• Published 16th Jun 2020
  • 10,733 Views, 159 Comments

A Tale of a Loving Sister - GoebelTron

During a cold and snowy night, Sunset Shimmer meets a heartbroken 4 year old boy in the alley neighborhood.

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Chapter 18: Playground and Dinner Showtime

After they finished breakfast and got cleaned up, Sunset packed a picnic basket full of sandwiches, fruits and vegetables, snacks, and drinks. Then, they left for the park.

When they arrived, they saw Rarity, Applejack, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Spike near the playground. Sunset and Chase went to go sit with them on one of the picnic tables. Chase went to go play on the playground. Rainbow Dash brought her balls and Fluttershy brought some of her animal friends. “So, how’s Chase feeling?” Rarity asked. “Oh, he’s feeling a lot better,” Sunset said. “Thanks to your mother’s pot pie, Twilight, he was so happy.” “Well, I’m glad,” Twilight said. Angel poked Fluttershy’s hand and pointed at Chase, and he was having trouble trying to push himself on the swings. “Oh, he needs someone to push him on the swing,” Fluttershy said. “I’ve got this one,” Applejack said, as she got up and went to help Chase.

Chase kept swinging, but his legs couldn’t reach. “I got it, sugarcube,” a voice said. It was Applejack who was giving him a gentle boost on the swing. She kept pushing Chase until he was higher enough. “Okay, I’ll watch over you from right here,” she said after leaning over on the swing pole. Few minutes later, Chase got tired of swinging, so Applejack slowed him down and let him off. “Chase, lunchtime!” Sunset said as he ran over to the group. Chase saw them eating some sandwiches, including ham and cheese, cucumber, and bologna and cheese. They also had apple slices, pear slices, a variety of cheese and crackers, vegetables with ranch dressing, and some root beer. “Chase? Are you alright, darling?” Rarity asked, as she saw him with a sad face like he didn’t get anything to eat. “Don’t worry, Chase. We made sure there’s some food for you,” Sunset said. Chase smiled softly, but frowned because he didn’t know where to sit. “Chase, come here. You can sit with me. I’ll even let you pet Spike,” Twilight said. Chase went over and sat next to her. Sunset gave Twilight the basket and then Twilight took out Chase’s sandwich and snacks and gave them to him. Chase then ate his lunch, and so did the others.

After their picnic was over, they decided to split into groups and do whatever they want. Chase was all alone, but he wanted Sunset to play with him.

“Girls, I have bad news. Chase’s aunt has escaped from prison. She’s gonna come for Chase! And what’s worse, she’s either gonna take him back or... she might kill him!” Sunset said, as the girls gasped in shock. Chase was beginning to feel scared about his aunt coming for him and plotting to kill him, so he went to Rarity for comfort and stood by her and hugged her leg, until she patted his head and stroked his hands that were stroking her knee. “It’s alright, darling. No one’s going to hurt you, not while you have us to protect you,” Rarity said, as she winked her eye at him. Chase nodded and then Fluttershy took him and held him in a comforting embrace to calm him down. “Don’t you worry, Chase. We’ll make sure she doesn’t get to you. Because I’d like to give her a piece of my mind,” Rainbow Dash said in a tough tone. “I agree, sugarcube, but as Sunset’s friends, it’s our job to look out for her and her brother, unless absolutely necessary,” Applejack stated. “I know something that might cheer him up and make him forget about his aunt,” Rarity said. “How about we go out to dinner tonight? There’s a performance there. Would that be alright, Chase?” Chase nodded after he wiped a tear from his face. “Let’s go play on the playground and have some fun for a little bit,” Sunset said. “Me and Applejack are gonna play catch with my football,” Rainbow Dash said. Sunset took Chase to the jungle gym and let him play. He climbed on the monkey bars, slid down the slide, climbed some stairs, played with the interactive gaming set ups including tic-tac-toe, matching puzzles, and then played on the jungle gym styled pirate ship, fire truck, and express train. Then, he rode the rocking unicorn, duck, and turtle.

Chase went on the swings again, but this time Rarity was giving him some pushes. Chase giggled after every push, and Rarity smiled warmly. When he was done, Chase got off the swing and gave the fashion girl a hug, “Thank you.” Rarity smiled and then hugged him back. Sunset smiled warmly and then started to feel worried about his aunt wanting to hurt him. She went over and placed her hand on his shoulder, then her eyes had a white blind neon glow as she began to look into his memories.

She saw a flashback of him with a woman who had blonde hair, blue eyes, and wore a light pink fleecy shirt and sky blue skirt and white high heels. Next to her was a man with brown hair like Chase, green eyes, a brown beard, and he wore a dark green plaid flannel with tan khaki pants and brown work shoes. They were no other than his mother and father. Sunset began to see some happy moments with Chase and his parents on birthdays, holidays, Chase getting cuts, scrapes and bruises, and some playful times together. Then, she saw a happy moment about Chase being born, and the car crash incident. She looked closer at the figure in the truck that rammed his parents’s car over and then found out that his aunt was the one responsible. Chase, as a 3 year old boy, was in the car trapped inside, until police officers, firemen, and the medics appeared. She saw another flashback of his parent’s funeral and how Chase was abused by his aunt, causing him to cry. Then, Sunset stopped looking and gasped for air.

“Oh dear God!” Sunset exclaimed. “What is it, darling?” Rarity asked. “Girls, I just saw something in Chase’s memories! His aunt was the one who caused the car incident. She was jealous about her nephew being loved more by his mother.” The girls gasped in shock and anger. Chase realized that his aunt was now a murderer, then he began to make a sad face with a broken heart. “S-S-She k-ki-k-killed m-m-my mommy and d-d-daddy?” Chase asked softly, Sunset nodded with tears in her eyes, then Chase began to cry. “Mommy!” Rarity and Twilight kneeled down, “Aww, Chase...” Twilight said. “I’m so sorry, darling,” Rarity said, until the poor boy went to Rarity and hugged her tightly and cried on her shoulders, as she lifted him up in her arms and held him, rubbed his back, stroked his hair, and shushed him softly. “Shhhhhh... There, there. Everything’s going to be alright, Chase.” she said softly, as he continued to cry and he buried his face in her hair. “Mommy... Daddy...” Chase whimpered. “Shhhhhh... It’s alright now, darling,” Rarity said softly, then kissed his cheek. Sunset came over and took him in her arms and placed his head on her chest so that he can listen to her heartbeat. She then thought of a song that can calm him down.

After the song ended, Chase felt better, then the sun was almost ready to set, meaning it was time to stop at the house and go to the restaurant Rarity mentioned. “Before we go, when should we meet to go out together?” Sunset asked. “I would say like around 5:30 perhaps?” Rarity asked back. “I guess it works for me,” Applejack replied. “Ooh! Ooh! Me too! Me too!” Pinkie Pie added. “Count me in!” Rainbow Dash agreed, as the others nodded in agreement.

After Chase and Sunset were ready to go, they saw Applejack’s truck outside. Applejack was driving, and the others were in the back. “You guys coming or what?” Rainbow Dash asked as she opened the door and let Sunset and Chase inside. Then, they drove to the restaurant that was called “The Neon Moonrise.” Sunset sat in the first row next to Rainbow Dash and Twilight and Chase laid on Rarity’s lap in the back row along with Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

While they were driving there, Sunset got curious about the Neon Moonrise. “So, are you saying this restaurant is some kind of restaurant that has a bar and a stage for performances and singing?” Sunset said. “Don’t you think this might be inappropriate for a 4 year old boy?” “Oh, don’t be ridiculous, darling. I looked up the age recommendations and found out it is suitable for children,” Rarity explained. “Oh, okay,” Sunset said. “Plus, from the reviews I’ve recently read, a lot of them said that the food is really delectably delicious and scrumptious, and that the entertainment there is really amazingly spectacular, and positively well entertaining for children as well,” Rarity said. “I just thought it’d be a perfect place for us to sit and grab a bite to eat there for tonight. Plus, they have a kids menu, so don’t worry, Chase. I’m sure they’ll have something for you to eat.” “Okay, Rarity.” Chase said, then slept until they would arrive.

Until they finally arrived at the restaurant, they parked in the lot outside and near the entrance of the restaurant. After they got out of the truck, they saw the sign glowing with multicolored neon lights, and walked inside. When they entered the restaurant, they saw everyone was getting situated with their meals, until they appeared to the hosting desk.

“How many?” she asked. “Uh, party for seven, please.” Sunset said, and then the hostess nodded and lead them to their table, handed them their menus and walked away. Chase saw the kids menu on the back side and looked through it, and the girls looked through their menus and decided what to order. Until their waitress came and asked what they would like to drink, Sunset ordered a Diet Coke, Twilight ordered a Sprite, Fluttershy ordered a Sprite, Applejack ordered some root beer, Rainbow Dash ordered a Coke, Pinkie Pie ordered a Dr. Pepper, Rarity ordered an unsweetened iced tea with a lemon, and Chase ordered a kid’s Coke. Chase did some coloring in his coloring books, until their waitress came back with their drinks, then the girls and Chase were ready to order. Sunset ordered a beef lasagna, Twilight ordered a grilled cheese sandwich with coleslaw and fries, Fluttershy ordered fish and chips, Applejack ordered a turkey pot pie, Rainbow Dash ordered a cheeseburger, Pinkie Pie ordered less spicy hot wings with the cheese and red dips, Rarity ordered some risotto with a chicken salad, and Chase ordered some chicken tenders and fries, and asked for ketchup on the side.

While waiting for their waitress with their orders, they decided to talk. “So, I guess this place isn’t bad after all. Looks kinda nice,” Twilight said. “It’s kinda colorful, and somehow pretty neat,” Sunset said. “I know,” Rarity said. Chase looked at his locket and smiled softly and warmly at the picture with his parents and him as a newborn baby. Then, he started having tears in his eyes. Sunset rubbed his cheek with her thumb and then placed her arm around his shoulder. “It’s alright, darling. They aren’t gone forever. They’re still with you in your heart,” Rarity said kindly, then Sunset kissed his forehead. Then suddenly, their waitress came back with their food. Once they were all served their dinner, they began to eat.

While they ate their food, they began to realize how good it was. “How’s the food, darling?” Rarity asked. “It’s good,” Chase replied, as he dipped a chicken tender into ketchup and ate it. “Mmm! These hot wings are delish!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed dipping a hot wing into cheese dip, and eating it. “Well, Rarity. I guess this place was indeed a good place to start,” Applejack said, patting her belly after finishing her pot pie. “Yeah, I’d be totally cool with it,” Rainbow Dash said. “We should probably start coming here more often or anytime we want.”

“Well, I’m glad that I happen to know some of the best spots in Canterlot City. Either new or currently attractive,” Rarity said.

Then suddenly, the lights dimmed, and a male announcer appeared on stage and spoke up to the microphone. “What is up, ladies and gents? It’s indeed that time once again! Time to rock this groovy joint!” he said in a DJ voice, while the customers made an applause, and Sunset covered Chase’s ears because it was too loud. “So, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, what do y’all say we give a big... fat... warm welcome... for three special people who just came from out of town! That’s right! Three attractive guest singers are here to join and sing for us good folk here at The Neon Moonrise! So, then once again... let’s get ready for tonight’s big hit with these special teenage queens in the house tonight! Ladies and gentlemen, since we’ve got no time to chit-chat and that I’ve said too much already, please welcome the trio of super hot and powerfully funky divas... The Dazzlings!”

Then the crowd cheered and applauded as the announcer stepped of the stage. “Sunset, who are the Dazzlings?” Chase asked, while hiding behind Rarity. “They’re some old rivals of ours,” Sunset replied, stroking his hair. “I wonder what they’re up too,” Rarity said. “I don’t even wanna guess,” Fluttershy said. Then, the lights dimmed a little bit, then colorful lights shown three women in dancing poses. “Looks like we’re about to find out,” Twilight said. Then, when green mist appeared from the stage, one leg stepped out of the curtain and lifted its heel up, then the curtains slowly unfolded and revealed three girls the same age as Sunset and the girls, then they walked out slowly.

One of them had pale magenta skin, purple eyes, purple hair with turquoise streaks tied in pigtails with silver star hairbands, and she wore a navy blue waist vest sleeveless top, a lime green skirt, turquoise and white horizontal striped fingerless sleeved gloves, magenta and white horizontal striped leggings, and purple ankle strapped Mary Jane pumps with two star music note symbol buckles on the foot straps.

The other had pale cyan skin, reddish pink eyes, cerulean hair with navy blue streaks in a ponytail, and she wore a pink horizontal striped fleecy t-shirt with a black tie, a blackish pink skirt and sleeved fabric gauntlets, pink knee high boots with darkish pink pumped soles and cyan shoelaces.

The third in the middle had golden yellow skin, magenta eyes, orange puffy hair with golden yellow streaks and a purple and black spiked hairband, and she wore a purple puffy sleeved jacket with a black gold spiked collar and with a triangular patterned lavender shirt inside, a large two layered tutu purple and lavender skirt, spiked bracelets and regular gold bracelets, a gold spiked belt with a gold diamond buckle, lavender patterned pump heeled boots with darkish purple straps and musical notes with gold diamonds on the straps. On their necks, they had necklaces that had gold amulets holding a red ruby.

The crowd made some wolf whistles and made some positive comments. Meanwhile, Chase hid behind Rarity’s back side feeling nervous, when she and Sunset comforted him. The three were about to sing, then the DJ cracked a tune for them, and the three divas began to dance and sing when the music started.

While they were singing and dancing in sync, they suddenly walked off the stage and wandered around the restaurant to attract some other men with their super-powered beauty. Chase took a peek and watched them swaying their hips, tapping and stomping their feet, moving their arms, legs, and hands, and whipping their hair. Until suddenly, the orange haired girl saw Chase looking at her, then he hid himself behind Rarity again. A smirk grew on her face, then snapped her fingers twice and motioned the other two girls to follow her.

Sunset and the girls realized that they were approaching to their table. The lead girl kneeled behind an empty seat at an empty table and sashayed behind him and ran her fingers through his hair, until the pigtailed girl kneeled next the other side and ran her two fingers along his right shoulder and patted his cheek gently, and then the ponytailed girl was on the other side that had no wall and pinched his cheek, then stroked his shoulder. Sunset rolled her eyes and saw the ponytailed girl lean forward and give Chase a small kiss on the cheek. Then, the Dazzlings went back up on stage to finish their song. When it ended, they made a pose.

The crowd applauded, Sunset and the girls were amazed but Sunset saw Chase’s cheek covered in blue lipstick. The lead girl saw Chase embarrassingly blushing, then gave him a wink. Chase nuzzled in Sunset’s chest whimpering, until she embraced Chase and stroked his hair. “Shhhhhh... It’s okay,” Sunset said. The orange haired girl saw how scared Chase was, then decided to sing one more song. “You there, give us another tune!” she said. Then, they began to dance and sing again. But they did it on stage this time.

While they were singing, they made some moves by swaying their hips either with or without their hands on each side or on both sides, motioning their arms and hands, snapping their fingers, swinging their legs a little, and whipping their hair back and forth. When they finished they made poses.

The crowd applauded for their performances as they left for the back curtain. “Well, let’s thank our guests for a lovely evening! Till next time, be sure to tip your waitresses on your way home! Thank y’all and good night!” The announcer said, as the crowd applauded as he left the stage, and then they realized Chase was smiling softly and softly blushing. Rarity and Sunset smiled warmly.

After they finished up some of their meal and got the rest into boxes and paid for the check, they then left their table. Chase, holding Sunset’s hand, was still thinking about the Dazzlings’s performance. As they were on their way to the door, they heard a voice speak up, “Hello there.”

They stopped for a second and turned around and saw the Dazzlings walking up to them. “Can we help you?” Sunset asked.

“Well, we’re actually done for the night and about to head home, until we saw you all here,” the orange haired girl explained. “We then realized you had someone with you, am I right?” Sunset nodded as she patted Chase’s head as he was hiding behind her leg shaking like a leaf. “By the way, what did you think about our performances?” she asked.

“It was heavenly, darling. Quite smashing,” Rarity said. “Well, I’m glad. By the way, I know we’ve already met you and that you defeated us before since the Battle of the Bands, but we’ve been thinking about forming a permanent peace treaty, so let’s start over and introduce ourselves. I’m Adagio Dazzle,” the orange haired girl began as she shook Sunset’s hand. “This is Aria Blaze,” she pointed at the pigtailed girl on her right side, “and this is Sonata Dusk.” she pointed at the ponytailed girl. “And who might you be, little guy?” she asked Chase.

“Sorry. He’s very shy. This is my brother, Chase. Well, I’m adopting him as my brother.” Sunset said. Chase made a small wave, “H-Hi.”

“Awww, he’s so cute!” Sonata exclaimed, kneeling down and placing her hands on his cheeks.

“Chase. That’s kind of a cute name for such a cute little boy like him,” Aria said.

Sunset nodded, then introduced herself and her friends, “By the way, let me introduce ourselves. I’m his sister, Sunset Shimmer. And these are my friends Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.”

“Pleasure,” Adagio spoke, as the three looked at them and shook hands with the six girls.

“So, you three work as entertainment on a daily basis?” Applejack asked.

“Oh, yes we do,” Adagio said. “You see, when the restaurant opened up, they were beginning to hold up auditions for entertainment. Me and the girls couldn’t stop thinking about passing up such an amazing opportunity to express our singing voices.”

“Then, after one show, BOOM! They then hired us up and soon, we became the place’s local favorites,” Aria added on. “The crowds just can’t stop getting enough out of us. We just love singing!” Sonata said. “By the way, we’re sorry about the way we acted on your brother. We were just playing with him.”

“It’s kinda our thing. We treat kids with kindness our way,” Adagio explained. “Oh, really?” Rarity asked. Adagio nodded. “Don’t worry, we forgive you,” Sunset said. “Oooooh! What pretty ruby necklaces you have!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “Oh, you like them? We call them our lucky charms.” Adagio said, until she saw Chase looking at her ruby, then she kneeled down and let him touch it. “It’s very pretty,” Chase said, then Adagio’s heart melted after his kind words. After a short hug, she stood back up, then Twilight made a statement, “One more thing. When we heard you sing, it almost sounded like a siren’s vocal choir.” Adagio smirked, “Don’t worry. We’re just really good at singing. And we use green lights when the mist appears. It’s just a stage effect.” Twilight understood what they meant, then Sunset took Chase in her arms and the girls walked to their truck and took their seats. Before they left, Adagio knocked the window. Sunset lowered it and Adagio gave her a calling card. “Call us if you want. We’re available anytime,” Adagio said, as Sunset nodded and gave them her number on a sticky note. “Chase, it was nice meeting you. You haven’t seen the last of us, but for now. Until we meet again, we’ll see you guys around.” After that, the seven girls drove home. Then, the Dazzlings went to their van to get ready for bed.

After Sunset and Chase got home, she gave her little brother his bedtime bath, then he put his pajamas on and brushed his teeth. He got into his bed and Sunset tucked him under the covers. “Sunset, are we gonna see them again? They seemed like really nice people,” Chase asked. “I don’t know, buddy. Maybe, but I’ll make sure to call them next time,” Sunset replied, then saw Chase’s scared face and realized it was about his aunt, then she got angry because of her killing Chase’s parents. “Don’t worry, Chase. She’s never gonna get you. I promise. And everything will be better in the morning.” Chase smiled warmly and hugged Sunset, and she gave him a small kiss and tucked him under the blanket again, then left the room. “Goodnight, buddy. I’ll see you in the morning.” She turned off the light and gently closed the door. Before Chase went to sleep, he touched the cheek Sonata kissed, and smiled warmly, then went to sleep.

Author's Note:

I told you that the Dazzlings are in the story! But how will they understand what Chase has been going through in the past? :twilightsmile:

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