• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 4,581 Views, 193 Comments

Solaire And His Sun - IncandescentSolaire

Solaire finds himself in the land of Equestria, in which the world is as bright as the sun can be. His search for his very own sun may not have been in vain after all.

Comments ( 18 )

I prefer stories with longer chapters, they seem to flow better in my opinion then shorter ones do and I usually feel more satisfied while eagerly awaiting the next chapter. With shorter chapters I'm mostly left wanting more and thinking "that's it," and don't feel as satisfied like I usually am with reading a longer one.

I know I usually have to wait longer for bigger chapters compared to the smaller ones but I feel like the wait is worth it in the end. Also, I feel like with shorter chapters the author tries to limit things and quickly wrap it up in order to end the chapter rather than letting things flow freely.

Although, in the grand scheme of things I believe you shouldn't care about how short or long the chapter is but instead writing it until you feel the chapter has reached it's natural conclusion. If that happens to make the chapter 2k words long or even 12k, then so be it.

As long as you're not limiting yourself or worrying about artificial stopping points. Then I believe no matter how long or short the chapter is, it will be good.

Believe me, creating artificial stopping points usually ruins stories. I more or less was going to base it off of if I should continue the chapter or split it into another digestible segment. Thanks for commenting and letting me know what you prefer!

I feel like this plays fast and loose with the lore. I also wonder how the Chosen Undead knows what some of the items you find in game even are to be able to write down a description. Like I'm pretty sure the Ashen One was a high ranking assassin in lothric's court, and that's why the old woman by Dancer trusts you. Because she remembers you from before the character became an unkindled.

And that's why he'd know all what most of the items do, I mean.

Well Sunbro. I like long chapters cuz it's gives me more excitement and lore to fill my belly as I read more and more words.

Either way works for me, but if you write a shorter chapter at least have it focus on a point that'll be important later in the story, while longer chapters could have several things happening in one location/area.

Yooo lets go, the story’s back. Nice work on these chapters.

And regarding the length; I can really go either way. For long chapters, more content from updates is nicer but sometimes if you have multiple points you want to go over it becomes too convoluted. and then on the flip side, smaller chapters can have a lack of information.

It just depends on how long the chapter ends up being, really. However long you want them to be is how long I think they should be.

Darksouls 3 Edwad Emberpants The Chosen and The Dumbshits Guide to Dark Souls (For Dark Souls 1)

Thnx illl check them out

I’ve very briefly touched darks souls so some of these goes over me but I also get the basics of how undead work. I hope to see more of this very soon as I am very interested in it! So keep up the awesome work!

This is beautiful, we need more

Huh... y'know, not many stories with Sunbro as the protag. I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes.

Glad you're loving it. Story is put on hold for quite some time while I plan out a considerable chunk of the story. Then, I'll upload chapters in segments.

dude, this is amazing, when will the next chapter come out?

Due to some unforseen accidents at work in the past year I've had to put a lot of things on hold. I didn't want to commit to writing this and end up ruining it, but be assured that I do have chapters already written and planned for this story. I just need to edit it and get it out.

Oooh yeah baby! I love this story and the bloodborne one that I'm reading now I am from Argentina my english is very bad haha google translate i love you

Glad to hear that you liked it.

The story is really good... addicitive. Read whole thing in two sittings, I hope it'll continue and will check in few months.
Can't really give feedback as I'm not primary English speaker, but for less versed mind the language is clear and paints understandable paths on smooth canvas. There is a side effect of that pesky Twilight invading my dreamscape now. My hands are numb from pets. Send help.

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