• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 275 Views, 2 Comments

Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) - LightningStar626

Today is Lightning Star’s seventeenth birthday! Karly Crystal, The Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends, plan to make this day the best birthday in a long time.

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Chapter 8: Devilnapped!

Chapter 8: Devilnapped!

~On the blimp, Devil is walking back and forth in the party room with cake splattered all over the walls. Ollie, Frank and Lairry were also there, sitting down on the nearby sofa, watching their father stride around. Frank even tried to remove the cake on the walls by eating it, but it was a bit stale and disgusting.~

"The only good thing about this day is that Lightning got a birthday party from me. I hope Wendy and her plan will be able to turn this bad day for me around…" Devil grumbled.

"Relax, dad. I'm sure it will. The minions are still getting ready, and we just have to wait for Wendy to let us know when Star's friends make it to the chocolate shop. And hope good luck will come to our side." Ollie assured him.

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't know how to bake a cake and it actually came out, ok." Frank shrugged.

"And I got lucky that Lightning was spying on me and the minions and we caught her so easily." Lairry added.

Their father glared at them. "You're just saying that to make me feel better! Maybe you have luck, but I sure as hell don't. Look at me! Luck has never been on my side yet. Come on, I want something good to happen!-"

~Devil's rage was suddenly interrupted by chatter coming from outside. Wendy then appears, poking her head around the wall of the entrance of the room.~

"Daddy, I have something for you."

"I hope it's a new pet shark to maul Lairry and wash away my troubles…Wait, Wendy, what are you wearing?" Devil asked, poking at the sash.

"Don't worry about that. Check this out!"

~Wendy pulls Karly out from behind the wall and shoved her towards Devil while holding her arms behind her back.~

"H-Hey!" Karly whinged.

~As Karly struggles in Wendy's grip, Devil looks over her. He is surprised to see her for a second but then his expression fades away to an evil grin.~

"Well, Well, Agent Crystal…Didn't expect to see you…again."

"Yeah, back at you." Karly said, trying to look away from him.

"Wait...What is she even doing here?!" Devil asked.

"I figured out the fake Lightning wasn't Lightning…!" She answered him.

"Yeah, She figured out what our plan was. I had to keep her quiet. So I knocked her out, dragged her outside without being seen by anyone, called the minions and a plane, threw her onto the plane and flew her up here to bring her to you." Wendy explained roughly.

"Well, good job, girl." Devil smiled proudly. "That's one less person to worry about capturing I suppose. Just, more to go."

~Devil walked to the nearest window and looked out of it and down to CHS.~

"I know you and Agent Star have more friends down there, Karen. And I swear 7 of them are new. They look familiar, but I can't place my finger on it. I've seen them once, I know I have!"

Ollie stood up from his seat. "Dad, the 7 girls you speak of, I think are the Rai-"

"My name is Karly, Professor Devil!" Karly interrupted. "What can't you get it right?"

"I'm not a professor! I'm a doctor!"

"I know. I just said that so you know how I feel when someone gets your name wrong!" Karly mumbled under her breath and clenched her teeth. "Honestly, I don't even think you're a doctor. When are you a doctor?"

"They don't give these out to anyone you know." Devil holds up a doctors diploma.

Karly scans the diploma and notices a price tag on it. "Anyone with 15 pounds, they do-"

"That's enough looking!" Devil turned to his daughter. "Wendy, get back to the agents' hideout and carry on with the plan! We'll be ready when you make the signal."

"Right. Keep an eye on this pest while you do that."

~Wendy glared at Karly when she said that and Karly glared back at her. Wendy then lets Karly go by pushing her forwards and races back down into CHS from the blimp to continue on her task. She took a mini plane down this time. Karly moves her eyes and stares at the villains, then goes to make a run for it. Ollie and Frank jump out of their seats and grab each of her arms before she could move anywhere and squeezes them hard. She starts kicking and squirming when grabbed again.~

"Oww! Let go of me!" Karly gasped.

"I have ways of punishing you for finding out my plan, Agent Crystal. But, I'll think about what I should do to you when I have everyone here for the surprise." Devil smirked boldly.


"Yeah…For Lightning's birthday."

"It's not-"

"No, it's not for revenge. Yet. It doesn't involve death."

"Or magic being taken." Ollie sighed.

"What is it then?" Karly asked, very confused.

"Have some patience. You will find out soon. I was meant to have Lightning already here, but-uh-she decided to take a stroll without my permission and now she's back at your HQ, but it's no problem, we can get her back later, right now. We gotta go to that party and cancel it. So, the guys can come to this party. Ok, I think I've had enough chatting now...Take her away! We'll come back for her when the surprise begins!"

"No! Wait!"

~Ollie and Frank obeyed their dad's commands and they hauled Karly out of the room, downstairs and across through the corridors until they reached a bunch of prison cells. Frank throws Karly in one of the cells and clanks chains onto her wrists. He then firmly chained her to the wall. Ollie gave Karly a smug evil smile before slamming and locking the cell door shut, leaving Karly alone in the dark. She struggles but immediately ceases since the chains were too sturdy and heavy, and that she knew no one can escape chains. Karly begins to sob softly as she collapses to the ground.~

"Hmm. Agent Crystal is such a pest, isn't she? I'm relieved that Wendy got her before she spilt anything to her gang. The plan will still go on smoothly."

"So should we be going then?" Ollie asked.

"Yes, of course. All minions, get to arms and head for the chocolate shop and hide!"

~Devil sounds an alarm and all minions begin running around the blimp, shouting and grabbing one blaster from each shelf. Karly watches all the minions run back and forth from outside her cell. She tried to get a better look at them and reach the bars of the cell door, but the chains weren't long enough and they held her back, all she could do was to just continue sobbing.~

"No...this can't be happening…! We can't let Devil ruin another birthday for Lightning. I would never forgive myself if anything happened to her this time…" She whispered.

~Devil began watching his minions get to arms. He smirked at them proudly, until he spotted little Karly sobbed in her cell. He realised that he couldn't leave her here alone on the blimp. What if she escapes and takes control of it? He started to walk to the cell but then stops when he sees the five main minions run past him like a pride of lions to a blaster shelf. He stops the first minion by grabbing the back of his shirt and dragged him back so he faced him. The four other minions see him do this so they stop and come over to their boss when he taunted them.~

"Why did cha stop me, boss?" Johnas (Minion 1) asked.

"You 5 are not going to this ambush." Devil said. "Since you did a terrible job at guarding Lightning, I'm giving you the job of guarding Kaci while I and the rest of your clone brothers are going to the party."

"Oh what?!"

"Well, hang on a second there, boss! Do you honestly think it's a good idea to put us once again on guard duty, since we failed that last time?" Minion 2 asked.

"Well, bro, if we are being honestly, Crystal is alot easier to guard since she doesn't have the high quality skills as Star does." Minion 3 answered truthfully.

"I honestly don't care. Guarding, attacking, it's all the same to me. I don't like chocolate." Portas (Minion 5) shrugged.

"Me too. I don't want to go out. I'm too tired. Guarding the agent will be a snap." Themas (Minion 4) yawned.

"So, we have come to an agreement. You're outvoted, minion! Deal with it." Devil grunted.

"HA! Outvoted!" Minion 3 laughed.

"Oh, You wanna fight?"

~Minion 2 pounces at Minion 3 and both begin fighting, then the other minions are suddenly dragged in and they begin puffing up a combat cloud..~

"Why can't you all just behave yourselves!? I'm gone! Just guard! Do not let this one get away!"

~Devil walks off to the landing dock and jumps into a mini-plane. He commands the pilot to fly and he does, directing co-ordinates to the chocolate shop. The five minions quit fighting and looked at Karly, who was burying her face in her legs. Karly tilted her head up and looked at the minions, tears still flowing in her red, strained eyes.~

"Hm...poor girl's crying. I guess it shows, Agent Crystal is a scaredy-cat." Johnas grinned.

"And a cry baby." Minion 3 added.

"Just like you!" Minion 2 swung at Minion 3.

~The minions then continue fighting, creating the combat cloud again. Karly watched them pounce then back to the wall, fiddling with her chains.~