• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 8

Chapter 8

Waking up with a throbbing headache Thunder make his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Seeing Twilight holding her head and moving only where she can make absolutely no sound gives her a confused look. Barely above a whisper he speaks.

“What happened last night?” Moaning the lavender mare glares at the young dragon sitting at the table. In much the same manner that Blade had used Twilight begins speaking.

“Somepony thought it would be a good idea to put crushed gem's in the punch. Unfortunately they were some that I was working on yesterday ,and all the unicorns got drunk because it was unicorn magic. Spike next time I tell you not to touch something I probably have a good reason for it.” Glancing toward the bread on the counter Blade rummages through the refrigerator and says.

“So what you're saying is the punch was Spiked” Laughing a little at his bad joke he finds what he is looking for and makes a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Trotting toward the table Blade hears a knock on the front door and goes to answer it.

“Who could that be at this hour?” Sluggishly the prince opens the door. Staring up at him with a goofy grin in none other than Scootaloo herself. Shielding his eyes from the bright light of the morning sun he sighs.

“Hello my little friend. Where's your little brother? By the way you were acting yesterday I would have guessed that the two of you were glued at the flank.” A little to loud for Blade's taste she begins speaking.

“Hay Princey! Butterscotch is helping Big Mac today. So is your marefriend home? I need to return a book to her.” A little taken back by her knowing the truth about him and the truth about his relationship with Twilight he starts stuttering.

“H.... h..... how did you..” Before he could finish Twilight walks up behind him and starts speaking.

“Uh... what did you just say?” A devilish grin comes to the little filly's face.

“Oh I was just telling your husband about last night. It's the only thing pony's in town are talking about..” Unable to finish having her fun both the grown unicorn pounce her and Blade begins speaking.

“HUSBAND! But... but we just started dating. Please tell us everything you know.” Twilight look over at Blade.

“I.... I can't believe were married! No offense it's just.... it happened so fast ,and I don't remember it.” Sensing the joke had gone too far Scootaloo starts talking.

“Ok ok calm down everypony. It was just a joke. You're not married ,but you should have seen your face's.” Laughing her head off she falls to the ground. Twilight glares at the little filly giving her the look of scorn ,but is caught off guard by chuckling from her coltfriend.

“Blade don't encourage her that was mean. Not to mention I'm a bad drunk.” Looking toward Twilight he tries to get his emotions in cheek but only laughs harder.

“I... I.... I'm sorry but it was a good joke.” Turning to face Scootaloo Thunder continues speaking with a smile still on his face.

“Why did you call me Princey?” Laughing a little harder she replys.

“Because Pinkie told me everything that happened at the party. Including the acting you did of the prince.” Calming down she gets a serious look on her face.

“So Princey are you ready for another race? It's time for me to kick your flank fair and square!” Regretting his words from the previous day he nods his head and begins speaking.

“What is our challenge today Scooter? Lets not make it another hoof-race.” A little aggravated at the name the little filly blurts out.

“My name is Scootaloo not Scooter. Since you already cheated at the hoof-race I decided not to do that again. Today were going to do something really fun! Were going into the Everfree Forest and the first to Zecora's house wins.” Thunder raises his eyebrow.

“Don't worry. We go in there all the time it's no big deal.” Shocked at what she is saying Thunder stares at her with a stone cold look.

“Young mare that forest is no place for a filly your age. I think your parents should know what you have been up too.” Twilight follows with Blades sentence.

“Scootaloo I usually don't and wouldn't say anything but in this case I think Handsome might be right. You shouldn't be going into the forest with all those animals in there. Do you remember that time I was turned to stone ,and I'm full grown.” Thinking he had been a little harsh toward Scootaloo the prince starts speaking in a calmer voice.

“Scootaloo I'm not mad at you ,but I don't want to see you get hurt. Maybe it would be a good idea if we hung-out for the day. But just today I still have work that I am required to do.” Thunder leans down close to her ear and says.

“And if you ever call me princey again I will call you scooter for as long as you live.” A look of hatred comes to her face as she says.

“If you ever call me scooter again I will send Pinkie over to discuss the name chimmie-cherry or cherry-chonga. So lets just decide to not call each other by those name's agreed?” Thunder starts thinking of the report from that adventure.

“Agreed. So what are we really going to do today ,because I forbid letting any little filly go through that forest.” Begrudgingly Scootaloo agrees. Turning to Twilight Blade gives her a kiss on the cheek and says.

“Don't worry Star I will be perfectly fine. If anything come for me please just place it in my room on my bed ,and I will address it later.” Upon finishing his sentence Blade turns to the little orange mare and trots out the door as Twilight calls after them.

“Scootaloo? Don't make him too tired. I think he might have a long night ahead of him.”

In the Canterlot palace Princess Celestia it skimming through a sack of the morning mail when she sees a letter from the royal fascination addressed to Thunder. Unaware that he had been to the doctor recently Celestia hold's the piece of mail up to the light. How ever much to her annoyance it has a magic seal on it so that nopony not even the princess can read its content. Luna enters the room seeing the sack and starts helping.

“Hello Tia it is a lovely morning. Have you found anything interesting?” Celestia shrugs and continues sorting through the mail.

“There was a letter from the Canterlot Adoption Agency ,but it's probably just a request for another fundraiser. Luna how long has Thunder been over doing fundraisers and things of that nature.” The dark blue alicorn taps her finely manicured hoof against her cheek indicating that she is thinking.

“For about two hundred years I think ,but that is going on what I have been told. Why do you ask?” Picking up another letter Celestia answers.

“Oh just bored I guess. Making light conversation.” she says as she throws a letter into a mail bag with the word Thunder on the side of it. Luna stares at the bag in shock.

“Is that from today and yesterday? That is more mail than I receive in a month. Nodding her head Celestia continues.

“I think sometime he has too much responsibility ,but he always asks for more. Luna you don't know this ,but before you returned Thunder almost did marry. I was never prouder of him than at that time. After her brutal murder Thunder sealed himself in his room until he almost died from starvation. Ever since then his life has been nothing but work. Sure he would attend the normal events like The Grand Galloping Gala ,but he's never really recovered. At the Gala he spends most of his time in the royal garden away from the guest's and everyponys' sight. I've tried to help him ,but he just refuses to move on. He blames himself for her death.” Luna sits with her jaw open as if she is at a dentist's office having surgery on a molar.

“Tia I... I had know idea. Being on the moon only allowed me to see what happened on the moon. Years of Equestria's history was lost to me including what happened during the night. That is why I was still speaking with the old dialect when I returned.” A thought crosses Celestia's mind.

“Was Thunder with The Doctor in the past week? Because when he was looking for you he was using Old Equestrian ,and that only happens when he has heard that strange accent.” Nodding Luna replys with a more cheerful attitude.

Yes he came to the library and asked for some book ,and The Doctor appeared and said it was time to leave.” Groaning Celestia starts mumbling.

“I thought I told him to stay away from that freak.” Luna levitates a normal mail bag over and dumps all of Thunder's into it. Teleporting it to the Ponyville Library Luna looks at her annoyed sister.

“Luna that was all I had to do. Now how am I going to waste the day?” Chuckling Luna makes a book appear in front of Celestia.

“How about you relax? Thunder's not the only pony that's been drowning themselves with work.”

In Ponyville Twilight hears her number one assistant burp followed by a loud thump. Running up the stairs she bursts into the room only seeing a royal mail sack in the middle of the room. Calling for spike she hears a muffled sound coming from under the bag and she levitates it off of him.

“Spike are you ok?!” With complete concern on her face the baby dragon answers.

“I'm fine Twilight it takes more than a little mail to keep this dragon down.” taking a step forward Spike trips on some of the rope tying the bag closed.

“Ya nice story. Off to bed. You may have been hurt but don't know it yet.” Not arguing the baby dragon crawls into bed and drifts off to sleep. Looking at the humungous bag bursting at the seams with mail she sighs.

“The Princess never sends me letters. Even if it's just mail.” Looking closer at the bag she sees the royal stamp on several envelops. Her eyes cover most of her face as she reads the name.

“P.... P...... Prince Thunder it makes so much sense now every thing does. This how he knows my middle name ,why he acts so weird sometimes ,and why he uses grammar like he's a royal.
My coltfriend is or was Prince Thunder's assistant!” Giggling with glee Twilight takes the bag and puts it on Thunder's bed. Much to her surprise the sheets don't move in the least little bit instead the mail covers the bed ,and the sheet remains wrinkle free.

“Wow, I'm going to need to talk to him about not making his bed so tight a ant can't crawl under it. That stallion is one of a kind.” Looking around the room her eyes start hurting form just how bright it is.

“How can he stand it in here? After he moves or we move I am never letting him pick colors for painting the wall. Maybe Spike should I didn't do a good job either.” Shaking the thought out of her head Twilight leaves the room. Approaching the Carousal Boutique, Blade and Scootaloo hear the voice of a little filly singing at the top of her lungs. Thunder trots up to the door only to find the singing stops the exact moment he knocks. With the door being thrown open the prince finds himself confronted with another filly. In a voice squeezer than a mouse the little white unicorn starts speaking.

“Blade! What are you doing here?” Trotting up behind her comes Rarity holding her head much like the prince.

“You too Miss. Rarity?” Registering everything that is going on she nods her head. With a fake cheerful voice Blade starts speaking.

“I have the honer of chaperoning today! Is that not the funnest thing you've ever heard?!” Giving a slight chuckle Rarity nudges Sweetie Belle out of the house and closes the door. Looking up at the tall dark stallion the little white unicorn begins speaking.

“We don't need a babysitter. But if it had to be somepony I'm glad it's you! You were so much fun last night at the party even if Rarity wouldn't tell me why.” Looking down at the two foals before him he starts talking.

“Do either of you know which way Sweet Apple Acres is?” nodding there head Sweetie Belle points in a general direction and they follow suet. Not wanting it to be to quiet Sweetie Belle begins speaking.

“So what are we going to do today? Whatever it is we can't do it at my house Rarity is still a little mad about the foyer.” Jumping in front of them Scootaloo begins talking.

“Were going to go see Zecora in the Everfree Forest. Stopping in his tracks Blade looks at her.

“I thought I made it clear we were not going near that forest.” With a sly look on her face the orange filly responds.

“No. You said and I quote 'I forbid letting any little filly go through that forest'. Were not going through were just entering and exiting. We will come out where we enter.” Groaning Blade accepts defeat. Coming up to the farm the prince is greeted by someponies he had met the previous night. The moment he puts a hoof on the property a little orange colt is at his hooves.

“Yay you came back! How was the ad... ad... adbenture? Can I go next time?” Scootaloo rubs her little brother's head.

“We haven't even started yet Butterscotch. We're just here to pickup Applebloom.” The little colt's face turn's to a frown.

“Oh.... I go get her then.” The prince can't help but smile hearing the little colt talk.

“Scootaloo would it be so bad if we did something that your little brother could do too?” Feeling bad for not including him she nods her head.

“Fine but you're keeping an eye on him. Just so you know Butterscotch doesn't like stallion's that much so good luck.” A little confused Blade starts speaking.

“But he galloped right up to me the moment we set hoof on the property.” A little agitated Scootaloo replys.

“Well..... He's a good actor?” Rolling his eyes in a comical way he begins speaking.

“Yes and I'm a clown.” About that time Big Mac trots up.

“Eeyup.” After saying all he had on his mine he heads toward the apple orchard. Butterscotch trots up with a proud smile on his face ,and Applebloom behind him.

“I found her!” Going right up to Scootaloo he continues speaking.

“I know you don't want me to go so I just leave now.” Hanging his head down low he turns around and starts off toward the trees. Feeling bad Scootaloo stops him.

“Come on you can go. Were only exploring that old house trying to find ghost ,but you have to do everything Blade says. Understand?” Turning around the little colt jumps into the air and exclaims.

“YAY I get to go on an adbenture!” Tuning to Thunder he continues.

“Is there welly ghost? Cause ghost scare me awot.” The prince smiles as he gives the colt a nudge.

“If there are any ghosts or ghouls I'll take care of them. Sound like a plan?” A wide grin come to Butterscotch's face as he nods over and over again. Turning to Applebloom Thunder keeps speaking.

“Hello there my little pony. Were you not at the party last night? I believe you were ,but at the moment I feel a little...... discombobulated.” The small group of foals gives his a confused look. Remembering that he is speaking with foal's and not grownups he continues.

“I feel out of sorts.” The three filly's react with the same 'oooooh' ,however the little colt continues looking confused. Kneeling down he whispers in the colt's ear.

“It means my brain feels like it is in a blinder.” Giving a chuckle the colt begins speaking.

“Bwinder bwain, bwinder bwain. What's a bwain?” Thunder roll’s his eye's ,but then a thought comes to his mind.

“I'm glad you're not afraid to ask question's ,but if you have any more why not ask you're sister.” With a smile still on his face the little colt nods. The prince stands up ,and looks around. Seeing a wagon and some rope he addresses Applebloom.

“Can we use that rope and wagon? I have an idea.” Nodding her head a smile comes to Blade's face. Tying one end of the rope to the handle of the wagon he make's the other go around his shoulders.

“Climb on in there's room for three filly's.” Giving a huff Scootaloo grabs her scooter as Applebloom ,and Sweetie Belle get in. Seeing the wagon he notices there is only room for the two that reside in it. Thinking for a moment the prince levitates the little colt onto his back and says.

“There room for everypony. Now hold on son this might be a little fast.” Hearing that Scootaloo's face brings forth an angry look as she sternly says.

“He's not your son got it?” Gathering that he had said the wrong thing Thunder reply's in a nice soothing voice.

“I meant no offense Scootaloo. It is just an expression. If it bother's you that much I will refrain from saying it or anything like that again ,I promise.” The little orange filly's expression remains the same as her wings start buzzing and she jets off on her scooter. Making sure that everypony is hanging on Blade goes into a full gallop as he call's behind him to the crusaders.

“Does she always go this fast?” Holding on for dear life Applebloom responds.

“I ain’t seen 'er ever go that fast.” Going as fast as his hooves can take him ,while remaining within a safe speed for his passengers, the prince races toward their destination. After about thirty minuets of trailing behind Scootaloo they arrive at a rundown old house. The paint having been peeled off by years on account of nopony wiling to take care of it. Scootaloo props herself upon a fence post.

“It took you long enough.” The two filly's in the wagon jump out and wobble over to their friend as a little colt continues burying his face in Blade's mane. After trotting over she pokes her brother.

“Butterscotch......... Butterscotch........... It's over you can look up now.” the little orange colt slowly lifts his head and looks around. In a disappointed and pouted voice Butterscotch begins speaking.

“Aaaaaah I thought we were going on an adbenture not cleaning up the yard.” Looking down at his young friend it is Blade's turn to be confused.

“What do you mean clean the yard? Were going in and trying to find ghost.” Before he can answer Scootaloo jumps in.

“Uh... we had this neighbor once ,and there house looked similar to this. We would clean his yard and he would give us a bit.” The prince nods his head with a look of suspicion on his face ,and they enter the house.