• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 275 Views, 2 Comments

Lightning's Birthday Bash (#4) - LightningStar626

Today is Lightning Star’s seventeenth birthday! Karly Crystal, The Rainbooms, and the rest of their friends, plan to make this day the best birthday in a long time.

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Chapter 14: Celebrate Good Times!

Chapter 14: Celebrate Good Times!

~Everyone fled to the landing docks of the blimp at once. Over 5 minions bundled into a miniplane each and almost crushed each other when climbing on board. They departed at the speed of light and abandoned any other fellow comrades that might have been left behind. The Pixels, the Rainbooms and Stitch and Spike snuck around from the landing docks, and with help from their powers, they flew, floated or slid back down onto the roof of CHS. They climbed down from the roof and onto the grassy fields to watch the planes leave the exploding blimp from above.~

"Well, that was intense…" Jace panted.

"Totally. I do not expect him to have that." Lightning rubbed her head.

"Well, what did you expect? It's Devil." Karly shrugged.


~Lightning was suddenly interrupted by a giant explosion in the sky. Everyone looks up to see flaming parts of the blimp rain down upon them. Devil appeared next to the agents and screamed like a young girl.~

"My blimp! My beautiful blimp! You group of teenagers ruin everything! First you destroy my castle and now this! Mirus Hallot, you really tick me off with your constant button pressing and not thinking of the consequences!"

"Hey, you were the one who built a self destruct button, and also, didn't put it in a safe position." Lightning said, defending Mirus' honour.

Mirus held up his finger. "An excellent point."

"Shut up, Mirus!" Fierra yelled. "You still pressed it!"

"I did tell you putting that button in was a bad idea…" Ollie frowned.

"So did I!" Lairry added.

"Be quiet, you two! Especially you, Lairry!" Devil sighs. "This is a disaster…"

"So, can we go…?" Karly asked.

"Yeah, I don't think so! You are not leaving my sight until it's tomorrow! And I am so killing Mirus first once the sun rises on the next day. Minions, round everyone up while I go and have a piece of cake, I haven't had a piece today and I want something to drown away my sorrows."

~As the minions surround the Pixels and the Rainbooms, Devil angrily stabs a fork into the cake on his plate and scoops up the biggest bite he could possibly get on the fork. He opened his mouth wide and stuffed the piece down. As he chewed on it, his face lit up.~

"Whoo! Yum! This cake is delicious! This cake is scrumptious! This cake is-" Devil stopped in his sentence. He suddenly gags and begins to wheeze and cough. "Oh! What the-What is in this cake?!"

"Flour, salt, milk, eggs?" Frank queried.

"Expired milk, nonetheless…" Lightning whispered.

Ollie looked at his dad in a panic. "What about decorations?"

"Strawberries, chocolate, sprinkles, and marshmallows."

"Marshmallows?!" The Rainbooms exclaim.

"WHAT?! Marshmallows?! AH! I'm terribly allergic to marshmallows!"

~Devil stood back and began to violently wheeze and cough. It didn't take long for his head to swell up and blow like a balloon. Everyone looked at him in shock.~

"So, Devil is technically allergic to fun? Sounds about right." Karly giggled.

"Frank, why would you put marshmallows in the cake?! You know father is allergic to them!" Wendy bellowed.

"I don't know, I was just following this recipe I found online!" He showed everyone his phone.

"Hey, that's my recipe!" Pinkie pointed. "Sure, I said marshmallows were the best to put in the cake, but you could have excluded them if ya want."

"Well, it's too late for that now!" Wendy glared.

"Quick, guys, they're distracted, let's get out of here!"

~The team noticed the minions staring bluntly at their boss, so they slipped out of the circle of them and made a break of it, without being chased. Devil notices the guys leaving though.~

"Hey, they're- Actually, forget it. I do not want to mess with these teenagers right now. I'll wait for tomorrow…"

~Suddenly, a wail of sirens was heard not far from here and a swarm of police officers appeared and pointed their guns at the bloated Devil and his lackeys. The Pixels and the Rainbooms see the police invade D.E.V.I.L and turn back to see it happen. Peeking around the school, they watch the police overwhelm Devil and place everyone in handcuffs.~

"Dr. Devil. You're under arrest for the multiple crimes you have committed over the past few months." One officer said.

"Whoa, wait. Who called the police…?" Lightning asked.

"He has to be arrested, ok?" Fierra shouted. "He has caused us too much trouble for us and you always forget to call them yourself!"

"Right, well, thank you Fierra." Lightning shrugged.

"Come along, Vinny Devil." The police officer prompted, as he shoved Devil out to his car, hands behind his back.

"His first name is Vinny?" Sunset laughed.

"It is." Lightning replied, smiling.

~Devil gives the teens a death glare so they remain silent for a while, but then one of the Rainbooms lets out a snicker and Devil immediately turns to the group with hatred in his eyes.~

"HEY! I HEARD A SNICKER BACK THERE! SHUT UP! I'll be back, Pixels and Rainbooms! I swear! Now, someone get me my pills." Devil grunted.

~Inside the school, the 13 teens and 2 dogs were walking to the hideout, all a complete wreck. They walked into the music room, downstairs to the hideout and collapsed on the table.~

"Well, this is a birthday I will never forget…" Lightning sighed.

Arianna breathed. "At least, we made it back here."

"Safe." Fierra said firmly.

"And soundy." Mirus smiled.

"Devil's in prison so we don't have to worry about him anymore. And Karly is saved and unharmed." Jace smiled at his girlfriend.

"Yeah, thanks for the rescue, guys. Even though it's been the strangest by far." Karly shrugged.

"Talk about some birthday…" Sunset said to Lightning.

"Eh. It has not been the worst for me."

"Really?" Rarity queried.

"Yeah...every year on my birthday...a villain attacks us. ALWAYS!"

"What? That's terrible!"

"Is that why you were so worried at the very beginning?" Fluttershy asked.

She nodded. "For the past 10 years, Devil, My dad's enemy, or some other villain always comes to ruin it. I haven't had a decent birthday ever since my 7th. It's just tough for me to be safe on my birthday. I'm glad this one didn't go up in heavy smoke." She turned to the Rainbooms. "You girls, really helped me and saved this birthday from not being one of the worst, so I thank you for that."

"Of course." Sunset smiled.

"Now we're even!" Rainbow pointed.

"Yeah-haha! I guess we are!" Lightning laughed.

"Hey, hey, Lightning! Are we calling this day an end?!" Pinkie asked.

"I think so, yeah?"

"What? No! Come on, the day is still bright! I need to give you a proper birthday! Nothing's gonna ruin it this time!"

"I agree, darling, it's still your birthday. We can still do something." Rarity insisted.

"Well, if you insist. I actually know exactly where to have my party. Should we go then?"

"Yeah! Finally! Let's bring out the party games!"

"Actually, bring out the skateboards!" Lightning gushed.

~Sometime later, at the Canterlot Skating Park, Lightning was skidding across the railings on a skateboard, with Rainbow and Mirus close behind her. Lightning stops and high fives her two friends as they rode by. She then skates over to where the others were and sits by them.~

"Well, now, aside from this morning and our run-in with Devil, this has been a splendid party." Rarity shrugged.

"Yeah, it has. I'm glad everyone could make it. Expect Rolt...Haven't seen him in forever." Lightning sighed. "To be honest, he's not truly a Pixel. He recently joined us, and is a little bit insecure, but I'm not giving up on him."

"That's nice of you, Lightning." Twilight nodded.

"Thanks. Hopefully he'll get there."

"Slowly, that is." Fierra rolled her eyes.

~Lightning rolls her eyes and starts laughing. They rest do to as they stuffed their cakes with birthday cake.~

~The End~