• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 275 Views, 2 Comments

Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) - LightningStar626

Today is Lightning Star’s seventeenth birthday! Karly Crystal, The Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends, plan to make this day the best birthday in a long time.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Chocolate fixes Everything!

Chapter 5: Chocolate fixes everything!

~Stitch jumped off Sunset's shoulders and onto Twilight's. Sunset opens the door into Lightning's room and Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike follow in after her, Wendy was searching through Lightning's laptop, probably for various details about Lightning's birthday and other stuff. The four looked at her calmly.~

"Lightning?" Sunset called.

"Yes?" Wendy answered coldly, not taking her eyes off the laptop.

"Is everything ok?" Fluttershy asked.

"Is there anything bothering you today?" Rarity added.

"No. Why would you think that?"

Sunset looked at Fluttershy and Rarity then back. "You're not acting like yourself…"

"Oh. You know. It's my birthday! A special day for this girl right here! Little worried about what to do…" Wendy quickly said, without causing any suspicion.

"Darling, please! Your birthday is supposed to be a wondrous occasion, not something to be worried about…" Rarity chuckled.

"I get worried sometimes too, but never on my birthday." Fluttershy smiled shyly. "I'd always spend time with the animals at the shelter each year."

"Are you just freaked out from that dead frog Stitch gave you?" Spike asked. "I'll admit, that was pretty freaky…"

"What?" Fluttershy exclaimed.

~Spike points to the dead frog lying upon Lightning's bed. Fluttershy places Spike down and goes up to the amphibian's corpse. She felt absolutely heartbroken.~

"Oh...poor thing."

"I know. Stitch found it by the park pond." Spike explained.

"Did he kill it?" Sunset asked in disgust.

"Stitch would never do such a thing!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Actually, I think he did." Spike said unsurely.

"How is this relevant to the birthday now?" Wendy asked rudely. The computer suddenly chimes and Wendy groans.

"Um...Lightning! Have you decided on a place yet?" Sunset asked.

"Nope! There's nothing interesting in this dull city…! And we can't have it here, because who wants to go to school on their birthday?! Beach? Too sandy. Meadow? Too dandy. Construction site? Too handy. Sweet shop? Too candy. Too MUCH candy."

~Pinkie unexpectedly pokes her head around the door when Wendy said about having too many sweets. Pinkie then states the exact amount they had, then disappears back round the door again.~

"Exactly 547!"

"Yeah. Right…"

~Wendy comically takes a deep breath but then goes back to thinking. A devious idea suddenly struck inside her mind, and she evilly smirks. She then turns back to the girls and puts on the nicest face she could put on.~



"Are there any chocolate places around here?"

"There's a factory. But, that's miles away from here! Almost about 3 hours time." Rarity explained.

"It's my birthday! I can do whatever!" Wendy shrugged.

"Um...I think there's a chocolate shop down the street?" Sunset clafied.

"They may not do much but at least it's not wasting your birthday."

"What? Oh, yeah I guess there would be fine too." Wendy shrugged again.

"Alright!" Spike jumped and wagged his tail.

"I think that's a wonderful idea." Fluttershy nodded.

"We'll go and inform the others what the plan is then." Sunset said.

~Everyone, minus Wendy, smiles and walks out of the room. Wendy raises her eyebrows and began scheming maliciously.~

"This will be the perfect trap to catch them all…"

~She gets out her phone and goes to call someone.~

"Daddy? I have a plan for you...hehehe!"

~Back on Devil's Blimp, poor Lightning has never had a worse day than this. A red nose, clown makeup and toy arrows were stuck all over her face, and mocking laughs from the minions too were not helping her case.~

"Quit it!" She shouted.

"If you didn't like your new look you should have just said." Minion 2 shrugged.

Lightning struggled in anger. "I did!"

"I didn't hear. Did you?" He turned to Minion 1.


~The two minions laugh and walk off. Lightning strains and struggles again and again and again, but has no avail or luck.~

"I have got to get out of here...And get this stuff off me!" She yelled at the minions. "You all better let me go this instant or else I'll make you eat this here cake!"

~The minions laugh and mockingly point gestures at Lightning's insult. Lightning is anything but amused from their laughing at that demand she just gave them. She raised a brow and puts a stern look on her face. The fourth minion ceased laughing, straightens himself out, places his hands together and walks over to Lightning.~

"Ok. How about this? A cake-off! Whoever eats the most cake will make the rules around here!" He said firmly.

"What's in it for me?"

"We don't set you free…" Minion 2 grinned.

"You won't free me, even if I do win! I really don't have a choice, do I?" Lightning asked,

"Nope!" They all go.


~The five main minions turned to the cake and gaze at it. Minion 4 grabs a fork and knife and gets into position.~

"You sure about this, Themas? You tend to go crazy over cake, but then the next thing we know is you're on the bathroom floor chundering everywhere." Minion 1 sighed.

"I'll be fine. That hasn't happened to me for 15 years."

"Go crazy over cake?" Lightning said to herself.

~Lightning smiles before a plate with cake on it was slid over to her and put on her lap by Minion 2. Icing covered his fingers and he looked at her uncaringly.~

"Knock yourself out, loser. The cake is actually quite good." He said as he sucked his fingers.

"Ok. Here we go, dirt-tasting, fruity flavour, soily, spongy, soggy, Devil's food cake."

"And begin!" Minion 1 threw his hand up then down.

~Devil's minion 4 (Themas) began munching down on the cake while the other minions chant.~

"Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug!..."

Lightning looks at her tied up hands. "Hm...looks like I'm doing this without using my hands…"

~She leaned down and stuck her tongue out to slowly lick the icing. Once her tongue made contact though, she then immediately stopped and lifted her head back up.~

"Yuck! Still dirty! Nope, can't do this! I'm not getting any kind of reward anyway. Hmm…actually...I have an idea of how to escape."

~Lightning lifted her legs up and flicked the cake off her plate and on the ground. She then pushed it away and hid it behind her chair, so it looked like she finished it. She whistled over to the minions to get their attention, and once they all turned, she showed them the empty plate.~

"What the…?"

"Come on, minions, Is that the best you can do? I have already finished my slice. Bring me another." Lightning smugged.

"NO! We can't let Lightning win! Themas, eat more! And eat them faster!" Minion 1 commanded.

~Minion 4 looked in shock, but does as he's told. He slices the biggest piece he could from the cake and gobbles it down in one go. Shortly after, he has another piece, and another one, and another one, and another one. Suddenly, his face began to turn green, and his stomach began to grumble. He held his mouth as his cheeks began to blow. Finally, he couldn't handle it anymore and ran, clutching his stomach.~

"Uh…I'll take over." Minion 5 volunteered.

"Yeah. Ok. I don't mind." Lightning grinned. "Let yourself

"WHOA! What the…? Does this cake have strawberries in it or something? Strawberries are my weakness!"

~The fifth minion collapses to the ground and shuts his eyes. Minion 1 looks at the cake and takes charge. He is a sore loser and doesn't want to lose to his enemy.~

He turns to Minion 3. "Dude, help me with this! I'm not a fast eater!"

"Ok! Quick! Do it together!" Devil's minion 3 chomps a bit of cake, and suddenly retches. "Oh, man! This icing tastes like dirt!"

"Told ya!" Lightning yelled.

"And soil!" Minion 1 gurgles. "That's horrid! Need water!"

~Minion 1 and 3 both run out of the room in search of water. Lightning looked around and saw that there was only one minion guarding her now. This was her chance. She seized this opportunity to get away. She struggled once more, and then, a miracle happened. She finally gets an arm free.~



~The second minion notices Lightning untying herself so he charges at her. Lightning spots the guy coming for her, so she throws herself out of the chair and ducks down in front of it as minion 2 trips on her and lands in the chair, face first. She then picks him up and throws him on the leftover cake, splatting it everywhere in the room.~

"Bon appetit, sucker!" She laughed.

~She rubs off the things on her face and runs out of the room, while minion 2 was picking his face up from the cake. He licks the icing and crumbs off his face and makes a face that says he likes the cake. He then spots Lightning running away.~

"Whoa!" He races to a speaker. "Minions! Red alert! Lightning's making a run for it!"

~Lightning looks back to see minion 2 sound an alarm and looks back and across the corridor she sees three minions charge at her.~

"Whoa!" She screams.

~She runs back the other way and goes to activate her power but realises, her geode is missing.~

"Huh? Oh yeah, Wendy took my geode. Looks like I'm escaping the old fashioned way. Wait...Wendy! I need to get her before she ruins my friendship with the guys or does something else bad!" Lightning hops into the nearby mini-plane and turns to the gang of minions. "Thanks for the party, boys! I like birthdays, but I think too many can kill you."

~With that, she departs from the blimp with the minions staring at the bad joke she just made. Minion 1 pushes beneath the crowd and arrives at the front to see Lightning leave..~

"What Is everyone standing around for?! Go get her!"

"Johnas, she's too far away now. Admit it, she escaped." One minion shrugged.

"Not yet."

~Minion 1 (Johnas) makes his blaster appear outta nowhere and shoots at the wing of the mini-plane. The laser made a direct hit on it and it began to spark. Lightning noticed it right away.~

"Oh, sugar, honey, iced tea." She murmured.

~She grabs a parachute backpack that was just lying on the floor and jumps out of the plane. The plane spins and shoots straight down, Lightning and the minion watch it fly down and explode once it crashes in the grassy hills down below. Lightning opens the parachute and drifts away.~

"Phew...that was close. "

Minion 1 growled. "Come on!"

~Johnas and the other four main minions hop into another plane and fly after Lightning.~

"Now she has nowhere to go…!" Minion 5 grinned.

"Hm. He's right." Lightning admitted. "Wait…"

~Lightning reaches into her inside jacket pocket and reveals her blaster. She felt absolutely stupid realising she had this all along but found it convenient.~

"Wow...I didn't think I'd need this today."

~She grins and points the blaster at the plane and fires. The blaster bullets zoom past the plane and the minions, one bullet almost hit the fifth minion in the face if he had not ducked in the last sceond.~

"Whoa! Hey!"

~The fifth minion glares and gets out his blaster and starts shooting back. Lightning pulled the strings of the parachute and titled it in different directions, dodging the lasers. She hadn't noticed that she made it to the ground yet. Her foot hits a rock and she tumbles on the ground. The backpack containing the parachute left her back and she facepalmed on the solid earth. She gets up immediately, groans and looks around to see where she had landed.~