• Published 13th Aug 2012
  • 1,416 Views, 22 Comments

serenity under the night sky - flutterguy54123

this is a ship between twilight and an oc of mine

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chapter 4

Chapter 4

In the Canterlot castle Princess Celestia is beginning to calm down. Feeling ashamed of what she had said to Luna the graceful alicorn canters down the hall. Coming to a couple massive doors made completely out of gold. The door stands as tall as two levels of a regular house with a crescent moon right where the doors met. Knocking on the door the solar princess ponders what she is going to say. Unfortunately the door swiftly opens with a loud crash against the wall startling the older sister. The Princess of the night stares up at her older sister expecting her to start yelling.

“Luna I feel I should apologize for what I said earlier today. It was rude and improper. I should have waited till you were finished to yell at you ,but that is not why I am here. I have come to plea my case you must understand where I am coming from. My only child is turning five hundred and he doesn’t know that if he does not find his true love before that dreadful date they will both become fatally sick. Only one pony that I know of has gone through that and survived and that is you Luna. I don't think Thunder will make it given what he would face.” Tears begin flowing from Celestia's soft pink eyes at the thought of her son dieing the miserable fate at the hands of a lonely heart.

“Tia, We know why thou hath done it but remember what mother always told us. Know pony can force love but all it takes is one to stop it. In order for the young prince to find his love we think he needed to leave. Big sister there was another matter that we wish to speak with you about. It would be the matt.. ” Before Luna could finish her sentence she was cut short by to sound of a forgotten voice. The angelic tone that caresses there ears is more than either can ever dream of ,but at the same moment one that they can never live without.

“Very well Luna. My how the two of you have grown up.......... Luna don't you think it is time to change the way you talk. Old Equestrian was hard to understand back then much less now.” Celestia turns around to come face to face with her mother. Feeling the warmth of the universe radiating from her body Celestia stars at the snow white alicorn with what looks like the color of the setting sun in her mane and at the tip of her wings. The princess of the day begins speaking

“M... M.... M... Mother what are you doing here? I and Luna.... I mean Luna and I we were just talking. Nothing s...s... serious.” Feeling like a little filly again next to her mother Celestia could barely finish her sentence. Completely caught off guard by how Celestia is acting the Queen gives a light giggle.

“Oh my little foal wile I understand why you are looking for my dashing grandson I must ask you to stop. Celestia do not think I am punishing you for I am not. In fact it is quiet the contrary you will begin a vacation starting tomorrow. This means no royal duty that includes raising the sun and since you are as stubborn as your father I will be putting a cap on your magic so you can not disobey. If you wish to take a new form then I believe your sister can help you blend in.” a royal guard trots around the corner. Upon seeing Queen Faust he immediately face plants the floor. Giving a small laugh she instructs the earth pony to rise. Just by looking at the lunar stallion anypony can tell he is nerves if not by his quivering lip you could just look down as he knocks his knees together. The dark blue unicorn approaches the queen with caution.

“Your majesty am I dead? I have heard story’s that only the dead can see the high queen outside of the royal family.” Now looking around franticly he notices the two princesses. A mischievous look comes to the rulers faces. Using the royal Canterlot voice Queen Faust begins speaking.


“P....P....Pleases have mercy my name is Shining Sward.” knowing everything Faust goes through her memory finding some embarrassing times in his life.


“Y..Yes your grace.” Seeing that he was starting to feel bad the queen continues speaking.


“Mother that was a little mean ,and who will raise the sun wile I am on vacation? Thunder is missing and my husband Solaris is off in the griffon kingdom.” giving her mother a worried look she scoots up close beside her. Knowing that Celestia and Luna only did this when they were extremely worried about something Queen Faust brushes the mane out of her eldest daughters face.

“Have you forgotten my little mare that I know everything.” Celestia's face goes paler than her white coat. Looking over toward Luna she continues speaking.

“Now Luna don't worry I'm not going to stick you with the responsibility. With that being said come and give your mother a hug.” a smile as large as the moon comes to the night goddesses face.

“We.. I mean I am happy you have returned even if it is a brief visit. I only wish we could spend some more time with you mother.” The three alicorn stand there embracing each other as if it would be the last time they would ever see each other in the existence of time and space for only the queen knows when they will ever meet again.

“Now my daughters I must be going and Luna don't give your student to hard of a time after all he is just a unicorn in fact that goes for both of you ok.” Both of the Princesses nod there head as there mother gives them a kiss on the forehead.

“That's my girls. Good bye my lovely daughter.” With a light as blinding as the sun the High Queen disappears.

“Luna what did mother mean by not giving our student's a hard time? The princess of the night goes into full alert trying to think of how to respond.

“Dear sister fear not for we..... I have simply sent our.... my prize student to Ponyville. He has been falling behind in his study’s and I.. yes..... I thought that Twilight Sparkle could motivate him.” Celestia gasps in disbelief.

“Luna I am sure that you had the best intentions but asking a mare to let some pony that they have never met live in there home much less a stallion! Since it is already done I suggest we set some rules for our students.” With Celestia hanging her head in defeat she levitates a quill and a piece of parchment toward them and the two princesses begin their letter.

In the shadows of the regal city a loathsome creature stands waiting for its accomplice. Emerging from under the ground comes a hooded figure. Each standing there ground the miscreants begin talking. With a rough gravely voice the hooded figure speaks first

“What happened I've been hearing rumors about him.” Snarling out the last word the pony in the shadows steps back and cowers.

“I am sorry. It wasn't my fault. There was somepony face down into hall when I addressed him I lost my temper. I beg of you to spare my life it was a stupid mistake one that will not be repeated.” with a growl bellowing up from the hooded figure he submerges for where he came.

looking around the table Spike notices that all the delicious gemstones has been devoured. Blade sitting across from Twilight is thoroughly enjoying watching the mare taste test all the gourmet food. After finishing the dinner the three of them go into the main library area of the house. Giving a yawn the little dragon continues walking and goes strait to a side room.

“Miss. Sparkle something you said at the train station has been troubling me. Actually it is quite a few things.” giving a worried look of concern the prince trots over beside the lovely mare and takes a seat.

“Was it that I thought you were a mare. By the way sorry about that again it wasn't fare of me to assume that you would be a female. I guess stallions are as powerful as mares.”

“ Well Miss. Sparkle that is very nice to here but what I was referring to was when I mispronounced your name. You said that you were scared to tell the pony that you didn't like it. Why are you afraid?” Twilight hangs her head in shame as she gives a small sigh.

“You might as well know. When I lived in Canterlot I was able to visit the castle for my lessons. While there I met Princess Celestia's son Prince Thunder. When I introduced my self I kind of mumbled ever since that day he has called me Twilight Sparkly. I tried to tell him once that it was Twilight Sparkle ,but he always had such a stern face it scared me off.” Fighting to laugh Blade goes through his memories recounting the vary day Twilight was speaking of. Looking into her eyes he sees a spark or what he thinks is a spark. Probably just the light reflecting off of them.

“Miss. Sparkle before supper the young lad said that my teacher ,Princess Luna, had sent some work I would like to look over it before the night is out.” Blade sits there with a meek smile on his face only to here a belch come from the other room followed by a little dragon opening the door rubbing his eyes.

“Twilight couldn't you make a schedule for Celestia she keeps waking me up. Oh and both princess sent a letter. The little drake stops for a moment then begins reading.

Dear Faithful Students

Princess Luna has informed me about the situation as well as provided a brief description of Handsome Blade. Luna and I have come up with a project for the two of you to do together. You must work to find the this answer. Since neither of you are in public outside of your friends the two of you have become somewhat antisocial. You must find a way to meet at the very least twenty new ponies before the sun sets tomorrow.

Your teachers Princess Luna and Princess Celestia”

After finishing the letter Spike looks up to see the two unicorns staring blankly at each other. An annoyed look comes to his little purple face as Twilight starts staring him down.

“Fine that's not what it says. Excuse me for trying to get the two of you out of the house for a day. Here but I'm not reading it. Talk about embarrassing and how did you know I was lying?” Continuing to stare down the dragon.

“Well Spike for on if both the princesses sent the letter than why would it be from Celestia's point of view?”The two unicorns look at each other again as Twilight's horn gives of a pink aura levitating the parchment to them. Blade looks at the letter and begins reading.

“Our Dear and Faithful Students

Since the two of you are living in to same home and are of the opposite sex the two of us have decided to set some rules. Rule number one will be hard for both of you from what I here. You must be in bed before midnight. Even if you are studying or working on a task for a friend. Second the two of you must sleep in separate rooms this is nonnegotiable. Third neither of you are allowed to date each other. Lastly you are not to mate with each other wile living in the library. These rules are to protect your good names as well as prevent both of you from becoming caught in a scandal. We know that you are both of age but we urge you to do as we advise. Now for your assignments Twilight you will be studying how season change effects wood again. This is to keep your mind sharp so you will not forget simple thing. Handsome you are to read and practice the magic from a book called The Advanced Studies Of Starswirl The Bearded.

Your teachers Princess Luna and Princess Celestia”

Both unicorns blushing look away from each other. Blade turns and whispers something in to Twilight's ear to soft for the baby dragon to here. A wide smile comes to her face as she starts to giggle. In the most seductive voice she can manage the lavender unicorn begins speaking to the handsome stallion.

“Oh well to bad about the last rule I was really looking forward to tonight.” Spike's jaw goes slack as he hears what comes out of his surrogate mother's mouth ,but what shocks him more is the reply.

“My dear they did say it was advice and as they pointed out we are of age. Legally they can not stop us.” The little drake's eye starts quivering as he tries to comprehend what he is hearing. Both unicorns look down at the scared child realizing they took the joke to far. The dark gray stallion begins speaking again with his normal voice.

“Mr. Spike it was just a joke please try to calm down. Miss. Sparkle and I are not actually interested in dating each other. For pony sake I barely know her much less love her.” feeling a little crushed from what the gorges stallion had just said she begins speaking.

“Blade do you really think we could never have a chance? I mean we have just met but I would like to think maybe if we knew each other more... you never know.” Seeing that the beautiful creature in front of him was hurt by what he said he remains silent. With know reply she excuses herself and gallops up the stares slamming her room door. Looking down at the purple dragon Spike begins speaking.

“How could you just say nothing? What's wrong with you?” After finishing his sentence the purple drake stomps out of the room not even wanting a reply. The prince sighs but is soon cut short by a burst of white light. With a smug grin on the regal alicorns face she begins speaking.

“Hello Thunder still cant talk to mare's I see.” Trotting over she gives her grandson a hug.

“Hello Grandmother how have you been ,and to answer your question no I can not. Know matter what I try I always make them gallop of crying of stomping off mad. Enough of my problems though I am sure that you are here about something very important.” Giving a comforting smile she embraces her grandchild once again.

“Thunder your mother has been under a great deal of stress lately. I have decided to make her take a vacation even to the extent of putting a limit to her magic. Because of this she will not be ably to raise the sun. As Prince it is your duty to take on the sun if it be needed. I am sorry for doing this to you but there is know other way.” looking over the unicorn she gives a disappointed face.

“Do you miss your wing my child?” With a heavy heart he replys.

“Yes ma'am it feels like some one told me I can never be free from a cell at the bottom of the ocean. To not feel the wind rustling my feathers is torture.” giving a sigh he hangs his head only to hear laughter.

“My grandfoal I can give you your wings back ,but it will be hard to make them invisible. Please bare with me as I try to do this.” A pure white aura surrounds her horn. Feeling his wings return to him brings tears to his eyes ,but looking in the mirror he remains to look like a normal unicorn. Throwing his hooves around the queen he says.

“Thank you Grandmother I don't know how I will ever repay you.” Now on all four hooves the prince spreads his invisible wings feeling a soft breeze from the open window.

“Prince there is no need to repay a gift from your grandmother. After all I am suppose to spoil you a little. Now about the matter of not being able to talk to mare's. Have you tried to just treat them like there just anypony not a specific group?” Blade starts taping his face with hi left for hoof.

“Actually Grandmother I think I have. I don't know what is wrong with me I always say the wrong thing.” The elegant queen raises an eyebrow.

“Well you don't seem to be running me off. What are you thinking of right now?” The dark gray unicorn ponders for a moment on the question.

“Uh... I.... I.... I was thinking of nothing. Just talking. Oh thank you Grandmother.” an inquisitive look comes to the little stallions face.

“Grandmother if you don't mind my asking why has it been so quiet since you arrive Miss. Sparkle had just run to her room before you appeared.” The regal alicorn shakes her head in disappointment.

“Thunder if you want her or any pony to not figure out your secret call the by there first name. There is know need to stand on ceremony ,and to answer your question from the moment of my arrival I have paused time we are literally having this conversation in one second.” The prince gives a chuckle at the thought of all this taking place so fast. However before he could respond she continues talking.

“one more thing if a mare is ever mad at you it is your fault even if you don't know why they are mad apologies. Then try to figure out what you did wrong but don't ask her or her friends.” With a stern face he nods.

“Again thank you for the advice Grandmother. I will do my best to follow your wisdom. Before you leave I have a request. If I are ever to wed would you do the honers?” Giving a soft smile she gives him a kiss and replys saying.

“I would be honored to be the minister at your wedding if it is ever to happen. I fear I must be going until we meet each other again my grandfoal. I will give your love to your grandfather.” before thunder could respond the beautiful queen disappears in a bright light. Knowing that she must have returned time to move forward he remains very quiet. After approximately five minuets of hearing a lavender mare's scratching a quill to parchment he cautiously ascends the stares ,and knocks on her door. Expecting her to open the door yell and slam it in his face he braces himself as the door creeks open.

“Oh.... Blade... I thought that you would be in bed by now. Did you need something?” Blade a little shocked composes himself.

“Miss. Spa..Twilight... I should apologize for what I said or for what I didn't say as it were. It was ill mannered ,vile ,and unspeakable for me to act the way I did would you ever be so kind as to forgive such a loathsome creature as myself.” A little stunned that Blade had refereed to her as Twilight instead of Miss. Sparkle she nods.

“I thank you Twilight from the moment I saw you at the train station I knew you were a gentle soul. If you are not to drained would you like to continue this conversation downstairs? I could make some hot apple cider and we could sit by the fire wile we speak after all it is a bit chilly tonight. Our teachers said that we were to be in bed by twelve and after all it is only eleven.” The mare stats smiling as she feels a burden lifted out of her heart.

“Blade that sounds nice ,but I have some work I need to finish before tomorrow. I hope you understand.” the dark unicorn nods and retires to his brightly colored chamber.” Slothfully wobbling up the stares comes the purple dragon.

“So you forgave that jerk?” The lavender unicorn shoots him a warning gaze.

“Spike you better be nice to Blade now go to bed!” Retreating to her bedroom the lovely unicorn levitates a normal size book with a dark purple cover and a lock to her bed. Opening the lock she begins writing.

Dear Diary

Today my house guest arrived ,but something about him seems a little off. For one he would only address me as Miss. Sparkle until a few moments ago. He talks using very regal speech and I believe he may be hiding something. This assumption is based upon him being a little secretive. Until I have more information I plan on keeping this a secret especially from Spike. Stallions are so aggravating why do they always do things the hard way?

Until next time Twilight Sparkle.

After finishing her entry the lavender mare returns the book to its rightful place and begins brushing her mane. Near finishing her mane the unicorn is interrupted by a pesky little dragon.

“You don't like him do you? Cause if you do that means I'm gonna be stuck with him calling me Mister Spike. Who teaches the foal to talk like that any way?” Ignoring his question Twilight lazily crosses the room and retires for the night.