• Published 22nd Jul 2019
  • 520 Views, 25 Comments

Heart of Magic - TheCrimsonDM

It's been eighteen years since the great windigo war and Trixie has finally found peace. It looked like things would be quiet forever, but with the threat of the Alicorn Empire around the corner, can Trixie, Twilight, and Amber save the day?

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Chapter Forty Three: Red Revelation

Heart of Magic

Chapter Forty Three: Red Revelation

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie and Red were already deep into the Everfree Forest. Was just her, or had the forest grown by an incredible amount since the first time she came here. The very back of the Everfree forest was at the mountain base of Canterlot mountain. It was one flight down and she was already in the deep dark spooky woods.

The sun was only a dim light far above them, flickering in and out as threes covered what little gaps were left for the light to come down. At some point it got so dark that Trixie needed to use a bit of magic to create a violet light around the pair of them. They continued walking further. Each creak, or rustle brought the reminder of how dangerous these woods were. Manticores, giant spiders, and undead shadow things just to name a few.

The deeper they traveled the stranger the sounds in the distance became. Eventually Trixie began to hear what sounded like a whispering voice. It was this point that Red actually changed directions and they seemed to be following the voice.

“What is that sound?” Trixie asked.

Red didn’t look back but explained, “A mistake.”

Trixie wasn’t sure what she meant by that, nor was she positive she even wanted too. They carried onward until the forest began to thin out. Even so it was darker still in the open then it was in the woods. Trixie instantly recognized this place. The overly large trees with hollow rooms, branches that formed walkways above them. This was the Deer City that she had first encountered Red in. Back when Red was cursed and masqueraded as a unicorn, back when Trixie was suicidal, back when Trixie was painfully transformed into an alicorn.

They walked past empty and ruined homes. Past dust covered tables. Across overgrown gardens. Eventually they found themselves at the base of the largest tree Trixie had ever seen. It was so large it made Canterlot Castle looked like a hovel in comparison. The voices were coming from inside it, they were darker and louder but still something she couldn’t quite understand.

Red frowned as she stared into it. “It’s here.”

“What’s here?”

Red walked forward forcing Trixie to follow her inside. “The heart of the Everfree Forest.”

They traveled inside and Trixie was washed in cold energy. This place was absolutely filthy in dark magic. It was so dark she had to use more magic just to increase her light to extend a good thirty or forty feet. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, save for two sets of hoof prints. It looked like some ponies had been in here, and left just as quickly. Oddly enough Trixie and Red were following there trail.

In the corners of the halls Trixie could see strange wooden mannequins, each one looked like a deer, each one was facing them, each one gave off an ominous energy. After minutes of walking they reached what must have been the grand hall. Two long tables stretched out on either side of them going off into the darkness. Chairs, plates, cups were all set down neatly on the tables as if preparing for a meal. Each chair had another one of those wooden deer mannequins. Each one of them had their heads turned, often at odd angles to stare directly at Trixie and Red.

Trixie whispered, “Why are there so many mannequins?”

Red didn’t look at her, nor the deer, she walked forward. “You see them as mannequins?”

“Yeah, wait… what do you mean by that?”

Red paused and then answered, “I see them as corpses. Fresh, dismembered, dissembled, torn in half, corpses.”

Trixie swallowed. “You’re joking right? How could we see the same thing in two different ways like that?”

“Because their spirits, and we see them only as a reflection of ourselves.”

Trixie took a step closer to Red. “You mean ghosts?”

Red shook her head and sped up her pace. “Something like that.”

It took awhile but they reached the end. A giant throne sat there carved of solid wood with a massive deer sitting atop it, it was a masculine shape with two of the largest antlers she’d ever seen. Each antler was carved with runes that gave off a soft glow. Atop its head sat a crown with a gem sitting in the middle.

Red’s lower lip quivered. “Here we are. The heart and the hart of Everfree.”

Trixie stared up at it. “Why do we need this?”

“To find the source of the darkness here, and to stop it.”

Red bowed her head to the kingly mannequin. “I’m sorry.”


Red had finally managed to find them, after years of searching the forest, after all the twists and turns, the dead ends and the monsters, she had finally found the deer, and there kingdom was amazing to say the least. In fact she’d only ever seen it once before, but that was just an outlying town, this, this was a fully fledged city. She didn’t even know there could be so many deer in one place.

The deer mostly watched in stunned silence as Red walked through their streets. There massive tree structures were filled with light, the branches with colorful leaves and vines hanging down. Warm light seemed to emit from every residence, and the sky although blocked off from sight was still sending down bright light which covered everything in sight.

She was only a couple of minutes into walking into the city when she saw the largest tree in Equestria, possibly even the world. It was so large in fact that Red could only venture to guess that the majority of the deer population lived inside it. She knew in her heart this was where she needed to go, she could also sense it. Her prize was indeed in there.

A group of deer wearing wooden armor seemed to have vines hanging around there waists as they were lowered in a circle formation around Red. They landed and the vines released them as if possessed of their own free will. One of the guards was a gray colored deer who had a scar over his left eye. He snarled at Red. “Who are you who dares to intrude upon the Heart of Everfree.”

Red smirked. “I, am the one pony in Equestria who could find this city. I am known too some as Red Velvet.” For extra flair she threw in something she’d not said in quite some time, “Pupil to Princess Celestia herself.”

Some of the guards stepped to the side as the largest deer she’d ever seen walked through. He was taller still then Princess Celestia and had a crown with a bright green gem that shined in the light. His antlers were long and covered with glowing runes. A pair of wings were resting against his sides. He was the alicorn equivalent of a deer she supposed, and that meant he was the King of Everfree. His white fur almost screamed with authority and power.

Red stared up into his eyes and smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you again King Aspen.”

The king’s eternally stoic appearance broke for a moment as he smiled. “I see, you used to be the little red thing that Celestia dragged with her into my halls. My how you have grown.”

Red nodded. “Of course, even foals do eventually grow up, though I admit I feel that it may have been a good hundred years since I was actually last here.”

King Aspen nodded. “You’re not the only thing that has changed.” Beside him appeared a tiny little deer, hardly more than a child she could assume. “Have you met my son Prince Thicket?”

Red could have replied sarcastically about having just arrived, but choose the better part of valor. “Not yet, but it is a pleasure.”

Thicket smiled and the grass around his hooves actually grew taller and a few flowers sprouted near him. This kid was filled with the kind of magic that ponies only dreamed of having. His emotions alone were enough to change the world around him.

King Aspen nodded toward the large tree. “Come with us, Red. We’ll treat you to a dinner at Castle and you can tell us why you came to visit us after so long. If it’s anything like what the last alicorn came to us for, you’ll need our assistance.”

Red followed as they traveled together to the castle. The guards kept a close circle around them. Both to protect the King and his new visitor from harm, but also to make sure that Red didn’t start any herself. “You said there was another alicorn here?”

“Yes, a Twilight Sparkle and her friends.” King Aspen laughed and the scent of fresh flowers filled the air. “They were quite the entertainment, but also proved to be good friends.”

It wasn’t the first time Red had heard that name. Her research had led her to find Twilight to be the new pupil to Celestia, only this time she was far more loyal than any other had been before. Typically after ascendance ponies would leave Celestia’s side, but this Twilight seemed determined to stick by her Princess and give untold amounts of power to Celestia. Terrifyingly high amounts of power. With treaties with Dragons, Changelings, and even converting Discord over to their side, This Twilight Sparkle was a pony worthy of respect and fear in equal measure.

Once inside the so called ‘castle’ Red was indeed treated to the sight of dozens upon dozens of deer residing here. They all moved about with purpose, talked in small groups, or were busy painting or playing music. It seemed that most of the population really did live in the castle. If Red was a paranoid pony, and she most certainly was, she would guess the buildings outside of the castle would normally serve as guard posts in case of emergency with the Castle becoming an impenetrable fortress.

Once in the Great Hall they went to the lord’s table in the back. This hall alone was massive, far too massive to actually fit inside the tree itself. Perhaps it was formed in part of the roots, or did they go underground somehow? The ceiling windows only told her that light could filter in and keep this place warm and bright. The walls and floors were decorated with color and gave the feeling of a friendly atmosphere.

King Aspen spoke as he took flight and landed in his giant throne. “This hall is used by most of the kingdom every night. We pride ourselves on our community and closeness. I know that ponies typically dine alone, so I can understand if our customs come off as a bit overwhelming.”

Red took a seat at one of the chairs and replied. “I’ve been all across the world, this is hardly the strangest thing I’ve seen, but it is one of the most welcoming.”

The kid, Thicket jumped onto the table and then onto his father’s lap. King Aspen laughed. “Thicket, please, there are steps for you to use, no need to jump on the table.”

Thicket laughed. His voice came out so tiny. “It’s fine. I’m up here now aren’t I?”

Red smiled. “This really is a peaceful place.” She was starting to feel guilty for being here. She knew what she was going to ask was going to cause trouble, especially if he thought so highly of Twilight Sparkle. But she had to do this. She had to accomplish this goal. An entire species of poor, defenseless alicorn, children, mothers, and just average pony folk all depended on her for their freedom. She couldn’t afford to care about what lines she would have to cross to save them. It would be an even greater injustice to let them remain trapped forever, Celestia’s favored form of punishment, eternal prison.

Whether it be the moon, turning into a statue, or being locked into a volcano, Celestia would also trap those she hated. Often times for an eternity without a chance for redemption or freedom. If Discord hadn’t proven useful for her agenda, would he actually have been released and given a second chance? After all Tirek wasn’t…

Red let out a sigh. She couldn’t afford to think of Celestia’s sins right then. She had important business at hoof.

King Aspen glanced down at her as a plate of various berries were set in front of her. “So, tell me Red, what brings you back to my kingdom? Has Equestria come to another great tragedy?”

Red lifted a blueberry up in her telekinetic aura and popped it into her mouth. “There was a tragedy happening since long before I was born. My entire race was locked away, trapped in a prison for an entirety, children, mothers, simple shop keeps, and pencil pushers all locked together as if they were all criminals. In order to free my people, I require a single artifact that I know to be in your possession. So it is with a heavy heart that I request to have the Alicorn Amulet loaned to me until I save my people.”

King Aspen’s eyes seemed to darken and the air grew a little colder. “I fear that this is one request I cannot grant, no matter what Equestria has done to help my people, I made a vow to Princess Celestia and to Princess Twilight Sparkle to safe guard this artifact. Only those two together could stand a chance of me releasing such a dark thing into the world.”

Red felt it. A pang of dark energy crying out from above her in the castle. She could almost hear it speaking to her. Offering promises of power if she were to put it on. The Alicorn Amulet had revealed itself to her and was crying out to be freed. Though the artifact in question did not deserve its freedom, it was essential to her plans.

Red rose to her full height. Things were about to get real. “I’m afraid, King Aspen, that my request was made only to be polite. That amulet is coming with me.”


Trixie watched as a bright light emitted from the wooden deer carving sitting upon the throne in front of her. The light was almost blinding and she had to look away. A moment later the light was gone and she looked back to see not a wooden deer but rather a tall deer with white fur sitting proudly upon the throne and looking down at the two of them. His body was glowing and if Trixie looked hard enough slightly transparent.

Red didn’t raise her head as she continued to speak. “I don’t regret taking the amulet from you, but I do regret the brutal method by which I had. There was no need for so much death, yet that is what happened. I don’t expect forgiveness, nor to ever be able to make up for the sins I’ve committed, but I do apologize for my actions.”

The kingly deer glanced over at Trixie.

Red continued. “I am here today so that we may ask of you, you’re crown. I’m sure that even in your deathless state you can feel the darkness brewing in these woods, in this world. We need the Heart of Everfree to discover the source of this darkness and end it.”

It was at that time that Trixie realized that the whispering had completely stopped. She looked around and saw hundreds of ghostly deer sitting at these tables. All of them staring with hollow eyes at the pair. What was Red thinking, she was going to get them killed, and Trixie had no faith in her ability to fight one ghost let alone hundreds of them.

A proud voice loud and strong emitted from the deer king. “Red, you came into our home, demanded from us a tool of darkness and destruction, and then proceeded to kill us for the object of your desire. After obtaining it you killed anything that was within sight of you. You truly expect me to give you the Heart of Everfree, no matter what the danger is out there?”

Red shook her head. “I am unworthy of the crown. So I brought somepony who was.”

Trixie gulped. “Wait, is that why you dragged me here?”

The deer king stood up and walked down from his throne. His hooves seemed to land on invisible steps as he walked to ground level and stood before Trixie. His eyes pierced into her soul and she felt a cold shiver run from the tip of her horn to the end of her tail.

The deer king spoke, “Trixie Lulamoon, I can see your soul. Damaged, broken, stitched together yet still holding strong. There are stains of darkness tainting it, and yet walls of hope built around those stains. You have fought many battles, internally and externally, and it would seem you have survived each one becoming stronger in the process. Your life has been short so far, but I can see many great deeds coming from you in the future, yet the potential for darkness exists. What would you say if I told you that by continuing on your current path that you may become darker still, and commit great atrocities?”

Trixie swallowed. She had known there was still a darkness in her. Not some other personality like Scathe, but her own inner darkness that she was not equipped to handle should it arise again. The last thing she ever wanted was to become like Twilight Sparkle. “I’d ask how to avoid doing any of them, and if that’s not possible I’d retire from this quest now. This world has had too many ponies fall to darkness already, I don’t need to add to them.”

The deer king smiled. “With that answer, I’m sure you’ll find your way through those dark times just fine.” His crown lifted off his head and floated toward Trixie before landing gently atop her head. “Take care, Trixie Lulamoon, this crown will help you seek and destroy the darkness in these woods, but its power is useless after that. The answers you seek may be challenging to accept, but once you find them, face them and save this world from The Pony of Shadows, his return should never have happened.”

Trixie watched as the deer king’s body turned to mist and blew away as if never there. The hundreds of deer around them all vanished in much the same way. A bright light began to fill the great hall and for the first time Trixie saw that there were windows on the ceiling. The chill in the area seemed to fade and was replaced by a strange warmth. Beneath her hooves and all around them flowers, vines, and grass began to grow out of the cracks and seems on the wooden floor.

Red looked around and turned away toward the exit. “Looks like there finally at peace… Let’s go. We have a darkness to face, and answers to achieve.”

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