• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 242 Views, 3 Comments

Feud Fight (#5) - LightningStar626

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get into a massive argument, but shortly before they forgive each other, their Pixel buddy, Jace Donar, disappears.

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Argument

E.Q.U.E.S.T.R.I.A Spies: Feud Fight (5#)

Chapter 1: The Argument.

~Mirus Hallot kicked down the music room door with all of his might. The wood splintered and thumped against the wall furiously before it was stopped from swinging back by Fierra Mortal. She glanced at Mirus in an unsettling manner and was about to say something when Lightning Star appeared from behind.~

"Thanks for coming by, guys!" She said to them cheerfully.

"Anytime!" said Arianna Blairet. "Glad we could catch...up."

"Yes, it's been fun!" Mirus nodded with 100% seriousness.

Fierra pulled another unsettling face at him. "Fun!? Mirus, we were almost murdered by a crazy doctor!"

"But, we weren't!"

"But, we could have."

"But, we weren't."

"But, we could have."

"But, we weren't."

"Ugh! Ok! Whatever! I'm not doing this with you!" Fierra turned away.

"See you until next time!" Arianna laughed nervously.

~Mirus, full of energy and eager to explore everything he could, had already raced off ahead. It took the two girls, Arianna and Fierra, a while to catch up with him, since he is surprisingly very fast. Lightning waved to them as they ran off and out the school and into the portal in a matter of seconds. Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity (The Rainbooms) suddenly showed up at the broken door at just about the right time to see the Pixels leave.~

"Bye, Pixels." Twilight said.

"They left quite quickly, didn't they?" Fluttershy exclaimed softly.

"Well, they have things to do." Lightning shrugged. "Fierra has to 'circle the web' whatever that means. And Mirus and Arianna wanted to go home."

"Oh, they're gone? Already?" Jace Donar peeked out around the door. "I thought they'd stay for at least another hour."

"Jace? Aren't you heading off too?" Sunset asked.

"Oh no, I'm staying with you guys for the week. I have clothes and essentials! I just feel like Karly needs me. You know, ever since what happened…"

Rarity nodded. "I suppose. The poor girl is still shaken up from when she was held captive by Devil."

"We should probably go see how she's catchin' up." Applejack replied.

"Yeah, I think she needs comforting." Lightning nodded.

~The gang looked around at each other then agreed on that plan. Looking down at their feet and the trap door, they ambled over to it, but before Lightning, Rarity, or anyone could play the tune to open it up, a loud splash was heard from inside. Next thing they heard was Rainbow Dash shouting and groaning.~


"DASHIE! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" They then heard Pinkie Pie cry.

"Um...what was that?" Jace asked in concern.

~Jace and the girls rapidly played the tune, opened the door and raced downstairs to see what the commotion was. Rainbow Dash had her foot buried deep inside a tin bucket filled to the brim with a strange green liquid. However, when Rainbow Dash accidentally stepped into the bucket, the density caused the green liquid to rise and overflow in the bucket and drip down on the floor. It was cold and sticky so Rainbow was shivering as well as gagging. Pinkie Pie was also there, staring at the bucket and her friend in a mild shock.~

"What is this stuff?!" Rainbow turned to Pinkie, glaring sharply.

"Green goop from my green goop stash." Pinkie shrugged. "I was moving the buckets I had of it to my room…"

"Then WHY was it right outside my door?!"

"I put it there for a moment but it wasn't by your room."

"Then how did it get there?"

"I don't know. Maybe I wandered there."

"Pinkie, goop doesn't have a mind of its own. Just take you stupid buckets and put them in you room."

"They are not stupid! They are a fine function to my stash of things. They also make good hats and drums!"

"It's stupid."

"Excuse me?!"

~Everyone stood a good distance away from the two as they argued. They all had a look of terror in their eyes, Fluttershy even cowered behind Applejack and held onto her arm, she did not like what was happening at all.~

"O-Oh dear…" Fluttershy whimpered.

Karly Crystal suddenly comes out from her room, eyes completely tearstrained. "What's...happening?" She asked tiredly.

"I don't even understand why you HAVE the green goop stash!" Rainbow yelled.

"I have a stash for everything! You know that!" Pinkie replied.

"Yes, but WHY? That's the question!"

"Rainbow Dash, you know that we don't question Pinkie Pie. It's Pinkie Pie!" Applejack stated.

"Yeah, well, I'm tired of it!"

Pinkie gasped and put her hand to her chest. Her eyes bulged in disbelief. "You...You're tired of me?!"

"...Yeah. I guess I am. You're too crazy, and messy, and you keep your disgusting stuff everywhere! I think you've been hanging around with Mirus too long. You've become stupid like him!"

Rarity gasped. "Rainbow Dash! Surely you don't mean that!"

"Yes I do! Now get out of my way!"

~Rainbow lifts her foot out of the bucket and shoves Pinkie away from her direction. She hobbled over to the stairs and went up them, leaving a trail of green goop on the floor. A squelching sound was also heard with every step Rainbow took with the foot covered in goop. After she went upstairs and slammed the piano shut, Pinkie's eyes began to fill with tears. She hiccupped sadly then raced into her room/office and slammed the door shut. The rest were left dumbfounded.~

"Well, this had got to be the most intense start of a story by far." Lightning said, looking half at the ground, half at the fourth wall.

~1 day later, in her house, Pinkie Pie awoke with a frown on her face. The thought of what Rainbow Dash said yesterday still hurt her. She wriggled on her stomach and hung over the edge of her bed, then eventually slipped out of it. She stood up rather gloomy like, got changed quickly and scurried downstairs to the kitchen. She wanted to make herself breakfast, but Rainbow's voice would not get out of her head. She had to make it up to her and show her sincere apologies.~

Pinkie sighed. "What do I do?" She said to herself. "Dashie is so mad at me...but just apologising to her isn't good enough!" A light bulb suddenly appeared above her head. "Oh! Wait, I know what I can do! I can make her a cake, covered and filled with all of her favourite things and flavours in the world! She'll love that and it'll show that I'm very very sorry!"

~Pinkie smiled for the first time today. She swung open the drawers to where the bowls, trays and cutlery was and threw it all on the table. She did the same thing when she opened the cupboards for the ingredients. She stretched her arms out and started to work on it right away. After a few minutes of stirring, whisking and bashing the ingredients altogether and pouring it into a tray and putting it into the oven, Pinkie waited for the cake to bake. However, when she folded her arms and waited, her smile disappeared. She was thinking about Rainbow again. She looked at the ground and sighed deeply but not long after the sound of knocking was heard at the door. Pinkie rushed to the front door and opened it. There stood Lightning, Applejack, Fluttershy and Jace. All had concerned faces.~

"Hey, Pinkie Pie. May we come in?" Applejack spoke up first.

~She said nothing and nodded. The gang walked inside as Pinkie closed the door softly.~

"How...are you…?" Fluttershy asked.

Pinkie sighed. "I've been better…" She replied.

"What Rainbow Dash said yesterday was pretty...intense, wasn't it?" Jace frowned.

"It wasn't anything like her…" Fluttershy shrugged softly.

"It was something alright…" Lightning said. "Don't worry, Rarity, Twi and Sunset are talking to her about it right now, so maybe they'll calm her down a little."

"Ok…" Pinkie nodded softly.

Applejack looked at Pinkie sadly, but then smiled and put her arm around her. "Hey...it's gonna be alright, Pinkie. Rainbow Dash, just a little too mad at you, but she knows that ya sorry."

"Yeah! Just let the girl calm herself, then both of you can apologise to each other." Lightning smiled.

~Jace and Fluttershy nodded aside Lightning, until they began sniffing around the area suspiciously.~

"Uh, do you guys smell burning?" Jace asked.

"THE CAKE!" Pinkie shrieked.

~Zooming into the kitchen, the five see the oven heating up. Smoke erupted from the top and surrounded the oven completely. Pinkie raced into the smoke and quickly turned off the oven, while Applejack opened up the window to let out all the smoke. Pinkie smashed the cake on the counter and everyone checked to see if it was okay once the smoke cleared up. Thankfully, the cake was perfectly fine. Only the center bit looked burned, but you could barely see it. Pinkie breathed a huge sigh of relief.~

"You're making a cake this early in the morning?" Lightning shrugged.

"What's the occasion?" Jace inquired.

"It's for Rainbow Dash…" Pinkie answered. "To show I'm sorry! I'm going to decorate it with all of her favourite flavours!"

"Oh, that's thoughtful of you." Fluttershy smiled.

"Thanks!" Pinkie stared at the cake vividly. "The cake has to be perfect! So, I cannot make another mistake! I gotta decorate with absolute perfection!"

"Ok...uh, Can we help?" Jace volunteered.

"It'll be done alot quicker if we did." Applejack smiled.

"Sure! Pass me that box of frosting sugar. And sprinkles! And chocolate! And more Sprinkles!"

~The four friends smiled and got to work. Fluttershy was given the task of finding and putting all the favourite sweets Rainbow loves, and that Pinkie had, together in a bowl, ready to put on the cake, once Lightning was done putting the icing all over it. And while they were doing that, Applejack and Jace were given a task of baking a second, smaller cake to put on top of the first one. A couple of minutes had passed, and Pinkie was biting her nails impatiently.~

"The chocolate is supposed to go there, Fluttershy!" Pinkie prompted.

"Oh, okay…" Fluttershy nodded softly.

Pinkie turned to Lightning. "Lightning, make sure that frosting is put on precisely."

"I'll try my best..." She replied.

"Applejack! Jace! Where is the second layer of the cake?"

"It's still in the oven!" Jace called.

"It should be ready right now." Applejack added.

"Fantastic! Quick, put it on the first layer once the frosting has dried! Then bake another cake! It will be the third layer!"

"Umm, ok. How many layers do you intend to do?" Jace asked, feeling a little tired and stressed.




Lightning stopped what she was doing. "Whoa, Pinkie. Hold your horses...what-why do you want this cake to be 100 layers tall?"

"I want this cake to be perfect, okay!? The best I've ever done! I need to show Rainbow Dash that I'm very sorry!" Pinkie's eyes began to flood.

"We know, but you don't have to go big to show that you're sorry." Jace smiled.

"We 'll know this cake 'ill brin' ya and Rainbow Dash back together again no matter how it looks." Applejack assured.

Pinkie sniffed. "Really?"

Lightning smiled. "Yes! You two are one in a million! We just need to remind Rainbow Dash that."

~While Lightning, Applejack and Jace were consoling Pinkie, the oven began to overheat and breathe smoke again. Fluttershy noticed it right away and gasped softly. She tried to tell the others, but they didn't hear her, or even smell the smoke, strangely.~

"And once we do, she'll forgive ya." Applejack nodded.

"Umm...girls? Jace?" Fluttershy whispered.

"Maybe we can write that down on the cake." Lightning said.


"What, 'You're one in a million to me!'" Jace raised a brow.


"Jace?-" Fluttershy whispered.

"I like that idea. Don't you, Pinkie?"


"Yeah. I like it. Let's do it!" Pinkie smiled


"Yes, Flutter-"

~When Lightning turned to face Fluttershy, she noticed her concerned face and the oven glowing red. She stopped in her sentence and silently stared at the oven. It didn't take long for the others to also stop to see Fluttershy and the oven too.~

"...shy?" Lightning finally said, finishing the sentence.

"The second layer!" Jace exclaimed.

"Quick, we need to get it out!"

~Applejack grabbed the nearest tea towel on the counter and raced over to the oven. She covered her nose and mouth once her face hit the smoke so she wouldn't cough. She reached the oven and opened the door, but by the time she pulled out the cake and smashed it on the counter, it was too late. The oven was put on too hot and made the entire cake completely black. The smoke also made contact with the smoker alarm so it began to beep loudly. After a few seconds of beeping, the alarm set off the sprinkles and sprayed water all over the place. Lightning threw her hood over her head while the others used their arms. Suddenly, they heard Pinkie scream, so they look over and see her watching the first cake melt in the water. The icing slid down off the sponge, then dripped on the table. The sponge then went soggy and flopped down in a heap. The gang gasped.~

"Oh dear…" Fluttershy said.

"Oh god…" Lightning sighed.


"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Pinkie screamed.