• Published 16th Jun 2020
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A Tale of a Loving Sister - GoebelTron

During a cold and snowy night, Sunset Shimmer meets a heartbroken 4 year old boy in the alley neighborhood.

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Chapter 30: The Spring Formal & Trial

The next day after school, Sunset was wearing a black formal dress with a magenta flame print skirt on the bottom and she had black heels on her feet. She was helping Chase put on his clothes for the dance and then put on his cute bow tie. Suddenly, Chase felt nervous. “You feeling okay, Chase? You’re not thinking about your aunt, are you?” Sunset asked. “Sorry,” Chase said. “I just never danced before.”

“So that’s why you’re feeling nervous? Because you never danced before?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded and then looked down, until Sunset kneeled down and placed her hand under his chin, “Don’t worry, Chase. We’ll find you a dance partner.” Chase hugged Sunset and then they left for the school’s spring formal.

When they both arrived and entered the building, they met up with their friends in the gymnasium. Twilight was wearing a purple formal dress and silver shoes with her star symbols, Rarity was wearing a blue formal dress with white boots, Applejack was wearing formal cowgirl clothes, Rainbow Dash was wearing a rainbow colored formal dress with winged boots, Fluttershy was wearing a butterfly themed formal dress, and Pinkie Pie was wearing a party themed formal dress. “Sunset! Chase! You guys made it!” Rainbow Dash said happily. “Aww, Chase, you look so cute!” Pinkie Pie said pinching his cheek. “By the way, he told me he never danced before,” Sunset explained. “Aww, maybe Estella never let you dance either,” Rarity said with a cute tone. “Hey, let’s go to the dance floor,” Rainbow Dash said as the other girls went over to the dance floor and did some dancing.

Chase was nervous about it, until Sunset saw him with a sad and anxious feeling. “Hey,” she said softly pointing at her brother. “Aww, poor little thing,” Rarity said. “Chase? Why don’t ya come on over here, sugarcube?” Applejack asked. “Yes, come dance with us, darling,” Rarity said. Chase walked over slowly and then began nervously shaking. Sunset kneeled down and lifted him up from under his armpits and held him in her arms, then Chase took both her waist and her shoulder and leaned his head on her chest. “How about if we dance, just you and me?” Sunset asked. “Don’t worry, I won’t let go.” Chase smiled warmly, then Sunset slowly began to gently dance with her little brother. Chase closed his eyes and then felt calm, until Sunset gave him a small tender kiss on his forehead and placed her chin on top of his head and patted his back, “There we go. Good boy.”

Principal Celestia saw Chase relaxing with his sister, then made a warm smile. Cadence and Shining Armor came over to the girls and then joined their dance. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo danced with their sisters. When suddenly, Principal Celestia decided to make an announcement, “Attention, please. Sorry for the interruption, but we have three girls who want to sing for us. Chase, this one’s for you, sweetheart. Students and staff, let’s give these three an honorable welcome to Canterlot High’s spring formal, Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk!” The students applauded when the Dazzlings walked out of the curtains and towards the microphones.

While they sang, Sunset danced to the rhythm, and she gently bounced Chase. Twilight joined the fun and danced like how Sunset was doing, but she moved from side to side with her arms and hands. Rainbow Dash did a backdrop beatdown, Applejack did the country tap dance, Fluttershy did the twist but gently and swung her skirt, Rarity did the butterfly with her hips, and Pinkie Pie did the moving man. Sam Sam and Melody danced with Miss Blue Belle. After the song ended, the students applauded and then the Dazzlings left the stage.

Sunset and Chase joined the girls for some grub, then they took pictures together. After a few minutes of fun and when calm music played, Chase started to get exhausted, but Sunset lifted him up and then they danced again. “Are you having fun?” Sunset asked softly. “Mmhmm,” Chase replied. “How about we head home at 9:30?” Sunset asked. “Okay. I love you, big sister,” Chase said. “I love you too, little brother,” Sunset replied, then she gave him a kiss. Sunset and Chase continued their dance.

The next day, Sunset, along with Miss Honeymoon as her lawyer and Twilight as her attorney, were in their table sitting on trial for the adoption and Estella’s crime. Chase was sitting with the girls and his friends. Cadence and Shining Armor and their parents came with Twilight, and Spike as well. Estella was sitting in the culprit’s seat. She was in a black and white striped skirted long sleeve buttoned prison uniform with pantyhose and hat. She also had handcuffs around her wrists.

Sunset couldn’t stop thinking about how much Chase suffered because of her selfishness. She couldn’t either just sit there and remain calm or run over there and put her out of her misery. Suddenly, Miss Honeymoon placed her hand on Sunset’s shoulder and gave her a warm reassuring smile. “Everything will be fine,” Miss Honeymoon said. “She’s right. We’re here for you,” Twilight said. “I’m really nervous. It’s my first time in a courtroom standing in trial, but I just don’t get it. How can you be so calm during something awfully big like this, especially after what she has done?”

“It’s just first time jitters,” Twilight said. “It happens, just relax and take a deep breath.” Sunset then calmed herself. She then turned around and saw Chase sitting with Rarity and Fluttershy. The girls gave Sunset a reassuring smile and then Chase waved at his big sister. When she began to feel relaxed and more confident, Sunset gave Chase a wink and then whispered “I love you” to him, then whispered “Could you keep him calm and quiet?” to Rarity, until the fashion girl nodded. “I hope she wins Chase’s custody. He’s been so good with her, and Sunset deserves the same,” Cadence said. “I know, Cady. I know,” Shining Armor said.

When suddenly, the doors in the corner opened and the person went to the judge’s stand. The judge sat down and then the courtroom was silent.

“And now, the honorable and merciful judge, Philip Banks, will be presiding over this trial for today. Everyone please rise,” the police guard beside the judge’s desk announced as the judge walked over to his desk and took his seat.

Everyone in the courtroom stood up and remained silent, until the judge took his hand in his huge tall desk and spoke up, “Thank you, everyone, and good afternoon. Now that we’re all gathered here, you may now be seated so we can get this trial underway and over with.” He then stacked some papers and put on his glasses. “Alright, the court is now in session. Today’s topic is a permission of child adoption by Miss Sunset Shimmer and the trial of Estella Tucker,” he announced, and then looked down at Chase’s aunt. “Mrs. Estella Tucker, according to these charges against you, they state about your actions of child abuse, child neglect, slavery, and other unforgivable crimes, including abduction during this week. Before the jury decides your punishment, how do you plead?”

“Innocent, if you please!” Estella argued. “Mrs. Tucker, you must remain calm and civil in court if you want decades off your prison sentence,” Miss Honeymoon said in a calm tone. “Sorry, your honor.”

“Apology accepted, Superintendent,” Judge Banks said, until Estella made a disgusted face.

Judge Banks then cleared his throat, and proceeded, “And without any more interruptions, the possibility of the outcome for this trial will both definitely determine if whether or not Estella Tucker is proclaimed guilty of the charges listed here and if young Chase Henry Tucker will be removed from her care and will have two choices which I will explain later.” He then turned to Sunset and Miss Honeymoon, “Miss Sunset Shimmer, since you’re the first witness in this case, I must ask you to come sit here and take the stand first. Miss Honeymoon, would you assist?” Miss Honeymoon nodded and then stood by her table after Sunset took her spot by the judge’s desk. Miss Honeymoon then put on her glasses and read the documents from her folder, “Miss Sunset Shimmer, since you know everything about the boy, would you be so kind as to explain everything to the court and jury, starting from the beginning, meaning how you found him?”

Sunset nodded and then began, “Well, it all started during the day before the last week of February. It was a calm and snowy night, and I was on my way home minding my own business, but then I heard a faint noise in an alley. I thought it was just the wind, but it wasn’t. When I wandered towards the alley, I turned around and saw someone crying in the cold.” Sunset stopped, until the court made a “d’awwww” reaction until Chase made a soft short smile and Sunset winked at him. “It was none other than that sad and cute little boy over there, Chase Tucker. I went to him and asked if he was alright, but he was so scared and felt like he had a broken heart. I knew I couldn’t leave him out in the snow, so I held him in my arms and took him home with me and I’ve been taking good care of him since today. Like I said before, what can you expect from a little brother?”

Miss Honeymoon nodded, and then rubbed her chin in thought, then pointed her finger out in acknowledgement, “Hmmmm... I see. So, are you saying you would claim yourself as a motherly sister figure to this child?”

“Yes, ma’am. I do,” Sunset replied with a nod and felt some good pride. “Alright then. So, Miss Shimmer, could you tell us how you found out that Chase was being abused by his aunt and where his parents have been?” Miss Honeymoon asked.

Sunset cleared her throat and then took a deep breath, “Well, the next morning, before I took Chase to meet my friends over there and after I made him some breakfast and gave him a bath, Chase told me he was abused by his aunt because he told me that she blamed him for the death of his parents during a car crash, but somehow later on, I found out that Estella was the one that caused the crash. But I don’t know why.”

Suddenly, Estella stood up and made a huge argument, “THAT’S A LIE!”

“Order in the court!” Judge Banks said, banging his gavel three times. “Estella Tucker, if you do not shut your mouth and be still in an appropriate and respectful manner in this courtroom, I will have no choice but to keep you contempt of court until further notice! Understood?” Estella nodded, then Sunset spoke up, “I have no further more, your honor. Thank you, Miss Honeymoon, for your assistance.” She and Miss Honeymoon walked from the stand and walked back over to their desk.

While they were taking a break for Estella’s turn, Rarity was comforting Chase, who was crying because he was scared of his aunt’s anger. She patted his arm and rubbed his shoulder after she pulled him closer for a hug. “Shhhhhh... It’s okay, darling. It’s okay,” she said softly before she gave him a kiss. “I can’t believe Estella would do something like that!” Applejack said in disappointment. “I know! It was totally unforgivable!” Rainbow Dash said in disappointment. “Yeah, she’s a big mean meanie pants there is!” Pinkie Pie said. Chase leaned closer and then pressed his cheek on Rarity’s breast, until she stroked his hair and rubbed his arms, “Don’t worry, Chase. When we’re all done and if we win, we can go to The Sweet Shoppe and get some ice cream. Would that be okay?” Chase gave her a small nod and started to calm down a little bit, then Rarity kissed his forehead. “I’ll try to keep her away from you, so you might wanna excuse me for a second,” Rainbow Dash said as she scooted between the girls and sat next to Rarity, but accidentally stepped on her foot. “Ow! You stepped on my foot!” Rarity exclaimed softly. “Sorry,” Rainbow Dash said softly as she took her seat. “Okay, Chase. Just stick with Rarity and stay behind me.” Chase nodded and then Rarity kept him closer for protection.

After break time was over, the court was back in session. “Alright, Mrs. Estella Tucker, you may now take your stand,” Judge Banks said. Estella went over to the stand and sat down next to the judge. “Your honor, with your permission?” Sunset asked. “Proceed,” Judge Banks said, as Sunset walked over to Estella and touched her wrist and looked into her memories.

When a flashback appeared, he saw his parents on their wedding day and how happy they were after leaving the church for their honeymoon. Another memory appeared and Teresa was one month pregnant with her son, and she and Gregory were telling Estella the news, “We’re gonna have a baby! You’re gonna be an aunt!” Teresa said, until Estella made a concerned look. “Looks like you have been busy after all,” she said with a short cackle. “I’m also sorry about your condition. But what can I say? Accidents will happen. Now, I’ll leave you too it. Be sure to stay healthy and whatever it is you plan to do. See you soon! Cheerio! Cheerio, darling!” She went out the door, until Teresa hugged her husband for comfort.

Sunset suddenly saw a memory where there was a small bedroom about Chase as a one year old baby sleeping with a pacifier in his mouth, and he was in a white wooded crib with a mobile with a crescent moon, sun, a rainbow with two clouds, and a shooting star on top. His room had a toy chest, a rocking chair and a huge dresser. He suddenly woke up crying, until Teresa came in wearing a grey robe, teal flannel pajamas and pink slippers, leaned into the crib and lifted the crying infant into her arms and held him in an embrace, “Shh... It’s okay, Chase. Momma’s here. Shhhhhh...” Teresa patted his back gently and went over to the rocking chair and sat down with Chase cradled in her arms and softly sang to him.

She smiled softly at her baby boy who was sleeping in her arms, then took him back to his crib and tucked him back under his baby blanket and gave him one more kiss, “Sweet dreams, my little angel.” She turned on his nightlight and walked out of the room leaving the door open a little.

There were other happy memories with Chase and his parents, including his first steps and his favorite bedtime story, but suddenly she saw one scary memory.

Chase, who was 3 years old, was crying after he fell on the sidewalk, and Teresa saw it while drinking coffee with her husband and Estella, who was wearing a Siberian tiger fur coat, “Chase, you’re hurt!”

“I’ll get him a band-aid!” Gregory said, until Estella looked away disgusted by her nephew’s sadness. Gregory gave Teresa the band-aid and she placed it on Chase’s elbow and gave him a hug, until Estella was disappointed, “So, this is why you never see me most of the time? Because of your son?” Gregory and Teresa looked at her with concerned faces and stood up. Chase hugged his mother’s leg as she placed her hand on his cheek softly stroking his hair. “What are you talking about? We do visit you, but we have trouble finding a babysitter for Chase,” Teresa said. “And that what makes him the pathetic little weakling he is, not able to defend himself,” Estella said after smoking her cigarette. “But if only I wish you both could have shown some more support instead of... him.”

Gregory crossed his arms and Teresa comforted her son and placed her hand on her other hip, “You never talk to our son like that! Ever!” Gregory said in an angry tone, then Teresa continued, “He is not weak. He has a good heart, but just because he sometimes gets scared or shy about most things doesn’t make him a weakling. And if you would’ve told us what your problem was, then we would’ve helped you!”

“Well, if you left him in an orphanage with other kiddies or left him to take care of himself like he’s supposed to or just dump him in a river, then I would’ve at least cared if the little brute haven’t gotten in the way!” Estella argued, until Chase ran upstairs to his room crying. “Chase!” Teresa said, until she looked at her sister with anger and sadness, “Why are you doing this to him? I loved you, but now... you disgust me.” She went upstairs to check on Chase, then Gregory got angry, “Okay, that was totally unforgivable and stupid! You know better than that! Ever since he was born, Chase was a happy moment in our lives. You just wanna take that away from us. Teresa still loved you and so did I. Chase didn’t know you yet, and he hasn’t been interfering with our lives. He just wanted some love from his mother, and now that I’ve said enough, you should probably leave while I go comfort my family.”

“Alright, love the little brat. Do what you want with him. Drown him in comfort for all I care!” Estella said angrily. “You’re all fools! I’ve no need for foolishness around me! I’m through with all of you!”

“And you can forget about coming over to visit! In fact, if I were you, I wouldn’t show up here anymore,” Gregory said. “Fine! But I’ll get even soon enough! Just wait! You’ll be sorry! You fools! YOU IDIOTS!!” Estella said frustratingly as she drove off. Teresa was sitting on Chase’s bed hugging her son with his head on her chest crying with tears in his eyes, and Gregory watched from behind nodding that Estella was gone for good. Teresa had tears in her eyes and kissed her son’s head and continued to comfort him.

Then another memory appeared, but it was about Teresa and Gregory driving Chase home from school, but suddenly, a black and white car appeared and rammed into their car, causing it flip over and crash into a tree, killing Teresa and Gregory. Chase was still alive, but he noticed his parents were both dead, then began to cry. Estella looked over and saw the crashed car, “Nobody rejects me!” She drove off until the police and medics arrived and took care of both Chase and his parents, then the memories ended.

Sunset gasped for air, took a deep breath and felt her heartbeat in fear, “YOU MONSTER! YOU GOT JEALOUS OVER YOUR SISTER, AND YOU INSULTED HER SON AND CALLED HIM A WEAKLING!?” Everyone gasped in shock, until Chase remembered that moment when his aunt was banished from the family, then started to cry again. “Your honor, may we have permission to speak?!” Rainbow Dash asked. Judge Banks nodded, then the other six girls walked over to Estella to teach her a lesson.

“Listen here, you witch! What you did was unforgivable!” Rainbow Dash said with a angry tone. “You have no right to call Chase weak!”

“That’s right, because when we first met him, he was so kind to us,” Applejack replied. “Most definitely, and he was the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen in my life, and he was very emotional when I helped him with his attire because clothes are really sensitive!” Rarity said. “He may be small, but he has a huge heart full of love and it shown Sunset what being a sister means to her and he’s been under her roof for the last couple months!” Fluttershy said. “And you big meanie just took his mommy and daddy away from him for no reason!” Pinkie Pie said. “And we’ll never forgive you for that!” Twilight said. “Because since your heart is so full of hatred...” Sunset said. “You’ll never see him again.” Estella got angry and charged through the girls and marched towards Chase, then grabbed his hand and lifted him up on the arm hanging him and she was about to hurt him, until Sunset saved Chase after Rarity used her diamond magic against Estella, then two guards cuffed Estella and escorted her towards the judge. “Chase, are you okay?” Sunset asked until Chase cried over the hard grip, then Sunset gave Chase a hug, and Miss Honeymoon placed her hand on his shoulder.

“Estella Tucker, due to your disrespectful attitude towards the court and for assaulting the boy for unexpected reason, it’s time for the jury to decide your verdict. Take your pick,” Judge Banks said. “Your honor, for the crimes of both child abuse and neglect, slavery, abduction, courtroom assault and contempt, we find the defendant,” a jury member said. “GUILTY!” the jury said altogether. The judge nodded, “Very well. The jury has officially spoken. For this moment henceforth and by the power infested in me, Estella Tucker, your “nephew” is no longer under your “so-called” legal guardianship and custody, meaning all personal items belonging to him will be moved to Sunset’s apartment as soon as possible. And furthermore, the court has also found you guilty on all charges listed in the paperwork here, so I hereby sentence you to years of life in the asylum downtown and all without any chance at parole. Get her out of here.”

The guards began to escort Estella out of the courtroom, while Sunset, Chase, the girls, Cadence, Shining Armor, Twilight Velvet, Night Light, and Miss Honeymoon watched her walk out, but Sunset spoke up, “Estella?” Estella and the guards turn around and Estella looked at a Sunset with her hand on her hip, “Have a nice life.” Estella growled in anger as the guards finally took her out of the room never to be seen again. Until suddenly, Sunset felt something hugging her waist, then looked down and saw Chase hug her, then she embraced him back. Judge Banks decided to make one more thing before adjourning the court, “Miss Shimmer, before the court decides, what do you plan to do with Chase Tucker?” Sunset looked down at Chase crying for comfort and then she embraced him with her hands on his shoulders while he buried his head on her belly and hugged her waist.

“He needs me,” Sunset said to the judge, hugging her little brother. Judge Banks then rubbed his chin in thought for a moment while he read the adoption papers, “Well, considering how a teenager of your age like your friends is capable of taking care of a child, according to this packet of forms you signed, I hereby place young Chase Tucker under your legal care. Good luck on your new job, Miss Shimmer. Case dismissed and court is adjourned.” He banged his gavel on his desk of approval, then collected his papers and left his desk, but stopped at the door real quick, “Before you go, young man, we’ll have your personal belongings brought over to you which will take days. Now go home and take care, son.” Chase nodded, until the judge left the room and Chase waved, “Bye-bye.” Sunset then saw the girls squealing in delight. “Sunset, you did it!” Twilight said. “Yes, you should be grateful, darling,” Rarity said. “Yeah, but even though you all didn’t get to help out, well except for the lesson, you still gave me support and a little confidence for Chase’s care,” Sunset said with pride, then they all shared a victorious group hug with Chase held in Sunset’s arms, then they went to the Sweet Shoppe for some ice cream.

Author's Note:

Looks like Chase had a good time at the Spring Formal after all! :twilightsmile:

And it looks like Sunset has a family of her own after all. :yay:

Oh, by the way, Estella is now locked up in the state asylum for the rest of her life. :ajsmug:

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