• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 5

Chapter 5

Twilight groggily rubs her eyes as she turns over in her bed. Not wanting to wake spike the lavender unicorn remains laying hoping to soak up some of the rays from Celestia's sun. However, much to her dismay she could not find the morning stars warmth. Opening her eyes they dart around the blackened room now wondering if it is morning at all. A pink aura surrounds her horn as she brings the clock the her bedside. Squinting into the darkness twilight barely makes out the time. With a loud gasp she startles the little dragon to conciseness. With a flat voice that borders monotone the drake sits up right in his bed. Not bothering to open his eyes he relaxes his body against his plush white pillow and begins speaking.

“What is it now Twilight? You better not have waken me up in the middle of the night for something dumb ,and I'm sure Peewee and Owlishious don't like screaming in the middle of the night either.” The purple mare tumbles out of bed sending a lamp racing with gravity toward the ground followed by a loud crash indicating the floor won. As the lavender pony fumbles around the room the dragon starts getting annoyed not wanting any of his valuable things ruined.

“Twilight what is it and use your horn thingy we aren’t rich.” Doing as she was instructed her horn eliminates casting a soft pink light over the whole room.

“Spike it is ten o'clock and the sun still isn't up something must have happened to the princess! Wake Blade up I'm going to find out what is going on.” Twilight's number one assistant jumps to his feet and rushes out the bedroom door. Barging into the spare bedroom Blade immediately sits up saying something like the map is perfect. Upon realizing what is happening Blade instructs the young dragon to leave the room in a rather cold and authoritative voice. Once alone Blade begins thinking out loud.

“I can't raise the sun right now that might arouse suspicion as to whom I might be. However if I do not raise the sun pony's all across Equestia won't be able to work.” Giving a long drawn out sigh the horn of the dark gray unicorn begins to glow a dark red almost burgundy. Downstairs the prince hears the front door slam. Racing around the library Twilight fills her purple and pink air balloon full of hot air only now realizing the sky is being flooded with lavender's and pink's until the sun stops in its proper place. Assuming that everything was under control Twilight deflates the balloon and goes inside. Eying the little dragon as he scavenges for a gem or two she begins speaking.

“Didn't I tell you to wake up Blade ,and the ruby's are on the top shelf out of your reach.” Giving a huff the baby dragon reply’s.

“Well I did go to get him but he....” Pondering for a moment he try’s to think of the right word to say.

“He told me to leave the room . Not really in a mean way just kind of like he remembered something important and didn't want anypony to know what he was doing.” Twilight takes out her mental note book and adds this to a list titled Strange Things Blade Does. The list consists of the following, doesn’t talk about past, uses a regal speech, doesn’t seem interested in studying, and the last thing has to many secrets. Twilight sits on a stool as she taps her face.

“Spike none of this makes since. If Blade is Princess Luna's student why is he still in his room?” Giving a confused look the baby dragon shrugs it off. However at the top of the stairs in a poorly lit room a dark unicorn sits at his desk jotting down some notes.

Dear Journal

Today so far I have raised the sun and frightened a baby dragon. Not my best work with foals or dragon's as the case may be. I plan on sneaking away today if at all possible. Raising the sun was not at all the best part either for I was four hours late. The best part of my day as it may be was in fact my dream. I can not remember what her face looks like but I know it must have been an image of perfection. The only thing I can remember about her is her eyes. Her exquisite lavender eyes.

Prince Thunder Flicker

Blade levitates the book into the desk drawer and place's the solid white quill with the others. Crossing the room he looks over toward his new bed. The bright mint green sheet is laing on the floor and the soft baby blue pillows are laying around the head completely in a mess.

“I should clean up my chamber before Twilight thinks that I am a total slob. Trotting over to the bed Blade levitates the pillows and places them on the floor. Bringing the cover off the floor he pulls it tighter than any military solder would ever be able to. Fluffing the pillows he systematicly places them in an order to where they will not need to be moved when time for sleeping. Unsatisfied with his work the price trots over to his saddlebag and removes a bit made of lead. Throwing it into the air it lands on the bed but does not bounce instead it reveals the one weak spot in his cover. After fixing the spot he returns the bit to his saddlebag and removes a regular one. Tossing it onto the bed it bounces and almost makes a dent in the wall. Pleased with his work he canters downstairs and enters the kitchen to find a baby dragon begging for a ruby.

“Please Twilight I promise that I will re-shelve the books before lunch.” Before the lavender unicorn could reply a calm soothing voice stops the agitated mare and begins speaking.

“Now Mr...... Now Spike I think you had enough last night you don't want to eat them all do you? After all it would be a shame to not have any to cook with tonight especially since I will be making a special treat specificly with rubys.” Spike's mouth starts watering at the thought of all the food from the previous night. Twilight gingerly trots over to her house guest.

“Well you're up late what have you been doing up there? Writing a letter to your marefriend maybe?” Upon saying the last sentence she nudges him a little. Heat begins to swim freely in his cheeks as they turn a bright pink at the thought of having a marefriend ,and the thought of talking about it with Twilight of all ponies.

“Mi...Twilight I do not have a marefriend my studies take most of my time. To ask somepony to be with me would be selfish. I couldn't put anypony that I cared about be subjected to anything but first place in my life ,and I have not found the right mare for me anyways.” Starring into his eyes she almost looses her self in a sea of clear water. In almost a dream state voice much like that of an infatuation Twilight replys.

“I know exactly what you mean Handsome....... Blade........ Handsome Blade.” Spike rolls his eyes and grabs some hayfries as he leaves the kitchen. Blade stands shocked by being called by such an unusual name that his aunt had picked. Thinking to himself he begins going through what Luna had said.

“Twilight if you call me handsome I feel I would be forced to call you Miss. Sparkly.” A cocky look comes to his face as his smug voice continues.

“Although Miss. Sparkly does have a nice ring to it. So what will it be Twilight or Miss. Sparkly?” The lavender unicorn stands with a pouting face.

“You know Blade you have a very good way of dodging my questions. But flattery can only get you so far. So how about it?” the dark gray unicorn starts stammering grasping for an answer.

“Well Twilight I was......... what I mean to say is that there was.............. I had something to do. I'm sorry if I scared Spike. By the way why wouldn't you let him have a gem? He is a dragon they need the minerals. Not to mention that now I need to find a recipe for a very eager dragon that consist of pony food and rubys.” Twilight begins blushing but start thinking and remembering her interrogation she uses a stern annoyed voice.

“Blade you can tell me anything. I Pinkie Promise not to tell a soul ,and that means a lot having Pinkie as a friend. I will never forget what happened last time somepony broke a Pinkie Promise. Poor stallion didn't walk for three months.” a look of sheer terror replaces the blush on the stallions face.

“Miss. Pie hurt a pony that bad just for breaking a promise?!” Twilight begins laughing almost to where you would think she was being tickled. Barely managing to speak she replys.

“N...... N......No the pinkie promise was that he wouldn't trot on the train tracks ever. When he did a train came luckily he jumped out of the way but he broke some of his hooves on the fall from the cliff.” relaxing a little the prince continues the conversation.

“Twilight I am sorry but I must be leaving. There is somepony in town I am to............ have words with. I hope you understand.” Upon completing his sentence he trots out the back door. Twilight raises an eyebrow as Spike reenters the room.

“Uh...Twilight why are you starring at the backdoor like it owes you one hundred bits and won't pay ,and Blades book just got here.” The purple unicorn turns facing the little dragon with a confused look plastered across her face.

“Blade's book? What book? How come he gets a book and I get wood? Oh well he just went into town he said that he was going to meet somepony. Did he mention knowing anypony to you?” Spike brings a purple claw up to his face to make it look like he is thinking.

“Hmmmmmmm.......... no I don't think so. Can I have a ruby now?” The lavender mare crosses the room to meet the little dragon at the door.

“NO! I need you to do your chores and if even one ruby is missing when I get back you are grounded for a week.” In the town square Blade looks all around until he bumps into a stallion with a coco coat and a dark brown mane. Noticing the hourglass Blade sits on his haunches and begins speaking.

“Well it is a pleasant coincidence running in to you. I was on my way to find you but I was not quite sure where you would be...... living.” The Doctor looks at the strange gray unicorn trying to place him. Finally remembering where he knows this pony from in a British accent he replys.

“In the name of Celestia what are you doing here!? Last time I saw you it was three hundred years ago. Maybe there is a rift in the fabric of time and space from me using the Tardis in this dimension. I'm sure that must be it. Now come on we need to get you back to your time. By the way what was your name again. Oh I'm sure I can remember it. Ah yes it was is was is was is. I wonder since your from the past it would be was but you have managed to make it into the present so it must be is. Oh well come on to the Tardis. So Torch do you have any idea how you got here?” Holding his head from the headache The Doctor just gave him Blade trots over to The Doctor and whispers something into his ear. With a loud gasp The Doctor jumps back in fright.

“H.... H..... How do you know my name? I haven't told anypony outside the royal family!” Watching The Doctor back up against the Tardis Blade begins speaking.

“How about I tell you inside I fear I might have been followed.” The Doctor nods and trots over to the doors and begin pulling.

“Um.... Doctor the sign says push.” Pushing open the door The Doctor falls right on his face. Regaining his composure The Doctor gallops over to the control panel and starts flipping random switches and turning random nobs only to end up pulling a large lever.

“Now Torch or who ever you are how do you know my name?” Looking over to The Doctor a thought pop into Blades head.

“Oh I know much more than that Doctor. You are the last of your kind, a timelord, you are feared by the Daleks and you stopped Cybermen from destroying not one but two dimensions ,and the reason I say Cybermen is cause you yourself are from an alternate dimension are you not?” The Doctor trots toward the strange stallion holding out his sonic screwdriver.

“Since you know who I am than you must know what this is.” Seeing that The Doctor is getting angry ,and is armed Thunder changes to his glorious alicorn form.

“Does that answer your questions Doctor? Before you ask no I'm not a changeling.” A stern face comes to The Doctor.

“Thunder how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?” With a confused look Thunder replys.

“Doctor this is the first time I have ever done something like this. The reason I was looking for you was because I need some help. Just one trip to three days in the past. Canterlot to be the destinations please?” With a groan The Doctor does whatever it is he does at the control panel. With a jerking halt they land in The Prince's royal bed chamber.

“You have five minutes then we are going back to the future or present to us.” Flying as fast as his wings can take him Thunder goes to the royal throne room. Sitting at the thrones are Princess Celestia and Prince Lucien. Not really thinking Thunder slips back to using old Equestrian saying.

“Mother Father, We art to have words with thee. For the fist we beg of thou to stop sending mare's our way. We art not interested in any of them. We will find our love some other way. Second have you seen Aunt Luna. We have important information to discus with her.” Celestia cocks an eyebrow.

“Thunder have you been reading those dusty old books again ,and Luna is in the library.” Turning to Lucien she continues speaking.

“You know he gets the liking old book and stuff like that from you right?” Lucien smiles while giving a chuckle.

“Well of course he does a good book always comes useful. In fact I remember The Doctor saying once that books were the best weapons in the universe.” Not waiting for his parents to finish there discussion Thunder races out the door and goes straight to the library. Upon entering he finds the very pony he is looking for.

“Aunt Luna I need to tell you something very important. In three days from now I will be in Ponyville I need you to send me three things. First I will need a book called The advanced studies of Starswirl the bearded. Second I will need a recipe on how to make something extra special out of rubys and it must be edible. Finally could you send me some music. I would take this stuff now ,but I am traveling with The Doctor. Oh and for the future I am sorry for getting mad.” After finishing his sentence the Tardis materializes in the room.

“Sorry Aunt Luna I must be going. See you in three days.” stepping into the blue box the prince changes back to his unicorn form ,but oddly enough he still has his invisible wings. The Doctor inspects Thunder and begins talking.

“So if your really the prince I could take you to the castle and turn you in getting whatever I want. Is that right?” Blade sighs

“Yes that is what Mother said when she put the price on my head.” arriving back in ponyville The Doctor and Blade exit the Tardis. Blade looks around making sure nopony saw them arrive.

“Thank you Doctor for everything. You truly are a dear friend.” About to say more Blade is interrupted by an annoying purple mare.

“So your just going to ignore my questions and then leave before Princess Luna sends your work. She said the you were struggling with your work but I thought that she meant you were having trouble. Not that you were shrugging it all off. It is time you.....” A hoof catches lavender mare's mouth.

“Twilight I was coming back right after I finished talking to The Doctor. I was not slacking off ,and if you would remember I told you I would be right back.” turning to The Doctor Blade makes his apologies. Twilight and the prince turn around and trot into the street.

“Blade.... I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. It's just you have been acting a little weird since you arrived ,or maybe this is normal for you. If it is that explains so much no wonder Princess Luna sent you here. She's trying to get you out of your shell.” Giving a gentle smile Blade nods.

“Twilight for I don't know how long I have been trapped in that castle this is the first time I have been free in a long time. Did you here what I said free truly free. I have never told anypony this before but I feel like I can trust you. If anypony were to know what I am speaking about it would be you. Twilight.....” looking it to her lavender eyes blood rushes to find a spot in his cheeks. With his heart pounding a mile a minute his pupils widen taking the majority of his eyes. For just one second the Prince stands there unmovable and completely concentrated on the pony in front of him. In a voice as smooth as silk Blade continues speaking only saying the first things that come to his mind.

“Mare of beauty and grace thou are wise and noble. A prince nor king should ever have the right to see such perfection. If only I could be your humble servant my life would be complete.” Realizing that he is saying this out loud Blade looks at Twilight less like a lover and more like a friend. Seeing her mouth open in complete shock. Her normal lavender cheeks now a obvious bright pink and she stares at the handsome stallion. Blade starts stuttering almost a complete one eighty from what he just said.

“Uh....... I............ Well............. You see it's like this......... I am dreadfully sorry Miss. Sparkle I must be going I have work to do.” Blade's horn starts glowing a dark burgundy and he is instantaneously transported away leaving a scorch mark and very confused Twilight to comprehend what just happened.