• Published 22nd Jul 2019
  • 522 Views, 25 Comments

Heart of Magic - TheCrimsonDM

It's been eighteen years since the great windigo war and Trixie has finally found peace. It looked like things would be quiet forever, but with the threat of the Alicorn Empire around the corner, can Trixie, Twilight, and Amber save the day?

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Chapter Thirty: Teasing Trouble

Heart of Magic

Chapter Thirty: Teasing Trouble

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Amber sat at the edge of the hill Fluttershy’s cottage was built on. She could see over Ponyville from here. It was a quiet and sunny day. Yet there had been an unmistakable chill in the air. It seemed almost like it was growing colder by the day, in very small increments to be unnoticed by most.

Hush Puppy was staring over the town himself. “I had a strange dream last night.”

Amber didn’t bother glancing over at him as she replied. “You always have strange dreams.”

“This was one was weird though.”

Amber let out a sigh. “I guess I’ve had a few weird dreams myself lately. Go ahead and tell me yours.”

Hush Puppy shrugged. “I don’t really get it myself. I was on some kind of throne. The world around me was, weird, brown clouds raining who knows what, animals with impossible features running in herds, the land itself was a confused mish mass of colors and patterns. It was like the entire world didn’t make any sense. And there I was, on my throne laughing like I was having the time of my life.”

“Weird,” Amber thought back to some paintings she’d seen in Twilight’s castle. “Sounds like you’ve seen Color’s artwork a bit too much.”

Hushpuppy shrugged. “Maybe. It was weird. What’s worse though is that I saw Twilight Sparkle and her friends approaching my throne. Twilight glared at me as if I’d personally ruined her life, in fact all of them were angry at me. They also seemed… younger. Even my moms looked really young. Twilight’s horn lit up and every pony turned into a freaking rainbow.”

“A rainbow?”

“Yeah, and then they shot me with the Rainbow. My body stiffened up, everything hurt, and I woke up screaming.” Hushpuppy shivered. “The worst part was when I woke up my entire body was freaking stiff.”

Amber nodded. “Sounds like you’re having some abstract dreams, something to do with how everything we know is changing around us or something.” Amber thought about it for a moment and added, “Wait, Fluttershy looks really young still, how could she look younger?”

“I don’t know how to explain it, she just looked… innocent?” Hushpuppy bit his lower lip and almost whispered, “And I wanted to completely destroy that innocence.”

“Dude, gross.”

He shot a glare at her. “Not like that. I mean, I wanted to just torment her, force her to stop being kind, caring, and innocent. To show her how dark and messed up the world is supposed to be, and to force her to accept my way of thinking.” He looked up at the sky. “I think I’m struggling with how she doesn’t really get me, you know.”

Amber nodded. “I was there for a little while. Took me almost losing Maud before I realized she doesn’t have to understand me, she just needs to love me, and I love her so were okay.”

Hushpuppy nodded. “I guess so. I do love my moms, but they just don’t really understand me.”

“Nopony understands you, dork.”

Hushpuppy smiled. “Heh, guess that’s true enough.”

“But we try to.”

Hushpuppy nodded. “Thanks for listening, it really means a lot.”

“Oh shut up, cus. Or maybe I’ll tell Blackout how you really feel?”

Hushpuppy glared at her. “You wouldn’t dare.”

Amber grinned and stood up. “Oh, I wouldn’t now?” Amber started to run off in a random direction, it took a moment but Hushpuppy was chasing her and shouting for her to stop. Of course she wouldn’t really tell Blackout, but it was just too fun to tease him.


Trixie found herself waiting inside the dining hall in Twilight’s castle. It wasn’t often used, but it was clean. With everything made out of wood it was a strange calming area. Intricate designs were burned and etched into the wood work along the walls, ceiling and floor. Whatever the symbols they formed meant, assuming they meant anything at all, was only for Twilight to know. While Trixie could only wonder at them.

Since her hopes of helping Twilight’s friends forgive her were bust, she was busy trying to figure out the next step to save Equestria. The elements of harmony couldn’t be counted on, not this time. Those days were over now, and it was time for Trixie to figure it out herself. She had all the power, responsibility, and tools of a princess, but none of the skill to use any of it.

Still she had a job to do and she was going to do it.

There was a soft sound, almost like a polite cough from behind her. She hadn’t heard the door open at all but she knew he was there now. She glanced back at him. A pony wearing a dark cloak with only just the tip of his muzzle visible from underneath. “You have a response?”

He gave out the tiniest of nods. “I do. They have accepted your proposal.”

Trixie glanced back at the table. This felt wrong, it felt dirty, but she had to do this if she was going to save Equestria. There was no way around it this time. Yet she wasn’t going to be as stupid as she had the first time around. She’d grown since then, matured. No, this time she was going to make sure that the world was safe and despite the danger, she would do everything she could to save it. Of course she’d already convinced with Princess Celestia and got her approval for this plan.

She had to ask, “Do you think it will work?”

He shrugged. “Crazier things have happened.”

Trixie smiled at that. He was right, crazier things had indeed happened. “Thank you, Shade.”

Shade turned. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m helping out because if I don’t our world will be consumed by darkness, but I still expect to be fully paid.”

“You’ll get what you ask for,” Trixie assured him. “But it will have to wait until the danger has passed before you can get it.”

Shade nodded. “That’s good enough for me.”

Trixie watched as he walked to the door. “Shade, do you mind if I ask why you want to have a private island?”

He paused and glanced back at her. “Even shadows need to settle down. You didn’t think you were the only one who just wanted something as simple as a family did you?”

She smiled at him. He didn’t need to say more, he’d already given her more information than he’d wanted to. He was always a secretive pony, if it wasn’t for her relationship to Valiant Heart, he’d likely not have given her any information at all. Since he trusted her to know that much she decided she would keep his secret safe, even from Celestia.


It had been a little while since Twilight was able to return to Starlight’s home. Looking at it from outside made her feel almost apprehensive about going back in. She’d only been gone a few days, but it felt like years had passed. She was already back into her old secrets, but she was sober this time, and refused to drag anypony else into the mess she’d put herself in.

She stroked the scarf around her neck out of nervous habit. The red, brown, blue and green scarf had trimmings of orange and looked a bit like a clusterfun of colors. Of course it was more than just a scarf as she heard a voice reply to her, “Would you stop petting me already, you’re giving me a rash.”

Twilight put her hoof down and whispered. “I’ll do whatever I want, now be quiet you’re supposed to be a scarf, not an immortal god of chaos.”

“I’m only staying like this until I recover my full strength, then I’m going back out on the town. Maybe I’ll visit Flu-“ Discord’s voice cut off and he corrected himself, “I’ll… uh… I still have friends in Starlight, Trixie, and Thorax.”

Twilight let out a sigh. “I’m sure you do. Now be quiet as I try to pretend my life is a quiet normal one again. Please.”

“It takes too much effort to speak anyway,” Discord’s voice quieted down.

After a few moments of silence Twilight decided he must have really meant it when he said it took too much effort. After being trapped in a magical prison for over ten years, he really had seemed drained of energy. He hardly snapped his fingers more than once or twice in all the time he’d been free for. Actually, after he first spoke to Celestia and Luna he had slowed down on talking at all too. Very unlike the creature of chaotic fun who would never shut up from her past. Even Discord was feeling like he had aged now.

Twilight sucked in a breath and walked up to the front door. She entered it and saw Starlight standing a few feet behind it and smiling at her. “So, did it go well?”

Twilight smiled. “Yeah, it did.”

“Where’s Luna?”

Twilight pawed at the hard wood floor, looked down and entered the house before closing the door behind herself. “She’s still at the castle. She might be proud of me for quitting drinking, she might be willing to forgive me for what I’ve done, but she doesn’t trust me just yet. I’ll have to spend the rest of my short life span trying to make it up to her.” Twilight looked up and met Starlight’s eyes, “But I will make it up to her.”

Starlight walked over and nuzzled Twilight’s forehead. “It’s nice to hear you having hope again. Now come on, it’s time for dinner, and we can’t start without all of the family being there.”

Twilight smiled. “Is it okay if I bring a friend?”

Starlight smiled. “Is Cozy outside?”

Twilight shook her head and pet her scarf. “Nah, he’s right here.”

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