• Published 21st Sep 2020
  • 245 Views, 3 Comments

Feud Fight (#5) - LightningStar626

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie get into a massive argument, but shortly before they forgive each other, their Pixel buddy, Jace Donar, disappears.

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Chapter 13: Frad Attacks

Chapter 13: Frad Attacks.

"Girls! Are you okay?" Jace rushed and kneeled down to the Mane 5.

"We're fine. Thanks, Jace." Fluttershy smiled.

"Here. Let's get you out of these ropes…"

~Lightning took out her trusty pocket knife, set it to the sharpest knife and began sawing through the ropes that restrained Pinkie. Once her ropes were cut and loose, Lightning tossed the knife to Jace so he could free Fluttershy. She hugged him once she could move again, and also gave back his red tartan hoodie. Twilight and Sunset tried to untie Rarity and Applejack, but the knots were too difficult. Thankfully, Stitch and Spike came and chewed through the ropes for them.~

"Thank you, darlings." Rarity said, softly stroking Spike's nose.

Pinkie Pie stood up and stretched her arms out. "Whoo! I knew we could count on you girls! And I'm glad Dashie and I made up! Right, Dashie?" There was silence.

"Rainbow Dash?" Applejack called.

~There still was no reply. Everyone looked around but saw that Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen.~

"Where did she go?"

~Before anyone could answer, they heard her cry.~


~Everyone's gaze followed Rainbow's voice coming from outside the tunnel. They headed into the daylight to find Frad and his last remaining crony dragging Rainbow off. She tried to wriggle away, but the guy held her too tightly.~

"I'm not going down without a fight! I will get at least 1 girl!" Frad shrieked.

"No, Frad's gonna kill Rainbow!" Jace gasped.

"We are going to stop you, Frad! Once and for all!" cried Pinkie.

"Oh really?" Frad yelled above himself. "Guards! The girls are over here! Get them!"

"GIRLS?! As in...PLURAL?!" The crowd exclaimed.

"We're on it, boy!"

~Total chaos ensued. In an instant, armed guards were coming from all directions. The young teenage boys ran among the guards, throwing their bodies against them and shouting for all they were worth. Two of the guards cut off the entrance, and exit, and stood barring the way with loaded blasters.~

"Oh my goodness…" Fluttershy whimpered.

Lightning sprung into action. "Right, Pinkie, Jace, Twilight, Sunset and Spike. You 5 go and rescue Rainbow and take care of the guys. Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Stitch and I will draw the other guys away!"

~They silently and confusedly blinked at her.~

"You know what I mean!"

~Lightning winded up then went charging at full pelt down the park towards the guards. She activated her Equestrian magic and grew her raccoon ears and tail. As the guards fired, she dodged the darts by spinning through the air in between them. The cowardly guards needed no more amazement. One glimpse of the raccoon girl was enough and with frightened screeches, they promptly scattered and fled in all directions again, leaving Jace and the girls surprised and astonished, but determined. They split up and did what they were told to do. Pinkie, Jace, Sunset and Twilight, Spike went for Rainbow. They charged in but the guards showed up again, and blocked all ways. There was no way to get through them, not even up, down, or around.~

"Rainbow!" Pinkie cried. "Rainbow!"

Sunset grunted. "We can't get past the guards!"

"I'll do something about it then," Jace said. "Anything. I'm not going to stand aside and let you get hurt. Perhaps I can draw them off a bit," he wondered, and, against all his instincts, he took to the field and entered the fray. "Hey, come and get me, you mediocre stormtroopers!"

~For a moment, the determined guards ignored him, so intent were they on panicking the girls.~

Jace continued to call. "Girls rule! Girls rule! And boys drool!"

~That did it. The angry, almost mindless guards, unable to refuse the taunt, turned on him like a gigantic storm cloud and attacked. Jace streaked away as fast as his legs could carry him. That gave the girls the opening they needed to get to Frad and his mate. Frad discovered they were coming for him, so he turned to his big bulky friend.~

"Crush them. If you can." He ordered, taking control of Rainbow.

~The tall boy limped over to Twilight. For a moment, she saw his furious, gleaming eyes and was afraid. Spike thought he was about to harm Twilight, so he flew at him and bit him hard on the ankle. The boy gave an exclamation and kicked out at Spike.~

"'Ey! Get off, ya mutt!"

~They fell struggling to the floor and the beast boy howled in rage and pain. Somehow he rolled clear and struggled to his feet. With a curse, he lifted up his foot and stamped down on Spike's tail. Spike bayed in pain, then laid whimpering on the floor.~

Twilight was horrified. "Spike!" She rushed towards her pet.

"Stay where you are," grated the boy. "I haven't finished yet."

~He stared down at the hapless dog, then went to attack again, but this time Pinkie and Sunset prevented it. Pinkie threw a blow at his face, then successfully dodged his. Sunset grabbed around his bulky arm, and tried to make sure he couldn't use it, however that ended in failure. He lashed out and swung Sunset across the park. Her legs tripped on a deck chair, and together, they fell into the swimming pool on the left ahead.~

"Sunset!" Pinkie and Twilight exclaimed.

~The boy cackled until someone else joined the brawl. Jace copied Lightning's move and sweeped under his legs. He fell to the ground again, and hit his skull on the concrete kinda hard. Twilight examined him quickly and confirmed he was knocked out. The three suddenly turned to Frad.~

"Guards!" He tried to call. "Guards!"

"Umm...They're kinda occupied at the moment." Jace smugged, pointing behind Frad and at Lightning, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Stitch beating them.

Frad also looked and shouted. "UGH! What's the use of having guards if they don't do their job properly?" He suddenly noticed the guys coming forwards. "STOP RIGHT THERE! OR SHE GETS IT!" He grabbed around Rainbow's neck. "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?"

"No, you let Rainbow go!"

~Jace, unable to hold his anger in anymore, lunging at Frad. Rainbow was released as Jace pinned his hands down and snarled. The girl-hater was shocked by Jace's sudden outrage, but grinned at the sight almost immediately afterwards. He kicked Jace in the gut with his shoe hard, then kicked again to throw him off. Jace flinched and crunched up in excruciating pain. Frad then strongly picked up his limpless body and dragged it to the pool where he simply threw it in.~

"Take that!"

"AHH-HH-HH!" Jace burbled as he hit the water.

"Jace!" Lightning gasped.

~Lightning quickly defeated the guard she was battling and dove into the pool. She paddled to her injured friend and lifted him up and out of the pool before his head went underwater. While there, she also helped Sunset out. Jace clutched his stomach once he crawled onto the side, and didn't move. He felt as if he was pierced by a thousand needles. Rube, Chip, Rohas, Stato and Rogar suddenly emerged from their hiding spot and stared at Frad in dismay.~

"...Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…" Jace groaned repeatedly while Lightning consoled him.

"Frad…" Chip gasped.

"WHAT? He was asking for it!"

"No he wasn't!" Rohas shouted unbelievably. "That was so uncalled for, man!"

"Hey, nobody attacks me," He snarled. "I attack them. Let this be a lesson to you all! Speaking of which," He darted at Rainbow. "Where were we?"

~Frad stalked over to Rainbow as she was slowly picking herself up from the ground. She winced with pain. The sting she felt in her shoulders smarted across like a hot knife. He mocked her as she rose. Once she staggered up properly, Frad grabbed her shirt neck, but before he could throw a stinging blow at her, Pinkie Pie threw herself forwards.~

"Pinkie, no!" groaned Rainbow.

~It was too late. Pinkie jabbed her fist into Frad's chest and knocked him back. He let Rainbow go again and before he could retaliate, Pinkie performed a second action. She pulled a spring kick at her enemy, and did some serious damage. She hit Frad right in the face and made him faceplant on the ground. He remained still for a moment, then he opened his eyes and let the veins flow through until they turned red with anger. He showed everyone his demon eyes before staring straight into Pinkie's soul. She felt so afraid.~

"Uh oh…"

"Pinkie, run!" Jace screamed.

~She didn't need to be urged, she was off. Frad chased her madly, and constantly tried to scratch and grab her like a wild snorting beast. Everyone was too in shock and fear to follow, so all they could do is shout and beg Frad to stop. It was no use though, he's clearly reached the core of insanity inside his brain.~


"Fraddie, stop, seriously!"

"No, no!"

"This has gone too far now!"

"Why are you still doing this?"

"Leave her alone!"

"Don't kill her!"

~Pinkie did all she could to lose this mindless boy. She tried to parkour her way through the stalls and pool area, but Frad was unaffected by them. Charging through, he felt nothing. Pinkie glanced backwards and screamed. She hopped onto the train tracks and ran on them, Frad, of course did the same thing. He snapped at her like an animal and was able to viciously scratch her on the arm. She screamed in full voice and hopped off the tracks. Frad followed, but when was about to hop off the tracks, his ankle twisted on one of the metal bends and got stuck under it. He fell down and tried crawling to safety, but could only get his upper body out of the tracks. Pinkie cried and flew herself into Rainbow's arms. Jace joined them and together, they looked back at Frad, struggling.~

"Once I get my foot free, YOU'RE DEAD!"

~The gang looked at him with concern. But only for a second. A sudden thundering, chugging sound filled the air. Frad heard it, too, and he hesitated. Suddenly, he looked left. The train had started up again and was on its way around, thundering straight towards him. His eyes reverted back to normal, and shot a look of terror.~


~It all happened so quickly. Before Frad could do anything to save himself, the train ran over his legs and crushed them beneath the steaming wheels that thundered over him. Frad screeched in pain and lifted up his hand for help, before he fainted and dropped uselessly on the ground. The train rolled off Frad and halted at the station. The girls, boys and dogs watched the train go by, then scarcely glanced back at the fallen boy.~

Jace's face was grim and tense. "Aww...Ok, that was not what I wanted…"

"I got to be honest with you. I kinda saw that coming." Rube sighed.