• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 2,541 Views, 65 Comments

Luna takes a break from her gaming... - Mcayon

Luna needs a break from her gaming and Celestia got the perfect solution for her.

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What's the surprise?

Luna takes a break from her gaming...

The light from the sun began to slowly shine over the castle and it soon reached the windows in the room. Much to Princess Luna's dismay as she were woken up by the bright light and heat filling her bedroom. She slowly opened her eyes and felt the tiredness in them, her vision was blurry and she blinked a few times until she could see properly.

“I shouldn't have stayed up so long last night.” She said to herself.

Evidence from Luna's nightly activities could easily be seen on and around the desk where her computer was. She was one of few ponies that owned one, due to the fact that it was rather expensive and could at the moment only be used with ease by Unicorns. Tools that would make it easier for Pegasi and Earth ponies to use a computer was currently under development.

Luna got up from her bed and cleaned up the mess around her computer, she then made some breakfast for herself and sat down by the computer to eat it. After typing in her password the desktop appeared. It was a tidy desktop with a few icons and a simple background.

She began her daily “computer-routine” with checking her e-mail. There was no new e-mails, but as if on a cue her custom “new e-mail tone” came through the speakers. The e-mail had been sent from her sister. “What could 'Tia want now” Luna thought. She opened it and read it.

Dear Sister,

I know how much you like your computer, but you need to take a break, you can't sit in front of it all the time. Please come to my bedroom, I have a surprise for you, I promise it'll be fun. ;)

- Your Sister Celestia.

“I guess 'Tia is right, and a break I shall take” She thought.

Knowing that there was a possibility of somepony pulling a prank on her while she was away, Luna decided to turn off the computer. When the screen went black she began trotting towards the door leading in and out of her bedroom. Near the door she heard the guards outside it talk and slowed down to become as silent as she possibly could. She put her ear against the door to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“That was one of the best jokes I've ever heard, Sky.” One of them said.
“Thanks, Light. It's my favorite joke. I just wish I could tell it to Princess Luna and see if she thinks it's good.” Sky said.
“Why don't you go in and tell it to her now then?” Said Light.
“I don't think that's a very good idea, I'm pretty sure she'll fire me if I went in with nothing important to tell her, plus, I haven't heard any music yet, so she is probably still sleeping.” Sky said with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“Good point, but why do you want to tell it to her so badly?” Said Light.
“Well, I think she's really beautiful and I'd be very happy if I could make her laugh. What do you think of her?”
“I agree with you, I can't find the words to describe how beautiful I think she is.”

When Luna heard that she stopped listening as she began to blush. “Those guards sure knows how to flatter a pony. I shall thank them properly, but first, let's have some fun” Luna thought, making an evil grin.

The guards were still talking when they were blinded by a bright light. They both covered their eyes with their hooves, but as quick as the light appeared, it disappeared and they lowered their hooves. But when they did, Luna screamed: "BOOO!!" using her powerful traditional Canterlot voice.

"AAAAHHH!!" Both guards screamed in perfect unison as they jumped higher than ever before. Realizing who was in front of them, they bowed and said: “H-h-hi.., P-P-Princess... L-Luna.” while shaking like leaves. Luna began to laugh. Sky was confused and couldn't understand what was so funny about what just happened. “Y-Your Majesty, what are you laughing at?” He said.
“I'm laughing at you two of course” Luna said, now giggling like a little filly. She continued: “You should've seen yourselves!” Still giggling. The guards looked at Luna and then at themselves with confused faces.

Luna stopped laughing and said: “I'm so sorry, Lieutenant Sky and Light. I heard your conversation earlier and I must admit that I'm really flattered by what you said about me.” She got closer to the guards and hugged them, continuing; “I want to thank you and I hope you accept my sincere apologies.” Light and Sky returned the hug and let out a sigh of relief.

“You're welcome, Princess Luna, you're forgiven.” Said Light with a smile after breaking the hug.
“Good.” Replied Luna. “I think I should be on my way now... and Lieutenant Sky, I'd love to hear your joke that you spoke of... when I come back, I don't think I'll be gone very long. But let it be a secret to anybody else, except you, me and Light... See you later!” She said, winking at the guards.


Luna trotted towards Celestia's bedroom, leaving two very confused guards behind her. The two guards standing outside her sister's bedroom bowed when they saw her approaching them. Luna knocked on the door and went inside.

Celestia sat on a couple of white pillows on the floor of her bedroom, reading what looked like a letter from her student Twilight Sparkle, next to a small red box. She was so concentrated on reading the letter that she didn't notice her sister entering the room. Luna walked up behind her and waved her hoof in front of Celestia's eyes. “Hello? Equestria calling Celestia!” She said.

“Luna! I'm so glad you came!” Said Celestia and hugged her younger sister.
“Yeah, I guess you were right about me needing a break... but what's the surprise?” Said Luna.
“It's this box here!” She said, pointing at it and continued; “It was sent to me by Twilight, along with this letter” Celestia said and gave it to Luna.

Dear Princess Celestia,

This box contains something called toy cars, it was sent to me by my human friend John. Why? Well, I asked him in one of my letters what he played with when he was small. Along with his response, he sent this box. He said that it had been lying around in his house for a long time and he didn't know what to do with it, until now.

Me and my friends had a lot of fun with the little cars inside, and I hope you will too.

- Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

P.s. Don't worry if you happen to break any of them, most of them are pretty rigid.

Luna gave the letter back to Celestia and sat down on a blue pillow, that seemed to be assigned for her, opposite her sister's side of the box. She looked in the box and saw multiple small cars in different colors, sizes and materials. “Have you seen anything like this before, 'Tia?” She said, picking one of the cars up with her telekinesis.

“No, Luna, I haven't.” Said Celestia, also picking one of the cars up. Luna brought the car she was holding closer to her eyes to get a better look at it. She spun it around a few times and was amazed by the great details. “Whatever built this car must have used something more nimble, so to speak, than hooves. I don't think anything can be this well made if you used hooves.” - Said Luna.

Celestia's car was colored in a bright shade of red and was pretty long and wide, despite it's size. It had sharp edges on the front and back sides. Luna's car was quite the opposite, it was short and a bit thinner. It's edges was smoother and it was colored in a dark shade of yellow.

The two princesses put their cars down on the floor. “But how are we supposed to have fun with these cars, 'Tia?” Said Luna and looked at Celestia. Before she could get an answer from her older sister, a cold breeze coming through an open window hit Luna, causing her to shiver, thus accidentally kicking the car on the floor with her hoof. The car rolled away with great speed across the room and crashed into a wall with a loud thud. The sisters looked at the car and then at themselves and started to laugh. “I guess that answered my question.” Said Luna with a chuckle. “Eeyup!” Replied Celestia.

Luna doubted what Twilight wrote about the cars being rigid and teleported the crashed car to her hoof to see if it had sustained any damage. She gasped when she saw that it hadn't. Celestia aimed at the point where Luna's car crashed and sent it away with her hoof. It behaved similarly to Luna's car until it crashed. This time there was no thud. Instead, they heard sounds of parts snap and crack. “That didn't sound good.” Celestia thought and teleported it to her hoof. She was right since the front of the car was completely demolished and some parts were missing. Using her telekinesis, she teleported the missing parts to her other hoof and performed a “repair-spell” on the car. It looked like it had just come out of the factory. “Twilight was right when she wrote that most of them were rigid.” Said Luna with a hint of smugness in her voice.

Celestia grabbed the box, looked at Luna and said: “Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Luna?”
“I think so” Replied Luna and grabbed the box. “On the count of three.” Said Celestia. They counted in perfect unison; “One... Two... Three!” and raised the box in to the air and flipped it upside down in a swift and simultaneous move, making the cars fall out of the box. Loads of small cars now lay on the floor in front of the two princesses.

“So, what should we do first, 'sis?” Said Celestia. “Hmm... since some of the cars are breakable, and some isn't, there is many things that we can do...” Said Luna and continued: “I think we should put them to the test by crashing them into each other.” “That sounds like a good and funny idea.” Said Celestia and smiled.

Starting with two “unbreakable” cars, they put them at one end of the room each, lined them up perfectly and used their telekinesis to make them go as fast as possible. The cars collided with a sound like two pieces of solid metal hitting each other. Luna and Celestia began to laugh but quickly stopped when they saw the disappointing result of the crash, barely anything had happened, except that a little paint had come off one of the cars. They repeated the process, but this time they used two fragile cars. When they collided they were almost completely obliterated and parts were sent flying in all directions.

This result was much more satisfying and the two royal sisters laughed for several minutes, only stopping to get air. “Phew!” Said Luna when she were able to stop laughing and highhoofed Celestia. The rest of the day was spent doing all sorts of stuff with the cars. They had races around the room, took turns of hiding them in various places in the room for the other sister to find, tested what the cars could and couldn't take by stepping, stomping and sitting on them... the list with what else they did was long.

As the day was coming to an end, the small cars had been spread all over the room. It was soon time for Celestia to lower the sun and raise the moon, since Luna was free on this day. “Okay 'sis, I need to hit the hay soon.” Said Luna. Celestia responded by giving her a hug and said: “You go hit the hay and I'll clean up here.” Returning the hug, Luna said: “Thank you, 'sis. I had fun today. Good Night.” “Good Night.” Celestia replied.

They broke the hug and Luna began trotting towards the door. She was so tired that she didn't look where she was putting her hooves. She stepped on a car and slipped, losing her balance and landed plot first on an other car. Despite hearing a series of crackles, it took a moment for her to understand what had happened. From Celestia's point of view it looked very funny. “I think you should eat a little less cupcakes.” She said with a chuckle. Luna groaned and said: “Yeah, yeah, very funny.”

She exited the room and arrived at her own room without any more mishaps. There was now two other guards at the door. “I guess Lieutenant Sky's joke will have to wait.” Thought Luna and entered her room, put out the few lights that were on and went to bed.

The End

Author's Note:

This was my first ever fanfic. My native turn isn't English, which you can probably see, since I'm pretty sure there is grammar-errors, minor confusions and a little repetitiveness in various places.
I'd be very happy if you could give me some constructive criticism and pointers on what I could've done better and so on.

This story was written for fun and that's why it's not particularly accurate or realistic compared to the MLP:FIM-show.

I'd like to thank Ezio who wrote “Luna eats an Oreo” for inspiring me to write this story.

Comments ( 64 )

This is exceptionally well done. Good job sir!:pinkiehappy:

1161507 I'm glad you like it, thank you! :pinkiehappy:


added to read later... seems promising

Me gusta! :moustache:

I enjoyed this very mucho. Also, FOURTH

1161559 I aim to please, thank you! :pinkiehappy:

Very good!

Nice little random fic.

Dunno why you had to put a human in there, where that person actually came from and whatnot - but I guess I can look through my fingers at that.

Loved it. Very nice. Cute. I liked your sound effects.

I would recommend hopping onto the proofreader's group and snag one of those guys to help you improve your writing and grammar. They're prepared to take their time out to help you.

1161584 Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

1161605 I guess I've read too many HiE-stories... I'm glad you like it, and thank you for the feedback! :pinkiehappy:

1161629 Thank you, I appreciate it! I joined that group you spoke of, thank you for recommending me to do so. :pinkiehappy:

Btw, I already invented a thingy to help other ponies use the computer -- strap-ons on hooves with small lumps, large enough to bump just one key at a time. It might not be as fast as typing with 10 digits, but still :pinkiehappy:

1161668 Oh, and join the Writer's Group as well. Tell them I sent you.

I'm putting this up now cut it will probubly be featured, cuz you did good!

I READ IT BEFORE IT WAS FETURED!!!!!!:pinkiehappy:

I only see one small mistake, namely this: It was soon time for Celestia to lower the sun and rise the moon, since Luna was free on this day.
It should be "RAISE the moon". Other than that, very very good job! :moustache:

1161697 It sounds like a great concept! :pinkiehappy:

1161701 Did that a moment ago. :raritywink:

1161730 Do you think it's that good!? Well, thank you! :pinkiehappy:

1161775 Thank you for pointing that out, I've corrected it. I'm glad you liked it! :pinkiehappy:

Very nicely done. Some spots where 'were' needs to be used instead of 'was', but for the most part very well done. This could be an exercise to help with your english :D

Try to find yourself an editor; that would help make this a bit more readable and smooth. Creative story, and definitely random.

1161853 a fic with 37 likes got featured, yours will most likely too

1161863 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: Yeah, knowing where and when you should 'were' or 'was is not easy, but, practice makes perfect. :raritywink:
1161871 Will try to do that. I appreciate your feedback, thank you! :pinkiehappy:

1161884 That sounds promising! :pinkiehappy:

Be vewy vewy quiet! I'm hunting wabbots.

Rarity : Pinkie Pie what does the scouter says about her power level ?
Pinkie Pie : IT'S OVER NINE THOUSAND !!!!!
BTW :moustache: is best pwny

This better b gud
Oh sweet jesus it's

Dis story r worthy of a bro-hoof. :rainbowwild:

1161956 Thank you! Beautiful? :twilightblush:

1162011 Thank you! Brohoof! /) :pinkiehappy:

Tooo fucking....ungh..

As an author of a Gamer Luna fan fic, I find this to be blasphemy!
Still, I will read this.

1162029 I'm glad you do! :pinkiehappy:

1162056 Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

1162082 A thousand thanks to you! I really appreciate it! :pinkiehappy: :heart:


1162126 Wow, I'm going to try to get a new story up within the two next weeks...:raritywink: trying to figure out what and who it should be about at the moment...

1162305 I recommend a crossover.
Maybe a Minecraft or Dead Space one- those are always great if done right

it's a pretty nice fic. Celestia didn't do anything of certain unlikeable Anti Celestia memes, just good sisterly love. the plot was atad confusing, like, the part where Twilight knew a human. i mean, humans in equestia? but still, it was meant to a nice story, slightly odd and confusing plot aside.:twilightsmile:

1162368 Yeah, that sounds like something I'd be able to do... time will tell what I'll write...

1162381 Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiehappy: And as I mentioned in an earlier comment, I've read too many HiE-stories... :twilightblush: I will try to avoid any confusions involving humans in the future, if I don't write a pure HiE-story that is. :raritywink:

you got inspired by an assassin? Oh shit an assassin writes fan fictions?:rainbowlaugh: I joke. Anyway it was great, humorous and very entertaining. However it seems to have plot holes as to

who is john
what is the joke that light tells.

Although those were probably not the main part of the story it should have a small explaination of john the human. Lack of descriptiveness. It seems to be simply describing events but not telling the story of emotions. Luna is more stick in the mud than Celestia and socially awkward so you must emphasize on that. (Such as she would say things that are socially awkward like or constantly repeats what she says to get the really bad joke across.)

Overall this story is very funny but I wanted to see more tricks with the cars.:rainbowkiss:

Try mapping it out first since it'll take you awhile-that way it's not an as-you-go fic
I mean unless you can handle that.
Then jizz(I wants a Dead Space if you can :3)

1162460 Haha, I think it'd be awesome if an assassin wrote fanfics! :rainbowlaugh: I'm glad you liked despite it's minor flaws and I'll take the things you said into consideration when I write my next story. Thank you for your advices. :pinkiehappy:
1162491 I'll write down my ideas and so on in the future... This story took a couple of days to complete with school, writer's blocks and other distractions along the way that slowed me down. I haven't played Dead Space very much, so I'm afraid that a Dead Space crossover have to wait... :twilightblush:

Close enuff can't wait for your next story :D

1162634 Brohoof? /)

Wow, this is really good. Though, from the title I expected something that had more to do with video games (at least a rage-quit or something) and I was surprised that most of the story had to do with the toy cars, but over all it was pretty good. I'll fave it. :twilightsmile:
Also I have no doubt in my mind that this will be featured.

1162705 First I was like: :applecry: But then I was like: :pinkiehappy:
1162763 Thank you! :pinkiehappy: I'll admit that the plot is a bit odd, I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Like a sir....Troll..SirTraoll:trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia::trollestia:

1162813 Eyup! :rainbowwild:
1162854 Thank you! :pinkiehappy:

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