• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 245 Views, 3 Comments

Feud Fight (#5) - LightningStar626

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get into a massive argument, but shortly before they forgive each other, their Pixel buddy, Jace Donar, disappears.

  • ...

Chapter 3: The Girl-Hating Campers

Chapter 3: The Girl-Hating Campers.

~Once Topas and Luda made it out of the portal with Jace firmly in their arms, they went to the nearby car park and approached a mini caravan. It was pretty small, but it had a nice fitting kitchen and lounging area inside. Topas dumped Jace on one of the seats then sat down beside him, while Luda sat in the driver's seat and drove the caravan off.~

"I can't believe we found you Jace, it's been so long!" Topas hugged Jace again.

"I know, Topas. You have said that like 3 times now." Luda sighed.

"Yeah, because I'm so happy! It must have been scary spending time near girls...Oh my gosh, I bet you no boy's gonna believe that we found him! Should I call them and let them know…?"


~Before Luda could give an answer, Topas was already on the phone, tapping buttons, then holding it up to his face, mainly around his ear. Luda shrugged and just kept his eyes on the road. Jace escaped Topas' grip once he got out his phone and just rested comfortably on the seats. He would try to say something, but Topas will probably interrupt him and not let him speak again. And he was right.~

"Topas, can I-"

"Hello? Hey! Rube! Where's your brother?"

~Jace sighed and stared out the window, giving up on trying to talk to his 'captor'.~

"He doesn't want to talk?" Topas asked on the line. "But this is urgent! And way too exciting for me to keep inside me! We found Jace! No, really, it's true! Jace, say hi."

~Topas directed the phone in Jace's direction as he turned away from the window. Jace looked at the phone unbothered, but still shrugged and mumbled a small greeting into the phone.~


"Heh. Did you hear that?"

~The phone call went on for some time. Topas and whoever was on the other line were laughing and having fun, while Jace was just lost in thought and sad. After the conversation ended, Topas hung up on the phone and put her arm around Jace.~

~Somewhere else, inside another travelling caravan, a boy just placed his phone down on the table. This boy wore heavy, baggy clothes such as a brown and white knitted jumper and long black jeans that he could easily trip over. He drooped down to the side and peered over and around the caravan. He saw his mother driving on the left, and the back of a boy's head sitting by the window on his right. He called out to the boy.~

"Hey, Frad..."

~Frad opened his eyes and rotated around to face the person that interrupted his music. His white afro was all fuzzy like and just laid on top of his head all round. He wore a white polo shirt along with an aqua blue bowtie around the collar. He also had the same black jeans as his brother. Frad stared coldly at Rube, as if he didn't matter, then sighed.~

"You know, Rube...it is rude to interrupt someone while they're jamming on their jams." Frad said, unplugging his headphones from his ears.

"I don't really know what that means." Rube replied.

"It means, do not disturb me."

"Ok, so...you don't want to hear what I have to say..."

"No! Because everything you say is always a waste of my time, you moron. Last time you interrupted me, it was for a sample of your dry biscuits. They were gross just as I expected."

Rube glared at his older brother heavily. "Jace has been found." He then mumbled.

"Excuse me?"

"Topas and Luda found Jace and are bringing him to the camp for this year."

"Really? Seriously? Like, actually? Right now?" Frad smirked. "How exciting. Jace won't be missing out this year after all. Have the others been notified?"

"I don't know." Rube shrugged.

"Well, then pick up the phone again and tell them. Do I have to do it myself?"

~Rube strangely remained calm and did as his brother ordered. He reached for his phone again and dialed some numbers. They answered rather quickly and Rube and the people on the other line began talking. At first they were discussing the news and celebrating over it, but then they began talking about random things Frad did not wish to hear, he plugged his earphones back in his ears and turned his music up to the max.~

"I'm going to pretend, I didn't hear that." He said to himself.

"Hey, uh, Frad?" Rube suddenly called.

"Yes?" Frad asked, with a hint of irritation.

"How long will it be again 'til we get to the camp? 'Cause I need to go."


~Frad sighed disappointingly, ignored the question and just turned away to the window again. Silence filled the air for about 5 seconds until the sound of a stomach gurgling suddenly came. Rube looked at his belly and felt it vibrate.~

"Seriously. I gotta go. Real bad."

Frad emerged from his seat angrily and cornered Rube. "I SAID it was going to be a long ride, but you never listen! You drive me absolutely crazy, every time we leave the house! EVERY. TIME! Do you know what I have to do now? What you put me through is so-"

~Frad slapped his hand on Rube's shoulder and forcefully shoved him against the window. It looked like he was about to hit him hard, but he didn't. Because he noticed that his mother was staring at him from the rear view mirror.~

"Fraddie! Stop tormenting your brother!" She ordered. "Otherwise I will turn this van around and we will go home!"

~Frad loved his mother a lot and didn't want to get on her bad side so he settled down and scarcely shot an apologetic look at Rube. It was very surprising that Rube stayed calm during all that. He didn't even blink.~

"Come on, help a brother out." Rube then said calmly.

Frad sighed and released Rube's shoulder. "I hate doing this for you…"

"Yeah, but you do it so well."

~Frad turned and stomped to the front of the caravan, hands shoved in his large pockets. He approached the driver, his mother, and sighed deeply.~

"What's wrong, Frad, honey?" The mother asked.

"I don't feel so good." He fibbed. "My motion sickness is coming up." He clutched his stomach.

"Oh no, again? I thought you took your travel sickness pills."

"They never work! I feel...feel…"

"Oh gosh-Ok! We'll stop for some fresh air! Call your friends and say!"

~Rube didn't need to be told. He was already on the phone with them. Their caravan parked up by a nearby small local picnic area. Frad opened the door and hopped out immediately in a fuss.~

"Tell me when you feel better, Frad!" Their mother called.

Rube pushed passed Frad. "Outta my way, outta my way! I don't mean to be rude but I gotta go!"

"Boys, come gather round by that rock while Rube does his business in the bushes."

~As Frad stomped off somewhere, more caravans suddenly appeared and parked beside the first one. All were different colours so they could easily be told apart. All the doors opened and one boy jumped out of each one. There were a total of four boys, plus Frad and Rube, so six. The boys looked around the place, then greeted each other before walking over to Frad, who perched himself on a large rock.~

"Frad?" One boy called. "Oh. Did Rube forget to go to the bathroom again?"

"Seems like it, Chip." A tall boy came up behind the first boy and placed his hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and looked up. "Oh, Rohas. Hi. How are you?"

"Just Fine. You're looking rather handsome today." Rohas answered as he smirked.

"Why, thank you." Chip began to blush, but shook it off rather quickly. "Umm...Hey, Frad's waiting for us."

"Stato! Old buddy!" Another boy called out and waved, rather slurpy.

Stato looks over and groans. "Oh boy…"

"Stato, it's been ages…"

"Actually, it's only been 9 months, Rogar…" Stato sighed.

"Really? It seems like such a long time…" Rogar put his arm around Stato.

He shook it off. "How many times do I have to say this? Every 9 months, we come together, discuss the latest news, then go to our favourite amusement park, and have a good time." He explained rather slowly.

"We do?" Rogar questioned.

"Yes! We do! Is this not ringing a bell?"

"...Stato, it's been ages…" Rogar repeated.

Stato groaned again. "This is going to be a long day…"

~Chip, Rohas, Stato and Rogar all huddled up and made their way over to the spiked rock that Frad was sitting on. He didn't greet them, but he listened to what they discussed next. Rube suddenly came and joined them after too.~

"Hey, Frad. Did you hear that Topas and Luda found Jace, isn't that great?" Stato smiled, avoiding Rogar as discreetly as possible.

"After all these months? That is great! I was worried he wouldn't be here for this time. Glad he will be today." Chip admitted.

"What ever happened to the lad during that time anyway?" Rohas asked.

"I don't know. But, Topas and Luda said he was hanging with girls...Teenagers, nonetheless."

~The boys gasped.~

"Girls?! Jesus…" Rohas breathed.

"Well, I'm glad they didn't hurt him." Stato said.

"Or kill him." Chip added.

"Or...worse." Frad finally spoke up. "I was once in the vicious clutches of a pack of girls. It scarred me badly."

"I know, Frad you mention this to me every day." Rube sighed.

"But, we never heard the story of what happened. Are you brave enough and willing to share it this time?" asked Chip.

"Yeah, What was it like, my friend?" Rohas encouraged.

Frad raised a brow and sighed dramatically. "Oh, It is too, Painful, for me to talk about. But...Gather 'round."

~A flashback occurs in Frad's head and he pictures himself as a young child again, about six, maybe seven years old. He was kneeling on the ground and playing with a small fire truck toy. He kept giggling and pushing it back and forth, having a grand old time with it. His mother was sitting on a park bench, but she was distracted by something on her phone so she didn't see was what about to happen.~

Frad began to narrate. "There I was...alone...in the forsaken park. The only sound I heard was the screeching of the wheels coming from cars and my toy. The park was empty, not a person in sight to annoy me, but then suddenly…"

~Young Frad winds up his toy then fires it off in the distance. However, it suddenly hits the leg of someone and they yelp in surprise. Small Frad smiles and looks up to see who he accidentally hit and goes in awe when he realised it was a girl, she looked to be around 14 years old. She turned and stared down at the toy that hit her. Then, she scowled. She snatched the toy off the ground and bent it in her arms. Looking at little Frad evilly, she then blew a raspberry at him as well as tear the ladder straight off the truck. Young Frad gasped. The girl then laughed as she ran off with it. Young Frad got up anxiously and was about pursue her, but he stopped when he felt three more girls appear behind him.~

"They were everywhere. And There was no escape."

~Young Frad whimpered and cowered as the teenagers towered over him and began to playfully but cruelly shove him back and forth like a ragdoll. Frad fell to the ground and scraped his knee upon landing, he began bleeding and crying while the girls continued laughing. The girl with Frad's toy suddenly called out to the girls and they went off, still laughing. They crossed the nearby road and began to go away, but Frad wanted its toy back so he followed them. He cautiously crept across the roads, but during halfway, he fell over.~

"My life flashed before my eyes, and then the unspeakable. "

~As Frad curled up on the road in pain, a shining sporty car suddenly came around the corner and screeched as it turned. It was heading straight for Frad! He spotted it and his eyes went wide and wild, right before it thundered over his leg and flattened it with its wheels.~

"What happened? Did you live?" Stato asked, interrupting but finishing the flashback.

"What Happened?! I'll show you...what...happened."

~Frad slumped down deeply on the rock, and roughly pulled up the left part of his baggy trousers. There everyone saw obviously and visibly, a twisted, bent, messed up leg. It was quite a sight to behold.~

"Would This be a lesson to you all?!" Frad pointed at his leg.

~All the boys gasped once again.~

"That...is disturbing…"

"Ooh! How ghastly!" Chip groaned. "It's so twisted."

"That is one sad leg..." Rohas sighed sadly.

"I lost two things that day. My innocence...and my fire truck…" Frad said quietly.

"It's a cruel world, isn't it…?"

~All the boys nodded their heads in agreement with Chip. Suddenly, not long after they nodded, a car pulled up and parked beside the caravan. A couple of young parents get out of the vehicle, along with a baby girl. The mother placed her child in a little push chair then went to help the father, who was rummaging in the boot in search of something. Frad looked at the baby in disgust.~

"Speak of the devil. Disgusting."

"Oh no, not the sweet, baby type of girls…" Rube frowned.

Frad jumped down. "Don't you understand?! We must all remain vigilant! Even one, little sweet girl can lead us to those dark days...of anarchy!"

"Come on, she's so cute."

Frad grabbed Rube's shirt. "Pay Attention! Even one little sweet girl can invest us all! Like the fleas, on our dogs back, they must all be eradicated!"

~Frad threw his brother down then charged at the pushchair. He screamed as loud as he could to get the girl's attention.~


~Frad growled like a hound and continued as he got closer and closer to the baby. Frad's mother suddenly looked up from what she was doing and saw Frad about to attack.~

"Fraddie! Heel!" She screamed.

~Frad's eyes loosened up when he heard his mother call. He skidded across the gravel then stopped directly in front of the baby in time. He lets himself breath for a moment, then he proceeds to threaten the child. She looked at him with terror.~

"One day, you vile little beast, ONE DAY I will personally teach you a lesson YOU. WILL. NEVER. FORGET!" He turns and walks back. "Coming, mother…" He then called sweetly.

~The little girl's eyes teared up rapidly, then she began wailing in fear and distress.~