• Published 22nd Aug 2012
  • 1,007 Views, 5 Comments

An Adventure into E-Questria - RFPegasus

Twilight's sleep-over doesn't go as she had planned, but a certain role-playing game saves the day

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Chapter 11: The Journey- Hoofing It to Hammerhoof

“Fluttershy- this role hardly suits you,” Dash pointed out, highlighting the dominative aura that radiated from ‘Shattershy.’
“Well, umm- the idea of role play is to be somepony different to yourself right? So you’ve got to play a character that wouldn’t suit you, that’s what our English teacher told us, remember?”
“Wow- you had teachers for academic subjects?” Rarity asked- shocked (by the literary standards of Rainbow Dash that is.)
“Yes” Rainbow said, throwing a look of disgust at the inquiry, “just because you’re a unicorn doesn’t make you more intelligent, besides, I don’t need to be clever- I’m awesome.”
“...Right,” Twilight said, returning to the story book before things got out of hoof, “so, the book says that the adventurers go to...”
The five adventurers trekked for hours through the woodland scene, marching on, for the most part in silence, or at least- as close to silence you could get with Pinkie Pie. It was only when the complaining of too much trotting encompassed the majority of the group that Pinkie was finally listened to.
“I’m so bored! My hoofs ache, I’m hungry and we haven’t slept in over fourteen hours! Can we please stop now?” Pinkie whined, begging for a break.
“Oh quit complaining Pinkie, I think we’re nearly there, besides- this walking isn’t too bad,” Rarity pointed out, her face buried in a map, “that is if you don’t count the dirt you get on your boots.”
“There- just over that rock face,” Shattershy highlighted, pointing at a large industrial town in the distance, smoke bellowing from every orifice of the place, “’Hamerhoof.”
“We are going down there?” Rarity asked in horror, although she was not quite sure which ghastly fate she was more horrified at- falling over two hundred feet down a jagged cliff to her imminent death or being poisoned (or even worse, dirtied) by the horrendous amount of vile pollutant that the settlement produced.
“Ah knew my skills would come in handy for somethin’!” Applejack stated, already beginning to make her hasty decent down the rocks.
Rarity’s hooves stuck to the ground as the group slowly made their way down the face of the cliff, the Paladin pony stood unrelenting at the apex of the geographical construct, a face displaying fear, not a fear of heights, but a fear of dirt and damage.
“Come on Rarity!” Pinkie giggled as she bounced off the edge onto the first precarious ledge, balancing on a single leg, “it’s not hard it’s just a hop skip and a jump... well, maybe not- if you did that you’d die!” she pointed out obviously, giggling once more as she bounced fearlessly around.
Commander Rainbow was the one to finally make Rarity move (forcibly of course) pushing her to the edge before deciding that such notion wasn’t a great idea, resorting to carrying the ironclad on her back to the ground below, slowly losing altitude by way of weight, “There- at the bottom, are you happy now?” she asked, panting as she recovered her breath.
“No!” Rarity cried, seeing the green viscous waters that adorned the jagged floor in the crevasses, “it’s dirty!”
Next to reach the end of the decent was Pinkie, arriving unconventionally to the ground with a bone-breaking thud, a pink pancake laying face down with her legs spread in all directions.
She jumped up suddenly, apparently unaffected from such a deadly fall, “That was fun! Again! Again!” she cried in delight.
This extreme action left the pretty paladin shell-shocked (so to speak) once again, worried, frightened and if not, confused as to what why and how such an event played out.
“it’s an invincibility role!” Pinkie explained chortling, rolling around on the floor in laughter as the other ponies (and Spike) looked in a confused tone of face at the randomised reactions of such an erratic character.
“Let’s carry on...” rainbow dash suggested, and everypony agreed mutually as they returned to the mythical land of E-Questria.
As the last of the adventurers reached the ground, landing with a thud of metal armour, Shattershy replaced her claymore, (she used it to get down the rock face, not slaughter innocent critters... right?) “here we are- Hammerhoof,” she explained, “the ponies here are common folk, hard working people with honest lives, they’ll sell the shirt off their back for a few coins.”
“Why would I want some mouldy old peasant’s shirt?” Rarity asked, completely displeased with the idea of even visiting such a place, if even for one night.
“other ponies to play and party with!” Pinkie squealed, skipping off to meet her new friends-to-be, afterall, who doesn’t want to be friends with the marvellous Pinkimina Diane Pie? With her party cannon at the ready, she marched off to celebrate what would be a truly remarkable experience for everypony (good or bad.)
“What are we doing her then, warrior?” Rarity asked, stopping to wonder if even the one to guide them here had knowledge of where they were meant to be going exactly.
“We must find a secret artefact, hearsay buried under the town itself in an ancient crypt,” Shattershy informed, although seemed to not be letting on something- something important, a major detail.
“Great, just great,” Rarity whined, “more dirt.”
“we must find the leader, they will know of what we speak.”
“How are we going to go about finding a ‘leader’ in this place?” Rainbow asked hopelessly.
“Well, my guess is that they live in that big house at the end there,” Applejack pointed out, waving a hoof at a large building built in a similar fashion to the rest- stone foundations and a wooden structure.
The house bellowed from many chimneys with shadowy black smoke, the slit like windows radiated heavy beams of light into the dusky atmosphere outside, as the ponies approached, they could hear the scrambled noise of many ponies bantering and chatting inside. Looking at the map, Rarity discovered that the town was built in a giant hoof shape, triangulating that they were at the middle of the settlement, she agreed with the less gifted tracker on her assumptions. Shattershy approached the heavy wooden door, closely followed by the three other adventuring ponies that weren’t occupied with terrorising the town with flurries of streamers and party poppers.

Again, this chapter needs a lot of revising and checking, I shall do this at some point.

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