• Published 22nd Jul 2019
  • 520 Views, 25 Comments

Heart of Magic - TheCrimsonDM

It's been eighteen years since the great windigo war and Trixie has finally found peace. It looked like things would be quiet forever, but with the threat of the Alicorn Empire around the corner, can Trixie, Twilight, and Amber save the day?

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part four: chapter Fifty: Light to Darkness

Heart of Magic

Part Four

Chapter Fifty: Light to Darkness

Written by TheCrimsonDM

“This form is not the most comfortable fit I’ll have you know.” The voice came from a red cloaked pony that stood upon an empty stage.

From somewhere offstage another voice replied with some joy in their tone, “Oh silly, this is exactly what you wanted the whole time. Don’t try and act like it’s not.”
“Sophie, this… no your right. I am a big pony now, I can do this.”

The pony cleared their voice and looked out into the empty crowd of nopony. “Welcome one and welcome all, to the greatest show of them all. A tale of hope and broken friendships, a story of ultimate darkness in a world once so full of light. Today we watch the end of the world, but I assure you, it’ll be well worth the ride.”

“See I told you that you could do it.”

“Oh shush you, your mom’s a weirdo psychic.”
“Which one?”


Celestia stood in her throne room, besides her was her sister, they stared out the broken murals, now windows cast into the open red sky to show the flames flicking toward the heavens. Screams sounded from out there, and smoke choked the sky with tendrils of black cloud streaming through the crimson scene. It was a red dawn if she’d ever seen one.

Luna let out a sigh as she glanced toward the entrance to the throne room. “Did we fail?”

“Not yet my dear sister, after all we have broken nearly a hundred rules for this one plan have we not?”

“Not the first time, you were the one to yank Trixie’s soul violently back from the abyss”

“And I’d yank a thousand more souls back if it meant saving our world from ruin, thankfully I only needed to pull back one.”

The doors to the castle were thrown open and Celestia cast a sideways glare toward her would be intruders. A large lumbering diamond dog, one who had broken the most severe laws in the kingdom having long ago feast upon the flesh of many of her cow citizens. Besides him, though dwarfed in size, was a pony that looked altogether right and wrong at the same time. Dark fur, a green mane, and eyes that were tainted with green glowing light.

The stallion spoke as he walked forward. “My dear princesses, I’d have thought you’d be out there with my horde of diseased ponies, trying to stop the second coming of our lord smooze, to snuff out the light from our dark savior the pony of shadows. Never once did I, the Moist and Malignant Kale, thought that you’d hide away in your-“

Celestia cut him off, “I’m done now, end it.”

A single gunshot rang loudly in the confines of the hall. A moment later Kale, head now entirely missing from his shoulders, fell over onto the floor. A useless corpse that melted into a puddle of purple slime before slowly dissolving away.

Celestia fixed Fang with a glare. “I put you in a prison rather than kill you.”

Fang lifted his paws, or paw rather, and a stick of unlit dynamite fell to the floor. “Pony Princess, you have seen our attack coming?”

Celestia let out a sigh, she tired of this game. “I have seen a great deal many of things. Though we are loath to admit it, as the mortal ponies start to worship us anytime we mention it, and I do not enjoy worship as much as friendship. We alicorns are in fact actual gods.”

Her horn lit up and Fang vanished in a golden light of flames and fury. She would not give him a second chance. How many guards had he killed on his way here? Servants? Citizens? She could smell the reek of gore and death upon his teeth when he spoke. No this time, she sent him to the heart of her very own sun. Let him burn away his sins in an instant of agony. Let him be gone.

Luna stepped down from her throne and cantered down the stairs. “The illusion spell to keep you invisible worked quite well. Thank you, dear knight.”

An illusion spell faded from sight revealing a single stallion standing by the doorway, a revolver in their mouth that they slipped away into its holster. The aging pony ran a hoof through their graying mane. “Seriously, girls, if I’d thought dying would have been this much fun I’d have done it years ago”

Celestia smiled at that. “Don’t let that wind ride your sails this time, we still have work to do, then I’ll release you to your family. I think there’s a little Pegasus that would love to see her daddy again… but for now-“

The wall exploded inward and one of the undead corrupted alicorns flew toward Celestia. Hoof raised in an attack. It was nearly upon her before it froze. A golden aura surrounding it’s body. Celestia looked at it and shook her head slowly. “How rude, I was in the middle of speaking. Couldn’t you wait to die until after I finished?”

The corrupted thing’s eyes widened as the golden aura turned to golden flames. In a mere instant it went from one of the most dangerous creatures stalking this world to a pile of ashes. Celestia let out a sigh. “I had to have help from Red and save up magic for over a week just to do that… anyway as I was saying, Wind Rider, we have work to do and a city to clean up. Please try not to die this time, dragging you back from the afterlife is not an easy task. Red Velvet is already out there with the cure as we speak… so let’s go.”


Trixie stood on top of the ramparts to the castle of the two sisters, just since they’d arrived they’d manage to bring Ponyville’s citizens here. Checking for any signs of the corruption before letting them in, but now they were here and they were safe. The castle repairs were nearly finished as well. Over ninety percent of the castle had been rebuilt and restored. Now she stood here beside her daughter, the giant unicorn was the pride and joy of her life.

Amber spoke slowly as she stared out over the Everfree Forest around them. “Are we safe here?”

“Safer than in the town. Remember we saw the corrupted alicorn fly into there just a few hours ago. They won’t find us here.”

“Shouldn’t we like, stop it. You know, before it destroys the town or something?”

“Maybe, but my goal is to keep my family safe. I can’t do that if I’m not here.”

Trixie looked out into the sky. She could see the shape of the airship descending toward the castle. She was already aware of much of what had transpired during their trip, she just hoped that Twilight’s new friend didn’t cause too much of a stir.

The ship landed in the courtyard and Trixie spread her wings to fly down and go meet them. Amber covered herself in a pink aura and jumped out to follow. Once they landed beside the ship they waited with baited breath as the ramp descended.

Trixie saw them, and to her surprise she wasn’t ready for it even knowing what to expect. Rainbow Dash was walking down the steps, her head hung low, one wing entirely missing from her back, nary a stub left behind. Beside her was her daughter Blackout who looked awfully skinny compared to the plump little pony she was before. They glanced at Trixie and Trixie nodded for them to go the castle where Fluttershy and Pinkie nearly tackled them in their overzealous attempts to comfort Rainbow Dash. She’d be in good hooves.

Next was a pony Trixie had never seen before, a small pony named Cozy Glow if she recalled correctly. She was accompanied by Starlight Glimmer who gave them a knowing nod.

Trixie spoke up, “Cozy, you’re welcome here as long as you need. It’s safe here. We promise you.”

The mare smiled. “Please be nice to Twilight, she really helped us. All of us.”

Trixie nodded. “I forgave her awhile ago… so I’ll play nice. The great and powerful princess Trixie can only be the most nice and generous pony after all.”
After those two were gone there really was only one pony left to wait for, the one that Trixie was the most nervous to see perhaps. Sure she said she’d forgiven Twilight, and she had meant it, but she was worried that her heart and her brain may not fully agree with that.

Twilight stepped down the ramp, wearing possibly the ugliest scarf that Trixie ever did see. It was just a mash of hideous colors. Besides her was the giant form of the proud Queen Chrysalis. Queen of not much anymore.

Twilight looked up to meet Trixie’s eyes, and for a moment Trixie found herself scowling. A deep boiling rage that made her want to kick Twilight right in her stupid face, but lying about the death of one’s wife would do that. Then she saw the look of pain in those eyes, there was a deep sobering agony in those eyes that made Trixie relax.

Trixie spoke quietly, “Twilight… are you and the queen okay?”

Twilight spoke her voice catching at first before it finished as nearly a whisper. “I’m sorry.”

“Trixie forgives you, now answer her question.”

“I’m so sorry.”

Trixie let out a sigh and shook her head. “Twilight Sparkle, you cannot just apologize for the rest of your life. You know this right? You must actually talk to us at some point. I am certain the others are more willing to let you back in now as well… after… well after everything we’ve been through, we can’t lose someone else we love.”

Twilight sniffled and stood up tall, or well as tall as a unicorn sized pony compared to a giant buggy alicorn could stand. “Thank you, and we’re doing good. Chrysalis has regained most of her energy and we will leave soon.”

“We? As in both of you?”

Twilight offered a sad smile. “We saw the threat in Ponyville on our way here. We’re going to go deal with it.”

“No you are not missy! You are staying here where it is safe and that is-“

Twilight and Chrysalis’s bodies flickered for a moment.

Twilight grinned. “Sorry, Trixie, but we’re already at my castle… thank you for being such a good friend over the years. I’ll make this right, just you watch.”

Chrysalis’s eyes widened. “Twilight, there are two of them!”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and she pulled a sword from her side. “Then let’s go kick some alicorn butt.”

They vanished entirely from sight and Trixie felt her heart climb up into her throat. Amber’s horn lit up and she leapt into the air screaming, “NO! You idiot you can’t fight two of them!”

Trixie jumped into the air a moment later flying after her, and much to her surprise, she saw that Amber, even without wings was flying so fast with her telekinesis she’d make a younger rainbow dash jealous. “Wait up! I’m coming too! Amber!”

Amber slowed down as they sailed together over the Everfree Forest. “I’m not going back.” She’d already teleported her hammer to her side as she flew through the air toward Ponyville.

Trixie nodded. “Neither am I.” And with her she brought her father’s old sword. They were going to go kick some alicorn butt as Twilight had said.

As the pair of them drew ever closer to Ponyville they saw the large imposing form of Twilight’s castle. Once a point of pride for her, to say she was friends with the mare that lived there, it left a sour taste in her mouth ever since the revelation of Twilight’s darkness. But even so, she could not have ever wanted what happened next.

The castle exploded.

Massive chunks of the castle went sailing off in various directions as a dark explosion rang from somewhere deep inside the castle. Various debris scattered through the town slamming into the buildings below and crushing them with absolute destructive power. Trixie’s eyes widened as she saw her home town being ravaged by such destruction.

Amber cried out, “TWILIGHT!”

Trixie looked over to see the bundled shape of Twilight held in Chrysalis’s winged embrace as they fell to the earth. Landing hard in the center of a street with enough force to carve a long trench through the soil behind them.

Amber sped up flying toward them. Trixie followed.

A moment later they landed besides the crumpled form of Chrysalis and Twilight. Blood ran down Twilight’s face from a large gash in her forehead. Chrysalis was likewise injured as she looked up at them. Chrysalis hissed. “NOT HER! You don’t touch this one!”

Trixie spoke quickly. “Relax, we’re friends, we’re not the enemy.”

Chrysalis spat green blood to the side and hissed. She clearly wasn’t thinking straight after being hit by whatever kind of spell that was. Still this was dangerous, if the corrupted alicorn could do this then-

Amber turned to face the castle, hammer hung low as she walked toward it. Trixie watched as something in her daughter changed. Her eyes glowing with a baleful orange light, flames flicking off of her horn’s tip, her entire body starting to smoke as if she was on fire.

“Amber, Amber this is too much to handle, we should grab them and leave. Amber?”

Chrysalis coughed and rolled over. Limping she stood while lifting Twilight’s unconscious form onto her back. “It’s too late to flee. We fight and we die.”

“Don’t you mean ‘or’ we die?”
chrysalis shook her head and the motion left a cold shiver running down Trixie’s spine.

Two shapes, small as flies but carrying the weight of mountains flew out from inside the castle. The corrupted alicorns flying toward them with such speed the air rippled behind them. Trixie’s eyes narrowed as she realized what they must have done, rather like an injured friend of hers, was it possible the dark alicorns could do a sonic boom? Is that how they destroyed the castle?

As they left a trail of shadowy darkness behind them her fears were confirmed. Trixie raised a bubble shield of crackling electricity around the group, but watched as Amber walked right through it as if it wasn’t even there.

“Get in here now! They’ll kill you!”

The moment was gone though, and the dark alicorns were there. Just as they were about to make contact with Trixie’s shield, Amber swung her hammer around. Just like a baseball bat the hammer swung true into the face of the first dark alicorn, with such devastating force that it sent the alicorn flying back across the ground and through several buildings in the blink of an eye, the buildings collapsing and flying back away with the monster only after it passed entirely through.

The second corrupted alicorn however was more lucky.

It landed on the ground, an explosion of dark energy and power so strong that it shoved Trixie back, her shield crackling and spreading large cracks throughout it from the blow as a tornado of darkness swarmed around them. Amber vanished from Trixie’s sight as the darkness enveloped them.

Chrysalis cursed. “No… no, not another kid, not another child, please no.”

Trixie stared in abject horror as the darkness began to fade and light returned. They stood now on the patch of road they were on, but a massive crater several blocks wide surrounded them. Yet Amber was nowhere to be seen.

“Amber? AMBER!”

Chrysalis stepped up beside her. “You, blue pony, we have a chance, you should take Twilight and flee.”

Trixie ignored her, dropping her broken bubble shield spell and looking over into the pit. “Baby? Mommy’s baby? Do you hear me? Amber Light, you answer right this minute damn you! ANSWER ME!”

Only silence greeted her.

Trixie felt a hollow place in her heart. She should have stopped her daughter. She should have let Twilight and chrysalis die. How could she ever go back home now, how could she face her wife and elder daughter and tell them she let Amber…

The ground shifted below them, rubble and debris shifting out of the way something was climbing through it. Hope filled her heart as Trixie shouted down. “You’re in so much trouble for scaring me like that, come on up here and I’ll get you h-“

A rotted foreleg popped out of the earth, soon followed by the undead alicorn as it climbed out of the earth. Ahead of them the second one was also pulling itself out of the ruins of the buildings it had gone through, missing its jaw entirely but still standing.

These things were tough to kill, but Trixie couldn’t’ focus on that at the moment. She had to find her baby girl. She had to find Amber. She had too.

The alicorns charged in unison and just before colliding into Trixie a green bubble shield flickered to life around them stopping the corrupted alicorns if only for a moment.

Chrysalis shouted, “I am offering to sacrifice my life so you can take your only hope and leave! My species will die with me here and I will accept this so long as you save Twilight, do you not understand what I am doing? I am being what you call ‘good’ for once, so listen you stupid pony!”

Trixie nodded, she could find her baby girl in a minute, she should take Twilight somewhere safe first then come back. Yeah that made sense. Save the injured pony then come back for her daughter, who was clearly safe and sound and just hiding, yeah hiding like a smart pony from the big bad scary ones.

The shield flickered as the two alicorns slammed into it once more. Trixie opened her mouth to tell Chrysalis she’d take Twilight but then closed it once she saw a burning orange light nearby. So bright was the light she was forced to close her eyes and look away.

An explosion sounded in front of them and then the light began to fade, Trixie opened her eyes and stared in bewilderment at the sight before her. She saw Amber light there, floating mid air, her body half formed the other half slowly rebuilding itself out of ash, her hammer floating by her side and a pair of pink wings stretching out on her back. Was she… an alicorn?

Twilight coughed and sputtered. “I-I told you she was the most… powerful thing… in the world.”

Amber light looked back at her mom, her eyes two glowing orbs of power and she offered a smile. “Sorry mom, I’ll let you ground me in a minute, but first I got something to take care of. These dicks put down my mentor and now I gotta show ‘em who’s boss.”

The two corrupted alicorns cried out in rage, a shrill shriek of power and fury as they charged. Amber met their charge with a blow from her hammer. This time the hammer sailed through one of them, smashing the corrupted alicorn into bits mid air, what was left disintegrating into ash and cinders.

The other corrupted alicorn seemed to catch onto the trouble it was in and began flying away. Amber’s entire body shifted violently then vanished from sight. She reappeared in front of the corrupted alicorn midflight and swung her hammer through it. Once more the hammer cleaved through cleanly, smashing the thing in half before both halves disintegrating into dust.

Amber landed on the ground outside of the crater, looked around and nodded. “Well, that was fun.”

Then her eyes closed and she fell to the ground unconscious.

Trixie looked at chrysalis who blinked and stared back.

Chrysalis spoke quickly, “I hereby swear I will reform into a good bug pony so long as you never leave me in a room alone with that daughter of yours.”

Trixie nodded. “Deal.”


Some weeks later…

Twilight was in the fully repaired Castle of the Two Sisters. In what was to be her new throne room, this one shared with her lover and partner Luna. Celestia was out curing the sick, turns out a good does of godly magic, thanks in no small part to Red and Cadance’s help, was able to cure this corruption.

Likewise the glowing ball of fire, the miniature sun that Sunset turned herself into had vanished one day. Alongside it vanished all the smooze, as if it had burned out the corruption from the pit and then left now that it’s duty was gone… though still no sign of Sunset herself.

As Twilight sat upon her new throne, snuggled up beside her sat Luna, who’s warm comforting wing held her close. “So… you think you’re pregnant yet?”

Twilight let out a sigh. “Not yet.”

“Good, I like using that ‘stallion’ spell on you.”

“Its weird.”

“In a good way.”

“Yes, in a good way…”

The door to her throne room opened up and a familiar face walked in. Now with a cybernetic robot wing, a gift from Sweet Apple Industries, Rainbow Dash walked in and gave the couple a playful smile. “Reporting for duty, princess.”

Twilight smiled in return. “Where’s the kid?”

“Spending time with her dad, he’s teaching her how to fly a ship. Not that we need that or anything but… well I might take some lessons too if you know what I mean.”

“That sounds great. I’d like to learn how to fly a ship.”

“Back off, filly, he’s my stallion.”

The two of them shared a laugh at that. Twilight was not ever going to be a threat to Rainbow’s fiancé and the two of them knew it. But it was nice to see Wind Rider and Rainbow Dash together again. Having seen him parish herself, she knew that Celestia had to have pulled some major strings with that one, but that was not her secret to tell.

Luna chimed in, “Okay, I have your first order now that you’re back on duty, Rainbow Dash. Go and spend time with your family.”

Rainbow Dash nodded and turned to leave. “Same order as always, got it, later princesses.”

Twilight smiled. “I can’t believe they accept me again… it’s still awkward you know.”

“My love, Discord turned himself into a tacky piece of clothing for you, one that chrysalis refuses to stop wearing, you are the least awkward thing here.”

Twilight nodded. “Trixie teaching her daughter how to fly using her wings is the second most awkward thing. Like… I knew Amber would become an alicorn eventually but not like that.”

Luna agreed. “No, not like that.”

Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity walked in next. They all looked at Twilight with warm friendly smiles. Something she’d never get used to seeing again. Then she saw the little pony hiding behind them.

Twilight let out a sigh. “Did Cozy Glow get up to her pranks again?”

Rarity nodded. “Darling she is quite the hoofful sometimes, are you sure she’s going to be your next student?”

Twilight replied, “Considering that Amber is now officially Trixie’s full time student yes… now what did she do this time?”

It was going to be another fun, and eventful day. At least until Ponyville was fixed up… but considering how many buildings seemed to be appearing around the castle of the two sisters… perhaps Ponyville was simply moving to a new home rather than rebuilding the old one… and Twilight could live with that.


A few days after that…

Chrysalis was one of the most dangerous, powerful, intelligent gods out there, few things scared her. For she was mightier than everything. But as the little pony she’d come to call a ugh, friend, these past couple of weeks stood by her side, she realized with a start, she was absolutely terrified.

Twilight offered some words of encouragement. “It’s okay, Chrysy. You’ve earned this.”

“I earn all good things by merit of simply existing… I mean thank you.”

Chrysalis faced a wooden door. The other side of it held the most terrifying thing she could ever imagine. After all she’d been through, all she’d lost…

Chrysalis pushed open the door and saw the large open cavern system. And hundreds of green ‘cute’ changelings all looking up at her. For a moment she felt her heart stop. Then she saw Thorax, one of the few male alicrons in existence.

Chrysalis stepped forward. “I am home.”

Thorax walked toward her. “Good to see you mom.”

And just like that, one single word shattered any of her defenses. Breaking through to her broken, wounded heart and filled her with something she’d so rarely felt before… love.

Chrysalis galloped toward him and threw her legs around him in a tight embrace, sobbing into his mane. “I’m so sorry, mommy’s sorry she hurt you. She loves you all! All her babies, please come here and let mommy show you how much she loves you!”

And before she knew it, she was at the center of a dogpile of hundreds of changelings. Surrounded by love, and even offering love back for the first time to her children. If reforming meant her species got to continue, and that she could be with her kids, she’d reform in every way possible.

Because she was finally happy… and finally home. And the little ugly scarf she kept around her neck, a gift from Twilight, was going to stay here and protect them too.


Back on the stage. The red cloaked pony cleared their throat. “And there we have it, the story of the ages. An ending to a tale that’s as old as time. Years in the making, and lovely with its happy ending. To think too, if one or two things had gone wrong the story would end so differently”

Sophie chimed in. “Yeah like the world ending and Amber being a lone hero chasing down remnants of her past. Or Discord trying to commit suicide by killing all magic in the world. Or everyone becoming cell phone using weirdos.”

“how do you know what a cell phone is?”

Sophie shrugged. “I dunno.”

The red cloaked pony shook there head. “Anyway, this story must now come to end, I hope you enjoyed the play, but as for me and Sophie, we have other stories to tell. Other shapes to take, and other ideas to express. So we’re not leaving, not entirely, we’re just… finding a new adventure.”

The empty audience didn’t cheer, or jeer, it just stayed empty and silent as it had done for centuries now. But that was okay, sometimes a story should end quietly, and happily. Not all stories need a truly explosive ending after all.

The red cloaked pony looked to their side and called out. “Oh and Sunset Shimmer, get your fat flaming butt off that couch, we’re leaving now. Seriously go take a nap in a miniature sun for a few weeks and you become a lazy pony. Ugh!”

Sunset Shimmer, currently muzzle deep in a bag of cheesy puffs shrugs and continues eating.

The End

Author's Note:

So, I don't do these author note things very often but I feel this is one of those special circumstances. This story took a very long time to come to fruition. Originally planned sometime in the middle of Trixie and Maud heart of stone, and then all the way up until 2020.
as you probably noticed, the story really stopped being worked on about the same time as covid really got bad. The story of course was planned to have this corrupting disease like thing for years ahead of time, but it just was too hard to deal with the reality of covid, and make this story at the same time.
after a couple years though things improved in the real world and i got to thinking about how to finish this since i lost almost all momentum on it. Well its not necessarily pretty but here it is. the ending to the Heart of Series.
if you want to see the continued adventures of Sophie though, or other similar ideas, I got both an Itch.io page for visual novels, and a twitter for comics where she makes frequent appearances. so there's that.
and for all of those that stuck with it until the end, thank you for reading XD

Comments ( 2 )

Huzzah! Time to begin reading.

good luck and thanks. You reminding me of it got the gears churning in my brain on how to finish it XD

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