• Published 22nd Aug 2012
  • 1,008 Views, 5 Comments

An Adventure into E-Questria - RFPegasus

Twilight's sleep-over doesn't go as she had planned, but a certain role-playing game saves the day

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Chapter 2: The Beginning- Forests Of E-Questria

Applejack trotted happily through the greenery of the forest, her eyes scanning the surroundings, awe-struck by the sheer natural beauty before her. This pony was a lone wanderer, a legendary hunter; she could single-handedly track, scout, stun, kill and then even cook the largest, most dangerous mythical and dangerous creatures, critters and monsters in all the lands. Days before the present, Applejack had caught sight of the most unfamiliar tracks in the wood. The earth pony had traced these hoofmarks for three days, seven hours and thirteen minutes (she tracked the time as closely as she tracked her prey,) she was most intrigued by said hoof prints, which were arranged in the strangest of ways; every few strides there were four solitary round marks, together in an almost rhythmical pattern. Applejack continued to trek deeper into the forest, but then, suddenly, she came to a halt. Looking up, ahead, she saw nothing, but heard the thud of hooves ahead- this is what she had been waiting for. She crept through the brush up to the creature, and with shock and awe, with one swift motion, she leapt through the air, colliding with the... pink pony.
“Ahh!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she was pounced on by an unfamiliar orange coated pony-
“Unfamilar? But I know Applejack!”
“Who’s telling the story here? In the game you don’t know her, if you did, that would make the whole game too straight forward and you wouldn’t role play as you would just be yourself, got it?” Twilight checked.
“I agree with Twilight, it would be way too boring of we all knew each other,” Dash stated.
Oh please!” Rarity whined, “Can we please just get on with it? I haven’t had a chance to be introduced yet.”
“Oh yes please, I haven’t been introduced either, I’d like that... if it’s okay with you girls that is.”
Twilight resumed the story, “Anyway...”
“Ahh!” Pinkie Pie screamed as she was pounced on by an unfamiliar orange coated pony.
Upon realising that she had in fact been tracking a pony, Applejack was quick to apologise, helping the flustered pink pony to her feet.
“Hey! What gives?” Pinkie asked the stranger, rather annoyed that this pony had randomly assaulted her all of a sudden.
“Err, I’m mighty sorry about that sugar-cube, I-I didn’t know you were just an ordinary pony... heh...”
“You should play more attention to where you are prancing!” Pinkie stated as she imitated what she meant by prancing erratically around Applejack, her eyes fixated on the ground beneath her, taking the literal meaning of her request.
At that moment, an angry roar came from nearby, and out of the shrubbery leapt a ruff looking colt, his mane was a mess and he wore battered old leather armour. He marched malevolently up to the duo, his hooves raised with a pair of rusty brass horseshoes. “Give me all your gold- and your expensive stuff, and I will think about refraining from ripping your guts out. Simple.”
“What?” Pinkie Pie screeched, “You can’t possibly ‘rip our guts out’ with those horseshoes, you’d need something sharper, like a knife, or a pike, or a fork, or a saw, or a...”
“Erm, Pinkie Pie,” Applejack interrupted, “Don’t give that there bandit any ideas!”
“...sorry,” Pinkie apologised.
“So, this- I believe, is your first ‘encounter’ in the game” Twilight pointed out, her face deep in the book, “and what are you going to do?”
“Hmm...” Pinkie thought hard for a moment, “Well, I think I am going to... hide behind Applejack! Surely she would be much better at fighting off this bandit, right?” She explained.
“Applejack?” Twilight prompted.
“Oh, umm, I-err, I run away... into the forest... can’t I use some sort of hide skill? Y’know, in the forest?”
A dice was rolled from Twilight’s hoof- a five, ”well, you successfully hide in a nearby bush and the colt doesn’t seem to know you’re there...”
“What about me?” Pinkie interrupted.
“Well, seeing as your hiding behind... nothing, err...”
“I am sick of waiting to be introduced, so I am going to do it myself!” Rarity demanded, snatching the book away from Twilight.
After receiving no reply from the remaining pony in his sights, the gruff bandit pulls out his blade; he swings his axe violently towards the defenceless pink pony, striding forwards to attack his foe, but before the bludgeoning weapon met her quivering flesh, Pinkie Pie was saved by yet another stranger appearing before her, this time, the pony was a regal Unicorn, the most magnificent and beautiful pony in all of Equestria, her intricately detailed armour had been emblazoned with a large array of precious gemstones of all different shapes, sizes and colours, each one glowing its own unique haze of light.
The mysterious and magnificent mare clobbered the attacker majestically with her silvery mace, disposing of the bandit whist remaining in a solid pose, “Stay back you ruffian! You shall not attack helpless ponies in this wood!” Rarity’s words seemed almost... magical, rendering the colt into a shivering mess on the floor, Rarity standing triumphantly over him as he begged for mercy, his arms wrapped around the victor’s hooves in a last attempt to seek out forgiveness for his sins, the metal-clad-majesty merely pulling the afflicted hooves away from such a dirty creature- he did just get dirt all over her new boots.