• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 5,505 Views, 738 Comments

Feral - ChainReaction

Darkness. It's a trait that every being in the universe shares to some extent. Dark thoughts, dark

Comments ( 58 )

It's finally done!!!1!

And now, I hope you all enjoyed this unholy to write chapter that I struggled with, thanks to depression and moving and getting a new job and NARWHAL BACON! :pinkiecrazy: Now, I move on to fourteen, the easiest to write and most powerful chapter so far. Be prepared, my friends. Be prepared. :rainbowdetermined2:

I was getting worried good timing. and the whole arms deal/company was good they will need guns ( to duel wielded of course)

Are that foolish?"

I htink you meant "Are they that foolish."

Another winner my good friend! Don't mind the wait. shit happens and when it does, it happens hard, but nice to see that this came out! So awesome and the transaction from surpa killer to peek-a-boo was more than hell-arious! and I hope we see Lyre soon! and I hope he eats everyone!

More of Marius' past, I like that. Can't wait for the next chapter.:twilightsmile: And the other vampire (forgot his name:twilightblush:) is starting to wake up.

Heh... now I turn on the vampires because humans are in the story. I'm pretty sure they could work out some kind of force-field to hold the mofo. Nice new touch to the story, points for you.

Every vertebrate in his spine?

as always great chapter my good man :yay: cant wait for the next one

TURN THAT MOTHERFUCKER INTO A MASS OF LIQUID AND SKIN.....motherfucker hit a woman...ya don't do that....:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

also great chap....Marius has the ultimate poker-:pinkiecrazy:face

Comment posted by Siegwynn deleted Dec 10th, 2012

Finally! I was about to kill from having to wait for this long. Now, I shall read this chapter bestowed upon me. :pinkiecrazy:

1774100 Kill who exactly? You can't help if I'm depressed, so just chill. You think I'd abandon my baby? :rainbowlaugh:

Hey! I'm trying... I'm sure us humans, being naturally awesome, talented, and sexy, would find a way to contain that evil sonnavabitch. Nothing can stand in the way of progress and science! Not even our little vampire's 'powers'. There is no such thing as magic, only things science has yet to explain.

1774143 You don't believe in magic in stories, yet you read mine? :rainbowlaugh: Your logic is makes as much sense as someone with Cerebral Palsy performing brain surgery with a pipe wrench.

I would kill muffins, and cookies, and cake...with my mouth. That's how evil I am! Pinkie would kill me if she found out I was eating all her snacks even after she hid them from me.

1774178 Damn right she would, you meanie pants! :pinkiecrazy:

If by magic, you mean 'Pre-defiened actions, (that can be executed by special focus points) of invisible particles which can manipulate the world around them' then SURE, I believe in magic :trollestia:
Also, I take offence to that second comment! My Logic makes perfect sense, just like 2+2=5... wait...

Fine, I leave her cake alone...I like muffins more anyway.

Derpy: "Did someone say muffin?"

*I sigh in defeat as I hesitantly give up my muffin to Derpy, who trots happily away with the muffin bouncing on her head* Oh well, I wasn't that hungry anyway... :ajsleepy:

1774187 Your definition of magic is too vague to carry weight. 2+2=Fish, man :ajbemused:

1774200 Sacrificing your muffin for the greater good? Admirable. :duck:

1774235 I would plant kisses all over those adorable cheeks! :rainbowkiss: OH MPUHE NDUHXMHDIXN IUHMPHXEIH<XIPH PM!!!?!?@OIHP#HY_* :heart::heart::heart::heart::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Vague? Lies and Slander!
We got ourselves particles about the size of atoms. These particles under the correct guidance of a focus point (horn) can execute pre-defined actions, such as create warpholes (teleportation), manipulate other objects (telekinesis), and even manipulate time and space (time travel) . The pre-defined actions are set by the person who first discovered that properly manipulating those 'magic' particles outputs a favored result, like teleportation. These particles would be classified as exotic matter, and so, can do shit like this on a small level.

I know right? She's just too adorable to ignore. Derpy is oblivious to the evils life contains (same with Pinkie, but she's more dense than oblivious) which only adds to her personality.

1774255 Having fun, trying to explain something you know you could never perform in any physical way? :ajsmug:

Maybe not me personally, but if it actually existed, we humans would make machines to do it for us, ergo, we would be able to create force fields that are much more powerful then Marius' due to them being powered by the fussion reaction instead of one man regardless of how powerful he is. Also, are you conspiring against me? Because at this rate I will never finish my essay on the political causes that led to the Cold War.

Yes. He is a secret conspiracy leader that brewed up an evil plot, gained thousands of followers, called in a few favors from high-class political figureheads, AND created a FimFiction account with his own fic just to keep you from finishing an essay.

You cruel bastards! Well I hope you're happy to know that it's working very well. But in all seriousness, I really need to get off the computer.

Good, good. I'm glad that his plot is successful in delaying your essay. I hope that you have a nice time trying to finish your essay even though you know, somewhere, someone deep in the depths of the shadows, is trying to stop you from finishing your goal(s).

1774284 Why the hell is it people like you, who want to fucking debate the most trivial shit with me, comment? :rainbowlaugh: Read the damn fic or don't, and quit undermining my viewpoints and the story's subject matter just because it strokes your dick/ego. I am not conspiring to delay your essay on what led to the Cold War, either. Good luck with it. :twilightsmile:

1774299 Thank you. :pinkiesmile: You have gained +1 respect from me.

I thank thee for thines praises, good sir. *gives a light bow*

1774390 No problem. Also, who made your avatar? :duck:

I don't really remember. I had it in my Photos folder, so I decided to use it. Still pretty cool though.

Comment posted by dashdlkashd deleted Dec 10th, 2012

1774420 I thoroughly enjoy it. :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Frostwyn deleted Dec 24th, 2012

Hurray for giggling babies!

Wooo!!! Technology!!!:pinkiehappy: Plus, Mr. Giovanni is is such a b*tch.:flutterrage:

1779975 A dead, devoured bitch. :duck:

1779981 Nah, he'd probably make Marius lose his stomach contents.

*flails around* Update? I'll give you a Twily Corn~

Good story so far hope you update it :)

Also Marius is an intresting chracter one minute he is in danger of becoming a gary sue the next he's a badass and five seconds later hes a monster from the pits of hell.

me: SHUSH you will get your'e food soon.

I wonder what he will find to eat i hope that Fluttershy won't be to mad at him if he feasts on an animal.

Just finished reading all the released chapters.
I'm just glad I didn't have to wait 25+ weeks on top of however much longer it takes from this point until the next chapter release.
Good story.

keep going! I beg of you. :fluttercry:

MOOOOOOOREEEEEE!!!! :flutterrage::twilightangry2::pinkiecrazy:

This is really well written.:moustache: I would like to know if you plan on continue this wonderful story?

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