• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 275 Views, 2 Comments

Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) - LightningStar626

Today is Lightning Star’s seventeenth birthday! Karly Crystal, The Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends, plan to make this day the best birthday in a long time.

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Chapter 9: Mane 7 to Mane 11

Chapter 9: Mane 7 to Mane 11.

"Cmmm rrr! Hmmmp! Pmmnls! Rammnbmms! Uggghhh! Cmmm rrr! (Come on! Help! Pixels! Rainbooms! Uggghhh! Come on!)"

~Lightning continued banging on the door, desperate for anyone to hear and help her, but nobody came. She began to feel pain coming from her left arm and head since she kept hitting herself against the door over and over again, for god knows how long. She had no choice but to stop. She then heard someone coming down the stairs. She peeked through the keyhole but only saw herself (Wendy).~

"Ok…where was I? Oh yeah. The Chocolate ambush. I gotta go back up the stairs again." Wendy groaned.

~Wendy was about head on up, but she saw the Mane 7, Spike and Stitch were coming down. Fluttershy was snuggling up with Spike, completely gutted. Twilight did also look a bit depressed but not as much as Fluttershy. Rainbow and Applejack didn't show much sadness, but they felt it. Pinkie and Stitch were just normal-looking. And Sunset was on her phone and just hung up on it and faced Wendy. Rarity too.

"Oh shoot-UH-hey girls! What are you doing? Why the long faces?" Wendy asked, trying to hide away the annoyance in her tone.

"We need to get leashes for the mutts." Applejack answered.

"We need to keep Stitch and Spike outside." Fluttershy sighed sadly.

"Chocolate is not the best for a dog's diet." Twilight frowned.

"But, what if we can eat chocolate?" Spike asked, tried to reason with his owner. "If Equestrian magic can let me talk, then could I at least have a tiny bite?"

"I wouldn't want to run the risk of having to take you to the vet...Stitch too."

"Come on guys, we need to hurry! The shop closes at 5 and it's already past 4!" Rainbow prompted.

"Wait for a second, Lightning, where's Karly? She was down here talking to you…" Twilight said.

Wendy gulped. "Oh…yeah, she teleported to the shop early to get everything ready." She lied nervously.

"I just called the staff and said we were coming." Sunset noted.

"Oh, you didn't tell me…"

"But I did tell Karly. I'm sure she was going to tell you."

"Hm…yes, she would have told you that during your talk unless you didn't have one at all…"

~Everyone thought for a minute, then looked over at Wendy. They all pulled on a serious face, and began to walk forward. Wendy walked back but she stopped when her shoulder blade pressed up against the wall behind her.~

"Hold on one bloomin' second! Karly should have also told you, Lightnin', about how poisonous chocolate is to dogs. And get everythin' to secure them from the shop." Applejack pointed out.

"Rrrrs! Cmmm rrr! Rammnbmms!, hmmmp-mrrr! (Yes! Come on! Rainbooms, help me!)"

~The real Lightning began to listen to everyone outside, so she carries on banging, no matter how much it hurt.~

Fluttershy gasped. "You could have put Stitch and Spike in danger!"

~Fluttershy held onto Spike tightly. Pinkie did the same when she picked up Stitch. Things were now turning around for Wendy. She knew if the Mane 7 now found out, she was done for. She couldn't handle 7 against 1. So, she tried to calm them down, even though she was sweating again, and also trying not to lose her temper.~

"Hehe. Girls, relax. Karly didn't tell me about that." She shrugged.

"Well, We also went through these things about dogs ever since you got Stitch. Didn't you listen?" Twilight frowned.

"Oh, course. I just forgot…"

Sunset glared. "Your memory is spot on! Ok."

~Sunset had decided that she'd finally had enough of being suspicious so she activated her power. She grabs Wendy's wrist and sees through Wendy's memory.~

"Who are you?!" Karly demanded.

"An old friend." Wendy answered simply. "I'll show you once you're at the blimp!"


Wendy swooped behind Karly and quickly pinched on her neck. She fainted instantly. Wendy caught her in held her in her arms.~

"Tsk. I should have done that hours ago."

Lightning garbled in anger at Wendy but the girl just responded back to her by unlocking the closet and kicking her back into it. She slammed and locked it tightly once again, then focused her eyes back on Karly.~

"You're coming with me, Agent Crystal. Can't have you spoiling the party now that you know too much, now can I?" She said as she dragged her up the stairs.

~Sunset lets go of Wendy's wrist, and glares as Twilight put her hand on her shoulder.~

"What in the world did you do-"

"Applejack?" Sunset asked, interrupting and ignoring Wendy's question.

"Yeah?" Applejack responded.

"Go unlock the closet door."


~Twilight and Sunset were watching Wendy's face as the rest watched Applejack walk to the closet, too astonished for words. She clutched on the handle and pulled, but the door wouldn't budge. Wendy was looking at the closet door very anxiously indeed. Sunset told Applejack to use her strength to open the door so she did. She pulled on the handle again and it and the lock came straight off. The door creaked open and someone fell out to the floor of the room, bound and gagged.~

"Gnrls! (Girls!)" Lightning exclaimed.

"Lightning?!" shouted all the girls at once.

~The Mane 7 turn at Wendy angrily and Stitch and Spike growl. Wendy was officially busted. On deciding to fight or flight, she picked flight. She dashes to the stairs but only for Rainbow Dash to activate her power and speed up to Wendy and pounce on her back down the stairs. Applejack also goes to help Rainbow secure Wendy. Fluttershy drops Spike and goes over Lightning. She helps her sit up first, then she politely removes her gag while Spike begins to chew on the ropes.~

"Lightning, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked concerningly.

"Ahh…! Yeah. I'm fine."

~Lightning gives Fluttershy a small smile before glaring over to Wendy still fighting Rainbow Dash and Applejack. Spike grunted then successfully chewed through Lightning's ropes and freed her. Fluttershy and Rarity then helped Lightning up.~

"Thank you, guys. " Lightning patted on Spike's head. "Wendy, what are you up to now?!"

~Lightning goes over to Wendy and removes her disguise, ripping it off and washing the makeup off with water. She also obtains her geode back by ripping off her neck.~

"Wendy?!" The Rainbooms said in shock.

"Yes, it's me, you dodos! Didn't think you would figure it out...but Karly did. And now you did."

"What is going on?" Sunset asked.

"Dr. Devil is here and he is planning a party for me…" Lightning answered.

"Really? That doesn't seem so bad!" Pinkie shrugged.

Twilight raises her hand. "Well, hang on, Pinkie, the party he could be planning might not be a pleasant one."

"Well, actually he said he didn't want to harm anyone. I didn't believe him though." said Lightning.

"Why's that?" asked Rarity.

"I don't know. But I just know he's not wanting to kill us."

"Nope. He wants to do that tomorrow when it's not anyone's special day." Wendy suddenly answered. "He wanted to ambush and capture everyone at the shop, then keep you as his prisoners until tomorrow…"

"Why exactly are you telling us all this information?" Lightning asked weirdly.

Wedny suddenly realised that and grunted. "I don't know! Right, I'm just gonna flap my lips and not say a thing now! You will never find out what I did with your friend!"


"No, Where is she? What did you do with her?!" Lightning demanded.

Wendy scoffed. "Yeah, Like I'm ever going to tell you where I put her."

"Well, if you won't tell us then I guess Sunset will. Sunset?"

~Sunset, smiling at Lightning, nodded and activated her geode. She stalked over to Wendy and touched her hand again. Sunset's eyes went white as she saw through her memory again. She came back too after a minute and turned to the girls.~

"What did you see?"

"They have Karly in the blimp." Sunset answered. "Which is just above CHS."

"How long has that been there? Have you been spying on us?" Twilight asked suspiciously, turning to Wendy.

"Maybe. We need information about you guys. I guess capturing Karly and locking her up was a good call. We have security cameras, we can see how you guys sneak and move."

"She's right. Karly is locked up pretty badly." Sunset admitted.

"Oh no! Poor Karly…This is the first time she has ever been in the clutches of a villain alone…She's probably terrified and doesn't know what to do…" Lightning shivered.

"Let's not forget all the people that could be guardin' her." Applejack added.

"With the 8 of us, it would be impossible for us to rescue Karly." Twilight said with worry.

"Rescue Karly?-Karly's in trouble?!"

~Everyone was alerted by Jace's voice coming from the stairs so they turn around to see the Pixels standing by there, looking very upset, sad and angry.~

"Um…how long have you all been standing there?" Lightning asked nervously.

"Long enough to hear everything and what's happening…" Fierra answered, folded her arms.

"And believe me…this is serious…" Mirus whispered.

"Yeah, next time you go and interrogate someone, make sure you tell and don't leave your friends outside in the bus for a long time…"

"Never mind that, Fierra. Karly is in trouble!" Arianna worried.

"Yeah! She was Devilnapped right under our noses!" Mirus exclaimed.

"'Devilnapped?'" The Rainbooms inquired.

"Kidnapped by Devil. It's a thing we made up and say." Lightning answered quickly.

"What are we going to do?" Arianna gasped.

"I don't know!" Jace panicked. "Karly isn't well known for having escape skills! We have to save her!"

"And we will, Jace, I promise…" Lightning turned to the Rainbooms. "We need to get to Devil's blimp STAT! Boy, some birthday THIS turned out to be…"

"I want to help." Jace said firmly, raising his hand.

"No way, Jace, it's too dangerous…" Lightning said.

"Danger is my middle name…"

"I thought it was Reff." Mirus questioned.

"Mirus, you don't get sarcasm, do you?" Fierra sighed embarrassingly.

"Well, no. But that's not important right now! I want to come too."

"I'm not sure we can have all 12 of us do a sneak mission…Sure it's more than what I anticipated, but the blimp will be crawling with crooks. We will still be outnumbered by a large margin." Twilight confirmed.

"Actually no." Sunset said smugly.


"When I saw through Wendy's memory, I also saw a lot of minions leave the blimp in planes and parachutes. I would say at least over 200 left. How many minions does Devil have-"

"205." Lightning answered quickly. "That means that there will only be 5 minions in the blimp, and 5 vs 12/13, means we will outnumber them!"


"Shimmer, you have the greatest superpower ever!...Ok, Pixels, you can come with us."

"Yes!" Jace and Mirus both pound each others' fist.

"Huh. It seems like you also have a plan up your sleeve, Lightning…" Twilight smirked.

"I sure do. Huddle up, I'll whisper it to you. So…"

~Lightning makes the Mane 11 huddle up and she begins to whisper to them all a plan to rescue Karly.~