• Published 22nd Aug 2012
  • 1,007 Views, 5 Comments

An Adventure into E-Questria - RFPegasus

Twilight's sleep-over doesn't go as she had planned, but a certain role-playing game saves the day

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Chapter 7: The Unravelling- Meet The (Super Awesome) Commander Rainbow

...And so, with the battle won and their enemy strewn across the floor in pieces, the four recently acquainted ponies took a moment to rest, and more importantly, get to know each other, for the journey ahead would sure demand these truly legendary figures to work together and combine their skills to overcome their destiny-
“Our destiny? What’s our destiny?” Rainbow Dash asked bluntly, worn out from all the prancing around the room, flailing wildly, imitating the epic battle scene depicted by the group.
“We’re not supposed to know that silly,” Applejack replied, lying on her back panting, “If we did, then it would be no fun!”
“Yeah, and what is there to life if there is no fun?” Pinkie added, still full of zest, although immobilized only by the stubborn fact that she was precariously hanging from the ceiling’s light fitting by her hooves.
“Pinkie? How did you- When did- wha-” Twilight asked, confused if not amazed at the fact that her rather strange earth-pony friend was able to suspend herself from the roof without any aid- the unicorn’s jaw dropped in shock and awe.
“Well, duhh! I’m Pinkie Pie, remember?” the pink pony replied, an enormous smile invading her facial structure.
“Umm, girls?” Fluttershy asked gently, the conversation and the chaos silenced in the room, “I was just wondering, when do, umm, you know- when do I get introduced?”
Twilight was in a fairly submissive state of mind by now, indeed, these five ponies drive her crazy at times- (that’s what friends are for, right?) “Well-” she thought about how they could possibly introduce such a pony at this point in time, “...if you can think of a good way to open your character into the current situation-”
“Oh, I- I’m not very good at stories,” Fluttershy replied, accepting her flaws for part of who she is, almost feeling proud that she isn’t perfect, “I can only really do bedtime stories, but that would send you all to sleep,” she said in a soothing tone, as if she was trying to prove her point.
“Oh Fluttershy darling,” Rarity interrupted, utilising her sympathetic whine, “I can introduce you my dear, that is- if you so wish of course,” she smiled in a generous manner.
“Please do,” Fluttershy stated, thankful that she didn’t have to ‘perform’ in front of her friends- she’s shy like that.
Rarity muttered to herself “Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity... four.”
The four ponies, weary from their battle, sat around last night’s campfire, their manes ruffled, and their coats tarnished by numerous flaws from damage- that was, everypony excluding Rarity, who appeared to be entirely spotless, although her horn radiated with a dull glow of heat from use.
“Okay, look- who in the hay are you?” Applejack queried, pointing a hoof at Super Awesome Commander Rainbow, a slight pause for an answer made her jump to her feet, approaching the stranger with intent to intimidate, “Answer me darn it!”
Dash removed her helm, revealing her clear identity, although she didn’t seem as... dominating in the flesh as she did on the propaganda, not now at least.
“It’s you!” the tracker shouted, jumping to her hooves, ready herself for a brawl, “you’re that commander pony on them fancy posters around!”
The spectral pony covered her face in shame, “I- I know,” she replied, “I’m not what you think- I didn’t know-” Dash appeared to shrink, (metaphorically of course!)
“To hell you didn’t know!” Applejack protested, grabbing the Pegasus by the neck, pinning her to the floor, “you- you- you’re just- evil!”
“Oh come on! I just defeated all these soldiers for you- you call that evil?” Rainbow Dash argued, rather annoyed that her betrayal hadn’t won the adventurers over.
“It was you who burnt Appleloosa to the ground, you who besieged Canterlot! Smells like evil to me!” Applejack stated firmly.
Rainbow began to cry-
“Wait- what? Me? Cry? Do you even know me?” Rainbow Dash protested, strutting around the library floor, “I’m Rainbow Dash- I never cry.” She insisted.
“Fine,” Rarity huffed, returning to her narrative accent.
Rainbow closed her eyes for a second, thinking about her past...