• Published 19th Feb 2020
  • 9,166 Views, 105 Comments

Daybreaker vs Chrysalis - SamSwordsman123

After Twilight is wounded fighting Chrysalis, Celestia turns into Daybreaker to fight the Queen and save Twilight.

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Chapter Two The Fiery Fight (Expanded)

Daybreaker took to the air, her red eyes set on the one who’d poisoned the pony who was most important to her. Chrysalis looked at the flaming pony in shock, as did all the other ponies present.

“I never thought that Princess Celestia could turn into a horrible scary dark alicorn like Luna could,” Fluttershy muttered as she hid behind Applejack. “Oh… I hope that she’s not going to burn us or try to send us to the sun.”

“You think we’re gonna have to turn her back to herself like we did for Luna?” Applejack wondered aloud.

At that moment, Daybreaker’s horn lit up bright red. But instead of a beam of magic, she sent out fire at Chrysalis. The changeling queen put up a green shield to fend off the attack, but the strength of Daybreaker’s fire was too much and Chrysalis cried out in pain. She’d stopped enough of the flames to avoid being incinerated but she still caught fire. This forced her to stop, drop and roll, quenching the flames as she grunted in pain. Chrysalis then dove out of the way as Daybreaker sent another shot of fire at her, narrowly missing some of the wedding guests who screamed and ran. Recognizing the danger, all the guests fled from the hall to avoid being burned to a crisp.

Twilight groaned again in pain. Shining pulled his sister into a hug in an effort to comfort her.

“Worry about her later!” he said. “Come on, we need to get help for Twilight first! Hang on sis!” he added stroking her mane as she clenched her teeth.

“He’s right!” Pinkie said, her tone unusually serious as she looked at her dying friend.

“Hang in there, Twilight,” Cadence said as she looked on the grown mare that she had once loved foalsitting for. “We’re going to save you.”

Twilight grunted through the pain and looked up at the pony that had been her beloved mentor Celestia with fear in her eyes, both for her own life and for her mentor. Shining Armor got his sister onto his back and carried her out of the wedding hall even as Daybreaker continued her assault. Her friends as well as Princess Cadence followed suit, hoping desperately to find a way to save Twilight on their own while Celestia (or Daybreaker, as she was now) dealt with the Queen of the Changelings.


Chrysalis’s burn hurt. The pain angered her… this dark alicorn had dared to hurt her. Looking up at Daybreaker, Chrysalis saw the transformed princess cackle.

“Is that all you got? I expected a Queen to put up more of a fight!”

Chrysalis snarled. She needed to use her full strength against this dark alicorn if she was going to stand a chance. She called upon it, the strength she had acquired from consuming the love Shining Armor held for Princess Cadence. Her horn glowed brighter as she allowed the love she’d consumed to fuel her power.

Daybreaker prepared to attack once again. She shot another stream of huge flames at Chyrsalis who tried to counter with her beam. Though the attack looked puny compared to the inferno it went up against it was concentrated magic, and somehow pushed the flames back. Daybreaker was hit in her chestplate. She grunted, obviously in pain. Chrysalis grinned and flapped her crystal-like bug wings. The black Queen charged the flaming Princess in midair. The two monarchs collided, throwing hoof punches at each other. Chrysalis targeted Daybreaker’s cheeks and the parts that weren’t covered by the orange armor. She landed a blow, Daybreaker snarled and spun in midair, catching Chrysalis with her flaming tale.

Chrysalis cringed as she received another painful burn, though not nearly as bad as the last one. She flew back and kept her distance from the fire encrusted pony. Returning to firing spells at Daybreaker, she shot beams of her green magic. Daybreaker countered with more fire. Their spells canceled each other out. Chrysalis snarled, she needed more power. But how was she going to get it midbattle?

Then an idea occurred to her. She fed off other emotions besides love. Frustration, hatred, those would do. Not as tasty as love but they would make her stronger nonetheless.

Daybreaker prepared to attack again. Instead of countering and spending more of her magic, Chrysalis, turned and flew out of the hall out into the sky above Canterlot. Daybreaker followed with a cackle

“Scared of me are you? Well you should be! Because I am going to burn you slowly unless you tell me how to cure Twilight! If you do it now, I might consider sparing your life!” Daybreaker shouted.

Chrysalis scoffed.

“There is no cure! I was not lying when I told you that!” she said truthfully. “Even if there is a cure I am not aware of it! We have never had a need to cure any victims of their poisoning!”

Hearing this caused Daybreaker to scream, a mother’s hopeless scream with the knowledge that they were going to lose their child.

“Then I shall burn you!”

Chrysalis felt the heat coming and managed to flap to the side as the flames missed her and hit the streets of Canterlot. Daybreaker fired more flames out in her rage, no longer caring about anything but destroying Chrysalis. The Queen could sense the emotions in her pursuer starting to fire up as she dodged three more attacks.

“Stay still and let me burn you, insect!” Daybreaker yelled.

"Oh yes," Chrysalis taunted. "Very motivating!"

She grinned, feeling the frustration and hatred within Daybreaker as she soared high into the sky. This was her chance, she turned and faced the dark alicorn… just in time to put a shield to block an attack that would have hit her for sure. Daybreaker had managed to catch up with her and was now unleashing a bright yellow light from her entire body as though she herself were the sun. Chrysalis felt a large amount of fear at the display, but her green shield held out. The tops of buildings that Daybreaker’s attack spread to were melted, exposing a few ponies that yelled, though fortunately for them the light didn’t reach them as Chrysalis and Daybreaker. It was fortunate for them Chrysalis had taken this fight higher up, not that she cared about any ponies. But she could use this to her advantage, to further the emotions.

“Careful! You might hurt your subjects!” she called at Daybreaker.

The flaming alicorn looked down and saw the damage she had done to her own city. The hatred lessened in her eyes and was replaced with a look of regret. For a moment the flames of her mane and tail seemed to lessen in their intensity. Some of the mane even flicked with multiple colors, as though she were about to turn back into Celestia. Chrysalis grinned. With her opponent distracted, she flew in close and opened her mouth wide. Blue light, the color of sadness or regret (the current emotion her prey was currently feeling) flowed into Chrysalis’s mouth. She felt the regret and saw the memories within the emotions of Daybreaker. The sight of putting her own subjects at risk, the frustration at chasing Chrysalis, her anger at the Queen for turning her against Twilight Sparkle, the guilt she held for not heading Twilight’s warnings and no doubt breaking the unicorns heart , the fear she head of losing that same pony now that Chrysalis had poisoned her, as well as the motherlike love she felt for her student. But deeper in, there was something else. A feeling of personal betrayal not linked to Twilight Sparkle, in the form of Celestia’s younger sister. Princess Luna.

An image of Luna’s Dark Alicorn form entered Chrysalis’s mind. Nightmare Moon who had attempted to overthrow her sister and plunge Equestria into Eternal Night.

Daybreaker gasped for breath, struggling to remain airborn after Chrysalis had drained her emotions. Chrysalis grinned at her.

“Oh, the sting of betrayal from one’s own family! It hurts doesn’t it? There is some part of you that wants Luna gone, so that you can have all the power to yourself. You were actually enjoying yourself somewhat when you had it all didn’t you Celestia?” Chrysalis asked. “Well, too late! Because I am about to take it all! Canterlot, Equestria, and every pony in the land will be under my control!”

They resumed their battle. Chrysalis sent another green beam at Daybreaker whose shield broke like glass. The dark alicorn’s rage was gone, replaced with a new emotion. Fear. Daybreaker went into full retreat, her strength drained from Chrysalis devouring her emotions, including her desire to kill the Queen. Chrysalis was surprised that Daybreaker was still able to even move at all. Usually devouring a creatures love left it so weak that they collapsed. It seemed alicorns were made of very powerful stuff. Still, it was only a matter of time before Chrysalis defeated her now.
With renewed confidence, Chrysalis gave chase. It was just like before, but now their roles were reversed. Chrysalis was the one firing spells at the retreating Daybreaker. Chrysalis fired spell after spell, Daybreaker managed to dodge a few. But unlike Chrysalis, she was weakened and Chrysalis soon caught her in the back. Daybreaker fell, landing on top of a burning building. Chrysalis grinned, soon those flames would reach her… and burn Daybreaker to a crisp. A fitting end for how someone who had been born from a fiery rage, which would result in her own destruction.

With her battle against Daybreaker over, Chrysalis turned and looked around. Canterlot was burning, but the shield around it still remained. Since Shining Armor had been broken free of her spell, his shield remained, and it seemed to be getting stronger now. Chrysalis could see her minions putting everything they had into breaking it. But the cracks they made were simply closing up again.

“Don’t worry my faithful. I shall break this shield myself!” Chrysalis declared.

She gathered all the strength she’d acquired in Canterlot, the love Shining Armor had for Cadence, the malestorm of emotions from Daybreaker, and let it out into a single attack upon the shield. Shining Armor’s protection spell cracked and shattered, allowing her changelings in at last. They swarmed upon the already burning city with glee. Chrysalis watched with satisfaction as her subjects began their attack.

Pegasus members of the Royal Guard immediately flew up to intercept the changelings. But Chrysalis’s hive used their magic to their advantage, shooting down the pegasi before many of them could fly close enough. Unicorn guards on the ground tried firing magic up at them, which was more successful… but changelings were still able to fly and avoid the attacks.

Chrysalis watched as her hive drove back the royal guards.

“This day has been just perfect, the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small! Everypony I’ll soon control, every stallion mare and foal. Who says a girl can’t really have it all?”

She laughed maniacally, taking in smoke from the fires across Canterlot. This caused her to cough.

“Eh… more destruction than I’d planned,” Chrysalis said once she finished coughing. “But Canterlot will soon be mine. Without their Princess to protect them, they will all be mine. I will have it all!”

“The only one who shall have it all is I!” a voice called behind Chrysalis.

Recognizing the voice, Chrysalis sighed. “Still alive Daybreaker? You just-”

Chrysalis stopped midsentence as she turned and saw her persistent opponent back on her hooves. She was burning brighter than before. Her body glowing, Chrysalis looked down into the building she had fallen into and saw that it was no longer aflame.

“What? How?”

Daybreaker cackled.

“In this form I can feed on fire and grow stronger from it just as you feed off love and emotions!” she told her. “Now with this fire I shall completely destroy you!” she declared.

Chrysalis snarled. “I grow tired of this! Just die already you fiery foal!”

Yet another green beam shot at Daybreaker, who put up a shield and blocked it with ease as she walked across the building that had once been burning. Chyrsalis’s eyes when wide with terror as she realized the tables had turned yet again, and not in her favor. She’d just spent all of her extra power to break the shield around Canterlot for her subjects to enter… and Daybreaker had acquired new strength. The sun pony grinned and let out a breath of fire in the same manner that a dragon would.

Chrysalis flew out of the path of the powerful fire. She knew in an instant that her battle was lost. She couldn’t defeat Daybreaker now that her extra power was gone. Flames shot at her and she screamed, flying off in another direction.

“Come back here! You call yourself a queen!”

A third chase erupted through Canterlot, Daybreaker sent fiery blast after fiery blast at Chrysalis, hitting various buildings in the city. It seemed she was so consumed by her desire to destroy the Changeling Queen that she didn’t care about her subjects anymore. Chrysalis turned a corner around a building, and then did the same quickly. Daybreaker flew past her, and she let out a sigh of relief.

It seemed her only hope was to avoid the flaming alicorn, she had no chance of taking on Daybreaker now in a one on one fight.

Wait, Chrysalis thought. In a one on one fight.

She looked at the sky, and saw at that moment the shield surrounding Canterlot had finally been broken. Her army swarmed in. Chrysalis grinned, now was her chance.

“My subjects!” She called. “Your queen has need of you!”

A good amount of her minions heard her, and flew to her aid. Chrysalis came out of her hiding place and scanned the sky for the fiery shape that was Daybreaker. Soon she saw something bright in the distance that had to be her.

“Over here you hellhorse!” she shouted.

Daybreaker turned and saw the Queen and her minions coming.

“Get her!” Chrysalis ordered.

Her changelings shot beams of their magic at Daybreaker, who put a shield. Chrysalis added her own magic to the mix, but even all their powers together didn’t seem to make a dent in the red aura protecting Daybreaker who merely laughed at their feeble attempts as she readied an attack behind her shield, somehow maintaining it at the same.

“You made a grave mistake coming to Canterlot and attacking my subjects. Enough, time to end this! Burn away!”

Daybreaker unleashed a wave of fire that flew across the air of Canterlot, Chrysalis put up a final shield, all the minions aiding her were incinerated while she was able to survive. Her shield prevented her from being roasted but she was still burned yet again. Chrysalis fell to the streets of Canterlot, in agonizing pain. She felt something heavy land on her and looked up to see Daybreaker glaring down at her with pure hatred.

“And now you shall die!” Daybreaker said.

Chrysalis opened her mouth, Daybreaker, thinking that Chrysalis intended to try and steal her strength again, put a hoof over her mouth. But instead of sucking, Chrysalis was trying to speak. Daybreaker heard mumbles and removed her hoof to allow Chrysalis to say her final words.

“Please! Please, I’ll call off the attack! I’ll find a way to save Twilight!” Chrysalis said, desperately. “Please sweet Celestia don’t kill me!”

Daybreaker scoffed. “I am Daybreaker. Celestia is dead, and so are you!”

She sent a final beam of fire out, and turned Chrysalis to ash as the Changeling Queen screamed.

Daybreaker cackled. “I have saved Canterlot!”


Princess Luna, who was sleeping in her tower, awoke to the smell of smoke pouring through her windowl.
“Smoke?” she cried out in alarm, getting to her hooves. “What in my sister’s name is going on?”

She looked outside her window, and saw to her horror that Canterlot was in flames!

Author's Note:

Well, a lot of people said Chrysalis was dead if she went up against Daybreaker so I thought I might as well give the fans what they wanted. Now its time to save Celestia and Twilight. The next chapter will likely come out in two days. Thank you for all the likes!