• Published 22nd Jul 2019
  • 520 Views, 25 Comments

Heart of Magic - TheCrimsonDM

It's been eighteen years since the great windigo war and Trixie has finally found peace. It looked like things would be quiet forever, but with the threat of the Alicorn Empire around the corner, can Trixie, Twilight, and Amber save the day?

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Chapter Twenty Five: Lost Field

Heart of Magic

Chapter Twenty Five: Lost Field

Written by TheCrimsonDM

Trixie and Celestia followed Applebloom to an old abandoned building just outside of Ponyville. It was a massive structure, it’s old walls filled with holes, the roof crumbling down in some places, surrounded by a garden that had long since gone unattended to and overgrown. Applebloom led them through the old courtyard.

Applebloom explained as they walked, “This place used to be a high school about twenty or thirty years ago. Twilight apparently bought the land when she first moved to Ponyville. The school was already closed but she had plans of starting a magic school here.”

Trixie thought back to her own students. Her classes were becoming harder to manage between being a Princess again and trying to figure out the mysteries that Twilight left behind. She missed the quiet life where she could focus more on her students, and her family. Of course she at least had a good substitute for her class.

Applebloom led them through an entrance way long since missing any doors. “Of course Twilight learned that while teaching the lessons of friendship were nice and all, it was all useless when compared to the might of something like the windigo. So she already had the land, we just had to use it.”

Celestia frowned. “That is… certainly one way she could look at it.”

Applebloom glanced back at her. “It is, and it is a view that I personally share.”

They traveled down and through long abandoned corridors. Dirt and dust covered everything. In a few places weeds had actually sprouted through the floor and made there declaration on this land. Cracks in the ceiling let streams of light, almost sparkling as they caught glimpses of dust in there beams. The place also smelled faintly of mildew.

They continued walking until they landed in what appeared to be a large office space. Now bereft of any books, only empty shelves, a desk, and a few broken statues stood here. Applebloom walked to a place behind the desk where a chair might fit and pressed a switch underneath the desk. The floor sunk in revealing a secret stairway going out.

Applebloom looked down there and as a sickly yellow light appeared at the end of the tunnel she said, “We are going to make sure that Equestria is safe, no matter what threat we face. Nopony shall hurt us like Starswirl did, like the windigo did.”

Trixie grimaced. She thought about villages already gone and missing. An enemy that they couldn’t find, and the deaths of essentially the entire changeling race. The enemy had already hurt them, and Applebloom just didn’t know it yet.

Applebloom began the trek down the stairs and into the tunnels below the school. “You’ll see what the past ten years of mine, Twilight’s, and Valiant Heart’s lives have been devoted too. Just follow me.”


Twilight felt the wind breeze through her mane as she trailed behind a flying Cozy Glow. She seemed even smaller, and cuter when flying in the air. Reminded her of the first time she met Luna. The smallest, cutest alicorn of all. The memory hurt to recall, but only because it brought with it the knowledge that Luna would no longer be a part of her life. If Twilight could do anything to make up for what she did, she would do it. No matter how hard, nor painful it turned out to be.

“We’re almost there,” Cozy stated as they crossed a flower bed.

The flowers here were mostly daisies, and Twilight couldn’t help but to snatch one up and eat it on her way. If anypony complained they could write it in triplicate and submit it to the department of useless crap for all she cared. She was free. Finally free of all her old burdens.

Cozy was ahead of her now, just entering the other side of the woods. Twilight sped up to catch up. If she lost sight of Cozy now she’d have to find her way back and they had been walking for well over an hour now. She might even have to teleport her way back to Starlight’s place.

Twilight entered the woods and shouted out,” Cozy, don’t go too far ahead.”

Cozy was already gone though. She was already too far ahead. Twilight galloped forward. Leaping over rocks, and stomping twigs beneath her hooves. She did not have the energy for this and in just a few moments of frantic running she stopped, short of breath and looking around for her friend.

“COZY!” Twilight cried out.

There was no response other than the wind and creaking of the trees.

“Great job, Twi.” Twilight said as she looked around. “You stop to fill your fat face with just a few daisies and manage to get lost.”

Twilight let out a sigh. “Guess I should return to the meadow. At least there Cozy can find me.”

Twilight turned around and began walking back. She wouldn’t ever tell anypony but she secretly hated hiking. Sure she did it, for her missions, for her education, for her friends, but she hated it. It took a lot of energy and effort to go through forests. Sure the reward was worth it, old ruins filled with lost knowledge, fun time with friends on a camping trip, or defeating a villainous monster. But most of the time it was an annoyance to go through. Now she had to do it all alone.

A chill ran through the air and Twilight found herself needing to summon a scarf to help keep her warm again. Walking back toward the meadow it seemed to just grow colder still. “Great, so a freaking cold front is moving in.”

Twilight finally exited the woods and back into the meadow. The green luscious grass seemed still without the wind and the flowers looked like they were limping sideways. Twilight stared out into the open space as a familiar feeling of dread began to fill her heart. Across the distance of the meadow, just standing there looming out of the woods stood a dark pony. A creature with a black chitin carapace, some cracks were torn open with black oozing goo dripping out of the creature’s body. A pair of hollow eyes that stared on with no emotion, no thought, no purpose. A pair of torn up insectiod wings stood on its back, and a jagged knife like horn stood on its head.

Twilight swallowed. She knew what this was, she couldn’t believe it, but she knew what it had been once upon a time. This was the last thing she expected to see in her life.

Another figure loomed out of the woods. This one was another one of the creatures, only this time its insectoid wings were helping it fly. The second creature was missing its lower half. Where legs, flanks, and a tail should be was only empty air being ruined by a constant stream of the black goo coming from where its upper body had been cruelly torn off.

Another creature stepped out of the woods, half its face was a skeleton constantly oozing black goo. Another one missing one of its wings. Another one with a black orb dangling from the side of its face, a tendril of slime connecting to where it’s eye had once been.

Twilight’s heart and mind was filled with panic. She finally got the answer to one of her questions, one that she never wanted to know the answer to. She finally found out what happened to the changeling horde.

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