• Published 16th Jun 2020
  • 10,711 Views, 159 Comments

A Tale of a Loving Sister - GoebelTron

During a cold and snowy night, Sunset Shimmer meets a heartbroken 4 year old boy in the alley neighborhood.

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Chapter 17: Caring for a Sick Brother

The next morning, Sunset was making herself some breakfast and sat down and read a magazine while eating a plate full of scrambled eggs and bacon, then she heard Chase come down. “Good morning, Chase,” she said. “Hi, Sunset,” Chase said in a soft raspy voice, then coughed uncontrollably. “Are you okay?” Sunset asked, then she went to him and kneeled down and pressed her hands on his forehead. “You feel really warm. I’ll check your temperature later.” Sunset made Chase some oatmeal and gave him some orange juice.

Few minutes later, Sunset took Chase to the bathroom upstairs, and sat him down on the toilet. Then, she placed a thermometer in his mouth to check his temperature after she stripped him from his clothes and wrapped him in a towel, then after it beeped, it read “100.4 F.” Sunset was worried that he was getting sick. “Looks like you’ve got a small fever, Sunset said. Chase was very sad. “How about after a nice warm bath, we can cuddle for a bit until your nap time?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded, until Sunset filled the bathtub with warm bubbly water. Then, Sunset bathed Chase, dried him off, and gave him a clean pair of clothes. After Chase brushed his teeth, he went downstairs to the living room and sat on Sunset’s lap. She wrapped Chase’s blanket around him and embraced him, until he laid his head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat. Sunset slowly rocked back and forth for a few minutes until she saw Chase sleeping. She got up and took him upstairs to his bedroom and placed him on his bed, then left the room and texted her friends about Chase’s fever. She decided to let him sleep for the rest of the day and buy some groceries and medicine from the pharmacy.

While Sunset came back from the grocery store and pharmacy, she was worried about Chase. She went upstairs to check on him, then she saw his clothes on his bed’s blanket, then saw him laying on the bed not wearing his shirt and had his blanket around his legs. She kneeled down placed her hand on his forehead, then gasped in shock. “Oh, dear God. Chase, your fever’s burning up!” Sunset exclaimed as she cradled him in a hug. Then, she texted her friends that Chase’s fever burned up after she carried him downstairs, laid him down on the couch and wrapped his blanket around him.

Sunset began to see Chase sneezing and coughing, so she grabbed some bottles of water and a few tissues. Then, she poured a spoonful of grape flavored liquid diarrhea and fever medicine, but Chase sobbed. “Shhhhhh. It’s okay, Chase. It’s gonna help you.” Sunset said, and placed the spoon into his mouth, until Chase swallowed the medicine. “Sunset, I threw up.”

“Did you do it in the bathroom?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded. “Good.” Chase then realized she wasn’t with her friends. “Why aren’t you with your friends?”

“Relax, Chase.” Sunset replied. “I texted them, and they said we’ll get together once you get better.” Chase sobbed. “Don’t worry, Chase. I’ll stay here and take care of you.” Chase nodded. “Here, blow your nose.” Sunset placed the tissue over his nose, and then he blew on it. “Good job. Does your head hurt?” Chase nodded. “Okay, that’s because a fever causes a headache. Now, just wait here and I’ll be right back with an ice pack.” Sunset got up and went to retrieve an filled up a ice pack with cold water and ice. When she came back and placed it on his forehead, then she leaned forward to give him a tender kiss on his cheek. “Sunset.” Chase moaned.

“What is it, Chase?” Sunset asked. “My tummy hurts.” Chase said, before he coughed. “Aww...” Sunset cooed. “Do you want me to rub it?” Chase nodded. Sunset rubbed his belly softly and stroked his hair while his fever would stop. Then, he napped for a couple minutes after she finished rubbing his belly and patted it.

While Chase was napping, Sunset went to the kitchen and made her sick brother some chicken noodle soup for dinner and brought it to him. She sat down and gave him a few spoonfuls after softly blowing on them. After she finished feeding him his soup and took his bowl to the kitchen, she sat back down on the couch, but this time, she let Chase lay on his back on her lap and Sunset rubbed his belly again and held his head with her other hand. She stopped rubbing his belly and placed her hand on his chest so that he can embrace her fingers. “By the way, was it hot in here or did you want to take them off because of your temperature?”

“I was sweating and my head hurt,” Chase explained. “So, you took off your clothes and wrapped yourself in your blanket?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded, then Sunset decided to read him a book. She found a copy of “Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat” and read it to him.

After she finished reading him the book, she took him upstairs and gave him one more bath before bedtime. Then, after he put on his pajamas, Sunset took him to her bedroom and tucked him under her blanket. “Sunset, can you read me this again?” Chase asked holding a book copy of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.” “Sure,” Sunset said, then patted on the empty spot next to her. “Come lean by my side and I’ll read to you.” Chase scooted closer then leaned by Sunset’s hip and laid his head towards the side of her belly. Sunset placed her elbow gently on him and then read the book. After she finished the book, she leaned down and kissed his forehead, then shut off her light, placed a pillow underneath Chase’s back and then went to sleep with Chase by her side.

The next day, Sunset woke up and placed her hand on Chase’s forehead to check his temperature. He was still warm and then decided to carefully take him downstairs and make him some applesauce for breakfast. After Chase woke up laying on the couch in his dinosaur pajamas, Sunset came over and handed him a bowl of applesauce.

After he was finished with his breakfast, Sunset gave him another spoonful of his medicine. “Sunset, can I stay in my pajamas for today? I don’t feel like changing today,” Chase asked. “Of course you can, sweetie,” Sunset said. “Come on. Let’s go sit on the couch.” Chase then took her hand and they both sat down on the couch, and Chase wrapped his blanket around him and Sunset’s entire lower body, then he leaned next to her torso and laid his head on her chest, softly listening to her heartbeat. Sunset embraced the boy in her arms and then she leaned towards one side of the couch. Chase finally began cuddling with his big sister.

After a nice nap, Sunset woke up and saw Chase sleeping like a baby. Until the doorbell rang, she tried to get up without waking him and went to answer the door. When she opened it, Twilight Velvet and Cadence were there. “What’re you guys doing here?” Sunset asked, as she let them inside. “We heard that your brother was sick with a fever,” Twilight Velvet said. “So we thought we could help,” Cadence said. “Well, I’m glad. But he’s asleep right now,” Sunset said. “Sunset? Who’s there?” Chase asked in a soft raspy voice, then he coughed. “Aww, poor baby,” Twilight Velvet said as she went over and laid him on her lap. “Hello, sweetheart. Do you remember me?” “Miss Velvet!” Chase replied, hugging her waist. “Aww, aren’t you the sweetest thing? I also brought someone with me.” Chase turned to Cadence, who was wearing her regular clothes. “CADY!” Chase exclaimed, then coughed uncontrollably for two seconds. “Shhhhhh... don’t worry, dearie. We’ll make sure you get better,” Twilight Velvet said calmly. “He also said he wants to do pajamas today, but he still needs a bath.” Sunset said. “How about if I give him a bath while you two socialize?” Twilight Velvet asked. Sunset and Cadence nodded as Twilight Velvet took the sick boy upstairs for a bath.

“I’m sorry about Chase being this way. You must be lucky that he has you as a sister who wants to love him,” Cadence said. “Thanks, Cadence. By the way, I heard you guys got a new principal.” “This one officially applied to replace Principal Cinch at Crystal Prep Academy. She’s very generous, and I’m glad we’ve managed to start fresh,” Cadence said. “That’s awesome. I really was expecting for the school to have a little kindness.” Sunset said.

Meanwhile, Twilight Velvet was bathing Chase. “So, how was your beach trip, dear?” she asked while scrubbing his hair. “We had so much fun! We swam in the water, collected seashells, built sandcastles, walked the boardwalk, and I got new toys and surfed with Rainbow Dash!” Chase explained happily, then sneezed twice. “Gesundheit,” Twilight Velvet said, after Chase sniffed. Then, Miss Velvet scrubbed a soapy wash rag full of body wash all over Chase’s body and then rinsed him with a jug full of water. After she removed Chase from the bathtub and dried him off, she gave him his blue shark camouflage footsie pajamas and helped him put them on, and then zippered his pajamas all the way up.

Then Miss Velvet carried Chase and his blanket downstairs and sat down next to Cadence after she put him down. Chase went for his dragon plushie and showed it to Cadence and Twilight Velvet. They both adored his plushie, then the three adults started chatting. Chase went over to Sunset and laid on her lap. Sunset looked down at him and smiled warmly. “Are you tired?” Sunset asked, as Chase nodded and softly yawned and coughed. “Here, lay down towards me.” Chase then laid down on his back and Sunset unzipped his pajamas but left the rest of them on after she tied the sleeves around his waist. She then held his head under her hand and then placed her other hand on his chest and belly.

After Chase was asleep, they continued to chat, but Chase started sobbing again and coughed uncontrollably. “Oh no, his fever is acting up again!” Sunset exclaimed. Miss Velvet brought over a small bottle of antipyretic fluid, then she handed it to Sunset and she poured a small spoonful of it. “I hope this works. Okay, buddy. Got some medicine for you.” Chase nervously tried to avoid. “Chase, it’s okay. It’s only medicine.” Chase sniffed and took the spoonful of medicine, and swallowed it. “There you go. Good boy,” Sunset said, as she patted his belly gently, then rubbed it. “I’ll go to the kitchen and make him some lunch,” Twilight Velvet said, as she went to the kitchen to chop some vegetables. Cadence came back and placed a cold compress on his forehead. Chase had tears from his eyes and his nose was leaking and full of snot. Cadence gave Chase a tissue and let him blow to nose.

After he finished blowing his nose, Twilight Velvet came back with a bowl full of chicken noodle soup with vegetables. “Come here, sweetheart,” She said patting her lap. Sunset stood up and then placed him carefully on Twilight Velvet’s lap. Chase leaned on her chest and then Twilight Velvet began to blow on his spoonful and fed it to the poor boy. He then swallowed all of the spoonfuls she gave him and then drank a glass of water. Twilight Velvet then wrapped him in for a hug, then Cadence took him and let him rest his head on her soft chest for a couple of minutes. “Do you two want to stay for dinner?” Sunset asked. “That would be wonderful, dear,” Miss Velvet said. “How about if I make some chicken pot pie, since poor little Chase is sick?” Sunset and Cadence nodded. “I have to fill out some forms on my laptop, so I’ll be in the kitchen working if you don’t mind,” Cadence said. Sunset nodded and then went to read a book.

Few hours later...

While Miss Velvet was cooking and Cadence was typing, Sunset saw Chase wake up and saw tears in his eyes and then went to him, with a different book. “Chase, I’m going to read you a different book this time,” Sunset said as she grabbed a copy of “Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hatches The Egg,” and sat down with him so that they can read it together. After they finished reading the book, dinner was finally ready. Chase sat next to Sunset and then Miss Velvet gave him some of the pot pie. Chase liked it.

After Miss Velvet and Cadence went home, Sunset gave Chase a mucus relief pill and his grape flavored fever medicine, then took him upstairs to bed and let him get ready. She then took him to her bedroom because he was still sick and she wanted to let him get comfy. She placed a couple of pillows underneath him so that his congestion would slow down. Then, she kissed him softly and then turned off the light and went to sleep.

Then next morning, Sunset woke up and saw Chase sleeping, but after she touched his forehead, he was feeling so much better and his fever was gone. “Chase, wake up,” Sunset said. “Your fever’s gone.” Chase woke up and realized his tummy doesn’t hurt anymore, his throat was not scratchy, and his sinuses weren’t stuffy anymore. He was relieved from his sickness.

“Hey, Chase. Since you’re feeling better, how about we go to the park with our friends for a picnic?” Sunset asked. Chase nodded in excitement. “Okay. Get dressed and I’ll make you some waffles. Okay?” Chase nodded and went to his room to get dressed.

Author's Note:

Finally, Chase is cured from his fever! :pinkiehappy:

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