• Published 22nd Jul 2019
  • 522 Views, 25 Comments

Heart of Magic - TheCrimsonDM

It's been eighteen years since the great windigo war and Trixie has finally found peace. It looked like things would be quiet forever, but with the threat of the Alicorn Empire around the corner, can Trixie, Twilight, and Amber save the day?

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Chapter Thirty One: Training Tantrum

Heart of Magic

Chapter Thirty One: Training Tantrum

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Twilight stared out the window at the darkening sky. “I’m serious, Starlight.”

She could practically feel Starlight roll her eyes for the hundredth time as the reply came, “Sure, Twilight. Your scarf is really Discord in disguise. He’s been hiding there the whole time.”

“No he was imprisoned in my flask, when I destroyed it he was freed.”

Starlight replied with a gentle voice that was so full of disbelieve that Twilight could choke on it. “Uh huh, and that is okay. He can stay here too.”

Twilight let out a sigh. “You know what, fine, maybe I’m just losing my mind. At least I’m sober and friendly.”


If Starlight was any closer Twilight felt she could have smacked her for that. Either way she was sick of trying to convince her that her scarf really was the lord of chaos himself. Of course since he was quiet as a rock since she entered the house she was beginning to doubt it herself. Still she had found him and needed to contact Sunset again. Twilight wondered if Cozy would disbelieve her too…

The night went on like normal, with Twilight lying on the couch as everypony else slept. She glanced at the clock every now and again until she saw the clock strike twelve. With a huff she pushed herself out of bed, grabbed the scarf and went to the door. As quietly as she could she left the house.

She was only a few steps down the road before she heard the flaps of wings followed by Cozy landing next to her. “Heya, Twilight. You ready?”

Twilight shook her head. “I’m never ready when it comes to saving the world, but then again, who really is?”

“Exactly!” Cozy bumped her shoulder into Twilight’s. “I’m so excited your part of the team now.”

Twilight bit her lower lip. “Hey, Cozy… you’re my friend, right?”

“Of course I am,” Cozy said.

“Because you did… well you were getting close to me originally to scout me out for Sunset’s team.”


“But you’re really my friend?”

Cozy stopped and made eye contact with Twilight. “I’ve never had a real friend before. I know what I did was sneaky, but that doesn’t mean we’re not friends… right?”

Twilight smiled. “Of course it doesn’t. I just wanted to make sure you really wanted to be my friend. I don’t have too many of those anymore.” Even with Luna choosing to keep her, she still lost her old life. Nothing she did would ever bring it back but perhaps that was okay. Especially with Starlight and Cozy Glow by her side.

They walked together for awhile longer in relative silence. In the past week or so it had warmed up a little so it wasn’t as cold at night this time. They made their way back to the woods and ventured into it. This time Cozy stayed close to Twilight’s side as they traveled through the woods and out to the field clearing where Twilight had first encountered the undead changelings.

There had been a few tents set up there and a small campfire was burning with Sunset sitting at its side. Chrysalis was sitting across from her. Sunset was speaking, “I never knew that Siren babies could be such a hoofull, I mean every time they sing some magical thing happens.”

Chrysalis replied, “Yes, magical children can be quite the challenge to raise. Especially ones with monstrous powers. Too often my children would play jokes on me by transforming into pieces of scenery only to jump out at me.” Chrysalis’s lips curled up at the corner. “It was good training for their eventual roles.”

Sunset stared at her. “Do… do you think you might ever have more?”

Chrysalis looked up at the sky. “I do not know. Having them, raising them, it is nice, but losing them… Even a monster like me isn’t invulnerable to such weakness.”

Sunset’s eyes closed half way and she looked down at the earth. “How… after this is done and we save the world, if we’re still here… what will you do?”

“I do not know… This is… something new for me. You are perhaps the only creature that may be able to understand, even if only a little.” Chrysalis’s eyes looked over at Twilight and she snarled. “Of course we will continue this conversation never.”

Sunset looked over. “Twi, Cozy, what’s up?”

Cozy sauntered up to them. “Oh nothing, just walking my best friend to our camp.”

Twilight caught up with her and took a seat by the fire. She thought it best to not mention what she’d heard them talking about. Especially with the glare that Chrysalis was giving her. For a moment Twilight tried to ignore it but then she realized it wasn’t exactly her, Chrysalis was glaring at. It was the scarf.

Twilight looked up at her. “Could you stop glaring at us?”

“No,” Chrysalis said. “It’s my least favorite fashion accessory followed by my least favorite pony.”

Twilight groaned. “Whatever, at least Discord doesn’t care what you think of him.”

Discord’s voice almost purred outward. “Oh come now, Twilight. She’s simply jealous that I’m wrapped around some other pony’s neck now.”

Twilight swallowed. “A-anyway, what’s the plan from here?”

Sunset smiled as she looked back into the fire. “Once Wind Rider returns with the airship, we’re going to be taking the fight to the Pony of Shadows now. And I have just the plan. Though, it’s going to be quite the wait…”


Trixie stared into Luna’s eyes. “You have to help me, Luna. This is imperative.”

Luna sat on a couch with a book floating in front of her face. Canterlot castle was quiet at this time of night. Yet Luna and her batpony guards were wide awake. Luna didn’t look away from her book as she responded, “And why should I help you in this mad quest?”

“Because it may help save Equestria.”

Luna lowered the book just a little. “You realize the madness in this right?

Trixie looked at the bookshelves lining the room, this was one of the private studies belonging to the resident princesses. A few paintings of scenery from forests to mountains hung from the walls along with some deep blue tapestries. The whole room just seemed to exude an air of quiet about it.

“I do, but I also recognize that standing here doing nothing is going to get many more innocents killed. Who knows how the Pony of Shadows makes its corrupted alicorns? It could be making more right as we speak. If we don’t become proactive we’ll surely lose this battle.”

Luna shut her book and set it down. She was staring directly at Trixie this time. “I fought one of those corrupted alicorns. Just one of them took down my entire squad and nearly killed me. It took teleporting it into an active volcano to win. Even then it tried to come right back at me. And you’re suggesting we just go up and fight them?”

Trixie met her steel gaze with one of her own. “Better that then to wait for them to do the same to us.”

Luna stared at Trixie in silence for a long while. No sounds passed between the two, just the dead silence as they both sat there. Their eyes met and fought for dominance over the conversation. Finally at length Luna closed her eyes. “I will at least humor you enough to hear your idea, but I make no promises to approve anything.”

Trixie smirked. “Trust me, after you hear my plan you’ll have to admit it’s good, or should I say Great and P-“

“Trixie, if you expect me to take you seriously you will not use your catchphrase.”

Trixie pouted. “…fine.”


RUN! Run, was the only thought that could go through Amber’s mind as she raced through the woods. Sure there were monsters in here, some of which she couldn’t face. Sure the Everfree was a place easily lost in. Sure she had no idea if she was going in the right direction.

But what was chasing her was far worse than any of that.

The saddle bags at Amber’s sides were heavy, but she had to keep them and their contents safe at all costs, at least until she got to the old castle. Her legs burned from the effort, and sweat was already pouring down her face. Behind her she could swear she heard the snapping of branches. She felt it before even knowing what was going on, Amber ducked her head low and watched as a branch the size of street light speared past her. Amber let out a shriek and doubled down on her running speed.

Rocks, bushes, and trees swam past her as she sped through the dark woods. Bushes cut at her legs. Rocks nearly tripped her. Holes in the earth threatened to grab and snap her hooves in half. Amber exited the dense woods and ended on a small tunnel created in the woods. The remains of a cobbled stone path lay scattered at her hooves.

Finally she was on track. Amber turned right and felt like this was the best direction to head. The sounds of branches snapping in quick session behind her only fueled her decision. Amber charged forward as quickly as her legs would take her. She caught it just behind her. A yellow blur of fury broke through the woods behind her and hovered there in the road. Long pink mane dripping down towards the ground as those furry bat wings nearly buzzed in rapid motion. A pair of red eyes glared at her and Amber’s heart climb up into her throat.

How was she really going to out run that? Amber kept running. All she could do was run, and run fast. Of course no speed on this earth would beat the speed of the monster chasing her. Even Rainbow Dash couldn’t outpace this creature.

Amber heard a harsh crack in the air and felt something approaching. She channeled magic into her horn and felt the world pop around her as she teleported ahead thirty feet. Just where she was standing there was a ring of fire and a boulder shoved into the earth.

“A BOULDER! COME ON!” Amber screamed as she ran faster still. This wasn’t training anymore, this was an actual life or death situation. Just a little further she was sure.

She reached the end of the forest created tunnel to see a large canyon with a single wooden bridge crossing it. Amber was about to cross the bridge when a yellow blur flew ahead of her and smashed thorough it collapsing the entire thing. Amber watched as the bridge fell and the yellow blur hover in front of her. Amber stared at Flutterbat, but made a mental note not to make eye contact. Look at the body, not the head.

No bridge, meant no way past the canyon. Her speed wasn’t fast enough to outrun the monster facing her. The canyon was a good few hundred feet across. If she’d had her own team here she would have asked her cool flying friend to go across and build the bridge. But she didn’t have that, she only had herself and her own power to rely on.

Flutterbat hovered closer still. The air seemed to be electrified with a sense of absolute danger. Even that Ursa Major was nothing compared to the threat in front of her now. Just past Flutterbat, Amber saw it, the Castle of the Two Sisters. It’s ruined state stood as a testament to what had been, and what could be again.

Amber charged up her horn. “This is going to suck.”

With a yell Amber charged forward. Flutterbat growled. Amber jumped off the ledge and toward Flutterbat. Her horn flashed in an explosion of fire and smoke. Her body screamed in protest, her mouth tasted like copper, and she felt everything burn as she flung herself through the aether and across the canyon. She appeared on the other side of the canyon, her fur singed, her skin burning, and her mane and tail frayed.

She glanced behind herself to see a confused looking Flutterbat.

Amber took the chance to run. Her speed was lowered but the castle was only forty feet, maybe sixty away. She ran as fast as she could. Behind her she heard a shriek of rage and fury. All she had to do was deliver the package, not herself. Amber lifted the saddlebags off of herself. She felt the air crackle around her. She threw the saddlebags ahead of her with as much magical might as she could. She watched them rocket toward the castle of the two sisters. The blur of yellow and pink whoosed past her with enough fury to throw Amber off her hooves and into the dirt.

Amber watched as the blur chased the saddlebags, her speed fast enough to bring her closer and closer to the bags. The top came open just a moment before Flutterbat collided with the bag midair. Amber watched as Flutterbat landed and tore the bag open with her fangs. She pulled out a delicious red apple and bit into it as if it was the most precious thing in the whole world.

Amber pushed herself up and limped toward the castle. By the time she got there Flutterbat’s eyes had returned to their normal blue hue, and the bat like features were already shifting back into that of a pegasus. Fluttershy looked up at Amber and shook her head. She removed the apple from her mouth.

Fluttershy spoke quietly. “You failed to bring even a single apple in contact with the castle before I got to them.”

Amber laughed and pointed with a bum leg toward the entrance of the castle. Fluttershy followed the leg and her eyes widened as she saw a single apple laying just on the inside of the front door. Amber smirked. “Not a single apple huh?”

Fluttershy’s smile widened. “I sit corrected. You passed this test, now we can get you healed up and start your real training.”

Amber’s jaw dropped. “You were throwing spears and boulders at me, and that wasn’t real?”

Fluttershy met her eyes and for that one instance the entire world seemed to quiet as Fluttershy spoke, “You have only just begun your training.”

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