• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 2

Chapter 2

In the Ponyville Public Library a little baby dragon with light green spikes going down his back and lavender scales covering the rest of his body is busily sleeping. However his care taker Twilight Sparkle is deep in study searching to find a way to help Applejack, an earth pony with a golden blond mane and an orange coat, to find a way to harvest her apples faster and improve quality. While deep in her studies she heard spike belch which usually meant her teacher Princess Celestia had sent her a letter. Climbing the stairs she she hears spike say something along the lines of “why does she always send them when I’m sleeping!” Opening the door with her hoof she gives the drake a inquisitive look.

“So mister grumpy pants what does the letter say?” shooting a look at the lavender mare the baby dragon continued with his grumbling.

“Well it isn't from Princess Celestia it's from Princess Luna.” the curious mare starts waiting for the news with anticipation.

“Princess Luna never sends me letters this must be important. What does she need?” The little mare beams with pride. Spike continues his reading.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle

We hath been observing thy progress and hath come to a decision. We wish that thou would house our student in thy spare bed chamber. After thou left Canterlot thy work hath been superb. We simply want our pupal to excel in the same manor.

Thy princess of the night ,Princess Luna

“Spike, Do you know what this means?!” the young drake slothfully eyes the over zealous mare.

“More work for me?”

“No, this is going to be perfect we could study together and practice our magic and spells. Not to mention all of the experiments. I wonder what she looks like? Spike take a note.” the little dragon rushes out of the room and returns with a quill and parchment. Twilight smiles and gives a nod.

“Dear Princess Luna

I would be honored to have your number one student stay with me at the library. First however I need to know what they look like

Your friend ,Twilight Sparkle”

With a flash of green fire the scroll is of to the night goddess. Moments later the dragon lets out another burp and begins reading.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle

We thank thee Twilight Sparkle not all would hath accepted such a request. Our student will be sporting a dark brown mane and a dark gray coat. Ye shall meet at the train station with in the week.

Thy princess of the night ,Princess Luna”

“Spike we need to prepare the guest room for our new visitor I've been wanting to remodel and now is the perfect time while I am out could you shelve the books that I was using?”

“Sure Twilight after all I still need to feed peewee and I’m wide awake now.” At the very mention of its name the little phoenix flies to his master. With much to do and little time to do it in the ravishing unicorn brings her horn to a glow and in a flash of purple light teleports to one of her best ponyfriends forever.

Arriving outside sugar cube corner Twilight Sparkle walks up to the door and is about to open it when from out of know where a hyper pink earth pony with a slightly darker curly pink mane and tail falls from seemingly out of know where with a smile on her face.

“Hi Twilight! Are you here to try the new pie that the cakes made it is so good that I can't stop talking about it. I call it the magnificent mysterious master peace. Oh did I tell you that mphmphmphmph.” Twilight covers the mouth of her overly enthusiastic friend with her hoof so she can speak.

“Pinkie! I have something important to tell you. Princess Luna sent me a letter and asked me to basicly tutor her prize student. From what I've read she is a good student but she needs some help. She will be here by the end of the week” Pinkie managing to slide out of her friends clasp and starts blurting nonsense.

“There's going to be a new pony in town and your waiting two days before they arrive to tell me? Do you know how hard it is to plan a party on the spot? I need streamers!” The little pink mare says while flailing her hooves. Jumping into the air just as she had come the crazy earth pony disappears.

“Well next stop paint brusher's store. I hope she loves the new room. Right now it is so dark with the red and black walls. That simply won't do.” one and a half days later back in the royal palace the prince began to wake up. Handsome Blade slowly opens his cerulean eyes. Peering around the ravishingly large room he starts wondering if it had always been this big. The mural on the ceiling showing how Equestria was founded looks so far from what it had before as an alicorn. Feeling his strength returning he begins to sit up only now realizing how far he is from the side of the bed. With a sigh he untangles himself from the covers and makes his way to the floor. Remembering what his aunt had told him the gray unicorn gathered his bag and train ticket and headed for the door. Upon entering the corridor he immediately falls into his normal habit of flying through the castle however he briefly forgets that he know longer has wings and falls right on his royal snout. A guard passes by and gives him a look before speaking with a hostile tone.

“What the hay are you doing in here? The palace is closed to all pony's before three unless you are here as a personal invitation of the royal family.” Thunder looks up at the guard realizing it is the captain of his personal guard.

“Captain Cloud what have you to sa......... uuuum......... I mean.“ the captain started glaring at the young prince.

“How do you know my name and rank?! And for that matter how dare you speak to the personal guard of the Prince of Weather! GET OUT, BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT!” Thunder's mouth stood wide open. Nopony not even his parents had raised there voice to him before. Everypony were are always to scared or to full of glee to do so. Celestia has given him stern talkings to but this, this was new. A single tear comes to what appears to be a young stallions eye. Standing there Thunder starts learning two thing some ponies are two faced and some are not. The captain starts speaking again.

“Well what will it be?” Handsome's ears drops to his side if he were to speak now it might ruin everything. The dark gray stallion turns around as the captain continues.

“Just what I thought your a nopony and always will be now get out.” Anger starts filling Handsome Blade's thoughts. How dare this pathetic mortal treat anypony much less myself in such a rude manner he must be punished for his insolence.

“Hay nopony get out or do I need to remove you.” An evil grin comes across the guards face. Snapping out of his thought Thunder teleports to his room and returns to he luxurious alicorn form. With a single hoof he throws the door almost completely off its hinges. Using the royal Canterlot voice the prince begins speaking.


“My prince he.... well he...... I mean....... I........ I was just doing my job.” The prince walks at an even pace toward the abomination of a guard before him

“FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT PONY COULD HAVE BEEN AN AMBASSADOR FOR EQUESTRIA, AND YOU CALLED THEM A NOPONY. IF SOMEPONY IS IN THE CASTLE BEFORE THE PROPER TIME THEN EITHER THEY ARE A THIEF OR THEY ARE MEANT TO BE HERE. I WOULD NOT BE SO HARSH IF YOU WERE NOT SO RUDE. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.” The ear's of the former captain lay flat on the side of his face as he stumbles backwards. Fear no longer is on his face only to be replaced by shame for what he has done. Private Cloud turns around and with his head hanging low goes to report to his new assignment. With the frustration and anger leaving his body the adrenalin is quickly replaced with exhaustion. Retreating to his camber the prince attempted to turn back only to get halfway through the process when his aunt the princess of the night enters.

“We hath heard what has transpired what doth thou say in thy defense? Further more explain why we should help thee.” The half prince half unicorn sighs as he lowers his head.

“Aunt Luna the reason I demoted him was not because I was angry. The reason he is now a private is of his own doing. Private Cloud is rude and needs to learn humility and as a captain he answered to nopony but myself or another of the royal family. Now your majesty I believe that I have a train to catch.” promptly after finishing the sentence the rest of the prince melted away to reveal the dark unicorn. Walking toward the door Princess Luna steps in front of him blocking his path.

“Thou whilst go and leave knowing that we know where thy art going? Thou must be thy father's son. Very well we shall help thee ,but thou must send letters and thy work!” giving a puzzling look at his aunt he begins speaking.

“Aunt Luna what would you have me report? Surly there must be nothing that slips your gaze.”

“Thou art to be our student there for thee shall send us letters on the difference of life in thy world than life as a Prince.” Thunder sighs at the new work that he must complete on a weekly basis.

“Thank you Aunt Luna I could not do any of this without you. Um..... how am I going to depart from the castle?” giving a small chuckle Luna teleports the prince to the outside of the castle. Landing outside the gate Handsome Blade looks around to get his baring. Seeing a bakeshop and several other fashion stores he makes his way to the train station.