• Published 16th Jun 2020
  • 10,735 Views, 159 Comments

A Tale of a Loving Sister - GoebelTron

During a cold and snowy night, Sunset Shimmer meets a heartbroken 4 year old boy in the alley neighborhood.

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Chapter 19: A Day with Fleur

After a relaxing week of spring break, classes were back in session for the girls, but Chase still didn’t have any classes since he was 4. He enjoyed the beach trip, and meeting the Dazzlings, but today was different. Sunset and her friends were going to be busy after school, so he wouldn’t be able to hang out with his sister today. It made him very sad.

After he was walking down the hallway to find out where Sunset and the girls were, he suddenly got lost. Suddenly, he saw a white envelope with pink glitter on his bag, then he took it off and opened the envelope and read the letter written with a blue glitter pen.

’Dear Chase,

I’m sorry we’re unable to hang out with you today, darling. But I have some good news. I asked a very special friend of mine to take you for a bite to eat at 11:50 am and then she’ll babysit. If she has work to do, go with her. When the clock says 11:50, meet her outside the school front hall and she’ll come pick you up. I’ll tell your sister about it. Have fun.

Love, Rarity.

Chase then realized he wasn’t going to be alone. Making a peek, Rarity found out he read the note then dialed her phone to a special friend of hers.

While Fleur was shopping for dresses, she felt her phone ring, then answered it. “Allo?” Fleur asked. “Fleur, glad to hear you again, darling,“ Rarity replied. “Rarity! How delightful!” Fleur replied. “What can I help you with?”

I'm actually asking for a favor for me and Sunset. Do you remember Chase, that little boy from before?

Fleur recognized who Chase was, “Oui. Yes, I do. Why do you ask?”

We’re going to be busy after school and he’ll be all alone, so before 11:50, could you pick him up and take him for some lunch? He needs a babysitter. And Cadence is still doing work at Crystal Prep, so she isn’t available either. He seemed to like you last time.

“Of course, mon ami. I’ll take care of him. I might do some modeling later on, so I’ll make sure to never let him out of my sight. I’ll come over as soon as I’m done buying these dresses. Okay?”

Thank you, Fleur. I’ll talk to you again darling,

“Of course. Au revoir.” She ended the call and then went to purchase the dresses.

When it was 11:45, Chase went to the front hallway and waited for Fleur to arrive. Then, he saw her wearing the same jacket from before. She opened the door and saw him sitting there, “Chase, is that you?” Chase saw her and then ran up to hug her, “Miss Fleur!” Fleur lifted him up in her arms and wrapped him in a hug. “You don’t need to call me Miss, Chase,” Fleur said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Did you read Rarity’s letter?” Chase nodded. “I also noticed I didn’t have anything else to do today, so Rarity was kind enough for me to babysit you today. So, anyway, how about if I take you someplace to eat?”

“Okay,” Chase said after grabbing his go-bag and taking her hand. Then, they went Fleur’s car, which was a metallic white Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG. Chase got in the front seat and sat next to Fleur, then they drove off.

So she drove Chase into some parts of the city, until she parked in a parking lot outside an Italian/French restaurant and cafe. After they got out of the car, they went inside and were shown a table and given menus.

As they waited for their food, Chase had a sip of his Pepsi in a kid’s cup with a straw, while Fleur drank some of her unsweetened iced tea with lemon on the side. Chase then sat closer to her. “Fleur, is it okay if I ask you something?” Fleur nodded. “What’s a supermodel?” Fleur realized what his question meant, then explained, “You see, Chase. Supermodels are successful fashion models who has reached the status of a celebrity. They get pictures taken while doing poses and get placed on the news, magazines, newspapers, and many more.”

Chase then understood. “I’m aiming for modeling and fashion, but I need to keep my weight constant.” Fleur continued. “Were you just curious?” Chase nodded. “I learned about the human body in Sunset’s health class one time.” Fleur nodded with a smirk.

“So, how was your spring break?” she asked after letting him lean by her side. “It was good. We went to the beach, played in the ocean, collected seashells, walked the boardwalk and stayed in a motel.” Chase said. “Oh, really? I heard you got a new haircut and style. It looks smashing, darling.” Chase blushed. “Did you enjoy the weekend?” Chase nodded, “What did you do over spring break?”

“Well, I went to a party with some of my friends at a local restaurant, and then we had drinks and then sat and talked for a little while until the party ended,” Fleur began. “Until it ended, we all went to the park and watched the stars and the moon. It was a beautiful night, but I wish I could’ve enjoyed it with someone special.” Chase hugged her belly and looked up at her, “You’ll always have a special someone, no matter who they are or what they look like.” Fleur blushed and hugged him back, until she saw their waiter come with their food. Fleur ordered griddled and seasoned salmon with lemon risotto and a small salad. Chase ordered a small plate of spaghetti and meatballs and asked for parmesan cheese. They started eating after Fleur helped Chase cut his spaghetti and meatballs. Chase really started to enjoy his pasta dish and it made Fleur happy. After they were done, Fleur managed to take a few butter croissants, biscuits and bread rolls with them. She got some for herself and some for Chase to take home.

Later on, Fleur drove Chase to a library & book store to read and buy a few books to read. Fleur took some novels that were masterpieces and Chase read a few children’s books. He laughed at some of them, then got interested in others. Fleur noticed how much fun he was having, then they went to the cashier and bought the books they found.

After they left the library & book store, they went to a photography shop for Fleur to get some important photos taken care of, but wouldn’t mind if he came in with her. After they got inside, they saw a woman with pale turquoise skin, white bobby hair, and wearing black glasses with pink lenses, a black and white vertical striped fleece with a black skirt designed with pale pink diamonds and dark pink and white lines underneath, a dark pink scarf, black boots with white and dark pink soles.

She saw Fleur and spoke up with a German accent, “Ach! Fleur De Lis! Right on time! Come! Come! We must prepare!” Fleur was delighted to see her as she walked with her to the backdrop and gave her a couple outfits to change into, but then she saw Chase looking at the dresses that were on mannequins and hung up on and went up to him, “Who are you?” Chase gasped and then started blushing, until Fleur came to him and gently rubbed his shoulders, “I’m sorry, Photo Finish. This is Sunset Shimmer’s brother, Chase. I’m babysitting today.” Photo Finish realized what she meant and accepted him as an audience. “Oh, I just love the outfit on you, darling! The aqua green shirt with the blue stripes, the dark grey pants, the Skechers, it’s just marvelous! Just marvelous!” Chase blushed and fidgeted his hands. “Why don’t you go sit over there and be and audience while you, Fleur get changed into any outfit you want to start with first and we’ll got to work! But you can keep the shoes on darling or put on these with any dress you want” Fleur nodded and left to change, and Chase sat down and colored some pages in his coloring book.

Soon, Chase saw Fleur wearing a black glittery open back dress with black heels on her feet. Chase was surprised about how beautiful she looked until Fleur blew him a kiss, then Chase blushed.

“Alright, Fleur. Let us make de magiks!” Photo Finish said, as the British-French girl took her position towards the backdrop with the lights on her. Then, Photo Finish took the pictures and Fleur did a few poses. Then, later on Photo Finish took pictures of Fleur wearing several dresses and other casual clothes along with a few heels and sandals. For an extra, she found her favorite dress and jacket of all: the charcoal grey buttoned jacket with her symbols and maroon satin dress with her symbols on the bottom left and right sides of her skirt. She also wore her regular shoes. Until she was done photo shooting, she went over to Chase and showed him her hand, “Would you like to join me?” Chase then slowly took her hand and felt a tug from her leading him to the backdrop. She stopped and motioned him to stand by her leg. Then, Photo Finish started taking pictures of them doing dance poses, goofy poses, and some of them was Fleur kissing Chase’s cheek, and the other holding him in her arms in a cuddly hug and slowly dancing with him.

When the photos were taken and then printed, Fleur and Chase were impressed about how well they turned out. Then, they left the photo store after Fleur got changed.

When they drove to the Sweet Shoppe, Fleur and Chase ordered some ice cream. Fleur ordered some strawberry and mint chocolate chip ice cream but as a small sundae, and Chase ordered his usual, which was vanilla with rainbow sprinkles in a kid’s cup. After they sat down and ate their ice cream together, Fleur spoke, “This place is kind of nice. I’m surprised Pinkie Pie works as at place like here.”

“Yep,” Chase agreed, while eating his ice cream.

“Chase, I was thinking about after we finish, we can go to the park before Sunset comes home,” Fleur said. “I like that idea,” Chase said. Then they continued to eat their ice cream together. After they were done, they drove off to the park.

When they arrived at the park, Chase ran to the playground while Fleur followed. She gave Chase a push on the swing, causing him to go higher and higher. Then suddenly, Chase saw his locket fall of his neck, then he slowed down on the swing, causing it to stop, got off and went to pick it up and put it back on his neck. “What’s wrong, Chase?” Fleur asked. “Nothing, I just dropped something,” Chase said.

Then they sat by a tree for a few minutes until the sun would set.

Later on, Fleur took Chase back to Sunset’s place a little early. “Thanks for looking out for me, Fleur. I had fun.”

Fleur giggled and caressed his cheek softly, “You’re very welcome, Chase. I’m available anytime.” She gave him two quick kisses on each cheek, then she let him out. “Bonne nuit, Chase! Till next time!” Fleur said, as she drove off home. “Bye-bye,” Chase said, as he grabbed his go-bag and went inside and saw Sunset making some macaroni and cheese for dinner, “Hi, Sunset. I’m back.” Sunset turned around and saw him, “Hi, buddy. How was your day with Fleur?” “It was good, we took photos together,” Chase said, and he showed Sunset the photos from the photo store and the books he got from the library and book store. “I see you’ve been busy. Anyway, your dinner’s ready,” Sunset said as he washed his hands at the sink and sat down at the table, then ate his dinner after Sunset served him some of the macaroni and cheese.

After he finished dinner, he went to the bathroom with Sunset and she gave him his bath before bed. Then, he wore his pajamas from the slumber party he went to and went downstairs to the living room and played with his toys. But until it was almost bedtime, Sunset pretended to be a tickle monster and chased him around the house to give him some tickles. After she caught him, she tickled his ribs and waved her hair on him, causing him to laugh and giggle. Then, Sunset took him to his room and tucked him into bed. “How about you and I do something, just the two of us tomorrow?” Chase gasped, “You really mean it?!” Sunset nodded and received a hug from her brother. Then, she laid him back down, tucked him under the blanket, and kissed him on his forehead, “Goodnight, Chase.” Chase then got comfy, “Goodnight, Sunset.” Sunset looked at him one more time, then turned off his light and left the room leaving the door halfway open. Chase then went to sleep, thinking about how much fun he’s going to have with his big sister.

Author's Note:

I guess Fleur was very kind to Chase, and he’s gonna hang out with just his sister this time! :heart:

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