serenity under the night sky

by flutterguy54123

First published

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

this is a spin of of a story a co-writer and I are writing Princess Celestia is pressuring her son to get married and he runs away complete with scootalove Caution: if you do not like for the queen to have a large roll this might not be the story for you

chapter 1

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chapter 1

Prince Thunder Flicker starts staring out the window. He always has enjoyed the night unlike his mother. After a little time of stargazing, he starts to head towards his bed , until he hears a knock on the ravishing large oak door. Slowly, he trots over, taking his dear sweet time and answers it, knowing well it would be his mother , Princess Celestia.

“Oh.....hello, Mother! Did you need something? I was just getting some work done.” Celestia looks over at his desk filled with books and maps of present and past Equestrian weather patterns. Thunder has always kept things on his desk in case of emergency.

“I see, well, my little Prince, today is the day you are going to meet your future wife. I can just see it...” She was cut off by a look on her son's face.

“Thunder, is there something you want to tell me?” The young alicorn looks up at his mother, his ears go flat against his face, his usually happy face was a cheerless frown, even his eyes seemed a little grayer than usual.

“Um.......Mother, I was wondering if maybe we could not try to find my future wife today?” His mother gave him a warm and loving smile.

“Of course, my little Prince, if it will make you happy. Now you should get some rest, I will be raising the sun soon. You missed the whole party and you look like you could use all the sleep you can get.” Forcing a smile, Thunder hugs his mother.

“Thank you, Mother! Please tell the guest that I am sorry about missing the festival.” She looks back and gives a nod as she leaves the bed chamber. Thunder returns to his open window, looking into the sunrise, watching the solid, black night start to fade into a deep lavender and blue, soon to be overtaken by bright pinks and oranges, leading into a well lit, beautiful day. Another knock came from the pristine wooden door again, as before, he expected to find his mother, but instead, he found his Aunt, Princess Luna.

“Aunt Luna, what are you doing here?Are you lost again? If so, I'm sure the guards could help.” He lets out a sigh half from a missing part of his life and half in relief.

“Neigh nephew, we have come to thy chamber to offer our services.” Thunder looks at her with a confused look , plastered across his face, still trying to remember what she was saying. It had been over five hundred years since he had spoken with that form of English.

“Uh.......Please Aunt Luna, come in! I was just admiring the stars that your beautiful night brought forth. A lovely evening, wasn’t it?" A smile comes to Luna's face.

“We have a way to help thee but thou must be willing.” Thunder looks at her, urging her to continue.

“First, we must know why thou whilst not attend thy celebration.” He looks at her then sighs knowing she can spot a lie a mile away.

“I don't know. Mother wants me to go and find that special somepony but all she has done is turned all the mares into vamponies, and not the blood sucking kind either. She's turned them into power hungry monsters. She knows I wish to find my significant other but I don't want to, not like this.” He said as he flicks his crown off of his head.

“If there were a way that thou could hid thy true self , would you leave the castle and begin your quest?”

“Aunt Luna, I would still have guard on my tail. If there were a way, I would still be called Prince.” He looks at Luna with tears forming in his eyes. The Princess comforts the young Prince as she does often, in these times.

“Thunder, there art a spell we learned many years before we were banished. If thou truly wish to remain in secrecy then we shall help thee” The Prince's jaw dropped to the floor in disbelief.

“What are you saying? Can you help me become normal?” his face returns to sadness.

“I......I can't! I have royal duties to attend to and Mother would never let me go anywhere without the royal guard. I love living in the castle ,but sometimes I feel trapped.”

“Dear nephew, we shall talk to thy mother. Our sister will see reason.” Thunder looks up at his Aunt. Tears start streaming down his face.

“Thank you, Aunt Luna!” The young Prince throws his hooves around his aunt's neck as a smile comes to his face. Luna smiled back for she knew this was the first time he had been happy, truly happy in a long time. "Gather your things, you leave for Ponyville tomorrow". The Prince gives her a confused look.

“Ponyville? Isn't that where Mother's prize student lives? She will spot me in a second and then...” The Princess of the night cuts him short.

“Prince of weather, doth thou question us? We have a plan that will allow thyself to live among other ponies in secrecy. Is this not what thy heart desires.” The young Prince looked ashamed of what he had said. Surly a mare as old as time its self would have thought this through.

“Of course not, Aunt Luna! You just took me by surprise. I will gather my things.” After saying this, a red ora levitates a saddle bag over to Thunder's desk and surrounds his work, making it pack its self.

“Aunt Luna, I'm ready to leave.” says Thunder as he turns around to see the night goddess not there. The young Prince starts wondering what to do when a flash of white light appears in front of him and fades away, revealing a dark lavender alicorn holding a book.

“Aunt Luna, where did you go and what is that?”

“Silence, Prince! Thy book that thee sees was thought to have been destroyed ,but we hath saved it. In this book lies the secret of the changelings. Before tomorrow comes, thou will need to be able to change thyself into any form from thy past or any form that thee shall wish. The young Prince read the book cover to cover, practicing the spell time after time, only to get it wrong. To the Prince's surprise, somepony knocks on the door. Thunder throws the book under his bed and creeks the door open to answer it.

“Hello, oh thank mother, it's you Aunt Luna” The Princess of the Night look the young alicorn over.

“Thou hath not accomplished thy task!” A frown appears on the Prince's face.

“No ,but I am getting close. The spell doesn’t do what we need it to so I have been altering it and it is almost finished.” Luna gives a smile as she sees half the bottom half of the alicorn is blue and the top half is his normal off white.

“We shall leave thee to thy work but first thou must have a new name. We hath decided to call thee Handsome Blade. In order to conceal thy identity, thou will be a unicorn, our prized student. We hath also arranged for thyself to have living quarters. Thy guide will meet thee at the train station.” Thunder look into the eyes of his one and only aunt.

“Thank you, Aunt Luna. I don't know what I would do if I stayed in this castle for another day. Mother keeps shoving mares my way and all they want is to be a Princess. They don't even know me. There is one more thing I could use your help with." Luna raises an eye brow , and trots forward.

“What hath you to request?” The Prince starts kicking at the floor.

“Well, I have put every bit of knowledge I have into altering the spell but I have one line I can't translate. I was wondering if you could.” Luna smiles and gives a nod. Thunder levitates the book with the altered spell out from under his bed, and gives it to Luna.

“Thou hath done an excellent job of thy task.” Luna takes a quill from the desk and writes down some words then hoofs it to the Prince.

“Thy task art finished. Please perform thy spell.” Thunder gives a quick read over of what she wrote then lowers the parchment. The horn on the young prince's head glowed with a burgundy ora. His body began to shrink with his wings growing into his back, he belts out a blood churning scream. His horn began to grow shorter as well but remained intact unlike his wing that by now were completely gone. His coat grew darker into gray. The bones in his face began to break as he assumed a new identity. His mane and tail grew long and brown ,and his eyes turned a dull green. When the process was finished, the Prince was unconscious and barely breathing. The Princess picked him up and placed him in bed for she knew the next day would change his life forever.

“Our faithful student, thy changes wilt come easier in time but for now thee must rest.” The mighty alicorn swiftly leaves the room.

Thunder Flicker
Handesome Blade

chapter 2

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Chapter 2

In the Ponyville Public Library a little baby dragon with light green spikes going down his back and lavender scales covering the rest of his body is busily sleeping. However his care taker Twilight Sparkle is deep in study searching to find a way to help Applejack, an earth pony with a golden blond mane and an orange coat, to find a way to harvest her apples faster and improve quality. While deep in her studies she heard spike belch which usually meant her teacher Princess Celestia had sent her a letter. Climbing the stairs she she hears spike say something along the lines of “why does she always send them when I’m sleeping!” Opening the door with her hoof she gives the drake a inquisitive look.

“So mister grumpy pants what does the letter say?” shooting a look at the lavender mare the baby dragon continued with his grumbling.

“Well it isn't from Princess Celestia it's from Princess Luna.” the curious mare starts waiting for the news with anticipation.

“Princess Luna never sends me letters this must be important. What does she need?” The little mare beams with pride. Spike continues his reading.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle

We hath been observing thy progress and hath come to a decision. We wish that thou would house our student in thy spare bed chamber. After thou left Canterlot thy work hath been superb. We simply want our pupal to excel in the same manor.

Thy princess of the night ,Princess Luna

“Spike, Do you know what this means?!” the young drake slothfully eyes the over zealous mare.

“More work for me?”

“No, this is going to be perfect we could study together and practice our magic and spells. Not to mention all of the experiments. I wonder what she looks like? Spike take a note.” the little dragon rushes out of the room and returns with a quill and parchment. Twilight smiles and gives a nod.

“Dear Princess Luna

I would be honored to have your number one student stay with me at the library. First however I need to know what they look like

Your friend ,Twilight Sparkle”

With a flash of green fire the scroll is of to the night goddess. Moments later the dragon lets out another burp and begins reading.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle

We thank thee Twilight Sparkle not all would hath accepted such a request. Our student will be sporting a dark brown mane and a dark gray coat. Ye shall meet at the train station with in the week.

Thy princess of the night ,Princess Luna”

“Spike we need to prepare the guest room for our new visitor I've been wanting to remodel and now is the perfect time while I am out could you shelve the books that I was using?”

“Sure Twilight after all I still need to feed peewee and I’m wide awake now.” At the very mention of its name the little phoenix flies to his master. With much to do and little time to do it in the ravishing unicorn brings her horn to a glow and in a flash of purple light teleports to one of her best ponyfriends forever.

Arriving outside sugar cube corner Twilight Sparkle walks up to the door and is about to open it when from out of know where a hyper pink earth pony with a slightly darker curly pink mane and tail falls from seemingly out of know where with a smile on her face.

“Hi Twilight! Are you here to try the new pie that the cakes made it is so good that I can't stop talking about it. I call it the magnificent mysterious master peace. Oh did I tell you that mphmphmphmph.” Twilight covers the mouth of her overly enthusiastic friend with her hoof so she can speak.

“Pinkie! I have something important to tell you. Princess Luna sent me a letter and asked me to basicly tutor her prize student. From what I've read she is a good student but she needs some help. She will be here by the end of the week” Pinkie managing to slide out of her friends clasp and starts blurting nonsense.

“There's going to be a new pony in town and your waiting two days before they arrive to tell me? Do you know how hard it is to plan a party on the spot? I need streamers!” The little pink mare says while flailing her hooves. Jumping into the air just as she had come the crazy earth pony disappears.

“Well next stop paint brusher's store. I hope she loves the new room. Right now it is so dark with the red and black walls. That simply won't do.” one and a half days later back in the royal palace the prince began to wake up. Handsome Blade slowly opens his cerulean eyes. Peering around the ravishingly large room he starts wondering if it had always been this big. The mural on the ceiling showing how Equestria was founded looks so far from what it had before as an alicorn. Feeling his strength returning he begins to sit up only now realizing how far he is from the side of the bed. With a sigh he untangles himself from the covers and makes his way to the floor. Remembering what his aunt had told him the gray unicorn gathered his bag and train ticket and headed for the door. Upon entering the corridor he immediately falls into his normal habit of flying through the castle however he briefly forgets that he know longer has wings and falls right on his royal snout. A guard passes by and gives him a look before speaking with a hostile tone.

“What the hay are you doing in here? The palace is closed to all pony's before three unless you are here as a personal invitation of the royal family.” Thunder looks up at the guard realizing it is the captain of his personal guard.

“Captain Cloud what have you to sa......... uuuum......... I mean.“ the captain started glaring at the young prince.

“How do you know my name and rank?! And for that matter how dare you speak to the personal guard of the Prince of Weather! GET OUT, BEFORE I THROW YOU OUT!” Thunder's mouth stood wide open. Nopony not even his parents had raised there voice to him before. Everypony were are always to scared or to full of glee to do so. Celestia has given him stern talkings to but this, this was new. A single tear comes to what appears to be a young stallions eye. Standing there Thunder starts learning two thing some ponies are two faced and some are not. The captain starts speaking again.

“Well what will it be?” Handsome's ears drops to his side if he were to speak now it might ruin everything. The dark gray stallion turns around as the captain continues.

“Just what I thought your a nopony and always will be now get out.” Anger starts filling Handsome Blade's thoughts. How dare this pathetic mortal treat anypony much less myself in such a rude manner he must be punished for his insolence.

“Hay nopony get out or do I need to remove you.” An evil grin comes across the guards face. Snapping out of his thought Thunder teleports to his room and returns to he luxurious alicorn form. With a single hoof he throws the door almost completely off its hinges. Using the royal Canterlot voice the prince begins speaking.


“My prince he.... well he...... I mean....... I........ I was just doing my job.” The prince walks at an even pace toward the abomination of a guard before him

“FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT PONY COULD HAVE BEEN AN AMBASSADOR FOR EQUESTRIA, AND YOU CALLED THEM A NOPONY. IF SOMEPONY IS IN THE CASTLE BEFORE THE PROPER TIME THEN EITHER THEY ARE A THIEF OR THEY ARE MEANT TO BE HERE. I WOULD NOT BE SO HARSH IF YOU WERE NOT SO RUDE. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT.” The ear's of the former captain lay flat on the side of his face as he stumbles backwards. Fear no longer is on his face only to be replaced by shame for what he has done. Private Cloud turns around and with his head hanging low goes to report to his new assignment. With the frustration and anger leaving his body the adrenalin is quickly replaced with exhaustion. Retreating to his camber the prince attempted to turn back only to get halfway through the process when his aunt the princess of the night enters.

“We hath heard what has transpired what doth thou say in thy defense? Further more explain why we should help thee.” The half prince half unicorn sighs as he lowers his head.

“Aunt Luna the reason I demoted him was not because I was angry. The reason he is now a private is of his own doing. Private Cloud is rude and needs to learn humility and as a captain he answered to nopony but myself or another of the royal family. Now your majesty I believe that I have a train to catch.” promptly after finishing the sentence the rest of the prince melted away to reveal the dark unicorn. Walking toward the door Princess Luna steps in front of him blocking his path.

“Thou whilst go and leave knowing that we know where thy art going? Thou must be thy father's son. Very well we shall help thee ,but thou must send letters and thy work!” giving a puzzling look at his aunt he begins speaking.

“Aunt Luna what would you have me report? Surly there must be nothing that slips your gaze.”

“Thou art to be our student there for thee shall send us letters on the difference of life in thy world than life as a Prince.” Thunder sighs at the new work that he must complete on a weekly basis.

“Thank you Aunt Luna I could not do any of this without you. Um..... how am I going to depart from the castle?” giving a small chuckle Luna teleports the prince to the outside of the castle. Landing outside the gate Handsome Blade looks around to get his baring. Seeing a bakeshop and several other fashion stores he makes his way to the train station.

chapter 3

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Chapter 3

At the train station in Ponyville six gleeful mares sit with each other waiting for Princess Luna's prize student. The yellow pegasus with a soft pink mane is the first to speak.

“Um..... Twilight how are we suppose to know who she is ?” Before the lavender mare could answer the other pegasi with a cyan coat and rainbow mane and tail groans.

“Geez for the love of Celestia, Fluttershy she has a reddish brown mane and her coat is really really dark gray. Now do you think you can remember that?” A petite grin comes to the yellow mares face.

“Oh yes thank you girls I mean after all I was feeding Angle when you described her.” The rainbow colored pony gives herself a face hoof. At the thought of the dumb white rabbit. To everypony's surprise the white unicorn with a very stylish purple mane starts speaking.

“Well I for one hope she is nothing like the pompous royalty. If it were not for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna I would hate the all together especially Blueblood. In my opinion all male royalty are snobs.” Twilight a lavender unicorn that has a purple mane with a pink stripe in it begins speaking.

“Rarity I happen to know Prince Thunder personally and I know that he is always a fair and kind gentlecolt. How could you say such a thing about the royal family.” A smirk comes to the white mare's face.

“Ooooh reeeeeeeally if he is always so fair then why did I here that he demoted and yelled at his captain for know reason?” Twilight gives her a blank look.

“Well he..... I mean........ Look he must have had a good reason. Thunder is one of the greatest stallions I know! True Shining Armor was the only friend I had growing up but with Thunder I don't know. I would like to say we were friends but we never really hungout, and I'm sure he had more important things to do.” the mare says halfheartedly. Rainbow Dash interrupts the two ponys.

“So Twilight, what is on the agenda for the two egghead students of the princess sisters?” the lavender unicorn glares at her friend and responds.

“Well I was hoping we could go to the spa after she get settled in. Then I was going to take her out into town and we were going to go hunting for a couple stallion's to take on a date unless she is married.” An orange pony with a blond mane and a brown cowboy hat joins the conversation saying.

“Um..Twi, don't yu think her first day here she'd want to rest before finding a coltfriend or goin to the spa?” The lavender mare gives a sheepish grin. Without warning the pink mare with the slightly darker pink mane gasps and all the ponies give her an inquisitive look. Before anypony could ask what she was gasping about a loud whistle fills the station. The cowpony tilts her hat back as the train enters the station.

“Well I'll be a dragons aunt, the train's here an five minutes early ain’t that somthin'.” the other ponies stare at applejack with a dull expression until Pinkie Pie chimes in.

“Oh look there getting of the train but I don’t see her.” Twilight Sparkle stands at attention in front of her friends and addresses them.

“Ok girls we need to find that mare it wont be easy but we can do it. Rainbow Dash you and Fluttershy look for her from the sky.” the two pegasi take off to do there work first the cyan pony then the yellow one following behind her.

“Applejack you and Pinkie take the left and Rarity and I will take the right.” the orange and pink earth ponies took to the left leaving the lavender and white unicorns to themselves. Rarity looks over at Twilight.

“Dear you simply must relax now come on we shall be off to find your new roommate.” the two mares daintily trot off in search of their prey. Rarity looks around not seeing anypony except a stallion that closely resembled the description of the mare.

“Um, Twilight doesn’t that stallion over there look just dashing. If I could just get ten minuets alone with him I would..” A lavender hoof covers her mouth before she can finish her sentence.

“Rarity! If your going to say something about somepony like that then do it in your head not out loud.” The white unicorn gives her friend a confused look.

“I was going to say I would make him a suit. What were you thinking I was going to say?” Twilight slightly blushes. After several hours of searching all six friends regroup. Rainbow Dash looks at her five friends saying.

“Well girls it looks like shes not here. What should we do Twilight?” the lavender mare opens her mouth to respond when a mysterious hoof taps her on the shoulder. Turning around she comes face to face with a stallion almost as large as Big Macintosh. His long dark reddish brown mane flowing in the wind only to be matched to his dark gray coat.

“I hope that I am not interrupting but would you happen to be Miss. Twilight Sparkly? My Au... teacher Princess Luna said I would meet a lovely mare but I assumed she was referring to your charm. I beg your pardon but Princess Luna arranged for me to read your reports.” Twilight looked at the handsome stallion before snapping out of her trance.

“Um... Actually my name is Twilight Sparkle I only let one pony call me Twilight Sparkly and only cause I'm scared to tell them I don't like it.” Prince Thunder starts thinking is she really that scared of me?

“How rude of myself. My name is...... Pr.... Um....... I beg your forgiveness I'm not accustomed to meeting new ponys. As I was saying my name is Handsome Blade.” Before Twilight could respond Rarity pushes her out of the way.

“Hello Handsome my name is Rarity Unicorn It is a pleasure to meet you” Handsome Blade looks at the mare with a soft smile and lifts her hoof and kisses it.

“The pleasure is all mine my mare.” Rarity's legs start to wobble as his smooth voice almost makes her melt. During all of this the purple unicorn has been having a panic attack. Rarity trots over to her best friend and whispers into her ear.

“Twilight about your plans I don't think they are going to go well unless he's a colt-cuddler.” Twilight's face turns bright pink. Looking at the scene that has just played out Handsome Blade senses something is wrong.

“Miss. Sparkle if something is wrong I could always go back to Canterlot. I do not wish to impose on you.” Twilight looks at him again thinking you would think that the Princess would mention that she was sending a he. She looks into his deep teal eyes.

“Handsome nothing is wrong. You may stay as long as you need. Please follow me.” In Canterlot at the royal palace Princess Celestia is residing over that day court as Princess Luna trots in.

“Dear sister we are to have words with thee. It is a matter of the utmost importance shall we converse in private?” Celestia gives a snicker at the way her sibling is speaking.

“I can see you are not yet use to talking with the modern tongue. As you wish we shall talk in my bed chamber.” The regal alicorn trots off of her throne and into the corridor. Coming to a large door made of gold and silver her horn glows with a yellow aura and they swing open.

“Now that we are alone Luna what is troubling you?” The princess of the night looks over at her sister and with a sad face and begins speaking.

“Our sister it is not what will trouble us but what will trouble thee. In the past several days the prince of weather and ourself have devised a way to let Thunder walk among the mortals. Thou must understand thy prince was following his heart and has not departed forever. We hath found a way to stay in contact so the young prince may continue his royal duty. Please I beg of thee not to do anything in hast.” A sinister snarl comes for the sun princess.

“You helped my son leave the castle at the most important time in his life! He should be choosing a bride not pretending to be a mortal! I must find the prince I will deal with you later!” Celestia stomps her way to the balcony and attempts to use telepathy to reach her son only to have a telepathic door shut in her face. Even more furious than before she opens the massive door and calls for her guards. Appearing to her aide comes the captain of her solar stallion's.

“Your majesty is there something you require?” with more authority than it called for she responds.

“The young prince has left the castle and abandoned his family put out a warrant for his safe capture and return. And captain make it to where nopony can resist the prize.” The guard gives her a questionable glance.

“Your majesty what would you have the prize be. I know of nothing that would make everypony go on a hunt to bring the prince home?” Celestia taps her face with her right hoof.

“The prize shall be whatever the pony wants no questions ask.” In the Ponyville Twilight and Handsome enter the library.

“So..... Handsome this is the library and my home your room is at the top of the stairs to the right. We were planing on you being a mare. I hope the room isn't to girly.” Handsome raises an eyebrow. Trotting up the stares he starts speaking.

“Please Miss. Sparkle call me Blade. I know it is not my first name but it sounds better in conversation ,and what do you mean by to gr...... oh.” looking in to the room he is graced with pastel pinks and purples. The bed has mint green covers and baby blue pillows. Turning around tears flow from his eyes as he remembers everything about his family from his mother to his father. Twilight looks down ashamed of what she has done.

“Blade I'm really sorry does the color hurt your eyes?” Giving a light chuckle he puts his hoof under her chin.

“Miss. Sparkle I'm not crying from pain or anything physical. The room just reminds me of somepony very special to me back home. The room is perfect ,but I have a request. Just one small personal favor.” The lavender unicorn looks up with a smile on her face.

“Of course Blade anything.” Blade returns the smile

“If Miss. Pie is going to throw a party please make her keep it simple. In other word don't let her invite the whole town.” Twilight starts laughing only to leave Blade with a confused look on his face.

“Really that is it. I thought you were going to ask for something like another pillow. I've already asked Pinkie not to over do it ,and you can call me Twilight.” Blades opens his mouth only to here a belch come from behind him. His face turns bright red as he tries to explain.

“Twilight I give you my word as a gentlecolt that was not me.” Twilight looks around Blade's body to see a little baby dragon.

“Blade Please don't freak out but my assistant is behind you and he is a dragon.” Blade makes a look of horror come to his face even though he has met spike before. Any normal pony would be scared at the thought of a dragon behind them. Slowly he turns to face the purple and green drake.

“H.... Hello my name is Handsome Blade. May I ask what your name is?” Spike looks up at the strange visitor. With a look that says haven’t you ever seen a dragon before.

“Uuuuuh my name is Spike. Hey Twilight where's the new mare me and peewee are getting hungry. Oh and this poster just arrive.”

“Well............ Spike what does it say! And Mr. Handsome Blade here is Princess Luna's student.” Giving a huff the dragon hands the letter to Twilight.

“To all citizens of Equestia Prince Thunder Flicker has gone into hiding. Whoever finds and returns the prince unharmed may name their reward no questions asked.

Princess Celestia”

A look of hatred comes to Blade's face. His mouth completely strait with his eyes beaming with anger. Changing his face to look happy he turns to Twilight.

“Miss. Sparkle I am dreadfully sorry but I must take leave to my chamber at once. I have quiet a bit of work to begin and it must remain undisclosed.” Upon saying this his face return to his true emotion as he enters his room and shuts the door. Going strait to the desk Blade removes a quill and parchment from his saddlebag and begins writing a letter to his mother.

“Dear Mother and Father

Do not worry for I am in safe hooves. You may thank Aunt Luna for that. Do not try to track this letter for I have enchanter it to where know pony but myself or Aunt Luna can respond. I will continue my royal duty to my subjects from my new residence. I beg of you to call off the guards that I am sure you have sent searching for me. I have a new face and a new body I am completely untraceable.

Your son, Prince Thunder Flicker”

After finishing the letter his horn begins to glow and with a red puff of smoke the letter disappears. Blade starts pacing the room thinking out loud.

“How could Mother do such a thing I am nearly five hundred years old true the royal tradition says that at five hundred an alicorn will find there true love and live with them forever ,but Mother and Father have know right to interfere with my social life.” now mumbling to the point of a whisper a knock comes from the rather bright pink door. Trotting over Blade slowly cracks the door causing it to moan. Behind the door stands the baby dragon.

“Hello Mr. Spike what can I do for you this fine evening?” the little purple dragon gives Blade a confused look.

“Um.. Princess Luna sent some work for you. Why did you call me Mr. Spike it's just Spike.” The prince starts giggling.

“My apologies Spike when I was growing up I was taught to address everypony as sir or madam. A little out dated I know but what you learn as a foal stays with you your whole life. Now shall we be off to the work my a.. Princess Luna has sent.” Spike gives the tall stallion a questioning look. After departing his room Blade and Spike enter the main area of the library.

“Supper is almost ready.” looking around the room Spike sees it is just him and Blade.

“Um... Blade you wouldn't happen to know how to cook would you? Because Twilight is the worst cook ever ,and I really don't want to get sick.” Blade gives a smile as he replies.

“I happen to have graduated top of my class from the very best cooking school's in Equestria. Since you are being so hospitable I suppose I could prepare dinner.” The little dragon grins from ear to ear.

“Thank you thank you thank you ,and what is dinner?” Giving a light chuckle Blade enters the kitchen to find Twilight poring over about ten cookbooks. Not wanting to be rude he taps her on the shoulder. Twilight turns around to see a pony smiling and almost laughing.

“Oh I wasn't expecting you down so soon. If you want to set the table you can get started everything is almost finished.” Twilight opens the stove and black smoke pores out making the whole room completely dark for a moment. Twilight takes the dish out of the oven and places it in the sink.

“Miss. Sparkly I mean Sparkle would you mind if I prepare the food it happens to be a hobby of mine.” Sighing in defeat the lavender mare slothfully trots out of the room. Approximately two hours later Blade has set the table with all sorts of delectable foods both for the baby dragon and for the two unicorns. After setting the table to royal standards a smile comes to his face one so large Pinkie would be proud. Quickly rearranging the plates and silverware he sets the table with Twilight at one end Spike in the middle and himself at the other end. A traditional family setting. Calling that dinner is complete the little drake and the lavender mare race in to see the exquisite feast before them.

“Blade where did you learn to cook like this? It all looks so beautiful and perfect!” Blushing Blade looks up to his housemate.

“It is nothing my dear but I hope Spike enjoys the sapphire salad. It was my first time making it in oh I don't know four hun... four years. Yes it has been almost four years. Um.. Miss. Sparkle after dinner there is something I wish to discuss with you........... in private. If it is not to much trouble.” Twilight gives him a confused look as Spike digs into the jewel filled casserole.

“I'm sure what ever it is we can discuss it as reasonable adults.” Twilight says with a smile on her face.

“However at this moment Miss. Sparkle I would really like to eat.” A dissatisfied look comes to the lavender mare's face.

“Blade how many times do I need to tell you to call me Twilight?” A perplex look comes to Blades face as he realizes his mistake.

“Once more Miss. Sparkle as always.” A gentle smile comes to his face as he levitates his fork to his mouth. Only to receive a glare from Twilight.

chapter 4

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Chapter 4

In the Canterlot castle Princess Celestia is beginning to calm down. Feeling ashamed of what she had said to Luna the graceful alicorn canters down the hall. Coming to a couple massive doors made completely out of gold. The door stands as tall as two levels of a regular house with a crescent moon right where the doors met. Knocking on the door the solar princess ponders what she is going to say. Unfortunately the door swiftly opens with a loud crash against the wall startling the older sister. The Princess of the night stares up at her older sister expecting her to start yelling.

“Luna I feel I should apologize for what I said earlier today. It was rude and improper. I should have waited till you were finished to yell at you ,but that is not why I am here. I have come to plea my case you must understand where I am coming from. My only child is turning five hundred and he doesn’t know that if he does not find his true love before that dreadful date they will both become fatally sick. Only one pony that I know of has gone through that and survived and that is you Luna. I don't think Thunder will make it given what he would face.” Tears begin flowing from Celestia's soft pink eyes at the thought of her son dieing the miserable fate at the hands of a lonely heart.

“Tia, We know why thou hath done it but remember what mother always told us. Know pony can force love but all it takes is one to stop it. In order for the young prince to find his love we think he needed to leave. Big sister there was another matter that we wish to speak with you about. It would be the matt.. ” Before Luna could finish her sentence she was cut short by to sound of a forgotten voice. The angelic tone that caresses there ears is more than either can ever dream of ,but at the same moment one that they can never live without.

“Very well Luna. My how the two of you have grown up.......... Luna don't you think it is time to change the way you talk. Old Equestrian was hard to understand back then much less now.” Celestia turns around to come face to face with her mother. Feeling the warmth of the universe radiating from her body Celestia stars at the snow white alicorn with what looks like the color of the setting sun in her mane and at the tip of her wings. The princess of the day begins speaking

“M... M.... M... Mother what are you doing here? I and Luna.... I mean Luna and I we were just talking. Nothing s...s... serious.” Feeling like a little filly again next to her mother Celestia could barely finish her sentence. Completely caught off guard by how Celestia is acting the Queen gives a light giggle.

“Oh my little foal wile I understand why you are looking for my dashing grandson I must ask you to stop. Celestia do not think I am punishing you for I am not. In fact it is quiet the contrary you will begin a vacation starting tomorrow. This means no royal duty that includes raising the sun and since you are as stubborn as your father I will be putting a cap on your magic so you can not disobey. If you wish to take a new form then I believe your sister can help you blend in.” a royal guard trots around the corner. Upon seeing Queen Faust he immediately face plants the floor. Giving a small laugh she instructs the earth pony to rise. Just by looking at the lunar stallion anypony can tell he is nerves if not by his quivering lip you could just look down as he knocks his knees together. The dark blue unicorn approaches the queen with caution.

“Your majesty am I dead? I have heard story’s that only the dead can see the high queen outside of the royal family.” Now looking around franticly he notices the two princesses. A mischievous look comes to the rulers faces. Using the royal Canterlot voice Queen Faust begins speaking.


“P....P....Pleases have mercy my name is Shining Sward.” knowing everything Faust goes through her memory finding some embarrassing times in his life.


“Y..Yes your grace.” Seeing that he was starting to feel bad the queen continues speaking.


“Mother that was a little mean ,and who will raise the sun wile I am on vacation? Thunder is missing and my husband Solaris is off in the griffon kingdom.” giving her mother a worried look she scoots up close beside her. Knowing that Celestia and Luna only did this when they were extremely worried about something Queen Faust brushes the mane out of her eldest daughters face.

“Have you forgotten my little mare that I know everything.” Celestia's face goes paler than her white coat. Looking over toward Luna she continues speaking.

“Now Luna don't worry I'm not going to stick you with the responsibility. With that being said come and give your mother a hug.” a smile as large as the moon comes to the night goddesses face.

“We.. I mean I am happy you have returned even if it is a brief visit. I only wish we could spend some more time with you mother.” The three alicorn stand there embracing each other as if it would be the last time they would ever see each other in the existence of time and space for only the queen knows when they will ever meet again.

“Now my daughters I must be going and Luna don't give your student to hard of a time after all he is just a unicorn in fact that goes for both of you ok.” Both of the Princesses nod there head as there mother gives them a kiss on the forehead.

“That's my girls. Good bye my lovely daughter.” With a light as blinding as the sun the High Queen disappears.

“Luna what did mother mean by not giving our student's a hard time? The princess of the night goes into full alert trying to think of how to respond.

“Dear sister fear not for we..... I have simply sent our.... my prize student to Ponyville. He has been falling behind in his study’s and I.. yes..... I thought that Twilight Sparkle could motivate him.” Celestia gasps in disbelief.

“Luna I am sure that you had the best intentions but asking a mare to let some pony that they have never met live in there home much less a stallion! Since it is already done I suggest we set some rules for our students.” With Celestia hanging her head in defeat she levitates a quill and a piece of parchment toward them and the two princesses begin their letter.

In the shadows of the regal city a loathsome creature stands waiting for its accomplice. Emerging from under the ground comes a hooded figure. Each standing there ground the miscreants begin talking. With a rough gravely voice the hooded figure speaks first

“What happened I've been hearing rumors about him.” Snarling out the last word the pony in the shadows steps back and cowers.

“I am sorry. It wasn't my fault. There was somepony face down into hall when I addressed him I lost my temper. I beg of you to spare my life it was a stupid mistake one that will not be repeated.” with a growl bellowing up from the hooded figure he submerges for where he came.

looking around the table Spike notices that all the delicious gemstones has been devoured. Blade sitting across from Twilight is thoroughly enjoying watching the mare taste test all the gourmet food. After finishing the dinner the three of them go into the main library area of the house. Giving a yawn the little dragon continues walking and goes strait to a side room.

“Miss. Sparkle something you said at the train station has been troubling me. Actually it is quite a few things.” giving a worried look of concern the prince trots over beside the lovely mare and takes a seat.

“Was it that I thought you were a mare. By the way sorry about that again it wasn't fare of me to assume that you would be a female. I guess stallions are as powerful as mares.”

“ Well Miss. Sparkle that is very nice to here but what I was referring to was when I mispronounced your name. You said that you were scared to tell the pony that you didn't like it. Why are you afraid?” Twilight hangs her head in shame as she gives a small sigh.

“You might as well know. When I lived in Canterlot I was able to visit the castle for my lessons. While there I met Princess Celestia's son Prince Thunder. When I introduced my self I kind of mumbled ever since that day he has called me Twilight Sparkly. I tried to tell him once that it was Twilight Sparkle ,but he always had such a stern face it scared me off.” Fighting to laugh Blade goes through his memories recounting the vary day Twilight was speaking of. Looking into her eyes he sees a spark or what he thinks is a spark. Probably just the light reflecting off of them.

“Miss. Sparkle before supper the young lad said that my teacher ,Princess Luna, had sent some work I would like to look over it before the night is out.” Blade sits there with a meek smile on his face only to here a belch come from the other room followed by a little dragon opening the door rubbing his eyes.

“Twilight couldn't you make a schedule for Celestia she keeps waking me up. Oh and both princess sent a letter. The little drake stops for a moment then begins reading.

Dear Faithful Students

Princess Luna has informed me about the situation as well as provided a brief description of Handsome Blade. Luna and I have come up with a project for the two of you to do together. You must work to find the this answer. Since neither of you are in public outside of your friends the two of you have become somewhat antisocial. You must find a way to meet at the very least twenty new ponies before the sun sets tomorrow.

Your teachers Princess Luna and Princess Celestia”

After finishing the letter Spike looks up to see the two unicorns staring blankly at each other. An annoyed look comes to his little purple face as Twilight starts staring him down.

“Fine that's not what it says. Excuse me for trying to get the two of you out of the house for a day. Here but I'm not reading it. Talk about embarrassing and how did you know I was lying?” Continuing to stare down the dragon.

“Well Spike for on if both the princesses sent the letter than why would it be from Celestia's point of view?”The two unicorns look at each other again as Twilight's horn gives of a pink aura levitating the parchment to them. Blade looks at the letter and begins reading.

“Our Dear and Faithful Students

Since the two of you are living in to same home and are of the opposite sex the two of us have decided to set some rules. Rule number one will be hard for both of you from what I here. You must be in bed before midnight. Even if you are studying or working on a task for a friend. Second the two of you must sleep in separate rooms this is nonnegotiable. Third neither of you are allowed to date each other. Lastly you are not to mate with each other wile living in the library. These rules are to protect your good names as well as prevent both of you from becoming caught in a scandal. We know that you are both of age but we urge you to do as we advise. Now for your assignments Twilight you will be studying how season change effects wood again. This is to keep your mind sharp so you will not forget simple thing. Handsome you are to read and practice the magic from a book called The Advanced Studies Of Starswirl The Bearded.

Your teachers Princess Luna and Princess Celestia”

Both unicorns blushing look away from each other. Blade turns and whispers something in to Twilight's ear to soft for the baby dragon to here. A wide smile comes to her face as she starts to giggle. In the most seductive voice she can manage the lavender unicorn begins speaking to the handsome stallion.

“Oh well to bad about the last rule I was really looking forward to tonight.” Spike's jaw goes slack as he hears what comes out of his surrogate mother's mouth ,but what shocks him more is the reply.

“My dear they did say it was advice and as they pointed out we are of age. Legally they can not stop us.” The little drake's eye starts quivering as he tries to comprehend what he is hearing. Both unicorns look down at the scared child realizing they took the joke to far. The dark gray stallion begins speaking again with his normal voice.

“Mr. Spike it was just a joke please try to calm down. Miss. Sparkle and I are not actually interested in dating each other. For pony sake I barely know her much less love her.” feeling a little crushed from what the gorges stallion had just said she begins speaking.

“Blade do you really think we could never have a chance? I mean we have just met but I would like to think maybe if we knew each other more... you never know.” Seeing that the beautiful creature in front of him was hurt by what he said he remains silent. With know reply she excuses herself and gallops up the stares slamming her room door. Looking down at the purple dragon Spike begins speaking.

“How could you just say nothing? What's wrong with you?” After finishing his sentence the purple drake stomps out of the room not even wanting a reply. The prince sighs but is soon cut short by a burst of white light. With a smug grin on the regal alicorns face she begins speaking.

“Hello Thunder still cant talk to mare's I see.” Trotting over she gives her grandson a hug.

“Hello Grandmother how have you been ,and to answer your question no I can not. Know matter what I try I always make them gallop of crying of stomping off mad. Enough of my problems though I am sure that you are here about something very important.” Giving a comforting smile she embraces her grandchild once again.

“Thunder your mother has been under a great deal of stress lately. I have decided to make her take a vacation even to the extent of putting a limit to her magic. Because of this she will not be ably to raise the sun. As Prince it is your duty to take on the sun if it be needed. I am sorry for doing this to you but there is know other way.” looking over the unicorn she gives a disappointed face.

“Do you miss your wing my child?” With a heavy heart he replys.

“Yes ma'am it feels like some one told me I can never be free from a cell at the bottom of the ocean. To not feel the wind rustling my feathers is torture.” giving a sigh he hangs his head only to hear laughter.

“My grandfoal I can give you your wings back ,but it will be hard to make them invisible. Please bare with me as I try to do this.” A pure white aura surrounds her horn. Feeling his wings return to him brings tears to his eyes ,but looking in the mirror he remains to look like a normal unicorn. Throwing his hooves around the queen he says.

“Thank you Grandmother I don't know how I will ever repay you.” Now on all four hooves the prince spreads his invisible wings feeling a soft breeze from the open window.

“Prince there is no need to repay a gift from your grandmother. After all I am suppose to spoil you a little. Now about the matter of not being able to talk to mare's. Have you tried to just treat them like there just anypony not a specific group?” Blade starts taping his face with hi left for hoof.

“Actually Grandmother I think I have. I don't know what is wrong with me I always say the wrong thing.” The elegant queen raises an eyebrow.

“Well you don't seem to be running me off. What are you thinking of right now?” The dark gray unicorn ponders for a moment on the question.

“Uh... I.... I.... I was thinking of nothing. Just talking. Oh thank you Grandmother.” an inquisitive look comes to the little stallions face.

“Grandmother if you don't mind my asking why has it been so quiet since you arrive Miss. Sparkle had just run to her room before you appeared.” The regal alicorn shakes her head in disappointment.

“Thunder if you want her or any pony to not figure out your secret call the by there first name. There is know need to stand on ceremony ,and to answer your question from the moment of my arrival I have paused time we are literally having this conversation in one second.” The prince gives a chuckle at the thought of all this taking place so fast. However before he could respond she continues talking.

“one more thing if a mare is ever mad at you it is your fault even if you don't know why they are mad apologies. Then try to figure out what you did wrong but don't ask her or her friends.” With a stern face he nods.

“Again thank you for the advice Grandmother. I will do my best to follow your wisdom. Before you leave I have a request. If I are ever to wed would you do the honers?” Giving a soft smile she gives him a kiss and replys saying.

“I would be honored to be the minister at your wedding if it is ever to happen. I fear I must be going until we meet each other again my grandfoal. I will give your love to your grandfather.” before thunder could respond the beautiful queen disappears in a bright light. Knowing that she must have returned time to move forward he remains very quiet. After approximately five minuets of hearing a lavender mare's scratching a quill to parchment he cautiously ascends the stares ,and knocks on her door. Expecting her to open the door yell and slam it in his face he braces himself as the door creeks open.

“Oh.... Blade... I thought that you would be in bed by now. Did you need something?” Blade a little shocked composes himself.

“Miss. Spa..Twilight... I should apologize for what I said or for what I didn't say as it were. It was ill mannered ,vile ,and unspeakable for me to act the way I did would you ever be so kind as to forgive such a loathsome creature as myself.” A little stunned that Blade had refereed to her as Twilight instead of Miss. Sparkle she nods.

“I thank you Twilight from the moment I saw you at the train station I knew you were a gentle soul. If you are not to drained would you like to continue this conversation downstairs? I could make some hot apple cider and we could sit by the fire wile we speak after all it is a bit chilly tonight. Our teachers said that we were to be in bed by twelve and after all it is only eleven.” The mare stats smiling as she feels a burden lifted out of her heart.

“Blade that sounds nice ,but I have some work I need to finish before tomorrow. I hope you understand.” the dark unicorn nods and retires to his brightly colored chamber.” Slothfully wobbling up the stares comes the purple dragon.

“So you forgave that jerk?” The lavender unicorn shoots him a warning gaze.

“Spike you better be nice to Blade now go to bed!” Retreating to her bedroom the lovely unicorn levitates a normal size book with a dark purple cover and a lock to her bed. Opening the lock she begins writing.

Dear Diary

Today my house guest arrived ,but something about him seems a little off. For one he would only address me as Miss. Sparkle until a few moments ago. He talks using very regal speech and I believe he may be hiding something. This assumption is based upon him being a little secretive. Until I have more information I plan on keeping this a secret especially from Spike. Stallions are so aggravating why do they always do things the hard way?

Until next time Twilight Sparkle.

After finishing her entry the lavender mare returns the book to its rightful place and begins brushing her mane. Near finishing her mane the unicorn is interrupted by a pesky little dragon.

“You don't like him do you? Cause if you do that means I'm gonna be stuck with him calling me Mister Spike. Who teaches the foal to talk like that any way?” Ignoring his question Twilight lazily crosses the room and retires for the night.

chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Twilight groggily rubs her eyes as she turns over in her bed. Not wanting to wake spike the lavender unicorn remains laying hoping to soak up some of the rays from Celestia's sun. However, much to her dismay she could not find the morning stars warmth. Opening her eyes they dart around the blackened room now wondering if it is morning at all. A pink aura surrounds her horn as she brings the clock the her bedside. Squinting into the darkness twilight barely makes out the time. With a loud gasp she startles the little dragon to conciseness. With a flat voice that borders monotone the drake sits up right in his bed. Not bothering to open his eyes he relaxes his body against his plush white pillow and begins speaking.

“What is it now Twilight? You better not have waken me up in the middle of the night for something dumb ,and I'm sure Peewee and Owlishious don't like screaming in the middle of the night either.” The purple mare tumbles out of bed sending a lamp racing with gravity toward the ground followed by a loud crash indicating the floor won. As the lavender pony fumbles around the room the dragon starts getting annoyed not wanting any of his valuable things ruined.

“Twilight what is it and use your horn thingy we aren’t rich.” Doing as she was instructed her horn eliminates casting a soft pink light over the whole room.

“Spike it is ten o'clock and the sun still isn't up something must have happened to the princess! Wake Blade up I'm going to find out what is going on.” Twilight's number one assistant jumps to his feet and rushes out the bedroom door. Barging into the spare bedroom Blade immediately sits up saying something like the map is perfect. Upon realizing what is happening Blade instructs the young dragon to leave the room in a rather cold and authoritative voice. Once alone Blade begins thinking out loud.

“I can't raise the sun right now that might arouse suspicion as to whom I might be. However if I do not raise the sun pony's all across Equestia won't be able to work.” Giving a long drawn out sigh the horn of the dark gray unicorn begins to glow a dark red almost burgundy. Downstairs the prince hears the front door slam. Racing around the library Twilight fills her purple and pink air balloon full of hot air only now realizing the sky is being flooded with lavender's and pink's until the sun stops in its proper place. Assuming that everything was under control Twilight deflates the balloon and goes inside. Eying the little dragon as he scavenges for a gem or two she begins speaking.

“Didn't I tell you to wake up Blade ,and the ruby's are on the top shelf out of your reach.” Giving a huff the baby dragon reply’s.

“Well I did go to get him but he....” Pondering for a moment he try’s to think of the right word to say.

“He told me to leave the room . Not really in a mean way just kind of like he remembered something important and didn't want anypony to know what he was doing.” Twilight takes out her mental note book and adds this to a list titled Strange Things Blade Does. The list consists of the following, doesn’t talk about past, uses a regal speech, doesn’t seem interested in studying, and the last thing has to many secrets. Twilight sits on a stool as she taps her face.

“Spike none of this makes since. If Blade is Princess Luna's student why is he still in his room?” Giving a confused look the baby dragon shrugs it off. However at the top of the stairs in a poorly lit room a dark unicorn sits at his desk jotting down some notes.

Dear Journal

Today so far I have raised the sun and frightened a baby dragon. Not my best work with foals or dragon's as the case may be. I plan on sneaking away today if at all possible. Raising the sun was not at all the best part either for I was four hours late. The best part of my day as it may be was in fact my dream. I can not remember what her face looks like but I know it must have been an image of perfection. The only thing I can remember about her is her eyes. Her exquisite lavender eyes.

Prince Thunder Flicker

Blade levitates the book into the desk drawer and place's the solid white quill with the others. Crossing the room he looks over toward his new bed. The bright mint green sheet is laing on the floor and the soft baby blue pillows are laying around the head completely in a mess.

“I should clean up my chamber before Twilight thinks that I am a total slob. Trotting over to the bed Blade levitates the pillows and places them on the floor. Bringing the cover off the floor he pulls it tighter than any military solder would ever be able to. Fluffing the pillows he systematicly places them in an order to where they will not need to be moved when time for sleeping. Unsatisfied with his work the price trots over to his saddlebag and removes a bit made of lead. Throwing it into the air it lands on the bed but does not bounce instead it reveals the one weak spot in his cover. After fixing the spot he returns the bit to his saddlebag and removes a regular one. Tossing it onto the bed it bounces and almost makes a dent in the wall. Pleased with his work he canters downstairs and enters the kitchen to find a baby dragon begging for a ruby.

“Please Twilight I promise that I will re-shelve the books before lunch.” Before the lavender unicorn could reply a calm soothing voice stops the agitated mare and begins speaking.

“Now Mr...... Now Spike I think you had enough last night you don't want to eat them all do you? After all it would be a shame to not have any to cook with tonight especially since I will be making a special treat specificly with rubys.” Spike's mouth starts watering at the thought of all the food from the previous night. Twilight gingerly trots over to her house guest.

“Well you're up late what have you been doing up there? Writing a letter to your marefriend maybe?” Upon saying the last sentence she nudges him a little. Heat begins to swim freely in his cheeks as they turn a bright pink at the thought of having a marefriend ,and the thought of talking about it with Twilight of all ponies.

“Mi...Twilight I do not have a marefriend my studies take most of my time. To ask somepony to be with me would be selfish. I couldn't put anypony that I cared about be subjected to anything but first place in my life ,and I have not found the right mare for me anyways.” Starring into his eyes she almost looses her self in a sea of clear water. In almost a dream state voice much like that of an infatuation Twilight replys.

“I know exactly what you mean Handsome....... Blade........ Handsome Blade.” Spike rolls his eyes and grabs some hayfries as he leaves the kitchen. Blade stands shocked by being called by such an unusual name that his aunt had picked. Thinking to himself he begins going through what Luna had said.

“Twilight if you call me handsome I feel I would be forced to call you Miss. Sparkly.” A cocky look comes to his face as his smug voice continues.

“Although Miss. Sparkly does have a nice ring to it. So what will it be Twilight or Miss. Sparkly?” The lavender unicorn stands with a pouting face.

“You know Blade you have a very good way of dodging my questions. But flattery can only get you so far. So how about it?” the dark gray unicorn starts stammering grasping for an answer.

“Well Twilight I was......... what I mean to say is that there was.............. I had something to do. I'm sorry if I scared Spike. By the way why wouldn't you let him have a gem? He is a dragon they need the minerals. Not to mention that now I need to find a recipe for a very eager dragon that consist of pony food and rubys.” Twilight begins blushing but start thinking and remembering her interrogation she uses a stern annoyed voice.

“Blade you can tell me anything. I Pinkie Promise not to tell a soul ,and that means a lot having Pinkie as a friend. I will never forget what happened last time somepony broke a Pinkie Promise. Poor stallion didn't walk for three months.” a look of sheer terror replaces the blush on the stallions face.

“Miss. Pie hurt a pony that bad just for breaking a promise?!” Twilight begins laughing almost to where you would think she was being tickled. Barely managing to speak she replys.

“N...... N......No the pinkie promise was that he wouldn't trot on the train tracks ever. When he did a train came luckily he jumped out of the way but he broke some of his hooves on the fall from the cliff.” relaxing a little the prince continues the conversation.

“Twilight I am sorry but I must be leaving. There is somepony in town I am to............ have words with. I hope you understand.” Upon completing his sentence he trots out the back door. Twilight raises an eyebrow as Spike reenters the room.

“Uh...Twilight why are you starring at the backdoor like it owes you one hundred bits and won't pay ,and Blades book just got here.” The purple unicorn turns facing the little dragon with a confused look plastered across her face.

“Blade's book? What book? How come he gets a book and I get wood? Oh well he just went into town he said that he was going to meet somepony. Did he mention knowing anypony to you?” Spike brings a purple claw up to his face to make it look like he is thinking.

“Hmmmmmmm.......... no I don't think so. Can I have a ruby now?” The lavender mare crosses the room to meet the little dragon at the door.

“NO! I need you to do your chores and if even one ruby is missing when I get back you are grounded for a week.” In the town square Blade looks all around until he bumps into a stallion with a coco coat and a dark brown mane. Noticing the hourglass Blade sits on his haunches and begins speaking.

“Well it is a pleasant coincidence running in to you. I was on my way to find you but I was not quite sure where you would be...... living.” The Doctor looks at the strange gray unicorn trying to place him. Finally remembering where he knows this pony from in a British accent he replys.

“In the name of Celestia what are you doing here!? Last time I saw you it was three hundred years ago. Maybe there is a rift in the fabric of time and space from me using the Tardis in this dimension. I'm sure that must be it. Now come on we need to get you back to your time. By the way what was your name again. Oh I'm sure I can remember it. Ah yes it was is was is was is. I wonder since your from the past it would be was but you have managed to make it into the present so it must be is. Oh well come on to the Tardis. So Torch do you have any idea how you got here?” Holding his head from the headache The Doctor just gave him Blade trots over to The Doctor and whispers something into his ear. With a loud gasp The Doctor jumps back in fright.

“H.... H..... How do you know my name? I haven't told anypony outside the royal family!” Watching The Doctor back up against the Tardis Blade begins speaking.

“How about I tell you inside I fear I might have been followed.” The Doctor nods and trots over to the doors and begin pulling.

“Um.... Doctor the sign says push.” Pushing open the door The Doctor falls right on his face. Regaining his composure The Doctor gallops over to the control panel and starts flipping random switches and turning random nobs only to end up pulling a large lever.

“Now Torch or who ever you are how do you know my name?” Looking over to The Doctor a thought pop into Blades head.

“Oh I know much more than that Doctor. You are the last of your kind, a timelord, you are feared by the Daleks and you stopped Cybermen from destroying not one but two dimensions ,and the reason I say Cybermen is cause you yourself are from an alternate dimension are you not?” The Doctor trots toward the strange stallion holding out his sonic screwdriver.

“Since you know who I am than you must know what this is.” Seeing that The Doctor is getting angry ,and is armed Thunder changes to his glorious alicorn form.

“Does that answer your questions Doctor? Before you ask no I'm not a changeling.” A stern face comes to The Doctor.

“Thunder how many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that?” With a confused look Thunder replys.

“Doctor this is the first time I have ever done something like this. The reason I was looking for you was because I need some help. Just one trip to three days in the past. Canterlot to be the destinations please?” With a groan The Doctor does whatever it is he does at the control panel. With a jerking halt they land in The Prince's royal bed chamber.

“You have five minutes then we are going back to the future or present to us.” Flying as fast as his wings can take him Thunder goes to the royal throne room. Sitting at the thrones are Princess Celestia and Prince Lucien. Not really thinking Thunder slips back to using old Equestrian saying.

“Mother Father, We art to have words with thee. For the fist we beg of thou to stop sending mare's our way. We art not interested in any of them. We will find our love some other way. Second have you seen Aunt Luna. We have important information to discus with her.” Celestia cocks an eyebrow.

“Thunder have you been reading those dusty old books again ,and Luna is in the library.” Turning to Lucien she continues speaking.

“You know he gets the liking old book and stuff like that from you right?” Lucien smiles while giving a chuckle.

“Well of course he does a good book always comes useful. In fact I remember The Doctor saying once that books were the best weapons in the universe.” Not waiting for his parents to finish there discussion Thunder races out the door and goes straight to the library. Upon entering he finds the very pony he is looking for.

“Aunt Luna I need to tell you something very important. In three days from now I will be in Ponyville I need you to send me three things. First I will need a book called The advanced studies of Starswirl the bearded. Second I will need a recipe on how to make something extra special out of rubys and it must be edible. Finally could you send me some music. I would take this stuff now ,but I am traveling with The Doctor. Oh and for the future I am sorry for getting mad.” After finishing his sentence the Tardis materializes in the room.

“Sorry Aunt Luna I must be going. See you in three days.” stepping into the blue box the prince changes back to his unicorn form ,but oddly enough he still has his invisible wings. The Doctor inspects Thunder and begins talking.

“So if your really the prince I could take you to the castle and turn you in getting whatever I want. Is that right?” Blade sighs

“Yes that is what Mother said when she put the price on my head.” arriving back in ponyville The Doctor and Blade exit the Tardis. Blade looks around making sure nopony saw them arrive.

“Thank you Doctor for everything. You truly are a dear friend.” About to say more Blade is interrupted by an annoying purple mare.

“So your just going to ignore my questions and then leave before Princess Luna sends your work. She said the you were struggling with your work but I thought that she meant you were having trouble. Not that you were shrugging it all off. It is time you.....” A hoof catches lavender mare's mouth.

“Twilight I was coming back right after I finished talking to The Doctor. I was not slacking off ,and if you would remember I told you I would be right back.” turning to The Doctor Blade makes his apologies. Twilight and the prince turn around and trot into the street.

“Blade.... I'm sorry for jumping to conclusions. It's just you have been acting a little weird since you arrived ,or maybe this is normal for you. If it is that explains so much no wonder Princess Luna sent you here. She's trying to get you out of your shell.” Giving a gentle smile Blade nods.

“Twilight for I don't know how long I have been trapped in that castle this is the first time I have been free in a long time. Did you here what I said free truly free. I have never told anypony this before but I feel like I can trust you. If anypony were to know what I am speaking about it would be you. Twilight.....” looking it to her lavender eyes blood rushes to find a spot in his cheeks. With his heart pounding a mile a minute his pupils widen taking the majority of his eyes. For just one second the Prince stands there unmovable and completely concentrated on the pony in front of him. In a voice as smooth as silk Blade continues speaking only saying the first things that come to his mind.

“Mare of beauty and grace thou are wise and noble. A prince nor king should ever have the right to see such perfection. If only I could be your humble servant my life would be complete.” Realizing that he is saying this out loud Blade looks at Twilight less like a lover and more like a friend. Seeing her mouth open in complete shock. Her normal lavender cheeks now a obvious bright pink and she stares at the handsome stallion. Blade starts stuttering almost a complete one eighty from what he just said.

“Uh....... I............ Well............. You see it's like this......... I am dreadfully sorry Miss. Sparkle I must be going I have work to do.” Blade's horn starts glowing a dark burgundy and he is instantaneously transported away leaving a scorch mark and very confused Twilight to comprehend what just happened.

chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Appearing at the front door of the library Handsome Blade walks in to see a purple and green dragon shelving books. In a grim face thunder begins talking in a dull deep lifeless tone.

“Hello again Spike. I will be in my room for the remainder of the day. Nopony not even Miss. Sparkle is to enter. That also goes for dragons. If I receive mail please place it on the ground knock on my door three times then leave.” Spike stares at Blade as his eyes widen and fear streaks across his face.

“Did..... did Twilight...... ground you? Oh no I ate one of the rubies she's gonna kill me!”

“No my young drake I am not grounded. I have simply made a fool of myself and wish not to be disturbed. After completing his sentence blade turns and trots up the stares with his head hanging low.

In a purple blur Twilight tears through the streets. At a full gallop she looks ahead and sees that she is swiftly approaching Rarity’s boutique. She instantly plants her hooves in the ground the lavender mare skids to a halt right in front of the door. Frantically knocking on the over decorated pail wood door a little filly opens it. Her mane is pink with a very light purple and a solid white coat just like her sister. In a voice squeaker than nails on a chalkboard but not to where it hurt your ears she begins speaking.

“Oh hi Twilight. I was just about to meet Scootaloo and Applebloom were gonna try to be THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS CAT CATCHERS maybe we'll even get our cutie marks!” A little agitated that the filly is taking so long to just say hello and that she had just yelled in her ear Twilight frowns.

“Hi Sweetie Belle you wouldn't know if Rarity is available would you? Something....... Unexpected just happened and I could really use her advice.” Not wanting the peppy unicorn to tell everypony Twilight begins mumbling.

“Especially since Blade might have just broken one of the princesses rules.” A confused look comes to Sweetie Belle's face.

“Um what was that last part and Rarity is in her studio. I don't think she will mind if we just pop in.” Faster that a speeding Rainbow Dash on steroids Twilight gallops into Rarity's studio and almost runs her over. Rarity gives her a menacing look close that of Fluttershy's stare.

“Twilight haven't you ever heard knocking. I have several ensembles to create and deliver to Hoity-Toity and I am dreadfully....” getting up Rarity looks over at her friend and sees that she is in distress.

“Twilight... Dear are you ok? You look like somepony just threatened your family.” The lavender unicorn starts walking in circles around the white mare like a shark circles its prey.

“I.... I don't know Blade went to meet somepony in town and I followed him. However when I confronted him about wasting time when he should be studying he....” A stern cold look comes to the white unicorns face. As she begins speaking you can tell her tone is concerning and filled with anger.

“Twilight who is Blade ,and what did he do to you?” giving a confused look the still stunned lavender mare starts speaking.

“Rarity, Blade is Princess Luna's student and it isn't what he did it's what he said.” Rarity starts racking her mind trying to figure out what somepony could possibly say that would make Twilight so frazzled. Twilight's ears fall against her face as she begins speaking.

“It's like he was in a trance or something. Not to mention what he said made know since right? I mean if we had know each other than maybe but for him to just say that was wrong. Please tell me I'm right?” Rarity looks at her questionably crazy friend with complete confusion.

“Twilight what did he say to you? Don't leave anything out I want it word for word.” Bead’s of sweat start forming on the lavender mare's forehead as she begins speaking.

“Well it was right after I found him with the doctor. I kind of accused him of being a little... lazy when it comes to the work the princess sends for him. After telling me something that I will not repeat. He just stood there staring at me. Then he started saying things in that glorious voice like beautiful ,thy and stuff like that.” A displeased and at the same time eager look comes to the white unicorn's face.

“I said word for word. How do you expect me to help you if I don't know the details?” Twilight huff's and continues speaking.

“He said Mare of beauty and grace thou are wise and noble. A prince nor king should ever have the right to see such perfection. If only I could be your humble servant my life would be complete. I thought he was going to say more but he snapped out of it before he kept talking.” Twilight looks over at Rarity and sees that her jaw is still on the floor.

“RARITY!” The white unicorn regains her composure.

“Twilight I think the answer that you're looking for is actually very simple. Actually to tell you the truth I'm a little jealous.” The lavender mare starts daydreaming wondering of her suspicions are true. Seeing the look on her friends face a smile comes to the white unicorns face.

“Dear in my opinion of what you have told me he likes you more than friends ,and if I am correct you like him to, do you not?” hearing what her friend had just said Twilight lays down and with a voice sadder than somepony alone forever never having friends or someone to love she begins speaking.

“Y.... Yes...... I like him ,but the princesses sent us a.... a....” Giant tears of sadness begin flowing from her lavender eyes. Rarity sees this but at the same time notices a little twinkle in her irises in the shape of a heart shatter into a thousand pieces and diminish into black ocean that surrounded it. Unsure of what to do Rarity puts a hoof around Twilight's shoulder and brings her into a caring hug. Twilight continues crying as she manages to finish her sentence.

“The princesses sent a letter saying that we could not date each other as long as we both live in the library.” Now understanding why she was crying Rarity holds her friend tighter.

“And after he said that to me he said he had to leave and called me Miss. Sparkle.” Fearing the worst Twilight begins balling harder than she had previously been crying. A stern look comes to Rarity's face.

“Twilight stay here I will be back in about an hour. There's a stallion that I need to talk to.” Rarity trots out of the boutique with a determined mind ,and a scowl plastered across her face. In the Ponyville library Blade is in his bright multicolored room pacing between the desk and the bed.

“How could I do this? I need to think where is my journal?” Trotting to the desk he locates his journal and opens it.

“Dear Journal

Today I have made one of the worst mistakes of my life ,and that is saying a lot coming from an alicorn. I was coming back from three days ago where I requested Aunt Luna to send the book. If I perform the spell of knowledge I will know what ever I want for a single day. However that would not change the fact that today I broke a promise an ancient promise. Approximately four hundred years ago I fell in love with a mare by the name of...” Blade turns around as he hears his bright pink door being lifted off of its pearl white hinges. Trotting into the room Rarity gives Thunder a death look almost saying run for your life. Completely shocked at what is happening Blade stands beside his desk unmoving as the white mare starts scolding the second she enters the room.

“You listen to me Handsome Blade just moments ago Twilight galloped to my house crying her eyes out. Now I don't know what kind of game you're playing ,and if you ever hurt any of my friends like that again you will regret it Mister. Further more why would you say something so lovely and poetic to only stomp and crush it into little pieces the next minute? Especially since it is so obvious that you like her.” At the moment Blade heard that Twilight was crying his heart sank. Realizing that keeping this promise will break Twilight's heart he decides to go back on his word something he has never done. Rarity becomes impatient and begins taping her hoof on the ground as she says.

“Well Mr. Blade what do you have to say for yourself?” Hanging his head in shame the dark gray unicorn begins speaking.

“It was a long time ago I will not tell you how long ,but it feels like a lifetime. I was in love with a beautiful beautiful mare by the name of Flutisha. I courted her and eventually asked her out on a date. Well after a few years we grew rather close ,and I asked for her hoof in marriage. Graciously she accepted however the night be for we were to be wed a changeling disguised as me broke into her home and killed her only to leave as one of her parents. Thankfully I had a solid alibi otherwise I would be residing in a cell in Canterlot with a magic blocker on my horn or worse. After that day I made Flutisha a promise not to ever love another mare as I did her. You see Miss. Rarity that is why I left Twilight standing in that alley. I love her too much to see her hurt because of me out of some old feud.” Rarity stands there as her cerulean eyes fill with tears.

“I... I'm so sorry ,but you can't blame yourself for what some other pony did ,and Twilight doesn't know this does she. For all she knows you are yanking her around by the heart without caring for her in the least little bit. Mr. Blade I'm sure Flutisha would want you to be happy not cooped up in a room alone for the rest of your life ,and I'm sure Twilight would enjoy you being a little more.... romantic.” Blade cheeks begin tuning bright pink at the mention of the beautiful lavender mare's name. Followed by his knees knocking against each other.

“Now Mr. Blade do you see what I mean? At just the thought if her you turn into a little school colt. All I did was say her name and you almost melted into a puddle of nerves.” Blade hangs his head in shame as she keeps saying his name.

“Please Miss. Rarity call me Blade ,and I have a favor to ask of you. Can you keep a secret ,but just to let you know this is not an ordinary secret this may be the largest one you ever hear in your life.” The white unicorn nods her head repeatedly. Before Blade begins speaking he levitates the door to its rightful place to keep a certain little dragon from hearing the conversation.

“Alright it will be good having somepony I can talk to about this. My name is not Handsome Blade. For that matter I'm not even a unicorn.” Thunder is interrupted by laughter before he can finish his sentence. Knowing he is getting know where with simple speech the prince brings his horn to a dark red glow. Rarity at this point stops laughing and looks over at the strange stallion as he is cocooned in his own aura. Her mouth drops in shock as his hooves begin extending and his coat turns to a bright white. His mane grows shorter and takes a sandy blond feature. The thing that shocks the mare the most however is his long swan-like wings to where they almost look exactly like Princess Celestia's. The shell of magic surrounding the prince disintegrates leaving a regal alicorn standing where once a normal unicorn resided.

“Miss. Rarity I beg of you....” Before he could finish his sentence the white mare throws herself at his hooves saying.

“Please don't punish me I was only trying to help my friend.” Thunder sighs.

“Miss. Rarity I am not going to punish you. All that has transpired has helped me come to terms with something that happened a longtime ago. I know you hate all male royalty after all alicorns do have good ears. I am dreadfully sorry for my deception it is the only way I can hide from my mother. Everything I have told you is true ranging from Flutisha to me simply wanting to leave the castle and have some time to myself.” Rarity gasps knowing that she has insulted the prince countless times.

“Since you know I don't like male royalty than you should also know that this is the very reason why! You act like you care for somepony then you treat them like dirt! You're no better than Blueblood. I will keep your secret but only because I said I would before I knew the truth. That and I would hate for Twilight to have to go through something so horrid! You call yourself a prince the only thing royal about you is your blood! You don't deserve....” The furious white unicorn stops her ranting at the all to familiar sound of tears hitting the wooden planks of the floor.

“Oh is this another one or your tricks to make me feel sorry for you because it's not working.” Tears continue flowing down his face making an unmistakable trail of sadness.

“You're right Miss. Rarity I don't deserve to know Twilight much less have her fall in love with me. My whole life I have had things hoofed to me on a silver platter sometimes a gold platter ,but my point is I have never had to work for anything. True there are my royal duties ,but I am happy to serve my subjects. With Twilight I feel like I have something to finally work for if it were up to me I would tell her everything. Starting from the moment I realized I love her. For years I have hidden how I truly feel about her. Miss. Rarity I love her more than I have ever loved anypony before.” The white unicorn inspects the prince thoroughly and begins speaking with a calmer voice.

“If you really love her, truly love her, prove it do something that will make me not doubt you in the least little bit. If you love her like you say tell her the truth don't make me keep this a secret for more than a week. That is seven days not eight not seven and a half ,seven days. If you do that I will know I can trust you because it will prove that lying to her hurts you just as much as it hurts her. Before I go I would like to tell you that I truly am sorry for what happened to Flutisha she sounds like she was a lovely mare.” Thunder's horn begins glowing and he transforms back into his false identity.

“Thank you Miss. Rarity and she was.” Much to the white mare's shock Blade bows.

“Um....... Blade you can call me Rarity and I'm sure that the other girls will soon see through your fake facade if you keep addressing us all by Miss. Just a little food for thought.” Rarity looks at the clock on the wall which reads one o,clock.

“Oh dear I told Twilight I would be back in an hour I will never make my deadline now.” Looking almost completely drained Blade moves his invisible wing across Rarity's back and teleports them to the boutique. After hearing no hoofs walking around in Blades room Spike decides to do a favor for his new cook to hopefully make him happy enough to make a sapphire shortcake. Looking around the room the little dragon is pleasantly surprised to see that there is only two books on his friends desk. One being the one Princess Luna sent and the other titled The advanced studies of Starswirl the bearded volume 2. Gathering the books Spike cheerfully leaves the room and skips down the stairs. At the carousal boutique Rarity and Blade stand outside continuing there conversation. Thank you Rarity I would come in but I have duties to attend. Until we meet again my friend I bid you adieu.” His horn radiates a burgundy aura ,and in a flash of bright light the prince melts away out of reality. Still not sure if Thunder is genuine in what he has intrusted her with the white unicorn magic's the door open. Upon entering the foyer of her home Rarity looks around her seeing the room almost completely torn to splinters ,and in the middle of it sits three little fillies and one mare.

“W..... w...... what happened to my house?! It looks like an angry menator has been through here.” With an exasperated look the fair mare slowly looks over her once beautiful home trying to find something not destroyed. Before anypony can say anything to calm down the mare a little white cat emerges from under a dark red chase lounge with a light oak wood. A little orange pegasi with unusually small wings for her age and a orchid mane steps forward. Rarity raises an eyebrow at Scootaloo.

“Uh.... well you see we went into town and tried to find some cats to catch ,but we couldn't find a single one.” Continuing where Scootaloo stops Applebloom a cowpony with a red mane and a yellow coat begins speaking.

“An after a while we kinda got a little bored that was when Sweetie Belle got an idea.” Almost on cue the white little unicorn jumps in to the conversation.

“Since we couldn't find a cat I thought we could try to catch opal. You know with her being the only cat we know.” The little fillies lower there head for what is sure to be a long and angry speech. Looking at the girls Rarity addresses her sister.

“Sweetie Belle please escort your friends home and come back as soon as they are with their parents. When you get back expect to be up for a while helping me clean the house.” Hearing this the little pegasi starts freaking out.

“Oh no that's ok I don't need anypony to walk me home.” Looking around the room she spots a clock.

“Ah look at the time got to go. Sorry about everything. See you later Belle.” With out giving anypony time to argue the little filly grabs her scooter in her mouth and gallops out the door. Shrugging it off the other two fillies soon follow the friends exit. Looking over to her friend Rarity realizes the she has yet to say a single thing.

“Twilight ,dear are you alright? You're not hurt are you? Oh the girls can be a little rough.” Twilight stares at her friend and and looks around her hoping to see somepony that isn't there. Hanging her head lower than pony-ly possible the lavender mare's face turns grim. With her snout in a complete frown she fights to hold in her emotions ,but fails as a single tear creeps out of her eye and streams down her face.

“He....he doesn't like me does he? I should have never bothered you with this. I'm sorry Rarity.” giving a pathetic chuckle she continues speaking.

“The main reason I like him is cause he reminds me of somepony I never had the courage to ask out on a date in Canterlot. Pretty dumb isn't it?” Rarity trots over to her lonely friend ,and gives her a hug trying to comfort her.

“Twilight who was the stallion you never had the chance to date? Tell me about him you will be surprised how understanding I am today.” the lavender mare nods obediently.

“I hope that's true because you're not going to like what you hear. A few years before I came to Ponyville I had feelings about the prince ,but not being part of the nobility it is all but written that we can't be together. Actually that might not be true I remember reading one that royalty can't date there subjects. Well so much for that idea.” A confused look comes to the white mare's face.

“But didn't your brother marry a princess?” Giving a sigh Twilight begins explaining.

“Shinning Armor is a captain of the royal guard at that rank you are pretty much accepted into the nobility. However it is just you not your family ,so Shining Gold Armour in Twilight Star Sparkle out. Rarity I need you to keep this a secret especially from Blade. If Celestia ever figured out that I like her son she would kick me out on my flank ,not to mention I would probably no longer be her prize student.” A look of horror comes to Rarity's face as she understands why Thunder never perused Twilight.

“Y...... You mean none of the royalty can date out side of the nobility ever?! What if by chance one of them did? Do you know what would happen?” Indulging her friend's curiosity Twilight begins speaking.

“If a member of the royal family want's to date out side of the respectable circle 'as I like to call it' then one of two things must happen. One the member of the royal family renounces there power and claim to the thrown or the pony in question becomes part of the nobility. The first is the easier of the two, but it is hard for somepony like that to just drop everything and expect everypony to be ok with it.” Rarity sit and stares at her friend now regretting the deal she made with the prince.

“Twilight we seem to have gotten off topic. You asked a question earlier and I think you need to hear the answer. The reason I entered alone was cause Blade has work he needs to finish desperately.” She wipes the tear off of the lavender unicorns face.

“He loves you more than any stallion has a right to love a mare. Trust me he made that perfectly clear. Although he does have a complicated past one I will let him tell you about when it's time. Just remember you are both a little new at this so be nice.” Raising her head Twilight throws her hooves around Rarity's neck giving her a hug larger than the sun. giving he friend a comforting smile Rarity says.

“Come dear we should go to the library I should probably be there to smooth things over.” Giving her good friend a nod Twilight trots toward the door ,and they depart.

chapter 7

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Chapter 7

In the Canterlot palace Luna is trotting down the hall when she sees her sister. The graceful alicorn smiles and canters to where Celestia is.

“Tia, is everything ok thou lookest a little down..... I mean you look sad? Is that right?” The white alicorn gives a soft smile to her little sister.

“I will be fine Luna ,but yes I am a little sad. If Thunder doesn't find that special mare I will lose my little colt forever. Now mother diminishes my power and tells me I need a break from my royal duty. I have never felt so..... so useless.” Slowly tears begin flowing from the goddess's eyes, down her pearl white cheeks. Before the goddess of night can comfort her sibling a scroll materializes before the two of them. Levitating the letter up Celestia sees the seal of her husband a sun masterfully painted on a canvas and a brush beside it. Bringing it closer Celestia begins reading.

“My dearest wife

I wil be returning within the next day or so. It seems that what we feared wood take months has only taken days. The dragons have konsented to not sleep in Equestria As long as we do not interfere with Their hunting of wild game such as monticor's ,hydra's ,and cockatrices. Over all I wil say it wos an success. Please make sure Thunder receives this package it is very emportant that he open it within the next few hours. The parcel will be arriving as you read this letter.

With all my love Lucien
P.S. No peaking in the box that goes for your sister too. It is for Thunders eyes only.”

Luna looks at the strange large square flat box wrapped in a white paper. Celestia look over to her sister and begins speaking.

“I wish he would learn to spell words correctly. Well it is obviously a painting ,but why would he not want us to see it? Thunder has hundreds of paintings I mean he's the one that founded the Canterlot Museum of Art. What is so special about this one? Luna please send it before curiosity gets the better of us.” Her sister gives her a look that screams really. Bringing her horn to a glow the package and letter disappears in a navy blue flash.

“Tia I was wondering who is going to head the Weather Warriors since Captain Cloud was demoted?” Nonchalantly the solar sister replys.

“I was thinking of sending Captain Armour to be the one in charge of Thunders division of the military. What do you think?” Almost in the same manner Luna begins speaking.

“I think he is the obvious choice. Thunder respects him and would never be rude toward him. Are they friends for the life of me I can't remember.” Celestia's face begins twisting showing that she is trying to think seriously about the question.

“I think they are if not they soon will be.”
In The Ponyville Library Rarity and Twilight enter the main area of the house after hearing Spike burp. Twilight looks over at the little dragon with anticipation.

“Well who is it for Blade or me?” The lavender mare closes her eyes and chants in her mind please be for me over and over again.

“It looks like it has already been opened and there's a box with it” on the outside of the letter Luna had written a quick message.

“Oh here it is it says it is for Blade and not to read it or she will come in the middle of the night and give us nightmares. Well that's mean! What kind of pony messes with other pony's sleep? I mean really.” Ignoring the question Twilight calls for her house mate. Trotting down the stairs a grumpy dark gray unicorn emerges. In a calm and collective voice Blade begins speaking

“I wish not to be a bother ,but I am working on a crucial..... project I need my privacy.” Giving a huff Twilight nods toward the letter and box. Levitating the letter over to himself Thunder finds the hidden message within the text.

“It says to look at alone if you will excuse me I will be right back.” Trotting into the kitchen the prince removes the blank canvas from the box. Hearing a piece of metal fall he ignores the blank sheet of art. After scouring the floor he finds the name plate and it reads What is in your heart. Giving a confused look he takes the painting out into the library to make Twilight feel better for not getting a blank picture. Reentering the room Blade begins speaking with a little chuckle.

“You will never believe what it is. When I opened it up all it was is a blank canvas not a drawing not a painting a solid white canvas.” Levitating it up the two mare's gasp in shock of the beautiful picture as the baby dragon gags. Twilight's face starts heating up as her cheeks turn bright pink. Unable to say a single sentence she stammers thankfully Rarity starts speaking.

“Are you sure that there was nothing on it? Cause if so that was a magic canvas.” Blade's smile instantly fades as he starts thinking he just gave away his secret. Turning the picture to face him he is graced with the picture of a familiar lavender mare kissing a dark gray unicorn enjoying some apple cider beside a fireplace with fluffy white snow sitting in the window sill. However the most embarrassing thing in the picture is a little filly with a dark red mane and a purple coat. Blade looks at the nervous lavender mare in front of him and breaks his regal speech saying.

“Twilight! I... Well..... Good bye I'm going to kill myself.” Turning toward the stars he is stopped by a gentle purple hoof to the chest.

“Oh no you don't. What is the name of that painting? And you better not lie to me cause if you do so help me Celestia I will never let you forget it.” completely shocked, Blade lowers his head.

“Its name is What is in Your Heart. Twilight I never would have shown it to you if I knew what was on it. You probably don't even like me like that. I apologize with the utmost sincerity. I had no clue that my father sent a magic canvas it is unfair of myself to ask so much of you when I can promise nothing.” Twilight's eyes start watering.

“Blade! I love you. True you act weird and do strange thing every now and then, but I don't care in my heart I know were suppose to be together and by this picture so do you.” Shocked at the sudden turn of events Blade inches closer to Twilight unable to tell himself no he nuzzles her soft bright pink cheek. The lavender mare unsatisfied with what she has received she backs away from the affection confusing the the dark gray stallion. Not knowing what to do Blade remains standing there as Twilight leans in. Finally understanding what she is doing the dark unicorn returns the favor. As there mouths colloids, Twilight closes her eyes completely content with her victory. Feeling Twilight's mouth pressed up against his makes Thunder's heart accelerates to where any normal pony might have a heart attack. His face heats up to where it is twenty percent hotter in ten seconds flat. Completely concentrated on Twilight, Blade's true form begins breaking through piece by piece. Almost completely an alicorn again the prince sees his hoof and brings himself back together. Just as Twilight opens her eyes Blade finishes his repairs. Pulling away from the kiss Twilight gasps for air now realizing she had forgotten to breath. A little shocked at the shear passion the couple share Rarity begins speaking.

“The two of you were made for each other. Blade don't mess it up. Twilight I would stay, but I have things to do before the party. I trust you will find something to keep you busy.” Sheepishly Twilight nods ,and tells her friend goodbye. Turning to face her new coltfriend Twilight smiles, but it is quickly replaced with a frown. With concern in his voice he says.

“Twilight my fair lady what is troubling you?” Starring into her lovely eyes he sees a heart torn in half reunited into a whole.

“Blade we just met yesterday and were already dating. Not to mention breaking our teacher's rules. I've had a crush on you from the moment I saw you ,but I don't know for some reason it feels like there's something I'm missing. Something so obvious a foal would see it ,and what did Rarity mean when she said not to mess it up?” Giving a sigh Blade begins talking.

“Star you're right, but trust me when I say that no matter what I will always love you even after time has stopped I shall never forget what we have and will share. Rarity was simply giving friendly advice. Now if it's ok my lady I have work that must be finished before the day is out.” A little shocked that he knows her middle name Twilight lightheartedly begins speaking.

“Oh no you don't we need to talk about this.” Completely confused Blade look in the direction of where she is pointing and sees the painting.

“So Handsome tell me why you want a filly and not a colt.” Giving a chuckle he levitates the picture of them and there nonexistent filly over to where they are standing.

“Well the answer is quite simple my lavender flower. A colt would be a little too crazy. Have you ever been around a colt? They are always using there magic to get into trouble.” Twilight looks closer at the painting and notices the little filly has wings and a horn. An alicorn filly with two unicorn parents is not possible in the slightest. She looks over the picture of herself with know luck at finding a single feather ,but when she looks at Blades portrait she sees a slight indention on his coat. Turning to face him she nuzzles him ,but secretly inspects his back without touching it.

“Star I really must be getting back to work. We can continue this later.” Backing off Twilight gives him a kiss on the cheek ,and they both go to their rooms. Placing the painting on his bed Thunder sighs.

“If she saw my wings that would have been embarrassing. Oh I should probably put them down. That mare would make a fine princess ,only.....” Thunder is interrupted by a familiar and caring voice teasing him.

“I would have to agree. So your father sent you the painting. It has come out lovely ,but why would you want me to be a great-grandmother so soon? I'm not that old am I?” A smile comes to his face.

“Hello Grandmother so you're the one who told Father about my crush. At first I thought it was Aunt Luna but she doesn't know. That only leaves you.” The queen chuckles.

“I thought you loved her. No I didn't tell you did, and will you put your wings down? Everyday unicorn's, pegasi , and earth pony's can't see them but all alicorns can. I should have told you that.” A little embarrassed that he couldn’t control his emotions the prince cowers back ever so slightly.

“Sorry Grandmother ever since we kissed it's like her happiness is all I care about. She is the smartest, most beautiful mare in all of Equestia! A princess at heart, and I truly do not deserve her.” Starting to think of what his Grandmother had said he continues talking.

“What do you mean I told Father where I was? I haven't even had contact with him.” Shaking her head the queen begins speaking.

“Oh yes the past five minutes must have been the best in your life ,and you never blocked his telepathy. I have spoken with him and he has agreed not to reveal where you are ,but....” nodding her head she continues.

“Yes there's always a but. You can not be late with the sun again if so he has threatened to take over until you return to Canterlot.” Giving a chuckle she winks at the prince. In a sarcastic voice Thunder continues the conversation.

“Oh no what ever will I do his power is.... too...... strong......” Laughing a little he starts speaking in a normal tone.

“Father always has wanted to raise the sun hasn’t he? If he wants to I have know problem with it. I was actually trying to decide on how to hide that little secret ,but this makes it easier. I don't mean to rush you off if you want to stay you can, however, I need to finish mapping tomorrow's weather or Mother ,Father ,Aunt Luna ,and all of Equestria will be seriously mad with me.” Nodding, the snow white alicorn trots over to Thunder's bed and lays down.

Thunder I was wondering how are you going to tell her the truth? I mean you can't live like this forever. Sooner or later you will change much like you did today and she will find out. Not mentioning your mother is desperately worried about you.” Hanging his head in defeat he turns to face his work.

“She's really worried isn't she? I can take care of myself I'm almost five hundred years old. She doesn't have to treat me like a colt. Oh, and did you hear about the bounty on my head? Sometimes she really needs somepony to tell her when to stop.” Finishing the map Thunder rolls it up and sends it to Luna.

“My little stallion you don't need to be so angry. The day is almost over I will tell your father about your decision. I suggest you go to this party and enjoy yourself ,but not too much. If your mother ever found out that I said you could drink she would skin your hide for doing it ,then she would have mine for suggesting it.” With a flash of light the queen disappears leaving a piece of parchment on the bed. Trotting over Blade reads it. Realizing it is a spell for hiding his horn and showing his wing he undergoes the process ,and flies out the window needing much deserved time to think. In the other room a lavender mare huffs out of disappointment and annoyance.

“What does that mean? I hate this house the walls are to thick for eavesdropping. All I could hear was five hundred and princess!” Turning to face the little dragon she notices that he raises an eyebrow.

“Twilight, I thought you said spying was wrong. So did you give him what for after I left?!” the lavender unicorn starts glaring at the little purple drake.

“Spike! Never let me hear you talk like that again. Blade is a nice and caring stallion. You should be ashamed of asking a question like that.” cowering behind his covers the little dragon doesn't respond. Unhappy with the little information she had gathered she heads to her desk. Pulling out a piece of parchment and a quill she starts writing the things Blade does that is strange.

“What is he hiding?

Has magic canvas that shows his heart's desires.

Uses regal speech.

Referred to a project as work.

Obviously sad about something.

Knows my middle name.” stopping her writing she blurts out.

“How does he know my middle name” Giving a groan Spike begins speaking.

“When you were gone he went strait up the stairs after telling me not to bother him. A little while later he came down and apologized ,then started asking questions about you one of them was what you middle name was. He said he liked to know who he was living with or something like that.” Groaning Twilight scratches it out

“What is he hiding?

Has magic canvas that shows his heart's desires.

Uses regal speech.

Referred to a project as work.

Obviously sad about something.

Knows my middle name.

Calls all pony's my Miss. ,Mr. ,or Mrs.

Never talks about his past.”

Rolling the thoughts around in her head she hears a knock on the library door ,and goes to answer it. Barely turning the door nob an enthusiastic pink earth pony pounces through almost knocking down the lavender unicorn.

“Pinkie! The party is tonight not right now.” The little pink pony starts laughing.

“I know that silly I'm here to celebrate you getting a coltfriend.” Completely shocked Twilight starts speaking.

“How did you know I have a coltfriend?!” The pink mare huffs.

“My Pinkie sense. First I thought Rarity ,but it was a little different from her's. I had an ear flop followed by knee shake ,eye flutter ,twitchy tail ,ear flop ,and itchy tounge. And that was weird cause I was eating a cupcake with pu....” Sighing Twilight puts her hoof in Pinkie's mouth.

“Ok ,you're right. I have a coltfriend but don't tell anypony. I want you to Pinkie Promise you won't.” Twilight takes her hoof out of her friend's mouth ,and sits up strait.

“Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye. So who is he. Is it Joe from the doughnut shop? Oh or is it Big Mac?” Sighing she looks at her friend.

“It's Princess Luna's student ,Blade.” A confused look comes to the pink pony's face.

“But you've only known him for like two days.” Twilight stares at her with her eyelid's about halfway down.

“I know how long I've known him.” A little bit happier and inquisitive the lavender mare continues speaking.

“Can your pinkie sense tell you when somepony is lieing?” Shaking her head the pink mare starts bouncing.

“Oh where is he? Is he here? Wait what are the princesses going to say about there student's dating each other? Do you think she will be mad? Oh do you know what would be cool if he could change the weather and on your first date have I love you spelled in the clouds! That would be so romantic!” Getting a headache from her friend Twilight shows her the way out.

“Bye Pinkie I have a lot of work to do I'll see you at the party later.” Pinkie gives her friend a confused look.

“Later? It's in twenty minutes. You really should pay more attention to the time Twilight. Well bye.” Turning around the pink earth pony bounce's out of the door. On the outskirts of Ponyville Thunder is enjoying his flight when he sees a little orange filly with a orchid mane and tail trotting down the road accompanied by a younger colt with a blue mane and orange coat. Landing behind a tree out of sight he changes back to appear to be a unicorn. Still quite a bit ahead he comes out from behind a tree and trots toward them at an even pace. Approaching the young ponies he put's on a soft smile.

“Hello what are you doing out here all by yourselves?” Looking up at the stranger Scootaloo snaps at him.

“What do you want? If you try anything I'm warning you I'm a champion hoof-fighter!” Shocked at her reaction he tries to calm things over.

“I assure you I'm not going to try a thing. I was just wondering what two little pegasi are doing on the out-skirts of town. Are you lost or something?” Still a little cautious of the strange stallion the little filly responds.

“What do you think were doing? Me and my brother are walking home. It's..... uh...... it's kinda far from town.” Giving them a suspicious look Blade starts speaking.

“You know Mi... Pinkie is having a party tonight you should come.” With out any warning the little colt jumps up flapping his little wings.

“A party?! YAY!” Turning to her brother she says.

“No Butterscotch were not going. If we do it will be too dark to trot home.” Knowing that Pinkie was in-fact throwing a party Scootaloo starts talking.

“So you're a friend of Pinkie's. As in Pinkie Pie?” Giving a confused look Blade immediately face hoofs.

“I'm sorry I never introduced myself. My name is Pr....Blade ,well it's actually Handsome Blade. However I like to be called Blade more than Handsome. What might your names be?” Remembering Sweetie Belle and Applebloom had been talking about a stallion by that name she roles her eyes.

“So you're the new egghead in town. I've heard of you. You're Princess Luna's student right?” Noticing that the little filly is dodging his questions he begins speaking.

“You are very well practiced in the art of avoiding a subject. I feel I must congratulate you. To answer your question yes that is I ,but you still haven't answered my question. Who....... are........ you?” Dragging out the words he finishes his sentence. With a huff she responds a little less hostel.

“My name's Scootaloo and this is my little brother Butterscotch. Why do you care anyway?” Shocked that the little pony is being so defensive the prince notices the young filly standing in front of her brother in a sort of protective stance.

“What ever parent's would let there foals trot home alone does not deserve to be parents. Take it from a friend you shouldn't be out alone ,and about that comment earlier I might like books but when it comes down to it I can kick it with the best of them. In simple words I can do anything you can do better.” Full of adrenalin and being the competitive pony that she is Scootaloo replys in a challenging voice.

“I can do anything better than you. You have about half the energy I do ,and you weigh about twice as much as me. You're on!” Giving a chuckle Blade hunches down ready for a race. Looking down the road he sees the tree he changed behind.

“You see that tree? First one there wins.” Blade turns to Butterscotch.

“Would you do the honers my young stallion?” nodding his head the little orange colt with a blue mane begins sounding off the race.

“Wedy. Set. GO!” Chuckling at the little colts foalish speech Blade gets left behind in the dust of a two wheeled shiny scooter. Not wanting her to think he is an egghead the prince goes into a full gallop and catches up to the cunning filly. Using her wings the young mare races toward the tree. Not wanting to be upstaged by unfair odds The gray unicorn ,secretly an alicorn, flaps his wing once or twice to speed up passing Scootaloo and winning the race. Screeching to a halt the orange filly addresses Blade.

“You cheated.” with a smug look on his face Blade returns the accusation.

“Since when is using a scooter in a hoof-race legal? By the way how are you sure that I cheated? Maybe I'm just that fast.” Unsure of what to say she begins speaking.

“Well I don't know but you did! And.... And I'm gonna figure out how if it takes me all day tomorrow.” Raising an eyebrow the prince begins speaking.

“What do you mean by that? Isn't tomorrow a school day?” feeling her story has holes in it Scootaloo tries to mend it.

“No it's a..... a..... a holiday.” Remembering that Twilight had told her and the other crusaders something about Prince Thunder she continues.

“Ya before the prince ran away he made tomorrow a holiday. It's in honor of..... his pet emu?” About to burst out laughing from the lie she had just told Thunder nods and the small three pony group disperses.

chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Waking up with a throbbing headache Thunder make his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. Seeing Twilight holding her head and moving only where she can make absolutely no sound gives her a confused look. Barely above a whisper he speaks.

“What happened last night?” Moaning the lavender mare glares at the young dragon sitting at the table. In much the same manner that Blade had used Twilight begins speaking.

“Somepony thought it would be a good idea to put crushed gem's in the punch. Unfortunately they were some that I was working on yesterday ,and all the unicorns got drunk because it was unicorn magic. Spike next time I tell you not to touch something I probably have a good reason for it.” Glancing toward the bread on the counter Blade rummages through the refrigerator and says.

“So what you're saying is the punch was Spiked” Laughing a little at his bad joke he finds what he is looking for and makes a peanut butter and jam sandwich. Trotting toward the table Blade hears a knock on the front door and goes to answer it.

“Who could that be at this hour?” Sluggishly the prince opens the door. Staring up at him with a goofy grin in none other than Scootaloo herself. Shielding his eyes from the bright light of the morning sun he sighs.

“Hello my little friend. Where's your little brother? By the way you were acting yesterday I would have guessed that the two of you were glued at the flank.” A little to loud for Blade's taste she begins speaking.

“Hay Princey! Butterscotch is helping Big Mac today. So is your marefriend home? I need to return a book to her.” A little taken back by her knowing the truth about him and the truth about his relationship with Twilight he starts stuttering.

“H.... h..... how did you..” Before he could finish Twilight walks up behind him and starts speaking.

“Uh... what did you just say?” A devilish grin comes to the little filly's face.

“Oh I was just telling your husband about last night. It's the only thing pony's in town are talking about..” Unable to finish having her fun both the grown unicorn pounce her and Blade begins speaking.

“HUSBAND! But... but we just started dating. Please tell us everything you know.” Twilight look over at Blade.

“I.... I can't believe were married! No offense it's just.... it happened so fast ,and I don't remember it.” Sensing the joke had gone too far Scootaloo starts talking.

“Ok ok calm down everypony. It was just a joke. You're not married ,but you should have seen your face's.” Laughing her head off she falls to the ground. Twilight glares at the little filly giving her the look of scorn ,but is caught off guard by chuckling from her coltfriend.

“Blade don't encourage her that was mean. Not to mention I'm a bad drunk.” Looking toward Twilight he tries to get his emotions in cheek but only laughs harder.

“I... I.... I'm sorry but it was a good joke.” Turning to face Scootaloo Thunder continues speaking with a smile still on his face.

“Why did you call me Princey?” Laughing a little harder she replys.

“Because Pinkie told me everything that happened at the party. Including the acting you did of the prince.” Calming down she gets a serious look on her face.

“So Princey are you ready for another race? It's time for me to kick your flank fair and square!” Regretting his words from the previous day he nods his head and begins speaking.

“What is our challenge today Scooter? Lets not make it another hoof-race.” A little aggravated at the name the little filly blurts out.

“My name is Scootaloo not Scooter. Since you already cheated at the hoof-race I decided not to do that again. Today were going to do something really fun! Were going into the Everfree Forest and the first to Zecora's house wins.” Thunder raises his eyebrow.

“Don't worry. We go in there all the time it's no big deal.” Shocked at what she is saying Thunder stares at her with a stone cold look.

“Young mare that forest is no place for a filly your age. I think your parents should know what you have been up too.” Twilight follows with Blades sentence.

“Scootaloo I usually don't and wouldn't say anything but in this case I think Handsome might be right. You shouldn't be going into the forest with all those animals in there. Do you remember that time I was turned to stone ,and I'm full grown.” Thinking he had been a little harsh toward Scootaloo the prince starts speaking in a calmer voice.

“Scootaloo I'm not mad at you ,but I don't want to see you get hurt. Maybe it would be a good idea if we hung-out for the day. But just today I still have work that I am required to do.” Thunder leans down close to her ear and says.

“And if you ever call me princey again I will call you scooter for as long as you live.” A look of hatred comes to her face as she says.

“If you ever call me scooter again I will send Pinkie over to discuss the name chimmie-cherry or cherry-chonga. So lets just decide to not call each other by those name's agreed?” Thunder starts thinking of the report from that adventure.

“Agreed. So what are we really going to do today ,because I forbid letting any little filly go through that forest.” Begrudgingly Scootaloo agrees. Turning to Twilight Blade gives her a kiss on the cheek and says.

“Don't worry Star I will be perfectly fine. If anything come for me please just place it in my room on my bed ,and I will address it later.” Upon finishing his sentence Blade turns to the little orange mare and trots out the door as Twilight calls after them.

“Scootaloo? Don't make him too tired. I think he might have a long night ahead of him.”

In the Canterlot palace Princess Celestia it skimming through a sack of the morning mail when she sees a letter from the royal fascination addressed to Thunder. Unaware that he had been to the doctor recently Celestia hold's the piece of mail up to the light. How ever much to her annoyance it has a magic seal on it so that nopony not even the princess can read its content. Luna enters the room seeing the sack and starts helping.

“Hello Tia it is a lovely morning. Have you found anything interesting?” Celestia shrugs and continues sorting through the mail.

“There was a letter from the Canterlot Adoption Agency ,but it's probably just a request for another fundraiser. Luna how long has Thunder been over doing fundraisers and things of that nature.” The dark blue alicorn taps her finely manicured hoof against her cheek indicating that she is thinking.

“For about two hundred years I think ,but that is going on what I have been told. Why do you ask?” Picking up another letter Celestia answers.

“Oh just bored I guess. Making light conversation.” she says as she throws a letter into a mail bag with the word Thunder on the side of it. Luna stares at the bag in shock.

“Is that from today and yesterday? That is more mail than I receive in a month. Nodding her head Celestia continues.

“I think sometime he has too much responsibility ,but he always asks for more. Luna you don't know this ,but before you returned Thunder almost did marry. I was never prouder of him than at that time. After her brutal murder Thunder sealed himself in his room until he almost died from starvation. Ever since then his life has been nothing but work. Sure he would attend the normal events like The Grand Galloping Gala ,but he's never really recovered. At the Gala he spends most of his time in the royal garden away from the guest's and everyponys' sight. I've tried to help him ,but he just refuses to move on. He blames himself for her death.” Luna sits with her jaw open as if she is at a dentist's office having surgery on a molar.

“Tia I... I had know idea. Being on the moon only allowed me to see what happened on the moon. Years of Equestria's history was lost to me including what happened during the night. That is why I was still speaking with the old dialect when I returned.” A thought crosses Celestia's mind.

“Was Thunder with The Doctor in the past week? Because when he was looking for you he was using Old Equestrian ,and that only happens when he has heard that strange accent.” Nodding Luna replys with a more cheerful attitude.

Yes he came to the library and asked for some book ,and The Doctor appeared and said it was time to leave.” Groaning Celestia starts mumbling.

“I thought I told him to stay away from that freak.” Luna levitates a normal mail bag over and dumps all of Thunder's into it. Teleporting it to the Ponyville Library Luna looks at her annoyed sister.

“Luna that was all I had to do. Now how am I going to waste the day?” Chuckling Luna makes a book appear in front of Celestia.

“How about you relax? Thunder's not the only pony that's been drowning themselves with work.”

In Ponyville Twilight hears her number one assistant burp followed by a loud thump. Running up the stairs she bursts into the room only seeing a royal mail sack in the middle of the room. Calling for spike she hears a muffled sound coming from under the bag and she levitates it off of him.

“Spike are you ok?!” With complete concern on her face the baby dragon answers.

“I'm fine Twilight it takes more than a little mail to keep this dragon down.” taking a step forward Spike trips on some of the rope tying the bag closed.

“Ya nice story. Off to bed. You may have been hurt but don't know it yet.” Not arguing the baby dragon crawls into bed and drifts off to sleep. Looking at the humungous bag bursting at the seams with mail she sighs.

“The Princess never sends me letters. Even if it's just mail.” Looking closer at the bag she sees the royal stamp on several envelops. Her eyes cover most of her face as she reads the name.

“P.... P...... Prince Thunder it makes so much sense now every thing does. This how he knows my middle name ,why he acts so weird sometimes ,and why he uses grammar like he's a royal.
My coltfriend is or was Prince Thunder's assistant!” Giggling with glee Twilight takes the bag and puts it on Thunder's bed. Much to her surprise the sheets don't move in the least little bit instead the mail covers the bed ,and the sheet remains wrinkle free.

“Wow, I'm going to need to talk to him about not making his bed so tight a ant can't crawl under it. That stallion is one of a kind.” Looking around the room her eyes start hurting form just how bright it is.

“How can he stand it in here? After he moves or we move I am never letting him pick colors for painting the wall. Maybe Spike should I didn't do a good job either.” Shaking the thought out of her head Twilight leaves the room. Approaching the Carousal Boutique, Blade and Scootaloo hear the voice of a little filly singing at the top of her lungs. Thunder trots up to the door only to find the singing stops the exact moment he knocks. With the door being thrown open the prince finds himself confronted with another filly. In a voice squeezer than a mouse the little white unicorn starts speaking.

“Blade! What are you doing here?” Trotting up behind her comes Rarity holding her head much like the prince.

“You too Miss. Rarity?” Registering everything that is going on she nods her head. With a fake cheerful voice Blade starts speaking.

“I have the honer of chaperoning today! Is that not the funnest thing you've ever heard?!” Giving a slight chuckle Rarity nudges Sweetie Belle out of the house and closes the door. Looking up at the tall dark stallion the little white unicorn begins speaking.

“We don't need a babysitter. But if it had to be somepony I'm glad it's you! You were so much fun last night at the party even if Rarity wouldn't tell me why.” Looking down at the two foals before him he starts talking.

“Do either of you know which way Sweet Apple Acres is?” nodding there head Sweetie Belle points in a general direction and they follow suet. Not wanting it to be to quiet Sweetie Belle begins speaking.

“So what are we going to do today? Whatever it is we can't do it at my house Rarity is still a little mad about the foyer.” Jumping in front of them Scootaloo begins talking.

“Were going to go see Zecora in the Everfree Forest. Stopping in his tracks Blade looks at her.

“I thought I made it clear we were not going near that forest.” With a sly look on her face the orange filly responds.

“No. You said and I quote 'I forbid letting any little filly go through that forest'. Were not going through were just entering and exiting. We will come out where we enter.” Groaning Blade accepts defeat. Coming up to the farm the prince is greeted by someponies he had met the previous night. The moment he puts a hoof on the property a little orange colt is at his hooves.

“Yay you came back! How was the ad... ad... adbenture? Can I go next time?” Scootaloo rubs her little brother's head.

“We haven't even started yet Butterscotch. We're just here to pickup Applebloom.” The little colt's face turn's to a frown.

“Oh.... I go get her then.” The prince can't help but smile hearing the little colt talk.

“Scootaloo would it be so bad if we did something that your little brother could do too?” Feeling bad for not including him she nods her head.

“Fine but you're keeping an eye on him. Just so you know Butterscotch doesn't like stallion's that much so good luck.” A little confused Blade starts speaking.

“But he galloped right up to me the moment we set hoof on the property.” A little agitated Scootaloo replys.

“Well..... He's a good actor?” Rolling his eyes in a comical way he begins speaking.

“Yes and I'm a clown.” About that time Big Mac trots up.

“Eeyup.” After saying all he had on his mine he heads toward the apple orchard. Butterscotch trots up with a proud smile on his face ,and Applebloom behind him.

“I found her!” Going right up to Scootaloo he continues speaking.

“I know you don't want me to go so I just leave now.” Hanging his head down low he turns around and starts off toward the trees. Feeling bad Scootaloo stops him.

“Come on you can go. Were only exploring that old house trying to find ghost ,but you have to do everything Blade says. Understand?” Turning around the little colt jumps into the air and exclaims.

“YAY I get to go on an adbenture!” Tuning to Thunder he continues.

“Is there welly ghost? Cause ghost scare me awot.” The prince smiles as he gives the colt a nudge.

“If there are any ghosts or ghouls I'll take care of them. Sound like a plan?” A wide grin come to Butterscotch's face as he nods over and over again. Turning to Applebloom Thunder keeps speaking.

“Hello there my little pony. Were you not at the party last night? I believe you were ,but at the moment I feel a little...... discombobulated.” The small group of foals gives his a confused look. Remembering that he is speaking with foal's and not grownups he continues.

“I feel out of sorts.” The three filly's react with the same 'oooooh' ,however the little colt continues looking confused. Kneeling down he whispers in the colt's ear.

“It means my brain feels like it is in a blinder.” Giving a chuckle the colt begins speaking.

“Bwinder bwain, bwinder bwain. What's a bwain?” Thunder roll’s his eye's ,but then a thought comes to his mind.

“I'm glad you're not afraid to ask question's ,but if you have any more why not ask you're sister.” With a smile still on his face the little colt nods. The prince stands up ,and looks around. Seeing a wagon and some rope he addresses Applebloom.

“Can we use that rope and wagon? I have an idea.” Nodding her head a smile comes to Blade's face. Tying one end of the rope to the handle of the wagon he make's the other go around his shoulders.

“Climb on in there's room for three filly's.” Giving a huff Scootaloo grabs her scooter as Applebloom ,and Sweetie Belle get in. Seeing the wagon he notices there is only room for the two that reside in it. Thinking for a moment the prince levitates the little colt onto his back and says.

“There room for everypony. Now hold on son this might be a little fast.” Hearing that Scootaloo's face brings forth an angry look as she sternly says.

“He's not your son got it?” Gathering that he had said the wrong thing Thunder reply's in a nice soothing voice.

“I meant no offense Scootaloo. It is just an expression. If it bother's you that much I will refrain from saying it or anything like that again ,I promise.” The little orange filly's expression remains the same as her wings start buzzing and she jets off on her scooter. Making sure that everypony is hanging on Blade goes into a full gallop as he call's behind him to the crusaders.

“Does she always go this fast?” Holding on for dear life Applebloom responds.

“I ain’t seen 'er ever go that fast.” Going as fast as his hooves can take him ,while remaining within a safe speed for his passengers, the prince races toward their destination. After about thirty minuets of trailing behind Scootaloo they arrive at a rundown old house. The paint having been peeled off by years on account of nopony wiling to take care of it. Scootaloo props herself upon a fence post.

“It took you long enough.” The two filly's in the wagon jump out and wobble over to their friend as a little colt continues burying his face in Blade's mane. After trotting over she pokes her brother.

“Butterscotch......... Butterscotch........... It's over you can look up now.” the little orange colt slowly lifts his head and looks around. In a disappointed and pouted voice Butterscotch begins speaking.

“Aaaaaah I thought we were going on an adbenture not cleaning up the yard.” Looking down at his young friend it is Blade's turn to be confused.

“What do you mean clean the yard? Were going in and trying to find ghost.” Before he can answer Scootaloo jumps in.

“Uh... we had this neighbor once ,and there house looked similar to this. We would clean his yard and he would give us a bit.” The prince nods his head with a look of suspicion on his face ,and they enter the house.

chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Entering the house Scootaloo turns to the other crusaders.

“Ok girls you know what to do Sweetie Belle look in the kitchen, Applebloom the living room.
I will check upstairs.” Turning to Blade and her brother she continues barking orders.

“You can come with me upstairs I'll take the left and you take the right. Everypony ready? Good, We'll meet back here in one hour.” Following there instructions the ponies part ways.

Behind one of the rows of shops in a secluded ally in Canterlot. A hooded figure stands waiting. Cautiously trotting up comes Private Cloud as he begins speaking.

“Your highness I apologize for my tardiness. I was momentarily......... detained. What is it you will have me to do your grace?” Without moving from his spot the hooded alicorn begins talking.

“The prince is missing. What do you think I want? From the moment I realized I loved Princess Luna I have been searching for a way to become part of the nobility. Now with it so close to my grasp you can't even find one single pony. No wonder you were demoted.” The wind blows the hood off of the figure revealing a white unicorn with a black and red mane. Paying no mind he continues speaking.

“Find the prince. If you don't I might as well give up my dreams of my fair lady.” After completing his sentence he makes a hidden door open ,and takes his exit.

In the Ponyville library an anxious mare paces in front of a bored baby dragon.

“So Spike how should I let him know that I know he's Prince Thunder Flicker's assistant? I could pounce him the moment he opens the door like pinkie would ,no that's the worst idea ever. How about I make a nice romantic dinner? That would never work my cooking is horrible compared to his.” Groaning she continues. “Why is he so perfect?!” I should just tell him I know at this rate ,besides he will need all the time he can get just to complete the work that Luna sends him.” With an annoyed face the baby dragon starts speaking.

“Great now can we eat? I'm starving.” Twilight stops and looks at him with her eyelids half way down.

“Spike we just ate.” In a lighter tone she continues speaking.

“Could you bring me the book Luna sent Blade? I've been wanting to read it ever since it arrived. The name was some this like The Studies of Starswirl The Bearded. That should be close enough to find it.” Groaning the little dragon does as he is asked ,and places it on a stack of books.

“Here you go Twilight did you want the second volume too?” Giving a puzzling look the lavender mare replys.

“What second volume did he get another book?” Shaking her head she continues.

“Yes please bring the second as well.” Doing as she says he fetches the second book while saying.

“You just ate but for every other pony it's lunch time.” Giving up Twilight nods her head toward the kitchen.

In the old rundown house Butterscotch and Blade are searching an empty room when they hear a dull thump come from across the hall followed by a deep laugh. Turning to the little blue maned colt he tells him to go down stairs with the other as he inspects what is going on. Entering the room adjacent to the one he just exited Blade sees a little orange filly with a bruise on her face almost unconscious on the floor. Behind her is a brown earth pony surrounded by hard cider bottles and a rather old sleeping bag. The disgusted stallion begins speaking first.

“Who are you ,and why are you in my house with this trash.” He points at the little filly on the ground. Blade begins speaking in an authoritative voice.

“Your house. I just bought this house ,and that trash as you call her is my daughter! Now leave before I call the police.” A grin comes to the strange stallions face.

“You're lieing. The entire time you spoke you never once looked me in the eye. So this is what I think of your daughter.” The stallion gives her a swift kick causing her to holler in pain. Unable to take it the prince teleports her behind him.

“Scootaloo get out of here. I have some unfinished business with this low life.” Doing as she is tolled she leaves the room but stops at the door and watches without being noticed.

“Now that you don't have an innocent foal to hide behind lets see what you do!” The ugly stallion with a greasy mane steps forward trying to intimidate the prince. Blades face remains the same as he continues speaking.

“If you think you scare me you are sadly mistaken ,and you will pay for hurting my daughter.” The brown stallion rolls his eyes.

“Oh come on she's not your foal. She looks nothing like you. Not to mention she's a pegasus and you're a unicorn.” The unnamed pony trots right up to the prince and backhoofs him. Smiling with his small victory he continues speaking.

“So you can take a hit ,but why would you do it for somepony you don't even know? Unless...... no it can't be. You actually think of her as your foal don't you? Pathetic.” The brown pony tries to take another hit but is stopped mid-swing by a dark gray hoof. After stopping his assault Thunder takes his other hoof and connects it with the musky stallion's face making him fall to the ground.

“Never.... Touch.... My...... Filly. If you do this is only a small amount of the pain that you will feel. I don't care if I am not her biological father I protect my foals. Even if that means I half to track you down to do it. Now like I said leave before I call the police or worse.” With fear on his face the disgusting stallion gallops out of the house. Slowly Scootaloo enters the room and begins speaking with tears in her eyes.

“D.... did you mean what you said? Do you really think of me as your....... daughter?” Turning around Blade sees a tear trickle down her cheek. Trotting over to her he gives her a hug.

“I meant every word of what I said sweetie. I know this is probably the wrong time to ask ,but where are your parents? Every time something happens that calls for there assistance they're never there.” Scootaloo buries her face in Blade's chest as she continues crying harder. Knowing that he was not going to get an answer the prince just holds his little filly.

“There there my little angel. It's going to be ok.” Scootaloo looks up at him with a hopeful face and says.

“Why would you think of me as your daughter? I'm just an ordinary filly. Nothing spacial nothing different.” She keeps sniffling as Thunder starts speaking.

“I....... it's complicated. I know you and your brother are orphans. What I want to know is why such a smart little filly like yourself would not go to an orphanage. How about it want to tell?” Lowering her head she nods ,and begins her backstory.

4 years ago

An orange stallion with a dark blue mane sits in the living room of his home with his wife and
two foals.

“You know it's amazing that they both have orange coats. Not in my wildest dreams did I think they would both have the same color coat as me.” The little filly looks up.

“Daddy can I pway outside? I'm bored.” She says as she knocks over the blocks she was playing with. Giving a chuckle he replys.

“No Scootaloo it's raining I can barely be out there in this kind of weather.” Giving a huff the little filly starts building a house out of her toys. Turning to his wife the pegasi continues talking.

“Speaking of going outside it's time I go to work. Those clouds don't clear themselves.” Hopping of the couch he leaves the house. About two hours later. A mare with a orchid mane and a cyan coat begins speaking.

“Scootaloo I'm going to find your father watch your brother while I'm gone. And I mean watch him. He's only two years old he can't take care of himself. Ok?” The little filly nods her head. Exiting the house the cyan mare spreads her wings and takes flight. Flying through the harsh rain she starts feeling little balls of ice hitting her wings and back. Looking around she notices it is hailing. Barely able to see two hooves in front of her she almost fly’s right into the pony she is looking for.

“Oh thank Celestia you're safe! I was fearing the worst when the rain started coming down harder.” Turning to his wife he briefly notices something of in the distance.

“Did you see that? It looks like somepony is stuck out in this.” Turning around she sees the faint shadow.

“We can't leave them out there. We have to help.” Flying into the storm they come up to the drunk pegasi. With out warning he pulls a knife and slits the throat of the mare. Gasping for air she sees her husband stabbed in the ribcage ,and he lifelessly plummets to the ground.

Present day

Scootaloo continues speaking

“The police came the next day and took me and my brother to an orphanage we stayed there for a couple years ,but they wanted to split us up. S........ so we ran away.” With tears in his eyes Thunder holds her close to him.

“Oh my little princess the pain that you have suffered. Scootaloo will you give me the honor of being your father?” The little filly looks up at him with tears in her eyes and says.

“W...... What about Butterscotch?” Thunder gives a small chuckle.

“I wouldn't separate the two of you even if Celestia herself told me to.” A smile comes to her face.

“Then you got yourself a deal pops.” Blade looks down at his new daughter.

“There is something you should know if your going to be my little filly.” A confused look comes to her face as Blade steps back. Bringing his horn to a glow he turns back to his glorious alicorn self. Scootaloo's mouth drops to the floor.

“Y..... y........ your the prince?!” Thunder nods his head as he begins speaking.

“And as my daughter that makes you Princess Scootaloo a member of the royal family. That would also make your brother Prince Butterscotch. Is this ok with you? If not I understand.” His ears drop to his face. Scootaloo a little dumbfounded begins speaking.

“So I'll become a princess if you become my dad ,but I don't know how to act like a princess.” The prince turns back into a unicorn.

“Scootaloo I've been looking to adopt for quite some time now. I would like it to be you and your brother.” Scootaloo looks up at him.

“If I say yes then would I still be able to see my friends whenever I want?” Blade gives her a confused look.

“Of course you could I will let you see them every day if you wish. But you will be living in the Canterlot palace until my home is finished maybe even after considering on weather mother will split the guards up.” Scootaloo slowly trots forward.

“I can't believe I'm saying this but ok I'll be a princess.” The little filly almost vomits on the last word. Chuckling Blade bows his head.

“Well Princess shall we inform the young prince of your decision.” Scootaloo facehoofs at the gesture. Nodding she says.

“How did I get into a situation like this?” In the door way three heads pop up from the side seeing a bruise on there friends side and on Blade's face. Noticing them Thunder motions for them to enter and they do. Blade begins speaking.

“I think we should all go home. Sweetie Belle would you leave Butterscotch at the library ,and tell Twilight what happened? I think Scootaloo needs to go to the hospital.” The white unicorn silently nods her head as her friend looks her way. Blade's horn starts glowing with a red aura ,and in a flash of almost blinding burgundy light the prince and Scootaloo disappear. At the Ponyville hospital Scootaloo is laying in her hospital bed as Blade telepathically contacts Celestia.

“Thunder! Where are you? How are you? Are you alright?” rolling his eyes the prince begins thinking.

“Mother I'm fine. I have contacted you to let you know that I will be appearing briefly in Ponyville before returning to hiding. Despite what you think I am not punishing you.” Scootaloo lays there in the awkward silent room. As Celestia speaks to her son.

“Thunder what is this all about? First you prevent me from knowing where you are then you tell me. What are you hoping to achieve with all of this?” The prince ponders this for a moment.

“Mother could you send my guard to Ponyville posthaste. I have need of them to protect the new prince and princess.” In Thunder's mind he can see every expression his mother is making.

“New prince and princess. Thunder what are you talking about this makes no sense.” Letting out a large sigh the prince begins explaining.

“For the past two years now I have been searching for a filly or colt to adopt. On my........... vacation I have found the perfect filly and colt. A brother and sister to become my foals ,but at the moment one of them is hurt and at the hospital with Aunt Luna's student. I still need to file the proper paper work but at the mean time I fear the stallion that hurt her might come back. I know this is probably the worst way to tell you about all of this ,but it had to be done. Please just send the guard?” there is a moment of silence from Celestia.

“So you're telling me I'm a Grandmother! I'm not that old! The guard will be there shortly. Don't go anywhere.” Hearing this Thunder goes into the restroom and turns into his normal form. Coming out he almost gives the nurse 'that had not previously been there' a heart attack. Falling onto her face she starts stuttering.

“Y.... y..... y.... Your Highness. W..... w...... what are y.... you d... doing here?” Thunder raises an eyebrow.

“Can a father not see his filly when she is hurt?” The nurses eyes grow wide almost covering her entire face.

“Y..... y..... you're...... daughter......... filly............. daddy........ royal........” The nurse passes out from shock. Thunder turns to Scootaloo.

“I have things that I must attend to will you be alright?” Scootaloo slowly nods her head. In a burgundy flash Thunder goes to the library. In the public library Twilight levitates the mysterious book The Advanced Studies of Starswirl The Bearded. Opening it she is almost blinded by a deep red light. Looking up she sees the prince. Standing there not even moving as he eyes the book she has.

“Miss. Sparkle I would normally say nothing about a student furthering there education ,but that book is not what it seems.” Twilight looks down at the book with a confused look. Getting up from where she is she bows ,and says.

“If you don't mind me asking what do you mean by that?” Thunder groans hating to see his marefriend bow to him.

“That book and the second volume they are...... my personal journal's. Did Handsome Blade receive anything today I am under orders from my dear Aunt Luna to deliver anything of his to the hospital that could keep him busy since I have asked a favor of him.” Twilight face turns white as she realizes what she was about to do.

“Oh ya there's a bag full of mail on his bed I'll go get it.” With that Twilight leaves only to enter with exactly what she had said a bag full of mail. Thanking her Thunder returns to the hospital to find an excited filly and an equally excited guard. Looking around the room he sees Queen Faust ,Shining Armour ,Butterscotch ,and Scootaloo. After a few moments of awkward silence Thunder begins speaking.

“So Grandmother you picked up Butterscotch?” She silently nods her head as Shining Armour steps forward and salutes.

“Prince Thunder Flicker I am the new captain of the weather warriors. I hope not to disappoint.” Looking at him a mischievous look comes to Thunder's face.

“Are you kidding me? Mother made my best friend captain of my guard.” The same look comes to Shining Armour face as he says.

“Ya you're stuck with me. So I here you're going to adopt these little foals. You sure don't want to make my job easy do you?” With a grin larger than Manehattan, Thunder shakes his head. Turning to his grandmother he sees Butterscotch with a confused look on his face. Thunder slightly changes his gaze to where he is looking right at the queen.

“Has anypony told Butterscotch what is going on?” All the grownups in the room exchange that same look of shock that the little colt was left in the dark. Hunching down on his knees Thunder gets to his level. Then turns to face the captain.

“Shining could you leave the room for a moment? This is a little personal.” Nodding his head he does as instructed. Thunder turns back to the little colt.

“I have a question for you. What do you think of Princess Luna's student?” Giving him a strange look the little colt answers.

“Well I wike him. He's weally nice and funny. Why?” While Butterscotch maintains his sister's knack for being suspicious Thunder goes into the restroom and turns into his unicorn self ,then reenters the room going straight up to the colt.

“Butterscotch Would you like to know a secret?” The little colt jumps up.

“Would I ever!” Thunder leans down and whispers into the colts ear.

“I'm really not Princess Luna's student. I'm really the prince.” The colt gives him a confused look then says.

“Prove it.” Thunder brings his horn to a glow and is encased by his own magic. The little colt's eyes grow to an enormous size as he watches the unicorn grow taller as wings appear on his back. With the process over he stares as him in awe. With out saying a word he gets back on his knees then says.

“I know you don't have a mommy and daddy. While I might not be married I can at least be your daddy. What do you say will you give me a chance?” The little colt looks over to his sister lying in the bed. With his eyes he secretly asks his sister's permission to say yes. A smile comes to Scootaloo's face as she nods her head yes. With that little gesture a large smile comes to the little colt's face as he throws his hooves around Thunders neck and yells.

“Yay I got a daddy!” hugging his little colt a tear trickles from Thunder's eye

“Yes my little colt and I have a son.” Scootaloo sits as her brother hugs her new father only to see him glance her way.

“Hay Scooter don't think I forgot about you.” After saying this he puts Butterscotch on his back and trots over to his new daughter ,and gives her a hug. Even though she fights against it she is secretly happy to have a father that loves her again.

“Now foals I need to actually go do the paper work for the adoption. So who want's to help me sort through the daily mail and find the letter?” Scootaloo starts laughing.

“You do know Butterscotch can't read right?” Thunder's face brings forth a duh expression.

“Well it's ok I'm sure Grandmother and I can find the letter really fast if we work hard” As Thunder is speaking he remembers his guard out in the hall ,and calls for him. Shining Armour enters the room and looks around.

“Did you need something?” Thinking for a moment Thunder nods his head.

“Could you help me sort through all this mail? If you do then you can have a day off tomorrow with pay.” Jumping at the chance of a day off with pay Shining Armour digs through the bag sorting the letters in stacks.

chapter 10

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Chapter 10

In record breaking time Shining Armour puts the mail into three stacks important ,might be important ,and junk mail. After finishing he looks over to the prince with hopeful eyes.

“Was that fast enough?” Thunder stares at him in awe with his mouth hanging open.

“Y.. uh.... I mean yes that was defiantly fast enough. Congratulations you have twenty-four hours off with pay ,and a bonus for doing that so fast.” The prince trots over to the 'important' stack and sifts through it finding what he needs. Levitating the letter in front of him he begins reading silently.

“Dear Prince Thunder Flicker

We regret to inform you that we have not found any suitable orphans that we feel could adapt to the kind of life style that you are offering. If you wish us to continue our search please write back.

Signed the home for orphaned foals”

The prince starts muttering to himself something about dumb orphanages then turns to his two foals.

“Well I have good news and I have bad news. What do you want first?” Scootaloo looks at him the says.

“Give us the good news first then the bad news.” A smile comes to Thunder's face.

“Well the good news is you're stuck with me ,but the bad news is...... you're stuck with me.” A smile comes to Scootaloo's face. Seeing this Thunder turns to face the queen.

“Grandmother would you happen to be free to foalsit while I pay a visit to foal protection services.” The queen gives a simple nod and Thunder disappears in a bright flash. Appearing outside the local branch of the government Thunder looks around and sees a Weather Warrior. Shaking his head he continues his course into the building. Coming to the front desk he looks down and sees all the necessary paperwork needed to fill out for adopting a certain filly and colt. Reading over it he signs the conditions and looks at the pony behind the counter with a smile as the she starts talking.

“I never thought that a prince and princess would ever be born in Ponyville. What are their name's?” Thunder looks at the cream colored mare and says.

“There names are Princess Scootaloo and Prince Butterscotch. Didn't you even look at the paperwork?” The cream colored mare starts blushing.

“Actually when your guard's informed us on what was going on my supervisor took over the case ,but I'm glad you chose to adopt it's a wise choice.” Thunder nods with a smile and teleports back to the hospital ,but appears at the nurses desk.

“I have some information about my daughter's file I need to add. Who do I talk to?” With out looking up a nurse points in a general direction at his daughter's door and says.

“Sorry mister were waiting for the prince t.....” She stops speaking as she looks up ,then continues.

“Um..... that would be me. I apologize for any inconvenience.” The nurse takes the file and adds it to Scootaloo's. Trotting up to the door Thunder sees Shining Armour taping his hoof. As he approaches the captain starts speaking.

“You know your mother Princess Celestia gave me permission to forcibly take you back to Canterlot if need be.” Thunder smiles.

“But then you wouldn't have the chance to see your sister. By the way I must commend you on placing your stallion's in strategic places thought the city. It will be hard to escape your watchful eye If need be.” Shining Armour remains silent as he glares at the prince. Entering the room Thunder and the captain hear laughing. Looking around the curtain they see an orange colt on the queens back and an orange filly on the bed kicking her hooves from being tickled so hard. Unable to keep a strait face Thunder begins speaking.

“Grandmother you simply can not treat the princess like that.” The queen looks up with a confused look as Thunder keeps speaking.

“No I must say. You see you're doing it all wrong. To receive the most laughing you should tickle right under the wings” While saying this he demonstrates receiving a louder giggle. A smile comes to the queens face as she try’s saying.

“Oh I see like this?” Tears come to the little filly's eyes because of her laughing. Hearing a knock they stop and allow the little princess time to breath. Opening the door a brown pony in a lab coat enters the room ,and goes through a well rehearsed introduction.

“Hello My name is Doc. E.R. I will be taking care of you until you are released from the hospital. Now who do we have here?” Looking over the chart his eyes almost pop out of his head as he looks at the name. Looking up he sees the members of the royal family.

“P.... P... P... P... P.... Princess Scootaloo?” The doctor looks over the chart again making sure his eyes didn't deceive him.

“Now little filly I've known you for I don't know how long ,and you never mentioned that you were a princess!” Giving a little chuckle she smiles.

“Well it happened kind of sudden.” She holds a hoof out pointing at Thunder.

“This is my....” A confused look comes to her face.

“Um... what do I call you? Dad? Father? Thunder?” Brushing her mane out of her face he replys.

“You can call me what ever you want angel except old.” Giving a light chuckle she nods her head then addresses the doctor.

“This is my father ,Prince Thunder Flicker!” The doctor looks over at the prince and raises an eyebrow.

“Quite the active and wild filly you have there. She has managed to break two ribs and acquire a concussion.” Thunder's face fills with anger at the thought of letting that low life get away. Sensing his agitation the doctor continues.

“There is nothing to worry about a simple spell will make those broken bone's clear up in no time at all. Princess I need you to be as still as you can alright?” Scootaloo nods her head and the doctor begins his work. Knowing that this takes as much concentration as possible all the other pony's exit the room. The queen trots over to Thunder with a worried look on her face and begins speaking.

“Thunder there is something that I regret you have forgotten to consider. In order for the foals to become a true prince and princess they must become alicorns. I doubt you have noticed ,but even Shining Armour has been through the process.” Thunder looks over to his friend ,but sees no wings.

“Grandmother I don't see his wings where are they?” Faust sighs as she looks over toward the captain.

“There under his armour. For some reason he is shy about pony's knowing the truth about the royal family. I believe it has something to do with his sister ,but I don't pry. The point I'm trying to make is at the moment they foals are simply just part of the nobility not part of the royal family. If it were up to me I would accept them as they are ,but the country expects us to look a certain way.” With his head hanging low the prince looks over to his new son and begins speaking.

“Will it hurt them? Because I will never allow them to be endanger of any pain just for society's sake.” Queen Faust sighs as she nods her head.

“There is a way that it will cause them no pain ,but it has never been tried before. Thunder I would never ask you to go through with it if there was another way.” The prince raises an eyebrow and waits as the queen explains.

“The pain must go somewhere would you be willing to absorb it as I activate the gens?” Thunder gives her a look as if it is a trick question.

“There my foal's I would do anything for them.” The door knob on Scootaloo's door starts wiggling ,and the doctor comes out.

“She will be fine. You can see her but remember she need her rest. You got her here just in time. If it were any later then I couldn't have healed the bone's.” Thunder nods with a solemn look on his face and enters the room alone. Trotting up to her bedside he begins speaking in a calm and collective voice.

“How you doing Scooter?” Fighting a smile the little princess looks up at him and says.

“I told you not to call me that ,and I'm fine that dumb doctor doesn’t know what he's talking
about.” Giving a chuckle the prince ruffles her mane.

“Well princess lets just do as he suggests.” After hearing this Scootaloo gives a huff while Thunder continues speaking.

“There was actually something I was wanting to ask you............ In order for the country to accept you as a princess of the royal family......... you....... you need to become an alicorn. If you don't want to I completely understand. I wouldn't change a hair on your lovely little head ,but I thought that you should have the choice.” The little orange filly lays there pondering this for a moment then responds.

“D... Do you want me to? If I don't can you still be my father?” A smile comes to his face and he says.

“Of course like I said you're stuck with me ,but on a more serious note. If you did there would be no pain. I will make sure of that. Your head would be a little sore other than that things will pretty much be normal. Well normal as things can be. With or without the horn you will be treated like a princess. Why not have the perks that go with it?” Scootaloo gives him a confused look as she asks her next round of questions.

“Why would my head be sore but there be no pain ,and what perks are you talking about?” Thinking the prince strokes his chin.

“Well the first question is hard to explain ,but just know that is in fact the truth. As for the second well you've seen how I can literally change my face ,and that is only a small portion of my power. True it does make me weary but that is more physical exhaustion than anything.” Scootaloo brings her hoof up to her face and starts taping her cheek. Looking around she notices how large his wings really are.

“Ok ,but you have to teach me how to fly.” With a chuckle Thunder shakes his head as a voice behind him starts speaking ,almost making him jump right out of his skin.

“So my grandson actually talked you into it. Very well we will begin at once.” Thunder's horn starts glowing with a red aura as he casts the spell for receiving the pain. The queen's horn glows a bright white hue that eliminates the room. Slowly a small horn starts emerging from the young filly's head. Looking around she sees her father's face twisting in anguish as he prevents any pain from even coming close to her mind. With her horn to the right size for a filly her age the queen's horn stops glowing. Thunder makes sure and holds on for a few more moments ,but after the pain ceases to be he stops the spell. Scootaloo sits on the bed wondering if it worked when a powerful surge of magic shoots through her body. Complete shocked and scared a beam of pure energy streams out the end of her horn shattering the only light bulb in the room. Using all of her energy she manages to control her new skill. Turning to Thunder she begins speaking.

“I...... I...... is t..... that it?” Thunder nods his head saying.

“Yes it is. Now it was just like I said wasn't it ,not a bit of pain.” Scootaloo shakes her head as she remembers his face while she was growing her horn. Looking up she begins speaking.

“But it hurt you ,and don't lie to me. I could see it on your face.” Thunder starts pondering what to say when Queen Faust jumps in.

“Princess the pain had to be felt by somepony. Your father simply chose to make it himself. His body is larger for one ,and with that it diminishes the pain. If you were to feel it you would have let out a blood churning scream. That my dear no father ever wants to hear from his foal.” Scootaloo looks over to the prince.

“T..... thanks….. Thunder.” About this time a thought crosses her mind.

“What about Butterscotch? Are you going to make him an alicorn?” The queen looks over to her grandson with an inquisitive eye. Feeling all eyes on him Thunder begins speaking.

“If we do the procedure at such an early age he will never know the difference. Sure he might remember a few things ,but I doubt he would remember not having a horn.” Faust gives him a stern look ,and says.

“So is that a yes or a no?” Turning to Scootaloo she continues speaking.

“I can say one thing about your father he has a way of dancing around a question that's for sure.” Ignoring the last comment Thunder fights with himself over whether or not to actually do it. After about five minuets of this the prince decides. With a confidence and hope that he is doing the right he begins speaking.

“It would be unwise to not give him the gift of immortality. Growing up with a horn is completely different than..... acquiring one later on in life. With this in mind I have chosen to make him an alicorn.” After completing his sentence Thunder leaves the room. In the hall Scootaloo and Queen Faust can hear him explaining what is going to happen to the little colt. Turning to her Great-granddaughter the queen begins speaking.

“My dear I was just wondering what is it that a filly your age does for fun around? Surely you don't just lie around the house all day.” A little twinkle comes to the filly's eye as she speaks with confidence.

“I'm a cutie mark crusader! Me and the other crusader's try to find our special talent and earn our cutie marks!” Chuckling the queen begins speaking.

“Well my dear it's going to be hard crusading as a princess.” The little orange filly slumps down a little. Paying no mind the queen continues.

“You know I'm the one that helped your father keep his wings a secret while he was here. I don't see why I couldn't do the same for you. I will give you a spell after you've learned to use your horn it should be no problem hiding it from everypony.” A wide grin comes across the little princess face. With a knock on the door a little orange colt comes in on Thunder's back. Turning to his grandmother the stallion gives her a swift nod ,and they begin the process. After an incredibly shorter time span than the first they cease there magic and look at the young alicorn with comforting smiles. Looking over to the the young filly Thunder begins speaking.

“You know we should probably let Scootaloo have her sleep. She's been through a lot today ,and I have a somepony that I owe an explanation.” With that said all the pony's in the room except Scootaloo leaves. Thunder teleports Butterscotch and himself to the Ponyville library. specificly his room. Turning to his son he instructs his to stay in the room ,and that he will return shortly. Thunder's horn begins glowing and he turns back into a unicorn. Trotting down the stairs he sees Twilight reading over a book. Trotting up to her a worried look comes to his face. Hearing the noise the lavender mare looks up ,and begins speaking.

“So I know your secret. If I wasn't sure before I was after the prince stopped by.” Blade begins shaking his head which catches his marefriend off guard.

“No Twilight y.... you don't know my secret. Before I tell you I want you to know that these past days have been the best I have had in a long time. Everything we have experienced every time I looked at you I will never forget.” Twilight looks up at his with pleading eyes then says.

“Blade I love you. You know that what ever it is it can't be as bad as you're making it out to be.” A small tear trickles down his face as he starts speaking.

“Twilight I..... I lied to you. My name is not Handsome Blade. I'm not the prize student of Princess Luna..... My real....” She cuts him off.

“If you're not then who are you? I'll tell you who you are you're a caring pony that would never do something without a good reason.” Unable to take it any further the prince brings his horn to a glow. As a ball of magical energy surrounds him as his body begins taking it's true form. Twilight stares in horror as her once beloved starts becoming somepony she fears ,and at the same time likes. Once the spell is broken the prince lowers his head in shame saying.

“Twilight I'm not what you want in life. The world that I come from is very judgmental ,outlandishly cruel ,and not worth having a kind caring mare such as yourself in it. Twilight as soon as my daughter is well I will be retuning to Canterlot. This is good bye.” Thunder horn starts glowing as his things are gathered ,and start disappearing with puffs of burgundy smoke. Not listening a little colt comes galloping from the upstairs room scared.

“Daddy the woom is going cwazy!” With tears running down her face she recognizes the voice of the little foal.

“B.... B.... Butterscotch? What ar....” She stops speaking as she realizes what he just said turning to Thunder the lavender mare begins speaking.

“You're his father but I thought he was a pegasi. You're an alicorn.” Thunder looks over at the crying mare.

“I adopted the young prince and his sister today which reminds me I need to gather my mail. It's still on the table at the hospital.” With great sadness Thunder places his son on his back and leaves the library hoping never to see that look on another mare's face again.

chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Three days after Scootaloo was hurt Thunder ,Butterscotch ,and herself arrive at the Canterlot castle escorted by The Weather Warriors. Before entering the throne the eldest prince looks down to his foals and begins speaking.

“Now I need you to listen. Your grandmother didn't know I was looking for foals to adopt so she might not want to be called grandmother ,or grandma. I am leaving that up to her ,but I know for a fact my father doesn't care so you can call him grandfather or whatever all you want. Ok?” the two orange foals nod there head agreeingly. As the doors open the young colt sees Celestia sitting on her throne ,and completely dismissing what his father just said he gallops forward as fast as he can yelling.

“GWANDMA , GWANDPA I'M BUTTERSCOTCH YOUR NEW GWANDSON!” Seeing this both Thunder and Scootaloo face-hoof as they trot forward. Thunder makes a mental note about talking to his son about galloping indoors. Celestia is taken by surprise when she sees her new granddaughter. Now the little colt has managed to make it across the room and into the hooves of Prince Lucien. Giving a smile she addresses her son.

“Welcome back home my little prince. Though you were only away for five days you don't know how worried I was about you. So these are to be my new grandfoals. Scootaloo could you come here for a moment?” Scared out of her wits she does as she is asked and approaches the sun goddess. As she trots closer her shaking frame becomes more visible. Now close to the goddess she stops moving when Celestia begins speaking.

“My little pony if you are going to be part of this family then you must have a symbol that shows your status in society.” The solar princess's horn begins glowing with a golden aura. Magically a small tiara appears on Scootaloo's head. Looking up the little orange filly tries to see it only to fail. Approximately at the same time a crown appears on Butterscotch's head. Scootaloo glances toward her grandmother.

“Princess Celestia....... does this mean you want me to be part of your family.” Celestia nods her head and says.

“Yes but from now on you can call me grandmother. In this family we don't use our titles when speaking with each other. Now I've managed to keep it a secret that you and your brother are part of the family ,but Luna will find out soon enough. I think you should be the ones to break the news to her. What do you say ,want to give my sister the shock of her life?” Thunder lets out a sigh in relief then trots up to his mother.

“I would love to see that Mother ,but don't you think we should let the little prince and princess have time to settle in? They've not even seen their room's. When we arrived I brought them strait here.” Celestia sits pondering this then begins speaking.

“Yes it would behoove them to learn their way around the castle. Very well you can show them to their rooms after we tell Luna.” With a flash of golden light the solar princess and her grandfoals disappear. Turning to face Lucien Thunder starts talking.

“Sorry about Butterscotch he's a little........... enthusiastic. It's sure not going to be a picnic raising those two.” Lucien begins chuckling.

“And you think you were easy? How many times did I stop you from pulling pranks on the guards?” With a smile plastered across his face Thunder returns his father's question.

“I don't know how many time did you help?” Both prince's start laughing ,but Thunder brings a more serious tone as he starts speaking.

“Father I was wondering now that I have foals of my own I will need more time in the day to take care of them. Could some of my responsibility be....” He is cut off by Solaris raising a hoof.

“Thunder before you even entered the castle I had your schedule changed. From now on you map the weather for Equestria ,and judge what pony's become a Wonderbolt. Your original duties are all that you have now. Make the best of the time you have with your foals they don't stay that young forever. Just encase you didn't know Celestia is in charge again. Now go find your mother before she becomes carried away.” Thunder nods his head and trots out of the throne room. In the royal library Celestia and her grandfoals lye behind a book case hatching a plan.

“Now my little pony's do you know what were going to do?” The foals nod their heads as Scootaloo begins talking barely above a whisper.

“You're gana make our horns and crown's become invisible then we just look for Aunt Luna ,and when we find her I leave it all up to Butterscotch.” Not having a clue what they were talking about the little prince just sits and listens. Looking over to his sister he notices her get up and start roaming around the library. After about twenty minutes of searching the two foals find who they are looking for. Just as predicted the little colt gallops over to the night princess and almost tackles her to the ground while yelling the whole time.

“Aunt Wuna ,Aunt Wuna we've been wooking every where for you.” Prince Butterscotch begins smiling ear to ear. In the distance Luna hears her sister yell score followed by a loud shush from the librarian. Carefully moving the orange colt off of her she notices the wings and horn. Looking over the filly she sees the same. With a suspicious look on her face the dark blue mare begins speaking.

“Foal where are your parents ,and why did you call me aunt. Are you a distant relative of Princess Cadence?” Before Luna could make a large fool of herself Celestia trot's up behind her.

“Sister these are my new Grandfoals. While Thunder was........ on vacation he adopted them. I would like you to meet Princess Scootaloo and Prince Butterscotch.” Finally finding the group Thunder approaches with a warm smile on his face.

“I see that you've met each other. Now who wants the tour of the palace? There are many rooms and even more place's to play. Not to mention that the library is a place for being quiet.” Luna nods her head in agreement. As she trots away she grumbles could have warned me. After an hour of showing them the pool ,the garden ,the bowling lane's ,and the play room the group comes to the end of a hall with three large golden double doors. In the middle where the two doors meet a map with a cloud on it resides in a circle. Turning to his foals he begins speaking.

“Scootaloo your room is on the left. My room is in the middle ,and Butterscotch your room is on the right.” Looking around he sees six Weather Warriors approaching headed by Shining Armour. Upon entering the group the captain begins speaking in a teeth grinding voice.

“Six guards just as you requested Sir.” Thunder sighs as he hears his friends tone ,but pays it know mind. Thunder points at the guards splitting them into groups of two. Four stallions and two mare's. Pointing at the mare the prince begins speaking.

“The two of you are to be the personal guards of Princess Scootaloo. Treat her as you would your own ,and better.” The little filly gets a look of dissatisfaction on her face. Pointing to another group Thunder continues.

“You will be the guards of Prince Butterscotch. I don't expect him to be as much trouble as his sister in the ways of adventuring ,but none the less he still needs guards.” Turning to the last group of stallions a smile comes to There father's face.

“While the princess already has personal guards I am assigning the two of you to accompany her to Ponyville and be her crusading guards. This task is not easy for you must remain in secret letting nopony know she is a princess. When she wishes to go crusading her horn will be invisible and she will not be wearing her crown. You have your orders now I trust that you can handle them.” Thunder turn to go into his room ,but then stops and turns back to see the crusading guard giving a high hoof.

“Just to let you know my daughter has informed me of some of their adventures ,and they are dangerous. They range from exploring the Everfree Forest ,to encountering animals such as a cockatrices. Though I will be setting a limit on how dangerous the adventures are allowed to progress. My daughter and her friends are not as scared as you might expect. Good luck you'll need it.” The two strong guards face's display horror where just a moment ago there was joy of an easy job. Thinking quickly the crusading guards jump behind Butterscotch and begin speaking in unison.

“We'll be the prince's crusading guards.” The off white prince ponders this thought for a moment.

“Very well you can be both the prince and princess's crusading guards ,but keep an eye on them when they are out.” The two stallions start sulking at the thought of doing double the work. Thunder opens his room door and levitates a clock from his desk looking at the time he almost jumps out of his skin. Turning to his foals he begins speaking very fast.

“Were late Mother will be furious if we keep her waiting!” Not bothering to move Thunder's horn starts glowing instantaneously teleporting them to the dining hall. Looking around The room Butterscotch and Scootaloo sees a long table with a white sheet covering it. The walls are painted to be a pleasant cream color with a chandelier in the middle of the room. Glancing back at the table they see three chairs unoccupied as their father sits in one of them. Guessing the seats are for them they trot over and take their place at the table. Sitting across from Luna Butterscotch begins speaking.

“Hi Aunt Wuna! How did the weading go?” The lunar princess rolls her eyes as she grumbles.

“It was fine until I was attacked. I wasted an hour searching through that book to find my spot.” An oops escapes Scootaloo's lips while she thinks back to the library. Looking up at her father a question comes back into her mind. One that has been gnawing at her since the day she was put in the hospital. After the royal family quietly eats their dinner a yawn comes from the little orange colt. Slightly caught off guard Celestia looks over to her grandson smiling, then begins speaking.

“Is it some little colt's bed time?” Thunder looks down at his son who is almost half asleep ,and gives him a little nudge to wake him up. Smiling the newly made father starts talking to his son in a hushed voice.

“My little prince do you wish to go to bed? Butterscotch responds by falling back asleep. Happily Thunder levitates his son off the chair and on to his back. With his horn still glowing the off white alicorn excuses himself then teleports away. Celestia glances over to her granddaughter and begins speaking.

“Scootaloo my dear what do you think of the castle? I'm sure it must be an enormous change from what you are accustomed to.” The orange princess nods her head.

“Ya it is um....... Grandma.” A compassionate smile comes to the solar goddess's face.

“Scootaloo if you are uncomfortable calling me by that name than I would understand completely if you just called me Celestia.” A smile stretches across the little filly's face as she excuses herself. Leaving the room her royal guards position themselves on both sides of her and follow close behind. In Butterscotch's Room Thunder gently places him on the bed. The little colt snores softly as he berries his face in the fluffy plush pillow. After tucking him in Thunder leans down ,and gives him a small kiss on the forehead. Trotting into the hall The off white prince sees an irritated Scootaloo coming toward him with two guards on each side of her. Looking at the shear annoyance on her face Thunder gives a lighthearted chuckle ,and makes his way over to her.

“Scootaloo is their something wrong? You look a little agitated.” With sadness plastered across her face she begins speaking.

“Is their somewhere we can go to talk alone?” Thunder nods his head ,and teleports them into a round room completely made of stone. Looking around Scootaloo notices no windows or doors ,however the stones of the room are glowing casting a nice low peach light that looks similar to a cloud. Gazing up at her adoptive father she begins speaking.

“W...... w..... where are we? This wasn't on the tour.” Thunder continues smiling,and lays down to reach eye level with her as he speaks.

“Grandmother made this room. Out side of it every thing you do one of two pony's know about. During the day it is mother in the night Aunt Luna ,but neither of them can see in here. You said you wanted to talk alone this is the only place where we can do just that. Now my little princess what is on your mind.” The little filly kicks at the ground mumbles.

“W..... well I was..........” Giving her an inquisitive look the prince begin talking again.

“My little filly you need not to be ashamed of what your mine wonders. Simply ask and I will do my best to explain ,or provide what you are in need of. So please, tell me what is bothering you.” Nodding her head the orange filly begins speaking.

“Well I actually have three questions. First ever since that day that I was hurt something you said stayed in the back of my head. How did you know we were orphans?” Thunder sighs as he pulls his daughter close to him who is now laying down.

“Every time I mentioned your parents you were very defensive. When I called Butterscotch son you almost bit my head off ,and your brother helped a little. When we arrived at the house do you remember what he said? It was something about cleaning the yard ,but you found the need to lie. You don't live for as long as I have without being able to spot a lie or tell a convincing one.” Scootaloo starts pondering this then begins speaking.

“Um..... Dad you didn't leave Twilight cause of me and Butterscotch did you?” A tear streaks down Thunder's face.

“You know that is the first time you've called me that.” A confused looks comes to Scootaloo's face.

“Called you what? Did I say something wrong?” Shaking his head Thunder begins speaking.

“No my little filly you've done nothing wrong. To answer your question no I didn't leave Twilight because of you and your brother. The reason I left was something far different than that ,and your last question?” Scootaloo doesn't push the mater any further ,so she continues her questioning.

“Do I really half to have those guards with me all the time. They don't even leave me alone in the castle!” Thunder roles his eyes and starts laughing.

“I'll see what I can do ,but don't expect to much. Are you ready to go?” Scootaloo goes to nod her head ,but notices a peace of paper stuck to Thunder's left back hoof.

“Um..... dad there's something on your back hoof.” Inspecting his hoof the prince sees the letter.

“Oh... Now how did that get there. It's just a letter from my doctor. Regular check ups and things like that nothing to worry about.” Scootaloo looks up at him and nods ok. Just as fast as Thunder brought them there they are standing in the hall again. Looking down to his daughter Thunder begins speaking.

“If I'm not mistaken it's time for a certain little filly to prepare for bed.” The little princess gives a groan but doesn't argue. Trotting into his room Thunder levitates the evil parchment that was stuck to his foot up to his face and begins re-reading it for the seventh time.

Dear Prince Flicker

After doing the test again for the fifth time I highly suggest that you stop saying that they are wrong. I have done every thing I can ,but your condition can not be cured.

With sympathy the royal physician

Tears start forming in Thunder's eyes. Suddenly he feels Celestia's presence in his mind beckoning him to come meet her in the room. Obediently he teleports back to the windowless round chamber. When he appears Celestia raises an eyebrow and begins speaking.

“You still don't know where the door is do you? Anyways that is not why I asked you here. I want to know why you adopted those foals. True they are kind and caring not to mention they helped me pick on Luna ,but you're not the kind on pony to rush into something like this. Not once in your life have you ever mentioned wanting a filly or a colt ,and now you have both something doesn’t add up.” Thunder sighs knowing that the truth can't be put of much longer ,then begins speaking.

“Mother I...... I..... how about I tell you tomorrow bring Father he should know too.” Not giving Celestia a chance to protest he continues.

“I Pinkie Pie promise to answer your question's tomorrow. Cross my heart hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye.” After making the promise Celestia trots forward ,and a portion of the wall just moves aside. Frustration comes to Thunder's face as he tries to do the same thing only to fail several times. Yelling at nopony he begins speaking.

“THIS IS WHY I TELEPORT EVERYWHERE!” Calming down the prince just decides to take the fast way out. When he returns to his bed chamber He hears crying in the room to his right. Opening the door he sees Butterscotch sitting up in his bed. Trotting over Thunder sits beside him.

“My little prince what is bothering you?” The little orange colt looks up and starts speaking.

“W... well I had a bad dweam. When I woke up it was weally dark ,a...and I was all awone.” A smile comes to Thunder's face ,but he mentally gives himself a good swift kick to the flank.

“Butterscotch it's ok to be afraid of the dark ,even some of the bravest pony's I know are scared of something. For example Aunt Luna is scared of wasps ,but don't tell her I said that. She will never admit it. When I was your age I was scared of court jesters........ there kind of like a clown. Anyways my point is it is normal to be afraid of something. Now only for tonight if you want you can sleep in my room. Tomorrow though I will have a light installed on you room for when you sleep. How does that sound?” Thunder wipes a tear off the little colt face. Looking up the little orange prince smiles and gives him a hug. With a yawn he begins speaking.

“Thank you Daddy. Can we go to bed now? I'm tired.” Both the prince's stand and go to the other room. After approaching the bed Thunder levitates his son under the covers. With it being a rather lager bed there is room enough for both to squirm and never touch each other so the off white prince lays down on his side without even disturbing the now sleeping colt. With the lights off Thunder closes his eyes ,but just lays there. After about ten minutes the eldest prince hears his door squeak open. Not wanting to startle the intruder he remains perfectly still. After the door closes he hears little hoof steps approach his bed ,then feels a slight pull on the covers as the intruder climbs on. After the movement stops a small sigh is comes from the little sneak. Remaining perfectly still Thunder begins speaking.

“Good night my little princess. Pleasant dreams.” The little filly’s eyes almost pop out of her head at hearing the unexpected voice ,but she doesn't move she simply returns the gesture.

“Night dad ,you too.” With no more talking the small family drifts off to sleep.

chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The next morning Thunder wakes up. Looking down to his foals he sighs. Slowly he sits up ,and levitates his journal with a quill to his side. Before he begins writing he turns his gaze back to his son and daughter. In a voice barely louder than a whisper he begins speaking to himself.

“What did I ever do that would make me worthy of these two fantastic foals? It is hard to believe that they were alone for two years. As long as I’m their father nothing bad will ever happen to them.” Celestia emerges from the shadows with a smile on her face. In much the same manner her son is speaking she begins talking.

“When the guards informed me that they were not in their rooms I had a guess they were in here. Thunder why do these foals mean so much to you? I'll accept them into the family ,but do you even know how hard it is to be a parent? Almost your whole life you have never wanted to be near any foals and now you have two of your own. Things do not exactly add up.” Thunder remains silent ,but nods in response. Being very careful not to disturb them the prince manages to leave the bed. With a burgundy aura he teleports Celestia and himself to the room. Waiting for them Lucien looks up as he feels the magical energy entering the room. With a flash of light his son and wife materialize. Not giving anypony a chance to talk Thunder begins speaking.

“I've been keeping a secret from the two of you for a long time. Thanks to Aunt Luna it has remained a secret ,but it is time that you knew. Every time we acquire a new physician I go and visit them hoping for a different result. The reason I never talked about having foals of my own is not cause I hate them. Quite on the contrary I love seeing their smiling face's and cheerful attitude. For the past two years I have been trying to adopt. I held all meeting during the night and never opened my mail during the day. You have know idea how hard it is to keep a secret from the two of you. Any ways the reason I have been trying to adopt is..... well......” Tears start coming to the off white prince's eyes ,but he continues.

“I.... I'm sterile. Being around filly's and colt's was always to painful knowing I can never have any of my own. But when I met Scootaloo and Butterscotch I couldn't help myself. I knew they were the right foals for me. Mother in my room you asked me if I have what it takes to be a parent ,well to tell you the truth I don't know. I just hope not to screw up to bad.” With tears streaming down their faces Celestia and Solaris trots over to their son ,and holds him in her embrace. After a few moments Thunder stands up ,and with a soft voice excuses himself. When her son makes his departure Celestia turns to her husband.

“Why would he never tell us about this? Maybe if we had known we could have found a way to fix it.” Celestia stops speaking as she sees the stone cold look Lucien's face. In a deep voice he begins speaking.

“He never told us because he was ashamed to. He thought we would cast him out. Strip him of his status in society. Maybe even disown him. He loves serving his country ,and he would never do anything to jeopardize that. Even when he had run away he did all of his royal duties true some were almost late ,but he never wavered. Celestia there is something you should know. While he was gone he never blocked me from his thoughts. He fell in love. True love.” Shock comes to the princess's face when she hears this.

“Lucien he never blocked you! Who is his true love I must meet my future daughter in-law.” The prince sighs and his ears flatten to his face. Knowing that Celestia would never approve of their sons love he begins speaking.

“My beautiful wife you know not what you ask. To know her name would spell devastation on her, you, and our son. I suggest that you let him tell you himself ,but when he does do not be to hard on him. He may be a father but he is still young in the maters of love.” the solar princess nods her head agreeingly. In Thunder's room Scootaloo begins waking up. Lifting her head she sees her father poring over a map working feverishly.

“Um dad.... what are you doing?” Thunder jumps at the unexpected sound ,but quickly regains his composure.

“Good morning angle I was just putting some finishing touches on the weather for tomorrow. I figured if I finished it fast then you and Butterscotch could join me on a little field trip to Cloudsdale.” The little filly's ears fall flat.

“Um..... actually every Friday I meet the girls ,and we go crusading.” Scootaloo winces expecting him to get mad.

“Oh.... yes, that is something we need to talk about. Like I told the guards earlier I will be putting a limit to how dangerous your adventure's are. What are you going to be doing today?” The little princess begins thinking.

“Um...... I think bungee jumping. That or exploring the Everfree Forest since we didn't get to last week.” A smile comes to Thunder's face as he continues working.

“Well well quite the adventure you have planed there. I will allow you to do both ,but a guard must be close by just in case something goes wrong.” Finally finishing his work Thunder turns around to face his daughter.

“Scootaloo do you want me to make your horn invisible or would you like to tell your friends the truth? Nopony knows your true identity if you want it to stay that way I understand. Just remember even though you can do something doesn't mean you should. Besides don't you think your friends would like to see where you live ,and what about when you want a sleepover?” Silence falls across the room with the exception of Butterscotch's snoring. After about a minute Scootaloo begins speaking.

“So you think I should tell them. I... I don't know what if they wont like me any more?” A soft compassionate smile comes to Thunder's face as he speaks.

“My little princess if they like you now why wouldn't they like you after they knew the truth. Even if that is the case then they were never truly your real friends. The reason I suggested that they know is because it is always hurts to lie to those you care about. Take it from me I have plenty of experience.” The little filly nods her head. The snoring suddenly stops when Scootaloo jumps off the bed. Not paying her brother any mind she continues the conversation.

“Dad, will you go with me?” Thunder trot over and gives his daughter a hug.

“Of course I will if you want me to. Now that every pony's awake how about some breakfast?” Butterscotch gets off the bed and gallops to his father.

“FOOD!” The tall prince looks down to his son remembering to talk to him about galloping in the house. Tuning to face his daughter he begins speaking.

“Scootaloo you can go on but I need to talk to your brother for a moment.” The little filly nods ,and leaves the room. Turning to his son Thunder begins explaining proper house rules. In the dining room a little filly sits and quietly eats her breakfast when her brother and father enter the room. With a little colt on his back Thunder begins speaking.

“Hello angle what did you decide to eat?” The little filly looks down at her plate.

“Cereal. What are you and Butterscotch gonna eat.” The little colt jumps of his father's back and exclaims

“I'm gonna have Ice-cweam!” Thunder rolls his eyes ,then looks down at his son. Thinking fast he searches through the menu for something that wont make the little colt hyper.

“No your going to eat something less sugary. How about......” Thunder is cut of by the colt.

“Hayfwies!” Knowing he is getting know where with the conversation Thunder orders two bowls of cereal. After finishing their breakfast Thunder motions for one of the guards to bring his saddle bag. When the guard arrives the tall prince levitates his crown off his head ,and places it in the bag. Turning to his foals he repeats the action. With his horn still glowing he makes their horns turn invisible. Seeing this the guard jumps back in shock. With every thing ready a ball of pure magic surrounds the prince and he reverts back to his unicorn self. Thunder glances over to the guard and begins speaking.

“My foals and I will be visiting Ponyville. Nopony is to know we are there. Inform the crusading guards and we will meet you by The Everfree Forest.” Without waiting for an answer Thunder teleports his foals and himself away. In Ponyville two very inpatient filly’s wait in their clubhouse. Taping her hoof on the ground the little red maned farmer begins speaking.

“Well where is she? She ain’t ever been this late. Yu don't think sum'm happened t' her do yu?” The white little unicorn rolls her eyes.

“No she probably just forgot it was Friday. You know how forgetful she is.” The yellow earth pony starts pacing back and forth.

“Maybe we should go see Twilight. Ad least there we can read sm' books ,or look at the pictures.” The white unicorn looks out the window and gasps.

She's finally here ,and she's with Blade! I hope he can spend the day with us again that was fun! Even if Scootaloo got hurt.” The red maned farmer sighs in relief.

“Well it's about time we been waitin fer hours.” The white unicorn rolls her eyes again. Galloping out of their club house the little filly’s approach the small family. Coming up to the the yellow earth pony starts to talk only to get a hoof in her mouth. Looking at her friends Scootaloo begins speaking.

“Girls I need to tell you something ,but I don't want you to be mad at me.” Her friends nod their heads.

“For a long time I've been lieing to you. Me and my brother was orphans ,but recently we've been adopted. By..... the prince he made us alicorns and now were prince and princess's.” A funny looking grin comes to the two crusader's face's as they bust out in laughter. Barely able to say a word Applebloom begins speaking.

“It's alright if yr late but yu don't half t' makeup a story like that. We understand if yu got held up.” Shaking his head Thunder makes their horns visible. Squinting through tears the little filly's stop laughing. Seeing the two alicorns they immediately begin bowing and asking for forgiveness. Scootaloo lets out a huff.

“Girls don't ever bow to me! I'm still just your regular old friend.” The white unicorn slowly stands up and begins speaking in a very quiet squeaky voice.

“Sorry Scoot.... Princess. We didn't mean to insult you.” Scootaloo groans and starts to speak only to receive a tap on the shoulder from her father who is holding her tiara.

“Throw it you'll be surprised how much it helps. I usually start every month by throwing my crown out the nearest window. True you will need to retrieve it but it's worth it.” Taking his suggestion Scootaloo takes her tiara and chunks it as far as she can. Seeing this the two filly's give her a look of confusion as to why a student would have a crown. Noticing their reaction Blade turns back to Thunder. The two filly’s mouth's drop when he finishes the transformation. Trotting by them Thunder pays know mind ,and tries to find his daughter's tiara. After about three minutes of silence Thunder finds the needle in the haystack ,or in this case the small tiara in the field. Picking it up he notices a small dent on the side and begins speaking.

“Congratulations you dented it! It took me four tries to acquire a dent this nice. To bad it has to be removed.” With his magic the prince molds the figure back to its former state of perfection. Placing it in his bag he trots back over to the group. Scootaloo looks up at him and begins speaking.

“You really don't like having a crown do you?” Thunder shakes his head no the turns his gaze back to the crusaders.

“Girls, Scootaloo just wants you to know the truth. It's hard to lie to pony's that you really care about. I trust that you will keep this a secret know matter what. Oh and I don't think she will hold it against you if you just call her by her first name. Now I have potential Wonderbolts to addition so I must be going good luck with your crusading and stay safe.” After finishing his sentence he makes Scootaloo's and Butterscotch's horn turn invisible. With a happy smile on his face he fly's off toward Cloudsdale. While flying over Ponyville Thunder sees The Carousal Boutique and decides to stop by. Popping on his crown he lands right outside the door. Looking around he notices at the very least twenty pony's staring at him. Pleased with the amount he turns and enters the fashion shop. With the ding from the bell above the door a White unicorn mare trots into the foyer. With a wide smile she begins speaking ,but stops when she sees her customer. Raising an eyebrow she brings a harsh tone to her voice.

“What do you want? Last I heard you were going to live in a castle with your new foals ,and you were leaving Twilight out in the dust. The pore mare wont even leave her room now. What do you have to say for yourself?” Thunder's ear's flatten to his face as his cocky smile fades into a depressing frown.

“Your right Rarity. I did tell Twilight I was going back ,and Butterscotch revealed me being a father. I didn't think she would want to be with a stallion that already has two foals ,but their not to blame. I am. She doesn’t deserve to be put through the torture of having to become part of the nobility just so we can be together. We come from two different world she would feel out of place.” Rarity huffs as she roles her eyes.

“You really don't understand do you?” The prince gives her a confused look as she continues speaking.

“Twilight doesn't care about being part of the nobility all she wants is to be with you. Do you remember what I told you the first day the two of you started dating? I said don't screw it up. You did the exact opposite of what I said. You screwed it up! You have foals now ,and that is going to make it harder for you to gain her love back. I suggest you talk to her.” Before another word can be spoken Celestia teleports into the room ,and trots right up to her son.

“TWILIGHT! After your father told me that you found your true love I have been paying special attention to what is going on ,but I never thought that you would even consider dating my student. Especially after that letter Luna and I sent. You are going know where near that library if it is the last thing I do!” Celestia marches toward her son to where you can't get a single peace of paper between them.

“Thunder were going home now. I will inform the guards so they don't think you've abandoned you foal's and disappeared again. Do you understand!” Anger spreads across the prince's face. With fire in his eyes he looks strait into his mother's. With an unusual confidence in his voice he begins speaking while starring her down with every word.

“I would never abandon my foals! Know matter what it took even if it meant giving my own life! I will protect the two of them with all the strength I have in my body! If I were to disappear again they would be coming with me. It might be harder ,but I don't care. Do you understand mother!” the goddess of the sun backs up at the unexpected verbal thrashing. Equaling his anger she begins speaking.

“If you want to be with a mortal so bad what's stopping you? It's not your loyalty to your country. It's not your kindness toward others. Your generosity is horrible since you've returned. Your not being honest with anypony. Your since of humor has been at an all time low ,and your magic is pathetic! Do you want to know why your not with her right now? It's because your scared.” Having enough if it Thunder teleports a piece of parchment and a quill in front of him. Writing down something as fast as he can the prince finishes. After reading over it he shoves it toward his mother ,and throws his crown off his head.

“I resign my right to the throne! I'm no longer Prince Thunder Flicker from now on I'm a normal citizen. Good bye Princess Celestia!” Thunder turns and faces Rarity who’s mouth is hanging open wider than a barn door.

“Rarity I am sorry you had to see that. I will be back later to buy some clothes for the foals and I. It seams were going to be moving into my new home faster then expected.” After finishing his sentence the former prince leaves the shop. In the Canterlot castle Celestia looks over to her husband with fear plastered across her face.

“Lucien, I just looked in on Thunder and I saw myself. I don't know what is going on ,but somepony has stolen my identity!”

chapter 13

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Chapter 13

In the Ponyville library a little baby dragon shuffles around the room trying to make his mother figure happy.

“Twilight if he left then I say he doesn’t deserve you. You shouldn't waist your time even thinking about him.” The lavender mare sighs as she nods her head.

“You're right Spike. Besides he's...... a prince. What chance did I ever have to start with? He's probably having the time of his life right now. The only thing that doesn’t make since is that he said that he would never forget the time we spent together. Why would he say that if he just wanted to leave ,and don't even get me started on the painting!” The little dragon rolls his eyes having heard this all before.

“Twilight, you had every chance. He's just to stupid to know what was in front of him.” The lavender mare starts crying. With a glistening tear rolling down her face she begins speaking.

“So what your saying is I blew it! I had every chance ,and I messed them all up!” With tears flowing freely down her face she gallops up to her room. The purple dragon starts walking toward the direction of her room when he hears a knock on the door. With a large sigh he sluggishly walks over and answers the door. With hearts in his eyes he stares at the white unicorn mare in front of him.

“H.... hi Rarity. What are you doing here?” The White mare pats the little drake on the head.

“I'm here to speak with Twilight. There is something that she must know.” Spike begins pouting as he guides Rarity up to the master bedroom. Hearing the door open Twilight turns about to start moping ,then she notices her friend. Drying up her tears the lavender mare begins speaking.

“Hi Rarity. Were you wanting something? I was just..... reading a sad book. The main character just lost the love of her life.” The white unicorn raises an eyebrow. Not wanting to stay for the it'll be fine speech the little dragon leaves the room. Trotting over Rarity puts her hoof under Twilight's chin ,and begins comforting her.

“Twilight, today Thunder came to the boutique. I was about to give him greaf over what he had done to you when Princess Celestia teleported in. I'm not going to go into detail ,but they had a fight. When it was all said and done Thunder renounced his clam to the throne. He even made a point of throwing he crown to the floor. From what I can gather he left so that he could be with you. In fact part of the conversation was about you. The princess called him some rather rude names ,then pointed out why he left you. He was scared. Scared that Princess Celestia would never approve. Your prince is waiting for you don't loose him again.” Slowly Twilight lets her eyes lift toward her friend. With hope in her voice she begins speaking.

“He.... he left the royal family for me? I knew he said that his world didn't deserve me ,but I didn't think he would do something so....... so rash. Rarity he's royalty one of his royal duties is to map the weather for Equestia. With out him thing could be seriously out of balance! I love him ,but I would never let him pick me when other pony's could possibly suffer.” The white mare roles her eyes a little irritated.

“Twilight Star Sparkle that stallion just left everything he had to be with you ,and you want him to just go back?! There is something you should also know. I have been the object of many infatuations ,but I have never seen something so strong. The two of you are meant to be together. Know pony not even the queen herself can denie the bond that the two of you share. Now look me in the eye and tell me you don't want him to be with you.” The lavender unicorn sighs unable to do what her friend asks of her.

“Rarity, He's a father. I don't know if I would be a good mother. What if we do end up together and his foals hate me? Not to mention I still have my schooling. I don't know. Plus I doubt that he gave up his crown.” the fashionesta lets out a large huff.

“Twilight, your one of my best friends so forgive me when I say this. Shut up you're just making up excuses ,and bad one's at that. If you need proof here.” The white unicorn levitates a slightly dented crown out of her saddle bag ,and pushes it toward her friend.

“He loves you ,and fate has given you another chance. Now go find your stallion before he's foalnapped by some other mare.” A smile comes top the lavender mare's face as a tear not of sadness but of joy trickles down her cheek.

“Thank you Rarity. Do you know where he is?” The white unicorn nods her head as she begins speaking.

“He's had a construction crew rebuilding that rundown old house on the outskirts of Ponyville. I would check there first.” Fully content in her work Rarity leaves the room with Twilight following right behind her. Under the luxurious city of Canterlot in desolate caverns a weary wannabe prince yells angerly at his minion.


“HIS FOALS WILL BE TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM! ONLY A MEMBER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY CAN RAISE ROYALTY! NOW THAT HE IS NOT A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY HE CAN NOT RAISE THEM!” Taking a deep breath he calms down a little. Shoving the letter to the private he continues speaking.

“Deliver this to Celestia she will clear everything up. It looks like I will never have my princess. NOW GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!” The white alicorn turns around and leaves the room with his head hanging low. With the prince almost out the door the private notices a single tear hit the floor of the cavern. At the edge of The Everfree Forest three filly's one colt and several hidden guards are listening to a little white unicorn.

“So what your saying is there are guards all around us and if you or Butterscotch are in danger they'll just pop out like ninja's?! That is so cool lets go get into danger so we can see them!” Scootaloo
rolls her eyes.

“Sweetie Belle the point of them hiding is so I don't half to see them. Their just like the guards at the Canterlot castle.” The little apple farmer interrupts the orange princess.

“Don't cha mean home. Besides we got crusaden to do. Come on girls lets go wrestle a hydra!” As soon as the words escape the little yellow pony's lips guards make a line in front of the forest preventing their entry. The personal guard of Scootaloo begins speaking.

“Princess Scootaloo we highly suggest that you do not partake in that event it seams far to dangerous for such a little filly your age.” The little alicorn gives a huff.

“I already have permission. This morning I told Dad what we were going to be doing and he said it was ok. What's the real reason that you don't want us to go in? Is it cause you're scared?” Without any warning the little colt begins speaking.

“Well I'm scared. Can I go to Fwuttershy's?” The guards stumble over each other trying to be the first to reach him. Finally one of the guards achieves victory and begins speaking.

“Yes! I will take you! Anything to not go in there!” The little colt smiles and trots off toward the element of kindness's home. All the other guard groan having wanted the easy job ,however they rush back into their hiding spots so that know pony sees them. In the Canterlot castle Private Cloud is granted the opportunity to speak with Celestia. Trotting into the throne room he immediately bows so not to insult her.

“Princess Celestia thank you for granting my request to have an audience with you on such short notice. While I was on my break today a strange pony came to me with a letter. They told me that somepony stole your identity and tricked the prince into renouncing his tidal to the throne. The poor stallion was so over come with guilt that he gave me the letter. I am in the understanding that you can veto this request since it was made under false pretenses. If that is true here is the letter.” The pegasi removes the parchment from the green saddle bag on his back. Overcome with joy that she can keep her family together Celestia smiles so wide Pinkie Pie would lose at a contest.

“Thank you Private Cloud. With this letter I know exactly what the prince gave as his reasons of leaving the royal family. Most likely they will not be in agreement with the laws.” Celestia reads over the letter

“HIS REASON FOR LEAVING WAS TWILIGHT?! Oh that colt is going to be in big trouble when he returns home!” The brown pegasi slowly backs out of the room not wanting to be verbally abused for the second time this day. Seeing his wife's agitation Lucien begins speaking.

“Celestia could it be possible that you are overreacting just a little? Thunder has found happiness is that not reason enough to be joyful? Besides you always said if Twilight was an orphan you would have adopted her. Thunder loves her that is something that's hard to find in anytime period. We were lucky that I was part of the nobility. Celestia it is time that the law be removed.” The princess of the sun shakes her head no. Completely over come with guilt she begins speaking.

“There it something I never told you. All those years ago when we were dating I made a deal. In exchange for the spell that turned you into an alicorn Starswirl the Bearded demanded that I only allow the nobility to advance in stature. True time has made its impression on this ,but unless by some twist of fate they can never be with each other. Twilight is not part of the nobility unless she can trace her heritage and it was lost they have no hope. And to think pony's only remember him for being a kind and righteous stallion” A somber look comes to Lucien's face.

“Celestia I don't blame you ,but what about the happiness of all the other pony's? Luna might have found her true love ,and I wouldn't have minded staying a pegasi.” The snow white mare nods her head.

“Solaris I couldn't lose you not ever ,but you are right it was selfish of me to do. Now thousands of years later out son must pay the price of my negligence.” Turning to a guard she continues he daily work. In Ponyville Thunder makes the final preparations on his new home when a lavender mare behind him begins speaking.

“So you think you can just walk out on me? Here's a hint if you want to leave a mare don't move into the same town that they live in.” Caught off guard the former prince turns around and sees a smirk on her face. With anguish Thunder begins pouring out his heart.

“Hello Twilight. Can you ever forgive me for the way I treated you? I can't bare the fact that I have caused you grief. This will hopefully be the last time I ever say that.” With a sly looks on her face Twilight begins speaking.

“It better be. I don't know how many times I can stand for my coltfriend to break my heart. Especially when he is so handsome.” Hearing this Thunder rolls his eyes then begins speaking.

“Miss Sparkly I was not aware the you were still interested. Shall I pick you up at seven tonight?” A large grin comes to both their face's as the lavender unicorn nods her head yes. With stars in his eyes Thunder continues speaking.

“It will be a night to remember my fare lady. I promise not to disappoint. Now if you will excuse me I have some preparations to make.” Lifting her hoof he give a small kiss. With his horn glowing a deep red Thunder teleports back to the Carousal boutique. Upon entering he find Rarity hard at work on a new dress. After clearing his throat he begins speaking.

“Hello Rarity, I would like to place a rush order. That is if your not to busy.” The white mare turns to face the stallion.

“Oh? And might I inquire to the occasion?” A large smirk comes to her face as she guesses at what the request is for. Knowing full well that the only way Twilight knew what happened was either by Rarity or his mother ,he begins speaking.

“I have a date with Twilight. I need something that will not show dirt easily. I plan on taking her on a simple picnic. Lights and cameras can be such a bother so I want our first date to be something simple.” The white unicorn shakes her head no at the thought of the idea.

“Thunder that would be fine for a third or forth date ,but you have some thing’s to apologize for. Tonight spare no expense this must be the most romantic thing ever. When you are old and sitting...... you don't age. Let me rephrase that when your fiftieth anniversary rolls around you will still remember your very first date. Are you sure that you want it to be a simple picnic?” The tall alicorn ponders this realizing that she is right he simply nods his head.

“With that in consideration could you spare the time to make me a tuxedo?” Stars come to the mare's eyes as she starts fitting fabrics together in her mind.

“Yes! Now to start off with I will need your measurements ,so hold still” Not daring to move the tall stallion allows her to inspect his fit muscular frame. After several agonizing minutes of being inspected from horn to hoof the former prince is allowed to move. Without hesitation he immediately scratches an itch on his snout. Turning around to look at her notes Rarity begins speaking.

“Your ensemble will be complete around five that give me........ three hours to finish this order ,and four hours to create your tux. Now run along before I wast to much time.” Following her instructions the former prince leaves the shop. Now thinking of what to do a thought crosses his mind. With his mouth twisting into a grin he teleports to Sweet Apple Acres. Trotting through the orchard he find the exact pony he is looking for. Big Macintosh gives the strong tree a swift buck making all the apples fall to the ground. Wiping his forehead he sees Thunder approaching. With little distance between them the off white alicorn begins speaking.

“Hello my friend it is pleasant to see you again.” The burly red earth pony nods his head remaining ever so quiet.

“Mister Macintosh I was wondering ,if it would not be to much trouble, that you could foal sit Scootaloo and Butterscotch for me tonight. If you can not I completely understand for this is extremely short notice. Would you please do me this favor?” The muscular red stallion with a light brown mane remains silent for quite some time. If somepony was in the trees they would think that they are disguising something along the lines of philosophy by the way they are acting. After about five minutes the strong stallion replys.

“Eeyup.” A comforting smile comes to the off white alicorns face.

“Thank you friend. I would love to stay and talk a while longer ,but I have an evening to plan. Until we meet again my good stallion.” After finishing his sentence the former prince teleports away to finish he mental check list. Back at The Carousal Boutique Twilight enters finding her friend working a rather expensive tux. Looking at her newest creation Rarity notices the lavender mare and shews her out of the design room before she can spoil the surprise. In the hallway of the store the white mare gives her friend an angry look.

“Twilight please don't interrupt me when I'm working on important orders. I finished your new dress hours before I expected to ,but I still need to do a final fitting. Wait right here I will prepare the room.” The white mare dashes into the room and after several minutes of hearing clattering of wood against wood with the occasional hiss from a cat the purple maned pony return.

“Sorry Twilight I can't let you see that order. It is for a very lucrative customer ,and I don't think they would appreciate anypony seeing it before it is finished. Now everything is ready I really hope you like your dress.” Trotting into the room the lavender mare gasps at the sight of her new gown. The black collar around the neck of the dress gradually fades into a midnight blue then white. The hem of the dress is a pearly white with a lacy pattern ,and on the hooves of the ponyikin is off white ponyshoes with a single amethyst shining as clear as sun.

“Oh Rarity it's just beautiful I don't know what to say! Thank you, I just hope I won't be over dressed for our date.” Not bothering to worry about that the white mare levitates the dress off the ponyikin ,and onto her friend. Making small changes here and there the beautiful mare smiles pleased with her work.

“Well Twilight if this doesn't impress him nothing will. You look better than I thought you would.” After having the white unicorn styles her mane and tail Twilight feels way to over dressed. The lavender mare trots over to a mirror being careful not to ruin her new manestyle and looks at herself. In the mirror starring back at her is a complete stranger. Her expertly kept mane is only over shadowed by her luxurious dress. While there are some similarity’s like the color of her coat and the pink strip racing around the in manestyle.

“Oh Rarity your amazing I could have never done such a good job! Thank you.”

chapter 14

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Chapter 14

At seven o'clock Thunder trots up to the library door in his new tuxedo. Knocking on the door the former prince start getting fidgety with his purple bow tie. Upon opening the door both ponys stare in awe at their significant other. Looking over her coltfriend Twilight sees him in an expertly styled tux with a purple bow tie ,a midnight blue shirt ,and an off white coat with a pink rose in the lapel. Letting out a huff she begins speaking.

“You went to Rarity didn't you?” In much the same manner as her the former prince replys with an annoyed tone.

“Yes. You know she did this unpurpose right ,but I must say Miss. Sparkly you look ravishing this fine evening. Please this way.” Holding up a hoof Thunder gestures toward a white limousine with golden wheels and a decorative door pulled by twelve pegasi. Gasping at the shear size Twilight gawks as she slowly trots closer.

“I hope you don't mind ,but unless it has no roof it needs to be quite large. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to sit down.” Trotting toward the carriage Thunder uses his magic to to open the door. Stepping in Twilight is astounded by the how much room there is. Glancing around she observes that the down feather pillows are embroidered with the former prince's personal seal. Swiftly entering after his marefriend Thunder takes his seat next to Twilight.

“Twilight this isn't to much is it? I'm...... well I'm not new to dating ,but it has been a long time. I'm sure somethings have changed.” The lavender mare nods her head in agreement.

“Um... ya same here ,but all of this is just beautiful. Right out of a fairytale.” For the first time since entering the carriage Thunder looks around at the inside of his large vehicle.

“My dear lady on the worst of days your radiant beauty will still shadow the confines of this carriage. My only regret is that I could not find something to give you that equals how I feel about you. Though I may not be a prince any longer you will always be my princess. My Star.” Heat rushes to find a spot in the lavender mare's cheeks as they rapidly turn a bright hue of pink.

“Thunder I love you too ,and all of this it's just perfect. If you're trying to impress me you don't need to. I think you are the best stallion in Equestria ,and nothing could ever change my mind.” The two pony's stare into each others eyes as the limo larches to a stop. Standing up the former prince opens the door and waits for her to exit. Trotting out of the carriage she is taken back at seeing that they are in Canterlot in front of Pony Deen's. However the experience is short lived when she notices that there are no pony's in front of the restaurant. There is just on single unicorn holding open the solid glass door. Looking over to her coltfriend she begins speaking.

“Where is everypony? This is one of the most exclusive restaurants in Equestria.” Motioning her forward they trot into the building exposing grand dining room with only one table and two chairs. Not even giving her a chance to protest the former prince begins talking.

“I didn't want us to be disturbed. With you being one of the bearers elements of harmony and I being the son of Celestia I doubt we would have had a second of peace. You don't mind do you?” Trotting over to the table Thunder pulls out her chair ,and waits for her to talk a seat. Sitting down Twilight continue the conversation.

“No ,it's lovely. You're probably right ,but I do have one question. Now don't lie because this is very important. It may be the most important thing I ever ask you.” Beads of sweat start forming on Thunder's brow as she continues.

“How did you really feel about the way I painted your room?” Letting out a sigh the former prince starts chuckling. Looking in to her eyes Thunder responds.

“Twilight, to tell you the truth every time I went into that room my eyes watered. The bright colors might have been fine for a filly ,but I couldn't stay in there long.” A smile comes to his face as he continues speaking.

“But I loved it because you had done it special for me.” A smile reflects his own form the lavender mare's face. Trotting up to the table a waiter welcomes them.

“Hello my name is Brawny Bolder and I will be your waiter this evening. Do you know what you would like to drink or would you like some more time?” Casually both pony’s answer the rather short stallion with Twilight speaking first.

“I would like a water with lemon please ,and Thunder how about you?” Looking over the menu he shrugs his shoulders.

“What ever this charming lady orders I will have the same. It will be interesting to try something other than my regular choice.” Twilight raises an eyebrow ,and with an inquisitive and cautious tone she begins speaking. Not sticking around for the conversation the waiter leaves.

“Do you really trust me that much? I remember there was a time you wouldn't even let me cook.” A sly look plasters its self to the former prince's face.

“I never said you couldn't cook. That was all you ,but the black cloud that was coming from the stove doesn't completely capture my trust. My dear currently I don't trust you with large kitchen appliances.” The lavender mare rolls her eyes as she glances over the menu. In Ponyville at Sweet Apple Acres an angry Applejack berates her brother.

“Macintosh! Did yu really say we'd watch Scootaloo and er brother?” Without much emotion in the red stallions voice he replys.

“Eeyup.” Annoyed to all get out the orange farm pony continues her questioning.

“Will yu ad least tell me who asked yu t'do it? We don't even know their ma an pa.” Tuning his head to the side the red stallion remains ever so secretive.

“Nope.” Giving a huff Applejack marches off to her room in anger mumbling something like ,why would somepony ask him and not me. Reaching the door the element of honesty and her brother hear loud crash followed by the little princess saying oops. Shaking her Applejack continues speaking.

“On second thought yu can watch 'm. I'd hate t'be the one t tell granny if they broke somethin of her's.” Hearing this the red stallion bolts into the other room so fast you would think a tornado is coming. Looking around the room Big Mac sighs seeing the whole in the window. Standing silently he waits for an explanation. Eventually the little yellow filly begins speaking.

“Sorry big brother we kinda got carried away.” Looking over to her friend she continues speaking.

“Um.... Scootaloo d' yu think you could fix the window with your magic?” The little orange filly begins thinking.

“You know I've never even used it. I don't even know how. Well there was that time at the hospital ,but I don't count that.” The little filly's eyries's expand covering most of her eyes. With excitement in her voice she continues speaking.

“Maybe my cutie mark has something to do with magic!” The little orange filly starts twisting her face into an expression that shows true focus only to be interrupted by a red stallion.

“Nope!” Completely confused Applebloom begins speaking.

“Uh........ what d'yu mean?” Big Macintosh sighs as he realizes that he will half to explain. Not liking to talk he searches for the right words.

“Um........ well little sister this ain’t the right place fr yuns t'be practicin somethin like that. D yu understand?” The yellow earth pony nods her head as her friend talks.

“Ya.... sorry about the window. You know how crazy hoofball can be. I hope dad doesn't get to mad.” The red stallion just smiles at the thought of seeing the prince's face when he tells him about the window. After finishing her sentence a thought enters the little filly's head.

“Big Macintosh who asked you to watch us tonight?” The red stallion continues smiling as she answers.

“Your pa. Mighty nice stallion too princess.” Easdropping in the doorway Applejack bursts into the room.

“In the name of Celestia wha'd you just call her?!” Before the orange mare can make any assumptions Scootaloo begins talking.

“No ,Applejack it's not what you think. I'm.......” The little filly begins mumbling.

“I'm really a princess.” The orange farm pony cocks her head to the side as she tries to figure out what was just said. Running it through her mind Applejack is so dumbfounded that she fells the need to ask for a second time.

“In the name of Celestia wha'd you just call her?!” Not letting Scootaloo explain Applebloom interrupts the conversation.

“Ya ain’t it great Scootaloo an er brother Butterscotch were adopted by the prince!” A somber look comes over the orange mare's face as she addresses the filly.

“Sorry your Hines I didn't know bout yu been a princess.” Saying this the element of honesty bows before Scootaloo. Groaning the little filly waits for her to rise.

“Applejack you've know me and brother for a long time. Since before dad adopted us you don't half t' bow down to our every whim. You're our friend.” The farm pony nods her head as she looks around the room for the little colt.

“Speakin of your brother where is he?” Hearing this Big Macintosh face hoofs realizing he never picked up the little prince. Without saying a word he starts trotting to the door only to be stopped by Applejack.

“An where d'you think yr goin? I aint gana be the one t explain to Granny why the winder is broken. I'll get em. Where is he?” Before the large stallion can answer the smallest apple sibling begins speaking.

“I think he went to Fluttershy's ,at least that's were he was last I heard.” The annoyed farmer rolls her eyes as she begins thinking of the long trot to her friends house. In the Canterlot Castle Luna stares out into the night sky as her sister approaches from behind her. Hearing hoof steps on the marble floor of the luxurious balcony she doesn't move.

“Luna? H...... how is their date going?” The princess of the night stays quiet for a moment thinking on whether to lie of tell the truth. After stalling as long as possible she changes the subject.

“Tia, Lucien told me the truth. I know why we can never be with normal pony's.” Celestia hangs her head in shame. Before she has the chance to apologize Luna continues speaking.

“I don't blame you I probably would have done the same thing ,but why are you torturing yourself by asking about their date?” The eldest sister lets out a sigh while she kicks at one of the tiles on the floor.

“Because it is my fault. I never should have made that deal. I was young and very gullible. Please sister can you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?” The night princess nods her head yes much to the relief of her sister.

“Tia, to answer your question their having the best time they have ever had. Must you really veto his reasons for abdicating the throne?” Feeling worse than before the princess of the day replys.

“Yes Luna. If Thunder doesn't continue being a prince he will lose the foals. I dread having to tell them that they can never see each other again. Luna you've always....... excelled..... in finding loop holes. If ever the case called for one it is now. Please for my son and prize student. They deserve each other ,and I don't believe I will be able to keep them apart. Not for long anyways.” The lunar princess remains silent ,but nods her head agreeingly. At Pony Deen's Thunder and Twilight finish their salads and begins talking again with Thunder speaking first.

“Star, I've been thinking.” A smile comes to the lavender pony's face as a witty retort pops in her head.

“Careful Handsome that can be dangerous.” the former prince rolls his eyes at the cheesy joke. Bringing his napkin up to his mouth he wipes away any stray food ,even though there is none.

“Ha ha very funny. Dear this is actually something serious. Nopony knows that were dating except for Mother ,Father ,Aunt Luna basicly my whole family. The point I'm trying to make is I could shadow my true form and things would remain normal for you. There would be no press nothing needs to be complicated.” Twilight is taken back by the off white alicorns proposition.

“Thunder I.... I don't know what to say. I love you and I love what we have. I don't want it to ever end.” True joy engulfs the couple as they stare into each others eyes.

“My lavender flower, may I have the honor of another night such as this again soon?” Heat race's to find a spot in Twilight's cheeks as she answers her coltfriend.

“What kind of marefriend would I be if I said no. After all you are my gallant knight. There is something I've been wondering about though. Scootaloo and Butterscotch, that is one very active filly do you think you can handle her?” The former prince begins laughing as she hears the question. Pondering the right words to say the off white alicorn begins speaking.

“To tell you the truth does any parent know how to control their foals? When I adopted them it felt right. You don't mind me being a father do you?” Worry plasters itself across his face as he waits for her to answer. Seeing his fear Twilight begins speaking in a calm voice.

“No, I don't. I'm glad that you want foals. I just never thought that one day I would be dating Scootaloo and Butterscotch's father. Their very good foals you should be proud of them.” Thunder relaxes back into his chair as he runs thru his thoughts about the dates schedule.

“Twilight if your finished eating there is something I have been wanting to show you.” The lavender mare looks down at her empty plate and nods her head. Seeing this the tall stallion becomes extremely excited.

“Right this way my dear. It is a little ways off ,but it is worth the agonizing carriage ride.” After Thunder pays for the food the two pony return to the oversized limo with glee plastered across their face's.

“You never said where we are going. Want to give me a guess?” The former prince sits thinking about the question that was just proposed to him.

“My delicate flower to quot a wise and dear friend of mine, Nope.” The prize student of the solar princess gives a huff not liking the answer.

“Well will you at least tell me what our estimated time of arrival is?” Struggling not to tell her Thunder returns his reply.

“Nope. You know this city almost as well as I do. If I told you about what time we would arrive then you would try to figure it out. Am I correct?” The lavender mare slowly nods her head in shame of him seeing through her plan. After about an hour of silence in the carriage they come to a stop. As if on instinct the former prince opens the door and helps his marefriend out of the carriage. Looking around Twilight doesn't see anything just the top of the mountain. True most pony's would never even think to come up here ,but it is nothing special.

“A long time ago there were two pony sisters ,but you already know that. What you don't know is that they were lonely. With nopony around their lives were miserable. Eventually their mother ,my grandmother, saw their despair and made an entire world full of ponys. However it was not without cost. After that fateful day all alicorns were cursed. We must find our true love before we reach the age of five hundred. The reason I'm telling you this is because in two weeks I turn five hundred years old.” Turning to face his marefriend Thunder continues speaking.

“Twilight I believe with every fiber of my body that you are my true love ,and nothing will ever change my mind.” Slowly the lavender mare trots toward her coltfriend.

“Thunder why did you bring me up here?” A smile comes to his face as he starts nuzzling her.

“My dear this is a sanctuary ,of sorts. What I mean is this is where I come to escape everypony. Only my Mother ,Aunt Luna ,and Grandmother know about this place. True from time to time pony's try to make the long hike ,but they rarely make it. Twilight from here you can see all of Equestria. I wanted to share this with you because I always want you to know that there are no more secrets between us even something small like this.” Right after saying this he remembers about his inability to have foals ,and his face turns grim. Seeing this Twilight begins worrying.

“Thunder? Is everything ok you look like you just saw a ghost.” With despair in his voice the former prince begins speaking.

“Twilight, there is one more secret ,and you should know it before anything further happens between us........... If we do end up together we can never have foals. I'm sterile.” In a calm and retinal voice the lavender mare begins speaking as she looks strait into his eyes.

“Thunder we don't need foals. True I think ours would have been gorgeous ,but if that's the truth then there is nothing we can do about it.” Relief spreads through the mind of the off white alicorn as he nuzzles his marefriend.

“Star you really are the mare for me. Although I really am wondering what do you think of my oasis?” The lavender unicorn rolls her eyes.

“It's simple ,nice ,and away form everypony. Perfect for thinking ,but it is a little chilly.” After retuning to the carriage they end their date ,their night if bliss.

chapter 15

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Chapter 15

About a week after their first date Twilight and Thunder have been on three others. In the Ponyville library a purple dragon begins shaking the sleeping lavender mare that is in her bed.

“Wake up Twilight the princess sent you a letter and it has a magical lock on it so I can't read it. Actually she sent two one is tied with purple ribbon and the other is tied with a dusty white one.” Hearing this the lavender unicorn's eyes almost pop out of her head.

“Spike! Where's the letters?! Oh, I hope the princess isn't mad at Thunder and I.” The little dragon raises an eyebrow.

“What did the two of you do that would make her mad?” Not answering the question she snatches the letter out of his claw and removes the lock ,and begins reading to herself.

“Dear Twilight Sparkle

I hope your date's with my son have been pleasant ,but that is not why I am writing to you. I need you and Thunder to come to the castle. Last week a rather disturbing thing happened that affects your relationship. I will not go into detail ,but it is very important. I will be sending two carriage's one for you and one for Thunder. You are not to share the same carriage. This is to retain the cover the two of you have made. Also I must commend you having Thunder change his form must give the two of you some peace. I'm happy for you ,but also sad.

Your teacher Princess Celestia”

After reading the letter a knot ties its self in her throat making her unable to speak. The last line however filled her with the most dread. Looking down at Spike she does her best to retain a normal voice.

“Spike, Take that letter to Thunder ,and don't stop for anypony it is very important that he reads it as soon as possible.” Leaving the room the little dragon looks down at the letter and shrugs his shoulders. In Canterlot Thunder trots through the town finally coming to the home of Twilight Velvet and Noteworthy. After knocking on the door Twilight's father opens it.

“Hello, Is there something I can do for you?” Immediately when the door swings open the former prince bows.

“Hello Mister Noteworthy may I come in?” A little confused the blue unicorn lets obliges his request. In the main sitting area of the house the couple continue their conversation.

“I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself at the door ,but I didn't want to lie to you. Even though I don't look like it I am the former prince of Equestria. My name is Thunder Flicker.” The blue unicorn with a dark blue mane raises his eyebrow.

“I'm sorry ,but like you said you don't really look like the prince.” Nodding his head the dark gray unicorn brings his horn to a glow. Slowly a film of red aura surrounds Blade turning him back into an alicorn. Seeing this Twilight's father begins to hate what he said to the former unicorn. Standing their Thunder waits for Noteworthy to speak.

“My prince please forgive me! I did not mean to call you a liar.” Feeling a little uncomfortable the tall alicorn begins speaking.

“Sr it is ok. I'm actually here on a personal reason. For some time now your daughter and I have been...... dating.” The former prince's throat begins to close up as he continues speaking.

“Being raised with old traditions I feel I must ask you for permission for her hoof in marriage.” Noteworthy begins looking Thunder over.

“So you want to marry my only daughter. Have a seat.” Sitting down the off white alicorn remains silent.

“Have you ever been married before?” Not wanting to go into detail about his last engagement he nods his head no.

“I see. Well it is obvious that you could provide for her. Do you have any foals?” Feeling like he is being judged Thunder begins speaking.

“Yes Sr I have two. I adopted them some time ago.” With a huff Noteworthy starts wracking his mind for another question when his wife trots into the room. Looking around The white mare with a light purple and white striped mane begins speaking.

“Your majesty to what do we owe this honor?” Seeing her enter the room Thunder instantly stands.

“Uh....... hello Mrs. Velvet it is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so many good things about you from Twilight.” Rolling his eyes Noteworthy begins speaking.

“Dear he's here to ask permission to marry our daughter ,but I do have one more question.” Thunder looks back over to his marefriend's father as he continues talking. Knowing that alicorns live forever he stands up

“Would you die for her?” Feeling the gravity of the question Thunder takes a gulp.

“Yes Sr. I would. Twilight is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. My foals would also be on that list. I love your daughter, and nothing will ever change that.” Thunder continues standing waiting for the final word from Noteworthy while Twilight Velvet tries to figure out what all has happened. About to answer Thunder's question Noteworthy is cut of by his wife.

“Wait. Our son marries a Princess now a prince want's to marry our daughter! What's next is our grandfoal's going to become gods?” Thunder's expression shows a horrible poker face.

“Um... well if they were alicorn's then sure they would be.” Getting back on topic Noteworthy begins speaking.

“Thunder you have my permission ,but you better treat my little filly good. If not I'm gana be at your door with a nice new wood ax.” A smile comes to the former prince's face. Overjoyed he begins speaking.

“Thank you Sr. This is the best news I have ever received. Now I just need to ask her. I hope you will not think it rude of me not to stay ,but I have place's to go and pony's to see.” About to open the door Thunder is stopped by Twilight's father.

“Son you sure are a busy stallion. Can I at least know when your going to ask her?” Thinking about this the tall alicorn turns around.

“Tomorrow, at noon.” After finishing his sentence he turns back into his unicorn self and leaves the house. On the outskirts of Ponyville A little purple dragon stands knocking on the white door to Thunder's home. Slowly the door creaks open revealing a little orange filly.

“Oh, hi Spike what's up?” Entering the house he sees that Scootaloo has a horn.

“It's still weird seeing you with that thing on your head. Anyways the princess sent a letter to Twilight and she told me to take it here.” A mischievous look comes to the princess's face.

“Hay wanta read it?” Placing it on a nearby table Spike shoots her down.

“Sorry, it has a magical lock on it. I already tried with Twilight's.” Not wavering from her thoughts a purple aura levitates the letter to her.

“Dad showed me some magic stuff. Maybe I could unlock it.” After trying and failing more times than countable Scootaloo gives up.

“Gee, Grandma really didn't want anypony except Dad reading this did she.” rolling his eyes spike begins talking.

“Tell me about it. I've been wanting to read the thing all day. So is he nearby?” Thinking the little filly remembers the note that was left on the fridge door.

“Na he left before I was up. Left this on the frig.” Holding up the note Spike begins reading.

“Scootaloo I need to go to Canterlot to run some arens. Breakfast is in the refrigerator ,and don't skip school. Now that you know how to use your horn you can make it invisible yourself.

Love Dad.”

Almost rolling on the floor laughing the little dragon tries to speak.

“Hahahahahahahahaha wow you even have school on Saturday! What did you do yell at your teacher?” Becoming increasingly annoyed the princess begins yelling.

“NO! IT'S MAGIC SCHOOL. Stupid magic. Why do I need this stuff anyway?” As she continues mumbling something pops into her head.

“Oh ya I got flight school today not magic school. THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!” Not wanting to stay for the explanation Spike opens the door and leaves. In Canterlot Thunder enters another jewelry store. Looking over the rings he still can't find what he is looking for. The pony behind the counter notices him and begins speaking.

“Hello, so who's the lucky mare?” Glancing up he sees the nametage on the pony.

“Oh... Her name it's Twilight ,but I can't find the right ring. I've been to twelve stores today and none of them have one that is good enough.” Stoking her chin she leans in closer to the dark gray stallion.

“I'm not suppose to promote other store's ,but by looking at you I can already tell you we don't have what you need. If you want to buy her something she will never forget why don't you go to Tiponys. It's in Manehattan ,but it's worth the journey.” Thunder immediately facehoof.

“I don't know why I didn't think of that sooner. Thank you I'll come back and buy something later.” Without even moving the former prince teleports to Manehattan. Looking around he sees the luxurious jewelry store. Trotting in he goes strait to the engagement rings. Much to his displeasure he still doesn't see what he wants.

“Welcome to Tiponys is there anything I can help you with?” Turning around he sees a black blue mare with a ed mane,

“Um maybe. I'm looking for an engagement ring. Price is no option.” Hearing this the mare gets stares in her eyes.

“You don't want any of these. Let me show you where we keep the more beautiful gems.” Shrugging the dark gray unicorn follows her. To his surprise she goes behind a red velvet rope and ushers him in.

“The front of the store is where the non-rich shop. Welcome to the vault.” Looking around Thunder sees the walls covered with all sorts of gems and necklaces. Still following her the come up to a clear glass case. Pairing down into it he finally find the right one.

“I'll take that one. Oh and can you have the band engraved, and I know the exact cut that I want.” Looking down she sees that he is pointing at the one that cost the most.

“I'm sorry ,but how were you planing on paying for this?” Looking at her confusion attaches itself to Thunder's face.

“With bits how was I suppose to other wise?” The sale's mare clears her throat.

“Yes of course ,and we do engrave things. That will be.....” She pick’s up a peace of paper and begins doing figures. After several moments of silence she begins speaking again.

“Did you want that ready today?” Nodding his head she lets out a long whistle.

“That will come to....... seven million bits.” Wincing at the last part of her sentence she expects the unicorn to walk away.

“What time can I pick it up?” The rather short mare begins blinking her eyes at a very fast pace trying to understand why he would still be here.

“Uh..... it will be finished at three. Please fill out this form and you can pay at the desk, or back here so you don't get mugged.” Running this through his mind Thunder finally understands why she is being so cautious.

“Oh, I forgot about my appearance. I can't tell you who I am ,but know I do in fact have the money. If you will wait right here I will be back in just a moment. After about ten minutes the dark gray stallion teleports back into the room with saddle sash full of bits.

“It took some time to count ,but here's the money.” Seeing this the mouth of the sale's pony drops to the floor. Quickly a guard gallop up to Thunder's side thinking he is trying to steal something.

“Next time steal so.......” Before he can finish his sentence the salesmare cuts him off. Levitating the bits out of his sash he begins counting them till the salesmare brings over a bit counter. About ten minutes goes by as they go through the transaction.

“It looks like everything is here right down to the last bit. If you don't mine me asking who are you. I didn't know anypony had this much money.” Not wanting to give away his secret he begins speaking.

“I'm just somepony that luck has been very fortunate to ,but if you need my name mark it as an order for Princess Celestia's son. I was just sent to find and pick up ,also he has requested that nopony know of his purchase here. He said something about spoiling the surprise.” Finally understanding where all the bits came from the blue mare nods her head.

“We are sworn to secrecy nopony will know. Client privileges and all.” Hoofing the form back over to her she begins reading over it then frowns.

“You didn't fill out the part with your name.” Begrudgingly Thunder takes back the form.

“You wont believe it. In fact you will probably have me arrested for trying to steal another pony's identity.” After signing his name he hoofs it back.” Seeing it the salesmare gasps trying to find the right words to say. Having seen this plenty of time he turns back into an alicorn.

“Yes didn't you wonder how I could hide from my mother for so long. True it was only a week ,but that is still a long time to hide from somepony that can control the sun. I will return at three for the ring.” Turning back into a unicorn he gives the salesmare a nod then exits the vault. Thinking on where he should go first he teleports home. In the Canterlot castle Twilight Sparkle trots through the long hall until she reaches the throne room. Having been here many times as the personal student of the goddess of the sun she knows her way around. As the massive doors open the lavender mare sees only Celestia. Slowly entering the room she approaches her teacher.

“Twilight I'm glad you could make it. Thunder hasn't received his letter as of yet ,but I believe he will find it soon. I'm actually happy that this happened because I was wanting to talk to you alone before we began.” Fearing the worst Twilight begins jumping to conclusions not even noticing her coltfriend's crown on a pillow beside a tiara.

“Your not going to be my teacher anymore are you?” A smile comes to the solar goddesses face as she ponders how to answer.

“Well, no. I will continue being your teacher ,but there is something you should know. Once Thunder was engaged. They were completely in love ,but I actually he loves you more. Anyways the night before their wedding a changeling killed her in cold blood. That is why he always worked so hard. He blamed himself ,but lately he has changed. He is enjoying life again thanks to you.” Looking over Twilight sees the crown and tiara.

“Was that her's?” Celestia nods her head yes as the little mare continues speaking.

“So..... all you wanted was for him to be happy ,but he's not really happy is he?” Sitting down on her throne the princess of the sun begins speaking.

“Not completely. He love's you I know that much otherwise he would not have give up his crown. Twilight I'm going to ask you to do something that will break your heart. As long as Thunder is not a prince he can not raise Scootaloo and Butterscotch. Before he moved to Ponyville they were made part of the royal family. Regrettably we never told him about this. In order for him to continue raising them he must become a prince again ,but he will never want to hurt you. When he did leave you I could tell was in agony even through he tried to hide it. Luna and I have been trying to find a way for the two of you to be able to stay together ,but without going against my word it's just not possible.” Almost unable to speak Twilight begins chocking out her words between her sobbing.

“What your basicly saying is that we can never be together because of you. Even if the stars were aligned ,we had three wishes ,and we were the luckiest pony's in the Equestria we still would be separated from each other. I know what your asking. You want me to leave him so you feel good about yourself. So...... so buck you Celestia!” Galloping out of the room she almost tackles Thunder to the ground. Looking at him tears continue flowing freely down her face as she tries to escape the craziness that is her life by teleporting out of the room. Completely distraught at seeing his marefriend in such an emotional state he steadily trots toward his mother.

“What did you say to her! Tell me!” In shame the goddess of the sun lowers her head.

“Did you read the letter?” surprised by her unwillingness to cooperate the former prince begins to fill with anger.

“Yes. So either I keep the foals and loose Twilight ,or they are taken from me and I am allowed to remain with the mare I wish to marry. What a sick way to get what you want!” Shaking her head Celestia tells him about how there was somepony impersonating her making it to where he would renounce his right to the crown. After explaining Celestia begins questioning him.

“Prince Thunder did you say marry? Were you really going to ask Twilight for her hoof in
marriage?” Looking over to his crown he levitates it to his face inspecting it. With a huff he magic's a window open ,and taking careful aim jets his crown into the open sky.

“Yes, and don't expect me to where that thing anytime soon. I may be a prince ,but I will find a way to be with Twilight. You can count on that. Now I'm going back home the foals and I will remain living there. If you have switched Captain Armour off of my detail please send him back. I wish to get better acquainted with my future brother in-law.” Raising an eyebrow Celestia begins speaking.

“Get, Don't you mean become? It seems that your grammar is slipping son. Don't speak like that in public. It could possibly give us a bad reputation.” Rolling his eyes the prince returns the retort.

“Don't, should it not be do you not. Face it Mother we act royal more than we truly are. I learned that from my foals. I need to see Aunt Luna will you please tell me where she is.” With a heavy heart for striping her only son of happiness she answers the question.

“She's in the library ,and Thunder I am truly sorry for all of this. If there was any way......” Before she has a chance to finish her sentence the tall off white prince interrupters her.

“There is! You might not have found it ,but that is why I am the prince of weather. My special talent is deciphering things just like the weather. I look at all point of the situation. I half to go over everything said ,everything done ,and every little secret. For the longest time Aunt Luna and I made it seem like it was her that found loop hole in the law for our subjects ,but it was actually me. Have somepony send me everything that has happened starting with the day I left the palace for Ponyville. The rest I can gather from Aunt Luna. Until we see each other again Mother.” After he finishes talking he turns and trots out of the room.

chapter 16

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Chapter 16

In the royal library Princess Luna towers over peaces of parchment and about twenty books. Groaning from frustration she begins rubbing her temples with her forehooves. After several times of repeating this process she hears hoof steps coming from behind her. Completely frazzled she turns to face Thunder about to cast him down to the center of Equestria before she realizes it is him.

“Prince Thunder! Oh thank Tia it's you. I assume you already know about the situation. I have been trying to find a loop hole ,but I'm not as talented as you are at bending the rule's.” Looking over Thunder sees that everything he asked for is on the table in front of his aunt.

“Aunt Luna could you take all of this to the room? I don't want certain pony's to know my process.” Nodding she teleports all the letters and books into the room of secrets with the table they were sitting on. Hearing hoof steps behind him Thunder turns around to find a guard accompanied by a white stallion with a black and red mane. Trotting up to the princess of the night the lunar stallion begins speaking.

“Princess Luna please forgive my intrusion but this stallion here says that he knows you.” Looking at the white alicorn Luna's pupil's widen covering her whole eye. With shortness of breath the dark blue princess begins speaking.

“Broken Arrow? I.... I thought you were dead! When you disappeared I....” Unable to finish her sentence the princess of the night begins crying. Turning to her nephew Luna tries to talk.

“If you can find a loop hole for you will you try to find one for us?” A confused looks comes to the prince's face that only mimics the one on Broken Arrow's.

“Aunt Luna what do you mean. I've never even seen this stallion before. Who is he?” Facehoofing herself she begins speaking.

“It was a long time ago before you were born. I was looking for my true love, just like you. However Tia told me we were only allowed to date the nobility. By that time I had fallen in love with a handsome stallion, a commoner. Not knowing what to do we separated. I have regretted that day my entire life. Anyways the next day I received news that there was an accident in the countryside. When I didn't hear from him I assumed he was dead. Of course I did search for him but I never could find him.” Glancing over to the stallion Thunder waits for an explanation.

“Prince Thunder after I discovered the law I tried to find a way to... bypass it ,but I couldn't knowing that we could never be together I went into hiding. The reason I have resurfaced is because I have finally found a way. Do you remember Princess Celestia offering a reward for your safe return?” Nodding his head Thunder begins thinking the same thing as the white alicorn.

“Since I returned on my own accord I have the right to name my own prize. You want me to use the reward to make you part of the nobility. Is that correct? There is something you have overlooked though. I could use that to make Twilight part of the nobility. How are both of you going to be elevated?” Hanging his head in desperation the white stallion answers.

“You can't. Celestia would only elevate one of us. One prize one pony.” Looking at the clock Thunder notices the time.

“I'm sorry can we continue this later I have an appointment at three. Aunt Luna I think this conversation should be held in the room. I will try to be back as soon as possible.” Teleporting out of the room Luna looks over to her former coltfriend.

“Before he returns you have a lot of explaining to do. So you better start talking.” In Manehattan inside Tiponys Thunder looks over his purchase.

“Everything is just as I requested. Are there any additional fees?” Shaking her head no the salesmare just stares at the prince.

“W.... would you like a box your Hines?” Rolling his eyes he nods yes.

“I'm sorry if I seam cross ,but I really must be going. Would you be able to move a bit faster?” Cowering down the salesmare hurriedly prepares the ring.

“T.. t.. there you are. I'm sorry for moving so slow. A pony like you must have more important things to do than just stand around waiting on a nopony like me.” Hearing this Thunder looks up at the full grown unicorn.

“Why that's simply remarkable. I've lived almost five hundred years and never have I met a nopony before. Everypony I've ever met was always important from farmer's to store clerks. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Glancing over at the clock he continues speaking.

“I would really love to stay and chat ,but it seem I'm late for a very important date.” Levitating the jewelry box into his saddle bag Thunder teleports to Cloudsdale. After trotting down the street some he finds the school for young fliers. Upon entering the one room cloud building a hush falls over the entire class. Trotting over to the desk he sees that he is the only adult in the establishment. Standing there in awkward silence for about a minute a young light blue filly raises her hoof and begins speaking.

“Um.... Mister Teacher are we going to get started?” Looking over the class he sees Scootaloo waving her hooves in the direction of the door trying to get him to leave.

“Uh.... yes class my name is Professor Flicker ,but before we start it seams we have a little orange clown among us.” With a few murmurs the class zeros in on Scootaloo. Having all the attention one her she starts string at her father.

“Little filly please join me outside. I believe your parents would want to know how you've been acting since I entered the room.” The class begins filling with oooooo's and aaaaaaah's as the little princess trots out the door. Outside Scootaloo turns to face her father and begins speaking.

“Did you half t'do that? You could have just poked your head in and asked for me come outside.” Raising an eyebrow the prince looks over his daughter.

“You made your horn invisible which means you don't want special attention. This was the only way I could make you come outside for us to talk privately. Now I have some very important questions to ask you ,and I want your honest opinion. Remember don't lie to me cause I can always tell.” Nodding her head the little orange princess waits for the first question.

“Scootaloo........ do you like Twilight?” Giving a confuse look she scratches the back of her head. Pondering for a moment before she answers.

“Well, She's kinda an egg-head. She's never been mean to me. Unless you count the time she almost caused everypony to go crazy over that ugly doll ,but I don't so ya. Why do you want to know?” Feeling his throat constrict he levitates the solid teal box with a white bow out of his saddlebag.

“Now don't give your hopes up it's not for you.” Making sure that his can put the ribbon back on he carefully removes the ring from the box.

“Do you know what this is?” Giving him a look of surprise and annoyance she begins speaking with a very cheerful tone.

“You're gonna ask her to marry you! Does this mean I half to call her mom? Cause that would be a little weird. Well at first but after a while I wouldn't mind it so much.” Giving a little chuckle he places the ring back in the box and ties the ribbon back on.

“Not if you don't want to Angel ,but that will also be up to Twilight. Remember I haven't asked her yet. To tell you the truth I'm scared out of my wits end. Oh and something happened today. Let me put it this way I'm still a prince ,and I will need it very quiet tonight if I'm going to pull this off. Now for another very important question. Why are you and the other student's at school thirty minutes early?” The little filly's mouth falls in disbelief.

“It doesn't start till three thirty! What the hay am......” She stops speaking when she looks up seeing a stone cold stare coming from her father.

“Young lady there is no way in Equestia I am going to let you speak like that. Consider this a warning next time I hear you swear you will have your mouth washed out with soap, understand?” Slowly nodding her head she takes a large gulp.

“Good now get back to class because I don't think that the other students are going to by that I was just talking to you about behavior this long.” Trotting back into the room Thunder begins talking to the class.

“Ok class since all of you are early it is clear that there has been a lack in communication. I am not your teacher ,and your school does not start till three thirty. However I did not lie to you I am a teacher I just teach the more.............. advanced classes. Enjoy your break until your teacher arrives.” After finishing his sentence Thunder leaves the room just as a humungous roar erupts through out the building.

“I feel sorry for that teacher. They have a lot of work ahead of them. Scootaloo will probably talk their ear off about Rainbow Dash. Maybe next year I will let her try out. Anyways time to go back to the castle.” His horn begins glowing with a burgundy aura ,and moments later he is in the room.

“Arrow do you think it will work?” Seeing the flash of light Luna turns to face Thunder.

“Ok there is no point in you teleporting in here all the time. The secret to opening the door is to step on the button.” Giving her a confused look his aunt demonstrates by clearing the smoke away and stepping on a button on the ground. An annoyed look comes to the prince's face.

“You mean I have been searching for a spell thinking it was some sort of magic ,and it was just a button!” Giving a huff he continues speaking.

“What have you come up with you were saying something when I came in.” Thinking over their plan they begin to spin a web of deception.

“Thunder after reading the contract we found a flaw that star swirl overlooked. It says Celestia will not allow anypony to advance in stature. It never says that I can not elevate a family or anything. This contract was made before I was of age there for it does not apply to me.” A large grin comes to Luna's face as she waits to see what Thunder thinks.

“So it only apply's to Mother? If that is the case then we can do this.” Turning to Broken Arrow he continues speaking.

“I need you to come with me. If I'm going to ask Mother to make you part of the nobility she needs to know that you're alive.” Trotting toward the button Thunder presses it making the large door open. In the throne room Celestia and Solaris sit going over their daily duties. Hearing the door open they turn to face their son and Broken Arrow.

“Mother I have found a way, but there is a matter of business that need to be discussed. When I first went to Ponyville you sent out a reward for my safe return. I am here to make my demands.” A look of shock comes to the pristine goddess's face.

“You returned on your own accord that voided the contract.” Shaking his head thunder looks over to the white hooded stallion beside him who is holding up the contract in question.

“It says right here anypony that returns Prince Thunder Flicker safe and unharmed is to name their reward. No questions asked. I returned myself safe and unharmed. I want this stallion to be elevated to the status of the nobility, and to keep with your law Father is to be the one that will elevate him. You gave your right to make a pony part of the upper class. The rest of us are free to do as we wish.” In complete shock Lucien goes through the procedure of raising his status. Still not sure what happened Celestia begins speaking.

“Why would you make him part of the nobility and not Twilight? Now the two of you can not be together.” A little tired from not having enough sleep Luna enters the room.

“Because according to a law we made years upon years ago I can not elevate a pony just because I'm in love with them.” Looking back at him the princess of the sun begins to see what is going on.

“So Thunder uses his free pass to make him part of the nobility and you make Twilight part of the nobility in return?” All three pony's not sitting on a throne nod their heads yes. Looking over them Celestia sees a small box in her sons unlatched saddlebag.

“Thunder, did you already buy the ring?” Not giving him time to answer she levitates the teal box over to herself. Focusing very hard she teleports the ribbon of the box so not to disturber the way it is tied. Opening it she gasps at the sheer beauty of the gem. Turning to her husband she begins speaking.

“Well it looks like he didn't inherit your taste in jewelry.” Giving a huff Solaris begins staring down his son for upstaging him.

“Mother if you don't mind I would like to tell Twilight the good news.” Groaning she puts the lid back on the box and makes the ribbon fit back on perfectly. Placing it in his saddlebag he begins going through the process of turning into a unicorn. About half way through Celestia begins speaking.

“Tell Twilight I'm sorry for everything that I have done.” Trowing off his thought pattern of what he wanted to look like He blotches the spell. Rubbing his head he sighs in relief at still having his horn ,but everypony in the room just stares at him not saying a word. After way to long of the awkward silence lingering Luna begins speaking.

“I don't think you want to see Twilight like that.......... Beautiful Stiletto.” At hearing the last two words Thunder gives his aunt a confused look ,while the entire room erupts in laughter. In an alto voice the prince begins speaking.

“What do you me........” After hearing his voice the prince begins panicking. Rushing around the room he tries to find a mirror. After searching every nook and cranny of the room he gallops into the hall. Quickly locating a bathroom he stares at his reflection in horror.

“I'm...... a mare!” In the mirror a dark purple unicorn with a pink mane and cerulean eyes stare back at herself, as she tries to make since of the situation.

“Ok......” Hearing her feminine voice it distracts her for a moment. Aggravated beyond all account she begins speaking with a very pristine tone that sounds a lot like a singer's voice.

“So I'm a mare. This sucks ponyfeather.” Outside the door she hears her mother's voice.

“Now that in no way for a lady to speak.” Ignoring her she exits the room. Hoping to reach the end of the hall before her mother. The princess spreads her invisible wings and darts toward her old room. With being a mare and a smaller pony than Celestia she reaches her old room and locks the door.

“What the hay am I going..... What am I going to do?! I never thought that for even a second I could switch gender's. Maybe if I try it again I can fix what went wrong. With her horn glowing burgundy she becomes encased in a cocoon, only to have it fall apart for lack of concentration.

“I can't focus on the spell because I'm in a mare's body!” Laying down on her old bed she begins crying. Hearing this her mother unlocks the door with her magic and trots over. In a smooth and motherly tone she begins speaking.

“Oh now it's not that bad my little filly. You may look like a mare but..... but..... I don't know what to say. This is a new one on me. Just to let you know if you were born a filly and not a colt I'm sure you would have still been just as special. I do have a question though. Are you having any..... non-normal urges?” Looking up at her mother she wipes her eyes.

“No! My brain didn't switch just my body. I'm a mare now I can cry if I want to.” Looking down at her daughter Celestia wipes a fresh tear from her cheek.

“My little princess weather your a stallion or a mare you are always going to be my little foal, and know mother wants to see her foal sad. I bet you could agree with me on that. Now dry those tears your a confident strong mare and don't let anypony tell you otherwise. Until you change back if not they will think you're weird.” Giving a slow nod the purple mare buries her face in Celestia's chest giving her a large hug.

“Thank you mother. Could you have the foals brought here tonight? I'm to tired to even try to change again. I doubt that I could make it home.” Nodding Celestia gives her daughter a kiss on the head and goes to exit the room only to remember something.

“Oh did you want me to still call you Thunder or would you like to be called by the name we were going to give you if you were a filly, Lavender Flake.” Receiving only a high pitch groan Celestia smiles.

“Goodnight Princess Lavender Flake pleasant dreams.” Not liking the sarcasm Princess Lavender throws a pillow at her mother. In the hall Lucien stares down his wife.

“I know you always wanted a daughter, but this is just wrong. Not to mention sick. How could you not offer to help him.” Rolling her eyes Celestia approaches her husband.

“Don't worry he will be back to a stallion tomorrow. He just needs his rest. Which means I have plenty of time to take photo's. Well see if he tries to blackmail me with embarrassing pictures again. Oh and now I have something that he can't denie. Seeing a flash come from under the door Solaris inches it open.

“Thunder? Are you ok?” in a masculine voice the prince replys to his father.

“I over heard your conversation with Mother. Lets just say I found more of a motivation to correct my mistake.” Seeing that her fun is ruined Celestia trots away with a sad face talking to herself.

“I was going to take him shopping. There is a lovely dress at the store the would have fit him perfectly.” Rolling his eyes Lucien trots into Thunder's room ,but is shocked at seeing him still a mare. Closing the door behind him the prince begins speaking.

“You shouldn't lie to your mother, but I am a little curious how did you change your voice?” Trotting up to him the princess begins speaking in her girly voice.

“I know Father, but I had to do something she was going to get the camera. And I used this toy. It's Butterscotch's, check it out.” With her magic she levitates the megaphone up to her mouth and begins speaking in a masculine voice.

“Lucky for me my son doesn't clean up his toys.” Shaking his head Lucien goes to give her a noogie, but stops mid way through.

“Son..... this is weird. I'm just glad you did trick your Mother. She was wanting to take you shopping for dresses.” Both pony's starts shuttering at the thought of having to go through that. Back in her high pitch voice Lavender begins speaking.

“Father..... please don't tell the foals or Twilight this is embarrassing enough. It would probably scar Scootaloo for life. I don't even want to think of what Twilight would think.” Rolling his eyes Lucien stares down his son/daughter.

“Thunder or would you like me to call you Lavender? Anyways if you have the spell written down couldn't another pony simply cast it?” With an annoyed look on her face Lavender Flake begins speaking.

“Call me by my name. To answer your question I don't think so. When performing the spell it takes extreme concentration. The only way I can get it right is if I focas on each part as I change them. I'll be back to normal tomorrow I just need to let my magic build back up. Mother said that she would bring the foals by will you let me know when they arrive?” Nodding his head Lucien begins speaking.

“I would suggest that you check on them yourself, but they would see your wings and horn..... maybe if I introduced you to them as the sister of Princess Cadence. Do you think they would buy it?” Thinking this over Lavender nods her head.

“Thank you Father. You know what would be weird? If this whole thing played pinball with my brain, and I started acting like a mare.” Giving a chuckle Lucien shakes his head as his daughter trots toward her desk.

“Father if I'm gong to propose to Twilight tomorrow I need to get things ready and my duties out of the way. So we can spend the whole day together.” Rolling his eyes Lucien leaves the princess alone, and returns to his wife. In the Carousel Boutique Twilight and Rarity sit talking over a warm cup of apple cider.

“You tolled Celestia what?! In a hundred years I never would have thought that you would say something so..... so....... well so strong. Twilight I'm sure if there is a way your prince will find it for you.” Shrugging her shoulders the lavender unicorn looks at her friend in desperation.

“Rarity he gave his right to the throne for us to be together, and that still didn't work. If there is a such thing as fate it sure doesn't like us.” Tired of her friend's pity party Rarity begins speaking.

“Twilight Star Sparkle if I were you I would thank Faust for the time you had with him! Now go find your stallion, and don't let anypony stand in your way!” Knowing that she is right Twilight stands up and trots out of the building with a determined look on her face.

“I'm going to be with Thunder if it's the last thing I do! I better go home Spike is probably worried.” With that the lavender mare make's for the Ponyville library.

chapter 17

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Chapter 17

After finishing her map for the future weather Lavender Flake hears a knock on her door. Falling into her old routine she allows them to enter. Coming in Scootaloo looks up at the mare with stars in her eyes.

“Hi, Grandpa told me you were here! My name is Scootaloo! Thunder's my dad!” Looking down at her daughter she begins speaking.

“It's a pleasure to meet you my name's Lavender Flake. So what's the latest gossip around the castle. Surly there must be something interesting going on in a place this big.” Thinking for a moment Scootaloo's mind goes back to her father.

“Well dad's gonna ask Twilight to marry him, but that's not much for gossip.” Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to get into her daughter's head the purple princess begins speaking.

“What's wrong don't you like her? I mean she's not the wicked old step mother type is she?” With both of the girls giggling Scootaloo decides to answer her questions.

“No she not, but I don't know. I've always thought of Twilight as a friend not really a mom. What if she doesn't want me as her daughter? Or what if she doesn't like being a mother at all and disowns us?” Pulling Scootaloo close to her she gives her a small noogie. With a thought popping into her head Lavender begins speaking.

“Any mare would be crazy to not want such a nice little filly as their daughter. Now tell me do you like shopping cause I know this great little jewelry store in town and I've been meaning to go and buy something there.” Scootaloo begins nodding her head with excitement. Trotting in to the hall they come face to face with Princess Cadence. Not knowing what to say to her Lavender remains silent as her fake sister speaks.

“Sis it's been to long we simply must catch up, but I actually need to speak with you on a private matter about our brother Prince Blueblood.” Catching the hint Scootaloo ducks into her room. Returning to her former bed chamber Lavender waits for Cadence to speak.

“Ok who are you and why war you telling everypony that were sisters!” Knowing why she is mad Lavender begins speaking.

“Do you really need to know?” Not receiving and answer the purple princess looks at her fake sibling.

“Fine you caught me. I'm not your sister, but you wont believe me if I tell you who I am. So what's the point.” Becoming irritated with the fake princess's rambling Cadence begins speaking.

“Try me!” Hanging her head in sham Lavender begins talking.

“Well to start off we have known each other our whole lives so please don't get mad at me for saying we were sisters. I'd actually rather not half to say that, but somepony up there like's practical jokes. My name is Prince Thunder Flicker. While doing a spell mother distracted me and I changed into a mare. Happy.” Looking over the strange pony Cadence sees Thunder's cutie mark. Giggling uncontrolably she manages to speak.

“You turned yourself into a mare! Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Whats next are you going to go buy a dress and prance around in it! Oh Thunder, I always told you those complicated spells would come back to bite you in the flank. Now it looks like it took more than your pride!” Rolling her eyes the purple princess begins speaking.

“If my daughter or son asks where I am just tell them a spell went wrong and nopony can be near me until tomorrow. In the mean time I'm going by the name Lavender Flake.” Almost spitting out the name she looks over to Cadence. Finally off the floor She begins speaking.

“Well if you're going to pretend to be my sister you should at least know how to curtsy, and I get a picture or I blow your secret.” With a flat look on her face Lavender begins speaking.

“I'm the one that taught you how to curtsy remember, and you owe me one so I'm calling it in. So sisters?” rolling her eyes the pink alicorn begins speaking.

“Thunder I never thought I would say this to you, but you can be my sister. Now did I hear something about a jewelry store when we were in the hall?” Trotting back into the hall they knock on Scootaloo's door. Moments later the little filly opens it ready to leave.

“So are we still going?” Rubbing her head Lavender begins speaking speaking to the young princess.

“Yes we are, now are you ready to leave. I can't stand staying in this dusty old castle for a
second longer.” Looking up the little filly notices that Lavender Flake is not wearing a tiara or crown. In fact she isn't wearing anything that shows her status. A little confused that small princess begins speaking.

“Uh.... Princess Lavender. Where's your tiara?” Not knowing what to say both mare's stare silently for a moment before Cadence begins speaking.

“It's being cleaned you half to keep your tiara nice and taken care of. Despite what your father thinks about his crown. Now what are we doing standing around here we have shopping to do.” Closing her eyes Lavender rolls them. Trotting out of the castle all the normal townspony's gawk at seeing the three alicorns. Finding the store from earlier that day Lavender gingerly makes her way into the shop. Upon entering the store Scootaloo darts directly to the diamond incrusted bracelets. The two older mare's decide to look at the rings. Almost in a sarcastic voice, but still serious Cadence begins speaking.

“You know if I didn't know any better I would think you were a real mare, not a stallion with a blotch up spell. Lavender it didn't change your mind did it?” With a stern look on her face the purple princess begins speaking.

“No! I'm my good old self just stuck in this body until I regain my energy. My brain has not changed.” Raising an eyebrow Cadence looks over the purple princess. Knowing that something is off she responds to Lavender's out burst.

“You're wrong something is different. I think it changed the way you think. You're more...... emotional. You are actually acting like a mare, and I can prove it.” Lavender begins staring at her with a cautions look on her face, as Cadence continues speaking.

“You have a big flank!” Feeling completely insulted that one of her good friends is judging her and rather harshly she begins arguing with her fake sister.

“I do not have a big flank! Why would you even say something like that. I'm skinnier than you!” Beaming with pride the she is correct Cadence begins speaking in a calm tone.

“Now calm down I was just making my point. You don't need to get your ponytail in a knot. You have a lovely flank, but I'm a little worried about you sis. You don't just look like a mare you're thinking like one too. Lavender this is really bad. What are you going to do?” With fear on her face the purple mare glances toward her daughter.

“Cadence, tomorrow I'm going to propose to Twilight. I can't do that looking like this, and before you ask yes Twilight Sparkle.” With complete shock the pink princess begins speaking.

“You and Twilight! I never thought you were the type to be a filly-fooler. To think my own sister.” Giving a chuckle Cadence continues speaking.

“Seriously though I never knew y...... Thunder even liked her.” Heat begins filling her cheeks as she stands there awkwardly. Glancing over to her daughter Lavender sees that something has caught her eye. Trotting over the purple princess begins speaking to Scootaloo.

“Have you found anything you like? Remember were here to shop not just look.” Roaming around the display case with her eyes she sees a daisy key pendant with citrines and diamonds suspended from a gold chain. Looking back at her daughter she can tell that she wants it. Nudging the little filly Lavender begins speaking.

“Princess Scootaloo? If you want it all you need to do is ask.” The little filly looks down at the floor the responds to the purple princess.

“No, I couldn't it's to much. Plus Butterscotch wont get anything.” Raising an eyebrow Lavender looks down at her daughter, and with a soothing tone begins speaking.

“Little princess don't worry about your brother we'll pick something up for him on the way back. Right now it's just us girls. Think of it as a mare's day out. Now look at me strait in the eye and tell me you don't want it.” With a goofy grin on her face Cadence trots over and begins speaking not wavering a second from looking at Lavender Flake.

“Yeah Scootaloo just us girls. So did you want to do this or some real shopping. I know about a place in town that sells some beautiful dresses.” Hearing this a look of horror come to the purple princess's face. Whispering so the Scootaloo doesn't hear what she it saying Lavender begins speaking.

“Ok I admit it I might be in a girls body and it might be messing with my head, but you are not going to put me in drag! I am putting my hoof down on that, and if I know my daughter she doesn't like..” Interrupting her Scootaloo begins speaking.

“I... I don't know. I've never really been just shopping for fun. When it was just me and Butterscotch I used all are bits to buy food, and after dad adopted us I never really needed to go shopping. Maybe it could be fun.” Facehoofing herself Lavender motions for the salespony and buys the necklace for her daughter. Trotting down a street in Canterlot Lavender begins speaking to where only Cadence can here her.

“Uh.... Sis, this might just be me, but are those stallions staring at our flanks?” Taking a quick glance Cadence replys.

“Sorry Sis it looks like they're just staring at yours, and finding you very attractive. If I were you I wouldn't pay them any mind. This is just one of the insufferable things that stallions do. Welcome to the life of the average mare.” Not liking it at all the purple princess keeps her mouth shut. Thankfully her daughter begins talking.

“So where is this store? We've been walking for hours.” Looking behind her Lavender can still see the jewelery store. In a flat tone she begins talking to the little princess.

“We just left Scootaloo.” Noticing the dullness in the purple sister's voice the orange filly doesn't push the matter further. After about thirty minutes the small group approaches a store called Fancypants Fashion. Knowing that it is an exclusive mare's store Lavender wants to kick herself in the head and get a concussion. Begrudgingly she enters the store and is greeted by the scent of a cinnamon candle. Looking around she sees that the walls are covered in dresses as well as the ponyikins and clothes racks. Not liking where this is going she follows her daughter to the filly's section.

“Princess Lavender I've never done this before how do we start?” Hiding her distaste for shopping the purple mare starts going through the dresses. Finding a light blue one Lavender motions her daughter into the dressing room with a large smile, and waits outside. Trotting over Cadence begins Talking.

“If I didn't know better I'd say you were enjoying yourself. You know she's going to want you to try on a dress right?” About to answer he fake sister Lavender is interrupted by Scootaloo emerging from behind the door with a little smile on her face. Trotting up to face the two mare the little filly begins speaking.

“This is great! Just don't tell Rainbow Dash I said that. So how does it look?” Twirling around she lets the two mare's see her in the dress from all sides. Giving her approval Cadence begins speaking.

“I love it is that the one you want?” the little princess begins nodding her head yes then notices that they don't have any dresses, and she frowns.

“Where are yours?” Looking down at her Cadence responds.

“Oh, mine is at the counter. Would you like to see it?” The little filly's smile returns to her face as she trots toward the counter and sees the purple dress stretched across it. Turning back to face her
mother she begins speaking.

“Where's yours?” Instantly Lavender tenses up as she tries to think of an excuse not to buy a dress for herself, but where she can buy one for her daughter.

“Uh.... well Dear I couldn't find the right dress.” Over hearing their conversation a salesmare trots up and joins in.

“Well know wonder you couldn't you're in the wrong section of the store. Right this way please?” Unable to believe her luck or lack there of the purple princess follows the salesmare to the adult section of the store. After the very short trot they arrive and the salespony begins taking her measurements.

“Now lets see you look roughly the size of a nineteen in the chest, a twelve around the waist, and a sixteen around the flank.” Starting to get aggravated Lavender begins speaking.

“My flank is not that big, and I doubt that there is any....” Not giving her time to finish the salesmare pulls out three dresses from off a rack.

“Here you go a dark blue dress, a white dress, and a teal dress. Please let me know if you need any more help.” With the salespony trotting away Scootaloo gallops to her mother's side.

“I like the teal one. The others are to flashy.” Rolling her eyes Lavender begins going over her forced choices.

“I'll take the teal.” Levitating it with her magic she turns to trot toward the counter when she is stopped by Scootaloo.

“You're not gonna try it on?” Almost cringing at the thought of willingly putting on a dress. Lavender hears giggling coming from her fake sister followed by her saying score. Completely defeated Lavender goes into the dressing room with her dress. However just before she enters She glances over to Scootaloo seeing that she still has on her dress.

“Princess you should really take that off if were going to buy it.” Not waiting for a reply Lavender enters the small room. Slipping on the dress she looks at herself in the full length mirror. Staring at the detail in her face she begins inspecting her body.

“To think I've been a mare for almost three hours and I'm just now finding the courage to look at my body. Well if I half to be in drag at least I look fabulous.... I mean good. I look good. What am I doing this was the worst idea I've ever had! Wait why am I talking to myself.” The purple princess begins shaking her head to clear her thoughts. Brushing her mane out of her face she trots out of the dressing room almost bumping into Scootaloo.

“Dear, are you ok?” Standing up the little filly brushes it of like it is nothing. Slowly trotting backwards the little filly's eyes wide to almost a comical size.

“You're beautiful! I wish I was as pretty as you.” At hearing her say this a thought pops into Lavenders head that she immediate regrets thinking of, but whats better for a filly's self-esteem than a day at the spa having a makeover. Trotting over to Cadence she begins speaking in a whisper.

“She's not the only new pony to a mare's day out what all are we suppose to do? Since you've already managed to get me in drag I can't go much lower. I was thinking maybe we could go to the spa. I know for a fact that Scootaloo's never been to one.” Raising an eyebrow an inquisitive look comes to the pink alicorns face as she begins whispering to her fake sister.

“You're enjoying yourself aren't you? Oh, I am never going to let you live this down. Since it is your first day as a mare I guess I will cut you some slack. So here is what we do we find a dress the we like, and buy it because it looks great. Then we go to the shoe store find some....... stilettos or some other type of shoes that matches our dress, and buy them for simply the fact that they match our dresses. After that we............ well..... we go to the salon and have our mane and tale styled while they give us a hooficure. For a mare it's the best thing ever, but for a stallion...... well you could tell me better than I could explain. Thunder think about what you're getting into this could be the most miserable day of your life. I don't even make Shining come with me on days that I do things like this. True I suggested here because I wanted payback for you missing my wedding, but I wont say another word to her if you want to end this all now.” Thinking over the proposal Lavender looks over to her daughter seeing the joy behind her eye.

“Cadence I maybe miserable, but my daughter is having the time of her life. I suppose I can suck it up and go through with, but if you ever tell anypony about today you're sooooooo going to get it.” Giggling a little the pink princess begins speaking.

“Well here's a hint if you ware your dress in public it will cause more stallions to turn their heads, but on the bright side they wont be staring at your flank. They'll be staring at your chest.” The purple prince's little bit of joy turns instantly sour.

“So my choices are to have them stare at my flank or my chest. For the love of Celestia stallions are total pervs.” Nodding her head Cadence responds.

“Good you're starting to get it. Oh and just so you know I knew you had a crush. I just didn't think it would be Twilight. It looks like we might be sisters after all.” Rolling her eyes Lavender return to the dressing room and takes off the dress. Coming out for the second time she sees Scootaloo's dress on the counter and trots over.

“So is everypony ready to check out?” Looking down at her daughter she receives a small nod. After paying for their purchases the crazy trio leaves the store.

chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Entering the shoe store strange thoughts begin entering Lavender's mine. Taking Cadence to the side she begins speaking.

“Ok you're right the spell is changing my mind, but what do I do. All I can think about is shopping and that cute stallion down that isle. Oh and not to mention my fashion sense has improved. Sis I'm scared what if I start forgetting things about my real life? Wait did I just say that stallion was cute? Oh this is horrible!” Clearly seeing her friends stress the pink princess begins speaking.

“Lets think this out logically. Mare's mainly think using the left side of their brain, because that side is the more creative. Stallions are analytical in nature so they use the right side of the brain. Since your body has switched gender's you have become more emotional, better at fashion, and more willing to do girly thing. I may be wrong, but I think your brain is slowly changing to fit your new body. The estrogen would cause you to be emotional, and you've already proven that you are thinking like a mare. You may be the first pony in history to do this, but you're becoming a mare. I'm sure once you change back things will return to normal, but lets hope you remember the lessons you've learned. Well enjoy it while you can it's not everyday that somepony has the chance to see life through the other gender's eyes. At least now I know why you chose to ware your dress you couldn't resist....... Lavender I was just wondering now that you can think like a mare how would you want a stallion to purpose to you?” A little shocked at the question the purple princess begins thinking over the conundrum. As she ponders images of her in a white wedding dress start popping into her mind.

“Cadence I would like it to be just him and me. I've been in the spotlight for so long it would be nice to have a moment that is important, but peaceful.” Shaking her head the pink princess lets out a giggle.

“You really are thinking like a girl. You even said him, if you were born as a filly we would have been literally like sisters. Lavender you might be mad but I think we should invite your mother. She's always wanted a daughter, and now she has one even if it is for just one day.” Completely against the idea Princess Lavender begins objecting.

“No. Mother thinks I'm a stallion again. Not to mention she wanted to put me in a dress!” In a flat tone the pink princess of love replys.

“Lavender you are wearing a dress, and styling it rather nicely. You should give Celestia this day.” Feeling defeated the purple princess looks at her fake sister, as her ears fall to her face.

“Ok, but tell her about everything. I don't want my daughter to know the truth.” With a smile on her face Cadence begins speaking.

“Thunder your a great father and you would have been an even better mother. Are you sure you don't want to stay this way? It's been a long time since I've had a marefriend to hang out with, especially after Skyla was born. I'm not complaining about my daughter shes the best thing to have happened to Shining and me. It just she can be a hooffull sometimes.” While rolling her eyes Lavender glances down one of the isle and sees her daughter trying on a pare of shoes. With a little smirk on her face the purple princess of weather begins speaking.

“It's alright I know what you mean. Will you go check on Scootaloo? You're right I need to talk to Mother.” Trotting over to a small desolate corner of the door Lavender telepathically calls out to Celestia. Feeling somepony trying to reach her the solar princess answers.

“Hello, who's there?” In her mind the purple princess begins pondering what to say. Before she can stop herself Lavender begins thinking in her female voice.

“Hello Mother. I need to talk about what happened today.” Hearing the almost song like voice Celestia rolls her eyes.

“Thunder I don't have time for this, besides I thought you would be with Twilight by now.” Knowing that she doesn't know the truth Lavender tries to explain how she lied to her.

“Mother I never changed back into a stallion it was all a ruse. I used a light spell then one of Butterscotch's toys. Earlier you asked if I was having non-normal urges, well at the time I wasn't. After Scootaloo came to my room I decided to take her to the jewelry store. One thing led to another, and now I'm in a shoe store wearing a dress. Scootaloo thinks I'm Cadences sister, and were having a good time. I was just wondering if you wanted to join us.” Completely thrilled that her son is still a mare Celestia doesn't respond. Shortly after the conversations abrupt ending There is a large commotion in the store as a tall white alicorn enters with a white saddlebag on her back. Peering around the store Celestia sees her daughter emerging from one of the isle's. After trotting over to see her face to face the solar princess makes a sound proof bubble around them.

“Thunder In my hast to join you I neglected to ask what you are calling yourself. Oh and if you're going to still call yourself royalty you will need a tiara. I always dreamed that if I had a daughter she would wear this. It was the first tiara I had as ruler of Equestria. After you were born your father and I decide not to have anymore foals for a long time, so I put it away in hope that one day I would have a little filly of my own. Now it seems I've been given my chance, even if it is just for a short time.” Opening the bag Celestia levitates a silver tiara with pink, purple, blue, and green gem's on it roughly the appropriate size for her daughter, and places it on her pink mane.

“I thought I would use the name you picked, Lavender Flake. You don't mind do you?” Now having a tiara Lavender reveals her wings to everypony that isn't an alicorn.

“No my dear little filly I don't. I do have one more question however. Where did you buy that gorgeous dress. It looks like it was made for you.” Giving a small giggle Lavender tells her the name of the store. Removing the sound proof shield Celestia hears her granddaughter in the next isle over saying something about how pretty the shoes are followed by a yelp of pain. Worried that something bad has happened to her daughter Lavender darts around the shelf and to her side. Seeing the bloody gash along her hoof the purple princess relaxes and begins speaking in a very motherly tone.

“It's going to be alright it's just a cut.” During her sentence the wound slowly but visibly closes not even leaving a scar. Scared beyond all belief Scootaloo looks up at her mother in fright. Trotting up to see what is going on Celestia immediately intervenes.

“Your father's never been one to talk much. He never told you about how alicorns have regenerative properties did he? If you think about it that explains why you were only in the hospital for three days, when you had three broken ribs and a concussion. Somethings like broken bones take longer to heal, but a simple cut only takes moments if not that less. How ever this doesn't mean you can be careless. Carelessness leads to clumsiness, and how would it look for a princess to be tripping over her own hooves?” Nodding in agreement the little filly goes back to looking at the shoes. Deciding that she is fine for the moment Lavender and Celestia return to the isle that they were previously on. Perusing through the stilettos Lavender levitates a silver pare over to inspect them. Seeing this Celestia raises an eyebrow.

“Lavender they match perfectly, but....” In a hushed voice she continues speaking.

“What are you going to do with your new wardrobe when you turn back into a stallion?” Thinking this over a thought pops into Lavender head.

“Well you know how we have that vault sort of thing? I don't ever want to forget this day, could we put it in there?” nodding her head Celestia begins speaking.

“Yes my little princess, and I'm glad to see you have my fashion sense. Now lets make this a day to remember.” Having picked out her heels Lavender finds Cadence in another section of the store.

“Hi sis hows the shopping going? I found the pare that I'm going to buy.” Glancing up at Celestia the pink princess begins speaking using a joking tone.

“Lavender you look beautiful, and I love your stilettos. Hello Mother were not over spending again are we?” Rolling her eyes Celestia looks down at the two princesses, and smiles as she speaks.

“I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would take my son shoe shopping, or see him in a dress. Now I have two full grown mare's referring to me as mother. The two of you are crazy.” Giggling a very girlish laugh Lavender looks up at her mother who is a little shocked.

“Sorry Mother were just having a little fun. I'm going to see if Scootaloo has found anything. Does anypony want to join me?” Shaking their heads no Lavender leaves to check on her daughter. Cadence looks over to Celestia and begins speaking.

“Princess Celestia I think you should know Lavender is really enjoying herself. Her mind as been slowly shifting to think like a mare, and Scootaloo is loving every second of it. Relax and enjoy the day you have with your daughter because tomorrow she wont be here.” A single lonesome tear trickles down the cheek of the white alicorn.

“But shes not a she, shes a he my son. Cadence it's all I've ever wanted to have a daughter, but now that I have one I just want my son back. He changed into a mare by accident. Everypony is using the assumption that it will be the same spell that changes him back. What if it doesn't work? He'll be stuck like this forever, and he will never be with Twilight. Unless she changes into a stallion, but I don't see that happening any time soon.” Understanding her stress Cadence nods her head.

“Princess Celestia that may be true, but why would you lend her your old tiara if you thought there wasn't a chance. If you really thought there was no way you would have had a tiara made for her. You have a beautiful and smart mare as your daughter, and If it is permanent do you really think that they wont find a way to be together? Their love is something that you only find once in a lifetime. If it meant going to the ends of Equestria and back you know she would.” Hearing the part about the tiara Celestia cowers ever so slightly as she begins speaking.

“Actually that was my first tiara as ruler her's is still being made. I let her think she tricked me back at the castle. I really don't think they have a chance, and what you said is true. She is a smart beautiful mare. I just hope she don't stay that way for to long.” A few isles down Lavender helps Scootaloo tie her shoes.

“There....... they....... are. Now remember tomorrow when you see your dad tell him he needs to teach you how to tie your shoes. So little filly what do you want to do next?” Completely excited the little orange princess begins speaking, but not really paying attention to what she is saying.

“I don't know what do we usually do next? Oh and thanks for tying my shoes mom!...... I mean Lavender.” Shocked at hearing this the purple princess stands there unmoving, not even breathing. After an insane amount of silence Lavender begins speaking to her daughter.

“Scootaloo........ I think you're a great little filly, but your father is proposing to his marefriend. Soon you will have a new stepmother. I'm sure that this Twilight was it... will treat you with the care and love that any mother would use with their own foal. Dear I'm not your mother. I can't be your mother.” With tears in her eyes the little filly doesn't look up at Lavender. Feeling her own heart break at the sight of seeing her daughter sad the purple princess doesn't dare move. With a cracking voice the small princess begins speaking.

“You're right. You're not my mom, but why would you waist an entire day with me? We barely even know each other, and you bought me a necklace, a dress, and you were about to pay for my shoes. Why?” Feeling her throat constrict a small tear comes to Lavender's eye. Unsure of what to say to her daughter she begins speaking.

“Scootaloo...... I need to tell you a secret, but you can't tell anypony especially your brother and Twilight.” Making a soundproof solid non-transparent wall the purple princess begins speaking.

“Dear..... today Thunder was casting a spell that changes him to look like a unicorn. Well this takes an extreme amount of focus and if anything goes wrong it can be very very bad. While in mid-spell your grandmother distracted him, and the unthinkable happened. Hes still alive don't worry about that, but because of the mistake I turned into a mare.” upon hearing this Scootaloo slaps Lavender.


“You want something only your father, I would know. While in the room of secrets you asked me why I left Twilight. You thought it was cause of Butterscotch and you, but I told you that the reason was entirely different than that. Scootaloo I'm not lieing to you. The reason I can't be your mother is because I'm your father. When we started out on this little shopping adventure I was just going to do something special for my little filly, but Cadence had other plans. The dress was kind of payback for missing her wedding. Anyways as we've been shopping she and I have made a startling discovery. The longer I'm a mare the more I'm going to think like a mare. I won't go into the whole physiological aspect of it, but I can't change back not until I've had some time to recuperate from that spell.” Trying to soak in the information that she just heard the little filly begins backing away from her mother.

“NO! I.... IT CAN'T BE YOU! YOU'RE A MARE NOT A STALLION! THIS ISN'T REAL!” Loosing complete control of her emotions Lavender begins crying as she whispers to her daughter in between her sobbing.

“I'm sorry my little princess. I'm not the parent you deserve. You should have a real family not this circus. I'm soooooo sorry.” Knowing that it is her father the little princess sees that she was telling the truth about thinking like a mare, and trots forward to her side.

“No you're wrong you are a great dad and not bad at being a mom. Honestly though I can't call you dad right now. Everypony would probably think we were crazy. Can I call you mom?” Giving her daughter a kiss on the head Lavender hold her in her embrace.

“Ok, but only until I change back. You must promise you will not tell you're brother this is just between you and me Scootls. Mother and daughter only got it?” Nodding her head Scootaloo gives her mother a large hug.

“Got it Mom. I have some questions though. Now that you can think like a mare.” Untying the orange princess shoes Lavender urges her daughter to continue.

“Well there's this cute guy at school, and I think he might like me. How can I tell?” Immediately the male part of Lavender's brain goes into a frenzy trying to regain control of her mouth, while the female half starts thinking of ways to help her daughter.

“Oh..... colts...... Scootaloo you were right to ask before I changed back. Lets just say if you asked this question yesterday you would be at a new flight school, and now allowed to date for three hundred years minimum. Right now however I'm not thinking strait so I'm going to help. If you think he likes you do not confront him about it. The scariest thing to a colt around your age is non-other than a filly around his age. Why don't you try to be friends with him first, then see where things go from there. You're a smart little princess. I'm sure you will do the right thing.” Now completely out of her shoes the little orange filly give her mother another hug.

“Thanks mom and my second question. What is the biggest difference between being a mare and and being a stallion?” Thinking this over with a very serious face the purple princess replys.

“Dear, I'm sorry, but that is between a mare and her doctor. Now why don't we join your Grandmother and Cadence? If I remember right next is the salon.” Letting down the force field Lavender and Scootaloo is greeted with a very unhappy Celestia. Not giving them time to explain The pearl white alicorn begins speaking.

“So, you told her the truth. What happened to keeping it a secret? Oh well if you can not change back at least you will know what to say to your son. Scootaloo....... are you ok with this?” With a little peppy smile the orange princess looks up at her mother and begins speaking.

“Ya mom's cool, or as cool as a mom can be. So were ready to leave how abo......” Not letting her finish her sentence Lavender begins speaking.

“Not quite dear. You're ready to leave. I have some unfinished business with some saddlebags right over there.” Following the direction that lavender is pointing with her eyes Celestia begins speaking.

“Ok what in Equestia do you need a saddlebag for? Once you change back you will just use your saddle sash.” Paying her mother no mind Lavender begins trotting forward.

“Mother don't question me. That bag goes perfect with my dress.” Looking down at Cadence Celestia sees that she is still in shock.

“Cadence are you alright?” Shaking her head to clear her thoughts the pink princess begins speaking.

“So let me get this strait Scootaloo is calling Lavender mom. She has no clue that you are making her a tiara, and Lavender just basicly told you not to stop her from buying something she doesn't need. Even though Thunder never waist money, unless he has a good reason or it is for some other pony.” With a smile on her face Celestia nods her head. Shaking it off the alicorns pay for their purchases ,and leave the store

chapter 19

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Chapter 19

While trotting down the street Celestia notices the several stallions are staring at her daughter with their mouths agape. Looking down at Lavender she sees the Scootaloo is right underhoof making it hard for her to trot, but the purple princess isn't saying anything about it.

“Lavender have stallions been staring at you like this all day?” Glancing around the princess
sees another group of stallions look at her. In an irritated tone Lavender replys.

“Yes Mother they have, and I wish they would stop. It's like they've never seen a mare in a dress before.” While thinking of how to style her mane a strange sensation comes over Lavender followed by a flash of light from both sides of her flank. Seeing this Cadence and Celestia force her to go into a public restroom for some privacy. Lifting up the side of her dress the solar princess and the princess of love gasp in shock. Looking in the mirror Lavender raises her dress showing a new cutie mark. Instead of a cloud on a map resting comfortably on her flank is a rose on a canvas. Turning to face her mother a worried look comes to the purple princess's face. Knowing exactly what happened Celestia checks the room then begins speaking.

“Lavender, even though we don't like to say it you know what we are. I'm the goddess of the sun, Cadence is the goddess of love, you were the god of weather. Since your body and brain have changed you've started thinking of things differently. That cutie mark represents beauty. You're no longer the god of weather. You're the goddess of all things beautiful. What I don't understand is that you look just like a regular mare except you're an alicorn. Usually our body's have an extra effect due to our element. You have a purple coat nothing special.” Thinking this over the goddess of beauty begins speaking.

“No it does. Look at it again a rose on a blank canvas. Back in old Equestrian times before everypony was under the same kingdom pink was the symbol of beauty and purple was mystery. I've become the goddess of beauty and mystery. Great just what I needed. More stallions staring at me.” Suddenly a thought appears in the purple princess's mind. With her ears flat against her face she looks up at her mother.

“Scootaloo's been trying to aquire her cutie mark since who knows when. Now mine just changes to fit my body. What am I going to tell my little filly?” With a compassionate smile on her face Celestia brushes her mane out of her daughter's face and begins speaking in a very motherly tone.

“You're thinking of your foals first. I'm starting to think this might be reality trying to right a wrong, but only my mother can tell us that.” After moments of silence a thought emerges in the solar goddess's mind.

“Lavender how exactly did you come to know that your brain was changing.” Remembering the incident heat rushes to the purple mare's cheeks turning them to a bright pink. Thinking back to the account Cadence begins speaking.

“Well I suspected it because she was acting over emotional. To test my theory though I said she had a big flank.” Giving a chuckle Celestia begins speaking.

“To the princess of beauty that must have been quite the insult. Lavender there is no doubt that you're a beautiful mare. Just try to not be so........ how do I put this? Try not to make yourself irresistible. Now Scootaloo has been very patient waiting outside it would be wrong of us to not take her to the salon.” Nodding their heads Lavender, Cadence, and Celestia leave the restroom and continue trotting down the street with Scootaloo at their side. After entering the salon everypony there tries to be the first to Celestia. With a style finally chosen she is taken it to the back room where the more lucrative customers are taken care of. A flower blue pony with a bright pink mane begins looking over Lavender as she gasps at the raw beauty of the mare. However with her mane hanging flat she can definitely be improved. Trotting up the stylist begins speaking as she notices they are all wearing tiaras.

“Hello, my name is cherry wrap. I will be the one taking care of you today please follow me.” Guiding them into the back room Cherry swiftly gathers three teams for the waiting princesses. Turning to Lavender she begins speaking.

“Princess, there's a changing room right down the hall. If you would remover your dress it will be safe in there.” Giving a light nod the princess of beauty turns to her daughter and begins talking.

“Dear, I will be right back. Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone.” With a smile on her face Scootaloo replys.

“Ok mom I'll do my best.” Giving her daughter a questionable look Lavender trots down the hall into the changing room. Looking up at Cadence Scootaloo begins kicking at the floor in boredom. Seeing this Cadence begins to giggle.

“Not sure what to do that wont get you in trouble?” Nodding her head the little filly levitates her tiara off her head and begins inspecting it for no reason. Placing it beside her on a table she hops up into a chair. The second she does this a team of beauticians begin their work. Removing her tiara Cadence does the same. In the changing room lavender removes her dress and begins inspecting her body for a second time that day, except this time she focuses on her flank. Giving a large sigh the purple mare puts her dress on a hanger and joins her family. Trotting into the room Lavender hears her daughter giggling uncontrollably, and sees a pore unicorn trying to give her a hooficure. Sitting in the chair beside her a group begins asking her what she wants. Thinking it over Lavender responds.

“Would it be to much trouble to give me a perm. My mane and tail are simply not at there full beauty when they are dragging on the ground. After brushing out the purple princess's mane one of the beauticians begins speaking.

“Princess you must tell me how you keep your mane from having split ends. I didn't find a single one.” With a smile on her face Lavender replys.

“I'm sorry, but that is a family secret.” Looking over to her daughter she sees the little orange princess is having her mane styled as well.

“Darling are you having a good time?” Glancing over the little filly tries to nod her head yes, but is stopped by the beautician curling her orchid mane.

“Ya mom I'm having fun, but the shopping was funner.” Giving a giggle Lavender hears somepony entering the shop and trotting toward the back room where the are. Throwing open the curtain a dark pink filly with an indigo and pail yellow mane gallops right up to Cadence talking the whole time.

“Mommy! I found you! Daddy said he would win first, but he was wrong.” Opening the curtain a white stallion with a blue and light blue mane enters the room.

“Ok Skyla you won, but that's only because you were galloping.” Trotting over to his wife Shining Armor gives her an affectionate nuzzle.

“Hi honey how was your day?” Not giving her time to answer Skyla jumps onto the chair and squeezes in beside her mother. Looking at her husband the princess of love answers his question.

“It was interesting to say the least. Oh you remember my sister don't you? She arrived in town today and we've been having a mare's day out.” Glancing over at Lavender a puzzled look comes to the prince's face.

“But you never told me you had a sister. I've never even heard you mention her before.” Giving him an obvious fake smile the pink princess begins speaking through her teeth.

“What do you mean? I'm sure I've mentioned her?” With her eyes she motions toward Scootaloo then back at Lavender repeatedly only to end at their daughter. Catching the hint Shining begins speaking.

“Oh of course how careless of me. Your sister.....” Not giving him time to answer the purple princess begins speaking.

“It's a pleasure to meet you Shining. When I arrived at the castle today. Scootaloo dropped by, and we've spent the whole afternoon together. It's almost like shes my daughter.” At this point the little orange filly jumps into the conversation.

“Ya I've even been calling her mom.” Looking at Lavender the prince's eyes widen into the size of saucers. Seeing this the purple princess begins speaking.

“You may be my brother in-law, but I don't think we've been properly introduce. My name is Lavender Flake.” Looking beside Cadence the violet princess continues speaking.

“And you must be my niece, Skyla.” Smiling from ear to ear the little dark pink princess gives a nod. Clearing his throat Shining Armor looks at his fake sister in-law, and begins speaking.

“Lavender if you can pull yourself away for a moment I would like to have a word with you in private.” Glancing at her beautician she sees her nodding her head yes, almost as if she were giving her permission to leave. Leading him to the back room where she changed out of her dress she waits for him to begin speaking. Closing the door behind him the white prince's face turns instantly sour.

“What do you think you're doing? You may have tricked the guards at the castle, but Prince told Lucien me what happened. I've forgiven you for breaking my sister's heart once I wont do it again. I was talking with my mother and father today when they told me you payed them a visit. If you want to be with Twilight then you have to change back.” Staring at him strait in the face Lavender begins speaking in a very girlish voice.

“I can't change back. Don't you think I would if I could? I've over exerted myself today, and after that accident I feel like I'm almost completely drained of magic. To make things worse my brain is slowly changing to where I think like a mare! In fact it's affected my thoughts so much it changed my cutie mark!” Looking around to see her cutie mark Shining Armor soon wishes he didn't, because of a very emotional mare slapping him.

“Don't look at my flank! Besides you're married.” Quickly after slapping him Lavender begins feeling guilty.

“I'm sorry Shining. I shouldn't have done that. It's hard keeping a calm mind like this. Will you please forgive me?” Shocked that his friend just slapped him for looking at her flank Shining Armor begins speaking.

“You have a mare's body right? It looks like you gained their attitude as well.” Feeling insulted Lavender turns around giving him a softer slap in the face with her tail.

“Hows that for attitude!” Not wanting to be slapped for a third time the prince begins choosing his words carefully.

“Uh..... Thunder......... you're acting like Cadence right before....” Turning around Lavender begins speaking not letting him finish.

“You better not say what I think you're going to say!” Trying to calm down the over emotional mare he puts a hoof on her shoulder.

“Thunder just think about it. You have a mare's body, maybe you should know whats happening inside of you.” Waiting to be hit again the white prince closes his eyes. Surprised when it doesn't come he opens one making sure it is safe. Glancing up the prince of peace sees the beautiful mare quietly crying. After several moments of not knowing what to do she begins speaking.

“Shining you're right, but I don't want to know. I'm afraid that if I accept to much of this I wont come back. Now you're telling me I might be going into heat! This sucks ponyfeathers, and don't let me catch you looking at my flank ever again! How would you even know if that was happening? Now if were done I have a perm to finish.” Trotting toward the door the purple princess is stopped by a hoof to her chest. Becoming completely enraged she looks at the white prince. Seeing this Shining Armor's ears fall flat against his face as he begins speaking.

“Now Thunder you know I would never do that to a mare..... I was just trying to stop y....” Turning around Lavender slaps him in the face as hard as she can with her tail. Eying him into submission the purple princess begins speaking.

“You deserved that last one, and call me Lavender. It would be bad if you said Thunder in front of your daughter, and every other pony out there.” Rubbing his throbbing red cheek the prince of peace nods his head.

“Fine Lavender, but what are you going to do about Twilight. I don't want to see my little sister hurt again.” Sulking a little Lavender's horn begins glowing with a deep crimson aura. In seconds a teal box with a white ribbon appears in the room. Popping off the lid Lavender levitates the engagement ring over to the stallion.

“Before I had my accident I was planing on asking her tomorrow. I'm not even going to tell you how hard it was to get her ring size without her knowing. Lets just say one little dragon will be having a very very large gem stone dinner one night.” Staring at the ring Shining Armor's mouth drops to the floor. Stuttering the stallion manages to finally speak.

“You were going to ask her tomorrow? I'm sorry dude you have the absolute worst luck ever!” Putting the ring back in the box the purple mare places it in her saddlebag. Seeing this the white prince brings an inquisitive look to his face.

“Lavender is that stuff yours?” Rolling her eyes the goddess of beauty and mystery begins speaking to her friend.

“Yes now lets go we've been gone to long, and don't touch my saddlebag. It's new, and you haven't washed your hooves.” Shaking his head the white prince turns around and leaves the room followed by Lavender. Sitting back down in her chair she sees her mother raise an eyebrow. Wondering the same thing as Shining Armor Princess Celestia begins speaking.

“Lavender after we finish here, and drop Scootaloo of at the castle maybe we should see the royal physician. I'm worried that you may not be feeling up to the activities tomorrow.” Thinking very carefully on what to say so the other pony's in the room don't catch wind of the meaning the purple princess begins talking.

“Princess Celestia, I'm sure that I will be fine. A nice quiet night and I will be good as new.” Staring down her daughter the solar goddess remains silent. Removing the curlers from her mane one of Lavender's beauticians begins speaking.

“Dear how do you keep your mane. It is so easy to work with I'm jealous.” Looking at herself in the mirror the princess of beauty starts bouncing her new manestyle with her hoof. With stars in her eyes and a large grin on her face the violet mare begins talking.

“It looks perfect! Oh I am definitely coming here again!” Hearing this Celestia raises an eyebrow, but Scootaloo beats her to talking.

“Mom you look great!” With her mane and tail finished the little orange princess jumps out of her chair and into her mothers. Giving her daughter an affectionate nuzzle Lavender hears a groan come from Shining Armor. Glancing over at him the goddess of beauty shoots him a warning with her eyes. Unable to take being in a salon for another second Shining Armor begins speaking to his wife.

“Cadence, If you want I could take Skyla back with me. I was planing on going to the sports shop down beside the bowling ally.” Shaking her head the pink princess begins speaking.

“No dear, you've had her all day. You can go do whatever it is you do there.” With a smile on his
face the white stallion crosses the room to his wife's side and gives her a small kiss on the cheek. Upon leaving the room Cadence hears a woohoo come from her husband. Shaking her head Lavender looks over at her fake sister and begins talking.

“Stallions can be so foalish sometimes.” Immediately after the words leave her mouth a look of fear comes to the gorgeous princess's face. Understanding what she just said as being the utmost truth the princess of love is still shocked to have heard it said from non-other than a stallion in disguise. Looking at her fake sister Cadence begins speaking trying to remain as cryptic as possible.

“Lavender, I think the flapjack has completely flipped.” Understanding the meaning of the analogy the violet princess nods her head in agreement. Looking down at her daughter Lavender begins speaking.

“Dear, are you ready to return home? I have some.... things I need to attend to.” Giving her mother a cheerful smile the little orange princess starts talking.

“Mom, I'm not dumb I know you're going to see the doctor.” Patting Scootaloo on the head Lavender glances over to see her mother let out a small sigh. With Her mane and tail styled Lavender steeps of the chair, and returns to the changing room to put on her dress and gather her things. Trotting back to her family she heads strait for the counter. Looking around the princess of beauty sees all the different products and decides to buy some.

“I would like to buy one of those brushes and some shampoo.” Pointing to what she wants the mare behind the counter quickly gathers the items. Completely pleased with the treatment Lavender pays for their services.

chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Trotting into the royal physicians waiting room Lavender sits on one of the plush couches. Glancing around Scootaloo notices the pale white walls and frowns. Looking up at her mother the little filly begins speaking.

“Mom, why do you need to see the doctor? You're not sick are you?” Patting the cushion beside of her Lavender motions for her daughter to take a seat. Doing as instructed the small princess hops onto the sofa, and squeezes as close as possible against her mothers side. With a genuine smile from a mothers heart the purple princess begins speaking to her daughter.

“No my little filly. I'm just here to give your grandmother some peace of mind. Now while we wait on the doctor what would you like to talk about?” Thinking it over the orange filly sees a magazine with a picture of The Wonderbolts on the cover. Instantly a thought comes into her head,

“Uh... Mom? How does a pony become a member of The Wonderbolts?” Rolling her eyes Lavender looks down at her daughter.

“Dear, must we go through this again? I'm not letting Rainbow Dash on the team because she's to dangerous. My decision is final. If anypony were to be hurt because I let a loose cannon on the team I don't think I could forgive myself.” Giving a huff Scootaloo quickly changes the subject.

“Is that tiara grandma's? It's really pretty.” Putting her left front hoof on the other side of her daughter Lavender pulls her closer. Levitating the jewelry in question off her head she place's it lopsided on her daughter right over the filly's tiara.

“Nice recovery, to answer your question yes it is Mother's. In fact it was her first as ruler of Equestria. Now I can tell something is on your mind. What is it?” Almost completely under Lavender at this point Scootaloo pokes her head out to where she can see Lavender's face. Feeling comforter in her smile the little princess begins speaking.

“Well... why do you love Twilight? She's a great pony, but I don't get it. Why not fall in love with a cool mare like Rainbow Dash?” Levitating the brush out of her saddlebag the princess of beauty begins brushing her daughter's mane.

“Darling, you don't choose who you fall in love with. For years I lied to myself trying to deny my heart what it truly wanted. Some day a fine strapping young stallion will catch your eye. Hopefully it wont be anytime soon, but never the less it will happen. All you can hope for is that the pony you end up loving loves you too. That is why know matter what happen I'm willing to fight for Twilight, so we can be together. Angel, does that answer your question?” Trotting into the room Princess Celestia begins speaking.

“Very well put Lavender. I don't think I could have said it better myself. Scootaloo when your mother goes back I don't want you going with her. I hope you understand, but there are things that we need to discuss. Adult mare things the Lavender might not know, and you shouldn't know. Not yet at least.” Scootaloo tries to nod her head only to have her mother stop her.

“Scootaloo dear, don't move you have a horrible tangle in your mane. If I can just get it then you can squirm all you want.” Giggling Celestia takes a seat across the room. Successful in untangling her daughters mane Lavender goes back to soft strokes of the brush. Turning around to look at her mother the little orange princess begins speaking.

“Mom I was wondering could I get an allowance?” Not sure of what to say the princess of mystery and beauty begins talking.

“I'll have to think about that. In the mean time why don't you make a list of chores, and I will pay you accordingly.” Shrugging at the suggestion Scootaloo hears a door open. Looking around she sees a pony in a white lab coat with a needle in his pocket. Seeing the needle the little orange princess cowers under her mother. Glancing over at Scootaloo Celestia notices her reaction. Annoyed and at the same time pleased that her daughter trust her this much Lavender teleports a carrot into the room, and takes a bite out of it. With a smile on her face she begins speaking.

“Naaaaa What's up Doc.?” Seeing her do this the brown unicorn frowns, and begins speaking.

“Let me guess. You think just because you eat a carrot before you see me everything will be alright. I've never met you before, but you remind me of another patient I have. Every time he sees me he says that exact line without fail. Now Miss. Flake would you please follow me?” Obeying her doctor Lavender follows him into the examination room with Celestia close behind. Laying down on the table the goddess of beauty looks at the stallion with a worried face. In a meek voice she begins speaking.

“Doctor, did you happen to hear about Prince Thunder messing up a spell?” Caught off guard by the question the brown stallion nods his head.

“Well the spell was suppose to make him look like a unicorn, but when he was distracted it turned him into a mare, turned me into a mare. Mother thinks something crazy might be going on with my body. I know she's just over reacting, but that's why I'm here.” With a flat expression on her face the princess of the sun begins speaking.

“Lavender, something is going on! You might not want to admit it, but it's true.” Suddenly thing begin making sense for the poor doctor.

“Lavender Flake..... Thunder Flicker..... the carrot. Even as a mare your jokes are bad. Well if what you said is true then we should get started. There are several mandatory test that all mare's should have had in their life. Much of witch you are going to hate me for. Please remove your dress and put on this gown.” Levitating a mint green hospital robe out of a drawer he hoofs it to the purple princess. Swiftly changing clothes the princess of beauty and mystery awaits her instructions. Seeing that she is ready the doctor motions her into the back room. In the Ponyville library an entertained dragon sits on the couch watching his surrogate mother fight with a rainbow maned pegasus and a pink earth pony. Completely off the wall Pinkie Pie begins speaking in a hyperactive fast pace.

“No Twilight. We told princey princer prancer the we wouldn't let you leave until he returned tomorrow. Not to mention my Pinkie Since has been acting up, and ooooooh is it going to be a doosey. Maybe an even bigger doosey than the time you started believing in my Pinkie Since! How ab......” Not wanting to hear her voice any longer the purple unicorn puts a zipper on her mouth. Glancing over at Rainbow Dash the purple mare begins talking.

“Well fine if Thunder doesn't want me going outside than I'll stay here and wait. What I don't understand is why you closed the curtains.” Groaning the cyan pegasus plops down in a soft chair.

“Twilight does it look like we know why he told us to close them?” Quickly thinking she continues her complaining.

“Don't answer that it's a..... oh whats the name of it?..... It's a reciprocal question.” Sticking out her chest the rainbow maned pony beams with pride. Quickly correcting her grammar the violate pony begins speaking with an irritated tone.

“The word your looking for is rhetorical, and why didn't you even ask what all of this was for. It's not like him to do something like holding a pony against her will. Especially when he knows that I will not let him get away with this.” Managing to unzip her mouth the pink party mare begins speaking.

“Oh Twilight don't be a meany beanie frowny Mcfrownson. I'm sure he has a good reason for holding you against your freewill and not letting you see the light of day for twenty-four hours.” Glancing over to her friend the lavender mare gives her a look of warning. Sighing Twilight begins talking.

“Since were here and you won't let me leave can I ask you a question?” Completely confused Pinkie opens her mouth only to receive a cyan blue hoof in it before she can say a word. Giving Twilight a nod Rainbow Dash waits patiently.

“Well.... Thunder's adopted Scootaloo and Butterscotch. Do you think I would be a good mother? I would ask him, but he'll probably just say I would be a great mother. That or think I'm proposing.” Not knowing what to say Rainbow Dash brings a horrible poker-face into full view. Spitting out her friends hoof the insanely pink mare begins speaking with a large grin on her face.

“Of course you would be a great mom, and that would make me Auntie Pinkie!” Rolling her eyes Twilight crosses the room and sits down on the couch. Back in the medical wing of the royal Canterlot castle Lavender lays back down on the table in the examination room with Celestia on a small lounge. Not wanting to put her daughter on high alert the princess of the sun begins speaking, but choosing her words very carefully.

“Lavender....... if the unthinkable happens and you can't change back what are you going to tell Twilight?” The purple mare immediately goes into a frenzy as she glares at the white princess.

“Mother how could you even think that? I'm going to change back, and she will never have to know about this!” Laying her head down on the lounge the solar goddess continues speaking, but only to where she can her.

“You're definitely going into heat. The only question is how long till it's over.” Not quite hearing her Lavender raises an eyebrow.

“Oh... I'm sorry I said I need to buy a beet, and a giant new mower.” the goddess of beauty and mystery remains silent wondering why her mother needs a lawnmower to begin with. Entering the room the doctor goes strait to the line of light boxes that stretch along the far wall of the room. After placing several x-rays on them he turns to face his patient.

“How in Equestia did you do this to yourself? I mean I know how, but still. This should be physically impossible, and yet you did it.” Shaking his head the still astonished doctor continues speaking.

“Lets just look at the results. If you knew anything about the medical field you should know that mare's and stallion's are completely different. This is a picture of your brain when you were a stallion, and this is a picture of your brain now.” Staring at them Lavender can tell that they are entirely different. Not giving her time to interrupt him the doctor continues with his findings.

“Your thought patterns are nonexistent as long as you are in this form. To make matters worse you are going into heat. Princess Celestia I suggest that you remove all stallion's from her personal guard at once. Thunder....... uh.... Lavender you're already showing signs that it will happen soon. Since this is the first time it has happened to you it will not be pleasant, in fact as far as I can tell your body is trying to catch up with your age.” Giving him a worried look the solar princess begins talking.

“Doctor what do you mean by trying to catch up with her age?” Sighing the physician begins explaining.

“Celestia try to imaging every time you've been in heat for the past five hundred years happening all at once. That is what Lavender is going to go through. It will most likely be extremely painful, and she won't be able to control her actions. I have a feeling the she will be running purely on emotion and estrogen. Not a single rational thought will slip into her mind. I suggest that you find a place where she can't escape, and nopony can get to her especially stallions.” Still full of confidence the doctor turns the face the purple princess.

“While I was doing the test I became a little curious if your..... condition carried over so I performed a small examination. It is very important that you do not go near any stallions, because you can have foals. I don't know what happened, but whatever you did fixed you organs. When you change back I want to see you again to check and make sure it is not still damaged.” Hearing a giggle from Celestia Lavender starts glaring at her. Reluctantly the beautiful princess begins speaking.

“Fine...... shouldn't we tell Scootaloo that I'm not in any danger. She's probably worried.” Hearing this Celestia remembers what she was saying before the doctor entered the room. Staring down the goddess of beauty the princess of the sun begins talking.

Lavender if you can not change back what are you going to tell your foals, and would you be willing to come out as a princess?” Knowing that she should have a back up plan the gorgeous princess hangs her head in defeat.

“Y..... yes I would be willing to come forth as a princess of Equestria. Honestly though I don't know what I would tell Twilight or my foals. Scootaloo already knows so it would be a little easier, but I don't know how I could tell them that their father is gone forever.” Nodding her head Celestia and Lavender leave the room and return to Scootaloo which has fallen asleep on the couch. Looking over to the white goddess the purple princess begins speaking in a hushed tone.

“She's so adorable when she's asleep...... Oh my dress.” Turning back the princess levitates her things out of the other room, and places them on herself. Facing her daughter Lavender gently places her on her back and carefully leaves the room doing her best not to disturber her slumbering daughter. Trotting through the castle the purple princess notices several guards staring at her. After finally coming to Scootaloo's room Lavender gently place's her on the bed. Swiftly upon giving her a kiss on the for head Lavender quietly leaves the room. Turning to Celestia she begins speaking in a hushed voice.

“So.... this is what it's like.” Uncomfortable with the silence the white goddess begins speaking.

“What... being a mare? It must seem strange, but we will have things back to the way they were in no time.” Shaking her head Lavender looks up at the goddess of the sun.

“No... not that. Being a parent, a mother. I just hope that they grow up to be strong and healthy. Even if their not my blood they will always have a special place in my heart.” With a smile on her face Celestia gives her daughter an affectionate nuzzle.

“Yes my little princess as you will in mine. Now it's late don't you think you should acquire at the very least some sleep tonight?” Giving her a nod Lavender begins trotting toward her room when she hears Butterscotch crying in his room. With a smile on her face Lavender opens the door to her son's room and trots up beside him. Looking up the little colt shies down covering himself in his blanket. With a kind smile on her face the princess of beauty begins speaking.

“Hello... my name's Lavender.” Moving the blanket off his face she continues talking.

“Now what is a strong brave colt like yourself crying for? Surly it's not that bad.” Hearing the loving gentle tone of the pretty mare Butterscotch looks up with one ore two tears falling from his face.

“W... well Gwandpa said that I couldn't see daddy, and I weally scared of the dark.” With a smile still on her face the purple princess nuzzles her son.

“Your father and I are old friends. If you want you can spend the night with me.” Sniffling the little orange colt nods his head and jumps down off his bed. Thinking for a moment Lavender starts talking.

“I saw your father today, and he told me about you. I thought by his description that you didn't mind sleeping alone.” Kicking at the ground with his hoof the little colt's ears fall flat against his face.

“I don't wike big wooms.” Giving the little colt a kiss on the head they trot over to her room and Butterscotch crawls into bed followed by his soft snoring. With a smile on her face she levitates a hanger out of her closet and removes her dress. Looking in the mirror Lavender inspects her mane and tail with dissatisfaction.

“Somepony could have told me I look like I just got out of bed.” Levitating her new brush out of her saddlebag she removes her tiara. Close to finishing the reconstruction of her mane the princess of mystery hears her door open. Poking her head in to see why her daughter is still awake Celestia gives a light chuckle.

“Lavender you truly are one of a kind, but you acquire that from me I guess. It took your father years to make me stop brushing my mane before bed. Poor stallion lost so much sleep the first hundred years we were married.” Rolling her eyes the purple princess places her brush on the desk, and turns to face her mother. In a quiet voice the princess of beauty begins speaking.

“Mother what are you doing? You're going to wake Butterscotch.” Looking over at her son she continues in a cooing tone.

“My little prince doesn't like large rooms, or the dark.” Rolling her eyes Celestia begins talking.

“Don't you think you're foaling him just a little to much? He is going to need to overcome his fear one day.” turning back to face her mother Lavender begins nodding her head.

“Yes he will need to overcome his fear, but not tonight. If there is anything I've learned from you it's how to be a good mother.... parent, and right now is not the best time to make him face his fear. From what I have gathered Father didn't do that good of a job telling them they couldn't see me.” With a smile on her face the white goddess of the sun makes her voice quieter as she speaks.

“Dear..... about what's happening with your body..... if you can not change back you will need a new tiara. As much as I would like for you to wear mine it doesn't exactly mean the same thing. I hope you don't mind, but I've had one pre-made. After saying this the princess of the day teleports a tiara into the room. Staring at the solid gold head decoration with amethyst and diamonds the princess of beauty become instantly outraged.

“Mother do you really think that I won't change back? To tell you the truth it's almost insulting! My son and daughter are waiting for their father to return from a spell gone wrong, and that is exactly what I am going to do. Yes I might be thinking like a mare, and have one's body, but I'm not going to stay like this. You should have told me.” Knowing that it was a bad idea Celestia nods her head and leaves the room. Finally alone the purple mare retires to her bed.

chapter 21

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Chapter 21

After raising the sun Celestia begins trotting down the hall toward Lavender's room. Upon approaching the door the princess of the sun hears her daughter humming a nice soft song. Taking a moment to wonder what put her in such a good mood the white princess knocks. After being welcomed into the room Celestia raises an eyebrow. Seeing her mother do this levitates the brush off her desk and begins speaking.

“Hello Mother. I simply love what Thunder's done with my mane. What do you think should I wear it up or down today? Oh I don't really care I'm just glade to be free.” After brushing her mane the purple princess levitates her tiara to her head. A little confused the princess of the day begins talking.

“What do you mean you love what Thunder's done with your mane? You are Thunder.” Gasping in shock Lavender stares down her mother.

“You.......... don't know. I knew thunder didn't because my brother is a complete moron, but my own mother.” The purple mare begins sobbing. Knowing that Lavender is full of hormones Celestia tries to comfort her.

“My little prince this is probably just a side effect of the spell. Once you return to normal everything will be fine.” Hearing this Lavender jumps away from her in anger. Staring down the goddess of the sun she begins speaking with authority.

“No! I'm not going back to being trapped in his head. He had the body for almost five hundred years now it's my turn! I do not want to have to manipulate his thoughts for years to receive only a moment of joy! He may be your son, but I'm your daughter!” Thinking it is just the hormones and spell the princess of the day shrugs it off.

“Thunder take control this is not like you. Come on we need to change you back and fast.” Using her magic Celestia levitates the violet mare into the air, and begins trotting toward the door. With a fiery passion Lavender's horn begins glowing with a bright pink aura she breaks through the levitation spell surrounding her. Spreading her wings she flies toward the ceiling. Without any warning Queen Faust teleports into the room. In the middle of Lavender and Celestia she begins speaking in a coarse tone.

“Ladies please this is know way to act, and Celestia I thought I raised you better. Now Lavender hooves on the ground!” Upon saying this the queen herself lands with perfect poise, and dignity. Glancing over to see her daughter she continues.

“Celestia, Lavender is your daughter.” Sighing the queen brings a mournful look to her face. Taking a sizable breath of air she gathers her thoughts.

“Do you remember Thunder's birth?” Speechless the goddess of the sun just stares at her mother. After a large amount of time a tear comes the the white alicorns eye and cascades down her face toward the floor. Unable to shake her feeling the moment Celestia begins speaking her voice cracks.

“Yes..... the doctor said if just one more thing went wrong we both would have died. Even with my regenerative properties it took me several days to recover for it. However I would do it again if it meant having my son back.” The queens ears fall flat against her face like ball in a bottomless pit desperately hoping for the end.

“I remember all to well my child. What you don't know is that if I did not interfere with nature three ponies would have died that day. Thunder had a fraternal twin, and because of her you would all be dead right now. Even though it was against everything I stand for I merged the two of them together. When this happened I knew that one day he would mistakenly cast the wrong spell and she would be set free. In order for the two of them to be split both must have lived in reality while the other is trapped inside their brain. Celestia I'm sorry I never told you, but it had to be this way. You've always wanted a daughter now you have one. Give her the love she's been longing for, and Lavender don't be so mean to your brother. I know it is natural for the two of you to want to fight, but not when he's trapped inside your brain. Now it should not take me long to find the spell, and I will need help casting it. Unfortunately neither Lavender or Thunder can help so it will be up to Me, Luna, and you Celestia. Their your foals and you will have the strongest connection to them. Do you think you're up to it?” nodding her head the white goddess remains silent like the wind inside of a house on a lazy summer day. Looking at her grandmother Lavender begins speaking.

“I know this is probably a dumb question, but when we are separated I'll still be an adult right?” Shaking her head the queen replys.

“You will begin life as a foal, but it will take you three days to become an adult. The first day like I said you will be a foal. The second day you will be a filly about the size of Scootaloo, and on the third you will be an adult. It's so you will have time to adjust to having a body of your own. You will retain everything Thunder has learned.. or everything you wish to know. However you are limited to his knowledge so be careful in what you keep. Now if you will excuse me I think the two of you have some mother daughter time to spend together. If you need me I will be in the library.” Very majesticly the queen leaves the room. In complete silence except for the light snoring courtesy of Butterscotch the two alicorn stand there ashamed of how they acted.

“Mother? I've always wanted to be able to speak with you, and when I finally have the chance I loose my temper. I'm sorry I destroyed your dreams of what having a daughter would be like.” Still in shock the princess of the sun slowly crosses the room. Choosing her words very carefully Celestia begins speaking in a very motherly tone.

“My little filly...... you could never destroy a fantasy for they are just that. They are fake and you are real. I have always wanted a daughter of my very own for so long, and now I will have one until the day I depart this world. If anything you are exactly what I wanted. However there is something I wish to know. Was it you or Thunder that started the art gallery?” With a smile on her face the purple princess responds to her mother's question.

“Of all the things to ask you pick that. Don't worry it was me, but Thunder did help out some. My brother is completely strait.” Glancing over at the colt Lavender gives a chuckle.

“Mother you don't know how long he's wanted his own foals. That was never me, but I must say he has given me a beautiful niece and a handsome nephew. Almost makes me want some......” Hearing this Celestia raises an eyebrow as she starts blushing.

“Lavender it just occurred to me that I need to give you...... the talk.....” Steeping away the purple princess starts stammering, while trying to think of a way to change the subject.

“Uh... n... no.... that’s fine....... I payed attention when the doctor explained it........ and what I don't know I'm not in any hurry to find out. I said almost I'm not going to go and get knocked up. I've never even liked a stallion before. Trust me mother that is one thing you wont need to worry about.” Barely able to control herself Celestia shakes her head then begins speaking.

“You are probably right. If you can access Thunder's memories he can most likely do the same to you. However this discussion is not over. As soon as you're your own pony you can count on it.” Rolling her eyes Lavender begins hearing a voice in her head.

“Haha that's great! Mother is going to give you the talk! Oh to only be present when she does that. So you're my twin sister?.... I thought if I had a twin she would be more......... nerdy..... like me. Oh when Grandmother comes back there is something very important that I need to know. You need to say it exact ok. Who would have been born first? I know it might not be important to you, but I must know.” An irritated look comes to the purple princess's face. Not knowing why she is getting aggravated Celestia cocks her head to the side. Seeing his Lavender begins speaking.

“Oh.... sorry Mother..... Thunder found a way to talk to me and all he's doing is teasing me, and begging me to ask Grandmother who would have been born first. I really don't want to be a bother, but is there anyway I could possibly have my own room. Thunder's is nice, but it's too......... him.” Not having time to answer Celestia and Lavender are teleported into the room. Looking around the purple princess sees her grandmother and her aunt standing there waiting. Taking a gulp she doesn't move. Hearing her Luna begins speaking.

“So I have a niece.......... it could have been worse. She could have been triplets.” Shaking the thought from her head the purple princess begins speaking.

“Before we're separated there is something I need to tell you. To start off my brother is an idiot he's not the prince of weather. He's the prince of the sky, and I'm the princess of the earth. That's why my cutie mark has a rose and his a cloud.” giving a relaxing sigh she continues.

“I've been waiting for ever to say that.” Rolling her eyes the queen's horn begins glowing. Seeing this the two other alicorns read over the spell and begin casting the spell. Upon raising into the air half of the princess turns off white and the hooves lengthening. Looking around Thunder tries to move only to be stopped by his sister. Feeling their flesh separating the princess quickly thinks of everything she wishes to retain. Almost completely apart the prince looks down to see his left hoof start forming. Finally under standing what is going on he looks for other parts of his body. Unable to find them a strange sensation comes over him as he begins seeing out of his left eye. Glancing over to his sister the prince's worst fears had come true. Now staring at her he can see all of her internal organs as new bones start forming and flesh covers them. Now seeing a complete copy of what he looked like the previous day he turns his head seeing his flank being the last thing to form. Letting out a relaxing sigh Thunder turns to talk to his sister only to find a little purple foal where she once was. Landing back on the ground the prince of weather begins speaking.

“............. I uh.......... have a twin that's younger than my son........... Grandmother out of curiosity who would have been the older twin?” Trotting over to his sister he gives her a poke on the head. Giving a huff the queen begins speaking.

“Thunder you would have been older...., and don't poke her she's might get hurt. You're not exactly a feather pillow.” The tall prince rolls his eyes

“Don't worry I'm not going to hurt her. I was just making sure she was real, but when she's full grown you can bet there will be some good arguments. Well I would stand around and talk for a little while, but there is something very important that I need to do.” Using his magic the tall off white alicorn teleports ten clocks into the room. Seeing this Celestia gives him a confused look.

“Thunder one would have been sufficient don't you think?” Trying to figure out what went wrong he begins scanning his brain to find the problem. Not five minutes into his thinking the eldest twin becomes lightheaded and faints. In the Ponyville library Twilight sneaks down the stairs. Looking toward the door the lavender mare makes sure that nopony is guarding it. Going into a full out gallop she get inches from it only to have her frame lifted into the air and placed on the couch at a blinding speed. Glancing over to Rainbow Dash she begins speaking.

“Oh come on you said the next day, and guess what? It's the next day. I just want to trot down to the market, get some apples, then feel the sun on my back. Is that to much to ask?” Thinking about this for a minute the multicolored maned pony begins speaking.

“No.... it sounds pretty nice if you switched trotting with flying, and back with wings, but I made the prince a promise. So it looks like you'll need to wait until twelve.” Groaning Twilight trots back up the stairs. Thinking for a moment Dash calls after her.

“Don't you have work from the princess or something? Usually you're always doing a project or studying.” Not responding the purple unicorn retires back into her room. In the medical wing of the Canterlot castle Celestia begins pacing the waiting room floor as she addresses the queen.

“Mother why in Equestria did you not tell me I had a daughter? I could have handled it. It's not like our family's not use to weird anomalies. I might could have even helped!” Shaking her head the queen calmly begins speaking as she lies down on the couch.

“My dear little filly if I told you then you never would have treated Thunder like a son. You not would have pushed him to marry, thus the change would have no reason in the world to happen. You not knowing was the only way, and again I'm sorry I changed the hands of time for my own selfish desires. Now please my daughter come and sit the day has just begun, and already you have been strained beyond normal.” Doing as asked Celestia trots over to the queen and sits down in front of her.

“Mother...... I'm just worried. Will Thunder be ok? With all that’s happened with him and Lav..... Oh no.......... I never told Lucien about Lavender. He doesn't know that he's a father of twins, and to make matter's worse we agreed not to have anymore foals for at least one thousand years. I'll never forget the day I told him that I was going to have Thunder. He almost went into hysteria then and there. I don't know how he will act when being told he has a daughter.” Struggling to retain control of herself the queen manages to only let out a giggle.

“Celestia I'm sure if you explain it he will understand. He's a perfect gentlecolt. I've known that since the day he asked for your hoof in marriage. Now my little princess there has been something I wish to ask of you. In all your years as ruler have you ever known my grandson to be impulsive?” Thinking back the princess of the sun hangs her head.

“No Mother and that's what scares me about him marrying Twilight. Their perfect together, but at the same time their completely wrong for each other.” Teleporting a brush into the room the queen begins brushing her daughter's mane.

“It would always calm you down when I did this. Dear there was another thing I was hoping to discuss with you. Since I'm this far in I don't see why I shouldn't go all the way in. As you know I have an enormous amount of...... ability. I know why Thunder chose to adopt before marriage....... I can fix his problem, but if I do you know that I will be breaking my promise to your father about not interfering with the natural order of things?” The princess of the sun begins nodding her head remaining silent.

“Celestia, it might be breaking my promise, but he is family. Not to mention forever is a long time to live without having your own foal. True he has Scootaloo, and Butterscotch, but it's not the same. If I corrected nature's mistake how would you feel about him having a blood heir to the throne?” Thinking about this the white goddess turns to face the high queen of there land.

“Mother, I would love for Thunder to be able to have foals, but I must disagree with you. My son love's that little filly and colt with all of his heart. I don't think he even considers them to be adopted, more like their a part of the family that was lost long ago only now to return. If it were possible I think he would make them his flesh and blood. What I'm trying to say is that he has foals, a family. Soon he may even have a fiance to tie it all together, but Twilight might want her own someday. From what I understand her relationship with the foals are different than a mother's would be.” Giving a chuckle the queen turns the solar princess back around so that she can continue brushing her mane.

“Celestia, if you want grandfoals by blood it's ok, as long as you don't treat them different from your adopted grandfoals. You have been a great mother, now it's time for you to earn the spoils of your hard work. I will help Thunder, but if your father asks you talked me into it.” Hearing the doors to the examination room open the queen and princess looks up at the brown stallion, as he begins speaking.

“They will both be fine. Thunder's body was zapped of almost all the energy he had, and his magic count was through the roof. In fact it was much closer to yours princess. For years we couldn't figure out why he could only access about half his magic, but maybe this is why. Needless to say he will need to relearn how much power to use when casting spells. Lavender is growing at an exponential speed one of the nurses has been taking pictures so you can look back and see her through her different ages........... I still don't know how she managed to get a camera back there, but she did. As fare as I can tell the twins are perfectly healthy. Although Thunder does keep trying to leave. Something about seeing his foals and then popping the question.” With a smile on her face Celestia shakes her head.

“He always was stubborn just like his father. I suggest you don't stand in his way. When my son wants something he'll move Heaven and Equestria to acquire it.” Upon hearing this Thunder jets into the room from behind the doctor, and gives his the sun goddess a hug.

“Thank you Mother. Since I can't use my magic it look like I can just make it by flight.” Not giving anypony time to protest the tall off white male alicorn spreads his swan like wings and takes off down the hall toward his room only to be seen a moment later flying off his balcony with a saddle-sash around his waist. Landing outside the Ponyville library the tall prince opens the door only to have a very enraged Twilight Sparkle start lecturing him.

“What do you hope to accomplish by keeping me trapped in my own house! If I didn't know any better I would call the police and say you were foalnapping me, and to beat it all you had my best friends guard me!” Being well prepared for this Thunder begins speaking.

“Twilight I'm sorry it's just that I didn't want you to ruin the surprise. It took all day and night to finish, but only the best for you. I know you probably don't have a clue as to what I'm talking about, but if you would go for a short trot with me everything will be a little clearer.” Beyond suspicious Twilight follows his request. Not saying a word she notices an indention in his saddle-sash, but shrugs it off. Coming to a field outside of town the prince stops trotting. Following his movement the lavender unicorn waits for the explanation.

“Twilight yesterday I found a way that we can be together, but there's only one thing I need to ask you. If you would look up for a second.” Rolling here eyes the purple mare turns her gaze toward the sky, and sees in large letter shaped clouds will you marry me. Instantly things begin making since looking down at her coltfriend she sees him on one knee holding open a teal box with an amethyst gold ring around the amethyst is small diamonds then behind it is a large diamond serving as the support with little diamonds off to the corners matching her cutie mark perfectly. On the inside of the band in middle equestrian says we give thee our heart for all eternity. Staring at him Twilight becomes speechless. Seeing this Thunder takes a large breath and begins speaking.

“Twilight Star Sparkle I love you more than all the other stars in the sky. Would you do me the honor of allowing me to be your husband till death do us part?

chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Staring into his eyes the lavender mare begins chocking up unable to say a thing. Watching her every movement a trillion and one things begin popping into his mine causing him to doubt himself. After about five agonizing minutes of silence Twilight levitates the ring on to her horn.

“Yes, I.... I just thought you were being crazy, or controlling. I had no clue that you were planing to propose.” Tears of joy begins flowing down her face.

“I love you Thunder, and I would love to marry you.” Standing up the tall alicorn gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek. Looking into his fiance’s eyes the prince tries a simple spell. Unfortunately his magic is to strong and they are teleported outside of Twilight's parents home. Looking around the purple mare sees where they are and begins speaking.

“You've thought of everything! I can't wait to tell Mom and Dad.” Hearing her say this something triggers in the prince's brain.

“Twilight before we go in there are two thing I need to tell you. To start off with Mother sends her apologies, and the other may come as a shock. It has recently been revealed that I have a sister.... a twin sister....... I just thought you should know before you meet her.” the lavender mare's eyes widen as she remembers her encounter with the solar princess. Then it registers that she will soon have a new sister. Trotting up to her parents door the purple unicorn knocks. No sooner had she done this it swings open and she is attacked with hugs and kisses from her mother. Hearing a chuckle come from Thunder, Twilight Velvet raises an eyebrow.

“What are you laughing at? You're part of this family now to. Come over here and give me a hug.” Seeing this the purple unicorn rolls her eyes. Not wanting to offend his future mother in-law Thunder does as instructed. Letting him go out of her embrace Twilight Velvet continues speaking.

“Now the two of you stand back and let me get a good look at you together.” Trotting up to the door Noteworthy shakes his head as he calls out to them.

“Would the two of you like to come in?If it were up to Vel you'd be out there for hours doing all kinds of crazy things.” as they enter the door the purple mare's father stops her fiance.

“Son would you mind if we had a little chat in private?” Nervous the prince takes a quick gulp, but grants his future father in-law what he wants. Remaining quiet the off white god of the sky watches as the light blue unicorn trots past him staring into the sky.

“So you popped the question. I just want to make sure that........... oh how do I put this. Well from now until the wedding I was hoping that you wouldn't be anything less than honorable. If you know what I mean. I know how stallions your age can be when it comes to certain thing.” Hearing a chuckle Noteworthy turns to face Thunder. Seeing this the prince begins explaining.

“I'm sorry I know you're trying to be serous, but how old do you think I am?....... you know what on second thought please don't answer that? Let me assure you that I have no intention of doing anything like that until after we are married.” Giving a relaxing sigh the blue maned unicorn trots into the house followed by the tall prince. Across town in the Canterlot castle Celestia timidly trots into her and her husbands chamber with Lavender in a saddlebag. Looking in she begins cooing to her daughter.

“It's a good thing you stopped growing for the day any larger and you wouldn't fit.” Making her way to his bedside she nuzzles him awake.

“Celestia what in Equestria?.......... What time is it, and why do you have your saddlebag on?” Knowing he doesn’t like to be disturbed when sleeping the solar princess begins speaking.

“Dear, there is something you should know, but before I tell you I want you to promise not to jump to conclusions.” seeing him nod his head the white goddess doesn't push for a more audible response.

“Mother decide to pay me a visit today. Well she payed Thunder and I a visit. My point is she told me something that may be very disturbing for you to hear.” Hearing mention of the queen Lucien sits up giving full attention to what his wife is saying. Not receiving any other response she continues.

“While I was carrying Thunder......... Since Mother has the ability to know the future......... Oh, I'm sorry Dear. I wish I could explain this better.” Taking her hoof in his the prince gives it a soft kiss, then begins speaking.

“My dear wife if there is something bothering you I will do my best to help, but you must tell me what it is to start off with.” About that time Lavender pops her head out of the saddlebag causing Lucien to jump.

“I..... I...... is that........................... Thunder?” Giggling Celestia levitates their daughter over to her husband. Staring at her in shock the tall gray prince's eye begins twitching. Not wanting him to go crazy the solar goddess begins talking.

“No.... well kind of. This is our daughter Lavender Flake. When Mother dropped by she told me that Thunder and Lavender are fraternal twins. While I was carrying them she foresaw what was going to happen so in order to save all of us she merged them. When I distracted Thunder yesterday it brought Lavender into control of their body. Mother was waiting for the change to happen otherwise they couldn't be separated. She will be full grown in two days.” Not saying a word Lucien pokes the little filly on the head, then picks her up.

“Celestia....... you have...... I mean we have a daughter.” Looking down at the little filly he continues talking.

“Now young lady there's something I need to tell you about this family.” He begins giving her a hug as she giggles.

“If you ever wake up in the middle of the night wake up your mother not me ok?” Hearing this Celestia give him an irritated look.

“Starting off by giving her bad advice, smart.” Rolling his eyes the prince takes careful consideration not to hurt his daughter when getting out of the bed. Levitating her in midair Lucien makes his way toward the door. Seeing this his wife begins talking.

“And where do you think you're going? I didn't wake you up so you could take off with her. Today it's your turn to run the day court. I'm going to spend the day with my little princess.” Agreeing to give her the day off Lucien levitates Lavender over to her mother, then heads toward the door with a pouting face.

“Fine........ but I'm closing court early today.” Almost to the door a thought enters the gray prince's mind.

“Where's Thunder last I saw they were..... well you know.” Thinking for a moment Celestia turns her gaze toward her son using astral projection, and sees him with is future father and mother in-law. Smiling the princess of the day turns her thoughts back to her husbands question.

“Lucien it looks like you're going to have another daughter soon. You should best prepare yourself, because Thunder can now have a real foal of his own........” Immediately after saying these words the princess's irises expand into the size of saucers.

“He doesn't know he's no longer sterile! What if he.... well you know, with Twilight. Oh we need to warn them right away before they make a serious mistake. Oh it will be Blueblood all over again. One alicorn and one regular pony can not have an alicorn foal, and the foal can never become an alicorn because they are already half god and half mortal. Lucien it's a fate worse that death!” Rubbing his temples the prince begins speaking.

“Celestia calm down their not going to do anything before their married. We raised our son to be smart and a perfect gentlecolt. I'm sure he will follow the traditions done by couples of the old just as we did. Now am I going to the day court or am I taking our little filly for some father daughter time?” Knowing that it's her cue to stop keeping him in the room Celestia teleports out with her daughter leaving Lucien standing alone. Shaking his the prince begins speaking to himself.

“I love Celestia, but some time's she can be a little over the top. Then again that's why I fell in love with her in the first place.” upon finishing his sentence a thought reemerges in his mind.

“She never told me where Thunder was. I don't even know if he mapped the weather for tomorrow.” Shrugging it off Lucien trots to his work for the day. In the sitting room of Noteworthy and Velvet's home Thunder and Twilight is siting on the love seat while the purple unicorns parents are across from them on the full size sofa. Completely relaxed Thunder intertwines his tail with Twilight's without her parents noticing. Exhaling from joy the element of magic begins speaking.

“It's going to be great I can't wait until the wedding! However Dad, please don't threaten my future husband? I can only imagine what you've told him.” Giving a huff Noteworthy responds.

“Twilight, I don't threaten. I give persuasive advice...... I hate to ask, but do you know where you're going to be living after the wedding?” Cringing at the thought of his little filly living with a full grown stallion he waits for the answer. Unexpectedly Thunder begins talking to his future father.

“I'm sorry Sr but we haven't really had time to plan. After Twilight said yes we came strait here. I thought you would like to be the first to know.” Shaking his head Noteworthy addresses his future son in-law.

“Colt, where almost family. You don't have to call me Sr anymore. Just call me... Dad.... or Noteworthy witch ever you prefer.” Catching the hint Thunder gives a simple nod. Not liking the tension in the room the purple unicorn begins speaking.

“Uh... Dad I would love to stay and chat, but with the planing and everything I'm going to be a little busy. I'm sure Thunder would stay and talk, but he probably has work to do at the castle that must be completed before the day is out. After all he does map the weather for all of Equestria, he's a real catch.” Giving Twilight a smile the alicorn and princess to be leaves the house. Trotting down the street the purple unicorn looks up at her fiance and begins speaking.

“Thunder, you said you have a twin sister...... why haven't I ever met her or heard of her?” Thinking on how to answer the question the tall prince replys.

“My dear it's a little complicated, and I'm not sure I would be able to explain it very well. How ever your father did have a point we should start looking for a house or something. If everypony is to have their own room then that would be close to a castle.” Nodding her head the purple unicorn notices the direction that they are headed.

“Thunder why are we trotting toward the castle? I don't know if I'm ready to see Princess Celestia after I...... uh.... did she tell you what happened?” Shaking his head no the prince of the sky begins speaking.

“Twilight what ever happen between you and Mother must have been bad, but what ever it is I'm sure that a smart mare like yourself can remedy the situation. Not to mention I left the foals quite early this morning.” Hearing her fiance mention Scootaloo and Butterscotch the lavender mare tenses up. Seeing her body harden almost as stiff as a plank of wood he continues the conversation.

“Dear...... you will be a wonderful mother. True I don't expect Scootaloo to come out and call you mom, but that's because you've known her for how long? If you're worried please don't fret I'm sure that everything will be fine.” Giving her a smile Thunder leans down and gives her a kiss on the cheek. Relaxing ever so slightly Twilight looks up at the off white alicorn and begins speaking in an affectionate but serious voice.

“Thunder, I know a place full of room where we could live, but it isn't a castle. It's more of a mansion. I saw it the other day when I was going to Rarity's boutique. There was a pamphlet outside on a sign so I decided to take a look just for fun. It has twelve bedrooms, ten full bath rooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small study complete with built in shelves. It's just a suggestion though. You know something to break the ice then we start thinking practical.” mowing it over in his mind the prince begins smiling.

“Twilight that sounds like a extraordinary idea! Scootaloo could still play with her friends. Provided the rooms are not to large Butterscotch would be fine. You would be able to keep working at the library, and my work is done at home to begin with so a study would be a useful thing to have. Not to mention we wouldn't be living in a castle...... I can't stand castles. After a certain amount of time you would feel the same way.” Finally seeing the gate the tall prince quickens his pace. As he approaches two guards bow and proceed to allow him and Princess Celestia's prize student entry into the palace. Unaccustomed to the treatment Twilight look up at her fiance.

“Thunder....... is it always li.........” Glancing around she notices a golden crown laying in a bush and a flat expression comes to her face.

“Is that your crown?” Looking at where she is pointing the prince begins chuckling. Not wanting to be in trouble with his future wife the god of the sky gives a meek smile and nods his head yes.

“Thunder that needs to stop. Do you know how many ponies would love to have the chance to even see that crown? It also kind of sends the message that you take your title as a joke. I know that's not the case, but just for my own peace of mind would you please not continue doing that anymore?” Rolling his eyes the prince brings his horn to a glow and levitates the crown onto his head.

“Now Twilight if I have to wear this thing so do you. If I recall there's an open appointment with the royal jeweler, and I'm sure I could get you in. I happen to know someponies in very high places.” Saying this he gives his fiance a nudge and a sarcastic smile. Looking up at him the purple unicorn begins fake pouting.

“But Handsome I'm not royal....... not yet at least. Honey....... I was just wondering if we get married would you ever want to have foals of our own?” Hearing this the prince's ears fall flat against his face and he gives his beautiful bride to be a small frown.

“Dear.......... I'm sorry.......... as I told you earlier........ I'm sterile........ we can never have our own foals. I hate the fact that I'm not a real stallion. Can you ever forgive me?” Seeing his reaction Twilight starts feeling regret for having asked about it. Trying to find something to change the subject she continues her sentence from where she was distracted by the crown.

“Is it always like this for you? Just going where ever you want I mean. When ever I want to see Princess Celestia it usually takes me months and I'm her prize student! If not for that it would probably take me years!” with a smile returning to his face the off white alicorn nuzzles his soul-mate.

“Dear..... you are no longer the prize student of my mother. Until the day we are to be married you will have the title Lady Twilight, and after were wed you will be princess. With that kind of title your presence in a room just demands more attention. In short you can go where ever you please, and nopony can stop you................ Just don't get carried away.” Returning the affection the loving couple trot into the castle.

“Twilight...... there is one thing I wish to ask you about the wedding before we go any further in our planing. Some time ago before we started dating I asked my Grandmother if I were to ever wed that she would be the priestess......... you wouldn't mind would you?” completely shocked the lavender unicorn's mouth almost hits the floor. With the thought of the queen beginning the one to marry her the princess to be starts becoming slightly light headed. Not wanting her to hurt herself Thunder's aura surrounds her form and levitates her through the hall to a spare guest chamber and places her on the bed. With a sarcastic voice she begins speaking.

“Oh so soon but...... we barely know each other.” With a seductive smile she begins batting her eyelashes at the prince. Hardly able to contain his laughter the off white alicorn begins conversing with a tone of pure happyness.

“My dear Lady what doth thou mean we barely know thee? Thou art to us the sun. Please arise fair sun and kill the envious moon. Who is already sick and pail with grief that thou her maid art far more fair than she. Be not her maid since she is envious. Her vestal livery is but sick and green, and non but fools do wear it.” Remembering the line form William Shakespony's play Twilight remains smiling as she delivers her line.

“Ay me. Ponyo. Oh Ponyo. Wherefore art thou Ponyo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, of thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Ponylet. 'Tis but thy name that hath coust us much greif. Thou art thyself though not a Gryphague. What's Gryphague? It is not hoof nor thigh nor leg nor face..... nor any other part belonging to a stallion. O, be some other name. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet. So Ponyo would were he not Ponyo called, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title.” Not letting her finish Thunder pulls her close to his embrace, and begins kissing her. As they break from their passion the prince begins speaking again.

“My Lady Twilight, Fear not for we will be together until the ends of time and beyond. I will always protect you no matter what happens. Our story shall not end like that of Ponyo and Juliet. We will find comfort in each other in life and not death. We have faced our trials and we have and always will have each other.” With tears in her eyes the purple unicorn brings a sincere smile to her face as she gives her fiance a small kiss in the cheek.

“My gallant knight I have no doubt that we well be a happy family. With Butterscotch and Scootaloo thing will be interesting,......... but for the better I'm sure.” With a thought emerging into his mind the prince gives Twilight a bow then slowly trots toward the door as he speaks.

“My Lady I have made a promise and I fear if I stay in this room any longer somepony might think I have broken said promise. If you will excuse me I have foals to check on and work to accomplish before the days end. Until we meet again my glistening star in a sea of darkness.” Rolling her eyes at the cheesy word play she blows him a kiss on his way out.