• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 275 Views, 2 Comments

Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) - LightningStar626

Today is Lightning Star’s seventeenth birthday! Karly Crystal, The Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends, plan to make this day the best birthday in a long time.

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Chapter 2: The Second Surprise

Chapter 2: The Second Surprise.

~Meanwhile just above Canterlot High in his blimp, Dr. Devil was lurking in the shadows. Ollie, Frank, Lairry and Wendy were there too, looking at Devil's calendar. Devil was circling the day's date on his calendar in red marker. He had it marked as Lightning's birthday, so he knew it was her birthday today.~

"Today's Lightning's birthday, And I'm not going to be able to attend it. Since we're stuck in this stupid, colourful world!" Devil kicked the floor and began striding around the room.

Ollie gets up from his seat and calmly walks up to his dad. "Yes, I also wish we can ruin her birthday for revenge too, dad, but, first we need to find a way to get back to our world."

"What, No son, I'm not going to ruin her birthday. I'm going to do the opposite. I know repairing the castle is going to take a long time but my revenge-itis hasn't quite kicked in yet."

"So, what exactly are you planning to do?" Wendy asked.

"Well, Wendy, first, we need to get back to our world. Then, I'm going to find Lightning and wish her a happy birthday and host a party for her, and make sure she never leaves until tomorrow, that's when my revenge-itis kick in…" Devil hastily replied.

"You mean tomorrow, 21st August, you will get your revenge?" Frank asked.

"Of course, because it will be no one's special day! Lightning might have gotten lucky today but the plan is that we capture everyone and keep them with us until tomorrow, then I'll kill them for revenge. Boom! It all comes in full circle!"

~Devil suddenly looks outside and down of his window and sees bright and strobing lights coming from inside CHS. He spies down on the school, looking through his telescope and in the music room window, he sees the party lights and confetti spelling out the words 'Happy 17th Birthday, Lightning'.~

"Wait a minute…'Happy 17th birthday, Lightning'…they're here?! Still in this world?! And they are already having the party without us! Ok, that tears it!"

Lairry droopily walks up to Devil. "Now is your revenge-itis kicking in?"

~In response, Devil kicks Lairry away from him in anger and Lairry yells out in pain.~

"No, my Lairry-itis was kicking in though. Lightning didn't invite us to the party! So I think I gonna-"

"Ruin the party?" Ollie interrupted. "Take her magic and destroy her once and for all for her birthday?"

"No! Come on, no one's that evil! I'm still going to throw my own party for her…Ollie, get the party decorations and hats, Frank, bake the cake!"

"Should I make it poisonous, dad?" Frank asked, gleaming a little.

"Wha-Nooo! Just to make this clear, for the last time, it's Lightning's birthday so we need her alive to celebrate! So, no weapons or anything that involves destroying her!"

~Without warning, Devil seized his son by the ankles and hung him upside down. He then proceeded to shake him and a bunch of weapons came out of his pockets. Blasters, knives and mini-bombs. All. The doctor sets Frank down as he frowned.~


~Frank then leaves the room and goes off somewhere else, most likely to the blimp's kitchen. Devil finally, turns to Lairry and gives him a task to do too, even if he finds him totally useless and pathetic.~

"Lairry! I need you to take some of the minions, go to the colourful, party shop in the city, and get some balloons."


"Lots of them. Oh, and if you see Lightning, take her out and bring her here."

"Alright then."

~Lairry smiled at his father, believing that he can accomplish this simple task. He turned to the door behind him and gave out a long, whistle. After a minute had gone by, five minions appear at the threshold of the door in a line, standing firm.~

"You called?" The first minion asked, holding his chest up high.

"Lairry is going to need your help to get balloons...and Agent Star. Bring her here ALIVE for her birthday party, hosted by yours truly…" Devil placed his hand on his chest.

"That's it?!"

"Got a problem with that?" Devil glared.

"No, not at all!" The minion shook his head.

"Then, get out of here!" Devil ordered.

"Sure thing, boss!" The minions salute their master.

Lairry smiles uneasily. "Don't worry, dad, we'll get Agent Star and those balloons as soon as we can!"

~Lairry and the minions leave to go where the planes are parked, leaving Wendy left without a mission.~

"Yeah, they're going to be a while…" Devil nodded slowly. "All minions! Get ready for the party, everyone put on a hat!" He begins laughing evilly. "This will be the best party for Lightning ever!"

"What can I do, father?" Wendy slides in front of her father.

"I don't know. You can be the party planner." He shrugs shamelessly.

"Can I do something not boring?"

"Hmm...no. I'll think of something for you to do when it comes to me."

"...Fine. Hm…" Wendy growled and sat down on the sofa again.

~For the duration of the party, Lightning was sitting down on the piano with a glass of punch in her hand. She was looking at the ground, not sad, just lost in thought. Karly comes and sits beside her and smiles, but stops when Lightning sighs.~

"Hm…Come on, mind! Think of somewhere to go. Anywhere!" Lightning began tapping her head with her finger.

"Don't worry, Lightning. Hopefully, you will think of something to do afterwards." Karly assured. "We could go to the Pizza Shack in our world or we could go trampolining at the gym."

"I did that for my fourth birthday party." Lightning sighed.

"That was thirteen years ago. You're now seventeen. I bet you don't remember a lot about that though. So we could go there again to remind you how fun it is."

"Maybe, I'll think about it after the party."

Karly and Lightning both share a smile before their friend, Mirus, runs past them, his stomach grumbling. "Woo! I'm starving…is there any party food?"

"Of course there is!" Pinkie smiled. "Come downstairs for cake and more!"

"There aren't many sugar snacks are there?" Fierra asked.

Applejack shook her head. "I wouldn't think so. Why?"

"Mirus...tends to get crazy when he has too much sugar. Last time he was on a sugar rush, I caught him smooching an electrical socket…"

"Ooook, I'll keep an eye on him." Applejack promised.

~Mirus and Pinkie both zoom downstairs at the exact same speed to the buffet made by the Chief. Everyone except Lightning follows them, Karly stops and turns to Lightning.~

"Uh, Lightning, are you coming?"

"I'm going to have a look around the town and city to see what I want to do. Tell everyone to stay in the hideout until I come back. Or until I call someone."

"Um...ok. I'll have my phone on me at all times…" Karly shook her phone in her hand.

"You always have your phone on you at all times, Oh whatever…"

~Lightning rolls her eyes as Karly walks down. Lightning grabs her small backpack and sets out. In Canterlot City, Lightning was walking around, passing through crowds, and looking at the buildings like she was on holiday. She had hardly been in the city, so this was troublesome for her to look for a place.~

"Think, Lightning, think! There are so many wonderful places you can go for your birthday. The swimming pool? No, Fierra can't swim and she's going to complain about missing the fun. Karly is too a weak swimmer. Hmm…the park? Boring! What else?"

~Lightning just ends up walking down an alleyway and stops there for a second and sighs hopelessly.~

"I wish I knew where everything was in this city…Hmm...I know! Why don't I just fly around the city and see if I can find any place to go at!"

~She activates her power, gets her raccoon ears and tail and flies up above the city.~

"Ok, this is better, let's see. I see the bowling alley, the beach...that would be nice, Huh?" Squinting down, Lightning notices a mini plane landing in a large alleyway. "And Lairry's plane and Devil's minions? What are they up to?"

~Lightning was very suspicious and confused to spot Lairry and some minions around the city. She flies down beside Lairry's mini-plane and hides behind it while she eavesdrops on Lairry and the minion's conservation.~

"You still think this will be easy?" One minion asked, folding his arms.

"Of course. But one small failure and we will be thrown into the shark tank!" Lairry worried.

"Yeah, ok, I do not want that! So, where do we start?"

"With the balloons…okay…" Lairry tugs a ski mask over his head. "I'm gonna run in and get the balloons and party streamers. Stay out here until I say I need help."

"Balloons? Party streamers?" Lightning whispered to herself.

"Oh, the boss just texted to get more shark food as well…! Great." Minion 3 said, looking at his phone.

"Ok, that's reasonable…" Lightning tilted her head.

"Huh? What was that?"

~The first minion starts to look around because he heard Lightning speak. She starts to back off and sidestep around the plane but then accidentally presses a button that sets off an alarm.~

"What the…?" Lairry crouched his eyes in suspicion.

"Oh, shoot!" Lightning shouted.

~Lightning began constantly whacking the button to make it stop.~

"Stop it! Stop! Good god, shut up!"

~The alarm suddenly stops and Lightning sighs in relief. But it was already too late. Lightning closed her eyes in relief and began to walk backwards, when she felt someone behind her. This widens her eyes again.~

"Well, Well, why go chasing Lightning when Lightning's chasing us…" Minion 1 snickered.

~Lightning looked at him in worry, then surprise punched him in the face. She glared and began to take off, but before she was out of range of the guys, someone seized her raccoon tail and attempted to pull her back down. She turned around to see Minion 2 tugging her tail.~

"Ow! Let go!" Lightning shouted in pain.

"Oh, no you don't!"

~The minion thrust the tail and Lightning down as hard as he could. He couldn't get her to hit the ground, but he successfully dragged her down enough for him to rapidly wrap his arms around her waist and throw her down to the floor. Lightning hit the ground on her back and she was about to quickly get up, but the minion put both of his feet on her arms, pinning them down and restraining her on the floor.~

"Hey! Let me go!"

~The first minion regains consciousness and joins his coworker in restraining Lightning. The rest of the minions overwhelm her too. One of them grabs some rope from the mini-plane, commands his mates to roll her on her stomach and tie her up. Lightning felt them wrap the rope around her and connect her hands to her waist. She then felt them tighten it and she realised that she was now quite securely pinioned.~

Lairry was completely shocked. "Wow. That was super easy. Finally, dad will be proud of me!" He suddenly sees the minions giving him a death stare. "And you! Let's get out of here then!"

"Any witnesses anywhere?" Minion 5 asked suspiciously.

~Lairry gets out his blaster and shoots his surroundings, blasting and destroying dustbins and building walls in the area. Everything was completely quiet.~

"Nope. Nothing. Let's go!" He confirmed and smiled.

~The minions smile at the struggling Lightning as they pick her up and chuck her in the plane. She landed pretty uncomfortably on the other side and hits her head on the railing of the plane with a thud.~

"Ow." She began to struggle and grunt. "You jerks! What do you want with me?!" She demanded.

"Not me. But my dad. He wants to throw a party for you, strangely." Lairry answered truthfully.

"Uh-huh, yeah. A likely story...Unless that's what the balloons and streamers were for." Lightning doubted.

"Oh! I forgot the balloons and streamers!"

~Lairry hops out of the plane and quickly runs into the shop.~

Lightning struggled to get free. "I wish I never said that. At least he also forgot the shark food."

~After a few minutes, Lairry returns with 5 bags of balloons and streamers in his hands. He throws them at the back where the minion caught them. However, one minion fakes missing to catch one of the bags and lets it hit Lightning's face, of course it didn't hurt, but it still shook her a little.~

"Ok, I got them! Let's get back to the party." Lairry said.

"Come on, it's not a party…" Lightning rolled her eyes.

"It is a party, for your information." Lairry retaliated.

~Both teens glare at each other then begin arguing like preschoolers.~

"Is not."

"Is too."

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Just shut it!" Lairry screamed, ending the quarrel.

~Lairry starts the engine and grabs the wheel as the plane lifts off the ground. Lightning started to get nervous and was desperate for help. She begins to think.~

"I need to call the others but I'm being watched, literally."

~Lightning gazes to her left to see all five minions looking at her creepily and angrily, without saying a word. She turned away from them and shuffled to the right until the third minion yelled.~

"She moved!"

"I'm going to have to wait until Devil leaves me alone for a while. If he does if not, I'm going to have to think of an escape route as soon as I can by myself...Frankly, this birthday just got interesting...and unexpecting. And hopefully, it won't be the worst or the last for that matter."

"You know, she's being awfully quiet, now." The third minion noted.

"She's just thinking how to escape, well, it's not going to happen with us keeping an eye on her!" The fourth minion grinned.

"Don't worry. Lots of us will be keeping an eye on her at the party, even dad." Lairry reminded him.


Lightning growls and struggles again. "I think I'm already happy with just one party, ok?!" She said aloud. "I don't need another! Listen, I know I was looking for a place to hang out at for my birthday, but Devil's blimp wasn't really what I had in mind…!"

"Well, it would be better than the park, right?" Lairry teased.

~The minions laugh at Lairry's joke and Lightning's misery. Lightning grunts but then sighed sadly, knowing she can't get out of this.~