• Published 16th May 2020
  • 833 Views, 17 Comments

Order of the Phoenix - fore shadow

Rarity’s latest customer is completely unexpected

  • ...

Order of the Phoenix

It was a beautiful spring morning in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the flowers had just begun to bloom. With the change in season, ponies had begun to emerge from the comforts of their warm homes to venture back out into the shops.

Already the morning had been quite productive for Rarity. Every day since winter wrap-up had seen more and more ponies visit Carousel Boutique, but most had just been browsing, simply seeking a change of scenery from the prior season’s isolation. Today, however, Rarity had received several large orders from a variety of old and new clients. The season was shaping up to be quite profitable!

During a break in the traffic flow, Rarity made her way up to the attic to collect some additional accessories for her new window display. “I need to add more embroidery to the accents on that dress ...’ she thought to herself as she ascended the stairs. ‘...and I mustn’t forget to order that astonishing fabric they just debuted in Canterlot,’ Rarity’s mind ran through the items on her to-do list as she walked up the steps. ‘It would be absolutely perfect for my new fall line...’

Passing by the open arch that led to her sewing studio, she nodded absently at the occupant before continuing up the stairs. ‘...and there’s the measurements to be done for the upcoming graduation...” So caught up in her musings, she made it to the third stair tread before pausing mid stride, allowing her mind to process what she had just seen.

‘That can’t have happened,’ she shook her head slowly in disbelief. Scoffing, she smiled at herself. ‘Honestly Rarity you’ve been working yourself too hard if you truly believe that you’ve been visited by...’

A trill sounded from her studio.

‘It can’t be...’ but despite the thought, or more honestly the hope, Rarity knew in her gut that nothing else would make that sound.

Slowly stepping backwards until she was once again on the landing, she peered back into her studio. Sure enough the visitor was still there, perched atop her favorite sewing machine.

Taking a few slow steps inside she took in her new guest, who gazed back at her unblinking.

“Um, well, er ... hello darling?” Rarity managed to break the silence after a few awkward moments. She realized that the statement came out more as a question but honestly she wasn’t even sure that her words would be understood. This was really more Fluttershy’s department.

Surprisingly enough, Rarity’s questionable greeting elicited an excited response from her feathered caller. Philomena let out a high pitched happy chirp, fanning her tail and displaying her magnificent plumage as she shifted from one foot to the other before settling back down again.

Unsure if the response was actually elicited by her words or not, Rarity decided to test the theory. “Well, it’s certainly both wonderful and surprising to see you here today.” While internally she felt a bit ridiculous in addressing the Phoenix, her natural tendency towards charming hospitality won out. “So, what brings you to Ponyville? Are you here on a visit with Princess Celestia?”

The Phoenix shook her head slowly side to side before warbling in a lower octave.

Tilting her head sideways, Rarity thought the gesture was intended as a negative response. Curiosity getting the better of her, she continued the ... conversation?

“Oh, well perhaps you wished to meet with Twilight?” Another head shake in the negative. “Spike?” Still a ‘no’ answer.

Flaring her wings out, Philomena coasted down from atop the sewing machine onto the table upon which it sat. Using her beak, she picked up a few sketches Rarity had been working on that morning. Tilting her head to the side, she shook the papers.

Tilting her own head to the side in response, Rarity mulled over the actions of the Phoenix. ‘Why on earth is she shaking my sketches? Honestly! Those are important. But how does one politely tell the most favored pet of her majesty that designs aren’t toys? I mean it’s not as if she wants me to design something for her...’

“Oh, you... you’re not here because of my designs, are you?” Even asking the question felt ridiculous.

Trilling happily, the Phoenix released the artwork and flew up in the air to do a little twirl before perching back on top of the sewing machine.

‘Well, color me surprised,’ Rarity’s quaffed eyebrows raised as she realized that perhaps that was exactly why the Phoenix was gracing her presence. Could it be that Philomena had not only understood the conversation but was also communicating her intentions?

‘Well, I suppose a customer’s a customer,’ Rarity’s business sense reminded her. ‘Even if this may be the most difficult sale I ever make. I mean seriously, where is Fluttershy when you need her?’

To the Phoenix however, she smiled as if this discussion was perfectly normal. “Well that’s ... simply marvelous darling. How might I be of service?”

A warmth spread through Rarity’s chest as she realized the most likely recipient for the Phoenix’s strange request. How fabulous would it be to design something for the royal in question?! It didn’t matter how many times she was fortunate enough to make something for their monarch, it still filled her with giddiness. Maintaining a properly composed face, she managed to pose her next question to Philomena without evidencing her ulterior desires. “Are you looking for me to design something as a gift for Princess Celestia?”

A negative head shake accompanied by a low warble.

“Hmmm,” the unicorn frowned, unable to hide her momentary disappointment. Well, it would still be an honor to design something for the younger sibling. A second question posed with, perhaps, only a slightly diminished sense of excitement. “Princess Luna perhaps?”

Same response, though the bird’s volume had increased and it’s tone sounded a bit… frustrated.

Rarity began to feel a little unsettled by this exchange. “Twilight?” She offered, hoping she had got it right, more out of an urge to finish the discussion than out of a true artistic need to design for her friend, if she was being totally truthful.

Another no and an even louder response with a bit more ruffling of feathers.

Well, this was troubling. Rarity was running out of ideas. It couldn’t be Spike in this context, could it? Not that she wouldn’t mind designing something for her dragon friend. Of course she’d be happy to do so. She was just a little deflated that her dream of designing for the matriarch was, pardon the pun, flying out the window.

“It’s not... Spike is it?”

A side eye and what sounded almost like a sarcastic response confirmed that was definitely a no.

“Of course, how silly of me.”

‘Not that negotiating a commission with a Phoenix wasn’t equally ridiculous.’ Her brain shot back internally, though the unicorn maintained her grace and composure as best she could given the circumstance.

“Perhaps Princess Cadance? Flurry Heart? Shining Armor?”

No to all of them; and a progressively agitated Philomena.

Seriously, how many other ponies could this Phoenix possibly know?

“For ... yourself perhaps?”

A loud squawk evidenced a very irritated Phoenix.

Sighing, Rarity began to think aloud. “I do sincerely apologize, but I’m honestly at a loss here. I’m afraid I don’t speak Phoenix and, really, I am trying the best I can. Perhaps I should go find Fluttershy, I am certain that she would understand...”

Trailing off, Rarity watched as Philomena twirled up in the air singing a sweet high pitched tune. Chewing on her lip, she thought back through her last response. Surely, her apology wouldn’t warrant that kind of reaction, nor would her explanation of her lack of interspecies language skills. So that left...

“Fluttershy!” Rarity exclaimed happily. “You wish me to make something for Fluttershy!”

The Phoenix trilled happily in response.

Smiling broadly, Rarity wondered briefly if what she was currently feeling was something akin to what the yellow pegasus felt when communicating with the animals. She suddenly empathized a bit more with her quiet friend. Speaking with a creature that did not share your native tongue was a bit more challenging than Rarity had ever really contemplated before, truth be told.

“Well, brilliant! Did you have something in mind...,” Philomena shook her head in the negative, “or I suppose I could suggest something...” trailing off the unicorn’s mind began swirling with ideas.

She rattled things off unconsciously as her creative juices analyzed several options. “While Fluttershy is fashionable, in her own way, and of course has that lovely understated elegance, she does tend toward the more practical in her ensembles. I suppose with spending so much of her time catering to her animal friends the utility of the article must be considered. She’s like AppleJack in that way...” Rarity moved around her sewing room collecting items in her magic as she prattled on about the pegasus.

The Phoenix’s eyes trailed the unicorn around the room. Her plumed head tilted at an angle suggesting she was listening intently to all of Rarity’s musings.

“On top of that, we have nothing really to look forward to, in terms of fashion finery that is. Winter wrap up has been completed; there are no weddings or royal presentations to attend; and I’m not even sure whether the girls plan to attend the gala this year. Taking all of that into consideration, we really must alight on a design that will work for Fluttershy both functionally and aesthetically.” Rarity frowned in concentration as she arranged and then rearranged the various elements of her design.

The space was tensely silent while she worked. Then Rarity stepped back dramatically, “Ta dah!”

On the head of the pony-quin sat an enormously large brimmed hat. It was woven from a light-colored straw so fine that it’s appearance gave the impression of softness. Wrapped intricately around the brim was a wide white linen ribbon that culminated in a large side bow decorated with a variety of fabric flowers. They gave the design a touch of color in pale hues of pink, ochre, and lemon. A few light sage “leaves” served as further accents.

“I figured a hat this time of year would be perfect for Fluttershy. With all the animals in her care, she spends so much time outdoors under the hot sun, so I chose a wide brim to help keep her cool. The flower accents will fit right in with the nature motif. And the fabrics are all light weight so she can comfortably wear it all day.” Beaming proudly, she pointed out each design element as she explained her decisions.

Philomena chirped and warbled a happy response... but Rarity didn’t hear it. Her focus was on the realization that, “Something’s missing.”

Running a discerning eye over her creation, she huffed. “It’s nearly there, I assure you, but it needs… something that pops! You know? That one special signature spark.”

Biting her lip, she scrutinized the design once more, before collapsing dramatically on her fainting couch. “Augh! I just don’t know what is missing!! Has my muse been lost to me? Have the cosmos decided to leave me in my darkest hour?!”

A shriek from her client drew Rarity from her moment of melodramatic melancholy. The Phoenix gazed at the unicorn as if conveying both empathy and incredulity. Rarity sat up and swallowed, feeling a bit chastened.

Upon ensuring Rarity was in fact now being attentive, Philomena dug her head under her wing. A second later she popped back out, with a broken quill in her beak and then held it up as if showing off a find.

Rarity was confused at first. ‘Why is Philomena preening herself, in here of all places! I mean, I know she isn’t a pony but aren’t those matters meant to be tended to in private?’ Rarity might have to ask Fluttershy about the grooming manners of phoenixes, delicately of course.

‘And why on earth is she holding that broken feather up in the air? I mean granted it is quite magnificent, with those hues of crimson and honeysuckle and ...’

“Oh, you’re brilliant Philomena! It’s just what the design needs. A truly unique accoutrement!”

Pausing, Rarity eyed the feather with longing, but propriety ruled out. “But are you certain? Your feathers are truly beautiful, and considerably valuable, plus they are part of you...”

Philomena attempted to vocalize in response before remembering there was a feather in her beak. Flying over to Rarity she landed in front of her and bowed holding aloft the feather.

Recognizing the gesture, Rarity thanked the Phoenix. “Thank you Philomena. I can’t tell you what an honor this is! It’s a rare opportunity any designer gets to work with real Phoenix feathers.” Taking the feather gently in her magic, and being very careful not to touch the feather, Rarity placed it strategically into the design and secured it magically with a few stitches. Levitating over the spray Zecora had provided to her she spritzed the feather a few times. She wasn’t taking any chances after loosing her own hearing temporarily the last time she had worked with Phoenix feathers. “It’s perfect!”

It truly was a stunning piece and completely one of a kind. Phoenix feathers were an extremely rare commodity. Almost impossible to mimic, and unless gifted, were rarely seen in designs. How Rarity wished she had a few more to create with, though her breeding was too impeccable to dream of asking for another, let alone a few. Sighing inwardly, ‘que sera sera.’

“Well, a hat this fabulous must be worn by the pony as equally fabulous, if not more so. Shall I wrap it up for you, or would you prefer to take it like it is?” Rarity asked Philomena.

The Phoenix chirped in response.

Rarity blinked.

Another chirp accompanied by a few warbles.

Rarity coughed uncomfortably as she absently rubbed one foreleg with the other. “I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

The Phoenix flew up and around the room, peering around at everything. Spotting something in Rarity’s trash bin, Philomena flew down and perched on the rim. Reaching in she pulled out a piece of crumpled paper in her beak and brought it to the unicorn. It was a receipt from an earlier sale.

“You...,” Rarity looked from the paper to the Phoenix a few times, “you wish to ... pay me?”

Shooting up into the air, Philomena gave a little twirl and trilled happily.

“Not to appear ungrateful, or perhaps naive, but I don’t suppose you have any bits?”

A negative head shake.

“I thought not. Well, I’m not exactly sure then... how... to...” Rarity trailed off in surprise upon noticing the Phoenix’s actions.

Philomena, without reservation, was preening her feathers and in no time had amassed a small pile of broken quills. Making one final check, she tilted her head at Rarity and twittered. Gesturing down toward the feathers as if to ask if it was sufficient.

“Oh Philomena, I couldn’t possibly! Those feathers are priceless, they’re worth far too much for...”

But Philomena wasn’t having it. A loud series of notes emitted from the Phoenix, telling Rarity in no uncertain terms what she thought of that line of thinking.

“Well, I understood your meaning in that little tirade perfectly.” Rarity took a long calming breath and then nodded. “As the element of generosity, I can appreciate your sentiment in this rather amazing offer. As it represents the value of the gift for Fluttershy and a most generous offer from a friend, I will gratefully accept.”

Philomena flared her wings and bowed. Rarity returned the bow.

Chirping happily, Philomena rose up and grabbed hold of the brim of the hat gently with her talons. Lifting it first from the pony-quin, she then took off through the open window.

Rarity watched her fly off in the direction of Fluttershy’s house before closing and latching the window.

‘This must have been how she got in earlier.’ The fashionista realized. ‘Well, hopefully that will be the last unexpected visitor that arrives through my casement!’

Shaking her mane, Rarity raised her muzzle with pride and trotted back toward the stairs. Passing by the pile of feathers she gave them a good spritzing. One could never be too careful. Once that task was finished, instead of heading up to the attic to finish her to-do list, the fashionista made her way down to her entry parlor. Rarity had decided she was finished with work for the day. Her to-do list would wait. She had, after all, successfully navigated a rather tricky commission, with a member of the royal circle, no less, and one with whom she could barely communicate.

“It’s been a truly surprising yet rewarding day, after all.” She congratulated herself aloud. “Now, off to the spa to calm my frazzled nerves.”

Wrapping herself up in a scarf from her new spring line, she elevated her belongings and bits in her magic and placed them inside the matching bag. Stepping outside her shop, she sighed. ‘If only Fluttershy were available! I could regale her with the tale of this strangely satisfying day. She is probably the only pony who could truly appreciate my interpretive skills.’

Turning to lock up behind her, she realized that the pegasus was probably on the receiving end of her gift by now. ‘Well, I suppose I shall just have to wait my turn. I wonder what she will think of my design? Oh, who am I kidding! She’ll love it! It has a Phoenix feather for Celestia’s sake!’

Strolling happily toward the spa, Rarity jumped suddenly when she heard a loud squawk behind her. Turning she spotted a goose crossing over to the park with a trail of baby geese in its wake. While an adorable site, the designer couldn’t help but be relieved that it wasn’t a return of her earlier patron. While the day’s events had challenged her, not only as an artist but also as a business pony, and despite feeling proud of her success, the entire ordeal had taken a toll on her.

‘Thank Celestia I don’t have to deal with feathered clientele on a normal basis! Once in a blue Luna moon is more than enough!’ Not that she was ungrateful, she wasn’t. It was more that she had a renewed sense of gratitude that she could communicate verbally with most of her clients.

Arriving at the spa, Rarity couldn’t help but smile. Verbal communication was by far one of her favorite things. And who better to gossip with than the lovely masseuses at the best spa in Ponyville!

Outside her cottage, Fluttershy was getting ready to call it a day. The sun was high in the sky and had been beaming down on her the better part of the morning. While she would have preferred to stay out and care for her animal friends a bit longer, she knew better than to disregard her own self-care. She’d done that in the past and had learned her lesson.

Her right ear twitched at a faint sound and she turned her head skyward to gaze back in the direction of town. A faint shape was approaching on the wind.

As it grew closer she realized that it was a bird of some kind and it appeared to be carrying something quite large.

No! Not a bird at all, but a Phoenix. And not just any Phoenix, by the sound of her trills.

“Philomena!” Fluttershy cried out happily, though even in excitement her voice was reserved in volume.

The Phoenix’s excellent hearing picked up on the greeting anyway and she chirped happily in response. Circling the pegasus she eyeballed the trajectory before releasing her cargo. The large hat caught the breeze and floated gently down to land perfectly on Fluttershy’s head.

“Oh!” The timid Pegasus exclaimed. Lifting the hat momentarily from her head to look it over, she smiled knowingly. “This is one of Rarity’s designs, isn’t it?”

Philomena landed, settling on the lip of an empty seed bucket. Trilling back happily, she flared out her wings for emphasis.

“Oh that’s so kind of you. You didn’t need to do that for me!” Fluttershy blushed but smiled as she settled the hat back on her head. “It is beautiful.”

A series of chirps met her in response.

Nodding in reply, “Oh, yes, and functional.”

Philomena trilled and chirped. She flew into the air and landed and then brought her beak down as if grabbing for something.

“Wow, you were able to communicate all of that to Rarity and she understood you.” Fluttershy’s eyes widened in joyful surprise. “Well that’s absolutely wonderful. I’m so proud of you both!”

Philomena nodded happily, continuing to twitter on rapidly as she regaled her friend with the story of her adventure. The pegasus, for her part, responded equally in kind with excitement, surprise and pleasure.

“I am just so amazed that everything went so well between you and I’m so grateful for this lovely gift.” Fluttershy smiles happily at Philomena who was now preparing to head back home.

The Phoenix paused and then warbled a few quick notes.

“Oh! Do you think that’s a good idea?”

A sharp retort in response brought Fluttershy up.

“Oh, I didn’t mean that at all. It’s just that you’re quite clever and used to dealing with ponies. Do you really think your friend will be as calm and understanding given the communication barrier?”

The Phoenix softened and chirped in response before flying over to give Fluttershy a quick nuzzle.

“Well, if you think they’ll be able to understand each other, then I trust your judgment. I will miss you too! Please come visit again soon.” Giving Philomena one final nuzzle, she watched her take off into the air.

“And thank you so much for the lovely gift!” Fluttershy called out before the Phoenix was too far away to hear. A faint response echoed back to the pale yellow ears.

‘What a wonderful surprise!’ Fluttershy smiled, happily getting back to work. The brim of her new hat was so wide it felt as if she was lying in the shade of an apple tree. With her new accessory, she could stay outside and finish her chores.

Humming to herself, she thought that perhaps when she was done with the animals she might head into town to see if Rarity wanted to visit the spa with her. While it wasn’t their usual day to go, she would love to hear about Philomena’s visit from the Unicorn’s perspective.

She was so proud of her friend and happy for her too. Why if Rarity could negotiate a commission with the Phoenix, who else would she be able to help?!

Why, Philomena has been so impressed that she even planned to tell her friend, a Thunderbird, about Rarity’s skills as an artist. Apparently, the Thunderbird in question was looking for the perfect gift to give to the King the Yaks. The Yaks had been visiting the bird’s lands during one of their celebrations and the vibrations from their ‘dancing’ caused a new cavern formation. It seemed the Thunderbird liked underground exploration.

Fluttershy has been amazed by the story. Thunderbirds were very rare and solitary creatures. What little she knew of them, suggested that they could be a bit volatile, even shooting lightning from their wing tips once agitated.

Despite her hesitation, Philomena had convinced her that all would be well, and Fluttershy was never one to judge an animal before meeting them. Manticores had an awful reputation but in reality they were really just large kittens.

So when the Phoenix asked Fluttershy to keep it a surprise from Rarity, just in case the Thunderbird didn’t accept the suggestion, she had of course agreed. ‘Though, I do wish I could be there to see the look on Rarity’s face when a real live Thunderbird visits Carousel Boutique.’ She smiled, ‘I bet she will be truly shocked!’

Comments ( 17 )

I enjoyed this a lot.

It is great to hear that! It was fun writing it.

Thanks a lot for writing this story! I truly loved it! The writing was flawless and the idea cute and original. I really liked how the characters were exactly as if written by the show writers themselves. Every word just felt like it came right out of the show and it had a familiar, comforting touch to it. The expert attention to the beautiful details was also great. Again, thank you for writing this piece of art. I'd love to read more from you. Have a like!

Edit: I think it's pretty awesome how you make your cover arts yourself. Your drawings are lovely!

Thank you so much for your kindness and for taking the time to share your enjoyment of the story. Capturing the characters Is something I work hard to do and it’s nice to know it came through in the story. I’m so glad you liked the story and want to read more! And thanks for the artwork kudos too.

Well done.


Reader beware,

You will be feghooted.

Hold on. According to the show's canon, phoenix feathers can cause temporary hearing impairment. Is that still true in this story or are we supposed to completely ignore that?

Thank you for catching this and raising the question. I have updated the story to better explain. Hopefully it addresses how Rarity deals with the concern. Cheers!

As I remember, it is their screeches that cause hearing impairment, not the feathers.

Thank you for raising this possibility.

After the question was raised, I did some searching online and watched the Molt Down episode. It seems that the episode and the sites mentioning this issue suggest that prolonged exposure to the feathers caused the temporary hearing loss. It doesn’t specify the nature of that exposure.

While not directly correlative, as Phoenix feathers are meant to magically cause this malady, in this world physical contact with a known “irritant” would increase one’s exposure to risk of the malady. For example, touching poison ivy would increase your risk more than being in the vicinity of the plant. Granted wind and one’s sensitivity would also play into that. I didn’t think Rarity was particularly sensitive to the feathers though as Zecora mentioned treating others for the same thing. So I assume that Rarity over-exposed herself in “molt down” by handling the feathers too much, and that handling meant touching the feathers.

I also figured that Rarity wouldn’t want the ponies who purchased her garments to also lose their hearing temporarily (even if beauty is pain) when wearing her designs. Given Zecora helped her with a remedy for her hearing, I also figured the zebra would create something to counteract the effect of the feathers in the garments. Hopefully, these choices make sense, flow with the story, and keep things more in line with cannon.

I would imagine too much exposure to screeching would also cause temporary hearing loss. Luckily for Rarity, Philomena didn’t get too loud during their exchange. :)

Well this was a pretty nice story to see how Rarity will do anything for a customer even customer is a phoenix lol for you never seen those everyday but it was nice of Philomena do something for Fluttershy once again this was a very nice story keep up the good work

Thanks! So glad you enjoyed it.

This was a simple yet lovely fic. A perfect example of a slice of life story.

It was definitely interesting to see Rarity take a swig at something the other main 6 (in this case Fluttershy) are better at and do a good job

It’s so nice to read that you enjoyed the story. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

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