• Published 17th Oct 2019
  • 5,097 Views, 19 Comments

Size Doesn't Matter - B_25

It's been years and he's yet to grow. Spike wants to be with her, with Twilight, but knows... he isn't right for her. Only, she's been hanging with too many stallions not right for her. The bar mostly. Not like her. Will Spike bring her home safely?

  • ...

Part II | Not Tall but Brave Enough

~ Part II ~

Not Tall but Brave Enough

Spike stood before her door unsure of what to say, what to do, unable to trust in his own heart for advice. It continued to beat, quicker and harder the closer he approached, a sign of hope or damnation—a consistent unknown.

He knew things couldn't be left like this. Accepted or rejected; embrace or eliminated. Whatever happened to him... he'd already been selfish enough thinking this much about himself. Doing this was right, and doing the right thing was all that mattered.

Whatever became of him afterward, well, it simply wasn't in his cards.

“Twilight? You still awake?” He knocked his knuckles gently against the door, pulling his frame closer against it. Sounds of something shuffled resounded from the other side. But no direct response. His eyes shut tight. Damn. “I'm uh, g-going to come in now. Unless you say something.”

He lurked in silence and darkness, waiting, all for nothing to break.

So much for getting out of this another way.

His eyes softly opened in the dark. Lifting his claw to the handle, he waited a few seconds, slowly laying his palm around the cool, golden ball of metal. He then gripped it tightly, tapping his forehead against the frame. With a final sigh, he turned his claw—its creak screaming.

Shadow consumed the room, kept at bay from the lazy glow of blue shining from the moon, filtering through the window high on the wall. Glass glinted from the floor. Bottles empty but not disposed of. Late-night drinking by herself?

But why?

He came to the answer quickly. Across the maze of empty bottles, its end led to her bed. Thick sheets curved over a plump figure. An old tactic of her younger youth that never seemed to fade. It shifted. Light sniffling filtering from beneath the covers.

“Been a while since we've played hide and seek,” Spike said upon carefully navigating the room, arching his feet over some of the bottles—some, a few inches higher into the air than he cared to admit to himself. “But you've gotten kinda bad at it. Y'know, under the bed would have been a much better tactic.”

He heard it. Something she didn't want to do—but did so anyway. The smallest, tiniest giggle wormed between sniffles and struggled to breathe. From its pitch, her snout was stuffed. Shame he forgot to bring any napkins.

“Space is a bit tighter—but I don't think you'd mind that.” His feet pressed back onto the ground—knocking onto the base of a glass. Quickly he hunched forward, grabbing the falling neck with a claw. “It's dark. And you can still hide underneath your blanket. Lots of good stuff happens underneath the bed—hugely underrated.”

Yet another laugh from underneath the covers. The hump shifted as it seemed to hate itself—a quality converting into words. “Go away.”

“Now you gave me too much of a delay.” Spike set the bottle to the side as the opening revealed a curved lane. It led to the bed. It was the only right path left to take. “Said something at the door and I wouldn't have been able to blow through my nerves. Now I'm too primed.”

Another giggle hating itself.

Spike looked down at himself after hearing it. That was something else that was true. He could make the mare laugh. He knew the right words and the right delivery with the correct consistency to tickle at her funny bone. Worth was felt in what became proven in her reactions.

“You didn't want to be with me then,” the words came huffed and sniffled from underneath the blankets. “So w-why are you trying to be with me now?”

“Because I was the jerk who hurt you then.” Spike lifted his head and allowed his eyes to burn in the night, fuelled by duty, an oath to her. “And now I'm the number-one assistant here to make sure you get over that jerk. At least to make sure that you're okay.”

“I'm not okay.”

Spike glanced around the room to see the glints of all the empty bottles. He held himself from a joke, deciding to carry toward the bed. Twilight must have struggled to keep still in hearing the creaks of his steps. He reached the bed only to sigh.

At its height.

“You can't see me from underneath that blanket, right?”

Silence and a sniffle. “Little bit.”

“Promise me your eyes are closed? I'm about to humiliate myself here.”

“S-Sounds like a reason to k-keep them open.”

“If it means winning a point with you—then feast your eyes all that's barely about to happen!”

The bed loomed high above the dragon, enough for him to hop in place, throwing his chest over the mattress and his foot catching to the wood before it. Hopping on that allowed him further reach on the bed. “Alright. Almost there. Aaaaaand!”

Spike jumped and rolled across the frame, hearing it squeak, barely, from underneath his weight. Seconds passed and he huffed a breath. He was more than a little spent as he laid back on the bed.

His green eyes shone in the dark as they settled on the ceiling. Sadness was of him. Everything that had led him to here. Guilt consumed him too at being so much of a tool. His gaze flicked down the tightness of his body to the distant heap of the mare. It rose over his vision.

“Hey.” The dragon rolled his head to the right, seeing across the side of his body, gazing at the mare. “Don't take this the wrong way. But from this angle, you look like a monster ready to pounce on me.”

Twilight thumped her head into the mattress, and did so again, once then twice, each bringing a squeak from the springs. Moments passed until magic consumed the blanket over her. It lowered to her shoulders as her muzzle was flat on the surface.

“Why can't I ever, ever, stay mad at you?”

“Because I do it enough so you don't have to.”

“That... has a scary amount of legitimacy to it.”

“You're telling me.”

The duo kept silent for a moment as their breathing filled the air. Something needed to be said to ensure a change in the night. The dragon clasped his claws over his stomach, needing the support to speak.

“I'm sorry I said what I did about you.” Honesty came easily as the genuine words came from a stream. “I don't know what this phase with you is about. But I shouldn't have kept quiet about my feelings on it. I could have cleared so many things up if I decided to just... talk.”

Twilight continued to lay her chin on the bed as her gems were alight in subtle lavender. Her coat had damped around the cheeks. “And I'm sorry to have gone into something new... without bringing some of the old me along. I was so desperate for a change, to live the teenage years I never had... before it was too late.”

Spike blinked as he inched his head further out to see down to her better. “Too late?”

“It's not a great wonder that I'm going to be more of a princess soon enough.” Twilight's eyes were downcast to the sheets itself. “When that time comes when the world depends on me, I won't be allowed to be a filly again. Maybe I'll hardly be able to be a mare. Now is my only time to be... whatever the heck all of this is.”

Her heavy exhale swept across his scales. “I panicked and overacted like usual. It must have been strange to see me like that.”

Spike rolled onto his belly; the frown while on his back was now a smile. “Actually... it made me kind of happy.”

Twilight blinked as her eyes lifted to his. “Really?”

“I should have known better than to think the usual Twilight was suddenly gone,” Spike went on. “Truthfully it hurt to see you like that. You were happy and free and able to do all the things to make you complete. You already know you're a beautiful mare.”

“That has very nice flanks.”

“Yes. Indeed you have very nice flanks.” Spike turned his head to cough as even casual flirting tickled his throat. “And I... y-y'know... always... loved you. More... than the usual love. I knew I couldn't have you. But at the same time... I... I didn't want anyone else to have you—even if it made you happy.”

Twilight giggled in her current state. She was still lying forward with the mass of her barrel lifted from the bed. Even without meaning to, she was so very big, twice the dragon's size with a little bit extra. “And I must admit the idea of seeing you as another mare's teddy bear cracked my heart back on that second floor.”

Spike took a breath as he decided to sit up. Even pressing his feet together and dropping his claws into his lap did nothing to make him feel tall. Rather that was a sense that would never come. Feeling tall wasn't the answer.

It was a matter of feeling okay no matter what.

“Guess my notion changed in that too.” Spike gazed into his lap at the bundle of his claws unsure of how this should go. Did he want to go forward with Twilight? Or was the goal to keep things the same? “Thought I'd grow into a dashing hero that would be every mare's dream. Given enough years and growth... that fantasy would become a reality but... as the years went by...”

“You continued to be our little Spikey-Wikey?”

“And anything ending with a Wikey has no sex appeal.”

Twilight laughed from her side of the bed until suddenly arching into the air. It was there she towered, walking forward, each step a deep sink into the mattress. The dragon was forced to roll his head back to gaze up at her. Everything was dark except for the lavender glow looming above. “So mares won't see you as the dashing dragon you'd like to be seen as.”

Spike felt a shadow passing over him.

“But that means mares see you for the dragon you are now.” Illumination of moonlight spread across Twilight's falling frame as it crashed toward the dragon. Her chest smothered him from the neck down, leaving him pinned, the density of her softness washing over him. “And they like him for him—which he doesn't need to be anything more to be.”

“Mares?” Spike asked from being tucked between the fluff of her chest and the plushness of her belly, each flattened over him, the pleasant weight keeping him in place. “Or mare?”


Twilight's lips brushed against his. Each felt for the other as their breaths had brushed across the other. Even though he was pinned by femininity, the dragon didn't fight it, not finding shame in the reverse of sexual roles. Rather the pressure was something he'd secretly craved.

“Then will you be my mare, Twilight Sparkle?'

Twilight's muzzle rose to the sky and kept there, tilting and thinking, everything a mock display. After a few seconds, she came back down. “That depends, Spike, on if you're willing to be my teddy bear.”

Spike lunged up to steal a kiss from her lips, and she responded by pushing her weight onto him, smothering his weight in softness and warmth, the forest of her flush brushing against his smooth scales. The two continued to kiss even as their eyes drew close. Twilight fell to the side of him, her forelegs wrapped around him. She clutched him to her chest, where the kiss was brought to an end, a blanket then cast over them both.

Author's Note:

Sometimes the nature of stories changes while we are away; this piece was meant to be a clop about size difference. Twilight being a thick mare rendered larger by accession would put a still the same Spike to shame.

She was always going up and he had nothing new to him.  

And that story will still come someday. But this piece was more of a romance than ever about sex. Spike proves his worth to Twilight in always being there for her. No matter her changes, he won't allow his inferiority to get in the way of their relationship. In the act of sex, he goes above and beyond the call to ensure the job is done.  

That, and Twilight totally gets off to the idea of a little Spike climbing all over her body to get her off.  

But until we reach that chapter.

We close on this one for now.  

Thank you for reading.  

~ Yr. Pal, B ~  

Comments ( 6 )

Hell yes! Great job, B!

Glad you found the motivation to continue and finish this story. A clop chapter will be great appreciated later. But pleassssse, no micro! Spike is small enough as it is! And the thought and act of him getting a mare of Twilights size off is pretty hot, and strangely cute!

Again great job!:moustache::twilightsmile:

Now if only a story about a Princess and Duty would continue! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::raritywink::raritywink: :moustache::twilightblush:

Grailm #2 · May 2nd, 2020 · · 1 ·

This was a great read. I look forward immensely to the day we read the next part of the story.

Twilight's muzzle rose to the sky and kept there, tilting and thinking, everything a mock display. After a few seconds, she came back down. “That depends, Spike, on if you're willing to be my teddy bear.”

I swear I had the "you're my little teddy bear" song from Chitty Chitty bang bang go through my head as i read this.

Well... it was not what I expected, but the ending feels right.

If in the future you write the "sexy part" I'll sure be back.

“Because I was the jerk who hurt you then.” Spike lifted his head and allowed his eyes to burn in the night, fuelled by duty, an oath to her . “And now I'm the number-one assistant here to make sure you get over that jerk. At least to make sure that you're okay.”


Wait wait wait.

So, Apparantly, she got drunk one time, propositioned Spike for sex, and somehow it's his fault for not having sex with her while inebriated?!?!

Is she a narcisstic psychopath or something?

Twilight's muzzle rose to the sky and kept there, tilting and thinking, everything a mock display. After a few seconds, she came back down. “That depends, Spike, on if you're willing to be my teddy bear.”

Gotta hammer in his weakness to establish proper control.

Comment posted by Orrm deleted Jun 18th, 2020
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