• Published 10th Jun 2019
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Elements of Nature - smirker

Expansion of the Unnoticed Threats chapter Elements of Nature.

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Meteorite Hellfire lived in Nature Valley with creatures called elemental ponies, there were four different types of them, fire ponies were made out of red fire, water ponies were made out of blue water, ground ponies were made out of mostly brown rocks, and air ponies were made out of green wind. Nature Valley was divided into four sections, the fire ponies lived in the west, the water ponies lived in the south, the ground ponies lived in the east, and the air ponies lived in the north, their bodies resembled earth ponies, but they can grow wings, gills, and a unicorn horn at will.

Nature Valley was forgotten until it was found by four creatures, a kirin who left Kirin Grove because she did not want to lose her voice, a hippogriff who left Mount Aris to escape the Storm King, an earth pony who was looking for a place to settle down, and a Pegasus who decided to live there when she grew to love the place. The elemental ponies did not trust them at first, but Nature Valley's ruler, Mother Nature, saw it as the perfect thing, she bestowed her powers onto the four to rule in her place since the moderation and industrialization of the world has severely weakened her powers, and since those four were not powered by nature like how she was, they would not be affected by it, so Mother Nature gave them her powers, but she had too many powers for one creature to wield, so she divided it by element, the kirin received the Element of Fire, the hippogriff received the Element of Water, the earth pony received the Element of Earth, and the Pegasus received the Element of Air. Mother Nature had the four go bring males to Nature Valley so they could have another generation, they did, and since then, the females from the maternal side of the four families had Mother Nature's powers, and the fathers would change to become an elemental pony, the one they mated would determine which elemental pony they become, the hippogriffs and kirins took the forms of ponies to blend in with the others.

Many generations pass and a ball was being held for the next generation for the bearers of the Elements of Nature, all elemental ponies were in the center of Nature Valley, the four next females to receive the four elements sat in thrones, Meteorite Hellfire sat in a red throne to the left, the Pegasus sat in a green throne that was above the other three, the hippogriff sat in a blue throne that was below the other three, and the earth pony sat in a yellow throne to the right.

The elemental ponies dance at the ball while Meteorite Hellfire and the other three sat in their thrones, she had a red coat, a gray mane and tail, light orange eyes, black scales and hoofs, and a dark brown horn, her magic aura was red; the hippogriff had a light blue coat, a long dark blue mane and tail, green eyes, and a royal blue beak, talons, and hoofs, her pearl necklace was light blue; the earth pony had a yellow coat, long wavy light brown mane and tail, gray eyes, and her cutie mark was a black upside-down triangle with a line going across the inside of it horizontally; the Pegasus had a bright green coat, long sky blue mane and tail, light gray eyes, and her cutie mark was a gray tornado.

The ball continues and Mother Nature was present, her body resembled an alicorn, with her main body, head, legs, and hoofs being made out of brown wood, her horn was made out of black obsidian, her eyes were regular eyes and were gold with black pupils, her mane was blue flowing water, her wings were red fire, and her tail was green flowing wind, she physically resembled Princess Celestia, who was also present at the ball since she knew the spell that was required to cast to find Nature Valley, and was a friend of Mother Nature. Since one bearer of the Elements of Nature was a kirin, and another one was a hippogriff, Queen Novo and Rain Shine were present at the ball as well, Queen Novo was in her hippogriff form,

"Attention, everypony." Mother Nature said, she sounded almost just like Princess Celestia as well, the elemental ponies look at her,

"As you all know, this ball is to coronate the next generation of the bearers of the Elements of Nature, they will now receive the elements their mother, older sisters, and maternal aunt previously had, let the coronation begin." Mother Nature said, and the elemental ponies cheer,

"Meteorite Hellfire, you are the kirin who provides warmth and comfort on cold nights, purify those who had done bad deeds, and guide those lost in the darkness to safety, you represent the Element of Fire." Mother Nature said, and two fire ponies put a silver necklace with a red princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"Tsunami, you are the hippogriff who provides life to all beings, and cleanses those who have committed bad deeds, you represent the Element of Water." Mother Nature said, and two water ponies put a silver necklace with a blue princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"Earthquake, you are the earth pony that provides land for all beings to reside on, and grows plants and food for everycreature to eat and live, you represent the Element of Earth." Mother Nature said, and two ground ponies put a silver necklace with a yellow princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"Raging Tornado, you are the Pegasus that provides air for everycreature to breathe and live without the worry of poisons in the air, and cleans the air of pollution, you represent the Element of Air." Mother Nature said, and two air ponies put a silver necklace with a green princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"The next generation of the bearers of the Elements of Nature has been chosen, may they continue to treat us kindly and protect Nature Valley and the world like how the females from the maternal sides of their families have." Mother Nature said, and the elemental ponies cheer. The ball continues and Rain Shine walked over to Meteorite Hellfire,

"I understand you have no interest in what goes on outside of Nature Valley, and Kirin Grove, but please try to be considerate, we've been getting ponies in our home ever since we got our voices back." Rain Shine said,

"So?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"So be careful on when and where you use your powers, the ponies in Equestria know nothing of this place, either, like the kirins of our home." Rain Shine replied,

"What? I gain my fire powers, and I can't use them like how my sister did?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, you can, just not in public." Rain Shine replied,

"Oh." Meteorite Hellfire said as she calmed down,

"Also, don't go around attacking random animals in the wilderness like how your sister did, it caused Mother Nature a lot of grief when that happened." Rain Shine said,

"Of course I won't do that, Blazing Inferno made me mad with that, too, she always attacked the small animals who were weak and defenseless." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Good, I don't want that to happen again, either." Rain Shine said, Meteorite Hellfire nodded in agreement,

"I will also ask you kindly to be careful with your pronunciation of other words as well, and to monitor yourself." Rain Shine said,

"Why?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"We have gained our abilities to speak again, I hope you don't go overboard with your powers." Rain Shine said,

"Don't you worry, Rain Shine, I am ready to have fun and use my powers for good." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Just don't go crazy, the last thing we need is our home burning down again, and don't use your powers in public, it will cause the other kirins to look at you strangely." Rain Shine said,

"Ugh, fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and Rain Shine went to go enjoy the ball. Everypony present dances except for Mother Nature, Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, Rain Shine, Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado,

"Alright, it's finally my turn to wield the Element of Fire." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Meteorite Hellfire, you still have a lot of responsibilities." Tsunami replied,

"I know, but I got other things to do, I'm finally going to prove my sister wrong." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Wrong about what?" Tsunami asked,

"Her being better than me at everything." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You're lucky you can be yourself, I have to live with the reputation of my sister being a power hungry hippogriff who tried to overthrow Queen Novo." Tsunami said,

"At least you have your family members to support you, I don't." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, right, your mother played favorites and always sided against you." Tsunami said,

"Exactly, still makes me mad to this day." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"At least you get to express how you feel, I have to conceal my feelings in public." Tsunami said,

"Why?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I'm still a proper lady in training." Tsunami replied,

"That doesn't mean you can't show your feelings." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Yes, it does, a proper lady is quiet and obedient." Tsunami replied,

"Ugh, this is one reason why I have trouble getting along with you at times." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Actually, you've had trouble getting along with Raging Tornado and Earthquake when we were kids as well." Tsunami replied,

"I know, but out of you three, you're the hardest one for me to get along with." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I am going to ask you kindly to clean yourself before visiting my home, Meteorite Hellfire, I don't want to clean up another mess when you were covered in motor oil that one time." Tsunami said,

"It was just that one time, Tsunami, you really should lighten up a bit." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How can I? I work long and hard to keep my house clean, and you ruin it whenever you come with dirt, mud, or oil from working on your cart, you undo all of the cleaning and decorating I take time to do." Tsunami said,

"I'm still surprised you didn't dress for the occasion." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I didn't have the time to, and I'd have to get my makeup and jewelry on, I do wish I wore a dress, though." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire grunted and groaned with annoyance,

"Yes, Meteorite Hellfire, I know you don't like those, but Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and I do, and majority rules." Tsunami said, Meteorite Hellfire growled under her breath, Tsunami decided not to speak to her for the time. The ball continues and the elemental ponies begin taking pictures, Tsunami and Raging Tornado smile while Earthquake stood on her throne and did seductive poses,

"Earthquake!" Raging Tornado said sternly and disapprovingly,

"What? I need some way for the stallions to remember me." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado looked down and shook her head while groaning loudly with annoyance,

"Ugh, this ball is boring!" Meteorite Hellfire said, she saw Raging Tornado agreed but Earthquake and Tsunami did not,

"You seem composed, Tsunami." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"They're taking pictures, we have to be on our best behavior and look pretty." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire sighed out of boredom and they finish, the ball continues while the four sit. Meteorite Hellfire sits and saw Tsunami's family come, she knew all of them, they were Seaweed, her paternal grandmother, Limnic, her maternal grandfather, Kelp, her paternal grandfather, Typhoon, her father, Cold Wave, her paternal aunt, Flood, her paternal uncle, Avalanche, her older brother, Blizzard, her younger twin sister, Hailstorm, her younger brother, and Ice Storm, Hailstorm's younger twin sister, Blizzard and Ice Storm were hippogriffs like Tsunami while the rest were water ponies. Meteorite Hellfire just sits while Tsunami converses with her family, she tuned them out,

"Are you alright, Meteorite Hellfire? You've been quiet." Typhoon said,

"Yeah, I just have nothing to talk about right now." Meteorite Hellfire replied, they converse more and leave. Time passes a bit and Earthquake's family came, they were Dust Storm, her maternal grandfather, Sinkhole, her maternal uncle, Diamond, her paternal aunt, Stone, her paternal uncle, Landslide, her father, and Plate Tectonic, her younger brother. Earthquake and her family converse while Meteorite Hellfire sat and waited for the ball to end, she did wonder where Raging Tornado's family was at, they were Downburst, her father, Hurricane, her younger sister, and Cyclone, her youngest sister, Hurricane also had a boyfriend named Gusty, Meteorite Hellfire knew about them because she kept tabs and info on the other three, since she was the oldest of the four, she felt it was her duty to protect them, and to help them whenever they were in danger. The ball ends and Meteorite Hellfire headed home, she sighed as well,

"Starting tomorrow, fire magic training." Meteorite Hellfire said to herself as she headed home, she lived in western Nature Valley, her home was made out of obsidian and coals, just like every other home, and was shaped like a complete rectangular prisms. Western Nature Valley was bright and sunny since it was always summer there, there was beach sand and volcanoes everywhere in the country, along with palm trees. Meteorite Hellfire trots to her home and saw banners laying close to her home, they were red and had two suns on them, one on each side,

"Oh, right, the Season Festival is coming up." Meteorite Hellfire said to herself, and she trots to her home, she had dumbbells, barbells, a chair to sit in for lifting weights, boxes to jump on, a weight pull down machine, a leg press machine, a punching bag, baseball bats, tennis rackets, a basketball stand and hoop, and a cricket bat outside of her house, she also had a cart that she drove around with for fun sometimes. Meteorite Hellfire enters her home and it was untidy, she had magazines laying around on the floor, they were on sports, how to get in and stay in shape, the parts of a cart and how to fix them, the weapons and armor of the creatures around the world, the military and their uniforms, and picture books on martial arts moves and how to do them. Meteorite Hellfire also had several boxing gloves laying around in her home, along with a punching bag, a football, a baseball, a tennis ball, a soccer ball, a basketball, a golf ball, a softball, a cricket ball, a hockey puck, hockey sticks, golf clubs, a black tool box full of wrenches, ratchets, screwdrivers, a hammer, a mallet, chisels, protractors, an axe, clamps, rasps, a coping saw, a hacksaw, filers, scissors, pliers, and wire cutters. Meteorite Hellfire walks around her small house was in the kitchen since that was the front of the house, she trots forward and saw her bedroom to her left of the hall, across from the kitchen was the living room, it was empty, it was where her sister and mother slept, there were two rooms to the right of the hall, the left room was the bathroom, and the right room was the workout room, which had dumbbells, barbells, and another punching bag in it, Meteorite Hellfire's mother bought two sets of weight equipment so while one exercised inside the house, the other would exercise outside. Meteorite Hellfire trotted to her room and she had a black pull up bar on the wall to the left, and resistance tubes on the floor to the right, Meteorite Hellfire enters her room and lays down on the floor since she did not have a bed and slept.

Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and stretches every muscle in her body, she then walks to the kitchen and uses telekinesis to get vegetables out of the refrigerator, she holds them up and bites them and eats them as she stood, she then had a cup of water, uses the bathroom, and heads outside. Meteorite Hellfire stands on her hind hoofs and begins to do shadow boxing, she used her fire powers and made fire appear on all of her punches and kicks, she moves around a lot while in her fighting stance, she sweated a lot and had an angry face while she imagined herself fighting her mother and sister, whom she never got along with, she also never knew her father, since he left her mother when Meteorite Hellfire was born. Meteorite Hellfire does and punches and kicks while exhaling, grunting, and growling angrily, she jumps in the air and does a counterclockwise spin kick with her hind hoofs, she lands on them and continues to do punches with her front legs,

"Meteorite Hellfire." a colt said, she looks to her right and saw a male fire pony trotting to her,

"Oh, hi, Scorpion." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Can I join?" Scorpion asked,

"Don't you have school coming up?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Oh, right, I do." Scorpion replied with his head down in disappointment,

"Come see me again when you're done, and I'll teach you a few moves." Meteorite Hellfire said, he nods and trots back home. Meteorite Hellfire practices her martial arts and her gem began to glow,

"What the?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Come over here, Meteorite Hellfire, I have something to say." Mother Nature said from the center of Nature Valley, Meteorite Hellfire trotted forward. Meteorite Hellfire went to the center of Nature Valley and saw Mother Nature,

"What is it, Mother Nature?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I'll tell you when Tsunami arrives." Mother Nature replied, and they waited for her to arrive a few minutes later,

"Sorry to distract you two, but I wanted to let you two know that the Friendship Banquet between the seaponies, hippogriffs, and kirins is about to start." Mother Nature said,

"Oh, right, I forgot that was today, I need to get dressed." Tsunami said, Meteorite Hellfire groaned with annoyance while rolling her eyes,

"I wasted my time on training for this?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Now, now, Meteorite Hellfire, there is more to life than sports, military, and fighting, and this banquet is to establish friendships between your and Tsunami's kinds." Mother Nature replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled,

"Wait for me, Meteorite Hellfire, I have to get ready." Tsunami said, and she flies back home while Meteorite Hellfire growled loudly. Meteorite Hellfire waited impatiently and was already losing her temper over waiting for Tsunami,

"You should get dressed, too, Meteorite Hellfire." Mother Nature said,

"I am not wearing a dress." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You don't have to, you can wear what males wear, like a tuxedo, or a suit and tie." Mother Nature said,

"Oh, fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she trotted back home. Meteorite Hellfire goes through her clothes with telekinesis and saw she only had knee pads and helmets for sports and hard hats and gloves for building homes and doing manual labor, she exhales and puts them down with her telekinesis. Meteorite Hellfire trots around and saw Scorpion heading to school,

"Oh, good timing, Scorpion." Meteorite Hellfire said as she ran to him, he looks at her,

"Does your father have any suits and ties or a tuxedo for me to wear?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"What do you need it for?" Scorpion asked,

"I have to go to some stupid Friendship Banquet." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, that sucks, go see my dad, he and mom are home right now." Scorpion said,

"Okay, thanks." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she ran to Scorpion's house,

"Hello? Wildfire and Asteroid Strike, are you two home?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, Wildfire was Scorpion's mother, while Asteroid Strike was his father,

"Oh, hello, Meteorite Hellfire." Wildfire said,

"Hello, but I don't have time to talk, I have to attend this stupid banquet, and I need a tuxedo." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Of course, I have plenty, I'll let you choose one." Asteroid Strike said, and he takes her to his and Wildfire's room, he opens the dresser and he had many tuxedos,

"Choose the one you like the best." Asteroid Strike said, Meteorite Hellfire had a look of disapproval since they all looked the same, they were a white long-sleeve button-up collared dress shirt, a black double breasted blazer with three black buttons, a black bow tie, a pocket square in the blazer's left pocket, black pants and black dress shoes on her hind hoofs. Meteorite Hellfire took one with her telekinesis and put it on,

"Make sure you return it." Asteroid Strike said,

"I will, thank you." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she trotted back to the center of Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire arrives at the center of Nature Valley and saw Tsunami was not there,

"She's still not back?" Meteorite Hellfire asked in an annoyed tone,

"Be patient, Meteorite Hellfire, I can see her from here." Mother Nature replied, Meteorite Hellfire rolled her eyes as she waited. Tsunami arrives five minutes later, she was wearing a white floor-length sleeveless dress that was covered in sky blue glitter, there was a v cut section going from her neck to her sternum,

"Meteorite Hellfire, you look great." Tsunami said happily,

"I'm only wearing this because I have to." Meteorite Hellfire replied in a somewhat annoyed tone,

"Well, go on, you two, don't be late." Mother Nature said, and Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami leave Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami were heading to Mount Aris since that was where the banquet was taking place, Tsunami was excited while Meteorite Hellfire was annoyed,

"Isn't this exciting, Meteorite Hellfire? Because of Twilight Sparkle, she's having creatures become friends with one another." Tsunami said,

"No, it isn't, it's a waste of time, I don't even know how she became a princess, everycreature knows she has meltdowns and freaks out over the simplest things." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"She did say Equestria is powered through friendship." Tsunami said,

"Well, Mount Aris, Seaquestria, and Kirin Grove aren't in Equestria, she should just leave us be and let us do things on our own." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Maybe she'll be more comfortable if the other countries got along as well." Tsunami said,

"If that's the case, then I hope Princess Celestia never teaches her about Nature Valley, because her friendship stuff won't work in western Nature Valley." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, probably not, but maybe in the other three sections, it will, it certainly will in northern and southern Nature Valley." Tsunami said,

"I'd like to see her try eastern Nature Valley, since they like to fight for fun, as for western Nature Valley, beating somepony in a fight is the only way to get your bullies to leave you be, you won't win their friendship, either." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, we're here, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said,

"About time." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the two go to Mount Aris. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami arrive at Mount Aris and saw a table with hippogriffs and kirins,

"Tsunami!" a female voice said, Meteorite Hellfire sees the hippogriff and she and Tsunami hug one another,

"Hi, Silverstream." Tsunami said, she hears walking and a male hippogriff came, the two hugged one another,

"Hello, Terramar." Tsunami said,

"How have you been, Tsunami?" Terramar asked,

"Busy, I'm helping my family at home." Tsunami replied,

"Yeah, I've been busy too, and Silverstream's been at the School of Friendship, I miss her sometimes." Terramar said,

"I miss being home sometimes, too." Silverstream said,

"Where's Sky Beak and Ocean Flow?" Tsunami asked,

"They're with Queen Novo and General Seaspray right now, they'll be here shortly." Terramar replied,

"That reminds me, where did your family move to, Tsunami?" Silverstream asked,

"Um..." Tsunami said since she did not know what to say,

"Well... we live in a place far away from here, it's always winter and snowing, I really don't know how to describe it." Tsunami said,

"Where's it at?" Silverstream asked,

"Um... well... I don't know exactly where, but it's north of here." Tsunami replied,

"Oh, you live around Yakyakistan." Silverstream said,

"No, not that far up north." Tsunami replied,

"Silverstream, Tsunami's uncomfortable, you should stop." Terramar said,

"But I wanna know!" Silverstream said,

"I know, I do, too, but Tsunami's uncomfortable." Terramar replied, and Silverstream saw Tsunami was nervous, so she stopped, and walked away to go see her other friends,

"Thank you, Terramar." Tsunami said,

"You're welcome." Terramar replied,

"I still find it very hard to believe you're the younger sibling, I tend to mistake you as the older one." Tsunami said,

"I can see why, but Silverstream is only like one or two years older than me, the age gap's not that big." Terramar replied,

"But still, I'm thinking Silverstream's your younger sister right now." Tsunami said, Terramar chuckled, trumpets were heard and they saw Sky Beak fly down,

"Come now, everygriff, it is time for the Friendship Banquet." Sky Beak said, everygriff cheers and they sit. The hippogriffs and seaponies sat on the left side of a long brown table while the kirins sat on the right side, Queen Novo and Rain Shine were in the center of their respective kinds,

"It is an honor, Queen Novo, I'm sure Princess Twilight will be pleased to have us making new friends." Rain Shine said,

"Well, she and her friends did help us both, and they want to spread friendship throughout the other kinds, so this is our way of helping them, by taking their advises." Queen Novo replied,

"I'm glad we did, your cuisine is delicious." Princess Skystar said,

"Thank you, we take a lot of time to make them." Rain Shine replied,

"As do we, we hope you all enjoy the cuisine of Mount Aris and Seaquestria." Ocean Flow said,

"So, how do you defend your home?" General Seaspray asked,

"We just use our nirik fire, we don't really have any threats back at home." Rain Shine replied, and Tsunami listened while she ate like a proper lady, she sat with Terramar to her left, she looks and saw Meteorite Hellfire was angry and stabbing a fork into a kelp,

"Are you alright, Meteorite Hellfire?" Tsunami asked,

"No, I'm not alright, I can't believe I have to waste my training time for something like this." Meteorite Hellfire grumbled, hoofs appear on Meteorite Hellfire's mouth and forces her to smile widely, Tsunami saw a female kirin wearing a yellow short-sleeve gown with transparent drapes on her front legs,

"Oh, cheer up, Meteorite Hellfire, we're trying new food and a new culture, be happy." the kirin said, Meteorite Hellfire recognized the voice, it was Autumn Blaze,

"Autumn Blaze, get off of me." Meteorite Hellfire said in an annoyed tone, and she pulled Autumn Blaze's front hoofs off of her mouth,

"Can you at least be happy just this once, pretty please, Meteorite Hellfire?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"I'll be happy when this is over." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Come on, Meteorite Hellfire, you'll miss your chance to learn about another culture." Tsunami said,

"This is a waste of time." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"But our cuisine is tasty, but don't eat too much." Tsunami said while smiling with her eyes closed,

"That's very ironic coming from you, Tsunami." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What do you mean?" Tsunami asked in a surprised tone,

"You're the fattest one out of the four of us." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Tsunami exclaimed with shock with her right talon over her mouth,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said in a disapproving tone,

"Story of my life, the most ladylike of my allies is telling me to watch my diet when she's the fattest one out of us four." Meteorite Hellfire grumbled to herself, Tsunami looks at her own stomach and saw she had a small pot belly, which greatly embarrassed her, but she composed herself,

"Meteorite Hellfire, it is not nice to tell a lady she's fat." Tsunami said,

"Then lose the weight, Tsunami, better yet, maybe you'll lose the weight if we get to eat you." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Tsunami gasped, but soon puffed up her cheeks and let out an angry groan while her face blushed a deep purple color,

"Hey, that wasn't very nice." Terramar said,

"I'm just trying to help, Tsunami's the most out of shape of me, her, and our other two friends." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What about you? How do you compare?" Silverstream asked,

"I hate to admit it, but out of our friends, she's the skinniest." Tsunami replied,

"I'm the most muscular, too." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Enough, you two, let's just enjoy the banquet." Rain Shine said, the others agree and they enjoy it while Meteorite Hellfire sat irritated and bored. The banquet ends and Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami travel together,

"Come on, Tsunami, let's go home, we have to help prepare for the Season Festival back at Nature Valley." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Wait, but I wanna learn about kirin culture." Tsunami replied,

"There's nothing interesting about it, so let's just go, we've got work to do." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Ooh, those look lovely." Tsunami said as she trotted to a stand of dresses, Meteorite Hellfire got angry and saw Autumn Blaze was there,

"Hi there, you interested?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"Yes, I'd like to know how you make your dresses." Tsunami replied,

"Okay, you see, I use traditional sewing and stitching and..." Autumn Blaze said, and she goes into full detail, Meteorite Hellfire groaned while rolling her eyes,

"...and that is how I make the skirts of the gowm. Gown. Gown." Autumn Blaze said,

"Thank you, it was really nice to know." Tsunami replied, and she goes back to Meteorite Hellfire, who was impatient and irritated,

"Okay, let's go." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they travel together,

"Ooh, I wanna learn how to make those." Tsunami said as she trotted to the right, Meteorite Hellfire looks and saw a female kirin making jewelry, Meteorite Hellfire growled and waited,

"Thank you, I really enjoyed learning." Tsunami said, and she went back, the two walk together,

"Wow, you have a rich culture, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said,

"Rich in wasting valuable material." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Meteorite Hellfire, there's nothing wrong with dresses and jewelry." Tsunami said,

"Yes, there is, I can't move completely in a dress, and jewelries make too much noise when you're trying to sneak around, plus, it can get caught on things and pulled out of your ears." Meteorite Hellfire replied in an annoyed tone,

"Come on, Meteorite Hellfire, you should try a dress and high heels one day, I think you'll like it." Tsunami said,

"I did when I was a kid, and I hated it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, maybe now will be different." Tsunami said,

"I doubt it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, I wanna learn!" Tsunami said happily as she went to her left, Meteorite Hellfire saw a male kirin teaching hippogriffs traditional dances, she saw Terramar and Silverstream dancing together, Meteorite Hellfire growled while nirik fire appeared above her eyes and she grew fangs, she watches with anger as Tsunami danced since she thought she was wasting time,

"I had fun, thank you." Tsunami said, and she goes back to Meteorite Hellfire,

"That was fun, I think doing Equestrian customs with other countries is nice." Tsunami said,

"As I said, we're not in Equestria, Equestrian customs and cultures should stay in Equestria." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, don't be like that, it's a good way to make friends." Tsunami said,

"Sometimes, you can't, and you have to fight." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Tsunami became sad until she saw flowers from Kirin Grove,

"Ooh, I wanna smell." Tsunami said as she went to the right, she smells the flowers and sighs happily, Meteorite Hellfire growls,

"TSUNAMI!! WE'RE WASTING TIME!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled angrily, all of the hippogriffs, seaponies, and kirins look at her,

"Aw, cheer up, miss grumpy, put a smile on your face for once." Autumn Blaze said as she tried to make Meteorite Hellfire smile again, but she resisted that time. Rain Shine walks to Meteorite Hellfire,

"Now, Meteorite Hellfire, I understand you're not interested, but these people are, and you should keep that in mind." Rain Shine said,

"That's not it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What is it, then?" Rain Shine asked,

"Tsunami and I got work to do elsewhere, and she's wasting time by looking at all of those flowers, jewelry, dances, and dresses." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"There's nothing wrong with that, let have her fun." Rain Shine said in a motherly nature while smiling,

"Ugh, fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, I knew you'd come through." Autumn Blaze said as she hugged her, Meteorite Hellfire shoves her off while Autumn Blaze exclaims with shock,

"Get off of me." Meteorite Hellfire grumbled, and she walks away while scowling, Tsunami finishes smelling the flowers and flies to Meteorite Hellfire. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami walk together and they soon saw General Seaspray talking about the hippogriff navy,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said as she pointed her left index claw at them,

"Another time." Meteorite Hellfire replied, surprising Tsunami while Meteorite Hellfire headed to Nature Valley and Tsunami ran to her to catch up with her, she saw Silverstream and Autumn Blaze have already become friends, they were having a friendship dance and laughing together,

"What's gotten into you? Why were you so irritable at this friendship thing?" Tsunami asked,

"Why wouldn't I be irritated? I have to dress in ridiculous clothing, and share my culture with another creature, which destroys the uniqueness of my culture and your own." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Would you prefer to wear a dress?" Tsunami asked,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"It would also help if you learned proper etiquette." Tsunami said,

"No thanks, my mom and sister said they're a waste of time to learn." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No, it's not." Tsunami said,

"What is so beneficial about it?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Well, it teaches you to be well behaved and how to respect others." Tsunami replied,

"How so?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Well, you can help me walk by offering your left front leg there." Tsunami replied,

"Why? Too lazy to walk on your own?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, that's not the point, Meteorite Hellfire, the point is to escort a lady somewhere and it means we're friends." Tsunami replied,

"Why do I have to offer my leg for?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Well, because when you look at us right now, you're the gentlecolt, and I'm the lady." Tsunami replied,

"Yeah, one problem, I'm a girl, not a boy." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"It can also mean we're friends." Tsunami replied,

"I think it'll be best to teach this another time. Come on, Tsunami, we're late going back." Meteorite Hellfire said, and the two go back to Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and was unhappy with how much time got wasted, she takes the tuxedo off and gives it to Asteroid Strike,

"What took you so long?" Asteroid Strike asked,

"I would've been back earlier, but the person I had to go with wanted to learn how to make the dresses and jewelries and wasted so much time." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Who was it?" a male fire pony asked,

"Tsunami, that hippogriff who bears the Element of Water now." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Scorpion, Asteroid Strike, Wildfire, and the fire ponies in western Nature Valley look at southern Nature Valley and growl,

"Come on, Meteorite Hellfire, we started preparing for the Season Festival a few hours ago, there's still a lot of work to be done, so go on and get started." Asteroid Strike said, and she does. Meteorite Hellfire puts up the banners with her telekinesis while Scorpion followed her,

"How was the banquet overall?" Scorpion asked,

"It sucked, complete waste of time." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What was it about anyway?" Scorpion asked,

"Spreading friendship to a group of creatures the kirins never had contact with." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Scorpion and the other fire pony foals groan with disgust while the adult fire ponies booed. Meteorite Hellfire was not surprised by their reactions, because western Nature Valley valued fighting, violence, war, hard work, individualism, athleticism, being in peak physical condition, being able to take harsh words without being offended, and being unafraid of death, when a fire pony died, they turned into ashes, and it would be spread around western Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire was glad that the fire ponies agreed with her, because in the area, once when an enemy was made, they were enemies for life, and trying to befriend them was seen as an act of stupidity and cowardice.

Meteorite Hellfire helps with the banners with her telekinesis and trots around and waved at her friends, they were a male fire pony named Volcano, and his younger sister, her name was Lava, a female fire pony named Scorch, and a male fire pony named Heat Wave,

"Say, can you help me on my homework, Meteorite Hellfire?" Scorch asked,

"Scorch, remember, I didn't go to school, I don't have an education, but I'll see what I can do." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Scorch nodded, one thing that was different in western Nature Valley from the other three was that school was optional, and it had the shortest school year of the four areas of Nature Valley, which made Meteorite Hellfire glad, because she can tell she would have hated school, it was short because western Nature Valley did not value education,

"There, we're done, let's call it a day." Volcano said, the other fire ponies nod,

"Wow, we actually did a lot without Meteorite Hellfire." Lava said,

"We could've done a lot more if I didn't have to go to that stupid Friendship Banquet." Meteorite Hellfire replied, the fire ponies grumble about it,

"Meteorite Hellfire." a female fire pony said, she walks to her,

"I have finally finished my training, it's payback time." the fire pony said,

"Wait, who were you again?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Name's Dust Tail, Blazing Inferno killed my brother." the fire pony replied,

"Your beef's with my sister, not me." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You don't get it, do you? You're guilty by association." Dust Tail said, Meteorite Hellfire felt a chord stuck in her,

"Why do I have to pay for my sister's actions?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Because you're biologically related to her, members of her family are guilty as well." Dust Tail replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled,

"What do you want?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"A fight to the death." Dust Tail replied, and Meteorite Hellfire got ready. Meteorite Hellfire stood ready while Dust Tail began to circle Meteorite Hellfire, the fire ponies cheer them on, Dust Tail begins to run to Meteorite Hellfire and bucks her a few times, it was nothing Meteorite Hellfire could not handle, Dust Tail jumps in the air and tries to kick Meteorite Hellfire with her hind hoofs, Meteorite Hellfire dodges them easily and moves back a bit while smiling, she feels a banner behind her and she breaks it by stomping on the pole with her hind right hoof and kicks it forward. Dust Tail jumps and does a counterclockwise kick, she breaks the wooden pole of the banner and shards flew everywhere, Meteorite Hellfire jumps back to dodge them, she almost stumbled but bends her back and does a back flip and lands back on all fours. Dust Tail runs to her and tries to hit Meteorite Hellfire with her front hoofs, Meteorite Hellfire dodges them easily while smiling and then punches Dust Tail in her abdomen with her front right hoof, her eyes widen since her punch hurt a lot. Dust Tail stumbled as she tried to hit Meteorite Hellfire, but Meteorite Hellfire jumps up and does a back flip and lands on Dust Tail's back, she exclaims while Meteorite Hellfire put her hind hoofs on the ground and uses them to spring herself into the air, Meteorite Hellfire does a half back flip and lands on her hind hoofs while Dust Tail's head went into the ground, the fire ponies cheered. Dust Tail gets her head out of the ground and growls while panting heavily, she tries punching Meteorite Hellfire with her front hoofs while snarling angrily, but was having triple vision,

"I would fight longer, Dust Tail, but it's the end of the day." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she does a hook punch with her front left hoof and hits Dust Tail in the cheek, a snap was heard and her neck was broken, the fire ponies cheered while Dust Tail changed to black ash,

"Alright, let's spread her ashes." Heat Wave said, and they do,

"I'm going to get some rest." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Alright, goodnight, Meteorite Hellfire." Lava replied,

"Goodnight." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she went into her house and slept on the floor.

Meteorite Hellfire was tossing and turning on the floor while she had a flashback as her dream, she and Blazing Inferno were fighting one another, Blazing Inferno an orange coat, her mane, tail, and scales were black, her horn was dark red, and her eyes were blood red, the two were fighting with wooden swords, and Blazing Inferno was winning, Meteorite Hellfire was growling and snarling with rage while Blazing Inferno smiled with her teeth exposed, the two fought every day in an attempt to win their mother's favor, who was standing and watching, their mother's name was Nuclear Blaze, she had a blood red coat, her mane, tail, and scales were dark gray, her eyes were bloodshot with white irises and black pupils, and her horn was dark brown, she had the red gem on her neck. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno continue fighting one another with the wooden swords, Blazing Inferno was winning easily, Meteorite Hellfire could not keep up with her sister, Blazing Inferno was faster, she was stronger, she hit harder, and she was more durable, she eventually does a hard hit that breaks the wooden sword Meteorite Hellfire was using and makes it fly out of her hoofs, Blazing Inferno then hits Meteorite Hellfire across her face with the wooden sword. Meteorite Hellfire laid on the ground and cried from the pain while Blazing Inferno stood above her and smiled,

"Embarrassing, Meteorite Hellfire, you couldn't land a scratch on me, mom favors me over you for a reason." Blazing Inferno said, Nuclear Blaze walks over to Blazing Inferno and patted her head with her front left hoof,

"Good job, Blazing Inferno." Nuclear Blaze said with a smile on her face, Meteorite Hellfire had tears roll down her eyes from seeing her mother favor her sister and from the pain of Blazing Inferno's attacks, Nuclear Blaze walked over to Meteorite Hellfire,

"Stop crying, Meteorite Hellfire, crying is for the weak, and it is the weak that die in this world, once when you cry, you lose, you are a born fighter, Meteorite Hellfire, crying from pain is an embarrassment, no dinner for you tonight." Nuclear Blaze said, and she and Blazing Inferno go back into the house while Meteorite Hellfire was still in tears.

Meteorite Hellfire sits up as soon as she opens her eyes and she was covered in sweat, she pants as she looks around, she has a lot of fruits and vegetables for breakfast and drinks water, she heads outside shortly afterwards. Meteorite Hellfire had the barbell on her back and she tried to stand up on all four of her legs while grunting loudly since the barbell was heavy, she laid back down when she stood up straight and did another rep, she began to sweat after ten reps, she does five more and then grabs the barbell with her telekinesis, she lays down and then begins lifting the barbell with her front hoofs, she did fifteen reps and then lifted the barbell with her hind legs, she did fifteen reps and then used her telekinesis to put the barbell back on the rack and take the plates off.

Meteorite Hellfire pants heavily while she sweated, she stands up and begins to walk around a little, she saw Lava was making a sculpture out of black obsidian, she looks and saw it was a sculpture of her, beside sculptures of Nuclear Blaze, Blazing Inferno, and the previous bearers of the Element of Fire,

"What do you think, duchess?" Lava asked, Meteorite Hellfire looks and sees the sculpture was almost completely accurate on her appearance,

"It's good, I like it." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Lava smiles and continues while Meteorite Hellfire continued to walk around. Meteorite Hellfire walks around and saw Asteroid Strike and Wildfire were teaching Scorpion how to fight back, cheering was heard and Meteorite Hellfire trotted forward, she saw Volcano and Heat Wave fighting one another, Meteorite Hellfire cheered them both on, she saw Scorch was in the crowd as well, Volcano won and they cheered, he turned around and began to walk away, but Heat Wave quickly got up and ran to him, he tackled Volcano down from behind and the fight continued, Meteorite Hellfire and the fire ponies cheer them on, the bells ring in the center of Nature Valley and they all look,

"Mother Nature wants to see you, Meteorite Hellfire, you should go." Scorch said, and she went while disappointed she could not watch the fight end. Meteorite Hellfire walks backwards to the center of Nature Valley as slow as she could so she could continue to watch Volcano and Heat Wave fight, she sees her surroundings change and she realized she was in the center of Nature Valley, she turns around and saw Mother Nature, the others were not present,

"Was I called here alone?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, you're just the first one here, the other three will be here shortly." Mother Nature replied, and Meteorite Hellfire waited. Meteorite Hellfire stands and waits, she has flashbacks of when she was a foal, and she would play here with Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado, they were all playing tag and laughing, one day, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado got their first saddlebags, two male ground ponies run to them and tackle them down, they take their saddlebags and run to western Nature Valley, Meteorite Hellfire runs after them while Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado sat on the ground and cried. Meteorite Hellfire chases them into western Nature Valley and tackles them down and beats them into unconsciousness, she returned to the other three with their saddlebags and they were elated, they share their things, which was mostly food and drinks, Meteorite Hellfire did not eat or drink since she was not hungry or thirsty.

Meteorite Hellfire stops remembering and saw Tsunami flying to them and she lands, Earthquake ran to them a minute later,

"Where's Raging Tornado?" Tsunami asked,

"She is currently awaking from a nap, she will be here in a few minutes." Mother Nature replied,

"Ugh, it's always Raging Tornado who is late." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Yeah, remember back when all of us played together as kids? Raging Tornado was always the one late to our activities." Earthquake replied,

"I don't get it, what is it with her always being late? She's always had that problem ever since she was a kid." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"It's her personality type, Meteorite Hellfire, people of her personality tend to be late a lot, give her time, she'll be here, I'll be in the ground in the meantime." Mother Nature replied, and she disappears into the ground,

"Well, can't we just make a really loud noise or something to give her the message to hurry up?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, that'd be rude." Tsunami replied,

"It'd get the job done, though." Earthquake said,

"What is it with you two? You two are always more focused on getting things done instead of how your partner feels or their condition." Tsunami said,

"Because we need our jobs done as fast as possible." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"That, and it allows us to move forward with our next plans." Earthquake said,

"I wish you two would think about the feelings of your partners." Tsunami said,

"You're starting to sound just like Raging Tornado." Earthquake replied,

"At least she cares about the well being of those she works with." Tsunami said,

"I can understand that, we need people in good condition to get things done." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No, no, no, I mean as in their feelings, their emotions." Tsunami said,

"There are more important things to worry about than emotions." Earthquake replied, Meteorite Hellfire nodded while Tsunami looked at her with her mouth open. White gusts of wind come down and form into Raging Tornado,

"About time you got here." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Wait, I'm late?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yes, by ten minutes." Tsunami replied,

"Just like when we were kids, Raging Tornado's always the late one." Earthquake said, much to Raging Tornado's embarrassment. Fire bursts out of the ground, water floats in the air, brown wood comes together, and green wind comes down, they form into Mother Nature,

"Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, Earthquake, Raging Tornado, I am sensing a disturbance, something is threatening all of the lands, a force that cannot be seen, heard, sensed, or felt by regular people, even those with magic." Mother Nature said,

"What is it, Mother Nature?" Tsunami asked,

"This force I am sensing is called the Corrupted, somepony is summoning them with magic, the four Elements of Nature are going to be required to deal with this threat, this is something the Elements of Harmony cannot detect." Mother Nature replied,

"Hold on, what is Corrupted?" Raging Tornado asked,

"As you four know, industrialization has made my powers significantly weaker, this pony is using its magic to fuse nature with modern industrialization and destroy all nature in Equestria and beyond, this pony has to be stopped." Mother Nature replied,

"Your point, Mother Nature?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"The Corrupted is the elemental ponies here, somepony is teleporting them out of Nature Valley, and fusing them with industrial objects, and forcing them to be its slaves, this pony has to be stopped." Mother Nature replied, the four were very sympathetic,

"Where are elemental ponies being teleported to?" Earthquake asked,

"I don't know, but I am sensing them disappearing. Hurry, this pony has been teleporting and enslaving foals so far." Mother Nature replied, the four become shocked,

"I am going to train you four for your mission. Meteorite Hellfire, your element symbolizes strength, may you unleash your flames of rage to destroy the one creating the Corrupted. Tsunami, your element symbolizes flexibility, may you change your shape and body to infiltrate the enemy and use the waters to bring down the wicked. Earthquake, your element symbolizes defense, may you endure the physical and psychological traumas up ahead so you may remain steady for everycreature to live on the earth. Raging Tornado, your element symbolizes speed, may you use the wind to quickly find and rescue the captives." Mother Nature said, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado nod while Meteorite Hellfire fell asleep, Earthquake hits her on the left side of her head with her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire woke up,

"It is time to train, I am going to have you four get used to your new powers, first." Mother Nature said,

"Ugh, finally, something fun to do." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You should focus more, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami replied,

"Hey! It's not my fault our duties have been boring so far." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Enough, Meteorite Hellfire, it's time to train." Mother Nature said, and the four train.

Mother Nature had the elemental ponies help, Meteorite Hellfire had complete control over fire, she was also able to change herself into fire, she can also shapeshift and take on different forms in her fire form, but she burned the ground and left hoofprints on it. Tsunami was able to change into a stream of water and flow around on the ground, she was also able to be made out of water, and shapeshift, Tsunami also had psychic control over the rain and ocean, she was able to control the water at will. Earthquake was able to change her body around by adding or subtracting parts of the ground to her own body, she can also change her body into different solids, she was able to change between soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay, Earthquake also had control over plants, and can grow trees out of her body, and grow bigger or smaller. Raging Tornado was able to turn into gusts of wind to move around quickly and not be detected, she was also able to form tornadoes with her mind, make her body made out of air, and could move clouds around with her mind.

Mother Nature has the four combine their powers together, Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami cancelled one another out, Earthquake and Raging Tornado created flying rocks, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake created meteors together, Tsunami and Raging Tornado created storms together, Meteorite Hellfire and Raging Tornado created a wildfire together, while Tsunami and Earthquake could mix their elements together, but it did nothing, the parts of the ground just floated in the water, and some of the sand and clay became so soft, people would sink in it if they were over it. Mother Nature had all four of them combine their powers next, they created a tornado with fire, water, plants, soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay in it, it was destructive and powerful,

"Very good, you four, but remember, you must control your powers and use them responsibly. I'm looking at you, Tsunami." Mother Nature said,

"Yes, I understand, I won't make the same mistake my big sister made." Tsunami replied, the other three sensed sadness in her voice,

"You four can also speak with your predecessors through your respective elements, their souls have embedded into the elements, you four can use your gems to contact them, go on and try them." Mother Nature said, and their gems glow, much to their surprises, the red gem summons a kirin made out of orange fire, the blue gem summons a hippogriff out of the water, it took the shape of the hippogriff's head, the yellow gem summons sand and an earth pony, and the green gem summoned gusts of wind in the air and it formed a Pegasus, the four recognized them, they were the previous bearers of the Elements of Nature before them, the kirin was Blazing Inferno, Meteorite Hellfire's older sister, the hippogriff was Tidal Wave, Tsunami's older sister, the earth pony was Eruption, Earthquake's maternal aunt, and the Pegasus was Airstrike, Raging Tornado's mother. Raging Tornado was in awe while Earthquake was happy, Tsunami was ashamed, and Meteorite Hellfire was angry,

"I'm back, Meteorite Hellfire." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire growls at her,

"What's the matter? Aren't you happy to see your sister, the superior sibling?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"Why do you have to be like that at everything?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Because it's true, and I am, mom always did like me better than you." Blazing Inferno replied,

"That's because mom only cared about goals and results, she had no heart." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"She loved me." Blazing Inferno replied,

"Only because you grew up faster and trained harder, mom didn't truly love any of us." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Only because you sucked at training, you didn't have the superior skills that I have." Blazing Inferno replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled while Blazing Inferno smirked,

"Losing your nerve, little sis?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"You had your time with the Element of Fire, now it's my turn!" Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, Meteorite Hellfire, inferior as always, worse at sports, worst at physical activity, worse at driving a cart, I was always the superior sister." Blazing Inferno said,

"I AM NOT INFERIOR!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled as she changed into a nirik,

"Then why did mom always favor me over you?" Blazing Inferno asked, Meteorite Hellfire was speechless,

"Exactly, you are a weak and pathetic successor of me, anything you could do, I could do better." Blazing Inferno said,

"THAT IS NOT TRUE!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled with rage,

"Enough, you two." Mother Nature said as she walked to them,

"You will not antagonize your sister, Blazing Inferno, just because you're a soul fused with the element of fire does not mean I have no power over you, I can still take your powers away, and send your soul to the Void." Mother Nature said, Blazing Inferno became obedient and quiet,

"There, you four should now head home and get ready, I think you all trained enough for the first day." Mother Nature said, they agreed and the four head home.

Meteorite Hellfire walked home and arrived at western Nature Valley, where it was peaceful, she went to go see Lava,

"Who won the fight?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Heat Wave." Lava replied,

"Wow, well, I'll be training at home." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Alright, good luck." Lava replied, and Meteorite Hellfire trotted to her home. Meteorite Hellfire does shadow boxing while standing on her hind legs and did punches and kicks as she imagined herself fighting Blazing Inferno and Nuclear Blaze, she huffed and puffed as she pretended to fight them, she remembers her fights with Blazing Inferno when she was a kid, she lost every single one of them, just remembering them made her angry, the fire ponies watch her since Meteorite Hellfire was practicing more aggressively than usual, they see afterimages of Blazing Inferno and Nuclear Blaze on Meteorite Hellfire, which scared the fire ponies and made them back away, Meteorite Hellfire stopped shadow boxing and stood on all fours,

"What?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Um, we just saw afterimages of your mother and sister on you." Scorch replied,

"Afterimages? You sure?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, the fire ponies nod, Asteroid Strike gets a mirror and sets it up,

"Go on and practice, Meteorite Hellfire, you'll see what we mean." Asteroid Strike said, and Meteorite Hellfire reels up onto her hind legs and continues shadow boxing. Meteorite Hellfire does her shadow boxing and pretends she was fighting her mother and older sister, she punched and kicked aggressively while letting out loud, angry grunts every now and then, she panted and snorted as she practiced, she eventually sees the afterimages of Blazing Inferno and Nuclear Blaze on herself, which made her stop,

"You guys are right, I wonder what's causing it." Meteorite Hellfire said, the ground moves up to the mirror's right side and Mother Nature appeared, she walks to Meteorite Hellfire and examines her,

"I see what's going on, what's happening is those afterimages that you see of your mother and sister is to remind you that you're going down the same path as them, it is a warning to those who had bad previous bearers before them that they are becoming no different from them." Mother Nature said,

"Is it just me?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, all four elements have that, but at this rate, you're becoming no different from your mother and sister with your aggressive training style." Mother Nature replied,

"Oh." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Remember, Meteorite Hellfire, others can see it, too, it is so they can warn you and snap you out of it before you go too far, keep that in mind, okay?" Mother Nature asked, Meteorite Hellfire nods, and Mother Nature walks back to the center of Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire continues training and Blazing Inferno appeared to her left, which made her stop,

"No different from me? You can't even match me in combat." Blazing Inferno said,

"In personalities, Blazing Inferno, not combat." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, give me a break, everyone knows my personality is more likeable than yours." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire looks at the fire ponies,

"Do you all agree with her?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, the fire ponies shook their heads, surprising Blazing Inferno,

"It seems they like me better than you." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Only because they're weak and pathetic fighters like yourself, they're just jealous of me." Blazing Inferno replied, Meteorite Hellfire looks at the fire ponies and could tell by their facial expressions that was not the case,

"Just to have you know, I've improved since our last fight." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Let's fight, then, here and now." Blazing Inferno replied,

"No, not here, somewhere where there's nopony around, since you're going to go off and attack those who pass by." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Fine, I'll be waiting for you elsewhere." Blazing Inferno said, and she disappeared, Meteorite Hellfire went west and trotted out of Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire leaves Nature Valley and was in Equestria, Nature Valley was at the westernmost part of Equestria, hidden by magic, and can only be found by outsiders by a certain spell, while those who live in it and animals can just see it, Meteorite Hellfire trots around the land and sees grassland everywhere, she trots around in random directions and sees a wooden house up ahead, she saw a family of four Pegasi at the house, they were a stallion, a mare, a colt, and a filly. Meteorite Hellfire trots forward until a double edged broadsword with a silver blade and black handle was thrown in front of her, it stabbed into the ground. Meteorite Hellfire turns around and sees Blazing Inferno on the top of a cliff, Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis on the sword and picks it up, she saw Blazing Inferno standing on her hind hoofs and holding a sword of the exact same shape in her front right hoof, she was standing on her hind legs and holding her front right hoof up in the air, she then changes her posture and held her front legs out to the sides, Blazing Inferno then jumps down to where Meteorite Hellfire was at.

Meteorite Hellfire jumps back since she saw Blazing Inferno held her hind left leg out and was going to try to kick her, Blazing Inferno becomes a trail of fire and attacks with her sword, Meteorite Hellfire holds the sword in her front hoofs and blocks her attacks, Blazing Inferno stops attacking and Meteorite Hellfire attacks her with her sword a few times, but Blazing Inferno becomes engulfed in flames and teleports to behind her, Meteorite Hellfire remembered that Blazing Inferno was now a ghost, so she could teleport around. Meteorite Hellfire jumps to her and tries to slash her face with her sword, but Blazing Inferno blocks with her sword and the force of the swords clanging onto one another sent Meteorite Hellfire back, she does a back flip and lands on her hind legs. Blazing Inferno teleported away and shoots a ball of orange fire out of her front left hoof, Meteorite Hellfire rolled to her left and dodged it, she shoots fire out of her horn at Blazing Inferno, she jumps over it and shoots fire out of her horn, Meteorite Hellfire rolled to her left and dodged it, she uses her telekinesis on Blazing Inferno to bring her forward, but Blazing Inferno teleports to behind Meteorite Hellfire and slashes her with her sword, she grunts and blocks the next slash by putting the sword over her head, she turns around and the two begin hitting each other's swords as they tried to slash one another, Meteorite Hellfire growled and grunted since Blazing Inferno blocked her attacks easily, Meteorite Hellfire shoots fire out of her horn onto Blazing Inferno's face, she grunts loudly and teleports away, Meteorite Hellfire looks and sees her in the grass up ahead, she tells Meteorite Hellfire to come to her with a gesture with her front left hoof, and Meteorite Hellfire runs to her.

Meteorite Hellfire arrives at where Blazing Inferno was at and the two begin to clash with their swords again, the two could not land a hit on one another until Blazing Inferno shot a fireball out of her front left hoof and onto Meteorite Hellfire's face at point-blank range. Meteorite Hellfire grunts as she was shot back by the fireball, Blazing Inferno teleports to behind her and does several slashes with her sword, she grunts and falls over, she growls as she stands up. Meteorite Hellfire sees Blazing Inferno appear in front of her and tries to shoot fire out of her horn when she was right in front of her, Meteorite Hellfire reacts quickly and ducks and grabs Blazing Inferno with her front hoofs, she lifts her up and throws her across the area, Blazing Inferno does a back flip in order to face Meteorite Hellfire and land on all four of her feet, she shoots does a slash with her sword and sends waves of fire to Meteorite Hellfire, which she jumps over, she runs to Blazing Inferno and dodges the orange fire waves in the process. Meteorite Hellfire arrives at where Blazing Inferno was at and jumps over another wave of fire, she tries to stab her sword in Blazing Inferno's left eye, but she moves her head to the side and Meteorite Hellfire misses, she turns around and faces Blazing Inferno and saw her getting ready to shoot fire out of her horn again, Meteorite Hellfire shoots a stream of fire out of her front left hoof and hits her in the chest, Blazing Inferno grunts and teleports away, Meteorite Hellfire looks around for her and saw her by the house of the family of four, which shocked her, Blazing Inferno does the same gesture that told Meteorite Hellfire to come over, and Meteorite Hellfire went over to continue her fight with her.

Meteorite Hellfire runs to her and was at the right side of the house, the family was on the other side, they did not notice her, the two continue fighting and clashing their swords against one another, Blazing Inferno blocked all of Meteorite Hellfire's slashes and got a few cuts on her, Meteorite Hellfire exhaled every time she got cut, the family of four hear the swords hitting one another and Meteorite Hellfire's grunting, she gets angry at not being able to land a scratch on Blazing Inferno, she turns into a nirik and lets out a loud scream while trying to hit Blazing Inferno, her sword hits Blazing Inferno's sword, it caused an explosion to happen and the nirik fire makes the house explode, causing the family of four to exclaim with shock and duck, they look back and see Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno fighting one another, they hit one another's swords for a time until Blazing Inferno disappeared. Meteorite Hellfire changes back to her kirin form and looks for Blazing Inferno, she appears in front of her uses her telekinesis to hold up the colt and the filly, her magic aura was orange, the two exclaim with shock, she puts them in front of her, Meteorite Hellfire jumps and tries to slash her, but she moves the colt up and puts him in the way, which makes Meteorite Hellfire stop her attack, she then tries to attack Blazing Inferno to her right, but she puts the filly in the way of the sword, which made Meteorite Hellfire stop, she jumps back and exhales sharply,

"What's the matter, sister, have you given up?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"That's cheating, Blazing Inferno." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Blazing Inferno smiles and disappears, she reappears behind Meteorite Hellfire and kicks her in the back with her hind left hoof, she grunts and falls,

"Cheating? Don't you remember what mom always taught us?" Blazing Inferno asked, she disappeared and reappeared in front of Meteorite Hellfire and stomps on her head with her front right hoof,

"There is no such thing as cheating." Blazing Inferno said, she disappears and reappears to Meteorite Hellfire's right, she stomps her front left hoof onto her back, which made her scream in pain,

"There is no cheating in battle, there are no rules, only winners and losers." Blazing Inferno said, she disappears again while Meteorite Hellfire got ready, Blazing Inferno appears in front of her and she shoots fire out of her horn and into Blazing Inferno's eyes, she screamed in pain briefly and growled, she was about to attack again, but the fire in her eyes hurt her, she grunted loudly while covering her eyes and she disappeared into the ground for the time.

Meteorite Hellfire pants and struggles to get up, she looks at the family of four,

"Are you four alright?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, they nod,

"Okay, um, I'll rebuild your house tomorrow, I need to get someone to help, so wait a bit, okay?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, they nod and Meteorite Hellfire runs home. Meteorite Hellfire runs to her home and saw it was almost dark, she gets Blazing Inferno's and Nuclear Blaze's bits from her home and runs back to Equestria, she looks for the nearest carpentry shop and buys wooden joists, hammers, and shingles, she places them at where she was going to build the home and then ran back to her home to get nails and another hammer out of her toolbox, she places it there and she saw the family of four in sleeping bags,

"Wait here, I promise to build this tomorrow." Meteorite Hellfire said, the family nods while smiling and they go to sleep, Meteorite Hellfire pants when she got home, she lays down on the floor and sleeps. Meteorite Hellfire has dreams on when she was a kid and in western Nature Valley, her wooden sword gets stolen by a male fire pony and he runs with it,

"Hey!" Meteorite Hellfire said as she ran after him, they run around western Nature Valley until Meteorite Hellfire catches up to him and tackles him down, she takes her wooden sword back, she then held out her front left hoof,

"What are you doing?" the fire pony asked,

"You're a pretty fast runner, wanna be my friend so we can race?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, the fire pony grabs Meteorite Hellfire's hoof and pulls her forward, she exclaimed with shock and the fire pony headbutted her, she grunts and fell over,

"Stupid kirin, there is no forgiveness in this place, once an enemy, always an enemy." the fire pony said, and he begins to beat Meteorite Hellfire. Meteorite Hellfire has another flashback as a dream, she was building the homes in western Nature Valley after a big fight erupted and destroyed them, one fire pony hits her from behind and it makes her drop a block that she was holding with her telekinesis onto her front hoofs, she grunts loudly and gets it off with her telekinesis and continues,

"Aren't you going to retaliate?" the fire pony asked, Meteorite Hellfire realized it was a female,

"Nope, I believe in forgiveness and friendship." Meteorite Hellfire replied, the fire pony hits her again, she grunts and falls,

"Remember, this isn't Equestria, we don't forgive or offer friendship, we fight our enemies, and if we really hate them, we kill." the fire pony said, and she walks away, Meteorite Hellfire continued working. Meteorite Hellfire's dream changes and Blazing Inferno used her telekinesis to put her near an active volcano, Meteorite Hellfire screamed in fear as the lava came out, Blazing Inferno brings her down and laughs at Meteorite Hellfire's fear,

"What are you going to do?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"Nothing." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"Because revenge if beneath me." Meteorite Hellfire replied, she was punched in her left cheek and she grunted as she fell, she looks and saw Nuclear Blaze,

"Stupid girl, forgiveness is for the cowardly and the stupid, those who are strong and smart take revenge, it also goes hoof in hoof with forgiveness, Meteorite Hellfire, unless you carry out your revenge on those who have wronged you, you will not be forgiven, that goes for everything, if you refuse to take revenge on those bullying you, I will disown you." Nuclear Blaze said, Meteorite Hellfire becomes shocked,

"Come on, Blazing Inferno, help me discipline her." Nuclear Blaze said,

"Yes, mother." Blazing Inferno replied, and they beat her while Meteorite Hellfire grunted. Meteorite Hellfire tossed and turned before sitting up quickly and sweating, she pants and got up to use the bathroom and had breakfast, which was fresh fruits and vegetables and water, Meteorite Hellfire growled while she chewed with her mouth open, she has entered into a phase which was called rage eating, it was what Meteorite Hellfire did when she was very angry, she thought it was a better way to channel her rage than yelling and destroying things, she finishes and eats the food that fell out of her mouth, onto the floor. Meteorite Hellfire finishes chewing and looks at the living room, knocking was heard at her door and she opens it, she sees three male ground ponies at her door,

"There's a fight going on in eastern Nature Valley, wanna come and watch?" the ground pony to the left asked,

"Oh, boy, do I ever? Let's go." Meteorite Hellfire replied with a smile, and the four trot there. Meteorite Hellfire trots to eastern Nature Valley and saw Earthquake, one of the ground ponies went to her,

"Duchess, we actually went to western Nature Valley as well, one of them is coming here." the ground pony said,

"Who?" Earthquake asked,

"Me." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake looks over her own right shoulder and saw her trotting forward,

"I heard there was a fight happening, I'm so excited to see it." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"My younger brother's going to be in it." Earthquake replied,

"Excuse me." the first ground pony said, the two look at him,

"Who are you betting on?" the first ground pony asked,

"Um? What's your brother's name?" Meteorite Hellfire asked as she feigned ignorance,

"Plate Tectonic." Earthquake replied,

"Plate Tectonic." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Okay, you two should hurry, the fight's about to start." the first ground pony said, the two were caught by surprise and they trot forward with him. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake go near the center of the circle and join Earthquake's family, they see Plate Tectonic and his opponent already fighting,

"Come on, Plate Tectonic!" Earthquake said loudly as her younger brother fought,

"Knock his teeth out!" Sinkhole said loudly, and the two continue punching one another with their front hoofs, the two were hitting one another hard,

"Aim for his head!" Meteorite Hellfire said loudly, Plate Tectonic and his opponent both took her advice and began aiming for one another's head, Meteorite Hellfire, Earthquake, and the other ground ponies cheer,

"Pretend he's your father!" Diamond said loudly, the others laugh,

"You got this, grandson!" Dust Storm said loudly, they watch and Plate Tectonic delivers a heavy blow to his opponent's head with his front left hoof, it knocks him down and everypony cheers. Plate Tectonic helps his opponent back up and they shake hoofs with one another while they both smiled,

"Wait, he's not going to hold a grudge over losing?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, why?" Earthquake asked,

"Because from my experiences, beating someone at a game makes them extremely mad, my sister and mom were like that." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, yeah, we don't have that here." Earthquake said, and Plate Tectonic walks to his family,

"Good job, little brother." Earthquake said,

"Thanks." Plate Tectonic replied,

"This is Meteorite Hellfire, she's the current bearer of the Element of Fire." Eruption said,

"Ah, hello there, grandpa over there was good friends with your mother." Plate Tectonic said,

"I know." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Are you a fighter, too, like her?" Dust Storm asked,

"Sure am." Meteorite Hellfire replied with confidence, Earthquake and her family laugh,

"Can you show me a few moves?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Sure, watch and learn." Meteorite Hellfire replied as she walked forward. Plate Tectonic lifted his front legs up and covered his face, he moves around in case Meteorite Hellfire tries to hit him, she stays calm and waits patiently, he was about to punch her with his front right hoof, but Meteorite Hellfire grabs his hoof with her front hoofs and throws him over her right shoulder, he falls on the ground and grunts, he gets up quickly and tries doing a quick punch to her face with his front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire claps the back of her front hoofs together and catches his hoof between them, surprising Plate Tectonic. Meteorite Hellfire moves her front hoofs off and Plate Tectonic thinks for a minute, he ducks and was going to uppercut her, Meteorite Hellfire grabs his hind hoofs with her front hoofs and throws him into the air, he screams and falls,

"Okay, I think that's enough, not bad." Plate Tectonic said, Meteorite Hellfire chuckles,

"It's almost time for school, son, you should go." Landslide said, the ground pony goes to them and gives those who placed a bet on Plate Tectonic small chunks of rocks,

"Here you go." the first ground pony said,

"Wait, what is this?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It's this section's version of currency." Earthquake replied,

"Oh." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she begins to stretch and grunts,

"You look like you're about to do something." Earthquake said,

"Actually, I am, and I need some help." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Sure, lead the way." Earthquake said,

"This way." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she turns into fire and flows around while Earthquake disappeared into the ground. Meteorite Hellfire arrives at the area and Earthquake appeared out of the ground, she sees wooden joists, hammers, nails, and shingles,

"So, what are we doing?" Earthquake asked,

"Building a house, my sister and I fought around here and destroyed this house by mistake, come on, there's a family of four waiting for it to be finished." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why didn't you call the other two?" Earthquake asked,

"You know Raging Tornado and Tsunami don't like getting dirty or doing manual labor like this, I'd thought you'd be the best choice for help with a job like this." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake smiled,

"True, let's get started, Meteorite Hellfire." Earthquake said, and they do. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake pick up the ends of a wooden joist and carry it, they place it down and get the second one, they place it perpendicular to the left corner of the first joist, Meteorite Hellfire hammers a nail in it, the two carry the third joist and place it perpendicular to the first joist's right corner and Meteorite Hellfire hammers a nail in it, the two carry the fourth joist and place it parallel to the first joist, and perpendicular to the second joist's right corner and the third joist's left corner, the two hammer it in at the ends. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake pick up more joists and put them across the house's base frame and hammer nails in them,

"Oh, there's the family behind you." Meteorite Hellfire said, Earthquake looks back and saw them,

"Ah, they're Pegasi, they're usually not strong enough to move stuff like this." Earthquake said,

"Well, let's keep going." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Right." Earthquake said, and they continue carrying the joists with their front hoofs and hammering nail in them to build the house, they finish the joists after a while and Earthquake was tired,

"What? You're tired already?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sorry, but I'm not used to doing this type of job." Earthquake replied, and she rested since her back hurt, Meteorite Hellfire groaned a little and she continued trotting around, she put a piece of the floor on the house and nailed it in manually, she was going a lot slower than she hoped for since she worked alone for the time. Earthquake rests and the mare goes to her and offers her vegetable curry,

"Thanks." Earthquake said and she eats it, she eats slowly and finishes after several minutes. Meteorite Hellfire went to go rest and sits, she also received a bowl of vegetable curry from the mare, her meal was bigger because she did more work than Earthquake, she finishes after a while and rested a bit,

"You ready to continue?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Yeah." Earthquake replied, and they continue working. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake begin lifting up the walls, Meteorite Hellfire used her telekinesis to lift them while Earthquake held them stable when they were lifted, Meteorite Hellfire uses her telekinesis to hammer in nails to keep them in place, they do the same thing with the other three walls, the two then begin working on the frame of the roof, Meteorite Hellfire did all of it since she was the one who had telekinesis while Earthquake moved the boards towards her so she would not have to use her energy to get them from a distance. The frame was finished and the two begin hammering nails into wooden boards that made up the walls, they finish after hours of work and rest again, the stallion, filly, and colt give them pots of water to drink, they smile and drink, they get back to work after an hour and Meteorite Hellfire begins using her telekinesis to put wooden boards on the roof, she uses telekinesis on herself and goes up, she uses telekinesis on her hammer and some nails, she puts the boards in and lands on them. Earthquake bought the wooden boards to her and Meteorite Hellfire used her telekinesis to bring them up, she puts nails in them after placing them, she finishes after three hours and uses telekinesis to bring the shingles up, she brought Earthquake up as well. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake hammer nails into the shingles to keep them on the roof, they finish after about an hour and Meteorite Hellfire puts the last shingles on top of the roof by pushing them down firmly with her front hoofs,

"And that's everything." Meteorite Hellfire said, she uses her telekinesis on herself and Earthquake and they stand on the ground, the Pegasus family looks at it and were grateful, the stallion pays them bits, the two thank him and take it and trot home while the four Pegasi watch them while smiling. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake trot home by their gems start vibrating,

"What the?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"What's going on?" Earthquake asked, they look around and their gems vibrate faster when they look to their rights,

"Let's check it out." Earthquake said, Meteorite Hellfire nodded and they trot in the direction their gems vibrated faster. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake travel together and they hear groaning,

"They sound like kids." Earthquake said,

"Come on, let's go." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and they run, they arrive at where they heard the groaning and a fire pony colt and a ground pony colt appear,

"Help, duchess." the ground pony said weakly,

"Help." the fire pony said weakly, the two run to them,

"Hey, what's wrong?" Earthquake asked the ground pony,

"Are you alright?" Meteorite Hellfire asked the fire pony, the two scream in pain and gray drills grow out of the ground pony while black locomotive parts grow out of the fire pony, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake become shocked,

"These must be the Corrupted." Earthquake said,

"Help us, we're sorry, we can't control ourselves." the ground pony said, and he tries to latch onto Earthquake and drill into her body, she makes the plants grow and tangles the drills, they spin around and cut them, but the plants get caught in them and jams them, the fire pony emits black smoke and they all cough except for the fire pony, he opens its mouth and shoots coal out at Meteorite Hellfire, she swings her front hoofs around and makes the coal pieces go in different directions, the fire pony begins to emit more smoke and Meteorite Hellfire tackles him down and punches him in the right side of his neck with her front left hoof to stun him. Earthquake's gem shoots out a yellow beam at the ground pony while Meteorite Hellfire's gem shoots out a red beam at the fire pony, the solid objects in the two disappear and they groan in pain,

"Are you two alright?" Earthquake asked, they continue to groan in pain,

"Come on, let's take you two to Mother Nature." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she puts the fire pony on her back while Earthquake puts the ground pony on her back and the two trot back to Nature Valley.

Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake arrive at the center of Nature Valley and saw they were the only two there,

"Looks like we're the first ones here." Earthquake said,

"It shouldn't be that surprising, Tsunami's always busying tidying up to look pretty, and Raging Tornado's always late." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake chuckles,

"True, at least I get ready early in the morning instead of worrying about my looks all day." Earthquake said,

"Yeah, and who knows, Tsunami was always a bed wetter when we were kids, too, maybe she had a relapse and wet the bed again." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I hope not, it'd destroy her mentally if that happened to her." Earthquake said,

"I hope not, either, she trained long and hard to not wet the bed anymore, I really hope it didn't happen." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"It didn't." Tsunami said as she flew down with a water pony filly on her back,

"Busy about your appearance again?" Earthquake asked,

"No, I was helping in Mount Aris, it's very far away from here." Tsunami replied,

"And once again, Raging Tornado's late." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I wonder what it is this time." Earthquake said,

"Um, I think she has work today." Tsunami replied,

"Still, she represents the Element of Air, she's the fastest one out of all of us, and somehow, she's always the one that's late." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Maybe she's still working her shift." Earthquake replied,

"Now, if that's the case, I understand, but if she's off and having fun, then that's a problem." Meteorite Hellfire said, the two nodded in agreement,

"What'd you know, there she is right there." Earthquake said, and they see Raging Tornado fly and land with her wagon,

"You're late again, Raging Tornado." Tsunami said,

"Please, I've had a busy day." Raging Tornado replied,

"My apologies." Tsunami said, Mother Nature walked to them,

"You all encountered the Corrupted today, I'd like for you four to lay them down here." Mother Nature said, and Raging Tornado puts an air pony filly in front of her, Earthquake laid down the ground pony, Tsunami laid down the water pony, and Meteorite Hellfire laid down the fire pony, all four of them groaned in pain,

"Your gems only heal the Corrupted temporarily and partially." Mother Nature said, the four look at her with shock, the air pony has the wind turbine blades grow out of her body, the ground pony had gray drills grow out of his hoofs again, the water pony had white pipes grow out of her, and the fire pony had black locomotive parts grow out of his body again, the four foals screamed in pain,

"See, to purify it permanently, all four of you must have your gems at once, go on and let the gems purify them." Mother Nature said, and a beam shot out of each gem, they were the same color as their respective gem, the four come together and make a white light, white beams come out and go to the four foals. The beams disappear and the four foals sigh, they look at themselves and see they were cured,

"There you four go, go to your rulers tomorrow, Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine have things to say to you all tomorrow, good luck, my four inheritors." Mother Nature said, and she disappeared into the ground, the four take the foals and bring them to their homes. Meteorite Hellfire left Nature Valley again and she decided to go explore the area around Nature Valley a bit, she was in a forest and stopped when she came across an area where three creatures were buried. Meteorite Hellfire looks at the shape of the burials and saw they were big, she sees stick graves on them and reads them, the creatures were sasquatches, and they were killed by Blazing Inferno. Meteorite Hellfire hears growling from under the graves and she jumps back, the ground erupts and three sasquatch skeletons come out, they run to Meteorite Hellfire and one hugs her in an attempt to squash her, she holds their arms back and breaks them off, she jumps and kicks the sasquatch in the head with her hind left ankle and its head flies off, it fell over and a light blue flame floated out of it, Meteorite Hellfire realized their souls were still around, they have mistaken her for Blazing Inferno and were attacking her out of vengeance. The second sasquatch jumps onto her back and tries to choke her with its arms around her neck, Meteorite Hellfire jumps back and hits her back on the tree, smashing the skeleton and releasing its soul. The third sasquatch picks up a log and tries to hit her with it, Meteorite Hellfire turns around and bucks the log, breaking it, the sasquatch stood in silent shock, Meteorite Hellfire runs to it and jumps and kicks its skull off with her hind right ankle, it falls over and its soul goes into the sky.

Meteorite Hellfire trots forward and looks around, she hears snarling and sees a fully grown sasquatch,

"I am Sasquatch, leader of the sasquatch tribe, you wear the gem of my clan's slayer." the adult sasquatch said in a male voice,

"I'm not the one you want." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Then why do you have Blazing Inferno's gem and her scent?" Sasquatch asked,

"I'm her sister." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No wonder why those three skeletons came up, you will pay for your sister's crimes." Sasquatch said, and he jumps down. Sasquatch lands on the ground and breaks it, he begins to try to scratch Meteorite Hellfire with his claws, Meteorite Hellfire runs to him and ducks under his hands, she jumps and kicks Sasquatch with her hind hoofs, she hits him in his abdomen but it did nothing. Meteorite Hellfire jumps back and saw it was going to do nothing, so she changes to her fire form and morphs into a doppelganger of Sasquatch with orange fire around black bones. Sasquatch jumps and lands on Meteorite Hellfire's shoulders, she grunts as she fell onto the ground, Sasquatch begins to jump on her to break her bones, he snarled and growled while he jumped on her, Meteorite Hellfire grabs his feet, she throws him into the air and he snarled as he went into the air. Meteorite Hellfire stands up and Sasquatch lands on the ground and leaves a crater in it, he stands up and grabs a tree out of the ground, he tries to hit Meteorite Hellfire with it, but she changes back to normal to dodge the tree, she runs to him while he smashes the tree onto the ground and Meteorite Hellfire runs to dodge it, she shoots fire out of her horn and sets Sasquatch on fire, he yowls loudly and rolls around to put the fire out, he ran away as well. Meteorite Hellfire sighs and begins to walk home, but a boulder lands in front of her and she turns around, she saw Sasquatch was no longer on fire and throwing boulders at her, she tries to run away but Sasquatch chases her and was faster than her, Meteorite Hellfire saw she had no choice on what to do, she closes her eyes in sorrow and turns around, Sasquatch runs to her while snarling and Meteorite Hellfire remembers Blazing Inferno to make herself angry and change to her nirik form, she then changes to her fire form and combines the two, she shoots a fusion of regular fire and nirik fire out of her horn and Sasquatch screeches in pain until only his skeleton remained, it fell over, Meteorite Hellfire changes back to normal and heads home.

Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and sat on the floor with her head down in regret with what she had to do, she wished she did not have to fight Sasquatch to the death, knocking was heard at the door,

"Meteorite Hellfire? You awake?" a female voice asked, Meteorite Hellfire realized it was Mother Nature, Meteorite Hellfire trots to the door and opens it, Mother Nature enters,

"I forgot to tell you, Blazing Inferno would test her powers and fighting abilities on animals in the wilderness back then, she was feared throughout the world's wilderness, and you will have to fight them to defend yourself since you will have to pay for your sister's actions." Mother Nature said,

"Can't you control the animals?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, I cannot, but their lives do empower me." Mother Nature replied, Meteorite Hellfire rolls her eyes,

"Your sister is remembered all of this world's wildlife, she has killed many of them." Mother Nature said,

"How many of them are going to attack me? I already had to deal with two instances where I was attacked because of my sister's actions." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I cannot say, but all I can say is good luck and be careful, get some rest now, Meteorite Hellfire, Rain Shine wishes to see you tomorrow." Mother Nature replied, and she left, Meteorite Hellfire closes the door and laid down on the floor and slept. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and has breakfast, she goes to the gym room and begins punching and kicking the punching bag while grunting loudly, she finishes and pants heavily while angry, she goes outside and heads to Kirin Grove. Meteorite Hellfire arrives into Kirin Grove after a long trot and went into Rain Shine's house, where she was sitting,

"Oh, good, you're here earlier than expected. The Corrupted are appearing everywhere, Meteorite Hellfire, Mother Nature is sensing them all over the world." Rain Shine said,

"Yeah, I saw a corrupted fire pony and ground pony yesterday." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Only you can protect us from the Corrupted in this area, Meteorite Hellfire, it is your duty as the bearer of the Element of Fire." Rain Shine said,

"Um, can we postpone that? I have a bigger problem with my element." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What would that be?" Rain Shine asked,

"I heard my sister attacked animals, and because of that, I am guilty by association, and they are going to come after me." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, that, she did, your sister always did that in secret, Airstrike, Eruption, and Tidal Wave know nothing of it." Rain Shine said,

"Why didn't you stop her?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"She was nowhere near here." Rain Shine replied,

"Why didn't Mother Nature do anything?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Mother Nature was occupied dealing with Tidal Wave." Rain Shine replied, Meteorite Hellfire let out an annoyed groan,

"I'm sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, but it's something you're going to have to deal with, I have nothing more to say other than dismissed and good luck." Rain Shine said, Meteorite Hellfire gives her a disapproving look,

"That's all you have to say?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You know I'm not good with speeches, Meteorite Hellfire, now go, I got a village to run." Rain Shine replied, and Meteorite Hellfire left. Meteorite Hellfire walks around Kirin Grove and looks around with boredom, but something catches her eye and she disliked it,

"WHAT THE?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked, the other kirins look at her, they see Meteorite Hellfire was looking at statues of Fluttershy and Applejack. Autumn Blaze ran to her,

"What is this?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Don't you like them?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why not?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"We're admiring ponies, they're spreading their culture and destroying ours." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No, they aren't, they just came here to solve our silent problem." Autumn Blaze said,

"Why?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I don't know, they just came." Autumn Blaze replied,

"Well, they shouldn't have, they should just focus on solving problems in Equestria, not other countries or areas." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she began to walk away, Autumn Blaze walked to her,

"Is that a gem on your neck? It's cut so perfectly, I've been trying to make a cut like this for years to no avail." Autumn Blaze said, and she lifted it up with her front right hoof,

"DON'T TOUCH IT!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled angrily as she pushed Autumn Blaze back, the other kirins look at her,

"Is that a sword on your back?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"Don't touch that, either." Meteorite Hellfire replied, surprising Autumn Blaze,

"Well, I've got things to do, so I should get going." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she began to walk, but she soon felt tired and was about to fall asleep,

"Meteorite Hellfire?" Rain Shine asked, Meteorite Hellfire groaned as she stood still,

"Quick, get her something to drink." Rain Shine said,

"Oh, this is the perfect opportunity, I have brewed a new type of tea, I tried using the leaves in the forest and the tree roots, I tried letting them sit in the water longer and mixing them slower, so it could try to get a better taste and..." Autumn Blaze replied,

"Autumn Blaze, please, just get it." Rain Shine said, and Autumn Blaze trotted to her home, she gets a wooden cup with the tea in it,

"Here you go." Autumn Blaze said, and Meteorite Hellfire drinks it, Autumn Blaze steps back and smiles while she waits for Meteorite Hellfire's answer on how it tastes, Meteorite Hellfire spits it out and it lands on Autumn Blaze, shocking the kirins and Rain Shine had her front right hoof over her open mouth,

"This tastes like soy sauce." Meteorite Hellfire said, shocking Autumn Blaze,

"I'll be going now." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she left Kirin Grove. Meteorite Hellfire walked over the water that was between Kirin Grove and Equestria, bubbling appears in front of her and she back away, a creature comes up and exhales, Meteorite Hellfire saw it was a bipedal frog,

"I knew I smelled something familiar, I am Vodyanoy, Blazing Inferno destroyed my kind." the creature said,

"I am not the one you want." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"It matters not, I'll destroy her family just like how she destroyed my species." Vodyanoy said, and he goes into the water. Meteorite Hellfire stood around and watched for any movement in the water, Vodyanoy jumps out of the water with a wooden log in his right hand, he tries to hit Meteorite Hellfire with it but she jumps to her right and dodges it while Vodyanoy went back into the water, Vodyanoy swims around and circles Meteorite Hellfire while underwater, he soon grabs her by her hind hoofs and pulls her down,

"Whoa!" Meteorite Hellfire said as she went into the water. Meteorite Hellfire holds her breath and was underwater, she saw Vodyanoy swimming to her, she saw he had now had a teapot in his left hand, he holds the teapot's lid between his right index and middle fingers and holds the teapot out, it begins to suck the water inside. Meteorite Hellfire feels her soul being sucked out of her body and going into the teapot, she tries to swim up but could not, she growls and changes to a nirik, she shoots nirik fire out of her horn and at the teapot, she destroys it and she did not feel her soul being ripped out of her body anymore. Meteorite Hellfire swims up to the surface and gasps for air, she stands on the water and sees Vodyanoy jump out again, he tries to hit her with his club but she claps her front hoofs together and catches it, Vodyanoy holds onto it and tries to break it out of her grip, Meteorite Hellfire shoots fire out of her horn and Vodyanoy screams as he got burned, his club turned into ashes and he turned into a skeleton, he fell into the water.

Meteorite Hellfire sighs and looks around, she saw the dragons and hippogriffs looking at her, she ignores them and walks over to Equestria. Meteorite Hellfire arrives in Equestria and was at the Bone Dry Desert, she walks north while grumbling about her sister and having to take the heat for her actions, she goes north and was in Appleloosa, she keeps going and was to the west of Dodge City, she keeps walking north while grumbling, she goes to Nature Valley after a while and puts her sword in her home, she gets her saddlebag and puts bits in it since she was going to explore. Meteorite Hellfire continues grumbling as she walked, she was eventually to the north of Dodge City,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Meteorite Hellfire heard Tsunami say, she looks to her right and saw her three allies trotting to her,

"What are you three doing here?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Well, we were going to order food to eat since we're hungry, and we wondered if you wanted to join us." Raging Tornado replied,

"Really? Do I ever?! Come on, let's go!" Meteorite Hellfire said excitedly, they all smile and go back to Ponyville.

Meteorite Hellfire sat at a table that was outside with Tsunami to her right, Earthquake to her left, and Raging Tornado across from her, and by coincidence, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack were sitting at the table behind Raging Tornado, all four of them noticed them,

"Take your orders, madams?" a male waiter asked, and they ordered their meals, they came and Raging Tornado, Tsunami, and Earthquake ate with proper etiquette, but Meteorite Hellfire ate like a pig, she swallowed some of her food without chewing it,

"More please." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she was given a pizza, Meteorite Hellfire stretched her mouth open and put the entire pizza in her mouth, she swallowed it without chewing, her three friends look at her with shock,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado said with disbelief,

"More please." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she ordered ten extra large hayburgers, she ate the buns of nine of them, she took the hay, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes of those burgers and put them in the buns of the last hayburger, she stretches her mouth open and puts the hayburger in her mouth, she chews a bit and swallows it. Meteorite Hellfire orders sandwiches next and chews them while angry and grumbling, she rolled them up together and stuffed them in her mouth with some of the flowers falling onto the ground. Twilight Sparkle and her friends enjoy their meals and time together until Rarity sees Meteorite Hellfire out of the corner of her right eye and saw her eating like a pig, Rarity screamed out of shock at seeing her, her five friends look and see Meteorite Hellfire eating like a pig, they were shocked at seeing her,

"Oh my, she must be hungry." Fluttershy said,

"Wait, is that... a kirin?" Applejack asked, Meteorite Hellfire kept ordering and eating food, she was grumbling with her mouth full, some of the food she chewed fell out of her mouth,

"Meteorite Hellfire, your meal." Raging Tornado said, Meteorite Hellfire ignored it,

"Uh, Meteorite Hellfire, are you alright?" Tsunami asked, Meteorite Hellfire just kept chewing, but slowed down,

"Huh? It looks like she's mad." Pinkie Pie said,

"Ah see what's goin' on, she's rage eatin', Ah guess it relieves her of her anger." Applejack said,

"That still doesn't excuse her from eating like a pig." Rarity replied,

"But it's fun eating that way." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yes, I must agree." Fluttershy replied, Meteorite Hellfire continues eating like a pig and was beginning to stuff her face without swallowing,

"You'll get wrinkles if you do that, Meteorite Hellfire." Earthquake said,

"Earthquake, I don't think now's the time." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire continues chewing without swallowing and the food begins to fall out of her mouth as she stuffs her face, grossing out her three friends, she soon swallows and lays back, she sighs,

"Alright, I feel better, go on and enjoy your meals without me." Meteorite Hellfire said, the three were speechless,

"I wonder what that was about." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Should we go see them?" Fluttershy asked,

"Well, if things go bad, then yes." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Huh? Is that you Raging Tornado?" Rainbow Dash asked, Raging Tornado looks back,

"Oh, hi, Rainbow Dash." Raging Tornado said,

"Friend of yours?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Kind of, she's one of my coworkers at the weather factory." Rainbow Dash replied, and the six go to them,

"What is wrong with her?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"We don't know." Earthquake replied, Rarity looks at her,

"Wait a minute, you're that pony who wanted to wear revealing outfits and do inappropriate poses the other day!" Rarity said, she had an angry face,

"Jealous of my beauty?" Earthquake asked smugly,

"No! I am not jealous!" Rarity replied angrily,

"Then why are you wearing makeup?" Earthquake asked,

"It's just how I prefer to look." Rarity replied,

"Honestly, what's the matter? What's causin' ya to eat like a fully grown stallion nervous on his wedding day?" Applejack asked,

"It's a family matter." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Did you have an argument?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Kind of." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, what happened?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I don't want to talk about it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"We're your friends, Meteorite Hellfire, you should open up a bit." Raging Tornado said, Earthquake and Tsunami smile,

"Another time, I'm not in the mood to talk about it." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the three order their meals and eat like proper ladies while Meteorite Hellfire sits back. Raging Tornado, Tsunami, and Earthquake finish their meals and got a massive bill, shocking the three,

"It's alright, I'll pay for it." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she did, much to the delight of the other three, the four decided they had enough and headed home while Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack continued hanging out together.

Meteorite Hellfire walked with Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado, the four stop when eight elemental ponies appeared in front them, four were males, four were females, two were fire ponies, two were water ponies, two were ground ponies, and two were air ponies, they groan and were in pain while the four gems vibrate, Tsunami becomes worried and trots to them,

"Are you all alright?" Tsunami asked,

"Help." the male ground pony said weakly, Raging Tornado was very worried and trotted to them, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake look at one another with confusion,

"Uh, what are you two doing?" Earthquake asked, Raging Tornado felt a chord struck in her and she turns back,

"You two aren't going to help?!" Raging Tornado asked,

"It's a waste of time, let's just find the one creating the Corrupted and put that person down." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Tsunami turns around,

"But they're hurt." Tsunami said,

"So what? If we get rid of the one corrupting our citizens, all of them will be cured, and we won't have to worry about them." Earthquake replied, Tsunami was bewildered while Raging Tornado was angry,

"Come on, you two, we have to help them!" Raging Tornado said,

"It's wasting time! Let's just find the creator and be done with it!" Meteorite Hellfire said while raising her voice a little,

"How can you two just leave them here in pain?" Tsunami asked while almost crying,

"Tell them to endure it for a bit, we got our goal to take out the one corrupting them, and that is what we're going to do, so let's stop arguing and go." Earthquake replied calmly, Raging Tornado was shocked and angry while Tsunami was sad.

The eight elemental ponies scream and the two fire ponies had locomotive parts grow out of them, the water ponies have what appears to be parts of a dam grow out of them, the ground ponies had drills and oil come out of them, and the air ponies have big fans grow out of their bodies. The Corrupted begin attacking against their wills, the fire ponies shot coal out at the four, the water ponies shot pieces of the dam out of their bodies at them, along with changing their physical forms so they can punch the four with the dam pieces, the ground ponies throw the drills at them and the oil is shot at them, and the air ponies spin the fans around to cut whatever was around them. Meteorite Hellfire changes to a nirik and her horn glows red, she uses her fire powers to shoot fire out of her horn, her nirik form made her fire powers even stronger, she hits the ground ponies and burns them, Tsunami rises her front legs and makes water appear, she slams her feet down and makes the water fall on them, the fire ponies were extinguished, Earthquake makes plants and dirt go into the bodies of the water ponies and it makes them too heavy to move, Raging Tornado summons tornadoes under the air ponies and they get absorbed into them and fall.

The elemental ponies were still corrupted and the gems glow and shoot out beams, the eight elemental ponies were back to normal and groan, and the four go to them to check on them,

"Are you eight alright?" Tsunami asked, they groan,

"Come on, let's look for the corrupter." Earthquake said,

"We can't leave them like this." Raging Tornado said,

"We can worry about them after we take out the one corrupting them, now let's go." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"But what about them?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Look, Raging Tornado, I care about them, I really do, but if we don't take out the corrupter, there'll be more of them, so I say we take out the corrupter first, then tend to them." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"But how can you two leave them in pain like this?" Tsunami asked,

"We only ask for them to endure it, we'll try to eliminate the source as fast as possible, and if we're lucky, that'll cure them all." Earthquake replied,

"What if they're dead before that happens?" Raging Tornado asked, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake were speechless for a minute, Meteorite Hellfire groans with annoyance while Earthquake sighs,

"Fine." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they carried the eight back to Nature Valley.

Mother Nature was waiting for her four chosen ones to come and they arrived and sent the eight elemental ponies to their homes, they saw her in the center of Nature Valley and went to go see her,

"I am very disappointed in all four of you." Mother Nature said,

"But those two..." Raging Tornado said, Mother Nature raised her front right hoof and Raging Tornado became speechless,

"I understand you four have different ways to deal with problems, but all four of you must cooperate together, not be divided." Mother Nature said, the four were speechless,

"I would like for you four to work together next time, and not argue, it will only create more Corrupted as time goes on, rest now, and good luck next time." Mother Nature said, and she turned around and walked away and she disappeared into the ground. Raging Tornado just stood and looks down in shame, so did Tsunami, Meteorite Hellfire was angry, while Earthquake just sighed, Blazing Inferno, Tidal Wave, Eruption, and Airstrike manifested,

"You suck, Meteorite Hellfire, you couldn't even complete a simple task." Blazing Inferno said,

"It wasn't my fault." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"I wanted to look for the Corrupted and take him out, but Raging Tornado and Tsunami refused because they wanted to make sure they were alright." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"But you caved in." Blazing Inferno said,

"Because it was the only way to get them to come along." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You should've abandoned them." Blazing Inferno said,

"Then the Corrupted could not be cured." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why focus on them? Just focus on gaining more power for yourself, everybody else is a stepping stone." Blazing Inferno said,

"What about that fire pony and those two animals that attacked me because of you? Were they stepping stones to your desire to be stronger?" Meteorite Hellfire asked while raising her voice a little,

"Of course, they were weak and pathetic." Blazing Inferno replied,

"That's not the point, I was forced to kill them in self-defense." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Doesn't matter, I killed more of their kind than you did, farther proof of my superiority over you." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire seethed and she looked at her three allies, who were disappointed as well, Blazing Inferno laughs,

"Look at that, you failed your first mission, farther proof I'm the superior sibling." Blazing Inferno said,

"No, it's not." Meteorite Hellfire grumbled,

"Deny it all you want, accept that I'm better than you, and always will be, you will never be as good as me." Blazing Inferno said while smiling,

"ENOUGH!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled with rage and tried to physically attack her by bucking her, Blazing Inferno disappeared and appeared behind her,

"Impulsive and stupid as always, I was always smarter than you, I was always stronger than you, and I was always more beautiful than you." Blazing Inferno said,

"I don't care about my appearance." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Oh, you're just saying that because you're jealous, and you know it's true." Blazing Inferno replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled with anger.

Meteorite Hellfire tries to attack Blazing Inferno but she keeps disappearing and reappearing near the others in an attempt to make Meteorite Hellfire hit somepony else, Meteorite Hellfire boiled with rage, Blazing Inferno reappears and Meteorite Hellfire was about to attack her again, but Eruption appears behind her and restrains her while Raging Tornado restrained Meteorite Hellfire, she also saw Airstrike cover Tidal Wave's mouth,

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Eruption yelled with rage,

"Why? It's not my fault my sister's a sniveling and pathetic mess." Blazing Inferno replied,

"Let me go, Raging Tornado!" Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, you need to calm down." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire tried to jump forward and hit Blazing Inferno while screaming with rage,

"What is your problem?!" Eruption asked,

"My problem? I'll treat this idiot as I wish." Blazing Inferno replied,

"SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!" Eruption yelled angrily,

"So what? Mom always liked me better than her." Blazing Inferno replied, Eruption was angry with Blazing Inferno while Meteorite Hellfire hears Airstrike reprimand Tidal Wave,

"This is how you treat your family?" Airstrike asked,

"It's not my fault, my sister's a weakling, physically and mentally, she can't do anything." Tidal Wave replied,

"You're supposed to support her." Airstrike said,

"No way, this weakling doesn't deserve it, she deserves to be broken, like a toy." Tidal Wave replied, Airstrike glared at her,

"You always were the troublemaker." Airstrike said,

"Me? I just wish to have more power, magic wise and authority wise, there's nothing wrong with that." Tidal Wave replied,

"How much power do you want?" Airstrike asked,

"To rule Mount Aris and Seaquestria." Tidal Wave replied,

"I'll be back." Airstrike said, and she grabbed Tidal Wave and the two disappeared into the sky, Eruption grabbed Blazing Inferno and they disappeared into the ground. Raging Tornado went to go comfort Earthquake while Meteorite Hellfire comforted Tsunami, Earthquake looked at Raging Tornado while Tsunami stopped crying,

"Come on, let's go home." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they all do. The four stay at their homes and were upset, Meteorite Hellfire sat on the ground in front of her house and Volcano, Lava, Scorch, Heat Wave, and Scorpion were there with her,

"Do you want some time alone, Meteorite Hellfire?" Lava asked,

"No, it's fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"My twin brother is coming over soon, too, Meteorite Hellfire, he's been worried about you." Scorch said,

"Who was your brother again?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Fahrenheit." Scorch replied,

"Ah, I remember him now, he and I rough housed a lot when we were kids." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Say, what happened to you?" Volcano asked,

"I got into a fight, animals want to kill me now." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why?" Lava asked,

"Because my sister attacked and killed their species years ago, and since I'm her sister, I'm guilty by association." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I thought you liked fighting." Scorpion said,

"I do, but I don't like their reason for attacking me." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How bad is it?" Heat Wave asked,

"So far, I've only met two, but they were the last of their kinds, so I was forced to make them extinct." Meteorite Hellfire replied, shocking the fire ponies with her, they hear walking and they see a male fire pony, Asteroid Strike, and Wildfire come,

"Hello, Meteorite Hellfire, I'm sure you remember me." the fire pony said,

"Fahrenheit?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, the fire pony nods while smiling,

"We came to make sure you were alright as well, we were worried, too." Asteroid Strike said,

"Plus, it's getting late, Scorpion has to come home, too." Wildfire said,

"Thanks, all of you, I really appreciate your concerns, and I'm surprised Volcano and Heat Wave aren't fighting right now." Meteorite Hellfire replied, the others chuckle,

"We're having a bit of a ceasefire right now." Volcano said,

"Yeah, it'll continue soon." Heat Wave said, Meteorite Hellfire chuckles. Running was heard to the south and Meteorite Hellfire looks to her right, she saw a water pony colt coming, they all look and see him, Meteorite Hellfire recognized him, he was Sub Zero, one of the servants to Tsunami's family, and a friend of Scorpion's,

"I heard what happened, so I sneaked out of my home and came here." Sub Zero said,

"Shouldn't you be with Tsunami, Sub Zero?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I thought you would need more support than her, since you don't have a family." Sub Zero replied,

"Oh, I see, thanks." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I was wondering, what was your dad's name?" Sub Zero asked,

"I never knew." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Solar Storm." Asteroid Strike said, Meteorite Hellfire looks at him with surprise,

"What happened to him?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"He tried to leave Nature Valley after becoming a fire pony." Asteroid Strike replied, Meteorite Hellfire realized what has happened to him,

"What was he like?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Pitiful, he only married Nuclear Blaze just so he can be with a strong female kirin, and produce a strong offspring, Blazing Inferno came first, and he loved her and treated her kindly, but that's where the problem with him was, he only wanted one child, so when you were born, he didn't want you, but Nuclear Blaze did, so he tried to run out of Nature Valley to leave you and your family, and since us elemental ponies leaving Nature Valley is punishable by death, Mother Nature was forced to kill him to keep this place a secret." Wildfire replied,

"So mom loved me?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"That's not why she wanted to have you, Meteorite Hellfire, it was so Blazing Inferno could use you as a beating bag, she even said it herself to Solar Storm." Asteroid Strike replied, Meteorite Hellfire becomes devastated,

"I'm sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, but that is the truth, Nuclear Blaze never loved you." Asteroid Strike said, Meteorite Hellfire felt nothing because she knew that for years,

"You want to have another fight, Meteorite Hellfire?" Fahrenheit asked,

"I'm too busy right now." Meteorite Hellfire replied, they see outside get darker,

"Come on, let's go home, it's late." Heat Wave said, and they walk, Meteorite Hellfire looks to her right and sees Sub Zero and Scorpion walking together,

"Sub Zero, Scorpion, wait." Meteorite Hellfire said, the two look at her and she uses her telekinesis to give them volcanic rock,

"Here, a gift, don't tell your family where you got this from, Sub Zero." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Wow, thanks, Meteorite Hellfire." Sub Zero said,

"Thank you." Scorpion said,

"You're welcome, head on home now." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and they do, Meteorite Hellfire enters her home and sleeps on the floor. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up early and in the morning and has breakfast, uses the bathroom, and heads outside, she puts up a few banners for the Season Festival and then left Nature Valley with her saddlebag and the sword on her back. Meteorite Hellfire walks around Equestria so she can get a better mapping of the land, she was in Ponyville again and walks around, she did not enjoy looking around Ponyville, the town looked boring to her,

"Hey!" a female voice said, Meteorite Hellfire was annoyed when she recognized the voice, it was Pinkie Pie, she turns around and sees her coming, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack were with her,

"I thought I recognized you." Pinkie Pie said,

"What do you want?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"To prepare your welcome party!" Pinkie Pie replied excitedly,

"I'm just passing through." Meteorite Hellfire said as she turned around and continued walking, Twilight Sparkle trotted to her and was to her left,

"You know, I've been thinking about having a kirin attend the School of Friendship, wanna attend?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why not?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Your culture's belief on friendship and forgiveness are ridiculous." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What do you mean it's ridiculous?" Twilight Sparkle asked, Meteorite Hellfire stopped trotting and turned around,

"You expect your enemies to forgive you and befriend you after you defeat them, that's just stupid." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What is so stupid about it?" Rarity asked,

"You think your enemies will just forgive you and befriend you? Where I live, once an enemy, always an enemy." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, I'm sure you guys can talk things out." Twilight Sparkle said,

"No, we don't talk, we fight." Meteorite Hellfire replied, the six mares were uneasy,

"Um, until all of the anger has passed?" Fluttershy asked,

"No, to the death." Meteorite Hellfire replied, the six mares gasp,

"But... where is the forgiveness?" Rarity asked,

"There is no forgiveness." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Where do you live? I think those people could use some lessons in friendship." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I'm not telling you, and even if I did, you wouldn't be welcomed." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why not?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Your beliefs on friendship and forgiveness is taboo in that place's culture." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What do you mean it's taboo?" Twilight Sparkle asked while raising her voice a bit,

"Forgiving and befriending your enemy is seen as an act of cowardice and stupidity." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"WHAT?!" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Seriously? I mean, we won over many of our enemies by forgiving them." Rainbow Dash said,

"Well, the people in the area I live don't forgive, once an enemy, you're an enemy for life." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How do we get 'em to win our friendship?" Applejack asked,

"You can't, all you can do is prove you're superior in combat, and it might make them back off and stop fighting, but that's very rare to happen." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I don't recall Kirin Grove being like that." Fluttershy said,

"I don't live in Kirin Grove." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Now that ya mention it, Ah didn't see ya there when Fluttershy and I went there." Applejack said,

"Well, keep your culture to yourself, I now have to see statues of you two there, every place has its own culture, and you ponies are destroying them, you spread your traditions and your customs to other cultures, and destroy their uniqueness, don't bring it to where I live, good day." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she walks away while the six mares just watch her.

Meteorite Hellfire walks into the Everfree Forest and just keeps heading south, she was unafraid of what could be lurking in it, she walks forward and sees no exit, so she jumps up and lands on a tree branch, she jumps up the tree until she was at the top, she looks around and sees the exit that was at the south, she sighs and jumps from tree to tree until she made it. Meteorite Hellfire jumps onto the ground and puts her saddlebag down since it was hurting her side, she looks around to the east and memorizes her surroundings, she eventually hears laughing and turns around, she sees two male earth ponies steal her saddlebag and run away with it. Meteorite Hellfire changes to her nirik form and combines it with her fire form, she runs after the two while taking chunks of the ground out with her front hoofs, the two see her and run away with fear when they see a creature of orange fire chasing them,

"COME BACK HERE!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled in her distorted nirik voice, the two run faster while whimpering with fear. Meteorite Hellfire growls while she runs and was throwing chunks of the ground out with her front hoofs in the process,

"Faster!" the earth pony in the front said, and they run as fast as they could, but Meteorite Hellfire was catching up to them quickly. Meteorite Hellfire was close enough to them and jumps onto them while snarling, the two grunt and fall onto the ground, Meteorite Hellfire's saddlebag opened and bits fell out. Meteorite Hellfire changes back to kirin form and was growling,

"Why are you stealing my things?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You have goodies, don't you? They're ours now." one earth pony replied, Meteorite Hellfire growls, she lifts their heads up with her front hoofs and the two earth ponies whimper, Meteorite Hellfire slams her front legs down and shoves the two earth ponies' heads into the ground and knocks them out, Meteorite Hellfire puts the bits back in her saddlebag and went south. Meteorite Hellfire goes to Appleloosa and hears running behind her,

"Oh, are you two okay?" Meteorite Hellfire heard Fluttershy ask, she turns around and saw her with Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack,

"So that's what that loud noise was." Rainbow Dash said, the six get their heads out of the ground and saw they were unconscious,

"Come on, y'all, let's get 'em to the hospital." Applejack said, and the six run back to Ponyville with Pinkie Pie and Applejack carrying the two on their backs, Meteorite Hellfire looks forward while she clicked her tongue,

"Serves them right." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she walks south. Meteorite Hellfire arrives in Appleloosa and looks around, she saw nothing of interest, she sighs and goes back north, she sees Canterlot and saw the sun was beginning to set, so she decided to go back to Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and saw fire pony foals playing with her sports equipment that she kept outside,

"Hi, kids." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Hi, Meteorite Hellfire." the foals said, and Meteorite Hellfire enters her home, puts her saddlebag and sword down, and sighs as she sat. Meteorite Hellfire sits and relaxes until knocking was heard at her door,

"Who is it?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It's me." Scorpion replied,

"Come on in." Meteorite Hellfire said, and Scorpion entered and closed the door, he walks to her,

"Can you help me with my math homework?" Scorpion asked,

"Remember, Scorpion, I didn't go to school, so I won't be able to do much." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Any help is appreciated." Scorpion said, Meteorite Hellfire smiles and she goes over to help him. Meteorite Hellfire does the adding and subtracting for Scorpion, but she got stuck on the multiplication and division problems,

"Sorry, Scorpion, but that's all I can do." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Oh, come on, Meteorite Hellfire, please?" Scorpion asked,

"Scorpion, I'm sorry, but I don't know how to multiply or divide." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Scorpion becomes sad,

"Have you tried asking your parents?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"They don't know how, either." Scorpion replied,

"They didn't go to school, either?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, they did, but mom and dad said they didn't teach this when they were kids." Scorpion replied,

"Where did this multiplication and division come from anyway?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Mother Nature, she said we have to learn it since the other three areas of Nature Valley teach it." Scorpion replied,

"Well, there's nothing I can do, try asking somepony else." Meteorite Hellfire said, and Scorpion left. Meteorite Hellfire stands up and walks outside, she decides to help with the Season Festival, so she puts up banners with her telekinesis and Fahrenheit helped her as well, the two smile at one another but they stop when they see Volcano and Heat Wave were fighting again, the two and the other fire ponies cheer them on, Volcano wins the round and they cheer. Everypony goes back to what they were doing and Meteorite Hellfire finishes with the banners for the day, she walks south but stops when she sees something that catches her eye, it was Tsunami, she was stretching and trying to get into shape, Meteorite Hellfire smiles and trots to southern Nature Valley to help her. Tsunami continues stretching and held her front legs out, but she feels a hoof on her left talon,

"Huh?" Tsunami asked as she looked to her left and saw Meteorite Hellfire,

"Finally decided to take up training, I see." Meteorite Hellfire said with a smile on her face,

"Here to make fun of me?" Tsunami asked,

"Actually, I'm here to help." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Really? Thank you." Tsunami said elatedly as she faced Meteorite Hellfire and held her talons together, she saw black footprints behind Meteorite Hellfire,

"Alright, Tsunami, one way I get in shape is shadow boxing, you need to stand on your hind legs like this." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she stood on her hind legs with her front legs in the air. Tsunami tries and has trouble,

"Ah! Whoa, whoaaaaah." Tsunami said as she swung her front legs around to keep her balance but fell, she tries again but fell again,

"Come on, Tsunami, this is easy." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Maybe for you." Tsunami replied, and she tried again but fell, Meteorite Hellfire stands on all fours again and slapped her own forehead with her front right hoof and shook her head. Meteorite Hellfire gets down into the snow and begins crawling forward, Tsunami did as well, Meteorite Hellfire crawled across southern Nature Valley with ease but Tsunami was panting when she was only a quarter of the distance Meteorite Hellfire traveled, Meteorite Hellfire rolled her eyes. Meteorite Hellfire walked to Tsunami,

"Get up, Tsunami." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she did,

"I'm going to do the most basic of tests, testing your reflexes, I punch, kick, and buck, and you try to block, okay?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, Tsunami nodded and got ready. Meteorite Hellfire reeled up on her hind legs again and got into a fighting stance, Meteorite Hellfire does three punches, one to Tsunami's left side, one to her chest, and one to her right side, she could not block any of them and yelped in pain from the last hit,

"Ow." Tsunami said, Meteorite Hellfire does a quick punch to Tsunami's beak with her front right hoof and she screamed as she fell,

"Oh, come on, Tsunami, you're too slow." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You're too fast." Tsunami replied,

"I'm going as slow as I can." Meteorite Hellfire said in a slightly annoyed tone, Tsunami was shocked since Meteorite Hellfire's punches were lightning fast, her strikes could not be seen,

"Come on, get up." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she did after a minute, she tried again and Meteorite Hellfire does a punch with her front right hoof and hits Tsunami to the left side of her abdomen, her punch was too fast to be seen. Tsunami held onto the left side of her abdomen with her talons while she yelped and fell onto the ground in pain,

"Ow, ow, ow." Tsunami said as she clutched the area Meteorite Hellfire hit,

"I've only started, Tsunami, you have a long way to go." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami groaned loudly in anger,

"This is why I hate exercise." Tsunami said,

"You wouldn't be out of shape if you didn't eat all of those rich foods and chocolate." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and Tsunami stood up, but she stumbled since she was in pain,

"You're kidding me, that's the most you can endure, you're even worse than me when I first started training." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Meteorite Hellfire, remember, us water ponies are not fighters like the fire ponies and ground ponies." Tsunami replied,

"Well, that's your problem." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she did more punches with her front hoofs, all of them hit Tsunami, she got hit in her front legs, chest, abdomen, and hind knees, she yelped and fell onto the ground, she was too hurt to get up that time,

"You keep working on your endurance, Tsunami, come see me when you want to train more." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she heads home. Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and she saw the fire ponies were relaxing and having fun for the night, she sees Scorpion standing in front of her,

"Well?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Nopony knows how to multiply or divide. The teacher's asking Mother Nature how to do it." Scorpion replied, Meteorite Hellfire looks to her right and sees a female fire pony asking Mother Nature about math, Mother Nature shook her head while she looked down with her front right hoof on her forehead,

"Well, I've got free time, you and the foals want to watch me drive the cart?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sure." Scorpion replied, and the two trot to her home. Meteorite Hellfire gets into her cart and turns on the ignition while Scorpion's teacher came back,

"Okay, here I go." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she drives the cart around and does turns and swerves while the fire ponies watched and had fun,

"Whoo-hoo!" Meteorite Hellfire said as she did doughnuts with the cart and hit the banners and broke the poles, the fire ponies cheered when she broke a banner, she drives the cart around again and the fire ponies dodge it and have fun while Meteorite Hellfire had fun as well, she hits a fire pony's house and breaks part of it, the fire ponies cheer when she did, the foals play a game and dodge the cart when she was near,

"I'm gonna get you." Meteorite Hellfire said, the foals have fun and they continue until Meteorite Hellfire crashes the cart and damages the engine, she tries to drive the cart back to where she had it parked but the engine stutters and dies, Meteorite Hellfire climbs out of her cart and pushes it back to where she had it parked, everypony saw it was late, so they all went to bed and slept. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and uses the bathroom and has breakfast, she goes outside with her toolbox and begins to fix her cart, she goes under it and begins working on it, she undoes one of the wires and the black oil falls out and onto her, Meteorite Hellfire ignores it and she continues working on the engine, she finishes and turns on her cart, it ran perfectly, Meteorite Hellfire smiles and turns it off, she puts the toolbox back in her home and walks around, she goes to the south of western Nature Valley and saw Tsunami training herself again, she goes over to see her. Tsunami hears chuckling to her left and looks, she saw Meteorite Hellfire coming,

"Looks like you're getting the hang of it." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami exclaimed with shock,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said, she saw Meteorite Hellfire was covered completely in black motor oil from her cart back at home,

"I was busy fixing my cart this morning." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You could at least clean yourself up before you come here." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire chuckles and she trots to Tsunami's home,

"No, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said as she changed her front right leg to water and stretched it out, she grabs her with her talon and pulls her back,

"You are not entering my house like that." Tsunami said,

"I'm just going to go see Avalanche." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You are still not entering my home like that, last time you came in with oil, it took me and the others hours to clean." Tsunami said,

"I'm right here, Meteorite Hellfire." Avalanche said as he walked to them, Meteorite Hellfire trotted to him and they hugged one another, Tsunami was uncomfortable with her hugging Avalanche due to the oil on her getting on him,

"Has everything been alright?" Avalanche asked,

"Yeah, just training back at home, don't have much time to have fun." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I do miss hanging out with you." Avalanche said,

"Yeah, I miss those days, too." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, I have to help prepare for the Season Festival, I have little time to talk right now." Avalanche said,

"Okay, I'll leave you be, then." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she trotted back to her home. Meteorite Hellfire trots to her home and takes a shower to wash the oil off, she goes outside and puts up banners for the Season Festival,

"Hey, I'm going to explore a bit again, I'll be back." Meteorite Hellfire said, Fahrenheit nods and he takes over while Meteorite Hellfire trotted out of Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire goes north and looks around, she sees nothing of interest, she sighs and was about to head back, but her gem vibrates, she realized Corrupted was near. Meteorite Hellfire walks around slowly while her gem vibrated faster, she keeps going and coal is shot at her, she jumps and falls down, she sees five fire pony colts appear, they had locomotive parts in them. The fire ponies release black smoke and Meteorite Hellfire coughs, they shoot coal out of their mouths and hit her, she let out an annoyed groan and just uses her gem to shoot a beam at them and cure them for a short amount of time, she uses her telekinesis and carries them back to the center of Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire arrives at the center of Nature Valley and Earthquake trotting over, and Tsunami flew there a few seconds later, Raging Tornado flew to them a minute later, the four lay down the Corrupted, Tsunami had three water ponies with white metallic tubes on them, Earthquake one ground pony with a buzz saw in its chest and abdomen, and Raging Tornado had two air ponies with vacuum cleaners in their torsos, the four gems shoot out a beam and cure the Corrupted, Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado headed home. Meteorite Hellfire began to shadow box again to pass the time, two and a half hours pass and a shadow appeared on the ground, Meteorite Hellfire and the fire ponies look up and see a phoenix in the sky,

"I sense a familiar presence around here, I sense the fire demon that has killed my family and the other animals, I am Sunbird, I am here in the name of vengeance." the phoenix said, the fire ponies run away,

"Oh, come on, this is the fourth time this happened." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Prepare yourself, fire demon, in the name of my family and those animals, you shall die." Sunbird said, and he flies down.

Sunbird flaps his wings and sends waves of fire towards Meteorite Hellfire, she tries to jump over it while doing a somersault, but the fire hit her, her head catches on fire but it extinguishes herself, Meteorite Hellfire realized she was immune to Sunbird's fire. Sunbird flies down with his talons open, he tries to grab Meteorite Hellfire, but she throws fireballs out of her front hoofs at him, she saw it had no effect,

"So, my fire isn't going to work against him." Meteorite Hellfire said as she tried to think of a way to fight him,

"Whoa!" Meteorite Hellfire said as his talons were in front of her and about to grab her, she ducks and he misses. Sunbird flies up and focuses on Meteorite Hellfire, he shoots fire out of his mouth and Meteorite Hellfire just stood there and let the fire hit her since it had no effect, she thinks about Blazing Inferno and gets angry, she changes to her nirik form and runs to him, Sunbird flies down and begins diving, Meteorite Hellfire runs and jumps, but Sunbird grabs her with his beak. Sunbird flies up and through the sky, Meteorite Hellfire feels the strong wind and it spreads her nirik fire across the sky, she sees Sunbird catch on fire, but to her surprise, nirik fire had no effect on him. Sunbird flies down but retained his speed, Meteorite Hellfire becomes shocked when she sees that he was aiming to ram her into the houses around western Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis to move the parts Sunbird tried to ram her head into, she broke the roofs in the process, she changes back to normal and sees she could not hit Sunbird with the way he held her in his beak, so she changes to her fire form and begins to shapeshift, she changes to a bipedal horned demon and hits the top of Sunbird's head with the bottom of her fists, he screeches and Meteorite Hellfire falls. Meteorite Hellfire changes back to her kirin form and uses telekinesis to float down, but Sunbird flies to her at high speeds while screeching, Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis to make herself go up and makes him miss her, she floats back down onto the ground. Meteorite Hellfire looks around and saw the fire ponies were standing by and watching with anticipation and nervousness, Sunbird screeches while he came to Meteorite Hellfire, she gets angry thinking about why she got attacked, she acts on impulse and jumps onto Sunbird's head, she picks him up with her front hoofs and throws him into northern Nature Valley, he screeches as he went through the air.

Meteorite Hellfire walks slowly and angrily to northern Nature Valley after she lands, Sunbird smashes through a wall and three screams of shock were heard. Sunbird gurgles in pain,

"What is this power?" Sunbird asked, Meteorite Hellfire huffs and puffs while she had a very angry expression on her face with her teeth exposed, she saw the three living in the house, it was Raging Tornado and her two younger sisters, Hurricane and Cyclone,

"Who are you?" Sunbird asked, red fire appears around Meteorite Hellfire, she changes to an afterimage of Blazing Inferno, scaring Raging Tornado and her two sisters,

"No, it can't be, Blazing Inferno, my family's killer." Sunbird said,

"I'm not, I'm her sister, Meteorite Hellfire, and I am sick of taking heat of the things she did!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily, she changes into a big blob of fire and burns the creature,

"No, stop! Meteorite Hellfire!" Raging Tornado said, she runs to her and flaps her wings to put the fire out. Meteorite Hellfire changes back to normal and was huffing and puffing,

"Calm down." Raging Tornado said,

"HOW?! I am being attacked by enemies of my sister, they want revenge against me! I'm tired of being forced to take the heat for Blazing Inferno's actions!" Meteorite Hellfire replied angrily,

"Meteorite Hellfire!" Raging Tornado said angrily, Meteorite Hellfire was getting angry again, she looks and saw a scared Hurricane and Cyclone, she becomes shocked and calms down when she saw Cyclone, Sunbird flies away,

"Sorry about damaging your home, Raging Tornado, I'll fix it tomorrow." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Okay, come on, Meteorite Hellfire, you can stay here tonight." Raging Tornado replied, and she carries Meteorite Hellfire, who was tired after her fit of rage. Meteorite Hellfire lays in the bed and sighs,

"Who is this, big sis?" Cyclone asked,

"Meteorite Hellfire, she's the current bearer of the Element of Fire." Raging Tornado replied,

"Hi, sorry I broke your wall." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"It's alright, make sure you fix it tomorrow." Hurricane replied, Meteorite Hellfire nodded,

"You want to wear makeup while you're here?" Cyclone asked,

"I don't wear makeup." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh." Cyclone said, Meteorite Hellfire looks at Hurricane, who was wearing a white long-sleeve, floor-length dress with blue trimmings on them, she had blue high heel shoes on all four of her hoofs, and a silver drop earring with a gray tornado in each ear,

"What's with the fancy dress and jewelry?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I had a date earlier, just got home." Hurricane replied, Raging Tornado trotted to her,

"See, Meteorite Hellfire, there are some missions we'll have to wear dresses to fight the Corrupted." Raging Tornado said,

"Oh no, no way, I am not putting on a dress." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Hurricane and Cyclone giggled,

"Hurricane, Cyclone, don't do that, Meteorite Hellfire's already getting mad at her sister." Raging Tornado said,

"Sister's name?" Cyclone asked, Meteorite Hellfire got angry by just thinking about her,

"I'll take it you don't have a good relationship with her." Hurricane said,

"Never did." Meteorite Hellfire replied while grumbling and gritting her teeth,

"I remember Blazing Inferno, she was a loud one." Hurricane said,

"Yeah, and kept me up all night with her loud music." Meteorite Hellfire replied while raising her voice,

"Come on, it's late, let's sleep." Raging Tornado said, and they all go to sleep after Hurricane takes her dress, makeup, and jewelry off. Meteorite Hellfire has dreams where she and Blazing Inferno were fighting again, but Meteorite Hellfire was losing, so Nuclear Blaze joined the fight and attacked Meteorite Hellfire,

"What? Mom?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Survival of the fittest, Meteorite Hellfire, don't choose one side and stay on it, fight for the strongest side of all times, right now, you're the weak side, that is why I'm siding with your sister. Come on, Blazing Inferno." Nuclear Blaze replied, and the two proceed to beat her, Meteorite Hellfire woke up just before she was physically attacked, she pants and sweated, she heads outside and gets a bucket of wall plaster from an air pony who just left it outside, she takes the plastering trowel and heads back and starts working on fixing the wall.

Morning comes and Meteorite Hellfire was already up and fixing the wall to the house, Raging Tornado opens her eyes and looks at the time, she quickly sits up in bed and Hurricane and Cyclone fall out of the bed,

"Oh no, I'm late!" Raging Tornado said, Hurricane looks at the calendar,

"Raging Tornado, you're off from work today." Hurricane said,

"Wait, I am?" Raging Tornado asked, and she looks at the calendar and saw she was, she became embarrassed while Hurricane shook her head with disapproval while Cyclone was almost laughing at her oldest sister's mistake,

"Oh, Raging Tornado, you're late at things in your personal life, too." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Hey!" Raging Tornado replied, Hurricane and Cyclone laugh a little, Raging Tornado's gem glows,

"Oh, Mother Nature's calling, I have to get going." Raging Tornado said, and she leaves while Hurricane and Cyclone go back to sleep while Meteorite Hellfire continues fixing the wall and was humming a tune.

Meteorite Hellfire continues to fix the wall and she hears running, the door opens and male air ponies enter, Meteorite Hellfire recognized both of them, one was Downburst, Raging Tornado's father, and the other was Gusty, Hurricane's boyfriend,

"We heard the noise last night, are you all alright?" Downburst asked,

"Yes, father, we're fine." Hurricane replied,

"Raging Tornado? Cyclone?" Gusty asked with worry,

"I'm right here, Gusty." Cyclone replied,

"Where's Raging Tornado?" Downburst asked,

"She just got called by Mother Nature." Meteorite Hellfire replied as she fixed the wall,

"Who are you?" Downburst asked, Meteorite Hellfire turns around and they see her gem,

"Oh, you're current bearer of the Element of Fire." Downburst said,

"Yeah, I broke the wall by mistake last night." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"So, that's what the noise was. What did you do?" Gusty asked,

"Fight, I threw the person over here without looking." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I see, well, go on and keep working, I'm surprised you're almost done fixing the wall." Downburst said, Meteorite Hellfire chuckles,

"Say, do any of you know why Raging Tornado is always late?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Actually, no, I don't." Hurricane replied,

"Me neither." Cyclone said,

"She was always like that, even when she was little, you should know that, you and her played together." Downburst said,

"I remember." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"To be honest, I do wonder about from time to time as well." Gusty said, the others nod and Meteorite Hellfire finishes,

"There, done." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Thank you, be more careful next time." Hurricane replied, Meteorite Hellfire nods while smiling and she exits the house while smiling and puts the plaster bucket and trowel back and heads back home. Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and begins to train, she was holding dumbbells in her front hoofs, she was jumping up with her hind legs and throwing her front legs over her head and hitting the dumbbells against one another, the dumbbells weighed seventy five pounds, the fire ponies look and watch her, Meteorite Hellfire's front legs begin to burn and she began to grunt every time when she jumped up and threw her front legs over her head after several reps, she does one more and stands on the ground while panting and sweating, she put the dumbbells back and went to go use the leg press. Meteorite Hellfire puts weight plates on the leg press, she had put a total of five hundred pounds on it, Meteorite Hellfire moves the side bars down and begins exercising her hind legs. Meteorite Hellfire grunts and growls while she uses the leg press, she hears a beeping sound and saw her gem glowing, Meteorite Hellfire sighs and puts the side bars back up, she uses telekinesis to take the weight plates off while she walked to the center of Nature Valley.

Meteorite Hellfire arrives at the center of Nature Valley and saw Mother Nature there, she also saw Earthquake walking over, she arrived a few seconds later,

"Okay, good, you're both here, Raging Tornado and Tsunami will be back soon with Corrupted to cure, they should be arriving shortly." Mother Nature said, and she goes into the ground,

"I sacrificed my training time for this?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Your training time?" Earthquake asked,

"Yeah, I'm training to improve my body, I was going to continue, but Mother Nature called me and messed it up." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What are you training for?" Earthquake asked,

"To fight my sister, she's been attacking me a few times." Meteorite Hellfire replied, which was a lie,

"Speaking of fighting, my family and I did that fighting for money thing." Earthquake said,

"This isn't fighting for fun, Earthquake, this is serious." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, well, don't you have a job?" Earthquake asked,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Then what are you doing?" Earthquake asked,

"Either training, doing my hobbies, or seeing my friends, I'm actually kind of busy." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I figured, just try to take it easy, okay." Earthquake said,

"I am, how about you? How's work?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I like it, but Rarity does get on my nerves at times." Earthquake replied,

"Yeah, can't blame you, Rarity is more of Raging Tornado's type of person in terms of taste." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Why don't you like dresses for?" Earthquake asked,

"They're too tight, I don't have complete maneuverability, it drags on the floor and ground, it gets stuck onto things, and I have to hold it up with my telekinesis to go upstairs." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What about the dresses and skirts that only go partially down your legs?" Earthquake asked,

"I still don't like those, I think they're ugly." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Even though you can move more freely?" Earthquake asked,

"I'll stick to no clothes for the time being." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You still need an outfit for formal occasions." Earthquake said,

"I've got a tuxedo." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"A tuxedo?" Earthquake asked,

"Yup, I've got pants to go with it, too." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Most ponies in Equestria don't wear pants." Earthquake said,

"Well, I'm not from Equestria, and I think the pants completes the outfit." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You got shoes for it, too, right?" Earthquake asked,

"Yeah, just regular dress shoes for males, I'm not wearing high heels." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why not?" Earthquake asked,

"They hurt, and I can't walk in them." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Is it just you that's like this in your family?" Earthquake asked,

"No, my mom and sister hated dresses and high heels, too." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, so it's a family thing." Earthquake said,

"Yeah." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How have things been for you, Meteorite Hellfire?" Earthquake asked,

"Fine, I do get a bit lonely at home, though." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh right, you don't have a family like the rest of us do." Earthquake said,

"Yeah, so I ask the fire ponies to keep me company, Blazing Inferno isn't helping matters, either." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake looked down,

"How have you been, Earthquake?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Working on my modeling career, and trying to win a stallion's heart." Earthquake replied,

"I hope you're not as big as a romantic as Tsunami is." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"What are your adventures with her like?" Earthquake asked,

"Conflicting, Tsunami always worries about others and is always wanting to look at the fashion, smell the flowers, see the dancing, learn how to make the jewelry, ugh, she wastes so much time." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Fashion, flowers, and dancing, I agree, but making jewelry? That takes too long." Earthquake said,

"How about you, what's it like being with Raging Tornado?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I had to get her out of jail yesterday." Earthquake said,

"Really?" Meteorite Hellfire asked while laughing, Earthquake nodded,

"I accidentally busted a wall in her home last night." Meteorite Hellfire said, Earthquake chuckled a bit.

Raging Tornado and Tsunami arrive at the center of Nature Valley and the four use their gems to cure the Corrupted, they head back and Raging Tornado just stood there while the others left. Meteorite Hellfire leaves Nature Valley again and decided to train with her sword in the wilderness, she swings it around and cut a few trees down to test how sharp it was, she liked it, and continued training. Meteorite Hellfire stops training when she hears slithering around her, it sounded like a giant snake, she then heard an elephant trumpet in the same direction, Meteorite Hellfire gets ready and saw a big gray snake body coming to her, it comes to her and she sees it had the head of an elephant and tusks, Meteorite Hellfire was a little scared since she knew what the animal was,

"I thought I smelled a familiar scent in the area, you are related to Blazing Inferno, the one who attacked us and nearly wiped us out, only I survived, I was a kid at that time." the creature said,

"As I told the others, Grootslang, your feud's my sister." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"As those who were attacked by her said, all members of her family are guilty." Grootslang said, Meteorite Hellfire becomes defensive,

"Didn't Sunbird pass the word?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It matters not, prepare yourself." Grootslang replied,

"To be honest, I can care less about your kind, you grootslangs are always attacking and eating innocent people, even if I wasn't Blazing Inferno's sister, you were going to attack me anyway." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"*chuckle* True, prepare yourself, Meteorite Hellfire, I am one of Grogar's most powerful creations." Grootslang replied, and the two were ready to fight. Grootslang slithers around and uses his body to surround the area, and Meteorite Hellfire had no way to escape, Grootslang lowers himself and opens his mouth and tries to eat Meteorite Hellfire, she saw she had no room to dodge, so she holds his jaws open with her front hoofs, his breath stank. Grootslang sucks her up with his trunk and places her in his mouth, Meteorite Hellfire holds his teeth up and grunts since she was having trouble keeping his teeth from chewing her up, Grootslang's spit falls onto her and makes it slippery, Meteorite Hellfire sees herself losing her grip and was almost slipping, so she shoots fire out of her horn and sets the inside of Grootslang's mouth on fire, he reels up and lets out a loud trumpet of pain while he opened his mouth, Meteorite Hellfire began to fall into his esophagus, but she uses telekinesis to fly out of his mouth and back outside. Grootslang burrows into the ground and Meteorite Hellfire held her sword in her front right hoof as she looked around for him, Grootslang comes out of the ground under Meteorite Hellfire's feet and she stumbled,

"Whoa." Meteorite Hellfire said as she fell and dropped the sword, Grootslang's body made her tumble around as he slid with the top of his body above the ground and rest of it below, Meteorite Hellfire was grabbed by Grootslang's tail and brought under the ground with him. Meteorite Hellfire was hit by all of the tree trunks and dirt under the ground, which really hurt, she tries to use telekinesis on Grootslang, but he was too big and too heavy to pick up, Meteorite Hellfire changes to her fire form and shapeshifts into a tiger, she tries to scratch Grootslang, but she could not cut through his scales, so she grabs his tail, and undoes it, she frees herself and uses telekinesis on herself to go back up to the surface. Meteorite Hellfire arrives back up at the surface and sees her sword, she runs to it and uses telekinesis on it at the same time, she gets it and hears Grootslang under the ground, she turns around and saw the ground moving up and the trees tilting to the sides, Grootslang comes up and lets out a trumpet sound out of his trunk, Meteorite Hellfire tries to do a vertical slash with her sword, but his scales could not be cut through and the sword got deflected back, much to Meteorite Hellfire's shock. Grootslang lifts his trunk up and moves his head down, he slides towards Meteorite Hellfire and saw he was going to try to ram her with his tusks, she puts the sword on her back with telekinesis while grabbing his tusks with her front hoofs, she lifts him up slowly since he was heavy, she grunted as she lifted him up and Grootslang was in stunned shock, Meteorite Hellfire continues to pick him up and was now laying on her back since he was very big, she soon lifted him off of the ground completely and let out a loud grunt when she threw him.

Meteorite Hellfire panted heavily while she laid on the ground, she stands up and puts the sword back on her back, she begins to walk back to Nature Valley but stops when she heard slithering, she turns around and saw Grootslang coming back. Meteorite Hellfire growls and changes to a nirik, she shoots nirik fire out of her horn and hits Grootslang, the fire did nothing and it extinguishes itself, Meteorite Hellfire changed to regular fire and combined it with her nirik fire, she shoots them out together and it still did nothing to Grootslang. Grootslang grabs Meteorite Hellfire with his trunk, she grunts as she was carried, he places her onto a tree and lets go of her, he begins to wrap his body around the tree in an attempt to squash Meteorite Hellfire to pieces. Meteorite Hellfire feels her getting crushed and could not breathe, Grootslang finishes wrapping his body around the tree and he begins to tighten himself. Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis on the tree and lifts it out of the ground, Grootslang's weight made it even heavier, she also changes to fire and floats down to the ground, she changes back to her kirin form and picks up the tree while grunting, she lets out a loud grunt and throws the tree far away. Meteorite Hellfire pants and looks around to see if she can use the environment to her advantage, she sees two trees close together and a boulder on a cliff to the left, she hears Grootslang coming and she saw him, she runs and he chases her, Meteorite Hellfire runs to the two trees and goes between them while Grootslang tries to go through and he gets stuck, he begins to wobble around and the trees were shaking a lot, about to ripped out of the ground, Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis on the boulder and drops it onto Grootslang's back, he let out a trumpet sound of pain. Meteorite Hellfire pants heavily while she had black dirt marks on her body,

"You are a weakling, once when I contact Grogar, you will be done for." Grootslang said, Meteorite Hellfire was uneasy,

"Emperor Grogar, Father of Monsters, I call upon you to grant me one last surge of power so that I may finish off this foe, and to serve you in retaking Equestria once again." Grootslang said, the sky darkens and two red eyes appear in the sky, Meteorite Hellfire looks to her left and at the eyes,

"Gro... gar." Grootslang said,

"You grootslangs have failed me, you all can't even catch one prey, and I have plans with four other people that are more powerful and cunning than you and the rest of your kind ever were, so I no longer have any use of you, either, so begone." Grogar said, and yellow beams fire down onto Grootslang,

"No! Father! No!" Grootslang said, and he screams as his body was completely obliterated and not a trace of him remained, Meteorite Hellfire looks at Grogar with horror while his eyes disappeared and he laughed. Meteorite Hellfire looked at where Grootslang was originally at, she was horrified and disgusted with what Grogar just did, she soon felt sad and closed her eyes with sorrow, her gem soon glowed and she saw Mother Nature was calling her, so she went back home.

Mother Nature was waiting for Meteorite Hellfire and she trotted to the center of Nature Valley,

"Where have you been, Meteorite Hellfire?" Mother Nature asked,

"Why are you asking that for?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You have been leaving Nature Valley more than anyone." Mother Nature replied,

"Raging Tornado and Earthquake are leaving, too." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"That's because they have jobs outside of Nature Valley, you don't." Mother Nature replied,

"I can't go to Kirin Grove?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Rain Shine said you weren't there, now, answer me, where have you been going all of this time?" Mother Nature asked,

"Exploring Equestria." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why?" Mother Nature asked,

"So I can get a better idea of where the locations are at." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, so that's what you been doing, my apologies, Meteorite Hellfire." Mother Nature said,

"I have things to ask you as well." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Yes?" Mother Nature asked,

"Why didn't you stop my sister from killing all of those animals?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"There was nothing I could do, she did that behind all of our backs, I didn't find out until it was too late." Mother Nature replied,

"Why didn't you take the element away from her?" Meteorite Hellfire asked while raising her voice a bit,

"Blazing Inferno already died when I found out." Mother Nature replied,

"But you control nature." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Only the fire, the weather, and the flora, Meteorite Hellfire, I have no control over the fauna." Mother Nature replied,

"Then who does?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked in an irritated tone,

"I don't know." Mother Nature replied in a calm tone, Meteorite Hellfire growled while she grew fangs and had nirik fire over her eyes,

"I'm sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, but there is nothing I can do to help with that, head on home, it's almost dark." Mother Nature said, and Meteorite Hellfire walked home while calming down. Meteorite Hellfire was outside and lifting a barbell with her front hoofs while she laid down, she grunts as she lifts up the barbell, she tries to do another rep but drops it on her neck, she grunts and uses telekinesis on it and puts it back on the rack, she takes the weight plates off with her telekinesis and then goes into her house and sleeps on the floor. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and uses the bathroom and has vegetables and water for breakfast, she heads outside and saw Fahrenheit,

"You have time for a round?" Fahrenheit asked, Meteorite Hellfire looks around and saw preparations for the Season Festival was almost complete,

"Yeah, I do." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the two begin to fight, the two have fun and punch one another with their front hoofs while the fire ponies cheer them on, Meteorite Hellfire was careful since wielding the Element of Fire increased her physical strength, but her biggest weakness was her element was the slowest of the four, which Meteorite Hellfire worked around by training her body, the two continue and Meteorite Hellfire won the fight, the fire ponies cheer while Fahrenheit smiled,

"You still got it." Fahrenheit said, Meteorite Hellfire smiled and Fahrenheit walked away, Meteorite Hellfire felt lonely and decided she should go see Avalanche, so she went over to Tsunami's home, she knocks on the door with her front right hoof,

"Who is it?" a male voice asked, Meteorite Hellfire recognized the voice, it was Limnic, a servant to Tsunami's family,

"It's me." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the door opened and Meteorite Hellfire saw it was Avalanche,

"Good morning, Meteorite Hellfire." Avalanche said,

"Morning." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Come on in, you must be hungry." Avalanche said, and she enters, she saw Tsunami's family, she saw all of their servants as well, they were Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Winter, Splash, Celsius, Kelvin, Igloo, Downpour, Snow, Rain, Sleet, Sub Zero, and Ice,

"What brings you here, Meteorite Hellfire?" Typhoon asked,

"Just thought I'd come over, I was hoping to catch up with Avalanche today." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Sorry, but I have to work to prepare the Season Festival today." Avalanche said,

"I can hang out with you today." Tsunami said,

"What about you, Blizzard?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Nope, I'm going to go see Storm today." Blizzard replied,

"How about the rest of you?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, but Igloo, Snow, and I have to clean the house today." Winter replied,

"And the rest of us adults have to prepare for the Season Festival." Kelvin said,

"What about you kids?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sorry, but we have to go to school." Hailstorm replied,

"You still wish you could wield the Element of Water, Hailstorm?" Tsunami asked,

"Sometimes, yes." Hailstorm replied,

"Hailstorm, wielding one of the elements is no easy feat, they have to keep all of us safe from danger." Cold Wave said,

"But still." Hailstorm said,

"That reminds me, does Queen Novo know about the male hippogriffs that leave Mount Aris from here and never come back?" Ice Storm asked,

"She does, but she has to keep it a secret." Cold Wave replied,

"How come?" Ice asked,

"Because others will come looking for this place, which could spell trouble, the male hippogriffs are sworn by secrecy not to tell anygriff of this place, it is punishable by death." Celsius replied, shocking Tsunami and the other kids,

"Is that for every family in this area?" Tsunami asked,

"No, only us, we're the only ones who have hippogriffs in our family." Typhoon replied,

"What about your family, Meteorite Hellfire?" Ice asked,

"Yeah, male kirins have to obey the same law." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Not just us, Pegasi and earth ponies have to as well." Kelp said,

"What about unicorns?" Blizzard asked,

"Raging Tornado's and Earthquake's families are not permitted to marry unicorns." Snow replied,

"It's almost time for school, we need to finish our meals." Typhoon said, and they do and wash the dishes together, Meteorite Hellfire had a small meal and washed the dish with the others, everybody went on with their days while Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami spent time together. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami went to Mount Aris, they were seeing Terramar,

"Hi, again, I didn't think you'd come back here." Terramar said,

"I'm only here because Tsunami came." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, well, are you enjoying your time here?" Terramar asked,

"It's alright." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Terramar frowned,

"What do you want to do today, Terramar?" Tsunami asked,

"Want to look and admire the pearl again?" Terramar asked,

"Sure." Tsunami replied, and they change to seaponies and swim into the water, Meteorite Hellfire sighs and trots on top of the water. Meteorite Hellfire trots back and forth while she waits for Tsunami and Terramar to finish what they were doing, she overhears them as well, she waits for twenty minutes until she growled, which startled Tsunami,

"I'm sorry, Terramar, but I have to go, my friend's waiting." Tsunami said,

"Oh, I forgot about her, too, see you later, then, Tsunami." Terramar replied, and Tsunami swims back up.

Meteorite Hellfire trots around impatiently and Tsunami comes up to the surface,

"I'm back, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said,

"What took you so long?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked while just barely restraining herself from raising her voice,

"Sorry, I was doing noble family duties." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire glares at her,

"Honestly, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said, Meteorite Hellfire glares even more,

"What does admiring a pearl have to do with noble family duties?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, Tsunami was briefly speechless,

"It's... to make sure it remains clean." Tsunami replied nervously and smiles,

"Yeah, let's just go with that." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Come on, let's go find Earthquake and Raging Tornado." Tsunami replied, and she changes to a hippogriff and flies to Mount Aris while Meteorite Hellfire trotted on top of the water, the two arrive on Mount Aris and trot away. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami arrive into Equestria and Meteorite Hellfire was trotting quickly while glaring,

"Meteorite Hellfire, wait for me." Tsunami said while sweating and panting, she was trotting after her,

"Well, that's what you get for being the fattest member of the group." Meteorite Hellfire replied while just barely concealing her anger, Tsunami gasped and her face blushed a deep purple with embarrassment, she puffed up her cheeks and let out an angry groan,

"That's not going to help you lose weight." Meteorite Hellfire said as she continued trotting, Tsunami calmed down and flew to her,

"Look, I'm sorry, I really am, I got carried away." Tsunami said,

"You wasted my time in the process." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Please, you must understand, that pearl is sacred to us." Tsunami said,

"What is so sacred about it?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"That pearl is what allows me and the others to transform, my necklace is a part of that pearl." Tsunami replied,

"You need a trinket to transform?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Um, yes, you already know that." Tsunami replied,

"And to think, I only need my emotions." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami did not like her response,

"I'm really sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, I'll make it up to you." Tsunami said,

"You never make up anything to me, even when we were kids, you, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado were always the ones who couldn't get things done, it's always me, I have to watch over you three, I have to protect you three from harm, it's me who got your things back when they were stolen, you three never did anything!" Meteorite Hellfire replied, Tsunami gasped for a second and had a shocked face,

"Don't give me that look, whenever you three had something stolen, I ran after them and got them back, while you three just sat there and cried." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami felt bad because Meteorite Hellfire was right, they really did do that, she sighed shortly afterwards,

"Come on, maybe Earthquake and Raging Tornado can lighten up the mood." Meteorite Hellfire said, and Tsunami landed and trotted with her, happy that she still wanted to see the two. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami arrive in Equestria and trot around, they found Raging Tornado and Earthquake eventually,

"There you two are." Tsunami said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake look forward and saw Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami coming,

"We're together, you guys wanna try buckball?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I'll pass, I'm not into sports." Tsunami replied,

"I guess, it might be fun." Raging Tornado said,

"Get in shape, too, girl's got to watch her figure." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado and Tsunami laugh with her, Meteorite Hellfire did not laugh,

"Come on, let's play." Raging Tornado said, and they walk together. Meteorite Hellfire, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado were about to play buckball, Tsunami sat on the ground and read a book,

"Okay, here goes." Earthquake said, and she kicks a ball, Raging Tornado blocks it, Meteorite Hellfire held up the bucket with her telekinesis and was already getting bored, they play a bit and Meteorite Hellfire was bored out of her mind,

"Can I try shooting the ball?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sure, let's switch places." Earthquake replied, and they do. Meteorite Hellfire kicks the ball with her hind hoofs and Raging Tornado blocked it, she kicks the ball several times and was bored,

"Ugh, this is too boring, let's spice things up a bit." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she uses her telekinesis to look for a brown boulder, she finds one and places it down, Raging Tornado and Earthquake exclaim, Tsunami looks up and was shocked by what she saw,

"Meteorite Hellfire!" Raging Tornado said,

"Here we go." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she picks up the boulder with her front hoofs and throws it, Raging Tornado flies away while Earthquake rolls away, the two screamed in the process,

"Ha-ha! Now this is more like it!" Meteorite Hellfire said, and she uses her telekinesis to get the boulder back, she got more in the process. Meteorite Hellfire picks them up with her front hoofs and throws them, Raging Tornado and Earthquake scream while Meteorite Hellfire tried to throw a boulder into the bucket, Meteorite Hellfire keeps trying and was laughing since she had fun, she throws a boulder and it got kicked into pieces,

"What the?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, they look and saw Applejack coming, she walks to her,

"What in tarnation were ya thinkin'? Them buckets ain't for holdin' boulders." Applejack said,

"But those regular balls make it so boring." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"That ain't the point, the point is yer gonna destroy that bucket, and it's dangerous to throw boulders." Applejack said,

"Is it really that bad?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You almost hit us several times." Earthquake replied,

"See, there ya go, plus, holdin' up the goal is supposed to be yer job." Applejack said,

"Actually, Applejack, she tried it and got bored quickly." Raging Tornado replied,

"Well, ya shouldn't play somethin' dangerous like this, maybe y'all should try somethin' else." Applejack said, and she leaves, the four watch her and saw Ponyville was nearby,

"I know, let's try shopping." Tsunami said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake agreed and went with her, Meteorite Hellfire sighs and goes with them.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami have fun shopping and trying on outfits, while Meteorite Hellfire stood by and watched, she groaned while she waited impatiently for them to finish, Raging Tornado tried on modest outfits, while Earthquake tried on outfits that showed off her coat, while Tsunami tried on both types, and Meteorite Hellfire watched and waited impatiently. The gems on all four of them vibrate and Meteorite Hellfire runs out of the shop while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami took off their outfits and followed her.

The four run and Raging Tornado eventually passes Meteorite Hellfire, they go and see fire ponies, water ponies, ground ponies, and air ponies being carried away by telekinesis, the aura was sky blue, they look and see a male unicorn, they saw him from the back, he had a sky blue coat, and a gray tail,

"Halt!" Raging Tornado said, the unicorn stops and turns around, his cutie mark was a gray gear with three yellow millet plants inside of it, and his short mane and eyes were gray,

"Well, what have we here? The current bearers of the Elements of Nature." the stallion said,

"What are you doing?" Tsunami asked,

"Simple, just advancing the times, Mother Nature and her ways are outdated." the stallion replied,

"How did you find Nature Valley?" Earthquake asked,

"Magic, I found it by chance when practicing a spell." the stallion replied,

"Who are you?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Ah, apparently, the previous bearers didn't tell you, I, Big Business, am the next heir for Equestria's magic harvesting industry, my parents ran it, we are going to use the magic to empower Equestria's civilization." the stallion replied,

"You're destroying nature!" Raging Tornado said,

"That is not my concern." Big Business replied,

"What about the animals who live in nature?" Tsunami asked,

"Simple, we will have their magic extracted as well, and used to power Equestria." Big Business replied,

"What about them?! Why are you turning the elemental ponies into Corrupted?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked angrily,

"Need ponies to run my industry." Big Business replied,

"You're hurting them!" Earthquake said angrily,

"Well, too bad, I don't have time for this, get rid of them." Big Business replied, and he walks away while the fire ponies, water ponies, ground ponies, and air ponies begin to fuse together, the air ponies form the head, the fire ponies form the right upper half of the body and arm, the ground ponies form the left upper half of the body and arm, and the water ponies form the lower half of the body and legs, the elemental ponies scream in pain and form into one creature with ram horns on its head, it roars and a sword forms in its right hand, the sword had a blade of red-orange fire, a blue aura of water around it, a handle and guard made out of brown rock, and light green gusts of wind swirling around the blade.

The creature swings its sword around and sent waves of fire, water, pieces of rocks, and gusts of wind around, the four jump back and the creature runs towards Earthquake, Earthquake summons brown rocks in front of her, the creature swings its sword horizontally and cuts the rocks apart with gusts of wind, the rocks also caught on fire, Tsunami tries summoning water to harden the creature, the fire part of its body was doused, while the earth part of its body hardened and was immobile, the water and air parts of its body were unaffected, the creature roars and undoes Tsunami's water, which makes her exclaim with surprise. Raging Tornado flies around and teleports with her air magic, she flaps her wings to make gusts of wind appear, it does nothing but spread the fire from the creature's body farther, Raging Tornado focuses her mind and moves the clouds with her mind, she makes the clouds shoot out lightning to electrocute the creature, but the creature roars and does a horizontal slash with its sword, gusts of wind came out and they destroyed the clouds, much to Raging Tornado's surprise.

Meteorite Hellfire changes into fire and transforms her body into a demonic creature with two horns and big arms, she grabs the fire and earth parts of the creature, the fire part was unaffected while the earth part burned, Meteorite Hellfire shoots fire out of her mouth and onto the air part of the creature, it did nothing, the air in the creature spreads out and sends fire out everywhere,

"Look out!" Meteorite Hellfire said after she changed back, she and her three allies get on the ground to dodge the flames, Tsunami shoots water out of her talons to douse the flames. Earthquake controls the grass on the ground with her mind to make them grow into vines, they go into the water part of the creature, they grow bigger and longer and Earthquake tries to have them wrap around the creature, but only the earth part could be tied, the water part just had them float inside, the fire part burned the plants, and the air part blew them apart. The creature stretches its limbs out and the plants fly out, the creature swings its sword around diagonally and sends out waves of fire, water, and wind, along with chunks of rocks, Earthquake makes boulders appear in front of her to block the waves while the other three moved around to dodge them. The creature looks at Meteorite Hellfire and runs towards her with the intention of hitting her with its horns, Meteorite Hellfire changes back into her fire form and shoots fire out of her horn, it did not do much, only burn the earth part of the creature, Meteorite Hellfire grabs its horns with her front hoofs and holds it back, she lifts the creature off of the ground and throws it back, the creature lands on its feet.

The creature swings its sword around and sent out rocks with abstract shaped holes in them, Raging Tornado exclaims several times as she flies around to dodge them, Tsunami was bending and contorting her body to fit into the holes in the rocks, Earthquake just stood and let the rocks hit her and break, it did not hurt her, and Meteorite Hellfire punched and kicked the rocks to break them. The creature stops after sometime and roars,

"I don't think we can take it down alone. Earthquake, let's try combining our powers." Meteorite Hellfire said, and their gems glow, meteors come down from the sky and hit the creature, it destroyed the earth part of the creature, but the part regenerated,

"It didn't work, let's try ours, Tsunami." Raging Tornado said, and they do, the storm extinguishes the fire part, destroys the earth part, and overflows the water part, it regenerated from it, Meteorite Hellfire and Raging Tornado combine their powers together and create a wildfire, it did nothing but burn the earth part a little,

"Uh, I think we should combine all four of our powers together." Tsunami said in a quiet voice,

"Let's do it." Earthquake said, and they do, they create a tornado with fire, water, plants, soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay in it, the creature roars and screeches, its sword got destroyed and the creature got destroyed. The elemental ponies who were used to create the creature fell onto the ground and groaned in pain, the four pick them up and hurry back to Nature Valley, they take them to the center of Nature Valley and use their gems to cure them, they head home while Meteorite Hellfire and her allies decided to continue spending time together.

Meteorite Hellfire walks with Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado,

"So, how are you guys holding up with your roles?" Raging Tornado asked,

"It's not too bad, I like wielding the Element of Earth." Earthquake replied,

"It's alright, but I'm constantly compared to my sister, and I hate it!" Meteorite Hellfire said while raising her voice at the last part,

"Hard, so much pressure and expectations, but I can't show it, for I will bring shame upon myself if I do." Tsunami said,

"Come on, Tsunami, enough with being a proper lady, show your feelings so others will understand you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Yes, Tsunami, please, we're allies, we're supposed to work together." Raging Tornado said,

"Actually, I don't show the pressures and responsibilities it has on me, either." Earthquake said,

"You don't sound like you have any pressure on yourself." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I do, but just a little bit." Earthquake said,

"Please, Earthquake, tell me, how do you do it?" Tsunami asked,

"Simple, I just don't think about it." Earthquake replied,

"What about you, Raging Tornado, how are you handling it?" Tsunami asked,

"I like it, but it is a bit stressful for me from time to time as well." Raging Tornado replied,

"What's stressful about it to you?" Earthquake asked,

"Well, fighting the Corrupted, and making sure everypony in Nature Valley is okay." Raging Tornado replied,

"You don't like fighting?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, I hate it." Raging Tornado replied,

"I don't like fighting very much, either." Earthquake said,

"I'm sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, but I must agree with Raging Tornado and Earthquake, I dislike the fighting as well." Tsunami said,

"Am I the only one who actually likes fighting?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It seems that you are." Earthquake replied,

"Wow, I really am different from you guys." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"That doesn't mean we dislike you, Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado replied,

"Thank you, that means a lot to me, I don't like being alone." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Me neither." Raging Tornado replied,

"I can handle it." Earthquake said,

"Me too." Tsunami said,

"Well, what should we do?" Raging Tornado asked, she and the other three were speechless,

"Well, I have a model shoot coming soon, you three could come." Earthquake said,

"No way, I want to do bear wrestling." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, I'd like to visit the animal shelter and see all of the cutsie woosie animals." Tsunami said as she rubbed her own talons on her left cheek while her eyes were closed and with a smile on her face,

"Sorry, guys, but I'd rather go to the library and check out a book." Raging Tornado said,

"No way, reading's boring." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No, it isn't, reading is fun!" Raging Tornado replied a little angrily,

"Why are you getting all mad all of a sudden?" Earthquake asked calmly,

"Because she just insulted my hobby!" Raging Tornado replied a bit annoyed,

"That's no reason to get mad, Raging Tornado, I just don't like reading." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You still said it in a harsh tone, Meteorite Hellfire, you should apologize." Tsunami replied,

"What?! Me? Apologize?! I can't even voice my opinion?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You said it in an way that offended her, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami replied,

"What about you two, Earthquake and Tsunami, what do you all want to do?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I still want to see all of cute little critters in the animal shelter." Tsunami replied,

"No way, they'll make me dirty, I say that I do poses and have photos of myself taken now." Earthquake said,

"Neither one's appealing to me." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Me neither." Raging Tornado replied,

"Don't you three want your pictures taken?" Earthquake asked,

"Oh no, I can't imagine that, I can't look pretty all the time." Tsunami replied,

"Sorry, but I don't like camera flashes." Raging Tornado said,

"I don't like people following me around like that." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"What do you want to do, Meteorite Hellfire?" Tsunami asked,

"Train, improve my physical abilities." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Really? You don't wish to hang out?" Earthquake asked,

"I do, but I wish to improve my physical shape." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Ah, so you'll look better in a photo shoot." Earthquake said,

"No! It's so I can surpass my sister!" Meteorite Hellfire replied annoyed, Raging Tornado was not enjoying the time they were spending together,

"We're arguing instead of spending time together, this isn't what I had in mind." Raging Tornado said,

"Then maybe it would be best for us all to do what we want on our own, then." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake agreed and the two and Tsunami went their separate ways while Raging Tornado was standing there with shock, she looks down with disappointment and flies away.

Meteorite Hellfire was in the wilderness and provoked a grizzly bear, the two begin to wrestle one another while Meteorite Hellfire laughed,

"Now, this is fun." Meteorite Hellfire said, and the two wrestle one another, but Meteorite Hellfire stops when she sees her reflection in the water behind the bear, she looked like Blazing Inferno again, she stopped when she realized that Blazing Inferno did the same thing to the animals she has killed, the bear attacks her and she grunts, she falls over and the bear was about to attack her again, but the afterimage of Blazing Inferno disappears, the bear stops attacking and walks away.

Meteorite Hellfire gets up and walks around and a spider web was shot around her, she grunts and tries to break free, she hears walking and saw a giant light brown spider come to her,

"Sister of Blazing Inferno, you have arrived, you will pay for your sister's crime since she is not around." the spider said,

"I just fought someone!" Meteorite Hellfire replied in an annoyed tone,

"Well, too bad, the tsuchigumo must be avenged." the spider said, Meteorite Hellfire prepared herself,

"As with our tradition, when one attacks us, all of their family are guilty, and they all must perish, that is the way of the tsuchigumo." Tsuchigumo said,

"Then you leave me no choice." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she makes fire appear on her front hoofs and burn the web that cocooned her. Meteorite Hellfire jumps back and Tsuchigumo shoots web out of his mouth, Meteorite Hellfire makes fire appear on her front hoofs and burns the web when she touched it, Tsuchigumo jumps up and lands on top of Meteorite Hellfire, she grunts when she was smashed into the ground, she turns into fire and floats away, she changes back to normal and shoots fire out of her horn at Tsuchigumo, he caught on fire and began to crawl away, she saw this was going to be an easy fight, but still felt bad that she had to kill him. Tsuchigumo comes back after the fire extinguishes and he shoots webs around everywhere,

"Give up, you can't win." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Even if I may fail, I refuse to give up, if I am to die here, then you and I will die together." Tsuchigumo replied, Meteorite Hellfire felt sad, but continued fighting. Tsuchigumo shoots webs out of his mouth and at Meteorite Hellfire, she changes her body to fire and the webs burned, Tsuchigumo fell and he decides to shapeshift into Meteorite Hellfire, he tries to shoot fire out of his horn at her but Meteorite Hellfire gets angry at seeing him trying to mimic, and changed to her nirik form,

"Come up with your own moves!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily, and she shot fire and nirik fire together out of her horn, Tsuchigumo changes back to normal and gasps for air as he was obliterated. Meteorite Hellfire changes back to normal and huffs angrily,

"How many more?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked angrily, Blazing Inferno chuckles and appears to her right,

"One more, Meteorite Hellfire." Blazing Inferno said,

"Who?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I'm not telling you, it'll spoil the surprise, plus, you don't have to find him, he's going to come to you." Blazing Inferno replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled and Blazing Inferno disappeared while chuckling. Meteorite Hellfire looks at where Tsuchigumo was originally at with shame and regret with what she just did, she looked down and closed her eyes, Mother Nature appears behind her and walks to her,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Mother Nature said, Meteorite Hellfire turns around,

"Rain Shine wishes to see you." Mother Nature said, and she disappears into the ground, Meteorite Hellfire trots to Kirin Grove. Meteorite Hellfire arrives at Kirin Grove and enters Rain Shine's house, where she was staying,

"Good, you're here, I wish to know how you've been with the Corrupted." Rain Shine said,

"I found the one creating them, it's a unicorn named Big Business." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Big Business, you say? Make sure you stop him, as the bearer of the Element of Fire, that is your upmost duty." Rain Shine said,

"I have other problems to deal with." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Big Business takes top priority." Rain Shine said,

"Big Business is my smallest problem." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"He is still your top target, the elemental ponies' safeties from outside forces is your responsibility." Rain Shine said, Meteorite Hellfire slouched a little while lowering her eyebrows,

"The reason why I called you here is because we have chosen to send Autumn Blaze to the School of Friendship, you are to say your goodbyes to her just like the rest of the kirin." Rain Shine said,

"Since when was Autumn Blaze friends with anyone?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Autumn Blaze does have friends, Meteorite Hellfire." Rain Shine replied,

"Who? I don't recall her being friends with any of us." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Imaginary friends." Rain Shine replied,

"Where? Buried six feet under the ground?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Meteorite Hellfire!" Rain Shine replied in a very stern and scolding tone while raising her voice,

"What?" Meteorite Hellfire asked in a calm and innocent tone, Rain Shine sighed as she put her front right hoof on her forehead and shook her head, she looks back at her,

"Look, Meteorite Hellfire, we're doing this so Autumn Blaze can still feel welcome when she comes home, it'll make her happy." Rain Shine said,

"Well, that's her problem." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You're going to see her and say your goodbyes to her whether you like it or not." Rain Shine said, Meteorite Hellfire growls while her eyes become completely white, grows fangs, and had nirik fire over her eyes,

"Don't start with me, Meteorite Hellfire, if you get mad at me, Mother Nature will have a word with you as well." Rain Shine said, Meteorite Hellfire calmed down due to her fears at dealing with an angry Mother Nature,

"Good, now go see Autumn Blaze, she's at her house." Rain Shine said, and Meteorite Hellfire leaves,

"I bet his industry isn't his only business that's big." Meteorite Hellfire grumbled to herself as she went to go see Autumn Blaze. Meteorite Hellfire was with Autumn Blaze in her original home, she sat with her front hoofs crossed across her chest while Autumn Blaze made tea and offered scones,

"Thank you so much for showing up, Meteorite Hellfire, you're the last kirin for me to say goodbye to." Autumn Blaze said,

"Well, hurry up." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and Autumn Blaze offered more tea and scones, Meteorite Hellfire only ate the scones since she was hungry from all the fighting from earlier,

"How are the scorns? Scomes. Scones." Autumn Blaze said,

"A little sweet." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Thank you, I made it with all of my love as I say my goodbyes." Autumn Blaze said, Meteorite Hellfire let out an annoyed groan under her breath, she finishes the last one, but did not drink the tea. Autumn Blaze got a camera ready,

"Smile for the camera, Meteorite Hellfire." Autumn Blaze said, Meteorite Hellfire's eyes turn white, she grows fangs, and had nirik fire over her eyes, she growled at Autumn Blaze,

"What?" Autumn Blaze asked,

"I don't want my picture taken." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I'll stop if you let me take the picture." Autumn Blaze said,

"Ugh, fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and Autumn Blaze took the picture, the photo comes out and she sees Meteorite Hellfire was still angry, Meteorite Hellfire calmed down a little but was still angry, she looks and saw no image of Blazing Inferno, much to her relief, Autumn Blaze then hugged her,

"Get off of me." Meteorite Hellfire grumbled,

"Come on, just this one time." Autumn Blaze said,

"No, now let go before I break your legs." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Autumn Blaze lets go,

"I'm really going to miss you all." Autumn Blaze said,

"That's fine with me, because I'm not going to miss you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Aw, you're just saying that because you really will deep down." Autumn Blaze said, Meteorite Hellfire exhaled sharply,

"Well, you should head on home, I have to pack up." Autumn Blaze said, and she did while Meteorite Hellfire headed home. Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and saw Volcano and Lava together, they were reading her magazines on how to get into shape,

"Taken an interest?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, the two nod,

"The magazine is about how to get into shape for girls, Volcano, so you might have to improvise a little." Meteorite Hellfire said, Volcano nods while smiling, she rests a little and then headed outside, she saw Scorch, Heat Wave, Fahrenheit, Scorpion, Asteroid Strike, and Wildfire using her weight lifting equipment,

"Be careful, guys, I'm going to go put up banners for the Season Festival." Meteorite Hellfire said, they nod and Meteorite Hellfire went to the south of western Nature Valley. Meteorite Hellfire replaces the banners she broke with her cart and saw the volcanoes erupting a little bit, it did not bother her or the others, she walks across the sand and looks around,

"There, the Season Festival preparations are done." Meteorite Hellfire said, which made her happy, western Nature Valley had the least decorations out of the four areas of Nature Valley, all they did was put up the banners, which no fire pony liked, Meteorite Hellfire decides to walk around and look around the place, she continued to head south, she hears familiar voices close by, she looks and saw Snow and Tidal Wave,

"What?! You just got what you needed to poison the cooking, and you refuse to do it?!" Tidal Wave asked angrily,

"I... I can't do it." Snow replied,

"Why not?" Tidal Wave asked,

"Because... they have treated me kindly, and like a family, I can't do it, I'm sorry, Tidal Wave, you may be my master, but I can't bring myself to poison the people who love me and treat me kindly." Snow replied, Tidal Wave growled, Snow then screamed when Tidal Wave begins to beat her,

"You no good waste of a servant! You can never get things done! You can never do things right! You are a waste of breath and space, even a dead body can be a better servant than you!" Tidal Wave said angrily as she punched and kicked her. Meteorite Hellfire runs to southern Nature Valley and saw Tidal Wave on top of Snow and punching her in the back of her head with her talons, she also stomped on the back of Snow's hind right knee with her hind right leg,

"GET OFF OF HER!!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily as she ran and lunged at Tidal Wave, forcing her off of Snow. Meteorite Hellfire and Tidal Wave wrestle with one another while they growled at one another, Tsunami flew down to Snow and checked on her while Avalanche ran to them and grabbed Tidal Wave from behind, and pulled her off of Meteorite Hellfire,

"Stay out of this! This is family business!" Tidal Wave said angrily, Meteorite Hellfire had nirik fire form over her eyes and grew fangs, Tidal Wave moved back and yelped with fear and disappeared. Meteorite Hellfire calms down and she and Avalanche go to Snow, who was crying and in pain, Typhoon hears her and runs to them,

"It was Tidal Wave, father, she was trying to make Snow poison us without us knowing it." Tsunami said,

"I see, go on home, Tsunami, you too, Avalanche and Meteorite Hellfire, I'm going to take Snow to Dr. Frost." Typhoon replied, and the three head home while Typhoon picked up the crying Snow and ran to go see Dr. Frost. Meteorite Hellfire goes back home and was worried about Snow since Tidal Wave always treated Snow like that, Meteorite Hellfire gets her sword from inside her house and trains with it, she thought about Tidal Wave and it made her angry, she despised her as much as she despised Blazing Inferno, she continues training and grunted angrily as she swung the sword, the others around her noticed and watched her with worry. Meteorite Hellfire sees Snow in the center of Nature Valley with Mother Nature, she runs to go check on her,

"I can't heal her leg, Mother Nature, I was hoping you could." Dr. Frost said,

"What happened?" Mother Nature asked,

"Tidal Wave attacked her." Meteorite Hellfire replied as she arrived at the center of Nature Valley, Mother Nature had a shocked face, but she looked at Snow's leg, Mother Nature tries touching Snow's leg to heal it, but it did not,

"I'm sorry, but this is too severe to heal." Mother Nature said, Snow began to cry,

"If only you were at your full power, Mother Nature." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, even if I was, I still wouldn't be able to heal this." Mother Nature replied, Meteorite Hellfire looks at Snow and was empathetic since she will have the injury for the rest of her life,

"I'm sorry, Snow, come on, stay with me for tonight." Dr. Frost said, and she carries the crying Snow to her home. Meteorite Hellfire goes back to her home and continues practicing with her sword, she growls and grunts with rage while she practices, Tidal Wave beating Snow flooded her mind and enraged her, she screamed with rage and the volcanoes erupt on their own, explosions of fire appear around Meteorite Hellfire as well, everypony looks and they see Meteorite Hellfire's sword has changed, the blade was now made out of lava, and its handle was now made out of fire. Meteorite Hellfire huffed and puffed with rage, she swings the sword around a bit and sent out orange waves of fire, she soon uses her fire magic to make the sword disappear, she calms down while panting and entered her house and slept.

Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and has breakfast and uses the bathroom, she leaves the house and was about to leave Nature Valley, Blazing Inferno appeared behind her,

"What's this? Leaving already?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"I'm not going to wait for that last animal species to come find me, I'm going to him, I'm sick of this." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, in that case, he's near Kirin Grove, in the forest, near the water." Blazing Inferno said, and Meteorite Hellfire goes there while Blazing Inferno disappeared. Meteorite Hellfire trots on the water and she hears trotting nearby, she looks to her left and saw Autumn Blaze going across the water, heading to the School of Friendship, she sees Meteorite Hellfire and waves her with her front left hoof while smiling, Meteorite Hellfire just held her front left hoof up to wave at her while having a neutral expression and Autumn Blaze left. Meteorite Hellfire goes forward and hears walking in the forest, it was loud, and getting closer,

"Meteorite Hellfire, sister of Blazing Inferno, I am the last of the species she has killed to test her powers on, but do you know what I am?" an unseen male figure asked,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, prepare to be scared." the figure said, and it steps out of the forest, Meteorite Hellfire looks on with horror and her mouth and eyes wide open, it was a bipedal creature and a horse put together, it's body was a light red color, and the bipedal creature had a skull for a face,

"N... N... Nuckelavee!" Meteorite Hellfire said with horror, Nuckelavee laughs,

"Yes, the most evil of Grogar's creations, I have long awaited for this moment, I will kill you just like how your sister killed my brother, I will make her feel the same pain I felt." Nuckelavee said with the bipedal creature's head, and he runs to her. Meteorite Hellfire turns around and runs away in fear while Nuckelavee chases her, Nuckelavee runs very fast and Meteorite Hellfire was being outran by it, she keeps running but Nuckelavee grabs her by her mane with his left hand, she grunts as she tries to break free, she shoots fire at Nuckelavee, but it did nothing to him, so she tries to kick the bipedal creature in his left side, Nuckelavee grunts and drops Meteorite Hellfire. Meteorite Hellfire was on the water and stood up, she shoots fire at Nuckelavee, he catches on fire but it did nothing to him, and the fire extinguished itself, Meteorite Hellfire becomes scared again and runs away. Nuckelavee opens his mouth and releases his breath, Meteorite Hellfire coughed since it stank, and all plants around them died, Meteorite Hellfire changes to her fire form and shapeshifts into a sasquatch, she grabs Nuckelavee and throws him far away while she changed back, he lands on his feet perfectly, much to Meteorite Hellfire's shock. Nuckelavee runs to her and Meteorite Hellfire changes to her nirik form and fire form, she shoots regular fire and nirik fire out of her horn, she burns Nuckelavee, but he was unharmed, Meteorite Hellfire changes back to her kirin form and looks on with horror, she summons her sword and does a few swings, the orange fire waves do no damage to him, so she runs to him and jumps, she tries to stab the sword into his front left leg, she could not, Nuckelavee grabs her with his left arm again and she grunts, Nuckelavee dunks her underwater.

Meteorite Hellfire struggles to break free and could not, the horse's head was trying to bite her and eat her, which scared her, she changes to formless fire and floats out of Nuckelavee's hand, she floats away and appears behind Nuckelavee's bipedal creature, she tries to slash his back with her sword, but could not cut through his hide, much to her shock, Nuckelavee grabs her with his right hand and throws her forward, she grunts as she fell onto the surface of the water, she picked up her sword while she saw Nuckelavee running to her, she picks up her sword and saw Nuckelavee was about to trample her, but Meteorite Hellfire holds up his front legs with her front hoofs, she throws him over herself while grunting and the horse neighs as they fell into the water, Nuckelavee comes back up to the surface and Meteorite Hellfire runs to him and begins punching and kicking his front left leg, he laughs,

"That tickles." Meteorite Hellfire said, Meteorite Hellfire looks at him with shock. The weather changes and it begins to rain,

"No, fresh water, my only weakness." Nuckelavee said, and he groans in pain while he melted away,

"Mother Nature." Meteorite Hellfire said as she realized it was her who made it rain, Mother Nature appeared on the surface of the water shortly after the rain stopped and the clouds cleared,

"Meteorite Hellfire?" Mother Nature asked, she walks around and sees her, she goes to her and hugs her,

"Oh, thank goodness you're safe, I didn't know a nuckelavee was around Kirin Grove." Mother Nature said, and the two let go,

"Where were you when I fought the other creatures?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I thought you would be able to handle them on their own, and you did, and I'm proud of you for that." Mother Nature replied,

"Are you going to deal with Blazing Inferno?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I'll let you deal with her on your own, it may help your character grow." Mother Nature replied,

"Raging Tornado and Tsunami are the ones who need to grow." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"A person's never too old to grow and mature, Meteorite Hellfire, that includes you, too." Mother Nature replied, Meteorite Hellfire was a little speechless,

"I'll be going now, you should go hunt down Big Business soon, I believe in all four of you." Mother Nature said, and she disappeared into the water, Meteorite Hellfire went to Kirin Grove. Meteorite Hellfire was in the forest and trots around, a fiery explosion appears in front of her and she jumps back, she looks and sees Blazing Inferno walking forward with an angry expression on her face,

"What's the matter, big sister?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You got lucky, you had outside help against the nuckelavee." Blazing Inferno replied,

"He was the last one to come after me, it's just you now, Blazing Inferno." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Which is why I'm going to fight you, myself." Blazing Inferno replied, and Meteorite Hellfire gets ready to summon her sword,

"No weapons, no telekinesis, hoof-to-hoof combat only." Blazing Inferno said, and Meteorite Hellfire stopped, she reeled up onto her hind legs and was ready to fight her, and Blazing Inferno cracks her neck and was ready. Meteorite Hellfire watches Blazing Inferno carefully and she just stood there and waited patiently, Meteorite Hellfire gets back on all fours and runs to her, Blazing Inferno sits on her flank and kicks Meteorite Hellfire with her hind left leg, but she jumps back and dodges it, she jumps towards Blazing Inferno and begins trying to punch her with her front hoofs, which Blazing Inferno blocked with the shins of her front legs, Blazing Inferno begins to dodge by moving back and to the sides while Meteorite Hellfire threw punches with her front hoofs, she let out angry grunts with each punch while Blazing Inferno remained calm and silent, she soon uppercuts Meteorite Hellfire in her snout with her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire was hit into the air and flies back, Meteorite Hellfire grunts when she landed on her back, she looks up and sees Blazing Inferno jump in the air, she was held her front right hoof up and was about to punch her, Meteorite Hellfire rolls the back of her body and was on her hind hoofs, she picks her head up and jumps back just when Blazing Inferno was about to hit her, an explosion and a pillar of orange fire appears around Blazing Inferno, Meteorite Hellfire nearly lost her balance since Blazing Inferno's punch cracked the ground and tilted the trees, the fire goes away and there was a crater all around Blazing Inferno, much to Meteorite Hellfire's shock.

Blazing Inferno stands up and runs to Meteorite Hellfire, she runs to her as well and they begin doing punches, they both had a trail of fire behind their front hoofs, Blazing Inferno blocked and parried all of Meteorite Hellfire's punches and landed several hits to her face, Meteorite Hellfire growls and jumps in the air, she does a counterclockwise spin kick with her hind legs, she hit Blazing Inferno six times and flew into the air, Meteorite Hellfire lands on her hoofs while Blazing Inferno flew through the air, she was about to hit a tree, but Blazing Inferno does a back flip and her hind hoofs touch the tree, she jumps off and does a somersault, she opens her body and tries to kick Meteorite Hellfire with her hind hoofs, which she dodged by stepping to Blazing Inferno's right and going behind her. Meteorite Hellfire puts her front left leg across Blazing Inferno's neck and puts her front right leg under her front left leg, and bends her front right elbow with her front right leg to the left of her front left hoof. Blazing Inferno stumbles around as Meteorite Hellfire chokes her, Blazing Inferno gains her footing and does a somersault, causing Meteorite Hellfire to lose her grip and fall onto the ground. Meteorite Hellfire grunts when she fell, it cracked the ground as well, she quickly uses her front hoofs to spring herself into the air and did a counterclockwise spin kick with her hind hoofs with fire around them, she hits Blazing Inferno and she grunts as she was shot back, but she landed on her feet while Meteorite Hellfire stands up.

Meteorite Hellfire runs to Blazing Inferno and does a somersault and tries to kick Blazing Inferno, but she moves her head to her right side and dodges it easily, she waits for Meteorite Hellfire to pass, and she grabs her and forces her down, Blazing Inferno restrains Meteorite Hellfire's hind legs by wrapping her own around her thighs, she places her front legs under Meteorite Hellfire's front legs to restrain them, and then grabs the back of Meteorite Hellfire's head with her front hoofs and presses them. Meteorite Hellfire feels pain in her head while she tries to escape, she grabs Blazing Inferno by her neck with her front hoofs and presses against them, Blazing Inferno gasps and wheezes for air and she loses her grip with her front hoofs, Meteorite Hellfire threw her over her and Blazing Inferno quickly recovered and got up. Meteorite Hellfire stands up and Blazing Inferno runs to her and punches her with her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire flies through the air while she let out a grunt of pain, she sees a tree coming, she grabs onto it with her front hoofs and stops herself while almost ripping the tree branch off, Meteorite Hellfire swings her body forward and puts her hind hoofs on top of the branch, she brings up her upper body and sits on top of the tree branch. Meteorite Hellfire looks around and stumbles when the tree shakes, she saw Blazing Inferno rip the tree out of the ground and she throws it, Meteorite Hellfire jumped down while the tree went far away and exploded on impact. Meteorite Hellfire gets into a fighting stance and Blazing Inferno does two quick kicks with her hind right hoof and kicks Meteorite Hellfire in her left side both times, Meteorite Hellfire tries to punch her with her front left hoof, but Blazing Inferno jumps onto her front left leg with her hind legs and does a back flip and Meteorite Hellfire was hit twice, she grunts loudly while Blazing Inferno landed on her four legs.

Meteorite Hellfire sees Blazing Inferno do a counterclockwise spin kick while in midair and sent fireballs to her, Meteorite Hellfire jumps to her right while doing a side flip and dodges all of it, the two run to one another and begin punching one another, but they hit one another's hoof, which resulted in explosions, Meteorite Hellfire began to lose her temper and attack on impulse while letting out loud grunts and screams of anger, she looks and sees Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami arrive, she ignores them continues fighting. Meteorite Hellfire began to have waves of fire come out of her front hoofs as she attacked, and Blazing Inferno smiled and dodged them, Raging Tornado flaps her wings to put out the fire around them, Blazing Inferno keeps dodging until she hits Meteorite Hellfire in her left jaw with her front right hoof and Meteorite Hellfire grunted as she fell onto the ground,

Pathetic, little sister, I was the faster, stronger, more skilled, and more disciplined fighter back when we were kids, and apparently, I still am." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire growled,

"Remember that time I knocked all of your baby teeth out with one punch? Remember that time when I broke your snout? Remember that time when our mom teamed up with me and we beat you to a pulp?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"SILENCE!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled with a distorted voice and changed into her nirik form, she also had regular red and orange fire on her as well, she tries to hit Blazing Inferno, but Blazing Inferno holds her front hoofs back with her own front hoofs,

"Pathetic, Meteorite Hellfire. Pathetic. You're weak, you're slow, and you're unskilled, I know they insult weaklings by saying their hit like girls, you hit like a little girl." Blazing Inferno said, and she quickly moves her front right hoof and punches Meteorite Hellfire in her mouth, hurting her teeth, she then places her front right hoof on Meteorite Hellfire's sternum and her front left hoof on her hind right thigh, she lifts Meteorite Hellfire over her head and throws her, she screams and hits the ground, she was stunned and in pain, Blazing Inferno chuckles and disappears.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake run to Meteorite Hellfire while she stood on her hoofs and changed back to normal,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado said,

"I'm fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she stands up while grunting,

"Come on, let's go stop Big Business." Earthquake said, Tsunami came out of Raging Tornado's wagon,

"I'm better now, let's go." Tsunami said, and Raging Tornado and Earthquake lead the way.

Meteorite Hellfire was in Las Pegasus with her three allies, they were already up a road and Raging Tornado was last, she was panting and sweating when she got to them, the harness to her wagon comes loose and rolls down the road,

"Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Raging Tornado said as she and her three allies ran after it, a loud crashing sound was heard and they find the wagon, it crashed into the side of a building and the wagon was completely destroyed, Raging Tornado groaned with disappointment that she needed to fix it again,

"Come on, Raging Tornado, now's not the time, let's go." Earthquake said, and they go up the road while Tsunami comforted the disappointed Raging Tornado.

The four go back to Big Business' headquarters and saw a lot of neon lights, it was a skyscraper with many windows, all four of them thought it was ugly,

"Let's just get this over with." Meteorite Hellfire said, they agree and enter the building. The four enter and see the building was filled with many workers, the four were uncomfortable, but they continued, there was no Corrupted to be seen, so they go up the elevator to the top floor. Meteorite Hellfire and her allies arrive at the top floor and see elemental ponies fused into industrial objects, they groan and cry in pain, Raging Tornado and Tsunami were worried and go to check on them,

"Guys, now is not the time!" Meteorite Hellfire said impatiently,

"Come on, you two, let's stop Big Business, we'll get them after we do." Earthquake said, Raging Tornado and Tsunami agree reluctantly and go forward. Earthquake and her allies arrive at a room that had replicas of their gemstones on podiums, Big Business used his magic on them to bring himself the elemental ponies, the red gem brought fire ponies, the blue gem brought water ponies, the yellow gem brought ground ponies, and the green gem brought air ponies. Big Business hears them and turns around,

"Well, well, looks like I am popular with Mother Nature after all." Big Business said,

"Put your front hoofs in the air, Big Business, it's over!" Raging Tornado said,

"Over? Oh please, we're just getting started, my dear, I, Big Business, has been waiting for you all." Big Business replied,

"Why?" Earthquake asked,

"I have a surprise for you four." Big Business replied,

"Well, we don't want it, now please, step down so we can get this over with." Tsunami said,

"You all don't sound enthusiastic." Big Business said,

"We have bigger problems than you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What do you plan to do with an industrialized Equestria?" Raging Tornado asked,

"It is not just Equestria that will be industrialized, after Equestria, Yakyakistan, the Changeling Kingdom, Mount Aris, Seaquestria, the Dragon Lands, Griffonstone, Kirin Grove, Kludgetown, all will be industrialized and bow to me!" Big Business replied, shocking the four,

"We won't let that happen!" Raging Tornado said,

"Really? You already serve me indirectly by working at the weather factory." Big Business replied, surprising Raging Tornado,

"You're really surprised by that? I wonder why, plus, three out of four of you are wearing cosmetics." Big Business said, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami were caught by surprise that he has noticed,

"Look at yourself, Pegasus, you're wearing powder on your face, that's also industrialized by my company." Big Business said,

"My power is created by crushed rocks and minerals that are bright green before they are crushed." Raging Tornado replied,

"And you, earth pony, you're wearing powder makeup, too, along with lip gloss and eyeliner." Big Business said,

"My powder makeup is also crushed rocks and minerals, my lip gloss is made from coconut oil, and my eyeliner is yellow paint created by mixing powdered yellow minerals in water." Earthquake replied,

"Especially you, hippogriff, you have on eye shadow, eyeliner, facial powder, mascara, and manicure on your hoofs and talons." Big Business said,

"My eye shadow and eyeliner are made from crushed and powdered rocks mixed in water, my mascara is squid ink, and manicure for my hoofs and talons doesn't require industrial items, just a filer." Tsunami replied,

"Oh, so you guys don't use modern cosmetics, and I can tell that kirin doesn't wear any makeup." Big Business said,

"I don't care about my own appearance." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami look at her with surprise,

"Well, anyway, you four fell right into my trap." Big Business said, confusing the four, Big Business uses his magic and the red gem summons fire ponies with black explosives on them, red lights on them beep,

"Look out!" Meteorite Hellfire said, and the top of the building exploded while Big Business teleported away.

Raging Tornado turned into gusts of wind and flew out, Earthquake turned into mud and went into the floor, Tsunami turned into water and flowed out of the skyscraper, and Meteorite Hellfire turned into fire and moved around in the sky, the four form at a place where other ponies were not present, the four pant while Earthquake closed her eyes, she had a tear roll down her left eye,

"What's the matter, Earthquake?" Tsunami asked,

"We failed our task." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado's attention was caught,

"Hold on, I'm going to go check on the elemental ponies." Raging Tornado said, and she flies back, she saw the elemental ponies Big Business has corrupted were gone, Raging Tornado was devastated and began to cry a little uncontrollably, but she flew back to her allies. Tsunami comforted Earthquake while Meteorite Hellfire looked down with disappointment, she flies back to them and they notice her with tears in her eyes,

"You okay, Raging Tornado?" Tsunami asked,

"No, the corrupted ponies from Nature Valley were teleported away, too." Raging Tornado replied tearfully, Tsunami was shocked and tears fell from her eyes as well,

"Come on, you three, don't cry, we'll just have to wait until Big Business pops up next time." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Think about it, Meteorite Hellfire, so far, every task we've been given, we've failed." Earthquake replied sadly, but her voice did not crack,

"Meteorite Hellfire, Earthquake, please, just this once, think about the citizens from Nature Valley who were taken away by him, we couldn't reunite them with their families." Tsunami said sadly, her voice cracked as well,

"Seeing you all makes me sad as well, and we couldn't save our citizens this time, either, we're failures." Raging Tornado said sadly, her voice also cracked, Raging Tornado and Tsunami begin to cry openly while Earthquake kept herself composed as she had a tear stream on her face from her left eye. Blazing Inferno and Tidal Wave appeared behind their respective sisters,

"Look at yourself, little sister, you can't even rescue a few of our citizens, that's what you get for refusing to achieve any might or power." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami closed her eyes tighter and clenched her teeth,

"Yes, another point for me, you're slower than me, you're weaker than me, you're less skilled than me, you're less durable than me, and you just proved right there that you're dumber than me." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire turns around and punches Blazing Inferno in her left jaw with her front right hoof, Blazing Inferno looks back at her and smiles,

"Is that really your hardest? That didn't even hurt." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire growled, Airstrike and Eruption appeared,

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Airstrike yelled angrily,

"Leave them alone!" Eruption said angrily,

"Why? Tsunami here can't do anything right." Tidal Wave said,

"You're supposed to help her, guide her and support her, not antagonize her." Airstrike replied,

"Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami are your families, family is most important, if you two don't stop hurting them physically and mentally, Airstrike and I will report you two to Mother Nature." Eruption said,

"No! Anything but that!" Tidal Wave replied,

"No, please, don't do it!" Blazing Inferno said,

"Then stop antagonizing them!" Airstrike replied, and the two go into the ground and disappear. Airstrike goes to comfort Tsunami while Eruption calms Meteorite Hellfire down, two male fire ponies, a male water pony, a female water pony, two female ground ponies, a male air pony, and a female air pony appear,

"Duchesses, Mother Nature wishes to see you all." the female air pony said,

"Go ahead and take us there, we need time to rest." Raging Tornado replied, and the elemental ponies take the four to Nature Valley. Mother Nature was waiting for the four and they were brought there,

"Okay, you all are here, and I saw how you felt, and I'm sorry about what has happened, but you four need to pick yourselves up." Mother Nature said,

"I'm already up, it's those three that need it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Now, now, Meteorite Hellfire, hide it all your want, but you need emotional support as well, everycreature does, that is why I have several people here to help you guys." Mother Nature said, they look and they saw Seaweed, Limnic, Kelp, Typhoon, Cold Wave, Flood, Avalanche, Blizzard, Hailstorm, Ice Storm, Dust Storm, Sinkhole, Diamond, Stone, Landslide, Plate Tectonic, Hurricane, Cyclone, Gusty, and Downburst,

"I called them here to help boost your confidences, you all must keep in mind there are people always supporting you and here to help you, you don't have to do everything alone." Mother Nature said, Airstrike and Eruption appear,

"See, you all have your previous bearers to help as well, well, except for Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami here, but you all have each other, so go on and relax for now." Mother Nature said, and Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami go to their families.

Meteorite Hellfire watches Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado be comforted by their families and begins to feel sad since she did not have her family with her like how the other three did, Mother Nature touches her back with her front left hoof, Meteorite Hellfire looks to her right,

"Remember, Meteorite Hellfire, I'm here, too, so if you need any emotional support, you can come to me." Mother Nature said with a smile on her face, Meteorite Hellfire smiled and they hugged one another, the other three converse with their families and go home along with Meteorite Hellfire. Meteorite Hellfire was outside her home and begins punching and kicking the punching bag that was hanging off of the tree branch, she let out loud grunts and growls while she thought about Blazing Inferno,

"Faster, stronger, harder." Meteorite Hellfire said as she practiced,

"Faster, stronger, harder." Meteorite Hellfire said again as she hit the punching bag,

"Faster, stronger, harder." Meteorite Hellfire said again, faster than before,

"Faster, stronger, harder." Meteorite Hellfire said again, almost growling while she said it,

"Faster, stronger, harder." Meteorite Hellfire said even faster while growling even more,

"Faster, stronger, harder." Meteorite Hellfire said even faster while growling and raising her voice,

"Faster, stronger, harder!" Meteorite Hellfire said while she raised her voice even more,

"FASTER, STRONGER, HARDER!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled, and she let out a loud and angry grunt while she jumped into the air and kicked the punching bag with her hind right ankle, the palm tree it was hanging off of broke and flew through the air, it hits a house and the punching bag burst open and the sand flew out. Meteorite Hellfire huffs and puffs angrily while she looked at the destroyed punching bag, she walks into her home and sleeps on the floor. Meteorite Hellfire has a dream that was a flashback, she and Blazing Inferno were now in their teenage years, Nuclear Blaze was training the two on what to do, she had Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno practice their fighting skills on fire pony foals across western Nature Valley, Blazing Inferno had no problem beating up the children to see what she could do with her abilities, which made Nuclear Blaze proud, but Meteorite Hellfire could not bring herself to beat up the children, which made Nuclear Blaze buck her from her right side one day when Meteorite Hellfire was looking four fire pony foals who sat on the ground because they were already injured from Blazing Inferno attacking them,

"You useless daughter, how am I going to be able to preserve my legacy for future generations when you show mercy to the weak and defenseless?" Nuclear Blaze asked,

"But we're attacking children." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"So?" Nuclear Blaze asked,

"It feels wrong, like what we're doing is evil." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"We live in a dog eats dog world, Meteorite Hellfire, they are weak and defenseless, and in this world, the weak and defenseless die, it's not evil, it's survival of the fittest." Nuclear Blaze said, Meteorite Hellfire had a shocked face,

"What were you like as a kid, mom?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Tough, I fought, I trained myself, that is why I forbid you and Blazing Inferno from attacking a child who can fight back, they have potential to be strong in the future." Nuclear Blaze replied, Meteorite Hellfire looks at the children and were scared of getting attacked,

"I can't do it." Meteorite Hellfire said, Nuclear Blaze hits Meteorite Hellfire in her right cheek with the back of her front right hoof, she grunted as she fell,

"Useless daughter." Nuclear Blaze said, and she went on to beat up the defenseless foals while they screamed in pain. Meteorite Hellfire's dream changes and Nuclear Blaze has passed, and Blazing Inferno was now the bearer of the Element of Fire, she was leaving and had two swords with her,

"Where are you going?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Into the wilderness, fighting the weak and defenseless bores me, I wish for a challenge." Blazing Inferno replied,

"What? But you're going to kill off the species." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"That's exactly the point, now don't say anything to anyone about this, I'll kill you if you do." Blazing Inferno replied, and she left while Meteorite Hellfire watched her leave while in shock. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and was covered in sweat again, she uses the bathroom and has breakfast, she picks up a magazine on how to get into shape and reads it, it was mostly pictures, since Meteorite Hellfire and her sister and mother hated reading books with words, it almost made them fall asleep. Meteorite Hellfire browses through the pictures until knocking was heard at the door,

"In a minute." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she puts the magazine back in the gym room, she goes to the door and opens it, she saw Earthquake and Tsunami, she noticed Tsunami's outfit, she was wearing a blue long-sleeve, floor-length dress with light blue square patterns around the end of the sleeves, the sleeves were wide and Tsunami could hide things in it, along with blue eyeliner, blue eye shadow, mascara, and dark blue powder on her face, and small gold chain drop earrings in each ear with a small gold shark tooth at the bottom of each earring,

"Hey, I was thinking we should hang out and rest today." Tsunami said,

"Sure, I could use the company." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Okay, let's go get Raging Tornado." Earthquake said, and the three trot to her home. Earthquake knocks on Raging Tornado's house's door three times with her front right hoof and Raging Tornado opens it,

"Hey, we thought we should hang out together and relax today, especially after what happened yesterday." Earthquake said,

"Sure, I could use the time to unwind a bit." Raging Tornado replied,

"Who is it, big sis?" Cyclone asked as she walked to the door, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Meteorite Hellfire saw her,

"Aw, you look so cute." Tsunami said as she looked down at her, Cyclone chuckles while Tsunami rubbed her mane with her right talon,

"You all want to come along?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sorry, but she and I have school today." Hurricane replied,

"Yeah, I'll be home a little late today." Cyclone said,

"And he and I have to prepare for the Season Festival." Downburst said,

"Yeah, sorry, but we're too busy." Gusty said,

"Aw, your family's not coming, either." Earthquake said,

"What about you guys?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Nope, my family's got school, work, and getting ready for the Season Festival, too." Earthquake said,

"My family's like that, too." Tsunami said,

"Come on, let's go have fun in Ponyville." Earthquake said, her three friends agree and they all leave.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Meteorite Hellfire go to Ponyville and walk together, all four of them liked the town,

"Let's be careful, Rarity lives here, and she and I aren't exactly on the best terms." Earthquake said,

"What does she do?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"She's a fashion designer, she makes dresses." Raging Tornado replied,

"And since I work as a model, she and I work together sometimes, and we have very different opinions." Earthquake said,

"Speaking of dresses, how do I look?" Tsunami asked, Meteorite Hellfire groaned,

"You're really going to ask that, Tsunami?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It took me a lot of time to put on my makeup and pick out this dress." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire rolled her eyes,

"It looks great on you, Tsunami." Raging Tornado replied,

"It's nice, but I think it'd look better if you exposed your chest a bit." Earthquake said,

"It's not that kind of dress, Earthquake." Tsunami replied,

"Well, it looks good, I like it." Earthquake said, Tsunami chuckled and smiled, the four were standing on a bridge, they were walking from left to right,

"Pathetic, Tsunami." Tidal Wave said from behind, the four look back and see her,

"Look at that, little sister, you're so insecure about your looks, you need compliments from others, look at all of that makeup you're wearing, and those earrings, it all pretty much spells ugly underneath, you're hideous on the inside and the outside." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami's spirit was already broken,

"Look, you're already broken mentally, because you know everything I say about you is true. You all talk about friendship? Who wants to be friends with someone like you? If you do marry, your husband is going to think you're ugly, and he'll make you beautiful his own way." Tidal Wave said,

"But..." Tsunami said,

"No buts, Tsunami, I see you crying every night, you always were a crybaby, and you make yourself more beautiful when you cry, because it ruins your makeup, you will never be beautiful until you are beaten to the point where your face is covered with your own blood." Tidal Wave said while smiling, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire get ready to defend Tsunami, who was on her hind knees and crying with her talons on her face, Tidal Wave sees people coming and she disappears. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire hear running from behind and turn around, they saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack running to them, they stop when they were in front of the four,

"Who is sayin' that?" Applejack asked,

"This hippogriff's sister." Raging Tornado replied,

"Where is she?!" Twilight Sparkle asked sternly,

"She just left." Earthquake replied, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony calm down and look at the crying Tsunami, they trot to her,

"Darling?" Rarity asked, Tsunami looks at them,

"My, you're not ugly under your makeup at all, you're actually a very beautiful hippogriff." Rarity said,

"Really?" Tsunami asked, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony nod,

"Actually, I think you're prettier without your makeup." Fluttershy said, Tsunami was caught by surprise,

"Come on, darling, let's get you cleaned up." Rarity said,

"Actually, one reason I'm here is because I want to see her cottage." Tsunami replied,

"Really? That's wonderful, this way." Fluttershy said, and the four follow her while she walks there.

Meteorite Hellfire and the other three arrive at Fluttershy's cottage,

"Make yourselves at home." Fluttershy said, and they do. Raging Tornado liked the birds, Earthquake liked the domesticated cats, Tsunami liked the marine animals, and Meteorite Hellfire liked anything that was a predator,

"Wow, these animals are so cool." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Be careful around them, they'll bite you if you're not, and it will hurt." Fluttershy replied, Meteorite Hellfire continued feeding them,

"Aw, you all are so cutsie woosie." Tsunami said as she looked at the fish, Fluttershy chucked,

"Good kitty, use your charm to win male cats." Earthquake said,

"Be careful with cats, they are loud and fight a lot when the female cats are in heat, and they like to scratch your things." Fluttershy said,

"You birds are so pretty, I can listen to your chirps all day." Raging Tornado said,

"They are wonderful to listen to on a relaxing afternoon, soothes the mind." Fluttershy said, and they continue looking at the animals all afternoon. Meteorite Hellfire went home and the fire ponies were cheering, she looks and saw Volcano and Heat Wave were fighting once again, Meteorite Hellfire goes over to cheers them on, Volcano wins the fight and they all cheer. Meteorite Hellfire begins to head home and Scorpion came to her,

"Can I stay at your house tonight?" Scorpion asked,

"Why? Did your parents fight?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, I just want to hang out with you tonight." Scorpion replied,

"Sure, while I do like having the house to myself, it does get lonely sometimes." Meteorite Hellfire said, Scorpion smiled,

"Come on, let's go." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they do. Meteorite Hellfire and Scorpion put on boxing gloves and knee pads, the two fight one another and have fun, they laugh while they did boxing and Meteorite Hellfire taught him a few moves, they stop after they were exhausted and the two sleep on the floor, it was dark and Scorpion hears a fart, he gags and covers his mouth,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Scorpion, Meteorite Hellfire laughs a little and farts again, he covers his nose and Meteorite Hellfire chuckles, and the two fell asleep again. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up early and Scorpion was still asleep, she uses the bathroom, has breakfast and leaves early, she decided to go look for Big Business, she heads to Kirin Grove and saw Tsunami flying to Mount Aris, she heads over to Kirin Grove and passed Ponyville in the process, she saw Autumn Blaze at the School of Friendship and was annoying the students with her talkative nature, she ignored it and continued to Kirin Grove, she arrives and trots around while ignoring the kirins, she searches the village and the forest and found nothing, she decides to head back and saw Raging Tornado and Earthquake meet up, so she went to them,

"Any idea where he went?" Earthquake asked,

"Not a clue." Raging Tornado replied, and the two look up, they hear trotting from behind and look, Meteorite Hellfire went to them,

"I checked around Kirin Grove, Big Business isn't there." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Where's Tsunami?" Earthquake asked,

"She's at Mount Aris right now, I doubt he'd be there." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"He isn't." Tsunami said from above as she flew down,

"Any ideas?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Come on, let's go up there and see if there's any clues on where he went." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I'll go." Raging Tornado said, and she turns into gusts of wind and flies up to the top of the skyscraper. Raging Tornado arrives at the top and looks for clues on where Big Business went, there was none, Raging Tornado was about to lose her temper, but composed herself and went back down,

"There's nothing." Raging Tornado said,

"What? No clues?" Earthquake asked, the other three noticed she was about to snap and lash out in anger,

"I'm sorry, but there isn't anything." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire grew fangs and nirik fire appeared above her eyes, while Tsunami growled and grumbled while she tried to compose herself, surprising her three allies,

"I found out where he's at." Princess Celestia said as she flew down to them,

"Big Business is in a building in Baltimare, it's a private building, nopony's there except him, go on now, you four, I have to clean this mess up." Princess Celestia said, and she flies up to top of the skyscraper,

"Where's Baltimare?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"This way, follow me." Raging Tornado replied, and she flies there while Tsunami flies with her, and Meteorite Hellfire turns into a body of fire to float in the air while Earthquake disappears into the ground. Meteorite Hellfire and the others arrive into Baltimare and their gems vibrate, they look and notice Big Business in a smaller skyscraper and see him summoning elemental ponies to turn them into Corrupted. Raging Tornado lands on the ground while Earthquake came out of the ground, Meteorite Hellfire changed to normal, and Tsunami landed with Raging Tornado,

"Okay, let's regain our energy first and then storm his headquarters, he's not getting away this time." Raging Tornado said, the other three agree and they rest a bit. Tidal Wave appears to Tsunami's right,

"Well, well, you couldn't find Big Business on your own, then again, you can never find anything or solve anything ever since you were a little girl, you always were stupid, and always had to ask mommy and daddy for help." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami closed her eyes, clearly in distress,

"Are those tears I see? Crybaby as always." Tidal Wave said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake got angry and were about to report Tidal Wave to Mother Nature,

"What's this? Your allies have to defend you? You always were a big coward, you always run instead of facing your problems, you had to ask mommy and daddy to defend you, you are a stupid, ugly, cowardly, and weak crybaby, you always were one, and always will be, I treat you like this and make you miserable because you deserve it, and it's fun." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami was clenched her teeth and had tears roll down her eyes, she whimpered as well, Tidal Wave chuckled and was about to speak again. Meteorite Hellfire gets angry and thinks about Snow, along with having enough with hearing Tidal Wave's lectures and the task at hand, she jumps in the air and lets out a grunt, she moves her hind left leg up and kicks Tidal Wave in her right cheek while there was orange and red fire on her hoof, Tidal Wave screams as she fell onto the ground.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami look at Meteorite Hellfire with dropped jaws and widened eyes', they hear Tidal Wave whimpering and she looks at Meteorite Hellfire while holding her right cheek with her right talon,

"You hit me." Tidal Wave said in a whiny voice while crying,

"Unless you wish to receive a full on beating, begone!" Meteorite Hellfire said, and Tidal Wave disappeared into the ground while crying. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami still looked at Meteorite Hellfire with shocked faces,

"What?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"How can you do something like that?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Oh, come on now, she was going to hurt Tsunami's feelings even more, I just prevented her from doing that." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You could've stopped her by talking things out." Earthquake said,

"Oh no, I learned from dealing with my sister, there is no talking things out with people like her, you have to fight it out." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"My sister isn't like that, Meteorite Hellfire, one trick I found that works is just listen to her and wait for her to finish." Tsunami said,

"But her words are clearly getting to you." Raging Tornado replied,

"I know, but I found it to be the most effective way without resorting to violence." Tsunami said,

"Come on, you two, now's not the time to be talking about feelings, we got a criminal to catch." Earthquake replied, the two did not argue and all four of them enter the building.

Meteorite Hellfire and her allies enter the building and they see the inside was mostly empty,

"Uh, guys, I'm kind of scared." Tsunami said,

"Now's not the time, let's go." Earthquake replied, and they run to the door, but a dam appears to block them, they see water ponies and ground ponies were embedded into it and crying for help, Raging Tornado and Tsunami were both stunned with shock for a brief moment,

"Come on, you two, let's free them." Meteorite Hellfire said, and their gems shoot beams out and frees them, Raging Tornado and Tsunami check on them for a second and head to the next room with Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake. The four get on an elevator and it starts going up, the floor breaks open and ground ponies with pipes in them appear, they were embedded into the ground, they start releasing toxic fumes, the four use their gems to cure them, the ground erupts again and air ponies come out with wings made out of lightweight junk that can be blown in the air. The air ponies vomit sharp objects out of their mouths, which clearly hurt them, the four quickly use their gems to cure them, they fall and groan in pain while Raging Tornado and Tsunami check on them,

"We're here." Earthquake said after a few minutes and the elevator's doors open,

"We'll be back, hang in there until then." Raging Tornado said, the elemental ponies nod and she and the other three enter the next room. Raging Tornado and the other three enter the next room and see a door at the front, they run to it but fire comes out in front of Meteorite Hellfire, she changes into fire and tries to go past it, but grunts when she saw she could not, Blazing Inferno laughs a little and makes fire appear in front of Meteorite Hellfire every time she tried to go a different direction, the other three watch with surprise while water formed below Tsunami and she looks, Tidal Wave's talons appear out of the water and breaks the floor, Tsunami screams as she falls,

"Tsunami!" Raging Tornado said,

"You two go on, I'll catch up." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"But what about Tsunami?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Raging Tornado, now's not the time, we have to go!" Earthquake replied, and she pulls her into the next room while Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno got ready to fight again. Blazing Inferno summons fireballs around her with her horn, Meteorite Hellfire realized it was going to be a magic battle, she flies around while leaving a trail of fire behind her, she directs the fireballs with her magic and they home on Meteorite Hellfire, she jumps over them and shoots fire out of her horn at her, but Blazing Inferno makes an orange shield of fire appear around her,

"I'm the better fighter." Blazing Inferno said, and she disappears, she reappears at the ceiling and comes down with her hind right hoof stretched out, she hits the floor and breaks it, she disappears and falls from the ceiling again, Meteorite Hellfire runs and rolls around while Blazing Inferno kept disappearing and reappearing at the ceiling, she keeps falling with her hind right hoof breaking the floor, she stops after a while and Blazing Inferno changes to her fire form, which made the flames of her ghost rise even higher, much to Meteorite Hellfire's shock. Blazing Inferno shoots fire out of her front hoofs and shapeshifts into a blob of fire, Meteorite Hellfire changes to her nirik form since she hated her sister and shoots nirik fire out of her horn while screaming with rage, Blazing Inferno changes her physical shape around to dodge the fire, she runs to Blazing Inferno while leaving a trail of nirik fire behind her, she jumps into the air and grabs Blazing Inferno in an attempt to burn her, it did nothing, Blazing Inferno shoots fire out of her body and Meteorite Hellfire was shot back, she stands up and saw ice under herself, she saw Tsunami trapped under there,

"You were never worthy to face me." Blazing Inferno said as the shield of fire reappeared around her, and she disappears. Spheres of orange fire appear everywhere and explode, Meteorite Hellfire grunted when she was hit by one and forced back, Blazing Inferno stops and reappears in her regular form, she shoots lava out of her front hoofs and Meteorite Hellfire dodges them by running to the side,

"If only mom could see what you grew up into becoming." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Mother would be proud, you're the disappointment, you always were, and still are." Blazing Inferno replied, Meteorite Hellfire growls and changes back to her nirik form, she screams and a pillar of nirik fire appears around her, but it got deflected and she grunted when she was hit, she looks and saw Blazing Inferno had the shield of fire around her again, she growls and saw Blazing Inferno shoot lava onto the floor, Meteorite Hellfire changes to her fire form as well and floats into the air, Blazing Inferno did as well, she wraps around Meteorite Hellfire, she grunts while she and Blazing Inferno have changed back to normal,

"Mom never wanted you to bear the Element of Fire, you disappoint her, now die." Blazing Inferno said, and she focuses her fire magic into herself, Meteorite Hellfire saw she was about to self destruct, a big explosion happens and Meteorite Hellfire changed to a stream of fire and went out of her grip at the last second, Blazing Inferno disappears and Meteorite Hellfire saw Tsunami flying through the smoke, she joins her and was to her right, the two go up together to reunite with Raging Tornado and Earthquake.

The ground bursts open and fire and water come out, Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami came up, much to Big Business' surprise. Meteorite Hellfire and her three allies use their gems to cure the Corrupted, Earthquake runs back to her three allies while Big Business' gems were about to corrupt the elemental ponies again, but the four use their gems and shoot beams out at the corrupting gems and destroys them,

"Ohhhhh nooooooo! My gems! My dream! My life!" Big Business said, he was devastated with them being destroyed,

"How could this be?! They were my main workers, now, I cannot industrialize the entire land!" Big Business said with his voice cracking,

"It's over, Big Business." Raging Tornado said,

"Earthquake, my love, how can you do this to me?" Big Business asked with his voice getting more high pitched,

"Should've thought about that before you decided to flirt with me, Big Business." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado groaned while covering her own face with her front left hoof and shaking her head,

"Come on, defend yourself!" Meteorite Hellfire said,

"What?! I'm not a fighter!" Big Business replied with a high pitched voice, he also sounded like he had an accent,

"What?! You're corrupting our citizens, and you don't even know how to fight and defend yourself?! You've gotta be kidding me!" Meteorite Hellfire said in a very annoyed tone,

"Meteorite Hellfire, it's also improper for gentlemen to fight as well." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled,

"I, Big Business, leader of Equestria's industrialization of magic, was going to drain all magic out and use it to reform this world into one of technology and machines. I was going to have all magic under my command! I was going to be the god of this world!" Big Business said in a high pitched, squeaky voice with cracks in his voice and an accent on a few words,

"God? Yeah, here's your crown." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she shoots a beam of fire out of her horn, Big Business is shot back and the wall behind him breaks and Big Business flies out and hits the ground, Meteorite Hellfire had a scowl on her face while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami were behind her and looking at her with extremely shocked faces with their mouths and eyes' wide open.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami quickly head outside to make sure Big Business was alright, Meteorite Hellfire rolled her eyes and went with them, they see Big Business groaning and laying on the ground, clearly in pain, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami give Meteorite Hellfire disapproving stares,

"Oh, come on now, he would've continued to antagonize us if I didn't do that." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You really need to learn some lessons in friendship." Raging Tornado replied,

"Good work, you four." Princess Celestia said from behind Raging Tornado, the four look and see her walking to them,

"Now that Big Business has been incapacitated and ready to be arrested, you four have stopped the Corrupted, and him trying to drain all magic out of this world to be used for technological advances, you four saved my magic as well, and Meteorite Hellfire, Raging Tornado is right, please try to restrain yourself a bit more next time, and that is not how we do things in Equestria, we forgive and offer them our friendship." Princess Celestia said,

"How often has that worked?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Almost always, actually, Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire eyes' widened with bewilderment,

"Have you ever tried offering friendship?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes, I did it all the time as a kid." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How often did it work?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Never." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Princess Celestia was surprised,

"Well, maybe you should try again, and things will be different." Princess Celestia said,

"I'll think about it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Okay, come on now, guards, let's put him in jail." Princess Celestia said, and she leaves while four of her royal guards carry Big Business away,

"What happened to you two?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Blazing Inferno wanted a rematch, she won the fight again." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Tidal Wave tried to hold me down and make it look like I couldn't stop Big Business, and someone else had to do it, she wanted to make me look incompetent and bring shame onto me." Tsunami said,

"Well, we should go check on the Corrupted in the skyscraper and make sure they're okay." Raging Tornado said, and the four enter, they see the Corrupted were cured,

"See, told you taking down Big Business would cure them." Earthquake said,

"Well, come on, let's take them home." Tsunami replied, the others agree and they take the elemental ponies to Nature Valley.

Mother Nature was waiting for the four bearers of the Elements of Nature to come and she hears them, they arrive in Nature Valley with the cured elemental ponies,

"Congratulations and good job, all four of you, Nature Valley has been saved and the Corrupted are no more, the Season Festival is tomorrow night, but not everything is finished. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami, you two know what I'm talking about." Mother Nature said,

"Why can't you deal with them, yourself, Mother Nature?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I think it would be best if Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami dealt with their sisters on their own accords, but your job doesn't end there, you and Earthquake are to support and comfort them if it's needed, that is what you four must do to stay together as a team." Mother Nature replied,

"Why isn't Tsunami's family doing anything about Tidal Wave?" Raging Tornado asked,

"She doesn't appear when I'm with my family, only when they're not around." Tsunami replied,

"But do they know about her doings, though?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yes, I already told them." Tsunami replied,

"You and Meteorite Hellfire should rest, Tsunami, I already contacted Queen Novo and Rain Shine, they will be standing by to offer help if the sibling rivalries get too extreme." Mother Nature said,

"Thank you." Tsunami replied,

"Meh, I doubt I'll need it." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she and Tsunami head home while Mother Nature disappeared back into the ground.

Meteorite Hellfire arrives home and saw the fire ponies looking at her with excitement,

"What?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Well, what was Big Business like?" Lava asked,

"Pathetic." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Ooh, I knew you'd win the fight against him." Scorpion said,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied, the fire ponies were no longer excited,

"He couldn't fight at all, he didn't even know how to defend himself." Meteorite Hellfire said, the fire ponies boo,

"Not only that, those three I have to work with went to go see if he was okay after I subdued him." Meteorite Hellfire said, the fire ponies boo louder,

"I also got in trouble with the ruler of Equestria for not forigving him and offering him my friendship." Meteorite Hellfire said, the fire ponies boo even louder,

"Enough." Mother Nature said from behind Meteorite Hellfire, they look at her,

"You all need to keep your voices down, the ponies in the other areas of Nature Valley are trying to sleep." Mother Nature said, and she walked back to the center of Nature Valley,

"Yeah, it is late, we all should rest." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they do, she enters her home and saw Scorpion, Volcano, Lava, Scorch, Fahrenheit, Heat Wave, Asteroid Strike, and Wildfire,

"What are you guys doing here?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"We thought we'd wish you good luck with tomorrow." Volcano replied,

"For what?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Your fight with Blazing Inferno." Lava replied,

"Oh, thanks, I'm going to need it." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she sat where she slept,

"Say, um, what was your mom like?" Scorpion asked,

"Exactly like my sister, Blazing Inferno behaves the way she does because mom taught her to be that way." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"It's still sad to see what your mom was like, Drought, Sandstorm, and Airstrike were great mothers." Wildfire said,

"Yeah, I remember, it did make me upset from time to time, I thought Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado were lucky to have the mothers they had." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What about siblings?" Volcano asked,

"That too." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What did they think of Meteorite Hellfire's mother?" Heat Wave asked,

"Drought, Sandstorm, and Airstrike hated Nuclear Blaze, they thought she was a terrible parent and a terrible person." Wildfire replied,

"I've seen the other three parents, they were always hugging and comforting their children, my mom didn't do that with me." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You're not alone, Meteorite Hellfire." Scorch said,

"Yeah, you have us." Heat Wave said,

"Don't forget Mother Nature." Asteroid Strike said,

"What time is it?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, Fahrenheit left and soon came back,

"It's dark outside." Fahrenheit said,

"I have to rest then, I have a big fight tomorrow, and I'll say my goodbyes now if I die." Meteorite Hellfire replied, they smile and all go to sleep. Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and saw Scorpion, Volcano, Lava, Scorch, Fahrenheit, Heat Wave, Asteroid Strike, and Wildfire were gone, she uses the bathroom, heads outside, puts the weights on the barbell, and begins exercising, Meteorite Hellfire lifts the barbell up really fast while panting heavily, she thought about Blazing Inferno and was determined to beat her, she pants heavily while sweating and keeps lifting the barbell, she puts the barbell back on the rack and pants heavily, she uses telekinesis to take the plates off while laying down, she then uses her telekinesis to bring out a plate with a lot of plants, fruits, and vegetables, she begins to stuff her mouth and eat like a pig, she finishes eating after about twenty minutes, she sighs and calms down and trots to the center of Nature Valley.

Meteorite Hellfire arrives at the center of Nature Valley and Earthquake comes out of the ground while Raging Tornado flies to them, Earthquake was in front of Meteorite Hellfire while Raging Tornado was to her left,

"You okay?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yeah, just training." Meteorite Hellfire replied, they hear slow walking to the south and Tsunami came,

"I'll be heading to Mount Aris soon, Tidal Wave's waiting for me." Tsunami said,

"For what?" Earthquake asked,

"She didn't say." Tsunami replied,

"Come on, Tsunami, stand up for yourself." Raging Tornado said,

"But what am I supposed to do?" Tsunami asked,

"It's easy, just do the things Tidal Wave says you're no good at, do good at them, and prove her wrong." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How? Tidal Wave was always better at everything when we were kids." Tsunami said,

"What kind of things did she and you do together?" Earthquake asked,

"Drawing, painting, making music, sewing, memorizing books we read, putting on makeup, school grades, and who was more beautiful, Tidal Wave always won." Tsunami replied while almost in tears,

"Then why don't you make her do something you like that she has never done before?" Earthquake asked,

"She's not going to do it." Tsunami replied,

"Well, what does she take great pride in?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"She really values her beauty." Tsunami replied,

"Easy, just find some way to ruin it if you can." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"She values her natural beauty, too." Tsunami replied,

"A physical beating can solve that." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami gasped with her left talon over her mouth,

"Meteorite Hellfire!" Tsunami said with shock,

"You should know by now that Tsunami isn't one to fight, Meteorite Hellfire, it's better to solve this in a nonviolent way." Raging Tornado said,

"Sometimes, it's the only way." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Hmm, true." Earthquake said,

"You too, Earthquake?" Tsunami asked,

"Sometimes, I usually just slap them, though." Earthquake replied, Tsunami's eyes and mouth were wide open,

"Sorry, Tsunami, but you might have to fight your sister." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No!" Tsunami replied sternly,

"Have you tried standing up to her and telling her she's just a bully?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I tried that when she was the bearer of the Element of Water, it didn't work." Tsunami replied,

"What do you do, then?" Earthquake asked,

"I found just listening to her and submitting to her to be the only thing that works." Tsunami replied,

"But look at what it's doing to you." Raging Tornado said,

"I know, but that's the only thing that works." Tsunami replied,

"Then fight her, break her beak if you have to." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No!" Tsunami replied sternly,

"You are lucky you don't have my sister, Tsunami, if you just submitted to her just like how you do to Tidal Wave, Blazing Inferno would give you physical beatings all the time." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami exclaimed with horror while reeling up onto her hind legs,

"What about you, Meteorite Hellfire, what would you do if Tidal Wave tried to break you with words?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I'd ignore it, and if she doesn't stop, I'd tell her to show me and prove it if she says she's better than me at whatever she brings up." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You wouldn't fight her?" Earthquake asked,

"Only if she gets physical with me first." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, I should go, I don't want to keep Tidal Wave waiting." Tsunami said, and she flies to Mount Aris, her three allies follow her.

Meteorite Hellfire and the other three go to Mount Aris and Tsunami lands, Tidal Wave appeared in front of her,

"Look at that, you actually came, submissive and obedient as always." Tidal Wave said,

"I have a reason on why I came." Tsunami replied, Tidal Wave becomes a little speechless,

"What is it?" Tidal Wave asked,

"All of those things you said to me about you being better, I'd like for you to prove it, I'd like a competition with you." Tsunami replied,

"Really? You know that I'm going to win." Tidal Wave said,

"You did back then, maybe things will be different now." Tsunami replied,

"Very well, let's do this." Tidal Wave said, and they begin. The first thing they did was a review on hippogriff history, Tidal Wave recalled more, next was reading a book and recalling what they read, Tidal Wave won again, the third challenge was sewing a dress, Tidal Wave won by finishing first and her sewing being more accurate, the fourth challenge was painting Mount Aris, Tidal Wave won once again by painting faster and it was more detailed, the fifth challenge was playing music, they both played the flute, Tidal Wave won because she could hit the high notes while Tsunami could not, the sixth challenge was cooking, Tidal Wave cooked the kelp perfectly while Tsunami burned it, the seventh challenge was putting on makeup, Tidal Wave got her makeup on perfectly while Tsunami struggled, the eighth challenge was drawing Mount Aris with crayons, Tidal Wave made an accurate drawing while Tsunami could not draw well, the ninth challenge was controlling the water, Tidal Wave could control the tides of the water, along with boiling and freezing it, she also had control over ice and steam, while Tsunami could only change her body into water and flow around, and control the sea with her front legs,

"Admit it, Tsunami, I'm better than you, I was back then, and apparently, I still am, and I will always will be." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami was on the verge of tears with her confidence broken,

"No, one more challenge." Tsunami said,

"Name it." Tidal Wave replied,

"Win Queen Novo's favor." Tsunami said,

"Ha, easy, there she is right there." Tidal Wave replied, and the two run to her. Queen Novo was in her hippogriff form and watching Mount Aris,

"Queen Novo." Tidal Wave said,

"Your majesty." Tsunami said, the two bow to her,

"Ah, I didn't think you'd be here, Tsunami, what can I help you with?" Queen Novo asked with a smile on her face,

"Actually, my sister and I were wondering if you needed help with anything." Tsunami replied, Tidal Wave nodded while smiling,

"Well, now that you mention it, the palace on Mount Aris does need cleaning, you two can help there." Queen Novo said, and the two head there while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire follow them to watch. Tsunami and Tidal Wave clean the palace and were racing, the two were also trying to be as precise and as clean as possible as well, Tsunami cleaned the right half while Tidal Wave cleaned the left half, they finish and go back to Queen Novo and bow,

"We're done!" Tsunami and Tidal Wave said together, and Queen Novo looks, she sees Tidal Wave cleaned the palace a lot better than Tsunami, there was not a speck of dust, Tsunami looks and was shocked,

"Good job, Tsunami, you did great, I'll let you go clean the pearl later." Queen Novo said, Tsunami looks at Queen Novo with surprise,

"WHAT?!" Tidal Wave asked, the two stood up and Tsunami was happy while Tidal Wave was in disbelief,

"Thank you, Queen Novo." Tsunami said,

"HOW?! I did a better job than she did!" Tidal Wave said angrily,

"You think I've forgotten who you are, Tidal Wave? You think I've forgotten that you tried to use the Element of Water to try to gain power by overthrowing me and trying to rule Mount Aris and Seaquestria for yourself? You are forbidden to even look at the pearl." Queen Novo replied,

"No! My dreams! My ambitions! I was going to be the queen of this land!" Tidal Wave said,

"You are not fit to rule." Queen Novo replied,

"You are not fit to wield the Element of Water, either." Mother Nature said from behind, Tidal Wave looks back and sees her coming, scaring her,

"Your time is over, Tidal Wave, Tsunami is better off without you." Mother Nature said, and she casts a spell with her horn, her magic aura was red, blue, yellow, and green, she zaps Tidal Wave with her magic and she began to move around in a wavy motion,

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Tidal Wave said, and she exploded with blue water flying everywhere. Mother Nature walked to Tsunami and Queen Novo,

"Good job, Tsunami, I'm proud of you, you have proven yourself a better bearer than your sister already." Mother Nature said,

"Thank you." Tsunami replied with a smile, and she and Queen Novo bowed to one another,

"Queen Novo." Mother Nature said,

"Mother Nature." Queen Novo said, and Mother Nature turned around and walked to Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire,

"Blazing Inferno's all that's left, I'd like for you to settle your problems with her before tonight, Meteorite Hellfire." Mother Nature said,

"Yes, ma'am." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What did you do to Tidal Wave?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I sent her soul to the Void, her soul will be judged, now take care of Blazing Inferno before the Season Festival starts tonight." Mother Nature replied, and she went into the ground. Tsunami walks to her three allies,

"How do you feel?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Still hurt." Tsunami replied, Raging Tornado rubs the back of her neck with her front right hoof to comfort her,

"You three should avoid me, conflict between me and my sister can get real ugly." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, we're going with you." Raging Tornado replied, Tsunami nodded,

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she leads the way. Meteorite Hellfire goes to the water body near Kirin Grove while Raging Tornado and Tsunami flew and carried Earthquake,

"Why here for?" Earthquake asked,

"Trust me, it's for the best, plus, Blazing Inferno thinks I'm dead, so it's not going to be pretty when she finds out I'm alive." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Raging Tornado and Tsunami were not comfortable, the two see a nearby land and fly there since their wings and front hoofs were tired, the sun begins to set and the blue water changes to a yellowish orange color. Meteorite Hellfire trots around and Blazing Inferno was heard growling, an explosion happens in front of Meteorite Hellfire and she jumps back, Blazing Inferno appeared with an enraged face,

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE!!" Blazing Inferno said with rage,

"I don't go down that easily, and I finished my mission to stop Big Business, faster than any mission you've ever done, I guess there's one thing I'm better at than you after all, I get results faster than you." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Blazing Inferno screams with rage and flies towards Meteorite Hellfire, leaving a trail of fire behind her and on top of the water. Blazing Inferno tries to attack Meteorite Hellfire, but she reels up on her hind hoofs and holds Blazing Inferno back with her front hoofs,

"I'M THE SUPERIOR SIBLING!!" Blazing Inferno said with rage,

"You're already better than me at pretty much everything, and I never got mad, I was happy for you at succeeding, but you made fun of me and tried to hinder me when I tried something, and now that I have done something better than what you've done, you're mad, and ready to attack me!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily and pushes her back,

"You already have all of these achievements, and this is my first one, just let me have at least one!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily,

"No, I'm superior to you, mom always liked me better than you, and I'm not going to let you have you be better than me at anything, not even one." Blazing Inferno replied, she was huffing and exhaling sharply,

"I will remain the superior sibling, after I KILL YOU AND SEND YOUR SOUL TO THE VOID, PREPARE TO DIE!!" Blazing Inferno said in a distorted voice as her nirik fire appeared, orange fire appears around the water and it separated the two from Meteorite Hellfire's allies, and the two begin to fight.

Meteorite Hellfire makes orange fire appear on her hoofs and she and Blazing Inferno engage in a hoof-to-hoof fight, the two begin to punch one another and were both angry at one another, Blazing Inferno does faster and stronger punches and they hurt, each punch was aimed at Meteorite Hellfire's face, but Meteorite Hellfire's punches hurt more than before, she also does a counterclockwise spin kick with her hind hoofs while in midair, Blazing Inferno grunts while she fell back, she gets up and growls, she jumps and does a somersault, she holds her hind right hoof out and hits the surface of the water, Meteorite Hellfire jumps back and dodges it, Blazing Inferno then tries to punch Meteorite Hellfire with her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire jumps on top of her front right leg and does a back flip while kicking Blazing Inferno in the chin with both of her hind hoofs, Blazing Inferno stands up and growls angrily, she makes her sword appear, it now had a lava blade and a fire handle, she held it in her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire summons her sword in her front right hoof. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno do several slashes and cut one another several times, fire came out of each cut, Blazing Inferno eventually does a horizontal slash and cuts Meteorite Hellfire's abdomen, she grunts loudly while there was fire in the cut, the two continue swing their swords around, Meteorite Hellfire does a vertical slash and cuts Blazing Inferno's right cheek, she exhaled sharply from the pain, they continue to hit one another's swords and did not get many hits on one another, but they grunt each time they were hit, the two continue slashing one another until Blazing Inferno had enough and jumped back,

"You are not worthy to face me." Blazing Inferno said while a shield of fire appeared around her, her sword has an aura of fire around it, she swings it diagonally and sends waves of fire out, Meteorite Hellfire changes to regular fire and dodges each wave by shapeshifting and changing her physical form, Blazing Inferno continues to swing the sword horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, Meteorite Hellfire continues to shapeshift and dodge every wave, Blazing Inferno stopped after a few minutes and Meteorite Hellfire appears in front of her and begins slashing her with her sword again, Blazing Inferno does a swipe with her front left hoof to block Meteorite Hellfire's attack, she does a horizontal slash with her sword and cuts Meteorite Hellfire's abdomen again, she grunts as she was shot back, she gets back up quickly and does a grunt while holding her sword out, she slides across the water and stabs Blazing Inferno in her left chest, where her heart should be, she grunts but was not stunned,

"There's a reason why mom liked me better." Blazing Inferno said while a shield of fire appeared around her, she changes into a stronger form of fire, they went up higher than before, and she disappears. Blazing Inferno begins flying in the air while swinging her sword, she teleported after each swing and hit Meteorite Hellfire several times, she grunted in pain and was shot back by the force of the attack, each hit also sent out a stream of fire that also hurt if it touched Meteorite Hellfire, Blazing Inferno soon appears in front of Meteorite Hellfire while in midair and does clockwise spin while she was floating in midair and at an angle, orange circles of fire fly out everywhere and Meteorite Hellfire changed to her fire form to move back and dodge them, she also ducked just to be safe. Blazing Inferno lands and Meteorite Hellfire shoots a beam of fire out of her horn, Blazing Inferno uses telekinesis to bring Meteorite Hellfire forward and held her sword out in an attempt to stab her, Meteorite Hellfire uses her telekinesis to fling the sword out of Blazing Inferno's hoof, but she just uses her fire powers to make it disappear and reappear in her front right hoof. Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis on herself to hold herself back from getting stabbed, but Blazing Inferno forces her forward and Meteorite Hellfire holds her sword in front of herself so Blazing Inferno's sword stabs it instead, Meteorite Hellfire then shoots fire into Blazing Inferno's face, she screams as she lost focus, she growls and changes to her nirik form.

Blazing Inferno screams with rage and her nirik fire gets higher and stronger, she shoots nirik fire and regular fire out of her horn at Meteorite Hellfire while screaming in rage, Meteorite Hellfire runs around and jumps around to dodge it, she did somersaults, back flips, side flips, and spinning in midair to dodge them since Blazing Inferno was not shooting them randomly, she shot them in specific locations at specific times, Meteorite Hellfire gets angry and changes to her nirik form, she swings her sword around faster than before, Blazing Inferno disappears and reappears to Meteorite Hellfire's left and bites her on her left cheek, she screams in pain and slashes Blazing Inferno's right cheek with her sword, Blazing Inferno jumps back while fire was coming out of the cut,

"Prepare to get burned." Blazing Inferno said in a distorted voice with a shield of fire around her, she disappears and spheres of nirik fire appear everywhere, along with sword slashes inside the spheres, Meteorite Hellfire runs around on the water to dodge them, one hits her and she grunts as she was shot back, she got back up and moved around to dodge the spheres, Meteorite Hellfire sees the spheres changing locations every time and she eventually had to do rolls and jump back to dodge some of them, but was careful with how far she jumped back, since one would appear behind her afterwards, she got hit a few times, but they were very painful. The spheres stopped and Blazing Inferno reappeared, changing back to normal, so did Meteorite Hellfire, the two continue swinging their swords around and cut one another, Blazing Inferno begins sidestepping and cutting Meteorite Hellfire onto her sides, which made her grunt in pain, it continued working until Meteorite Hellfire does a high diagonal swing to her right and grazes her right eye, which made Blazing Inferno scream, she growls and the two continue fighting. Meteorite Hellfire slashes her sword around a few times and lands a few hits on Blazing Inferno, she parries one slash and teleports away while changing into stronger flames, Blazing Inferno makes eight swords float around her and they move in a counterclockwise direction. Blazing Inferno shoots the swords at Meteorite Hellfire and she dodges each one by rolling around, Blazing Inferno growls since Meteorite Hellfire was a lot faster, stronger, and more durable than before,

"You're going down." Blazing Inferno said, and her flames rise again while she disappears. Meteorite Hellfire braces herself because she knew what was coming up, Blazing Inferno falls from the sky and tries to cut Meteorite Hellfire from above with her sword, Meteorite Hellfire jumps back while Blazing Inferno disappeared and reappeared above her, she does another downward slash while she fell from the sky, Meteorite Hellfire dodged each one. Meteorite Hellfire continues to dodge and was careful since Blazing Inferno was aiming for her head, and one hit would result in her death since it will cleave her head in half. Blazing Inferno continues trying to cut Meteorite Hellfire as she fell from the sky, Meteorite Hellfire dodges each one by jumping and rolling around, she holds her sword out and slides across the water, she stabs Blazing Inferno in her left chest again and she stumbles as she grunts loudly and changes back. Blazing Inferno jumps back and does more slashes with her sword that sent out waves of fire, which Meteorite Hellfire jumped over, she was losing her temper and decided enough was enough,

"Prepare to die." Blazing Inferno said, and her flames rise up again and she changes to her nirik form, Meteorite Hellfire becomes shocked and quickly changes to her fire form and nirik form together, she knew what was coming up. Blazing Inferno disappears and her fire form begins doing downward slashes while falling from the sky, her nirik form begins making spheres of nirik fire with sword slashes appear, and her regular form flies and teleports around while doing diagonal slashes, each slash she did sent waves of fire out. Meteorite Hellfire runs, rolls, and jumps around, she did several flips as well, but was hit many times by the spheres and diagonal slashes and in pain, she pants and Blazing Inferno stops when her three forms come together, she does the counterclockwise spin in midair again while at an angle, she swings her sword again and sends out waves of regular fire, nirik fire, and lava together, Meteorite Hellfire jumped back while doing a back flip and dodged them, the two change back to normal at the same time. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno pant as they look at one another, they run to one another and slash each other with their swords, but Meteorite Hellfire manages to land hits on Blazing Inferno several times and stun her each time, Meteorite Hellfire continues to do slashes without giving Blazing Inferno an opening or a chance to rest, she eventually does a diagonal slash and cuts Blazing Inferno on the right side of her neck. Blazing Inferno turns around and falls as she grunts, she pants and coughs,

"How? How can I lose to my little sister?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"Because I have trained ever since I was a little girl to beat you, and it seems I have finally surpassed you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No." Blazing Inferno said, and she stands up and turns around to face Meteorite Hellfire,

"I won't believe it, I'll be the superior sibling again when you're dead." Blazing Inferno said,

"Then let's end this, whoever gets the last hit wins." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the two run to one another. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno hold their swords out and scream with rage as they run to one another, the two jump in the air when they were near one another, Meteorite Hellfire does a horizontal slash from right to left while Blazing Inferno does a downwards slash, Meteorite Hellfire lets out a loud grunt and cuts Blazing Inferno across her abdomen while Blazing Inferno stood and was holding her sword, Meteorite Hellfire pants while holding her sword in front of herself and to her left side with her front hoofs while Blazing Inferno was frozen with her sword in front of her face, she grunts loudly and drops her sword, she screams in pain and explodes along with her sword.

The flames around Meteorite Hellfire extinguish themselves and Meteorite Hellfire stood in place for a minute before making her sword disappear, she falls to her hind knees and cries silently with tears falling out of her eyes. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami run to her and saw the water was not deep, they go in front of her and look at her with shocked faces, the three see Meteorite Hellfire did not notice them and just sat there with tears falling from her eyes, they hug her while she did not return it, Raging Tornado felt bad for her since she saw Meteorite Hellfire still cared for Blazing Inferno, even though Blazing Inferno hated her,

"Let's go home." Raging Tornado said, and the three pick up Meteorite Hellfire and carry her to Nature Valley.

Mother Nature was in the center of Nature Valley and she sees the four arrive, she walks to Meteorite Hellfire and touches the back of her neck with her front left hoof, Meteorite Hellfire looks up,

"I'm sorry about how far the rivalry between you and your sister escalated, Meteorite Hellfire, but I'm also proud that you proved her wrong, if you wish, you can stay home for the Season Festival tonight and rest." Mother Nature said, Meteorite Hellfire nodded while still crying,

"Well, let's go on and celebrate the night, and please be aware of Meteorite Hellfire's feelings, I already informed Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine, they'll be at the festival as well." Mother Nature said, and she disappears into the ground.

The Season Festival begins and there were food and music everywhere, the air ponies sang and played woodwind and brass instruments while the ground ponies played the percussion and string instruments, and the water ponies and fire ponies danced, there were leaves blowing to the north of Nature Valley, rocks going up and down to the east, snow, rain, and tidal waves to the south, and volcanic activity and high flames to the west. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami were with their families and seeing the children, Airstrike and Eruption were present as well, they patted the children and gave them autographs, Tsunami, Earthquake, Raging Tornado look to their rights and saw Meteorite Hellfire patted the head of each child who came to her, she saw Mother Nature, Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine were checking on her to make sure she was alright,

"It's kind of sad to see her like this." Ice Storm said,

"Yeah, it is sad." Hailstorm replied,

"Remember, she is a family friend, any problem Meteorite Hellfire has is ours as well." Blizzard said,

"Also remember she has no family, she's all alone." Avalanche said,

"She is your friend, Avalanche, you should watch over her and support her." Typhoon replied,

"Yes, she needs it more than Tsunami and the other two." Cold Wave said,

"Still a shame to see her like this." Flood replied, the others nod,

"Indeed, we should comfort her, because her family would never do that for her." Kelp said,

"Yes, if they won't, somepony else should." Limnic replied,

"That is why it is us, she is an honorary member of our family." Seaweed said,

"Well, come on, I think we should go check on her." Tsunami replied, her family agreed and they go to her,

"Dang, her fight with her sister must've hurt her deep down." Plate Tectonic said,

"Yes, Sandstorm and I fought a lot, but never to the extent of those two." Eruption replied,

"Poor girl, it looks like she never had a good parental figure in her life." Diamond said,

"Yeah, maybe we can be a substitute for her." Stone replied,

"I think so, Meteorite Hellfire might be happier to have us as parental figures." Landslide said,

"Everybody deserves a good parent, no matter how bad they are." Dust Storm said, they nod,

"Come on, let's go see how she is." Earthquake said, and they go to her,

"Wow, her fight with her sister really got to her." Hurricane said,

"Is it natural for sisters to fight like that?" Cyclone asked,

"Usually, no, but one sibling wishing the other to be dead is something Nature Valley has never had before." Hurricane replied,

"I can't help but feel bad for her, her sister was her only family member left, and now she's gone." Raging Tornado said,

"Yeah, I actually feel bad, too." Hurricane replied,

"Come on, let's go check on her." Downburst said, the others agree and go to her,

"Meteorite Hellfire?" Tsunami asked, she looks to her left and sees Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, and their families coming to her,

"Are you alright?" Tsunami asked, Meteorite Hellfire shakes her head,

"Please, tell us, what is the matter?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Look at yourselves, all happy and getting to spend time with your families, I don't have that, a mom who played favorites and favored my sister, a sister who wants to be superior to me in every way and was willing to kill me if I proved to be good at anything, and a dad who walked out on my family when I was born, I never got to know him." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Meteorite Hellfire, we're all allies, and that makes us all family to one another, that includes you, too." Earthquake said,

"Really?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, and their families nod while smiling,

"Remember, Meteorite Hellfire, we're here, too, you, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado are like daughters to me, I will try to the best of my ability to be a surrogate mother to you." Mother Nature said, Meteorite Hellfire was very touched by Mother Nature's words,

"Remember, Kirin Grove is your home, too, you're always welcome to come to me for help." Rain Shine said,

"Sorry, but I'm already busy with Tsunami, so I won't be able to do much." Queen Novo said,

"I'll be in Canterlot if you wish to see me, Meteorite Hellfire, believe me, I know the pain of losing a sister." Princess Celestia said, Meteorite Hellfire looked down in sorrow, still deeply hurt over losing her sister,

"How are you dealing with the loss of your sister, Tsunami?" Raging Tornado asked,

"It hurts, a lot, a part of me actually wishes for her to be back." Tsunami replied,

"Come now, let's enjoy the night, and remember, there's two therapists in Ponyville, one is Doctor Whooves, and the other is Starlight Glimmer, you four can see them if you need help." Princess Celestia said, and they all enjoy the Season Festival for the rest of the night.

Meteorite Hellfire wakes up the next morning and uses the bathroom and has breakfast, she looks at herself in the mirror in the bathroom,

"I cried last night, I really am weak." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she goes outside and saw Scorpion walking to her from her right,

"Is Blazing Inferno gone?" Scorpion asked,

"Yup." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"So, what now?" Scorpion asked,

"I'm going to have to train myself to not break mentally since I actually cried yesterday, I'm also going to have to establish a new example for the next generation of my family, since my mom and sister left behind a bad legacy." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Are you going to get married?" Scorpion asked,

"Not yet, I'm going to wait until I'm older, and I'll have to make sure it's one who doesn't leave the family." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"So... are you free right now?" Scorpion asked,

"Sure, I can do boxing right now." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and they go into her home. Meteorite Hellfire and Scorpion do boxing together and they laugh together, Meteorite Hellfire teaches Scorpion some new moves and continued to live in Nature Valley with only her friends since she did not have a family.

Author's Note:

For the story being told from the points of view of the other three characters, click the names.

Raging Tornado

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