• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,415 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 6

Chapter 6

Appearing at the front door of the library Handsome Blade walks in to see a purple and green dragon shelving books. In a grim face thunder begins talking in a dull deep lifeless tone.

“Hello again Spike. I will be in my room for the remainder of the day. Nopony not even Miss. Sparkle is to enter. That also goes for dragons. If I receive mail please place it on the ground knock on my door three times then leave.” Spike stares at Blade as his eyes widen and fear streaks across his face.

“Did..... did Twilight...... ground you? Oh no I ate one of the rubies she's gonna kill me!”

“No my young drake I am not grounded. I have simply made a fool of myself and wish not to be disturbed. After completing his sentence blade turns and trots up the stares with his head hanging low.

In a purple blur Twilight tears through the streets. At a full gallop she looks ahead and sees that she is swiftly approaching Rarity’s boutique. She instantly plants her hooves in the ground the lavender mare skids to a halt right in front of the door. Frantically knocking on the over decorated pail wood door a little filly opens it. Her mane is pink with a very light purple and a solid white coat just like her sister. In a voice squeaker than nails on a chalkboard but not to where it hurt your ears she begins speaking.

“Oh hi Twilight. I was just about to meet Scootaloo and Applebloom were gonna try to be THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CAT CATCHERS maybe we'll even get our cutie marks!” A little agitated that the filly is taking so long to just say hello and that she had just yelled in her ear Twilight frowns.

“Hi Sweetie Belle you wouldn't know if Rarity is available would you? Something....... Unexpected just happened and I could really use her advice.” Not wanting the peppy unicorn to tell everypony Twilight begins mumbling.

“Especially since Blade might have just broken one of the princesses rules.” A confused look comes to Sweetie Belle's face.

“Um what was that last part and Rarity is in her studio. I don't think she will mind if we just pop in.” Faster that a speeding Rainbow Dash on steroids Twilight gallops into Rarity's studio and almost runs her over. Rarity gives her a menacing look close that of Fluttershy's stare.

“Twilight haven't you ever heard knocking. I have several ensembles to create and deliver to Hoity-Toity and I am dreadfully....” getting up Rarity looks over at her friend and sees that she is in distress.

“Twilight... Dear are you ok? You look like somepony just threatened your family.” The lavender unicorn starts walking in circles around the white mare like a shark circles its prey.

“I.... I don't know Blade went to meet somepony in town and I followed him. However when I confronted him about wasting time when he should be studying he....” A stern cold look comes to the white unicorns face. As she begins speaking you can tell her tone is concerning and filled with anger.

“Twilight who is Blade ,and what did he do to you?” giving a confused look the still stunned lavender mare starts speaking.

“Rarity, Blade is Princess Luna's student and it isn't what he did it's what he said.” Rarity starts racking her mind trying to figure out what somepony could possibly say that would make Twilight so frazzled. Twilight's ears fall against her face as she begins speaking.

“It's like he was in a trance or something. Not to mention what he said made know since right? I mean if we had know each other than maybe but for him to just say that was wrong. Please tell me I'm right?” Rarity looks at her questionably crazy friend with complete confusion.

“Twilight what did he say to you? Don't leave anything out I want it word for word.” Bead’s of sweat start forming on the lavender mare's forehead as she begins speaking.

“Well it was right after I found him with the doctor. I kind of accused him of being a little... lazy when it comes to the work the princess sends for him. After telling me something that I will not repeat. He just stood there staring at me. Then he started saying things in that glorious voice like beautiful ,thy and stuff like that.” A displeased and at the same time eager look comes to the white unicorn's face.

“I said word for word. How do you expect me to help you if I don't know the details?” Twilight huff's and continues speaking.

“He said Mare of beauty and grace thou are wise and noble. A prince nor king should ever have the right to see such perfection. If only I could be your humble servant my life would be complete. I thought he was going to say more but he snapped out of it before he kept talking.” Twilight looks over at Rarity and sees that her jaw is still on the floor.

“RARITY!” The white unicorn regains her composure.

“Twilight I think the answer that you're looking for is actually very simple. Actually to tell you the truth I'm a little jealous.” The lavender mare starts daydreaming wondering of her suspicions are true. Seeing the look on her friends face a smile comes to the white unicorns face.

“Dear in my opinion of what you have told me he likes you more than friends ,and if I am correct you like him to, do you not?” hearing what her friend had just said Twilight lays down and with a voice sadder than somepony alone forever never having friends or someone to love she begins speaking.

“Y.... Yes...... I like him ,but the princesses sent us a.... a....” Giant tears of sadness begin flowing from her lavender eyes. Rarity sees this but at the same time notices a little twinkle in her irises in the shape of a heart shatter into a thousand pieces and diminish into black ocean that surrounded it. Unsure of what to do Rarity puts a hoof around Twilight's shoulder and brings her into a caring hug. Twilight continues crying as she manages to finish her sentence.

“The princesses sent a letter saying that we could not date each other as long as we both live in the library.” Now understanding why she was crying Rarity holds her friend tighter.

“And after he said that to me he said he had to leave and called me Miss. Sparkle.” Fearing the worst Twilight begins balling harder than she had previously been crying. A stern look comes to Rarity's face.

“Twilight stay here I will be back in about an hour. There's a stallion that I need to talk to.” Rarity trots out of the boutique with a determined mind ,and a scowl plastered across her face. In the Ponyville library Blade is in his bright multicolored room pacing between the desk and the bed.

“How could I do this? I need to think where is my journal?” Trotting to the desk he locates his journal and opens it.

“Dear Journal

Today I have made one of the worst mistakes of my life ,and that is saying a lot coming from an alicorn. I was coming back from three days ago where I requested Aunt Luna to send the book. If I perform the spell of knowledge I will know what ever I want for a single day. However that would not change the fact that today I broke a promise an ancient promise. Approximately four hundred years ago I fell in love with a mare by the name of...” Blade turns around as he hears his bright pink door being lifted off of its pearl white hinges. Trotting into the room Rarity gives Thunder a death look almost saying run for your life. Completely shocked at what is happening Blade stands beside his desk unmoving as the white mare starts scolding the second she enters the room.

“You listen to me Handsome Blade just moments ago Twilight galloped to my house crying her eyes out. Now I don't know what kind of game you're playing ,and if you ever hurt any of my friends like that again you will regret it Mister. Further more why would you say something so lovely and poetic to only stomp and crush it into little pieces the next minute? Especially since it is so obvious that you like her.” At the moment Blade heard that Twilight was crying his heart sank. Realizing that keeping this promise will break Twilight's heart he decides to go back on his word something he has never done. Rarity becomes impatient and begins taping her hoof on the ground as she says.

“Well Mr. Blade what do you have to say for yourself?” Hanging his head in shame the dark gray unicorn begins speaking.

“It was a long time ago I will not tell you how long ,but it feels like a lifetime. I was in love with a beautiful beautiful mare by the name of Flutisha. I courted her and eventually asked her out on a date. Well after a few years we grew rather close ,and I asked for her hoof in marriage. Graciously she accepted however the night be for we were to be wed a changeling disguised as me broke into her home and killed her only to leave as one of her parents. Thankfully I had a solid alibi otherwise I would be residing in a cell in Canterlot with a magic blocker on my horn or worse. After that day I made Flutisha a promise not to ever love another mare as I did her. You see Miss. Rarity that is why I left Twilight standing in that alley. I love her too much to see her hurt because of me out of some old feud.” Rarity stands there as her cerulean eyes fill with tears.

“I... I'm so sorry ,but you can't blame yourself for what some other pony did ,and Twilight doesn't know this does she. For all she knows you are yanking her around by the heart without caring for her in the least little bit. Mr. Blade I'm sure Flutisha would want you to be happy not cooped up in a room alone for the rest of your life ,and I'm sure Twilight would enjoy you being a little more.... romantic.” Blade cheeks begin tuning bright pink at the mention of the beautiful lavender mare's name. Followed by his knees knocking against each other.

“Now Mr. Blade do you see what I mean? At just the thought if her you turn into a little school colt. All I did was say her name and you almost melted into a puddle of nerves.” Blade hangs his head in shame as she keeps saying his name.

“Please Miss. Rarity call me Blade ,and I have a favor to ask of you. Can you keep a secret ,but just to let you know this is not an ordinary secret this may be the largest one you ever hear in your life.” The white unicorn nods her head repeatedly. Before Blade begins speaking he levitates the door to its rightful place to keep a certain little dragon from hearing the conversation.

“Alright it will be good having somepony I can talk to about this. My name is not Handsome Blade. For that matter I'm not even a unicorn.” Thunder is interrupted by laughter before he can finish his sentence. Knowing he is getting know where with simple speech the prince brings his horn to a dark red glow. Rarity at this point stops laughing and looks over at the strange stallion as he is cocooned in his own aura. Her mouth drops in shock as his hooves begin extending and his coat turns to a bright white. His mane grows shorter and takes a sandy blond feature. The thing that shocks the mare the most however is his long swan-like wings to where they almost look exactly like Princess Celestia's. The shell of magic surrounding the prince disintegrates leaving a regal alicorn standing where once a normal unicorn resided.

“Miss. Rarity I beg of you....” Before he could finish his sentence the white mare throws herself at his hooves saying.

“Please don't punish me I was only trying to help my friend.” Thunder sighs.

“Miss. Rarity I am not going to punish you. All that has transpired has helped me come to terms with something that happened a longtime ago. I know you hate all male royalty after all alicorns do have good ears. I am dreadfully sorry for my deception it is the only way I can hide from my mother. Everything I have told you is true ranging from Flutisha to me simply wanting to leave the castle and have some time to myself.” Rarity gasps knowing that she has insulted the prince countless times.

“Since you know I don't like male royalty than you should also know that this is the very reason why! You act like you care for somepony then you treat them like dirt! You're no better than Blueblood. I will keep your secret but only because I said I would before I knew the truth. That and I would hate for Twilight to have to go through something so horrid! You call yourself a prince the only thing royal about you is your blood! You don't deserve....” The furious white unicorn stops her ranting at the all to familiar sound of tears hitting the wooden planks of the floor.

“Oh is this another one or your tricks to make me feel sorry for you because it's not working.” Tears continue flowing down his face making an unmistakable trail of sadness.

“You're right Miss. Rarity I don't deserve to know Twilight much less have her fall in love with me. My whole life I have had things hoofed to me on a silver platter sometimes a gold platter ,but my point is I have never had to work for anything. True there are my royal duties ,but I am happy to serve my subjects. With Twilight I feel like I have something to finally work for if it were up to me I would tell her everything. Starting from the moment I realized I love her. For years I have hidden how I truly feel about her. Miss. Rarity I love her more than I have ever loved anypony before.” The white unicorn inspects the prince thoroughly and begins speaking with a calmer voice.

“If you really love her, truly love her, prove it do something that will make me not doubt you in the least little bit. If you love her like you say tell her the truth don't make me keep this a secret for more than a week. That is seven days not eight not seven and a half ,seven days. If you do that I will know I can trust you because it will prove that lying to her hurts you just as much as it hurts her. Before I go I would like to tell you that I truly am sorry for what happened to Flutisha she sounds like she was a lovely mare.” Thunder's horn begins glowing and he transforms back into his false identity.

“Thank you Miss. Rarity and she was.” Much to the white mare's shock Blade bows.

“Um....... Blade you can call me Rarity and I'm sure that the other girls will soon see through your fake facade if you keep addressing us all by Miss. Just a little food for thought.” Rarity looks at the clock on the wall which reads one o,clock.

“Oh dear I told Twilight I would be back in an hour I will never make my deadline now.” Looking almost completely drained Blade moves his invisible wing across Rarity's back and teleports them to the boutique. After hearing no hoofs walking around in Blades room Spike decides to do a favor for his new cook to hopefully make him happy enough to make a sapphire shortcake. Looking around the room the little dragon is pleasantly surprised to see that there is only two books on his friends desk. One being the one Princess Luna sent and the other titled The advanced studies of Starswirl the bearded volume 2. Gathering the books Spike cheerfully leaves the room and skips down the stairs. At the carousal boutique Rarity and Blade stand outside continuing there conversation. Thank you Rarity I would come in but I have duties to attend. Until we meet again my friend I bid you adieu.” His horn radiates a burgundy aura ,and in a flash of bright light the prince melts away out of reality. Still not sure if Thunder is genuine in what he has intrusted her with the white unicorn magic's the door open. Upon entering the foyer of her home Rarity looks around her seeing the room almost completely torn to splinters ,and in the middle of it sits three little fillies and one mare.

“W..... w...... what happened to my house?! It looks like an angry menator has been through here.” With an exasperated look the fair mare slowly looks over her once beautiful home trying to find something not destroyed. Before anypony can say anything to calm down the mare a little white cat emerges from under a dark red chase lounge with a light oak wood. A little orange pegasi with unusually small wings for her age and a orchid mane steps forward. Rarity raises an eyebrow at Scootaloo.

“Uh.... well you see we went into town and tried to find some cats to catch ,but we couldn't find a single one.” Continuing where Scootaloo stops Applebloom a cowpony with a red mane and a yellow coat begins speaking.

“An after a while we kinda got a little bored that was when Sweetie Belle got an idea.” Almost on cue the white little unicorn jumps in to the conversation.

“Since we couldn't find a cat I thought we could try to catch opal. You know with her being the only cat we know.” The little fillies lower there head for what is sure to be a long and angry speech. Looking at the girls Rarity addresses her sister.

“Sweetie Belle please escort your friends home and come back as soon as they are with their parents. When you get back expect to be up for a while helping me clean the house.” Hearing this the little pegasi starts freaking out.

“Oh no that's ok I don't need anypony to walk me home.” Looking around the room she spots a clock.

“Ah look at the time got to go. Sorry about everything. See you later Belle.” With out giving anypony time to argue the little filly grabs her scooter in her mouth and gallops out the door. Shrugging it off the other two fillies soon follow the friends exit. Looking over to her friend Rarity realizes the she has yet to say a single thing.

“Twilight ,dear are you alright? You're not hurt are you? Oh the girls can be a little rough.” Twilight stares at her friend and and looks around her hoping to see somepony that isn't there. Hanging her head lower than pony-ly possible the lavender mare's face turns grim. With her snout in a complete frown she fights to hold in her emotions ,but fails as a single tear creeps out of her eye and streams down her face.

“He....he doesn't like me does he? I should have never bothered you with this. I'm sorry Rarity.” giving a pathetic chuckle she continues speaking.

“The main reason I like him is cause he reminds me of somepony I never had the courage to ask out on a date in Canterlot. Pretty dumb isn't it?” Rarity trots over to her lonely friend ,and gives her a hug trying to comfort her.

“Twilight who was the stallion you never had the chance to date? Tell me about him you will be surprised how understanding I am today.” the lavender mare nods obediently.

“I hope that's true because you're not going to like what you hear. A few years before I came to Ponyville I had feelings about the prince ,but not being part of the nobility it is all but written that we can't be together. Actually that might not be true I remember reading one that royalty can't date there subjects. Well so much for that idea.” A confused look comes to the white mare's face.

“But didn't your brother marry a princess?” Giving a sigh Twilight begins explaining.

“Shinning Armor is a captain of the royal guard at that rank you are pretty much accepted into the nobility. However it is just you not your family ,so Shining Gold Armour in Twilight Star Sparkle out. Rarity I need you to keep this a secret especially from Blade. If Celestia ever figured out that I like her son she would kick me out on my flank ,not to mention I would probably no longer be her prize student.” A look of horror comes to Rarity's face as she understands why Thunder never perused Twilight.

“Y...... You mean none of the royalty can date out side of the nobility ever?! What if by chance one of them did? Do you know what would happen?” Indulging her friend's curiosity Twilight begins speaking.

“If a member of the royal family want's to date out side of the respectable circle 'as I like to call it' then one of two things must happen. One the member of the royal family renounces there power and claim to the thrown or the pony in question becomes part of the nobility. The first is the easier of the two, but it is hard for somepony like that to just drop everything and expect everypony to be ok with it.” Rarity sit and stares at her friend now regretting the deal she made with the prince.

“Twilight we seem to have gotten off topic. You asked a question earlier and I think you need to hear the answer. The reason I entered alone was cause Blade has work he needs to finish desperately.” She wipes the tear off of the lavender unicorns face.

“He loves you more than any stallion has a right to love a mare. Trust me he made that perfectly clear. Although he does have a complicated past one I will let him tell you about when it's time. Just remember you are both a little new at this so be nice.” Raising her head Twilight throws her hooves around Rarity's neck giving her a hug larger than the sun. giving he friend a comforting smile Rarity says.

“Come dear we should go to the library I should probably be there to smooth things over.” Giving her good friend a nod Twilight trots toward the door ,and they depart.