• Published 22nd Aug 2012
  • 1,008 Views, 5 Comments

An Adventure into E-Questria - RFPegasus

Twilight's sleep-over doesn't go as she had planned, but a certain role-playing game saves the day

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Chapter 10: The Journey- Shattershy the Intrepid

Finally finished this chapter after months of idleness... enjoy! (Still not Pr.Read mind!)
Fluttershy, after being quiet for quite some time (perfectly normal, right?) spoke up and stood up for herself (maybe not so normal...) “I want to be introduced!” she demanded, before ‘correcting’ her previous statement, “...please?” she said this in the most innocent and apologetic way possible.
“Hey Fluttershy, you really are good at getting into character aren’t you?” Dash pointed out.
Fluttershy blushed slightly, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt anypony’s feelings, it’s just that nopony was listening...”
“It’s okay sugar cube, we all get a li’l frustrated sometimes, ‘specially when somepony keeps arguing all the time...” Applejack commented, pointing a sharp look at somepony (who was totally not Rarity.)
“If you say so,” Fluttershy replied happily, “but... can I get introduced now? I am really looking forward to role... erm... role-playing?”
Dash leant over to Rarity, “I don’t think she’ll be any good at roleplaying, it’s really not her thing,” she whispered in a sarcastically enthusiastic way.
“Give her a chance,” Rarity replied in similar tone, “although I severely doubt that such a quiet, shy pony could ever be as successful as me...” she suggested.
“Well, have you got any ideas on how youre going to appear?” Rainbow Dash asked, hoping to get the better of the yellow Pegasus, if they let her play a part, she’ll ruin everything.
“Yes, umm, can I start?”
Smirking behind her hoof, rainbow replied. “Yes, go for it!”
“Okay, umm, well- err...”
Rarity and rainbow dash buried their heads in their hooves, “Ugh...” they both emoted, gaining rather strange looks from the other ponies in the room, (this excludes Fluttershy, who is sat on her hind legs, staring up at the ceiling, a ‘thought-straining in action’ look scrunching up her facial features.)
“...umm- where were we again?”
“Fluttershy! I told you Rarity!”
“What are you on about Rainbow?” Twilight asked, confused as to what was going on.
“Ugh! Nothing...”
“Ah think we were at that camp Pinkie made and that there fight happened, then me and RD were arguing?” Applejack stated, quickly breaking up Rainbow Dash’s tantrum.
“Thats right!” Pinkie Pie confirmed confidently.
“Thankyou girls...” Fluttershy whispered.
Deep within the forests of E-Questria, a past battle scene lay preserved, lifeless corpses lay across the ground in pools of fresh bloo-
“You can’t say that!” Rarity bellowed, shocked at this ‘outburst’ of gore from such a loving and caring pegasus.
“Umm, why not?” Fluttershy asked innocently.
“Because, then we’d have to go onto the website and change the rating to teen!” Pinkie explained expressively.
“...What in equestria are you on about?” Twilight asked, now seriously worried for the pink pony’s mental health, Pinkie Pie merely slapping her face with her hoof in frustration.
“Fluttershy, ouldn’t you just tune it down... a little?” Rarity asked softly, trying not to hurt the pegasus’s feelings.
“Okay, if you think so,” Fluttershy complied.
Deep within the forests of E-Questria, a past battle scene lay preserved, defeated soldiers lay across the ground, above them all stood the four triumphant adventurers-
“Were not adventu...”
“shut up rarity.” Dash said.
...triumphant adventurers, bickering and arguing about the betrayal that had occurred before them.
“I’m on your side!” Rainbow shouted, flapping her hooves wildly in defence at Applejack, who was waving her hatchet frantically at the commander, deterring her from the hill of... ponies, that they had overcome.
Breaking twigs and , branches as she marched, a fifth character emerged, a large pony, clad in shimmering metal from head to hoof,, wielding a terrible broad-sword she swing the ebon-metal blade between the dispute, silencing the four. Simultaneously, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Rarity readied their weapons, taking on a battle stance, ready to combat this mighty foe (Pinkie Pie sat once more, watching as the scene unravelled around her.)
“Do not fight, for I am not your adversary- the way of the voice had lead me here, thus I have crossed a fate-aligned party...”
“A party?” Pinkie cried in excitement, only to be quickly stopped by Rarity, jamming her hoof in the pink pony’s mouth.
“Yes,” the warrior confirmed, bowing her head in agreement, “a group of unimaginable destiny- must it be less fulfilled.”
“But... who are you?” Applejack asked, ready to escape into the depths of the forest growth.
“I am Shattershy.” Shattershy informed them, a noticeable emission of a wispy blue gas pulsed across her blackened armour like frost on ice.
“Hey there uhh... Shattershy!” Pinkie cried happily, accompanied by a tremendous grin of friendship, “I’m Pinkie Pie! I’m sure we could be best of friends and...”
Rarity rolled her eyes, remembering the prolonged greeting she received from Pinkie Pie when they first met but a day ago, although the unintelligible noise from the earth pony had made it seem like millennia, possibly even eons.
Remembering the annoyance she brought to the paladin, Pinkie was swift to halt her meet-and-greet chatter and refrain from an awkwardly long hoof-shakes to return to her previous position by the side of (or more to the point- behind) Applejack, in which she had seemed to installed in herself some sort of idea that- the (fr) agile earth pony who resided her skills in stealth and trickery over brute force could protect her from this towering warrior that stood before them.
“Ehm,” Applejack coughed, breaking Fluttershy’s role-playing moment, “ I’m ’(fr)agile’?” She asked, feeling rather offended that such a fragile pegasus could label the hardy and honest earth pony as being the least part frail.
“Umm, well- yes, you see, when your character possesses no training in medium or heavy armour proficiencies, then that leaves you to wear lightweight armour with not much protection, therefore, that makes you fragile, also- you have the lowest amount of hit-points, I think anypony who had twelve health with an armour rating of two would be considered ‘fragile’.” Fluttershy defended innocently, silencing her adversary-in-argument.
“I’ll carry on a bit more...” she said almost in a whisper-
“Let us not fear one another, as I am here to aid you, become one of you, fight by your side and defend our destiny to the death.” Shattershy spoke, breaking the silence that had momentarily occurred beforehand.
“But, what is our destiny warrior?” Rarity asked, wondrous as to what exactly this destiny comprised of- it better not involve getting her lovely sparkling armour of +infinite sense of self-importance dirty.
“Our destiny...” Shattershy paused, “our destiny is yet to be told.”