• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 275 Views, 2 Comments

Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) - LightningStar626

Today is Lightning Star’s seventeenth birthday! Karly Crystal, The Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends, plan to make this day the best birthday in a long time.

  • ...

Chapter 7: I Wannabe Free!

Chapter 7: I Wannabe free!

"Now? What?! Those dimwitted clones let her escape!?" Wendy bellowed.

"Yes, I know, I will deal with them later, but now, you gotta deal with her so she doesn't ruin the party we're having!" Devil commanded. "Now!" He cuts off.

Wendy groaned. "Why do I have to do everything for those minions myself?!"

~Wendy does start to panic but suddenly spots some rope from below where she was sitting and the lamp on the desk, she grins..~

"Ok, don't worry. I've got this. This plan will go on…" She said to herself.

~Lightning began skating down and across the roads to CHS. She began to pant since she had been skating for a while now. She comes to a halt once her hand stroked the front statue and the portal to Equestria. And for a moment, Lightning thought she saw her hand turn into a hoof. She shook it off and threw the helmet and skateboard down by the portal.~

"Ok. I need to find the others and tell them what's going on. Now!"

~Lightning races into the school door, kicks it open and runs in the hallways past some clueless students and into the music room. Instead of playing the keys to open the piano, Lightning just rolled under it and forced the trap door open. She deactivated the security system before it went haywire and raced down the stairs into the hideout.~

"Guys! Guys! Where are-"

~Something suddenly whacks Lightning at the back of her head. She stumbled a little and was a little shellshock from the hit, but in other words, she was alright. She rubbed the back of her head and turned to see Wendy behind her holding the rope and a broken lamp.~

"OWW!" Lightning said.

"Wow. Got quite the thick skull there, Star." Wendy said in shock. "That's...weird. Well, consider this as my present to you, Lightning."

~Wendy quickly swings the lamp again at Lightning's head and smashes the bulb on the side of her head really hard. Lightning falls to the floor, unconscious. Wendy drops the lamp and kneels down to Lightning's unconscious body. She then begins to bind her arms from behind and around her waist. She pulled a piece of cloth over her mouth as well for good measure. Wendy then drags the body into a nearby closet, without any issue or danger, locks the door and puts the key in her pocket.~

"That will hold her." Wendy grinned.

"Lightning? Are you ok?" Sunset called.

~Sunset Shimmer, Mirus, and the rest of the Mane 7 appear and approach Wendy. Both Mirus and Pinkie had their hands full of chocolate wrappers and chocolate around their mouths, everyone looked in disgust, but didn't worry about it.~

"You called us over?"

"Is it something urgent?" Rainbow asked.

"Oh, yeah. Uh…" Wendy had to think of something quick. "I'm just wondering what I should wear…"

"That's it?!" Rainbow asked disappointedly.

"Why, that is certainly something urgent, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said in dismay. She turned to 'Lightning'. "These are your favourite jeans and jacket, darling, it would be absolutely horrendous for it to get dirty. Come with me. I might have something for you for your chocolate fiasco!"

~Rarity took Wendy's hand and politely dragged her to her room. Being the superior, generous friend she is, she was going to work on something for 'Lightning' to wear. Wendy shoved her other hand in her pocket and clutched onto the closet key tightly and closely.~

"Ok." Wendy answered suddenly.

"Uggghhh...whht? (Uggghhh...what?)"

~In the closet, Lightning was waking up. She groaned from her head injury, then realised she was bound and inside a closet. She screamed but she realised that she was gagged too. She glares at the door and begins to scoot her way over to it. Once she made contact with it, she began to use her head and body to bang on the door, but since she still had a headache, she hit the door very weakly.~

"Whht?! Hmh! Gnrls, hmmp-mmmm! (What?! Hey! Girls, help me!)" She attempted to scream.

"Wow. I've never heard Lightning talk about fashion before…" Fluttershy said, rubbing her arm.

"She's probably trying to make Rarity happy by saying she wants a different, new, birthday outfit." Rainbow shrugged. "You know, something that can be ok to get dirty."

"I agree. She attempting to cheer up from her 'Birthday Stress'. Maybe." said Twilight doubtfully.

"I better call Lightning's old friends and say she has her birthday planned now." Sunset nodded.

Mirus smiled. "Great...I get to eat more sugary snacks!"

"Me too!" cheered Pinkie. "Chocolate flavoured jelly beans, sprinkles, ice cream, whipped cream, coated doughnuts, EVERYTHING CHOCOLATE BASED! I am in!"

~Mirus and Pinkie's pupils both grow as they stared into each other's eyes. The thought of chocolate had their eyes and stomach's craving.~

"Chocolate?" Stitch barked.

~Stitch and Spike suddenly appeared beside Fluttershy's ankles. Their heads tilted sideways and they eyed up to the girls, all round and puffy. Fluttershy could see that they wanted to come along to this party, so she smiled down at them.~

"You two can come too."

"But, you must not take a bite on any piece of chocolate you find." Sunset said firmly.

"What? Why?" asked Stitch.

"Chocolate is poisonous to dogs." Mirus suddenly answered. "It contains a chemical called theobromine, and dogs cannot have theobromine as well as people can."

"Wow, Mirus. How do you know that?" Rainbow asked.

"I know alot about animals. I'm doing Zoology in my free time. I may be stupid for other things, but I have my strengths."

"Huh. Maybe there is more to you than I thought, Mirus."

He headbutts into a door. "How do you open these again?" He asked, feeling around it.

"Kinda." Sunset repiled. She gets out her phone. "I'm gonna call Karly now."


~Back in their world, Jace was shaking a glow stick and was getting ready to dance as 'Spice Girls' Wannabe' came on their karaoke machine. The girls face lit up and began to sing along.~

~Song: Wannabe- (Spice Girls)

~Karly's phone suddenly rings so she dances over to it. She had to stop singing and unplug off the machine to chat and listen to the caller on the other side. She tried to talk to her caller, but the others kept singing.~

"Hello?! One minute!"

Arianna: Oh, what do you think about that?

"Girls, quiet! I'm on the phone!" Karly yelled. They didn't hear her.

Arianna: Now you know how I feel.

"Girls...Girls…" Karly said repeatedly.

Fierra: Say, you can handle my love, are you for real?

Arianna: I won't be hasty, I'll give you a try!


Fierra: If you really bug me then I'll say-

"Arianna! Fierra!"

~Arianna instantly stopped singing and looked at Karly, cheeks turning pink.. As Fierra finished her sentence and looked at Karly in annoyance because she loved that song.~

"Goodbye…What is it?!"

"What's wrong, Karly?" asked Jace.

Karly raised her finger at Jace and listened to Sunset on the phone. "Hey! What's happening? We're already singing our 10th song and we were just about to-What?"

~The Pixels make their way back through the portal and to CHS. They were delayed for a while because Karly threw up once again after coming out of the portal, and Fierra lost an earring, and she wouldn't move until she found it. Eventually she found it and continued on. The whole gang came running through the school, and making their way to the secret trapdoor under the piano. They arrived at the hideout where the Rainbooms and Mirus were waiting. They told them the birthday schedule immediately.~

"The chocolate shop?" Karly inquired.

"That's it?! I mean, don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but I was expecting something more…interesting." Fierra shook her shoulders.

"Well, if we're being honest, your 17th birthday isn't really that...special. If it was her 18th, then yes. I would have thought of something much better for that special occasion. But, luckily, it's not her 18th. So, I understand Lightning's choice." Jace nodded firmly.

"Count me in!" Mirus cheered stupidly.

"Mirus, after all those sweets you ate, you still want more?" Arianna asked.

"Well, I do feel a lot better…"

"The more the merrier, Is what always say!" said Pinkie with a laugh.

"No way! The more the merrier? That will lead to a disaster in a matter of seconds with him around." Fierra complained. "Didn't you see what happened last time? That was this morning!"

"Say who? The Cameras?" Mirus giggled.

"I liked Mirus better when he was acting smart." Rainbow whispered to the others.

"Hmmmp! Khrrrn! Fhmmbhdm! (Help! Karly! Somebody!)" Lightning yelled.

~Inside the closet, Lightning continued to whine for help, it sounded like everyone was out there, so one of them had to hear her. She was banging and muffling as hard as she could.~


~Karly suddnely heard whines coming from the closet. At first, she was vague about it, but went to check it out, until Rarity and Wendy had appeared suddenly. Wendy was wearing a pink-lavender sash with 'Birthday Girl' written in gold on it. Her outfit was simple black jeans and a white top. Sure it was simple, but Rarity tried to make it high quality as well as fine. The sash was the thing that shone among it~

""Here she is!" Rarity said proudly. "The birthday girl! Now everybody will know!"

""Hm….I could live with this. What do you think?"" Wendy asked.

""Good. Perfect!"" They all put their thumbs up and nod.

""So…Are we all ready to go?""

~Everyone was cheering and yelling over each other the words 'Definitely.' 'Yeah!' and 'Let's go!'. Karly then harmlessly pulled Wendy aside for a second.~

"Uh...Lightning, can I have a quick word, privately?"


"You all head upstairs. We'll catch up." Karly waved.

"Alright. Don't keep us waiting, though. " Rainbow winked.

~Everyone but Wendy and Karly began to chatter and walk upstairs. With Mirus and Pinkie being the first to bolt up the stairs, Pinkie actually making it.~

"So...Lightning. The Chocolate shop?" Karly smiled, putting her hands together.

"Yeah. I wanted to do something chocolate related, because everyone loves and can't resist it." Wendy smirked. "I was mentioned the factory, but the others say that's too far away."

"Yeah, about 3 hours time. I guess the shop would just be simpler. On the bright side, they do parties. And the delicious chocolate caramel." Karly said suspiciously.

"Yuck! Caramel chocolate. Tastes like goo!"

Karly raised a brow. "Lightning, you love caramel chocolate."

"Oh! Right! Yeah, the gooey texture is marvellous!"

~Wendy, realising that she said the wrong thing, began to sweat. She attempted to cover up that little misconception, but Karly started to see right through her now.~

"Lightning, you acting a bit off. Are you alright?"

"Yes...Perfectly normal!"

"Really? Then, how do you explain this?!"

~Karly stomped over to the closet door and teleported inside it. She then teleported back with Lightning in her arms. Karly dropped her at once and gestured her to Wendy, who glared at them both.~

"You little pest!" Wendy murmured.

"Lightning. Are you ok?"

~She nodded. Karly smiled and bent down to untie Lightning but Wendy jumped on her. Karly yelped and wrestled with Wendy around the hideout. They smashed each other against the wall and on the tables hard. Lightning was desperately trying to struggle free and help Karly out, but she couldn't. The ropes were really tight! Wendy suddenly had Karly in the corner and up the wall, arm tightly pressing against her neck. Karly forcefully and violently tried to move Wendy's arm off her neck, but her strength had gone down.~

"Who are you?!" Karly demanded.

"An old friend." Wendy answered simply. "I'll show you once you're at the blimp!"


~Wendy swooped behind Karly and quickly pinched on her neck. She fainted instantly. Wendy caught her in held her in her arms.~

"Tsk. I should have done that hours ago."

~Lightning garbled in anger at Wendy but the girl just responded back to her by unlocking the closet and kicking her back into it. She slammed and locked it tightly once again, then focused her eyes back on Karly.~

"You're coming with me, Agent Crystal. Can't have you spoiling the party now that you know too much, now can I?" She said as she dragged her up the stairs.

"Khrrrn...mrrr...(Karly...nooo...)" Lightning whined pathetically.