• Published 19th Feb 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 105 Comments

Daybreaker vs Chrysalis - SamSwordsman123

After Twilight is wounded fighting Chrysalis, Celestia turns into Daybreaker to fight the Queen and save Twilight.

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Chapter Five Saving Twilight

“You do?” Celestia asked, looking at Rarity.

The fashionista nodded. “I have an idea at least. Remember when I cut off my tail that night we all went after Nightmare Moon and I gave it to that Sea Serpent?”

Everypony nodded except Spike, Celestia and Luna who had been absent for that scene.

“The elements restored it. If they can grow back a cut off tail, they must have powerful healing properties!” Rarity concluded.

Celestia nodded. “Rarity, you are absolutely correct! The elements can be used as a highly effective weapon. But they can also be used for healing, though it’s much rarer to use them for that as they are more famous for combating evil.”

“Good thinking Rare!” Applejack said. “Come on! We got to get Twilight to the elements.”

“But what if they don’t work?” Fluttershy asked. “And can we use them without Twilight being awake?”

Celestia hesitated. “Oh, I don’t know. But it may be our only chance! Come on!”

Celestia got Twilight on her back and was about to run out of the hospital when Shining Armor suddenly burst in.

“Get away from-“ he started. “Oh, you’re you again!” he let out a breath of relief.

Celestia looked at her captain with remorseful eyes. “I’m sorry for attacking you Shining Armor.”

Shining looked at his sister on Celestia’s back. “Where are you taking Twilight?”

“We have an idea that might save her,” Applejack told him. “The elements of harmony!”

Shining Armor looked out the window. “There’s still fighting going on out there.”

He was right, outside Changelings and Ponies were still battling. Though the ponies were thankfully starting to gain ground.

“Oh, it will take us forever to get to the elements of harmony!” Rarity lamented. “We’ll never reach the castle in time!”

“It might even be burned the ground by now!” Fluttershy added.

Celestia would have chuckled at that if Twilight’s life weren’t on the line. “Are you all forgetting the spells of teleportation? Get close to me! I’ll take us straight to the castle”

All the ponies did so, Celestia focused magic on her horn. Her strength was somewhat depleted from her battle with Chrysalis as well as her time as Daybreaker. But she still had the magic needed to teleport all of them to the room in the castle where the elements of harmony were being kept. The only problem they encountered was… the room was on fire!

The ponies coughed as smoke entered their lungs.

“Some great idea here!” Rainbow Dash said. “Teleport us right into a burning castle filled with fire and smoke! Ah well, not like we had any other choice. Hang on, I’ll clear this place out so we can breathe!”

The blue Pegasus spread her wings and flapped them, driving the smoke away from her friends and allowing them to breathe and see. Celestia looked in the direction of the vault containing the elements, which the pathway was still clear to thankfully. Celestia dashed to it and cast the spell to open the vault, which only she could use. The vault opened and Celestia took out the beautiful chest containing the elements.

“Great we got the elements!” Applejack said. “But I reckon we better use them someplace that’s not filled up with a bunch hot flame?”

The cowgirl pony was right. Celestia teleported them out of the castle next. On the bright side they got away from the fire, but on the downside, they were now surrounded by changelings.

“Sweet applesauce! Ya got to be kidding me!” Applejack shouted. “Out of the fire and into an army! Trade one danger for another!”

Celestia, her strength depleted from teleporting again, collapsed. She didn’t respond, but silently lamented all of her shortsightedness that had happened ever since the wedding had been put into motion. She’d ignored Twilight’s warnings about the fake Cadence, now the unicorn still on her back was close to death. She’d set her own castle on fire, as well as parts of Canterlot. Suddenly she felt something hit her head. Something wet. A drop of water. Looking up, Celestia saw a large raincloud in the sky covering all of Canterlot. Soon she felt a barrage of water drops coming down. This brought her an instant of relief, the fires she’d caused in her city would be put out. But it vanished as the changelings around them advanced. Shining Armor snarled, putting himself between Princess Celestia as well as his sister. The changelings inched closer, and Shining Armor surrounded himself, the Princesses, as well as his sister and her friends with a shield. The giant bugs rammed into the shield, but to no avail.

“Get on the elements!” he shouted to Twilight’s friends. “Save her!”

Rarity opened the chest with her magic and lifted each element out, placing it upon the necks of her friends and herself before taking the last element. The tiara of magic, and placing up Twilight’s head. All of the mane 5 gathered around their poisoned friend. The bite marks on Twilights neck had turned a sickly green. Spike put his head to her chest.

“I can barely hear her heart! We need to act quickly!” he said.

The mane 5 closed their eyes, focusing. Willing the elements around their neck to heal their dying friend. Light shot from their necklaces into Twilight’s own neck where the bite was.

“Twilight, please be healed!” Fluttershy screamed as she watched the light hit. “We don’t want to lose you!”

“We still have a lot to make up for!” Rainbow Dash said, unable to hold back her tears as she thought back to how she’d left Twilight like she’d meant nothing to her.

“When all this is over, you can have all the cider and whatever else you want from my farm!” Applejack promised.

“Ten new dresses! Free of charge!” Rarity added.

“We’ll do anything to make it up to you Twilight!” Pinkie said as tears flowed down her eyes. “Please, just be healed!”

They continued to channel magic, hoping to see some sign from Twilight. Then the tiara on her head lit up and the magic stopped flowing from the necklaces. It stayed on Twilight who suddenly took a deep breath, the green bite on her neck closed, the sickly color fading. She then opened her eyes.

“Twilight are you okay sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“I think so,” Twilight got to her hooves, but noticed she was standing on something. Looking down she let out a gasp as she saw she was standing on Princess Celestia herself.

“Princess! I’m so sorry- I…” Twilight broke off, recalling the recent events. “Wait didn’t you turn into a dark alicorn?”

“Yes,” Celestia smiled weakly at her student. “But I’m back now. Seeing you in that hospital snapped me out of it. I’m glad you’re okay. I was afraid I would lose you. In fact, I still am. I wouldn’t blame you if you don’t want to be my student anymore.”

Twilight nuzzled her mentors heads. “It’s okay. I forgive you.”

“We were scared of losing you,” Applejack said.

“Uh! Hate to break this up!” Shining shouted. “But we got a problem!”

The changelings were using their magic together against his shield. And it was starting to crack. Twilight and her friends as well as Princess Luna assumed battle stances while Spike glared at the changelings. They were ready to fight to the end.

Suddenly, beams of magic suddenly hit the changelings from behind.

“Get away from our daughter!” a gray mare with a white and purple mane said. “You will not hurt her again!”

Twilight Velvet along with her husband Night Light and Princess Cadence appeared.

“Mom! Dad!” Twilight exclaimed. “You’re okay!”


As they ran from the wedding hall where Daybreaker and Chyrsalis began their battle, Twilight Velvet and Night Light caught up with them.

“Twilight honey!” Velvet said as she watched her daughter cringing in pain.

“Please don’t die my little filly!” Night Light said with tears in his eyes.

They ran through the streets of Canterlot, Twilight was unable to teleport in her current state. Shining Armor and Cadence hadn’t reached that magic level, forcing them to go by foot. Above them, they saw Daybreaker chasing Chrysalis through the sky. Saw great destruction ran down on Canterlot. Twilight caught glimpses of the battle here and there, until eventually Daybreaker fell.

“No! Princess Celestia!” Twilight exclaimed.

Chrysalis then used her power, which seemed to be stronger than ever, to break Shining Armor’s shield.

“Oh no!” Shining said he beheld this.

The changelings in the sky then descended upon them.

“What do we do?” Fluttershy asked.

Shining Armor looked at his father. “Dad, take Twilight to the hospital. I’m gonna-“

“No son, you maybe Captain of the Guard but you had a lot of your strength taken from that Queen feeding on your love,” Night Light said.

“You keep going Shiny! We’ll hold these creatures off!” Velvet said.

The two older unicorns readied their horns for battle.

“I will fight with you,” Cadence stated.

Shining couldn’t believe it.

“Cadence, you’re too hurt!”

“I’ll be fine! I can fly and use magic!” she reminded him. “Get going!”

The alicorn spread her wings and began firing at the changelings with her future parents in law to back her up.

End Flashback:

They had obviously managed to defeat all the changelings they’d encountered, though Night Light had a black eye and Velvet’s mane was messed up from when a changeling had bitten it. Fortunately, the venom hadn’t gotten in her blood, so she was fine. They shot spells at the changelings attacking Shining Armor’s shield. Many of the large buglike creatures turned to face their new attackers. This gave Twilight and her friends an opportunity.

Shining Armor lowered his shield and went on the offensive, firing his own beam of magic at the changelings. Twilight, Rarity and Luna did the same, staying close to Celestia in order to protect her. Rainbow Dash delivered punches and kicks to Changelings that flew at them while Applejack did the same on the ground. Pinkie used her confetti canon, Spike breathed fire, and Fluttershy (anger and determination still filling her usually kind heart) gave them a stare so frightening they couldn’t even attack her.

Once the last changeling was dealt with, Velvet and Night Light ran up to their daughter.

“Are you alright Twilight?” Velvet asked, hugging her.

“I’m fine,” Twilight told her mother. “The elements healed me.”

“Oh, thank Celestia,” Night Light said. “Was afraid we’d lose you! And I see Celestia’s back to normal.”

Celestia looked at him with a smile. But inside her heart, there was a different feeling. Jealousy. I love Twilight like my own daughter. I want her for myself.

Celestia shook her head. Why would she think that?

Cadance approached Shining Armor, “Can you use your magic to get rid of the rest of the changelings?”

Shining Armor tried to create a large repelling spell meant to expel enemies from Canterlot. But it failed.

“I’m still not strong enough,” he said.

“Then take my love,” Cadance said, putting her horn on his.

Light shined between them, their manes picked up as though in the wind. Then a great shockwave of love spread across Canterlot, sending all the changelings out. The rain cloud quenched the fires around Canterlot, and all seemed well.

Except for the faint red glow in Celestia’s eyes.

Author's Note:

You liked this story? Well stick around, cause more of it will come! Daybreaker is not done yet, cause she wants Twilight for herself. There will be a sequel soon! Don’t know how long it will be before I get started, maybe in a few days or a week. But this has been a fun write, just wanted to think of what could have happened if Twilight had fought Chrysalis first and a lot more came out. Though I’ve made a few mistakes here and there like having Rarity betray her friends at first, meant to have her pretend to work for Daybreaker. Ah well, got that fixed.

Comments ( 27 )

Oh boy. Daybreaker's not done yet, and wants Twilight for herself. Oh boy. Looking forward to the sequel, Sam.

:yay: :pinkiesmile: :raritywink: :rainbowwild: :ajsmug: :twilightsmile: :trollestia:

Celestia would have chuckled at that if Twilight’s life weren’t on the line. “Are you all forgetting the spells of teleportation? Get close to me! I’ll take us straight to the castle”

Lot of ponies forget that.

Can't wait for the sequel.

This was a very good story! I enjoyed it! I look forward to the sequel!

Looking forward to what's coming next.

Nice work

Oh boy. Celestia is back to normal but Daybreaker still is still inside her. I wonder if it's because the elements of harmony didn't return her to normal? Still Twilight's healing and realizing she was on top of celestia was priceless! Please put out the sequel soon.

I guess Daybreaker has the 'Hots' for Twilight.

Ha funny! Yeah she does, cause she is on fire. Let's hope Twilight doesnt get burned.

Flames of Passion burn for Twilight?
'This, mare, is on Fire!'
Daybreaker too hot to handle?
I think I need to chill on these puns, don't want to make an ash out of myself. :moustache::facehoof:

More like Celestia is overprotective of Twilight like a mother would.

well its good and I like it but there's some things that don't make sense

well how come the changeling that probably saw there queen get disintegrated didn't start to thinking like how about retreating for there lives like any sane pony would do?

Well I had all the changelings aiding Chrysalis get killed as well so none of them after that were shown to witness her death. They just kept fighting not knowing their queen was dead.

Hair? Just because the Elements grew back hair that means that they can cure an incurable venom!?

It was proven they had healing powers in the season 7 finale.

Oh. I had stopped watching the show after the episode "Tanks for the Memories". I didn't like the way that it dealt with a topic such as death. Then again, I did grow up in the era where Batman: The Animated Series was considered a children's cartoon series.

That was hibernating not death.

The underlying message was still there. Unless, of course, Celestia sent a bunch of children off to face an insane goddess, a spirit of chaos, an an undead lich king, and a denizen of Tartarus itself. Not to mention the more mundane threats, such as a sleeping carnivorous being that was capable of eating them, and an invading, shapeshifting army.
Edit: Stupid tablet. Making me post half of the comment the first time.

Actually Tank is still alive he was shown in the season 7 episode Rock Solid Friendship.

Чрезвычайно низкокачественная история. В ней плохо абсолютно всё: скудные описания, топорные диалоги, поведение персонажей клишировано и предсказуемо настолько, насколько это только возможно, причина превращения Селестии в Daybreaker и её возвращение в состоянии Селестии особенно неубедительно и плохо.
Ну и главный и наиболее существенный недостаток истории это поведение Daybreaker в вашей истории. У вас это просто карикатура на типичного злодея, у неё нет ни мудрости, ни интеллекта, ни более чем 1000 опыта дипломатии и общения с другими существами.

I don't know what you're saying.

Oh, sorry, it's Russian. I assumed you would use a translator.

Well this will be interesting, I'm wondering if Celestia (or daybreaker) does like Twilight like a daughter and not anything more, kinda sounds like some kind of romantic feelings, or it's just really intense jealousy.

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