! Come here, boys!"

~Lightning softly slapped her thigh twice, signalling the dogs to come to her. Spike raced up to her first and panted. She held out the thread to his nose as he already began to sniff it. Once he was done, he began sniffing the floor. His ears then shot up high.~

"I've got a scent. This way! Follow me!" Spike barked, wagging his tail too.

~At once, the dogs scampered off. The girls quickly followed behind them before they went too far or out of their sight. Lightning and Pinkie ran side by side and in the middle, between everyone else. After 1 minute of running, everyone slowed down to a walk. They were already panting like animals. They had to hurry and find Jace because who knows what's happening to him right now, but they know couldn't. Lightning pulled a sad face as she panted so Pinkie tried to lighten up the mood and lift her spirits.~

"Isn't this exciting, Lightning?"

"Exciting? Mind telling me what's so exciting about this?"

"We're going on another adventure! A quest! Off to find our lost friend in this mysterious city and save him from evilness that lies afoot!"

"You can say that again…" Rainbow said, as came up behind the two girls.

"Oh, hey Rainbow." Lightning said.

Pinkie gulped. "Uh oh…"

"Sooooooo, Pinkie Pie, can I talk with you...alone?" Rainbow shot a look at Lightning.

She noticed it right away. "Oh! Um! Hey! I wonder what Fluttershy and Rarity are talking about!"

~She threw her hands behind her back before taking a large step forward and wandering ahead, leaving Rainbow and Pinkie to settle some unfinished business.~

"W-what's up, Rainbow?" Pinkie said uneasily.

"Well, it's just that...when we were in the hideout, trying to apologise...you looked like you didn't want to anymore."

"Whaaat? Don't be ridiculous, Dashie!"

"Come on, Pinkie. I know I was a bit of a jerk back then, but I'm really sorry. I was just angry. You know I didn't mean any harm."

"I know. I'm...just...worried now."

"Worried? About what?"

"Umm...Umm-About Jace!"


"Yeah! You know, about him...being alone...and scared...afraid that he will never see us again!" Pinkie put her fist to her chest and put her head down dramatically.

Rainbow raised a brow. "We've only known him for a day-"

"But Lightning and Karly haven't!" Pinkie interrupted, flying into Rainbow's face. "Karly had already had a bad day yesterday so I don't want it to be badder today! And Lightning! Well, she's actually doing ok, but you get my point!"

"Right, so this has nothing to do with me? You're only worried about everyone else?"

"Yes! Yes I am! But, of course, I was a little scared of you back there...because of what happened. Here, I'll apologise to you now and get it done, okay? I'm-"

"There he is!"

~Spike pointed his snout across the road and the others followed it to see the caravan parked in a petrol station. The girls bent down behind a large nearby bush and got a good look at the van. They zoomed and enhanced inside and saw Jace in the window. Everyone couldn't believe it. They smiled in relief.~

"Oh. Wow." Lightning pouted.

"Well done, Spike!" Fluttershy smiled, patting the pup on the head.

"Hey, what luck huh, Pinkie!?" Rainbow nudged Pinkie's arm. "You don't have to worry too much about Jace now!"

Pinkie began to sweat. "Uh-Well, that could be someone else! Ha-ha! It is hard to see."

"We zoomed and enhanced, Pinkie, It's him alright." Lightning confirmed.

"Look! He's wavin at us!" Applejack pointed.

~Applejack nodded at the glass and Jace through it. He had his arm up high and was waving it like no tomorrow. He was also shouting at them, but they could hardly hear him because they were pretty far away and the glass was pretty study and almost soundproof.~

"Girls! I'm over here!" They could just about hear him say.

Lightning waved back to signal that they saw him. "Hang tight, Jace, we're coming!" She then called.

"Alright, girls. We need a plan." Sunset said.

"I have one!" Pinkie suddenly said out loud.

"You do?" Twilight asked, rather surprised.

"Yeah! Ok, here's what I'm thinking. Applejack, Sunset and Twilight will be the entry team!"


"Gotcha, Pinkie Pie!" Applejack nodded firmly, fist clenched hard.

"Fluttershy, Stitch, Spike, smash and grab! That's all ya gotta do!"

Fluttershy was confused. "Umm…?"

"Roger that!" Stitch barked.

"Lightning, you're with me! Let's limit the casualties, people!"

~Pinkie grabbed the bush they were hiding behind and lifted it up to her hip. She winded up and was about speed off but was cut off by Rainbow Dash.~

"Wait! What about me and Rarity?"

"Yes, what can we do?" Rarity asked.

Pinkie slowly rotated around. "Uhhh, yeah, you two can stay there and loook...out! Lookout! Yeah, you two can be the lookouts! And maybe you can guard the trees too!"

"Wait, really? That's the best you've got? Pi-Pinkie Pie!"

~Before Rainbow could shout anymore, Pinkie was off. She sped across the roads, and remained shallow beneath the bushes. She flopped them and herself down once she was in the grassy patch of dirt right beside where the van was parked. She shook the leaves as she poked her head out and gestured the others to come along and to where she was.~

"Come on guys." Lightning commanded.

~Everyone, minus Rainbow Dash and Rarity, nodded and began to cross the road very safely and sneakily. Fluttershy kept Stitch and Spike under her arms as they crossed. They pressed themselves up against the caravan doors and looked around to see if they were seen by anyone. They weren't. Lightning, Applejack and Pinkie peeked through the window of the van and Jace smiled at them and placed his hand on the glass.~

"Oh, thank goodness. You guys came for me!" Jace said in relief.

"Yes, okay, now Jace, be quiet, your captors might hear you." Lightning whispered.

"Actually, I don't think they can hear anything due to them wearing headphones."

~Sunset pointed to the passenger's window and at Topas and Luda inside. The two boys were rocking out to a song on their phones, not paying attention outside. Both had their eyes closed so they didn't see the girls spy on them.~

"Oh. Lucky break then." Lightning said.

"So, how are we going to get inside?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie jumped off the caravan roof. "Simple! First, we need a grappling hook, a 30 foot rope, a winch, a pulley, a truck with an open engine block, and a tin of sardines!"

"Uhh...why don't we just open the door, Pinkie Pie?" Applejack patted the door.

"I'm trying to think outside a box here!" Pinkie shrugged.

"Well, think outside the van!" Lightning snickered. "Okay, sorry that was bad. Let's go!"

"Wait!" Twilight exclaimed.

"What's wrong, Twilight?"

"We can't just go in there! Jace's abductors are still inside. Of course they wouldn't be able to hear us, but they will definitely see us!"

"Ah. Yeah. You're right. We gotta lure them out." Lightning said.

"But how?" asked Fluttershy.

~Suddenly, everyone heard the caravan slam on the other side. They looked around the corner of the van and saw Topas and Luda exiting the vehicle.~

"Ok, now that your favourite song has finished, can we fill the tank now?" Luda asked smugly.

"Yes, of course. I'm also gonna get some supplies!" Topas smiled, pointing at the station shop.

"Supplies? We're not doing some sort of road trip."

"No, but I'm really in the mood for chocolate!"

Luda sighed. "Very well. But be quick."

~Topas skipped and headed straight into the convenience shop of the station. All the girls were completely dumbfounded on how much luck they are getting right now.~

Lightning silently blinked twice. "...Convenience strikes again…"

"Okay, Now we can head in." Twilight nodded.

"Alright then, everyone single file, and be quiet." Sunset ordered.

~Checking to make sure no one was watching, the girls and Stitch and Spike creak the metal door open and clamber onto and into the caravan. Lightning awkwardly stumbled in first and nearly headbutted Jace upon doing so. But, she shook it off and hugged him when she gained her balance back.~


"Lightning!" Jace hugged back tightly.

"Oh my gosh-Are you ok? I was so worried!"

"No, I'm fine, I just don't know what's gotten into-"

"Who are those guys?" Twilight interrupted.

"They are my old friends, but-"

"Why have they taken you?" inquired Sunset.

"They want to take me to-"

"Did they hurt you?!" Pinkie gasped.

Jace started to get a little annoyed. "I-No. I just said to Lightning that I'm fine, but-"

"Okay, You know what, you can tell us on the way back, let's just get you out of here!" Lightning snatched Jace's hand.

Jace stuttered in shock. "Lightning, wait, I'm-"

~Lightning pulled and ran for the door, but something suddenly tugged both her and Jace back and they tumbled backwards into the table.~

Lightning spat. "Da-ack! What the…?"

~A jingling sound was suddenly heard from below Jace's feet. The girls all looked down and noticed a large shackle around one of Jace's ankles. It was connected to a chain that linked up to the handle of a cupboard. It was wrapped on tightly.~

"I'm chained to the cupboard…" Jace said with a sigh.

"...Right. Of course, no criminal would leave their captive alone in an unlocked vehicle without restraining them. Another plan's necessary, guys!" Lightning said sternly.

"Okay, I need a minute to think then!" said Pinkie, who began to trot back and forth, trying to think of something.

"Uh, well, I was just going to say that Lightning could use her special pocket knife, or Applejack could use her strength." Twilight shrugged.

"Oh yeah! Okay."

~With a smug, Lightning reached into her jacket pocket and revealed her old small pocket knife. She set it to the safe cracker tool and thrust it right into the lock of the shackle. She began fiddling inside and was hoping to hear that ionic click, but instead, she heard a drilling sound. It then stopped. Lightning pulled out the tool and stared at it confusingly. It was all bent and out of shape now, the lock had destroyed it completely.~

Lightning was in shock. "Oh wow...okay…Um, Applejack! Show us how it's done!"

~Lightning stood back and let Applejack through. She kneeled down and grabbed onto the fetter around Jace's ankle firmly. Her geode glowed bright orange as she got ready, then she tugged as hard as she could. She grunted and, but the shackle didn't not break at all, or even budge. Applejack let out one last grunt as she let go.~

"DogGoneIt!" She then yelled.

"You can't break it either?" asked Sunset, shockingly.

"Nope. This is one mighty chain."

"So, how are we gonna to break it?" Spike asked, sniffing on the fetter.

"Hmm...I got it!" Pinkie said, clicking her fingers.