• Published 10th Jun 2019
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Elements of Nature - smirker

Expansion of the Unnoticed Threats chapter Elements of Nature.

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Earthquake lived in Nature Valley with creatures called elemental ponies, there were four different types of them, fire ponies were made out of red fire, water ponies were made out of blue water, ground ponies were made out of mostly brown rocks, and air ponies were made out of green wind. Nature Valley was divided into four sections, the fire ponies lived in the west, the water ponies lived in the south, the ground ponies lived in the east, and the air ponies lived in the north, their bodies resembled earth ponies, but they can grow wings, gills, and a unicorn horn at will.

Nature Valley was forgotten until it was found by four creatures, a kirin who left Kirin Grove because she did not want to lose her voice, a hippogriff who left Mount Aris to escape the Storm King, an earth pony who was looking for a place to settle down, and a Pegasus who decided to live there when she grew to love the place. The elemental ponies did not trust them at first, but Nature Valley's ruler, Mother Nature, saw it as the perfect thing, she bestowed her powers onto the four to rule in her place since the moderation and industrialization of the world has severely weakened her powers, and since those four were not powered by nature like how she was, they would not be affected by it, so Mother Nature gave them her powers, but she had too many powers for one creature to wield, so she divided it by element, the kirin received the Element of Fire, the hippogriff received the Element of Water, the earth pony received the Element of Earth, and the Pegasus received the Element of Air. Mother Nature had the four go bring males to Nature Valley so they could have another generation, they did, and since then, the females from the maternal side of the four families had Mother Nature's powers, and the fathers would change to become an elemental pony, the one they mated would determine which elemental pony they become, the hippogriffs and kirins took the forms of ponies to blend in with the others.

Many generations pass and a ball was being held for the next generation for the bearers of the Elements of Nature, all elemental ponies were in the center of Nature Valley, the four next females to receive the four elements sat in thrones, Earthquake sat in a yellow throne to the right, the Pegasus sat in a green throne that was above the other three, the kirin sat in a red throne to the left, and the hippogriff sat in a blue throne that was below the other three.

The elemental ponies dance at the ball while Earthquake and the other three sat in their thrones, the kirin had a red coat, a gray mane and tail, light orange eyes, black scales and hoofs, and a dark brown horn, her magic aura was red; the hippogriff had a light blue coat, a long dark blue mane and tail, green eyes, and a royal blue beak, talons, and hoofs, her pearl necklace was light blue; Earthquake had a yellow coat, long wavy light brown mane and tail, gray eyes, and her cutie mark was a black upside-down triangle with a line going across the inside of it horizontally; the Pegasus had a bright green coat, long sky blue mane and tail, light gray eyes, and her cutie mark was a gray tornado.

The ball continues and Mother Nature was present, her body resembled an alicorn, with her main body, head, legs, and hoofs being made out of brown wood, her horn was made out of black obsidian, her eyes were regular eyes and were gold with black pupils, her mane was blue flowing water, her wings were red fire, and her tail was green flowing wind, she physically resembled Princess Celestia, who was also present at the ball since she knew the spell that was required to cast to find Nature Valley, and was a friend of Mother Nature. Since one bearer of the Elements of Nature was a kirin, and another one was a hippogriff, Queen Novo and Rain Shine were present at the ball as well, Queen Novo was in her hippogriff form,

"Attention, everypony." Mother Nature said, she sounded almost just like Princess Celestia as well, the elemental ponies look at her,

"As you all know, this ball is to coronate the next generation of the bearers of the Elements of Nature, they will now receive the elements their mother, older sisters, and maternal aunt previously had, let the coronation begin." Mother Nature said, and the elemental ponies cheer,

"Meteorite Hellfire, you are the kirin who provides warmth and comfort on cold nights, purify those who had done bad deeds, and guide those lost in the darkness to safety, you represent the Element of Fire." Mother Nature said, and two fire ponies put a silver necklace with a red princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"Tsunami, you are the hippogriff who provides life to all beings, and cleanses those who have committed bad deeds, you represent the Element of Water." Mother Nature said, and two water ponies put a silver necklace with a blue princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"Earthquake, you are the earth pony that provides land for all beings to reside on, and grows plants and food for everycreature to eat and live, you represent the Element of Earth." Mother Nature said, and two ground ponies put a silver necklace with a yellow princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"Raging Tornado, you are the Pegasus that provides air for everycreature to breathe and live without the worry of poisons in the air, and cleans the air of pollution, you represent the Element of Air." Mother Nature said, and two air ponies put a silver necklace with a green princess cut gemstone on it onto her neck,

"The next generation of the bearers of the Elements of Nature has been chosen, may they continue to treat us kindly and protect Nature Valley and the world like how the females from the maternal sides of their families have." Mother Nature said, and the elemental ponies cheer. The ball continues and Princess Celestia goes to Earthquake and Raging Tornado,

"I expect great things from you two, there are things Twilight and her friends can't get done." Princess Celestia said,

"You will not be disappointed, Princess Celestia." Raging Tornado replied,

"I am ready to fulfill my duties." Earthquake said,

"Why can't we have us four and the six Elements of Harmony together?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Because the Elements of Harmony is based on friendship and only powers Equestria, the Elements of Nature is based on, well, nature, and it powers all lands, even the ones beyond Equestria." Princess Celestia replied, Raging Tornado was surprised,

"I'm still going to need you to continue your jobs in Equestria, but don't use your powers in public, it will cause my star pupil to try to track down this place and study your magic, even though she does not know the spell that is required to be cast to find this place, I only cast it to attend the ball and other festivities, Queen Novo and Rain Shine were with me, but no matter what happens, don't use your powers in public, I don't wish for unwanted attention." Princess Celestia said, Earthquake and Raging Tornado nod.

Queen Novo walked to Tsunami and went to speak with her,

"Ever since the Storm King has been defeated, we have been getting visitors in our homeland, so be careful with your powers." Queen Novo said,

"I will, your majesty." Tsunami replied, and Queen Novo went back to join the ball. Rain Shine went to go see Meteorite Hellfire,

"We have gained our abilities to speak again, I hope you don't go overboard with your powers." Rain Shine said,

"Don't you worry, Rain Shine, I am ready to have fun and use my powers for good." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Just don't go crazy, the last thing we need is our home burning down again, and don't use your powers in public, it will cause the other kirins to look at you strangely." Rain Shine said,

"Ugh, fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and Rain Shine went to go enjoy the ball. Everypony present dances except for Mother Nature, Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, Rain Shine, Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado,

"Well, Earthquake, I guess you and I are going to be busy." Raging Tornado said,

"I'm always busy, I've got more jobs to do as a model." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado sighed,

"Why did you have to become a model for, anyway?" Raging Tornado asked,

"So I can enchant stallions with my charm, I'm going to have fun flirting with the next stallion." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado groaned while shaking her head,

"Don't you want a husband, Raging Tornado?" Earthquake asked,

"Well, yes, but I don't want to win him over like you, I'm looking for the one, I don't go around flirting with almost every stallion I meet." Raging Tornado replied,

"Don't you have a job as well?" Earthquake asked,

"I work at the weather factory in Cloudsdale." Raging Tornado replied,

"How about hobbies?" Earthquake asked,

"I like reading." Raging Tornado replied, Earthquake chuckled,

"It seems Tsunami and Meteorite Hellfire are having a conversation as well." Earthquake said,

"I am going to ask you kindly to clean yourself before visiting my home, Meteorite Hellfire, I don't want to clean up another mess when you were covered in motor oil that one time." Tsunami said,

"It was just that one time, Tsunami, you really should lighten up a bit." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How can I? I work long and hard to keep my house clean, and you ruin it whenever you come with dirt, mud, or oil from working on your cart, you undo all of the cleaning and decorating I take time to do." Tsunami said,

"I'm still surprised you didn't dress for the occasion." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I didn't have the time to, and I'd have to get my makeup and jewelry on, I do wish I wore a dress, though." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire grunted and groaned with annoyance,

"As I was saying, Earthquake, I don't approve of you doing modeling just to win the hearts of stallions." Raging Tornado said,

"Raging Tornado, if you act like that, you're never going to find a lover." Earthquake replied,

"But I want my stallion to be the one, I don't want to use my feminine charm to seduce them and date them for one night, and go onto another the next night, I want him to stay with me forever." Raging Tornado said, Earthquake laughed a little,

"Well, we might as well entertain the guests by looking pretty." Earthquake said, and the ball continues. Some of the elemental ponies take pictures of the four, Tsunami and Raging Tornado smile while Earthquake stood on her throne and did seductive poses,

"Earthquake!" Raging Tornado said sternly and disapprovingly,

"What? I need some way for the stallions to remember me." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado looked down and shook her head while groaning loudly with annoyance,

"Ugh, this ball is boring!" Meteorite Hellfire said, Earthquake disagreed,

"You seem composed, Tsunami." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"They're taking pictures, we have to be on our best behavior and look pretty." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire sighed out of boredom and they finish, the ball continues while the four sit. Earthquake continues sitting in her throne and she saw several people approaching her, one was a male ground pony almost her height, he was her younger brother, his name was Plate Tectonic, she and him got along great, a tall ground pony was also with them, his name was Landslide, he was Earthquake's father, a male ground pony a little older than her father, his name was Stone, her paternal uncle and Landslide's older brother, a female ground pony who was middle aged, her name was Diamond, her paternal aunt and Landslide's and Stone's older sister, a male ground pony who was middle aged and wore glasses, his name was Sinkhole, her maternal uncle and her mother's and maternal aunt's older brother, the last ground pony was elderly with cracks in his body, his name was Dust Storm, her maternal grandfather. Earthquake's mother, maternal aunt, and maternal grandmother were deceased, their names were Sandstorm, Eruption, and Terra, Terra was the wielder of the Element of Earth two generations ago, Sandstorm was supposed to wield it after her since she was the older sibling between her and Eruption, but she passed away from illness before she could, so Eruption wielded it instead,

"Congratulations, Earthquake." Landslide said,

"Thanks, dad." Earthquake replied,

"You're still going to try to pick up stallions, right?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Of course, I haven't forgotten, I've been winning more hearts than you so far." Earthquake replied, the rest of her family chuckle,

"You two remind me of myself when I was younger." Sinkhole said,

"I used to try to win the hearts of mares when I was you two's age, too." Dust Storm said,

"Yeah, me too." Stone replied,

"I did as well." Diamond said, Earthquake and her family chuckle about it while Tsunami looks at them with her left talon over her mouth, Earthquake continues spending time with her family while the ball continues. The ball ends and Earthquake and her family go home for the day, they were all laughing and having a good time,

"Come on, big sis, just like old times." Plate Tectonic said,

"Yeah, here we go." Earthquake replied, and her family surrounds her,

"We hereby announce the current bearer of the Element of Earth to be provide us with food and a good season of gardening, and defend us all from harm." Plate Tectonic, Landslide, Stone, Diamond, Sinkhole, and Dust Storm said together, and they all begin to sing and dance, Earthquake and Plate Tectonic play around while Landslide, Stone, and Dust Storm drank, and Diamond and Sinkhole danced, they all have fun and laugh when they finish and go to their beds and sleep, Earthquake and Plate Tectonic shared a room, Earthquake's side was the left side of the room, while Plate Tectonic's was the right side, they all lay down and fall asleep quickly.

Earthquake wakes up the next morning and heard yawning, she looks and saw Plate Tectonic was awake,

"When did you wake up, little brother?" Earthquake asked,

"About an hour ago." Plate Tectonic replied,

"Well, we should get ready with our days." Earthquake said,

"Agreed." Plate Tectonic replied, and they get up together. Earthquake and Plate Tectonic exit their room and see their family was awake,

"Good morning, you two." Landslide said,

"Wait, you all are already up?" Earthquake asked,

"Uh-huh, we thought you two would be tired after last night, so we made everything for you two." Diamond replied,

"What about you guys?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"We're fine, we slept a bit more after we finished making breakfast for you two." Stone replied,

"Yes, go on and eat, us adults have to help with the preparations for the Season Festival." Dust Storm said,

"That's coming again already?" Earthquake asked,

"Apparently so, now come on, you two, get ready for school and work now." Sinkhole replied, and the two have breakfast. Earthquake and Plate Tectonic went back to their room and get ready for the day, Earthquake puts lip gloss and yellow eyeliner on, she also styled her mane and tail to look attractive while Plate Tectonic lifted weights and did cardio exercises to make himself more muscular, he also made himself have a long mane and tail of green seaweed to make himself look more handsome,

"Hey, little brother, can you help me with my makeup here?" Earthquake asked,

"I'm coming." Plate Tectonic replied, and he puts Earthquake's eyeliner on for her, the two look at themselves in the mirror in the center of the room, Earthquake looks at herself from all sides while Plate Tectonic flexed his muscles and did poses,

"Man, we're pretty." Plate Tectonic said, Earthquake chuckled,

"You got that right." Earthquake replied,

"Remember to send me pictures if you get another boyfriend." Plate Tectonic said,

"I will, and try to send me pictures if you win another girl over." Earthquake replied, Plate Tectonic chuckles and Earthquake goes to work while Plate Tectonic went to school.

Earthquake ran out of Nature Valley and entered Equestria, she had a photo shoot today, she had to take the train to Manehattan after signing in for work. Earthquake stood around with a beach background behind her, and Earthquake had to do poses, she was not wearing any costumes or clothes for the photo shoot, and the pony taking the pictures was Hoity Toity, she looks and saw a male unicorn watching her in the back, he had a sky blue coat, short gray mane and tail, gray eyes, and his cutie mark was a gray gear with three yellow millet plants inside of it, Earthquake sees the unicorn was infatuated with her and was enjoying watching her, Earthquake decided to continue. Earthquake poses while putting emphasis on her face, her legs, her chest, and her flank, she did one pose with herself blowing a kiss at the unicorn watching her in the back and holding her front left hoof out, she does another pose while she stood on her hind legs and had her mane moved forward and divided in half, the two parts of her mane were over her chest. The mares watching scream with shock while Hoity Toity looked at her,

"What are you doing?!" Hoity Toity asked,

"Posing for my photos." Earthquake replied,

"Can you at least try to be a bit modest?" Hoity Toity asked, Earthquake became disappointed but complied,

"Thank you." Hoity Toity said, and they finish the photo shoot. Earthquake has lunch and was careful about her diet, she only ate foods that would keep her skinny and be healthy, she did hope that Plate Tectonic was having a good day at school today, she goes outside to get some fresh air and inhales deeply, she exhales and looks around, she sees foals playing outside while she was in Manehattan and smiled, she always liked children, so did Plate Tectonic, along with Raging Tornado, Tsunami, and Meteorite Hellfire, it reminds herself of the times she had with them when they were kids, lunch break ends and Earthquake had to stand for the rest of the workday off since she was finished taking her pictures, she headed home when the day was over.

Earthquake arrives home and saw Plate Tectonic was outside, he was spending time with the ground pony foals and playing with them, Earthquake went to go see them and they let her join, the two play a ball game with the foals and wanted Earthquake to spice things up,

"Okay, here goes nothing." Earthquake said, and her gem glows a bright yellow. A big rock comes out of the ground and Earthquake's body shifted around, she was made out of soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay, Earthquake tries to get a hold of her new magic, she makes trees grow out of the ground by mistake, she also made boulders and mountains grow with her magic, she created quicksand and mud as well, Earthquake decides to stop using her magic,

"On second thought, maybe I shouldn't." Earthquake said, the foals agree and she plays with them and Plate Tectonic more. Bells were heard ringing in the center of Nature Valley after about thirty minutes,

"Mother Nature's calling, I have to go now, everypony." Earthquake said, and the foals wave bye at her while she headed to the center of Nature Valley. Earthquake ran to the center of Nature Valley and arrived there, but she only saw Mother Nature, Meteorite Hellfire, and Tsunami there,

"Where's Raging Tornado?" Tsunami asked,

"She is currently awaking from a nap, she will be here in a few minutes." Mother Nature replied,

"Ugh, it's always Raging Tornado who is late." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Yeah, remember back when all of us played together as kids? Raging Tornado was always the one late to our activities." Earthquake replied,

"I don't get it, what is it with her always being late? She's always had that problem ever since she was a kid." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"It's her personality type, Meteorite Hellfire, people of her personality tend to be late a lot, give her time, she'll be here, I'll be in the ground in the meantime." Mother Nature replied, and she disappears into the ground,

"Well, can't we just make a really loud noise or something to give her the message to hurry up?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, that'd be rude." Tsunami replied,

"It'd get the job done, though." Earthquake said,

"What is it with you two? You two are always more focused on getting things done instead of how your partner feels or their condition." Tsunami said,

"Because we need our jobs done as fast as possible." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"That, and it allows us to move forward with our next plans." Earthquake said,

"I wish you two would think about the feelings of your partners." Tsunami said,

"You're starting to sound just like Raging Tornado." Earthquake replied,

"At least she cares about the well being of those she works with." Tsunami said,

"I can understand that, we need people in good condition to get things done." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No, no, no, I mean as in their feelings, their emotions." Tsunami said,

"There are more important things to worry about than emotions." Earthquake replied, Meteorite Hellfire nodded while Tsunami looked at her with her mouth open. White gusts of wind come down and form into Raging Tornado,

"About time you got here." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Wait, I'm late?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yes, by ten minutes." Tsunami replied,

"Just like when we were kids, Raging Tornado's always the late one." Earthquake said, much to Raging Tornado's embarrassment. Fire bursts out of the ground, water floats in the air, brown wood comes together, and green wind comes down, they form into Mother Nature,

"Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, Earthquake, Raging Tornado, I am sensing a disturbance, something is threatening all of the lands, a force that cannot be seen, heard, sensed, or felt by regular people, even those with magic." Mother Nature said,

"What is it, Mother Nature?" Tsunami asked,

"This force I am sensing is called the Corrupted, somepony is summoning them with magic, the four Elements of Nature are going to be required to deal with this threat, this is something the Elements of Harmony cannot detect." Mother Nature replied,

"Hold on, what is Corrupted?" Raging Tornado asked,

"As you four know, industrialization has made my powers significantly weaker, this pony is using its magic to fuse nature with modern industrialization and destroy all nature in Equestria and beyond, this pony has to be stopped." Mother Nature replied,

"Your point, Mother Nature?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"The Corrupted is the elemental ponies here, somepony is teleporting them out of Nature Valley, and fusing them with industrial objects, and forcing them to be its slaves, this pony has to be stopped." Mother Nature replied, the four were very sympathetic,

"Where are elemental ponies being teleported to?" Earthquake asked,

"I don't know, but I am sensing them disappearing. Hurry, this pony has been teleporting and enslaving foals so far." Mother Nature replied, the four become shocked,

"I am going to train you four for your mission. Meteorite Hellfire, your element symbolizes strength, may you unleash your flames of rage to destroy the one creating the Corrupted. Tsunami, your element symbolizes flexibility, may you change your shape and body to infiltrate the enemy and use the waters to bring down the wicked. Earthquake, your element symbolizes defense, may you endure the physical and psychological traumas up ahead so you may remain steady for everycreature to live on the earth. Raging Tornado, your element symbolizes speed, may you use the wind to quickly find and rescue the captives." Mother Nature said, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado nod while Meteorite Hellfire fell asleep, Earthquake hits her on the left side of her head with her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire woke up,

"It is time to train, I am going to have you four get used to your new powers, first." Mother Nature said,

"Ugh, finally, something fun to do." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You should focus more, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami replied,

"Hey! It's not my fault our duties have been boring so far." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Enough, Meteorite Hellfire, it's time to train." Mother Nature said, and the four train.

Mother Nature had the elemental ponies help, Meteorite Hellfire had complete control over fire, she was also able to change herself into fire, she can also shapeshift and take on different forms in her fire form, but she burned the ground and left hoofprints on it. Tsunami was able to change into a stream of water and flow around on the ground, she was also able to be made out of water, and shapeshift, Tsunami also had psychic control over the rain and ocean, she was able to control the water at will. Earthquake was able to change her body around by adding or subtracting parts of the ground to her own body, she can also change her body into different solids, she was able to change between soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay, Earthquake also had control over plants, and can grow trees out of her body, and grow bigger or smaller. Raging Tornado was able to turn into gusts of wind to move around quickly and not be detected, she was also able to form tornadoes with her mind, make her body made out of air, and could move clouds around with her mind.

Mother Nature has the four combine their powers together, Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami cancelled one another out, Earthquake and Raging Tornado created flying rocks, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake created meteors together, Tsunami and Raging Tornado created storms together, Meteorite Hellfire and Raging Tornado created a wildfire together, while Tsunami and Earthquake could mix their elements together, but it did nothing, the parts of the ground just floated in the water, and some of the sand and clay became so soft, people would sink in it if they were over it. Mother Nature had all four of them combine their powers next, they created a tornado with fire, water, plants, soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay in it, it was destructive and powerful,

"Very good, you four, but remember, you must control your powers and use them responsibly. I'm looking at you, Tsunami." Mother Nature said,

"Yes, I understand, I won't make the same mistake my big sister made." Tsunami replied, the other three sensed sadness in her voice,

"You four can also speak with your predecessors through your respective elements, their souls have embedded into the elements, you four can use your gems to contact them, go on and try them." Mother Nature said, and their gems glow, much to their surprises, the red gem summons a kirin made out of orange fire, the blue gem summons a hippogriff out of the water, it took the shape of the hippogriff's head, the yellow gem summons sand and an earth pony, and the green gem summoned gusts of wind in the air and it formed a Pegasus, the four recognized them, they were the previous bearers of the Elements of Nature before them, the kirin was Blazing Inferno, Meteorite Hellfire's older sister, the hippogriff was Tidal Wave, Tsunami's older sister, the earth pony was Eruption, Earthquake's maternal aunt, and the Pegasus was Airstrike, Raging Tornado's mother. Raging Tornado was in awe while Earthquake was happy, Tsunami was ashamed, and Meteorite Hellfire was angry,

"I'm back, Earthquake." Eruption said,

"I'm ready to best you at being a better element bearer." Earthquake replied, Eruption laughed,

"Excited and competitive already, you always were one for high spirits." Eruption said, Earthquake smiled,

"Are you and Plate Tectonic still trying to win hearts?" Eruption asked,

"Sure am, we haven't had much luck recently, though." Earthquake replied,

"Ah, just like me and Sandstorm when we were young, I always won the stallions because Sandstorm was busy with her training by our mother." Eruption said,

"Mom was always smarter than you, Aunt Eruption." Earthquake replied,

"Yeah, but I was stronger and the better fighter." Eruption said,

"Who was the prettier one?" Earthquake asked,

"There wasn't one, we both didn't care about our appearance." Eruption replied,

"Oh, well, anyway, you better watch out, Aunt Eruption, I'm already learning how to control my powers." Earthquake said,

"Think you can best me at using earth magic?" Eruption asked,

"You're going down, Aunt Eruption." Earthquake replied enthusiastically, Eruption laughed,

"What are you doing for a living?" Eruption asked,

"Modeling, and picking up stallions." Earthquake replied,

"Ah, I used to do that, too, I bet you'll never win as many stallions as I did when I was your age." Eruption said,

"You're on." Earthquake replied, she hears Raging Tornado groan with disapproval,

"Very well, I have a picture of every stallion in my old room, I'd like to see you surpass that number." Eruption said,

"I will, Plate Tectonic's working on winning as many mare hearts as possible, he's trying to surpass dad, Uncle Stone, and Uncle Sinkhole." Earthquake replied,

"Ah, I remember Sinkhole, he was such a ladies pony when me and Sandstorm were young, while he wasn't in our sibling rivalry, he did fight with us from time to time." Eruption said,

"I remember the time you told me and Plate Tectonic about the time grandpa tried to win Mother Nature's heart." Earthquake replied,

"Yes, that was a funny one, Dust Storm ended up being shot down by Mother Nature because she told him that he's made up of one element, and not all four like she is, and said she'll date him if he could make himself become a living embodiment of all four elements, she said until then, she will never love him." Eruption said, Earthquake laughs,

"I AM NOT INFERIOR!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled as she changed into a nirik,

"Then why did mom always favor me over you?" Blazing Inferno asked, Meteorite Hellfire was speechless,

"Exactly, you are a weak and pathetic successor of me, anything you could do, I could do better." Blazing Inferno said,

"THAT IS NOT TRUE!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled with rage,

"Enough, you two." Mother Nature said as she walked to them,

"You will not antagonize your sister, Blazing Inferno, just because you're a soul fused with the element of fire does not mean I have no power over you, I can still take your powers away, and send your soul to the Void." Mother Nature said, Blazing Inferno became obedient and quiet,

"There, you four should now head home and get ready, I think you all trained enough for the first day." Mother Nature said, they agreed and the four head home.

Earthquake walks home and sees many different types of plants and flowers growing out of the ground, along with grass everywhere, she remembers that every area of Nature Valley is a different season, she lived in the eastern part, where it was always spring, the north, where Raging Tornado lived, was always autumn, the south, where Tsunami lived, was always winter, and the west, where Meteorite Hellfire lived, was always summer, Earthquake admires the flowers that grew, she liked the shape of the roses the best, she heads home and goes to her family,

"Welcome home." Earthquake's family said,

"Thanks." Earthquake replied,

"We're helping Plate Tectonic with his homework, wanna join?" Landslide asked,

"Sure." Earthquake replied, and she sat with them,

"Look who I brought home with me." Earthquake said, and Eruption appeared, made out of brown rocks,

"I'm back." Eruption said,

"Eruption?" Dust Storm asked,

"Hi, dad." Eruption replied, Dust Storm trots to her and they hug each other, Dust Storm then kisses her on the forehead, Eruption then goes to Sinkhole, they hug each other,

"Hello, big brother." Eruption said,

"Welcome back, Eruption." Sinkhole replied, they let go and Eruption trots to Plate Tectonic and they hug each other,

"Glad to have you back, Aunt Eruption." Plate Tectonic said,

"It's good to be back." Eruption replied,

"Did you bring presents?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Maybe next time." Eruption replied, Plate Tectonic smiled, Eruption then trots to Landslide, they hug one another,

"How has my sister's seducer been?" Eruption asked,

"Never more proud than looking after our offsprings." Landslide replied, Eruption chuckles, she trots to Stone and they hug one another,

"You tried to seduce me once." Eruption said,

"Yeah, thought it would've been cool to have you as my wife since my brother won your sister." Stone replied, Eruption laughs a little, she then trots to Diamond and they hug one another,

"You were always one of my best friends, Diamond." Eruption said,

"I missed you all of these years, I still miss Sandstorm to this day." Diamond replied, Eruption had a sad face,

"Come to think of it, Earthquake and I never heard about our paternal grandparents." Plate Tectonic said,

"Oh, you see, Plate Tectonic, my, Stone's, and Diamond's parents passed away before we met Eruption and her family, your paternal grandmother's name was Crystalline, and your paternal grandfather's name was Geode." Landslide replied,

"Ah, no wonder why we never heard of them or saw them." Plate Tectonic said,

"I still miss maternal grandma, though." Earthquake said,

"We all do, Earthquake, she was such a loving mare." Dust Storm replied, the others agreed,

"I'll be here again for now, I have to help Earthquake with her new role." Eruption said,

"I'll prove I'm better than you, Aunt Eruption." Earthquake said,

"We'll see about that." Eruption replied,

"You two should rest, Eruption's got a lot to teach you tomorrow, Earthquake." Landslide said,

"Yup, see you in the morning." Eruption said, and she disappeared into the floor, Earthquake goes to bed and sleeps.

Morning comes and Earthquake stretches, she puts her makeup on while she saw Plate Tectonic lifting weights on his side of the room,

"Need some help, little brother?" Earthquake asked,

"I'm fine at the moment." Plate Tectonic replied, and he keeps lifting the barbell, he finishes and puts it on the rack, he stands up while grunting,

"Well, let's go, Eruption wants to train you with the rest of us." Plate Tectonic said, Earthquake smiles and the two head out together. Earthquake stands with her family and was ready to train,

"Alright, here goes nothing." Eruption said, and she makes rocks come out of the ground, Landslide, Stone, Sinkhole, Plate Tectonic, and Diamond buck them and break them, Earthquake becomes scared and dodges them on impulse,

"No, no, no, Earthquake, you're supposed to stand still and let them hit you, the Element of Earth represents endurance." Eruption said,

"But what if I get hurt?" Earthquake asked,

"Relax, Earthquake, you won't, Eruption did the same training and she never got hurt." Landslide replied, Earthquake becomes surprised and decided to give it a try,

"I'm ready." Earthquake said,

"Alright." Eruption replied, and she made more rocks appear. Earthquake's family bucks them and breaks them, Earthquake had to force herself to stand still and was still scared, but the rocks break on impact when they hit her, she felt no pain,

"Hey! You're right! I didn't feel a thing!" Earthquake said happily, Eruption chuckled,

"We're just starting, Earthquake, time to do sharp objects." Eruption replied, and she makes sharpened wood appear on herself, she shoots them out and they hit Earthquake, she grunts while the sharpened wood got stuck in her body,

"Now, change your body into a hard substance to force it out." Eruption said, Earthquake changes her body to stone and forces the sharpened wood out,

"Good, now remember, Earthquake, you can also change your body to soft substances to force the sharp object to go through your body with no harm, but it will hurt." Eruption said,

"Got it." Earthquake replied,

"One more thing, each element has a disadvantage, the Element of Earth is the slowest of the four, we're not built for speed, the Element of Air is." Eruption said,

"Is the Element of Air the least durable?" Earthquake asked,

"Yes, those who bear the Element of Air cannot take much damage before falling, Airstrike was the fastest on the team when I wielded the Element of Earth, but she usually went down in one hit." Eruption replied, Earthquake was relieved not to have that,

"What about the other two?" Earthquake asked,

"The Element of Fire is the least flexible with one's body, and the Element of Water is the physically weakest." Eruption replied, Earthquake chuckled,

"Well, come on, let's continue your training." Eruption said, and they train for a few hours,

"I have to go to school now." Plate Tectonic said, his family smiles,

"Okay, we'll continue another time." Eruption replied, and Plate Tectonic left while his family smiled as they watched him. Earthquake and her family decided to help with the decorations for the Season Festival, a female ground pony appeared to Earthquake's left,

"You haven't called for us, duchess." the ground pony said,

"I don't need any help at the moment, I'll let you all know, okay?" Earthquake asked while smiling, the ground pony smiled and nodded,

"Good, now go on and see your family and friends, I'm fine at the moment." Earthquake said, and the ground pony disappeared into the ground, Earthquake puts up the banners for the Season Festival, they were yellow with gray rocks on them, each banner had two gray rocks, one on each side, she looks at the time after putting up a banner, they were in the ground,

"I have to stop now, my next photo shoot is coming up." Earthquake said,

"Alright, if you win a stallion's heart, send us a picture." Eruption replied, Earthquake laughs a little and trots away.

Earthquake trots to the west of eastern Nature Valley, she heads south first and looks for Tsunami, she makes a hill of dirt appear under her and she looks, she saw Tsunami was by herself, so she disappears into the ground. Tsunami was working and Earthquake appears behind her,

"Tsunami." Earthquake said, Tsunami yelps and turns around,

"Don't do that, Earthquake." Tsunami said,

"You didn't hear me?" Earthquake asked,

"No." Tsunami replied,

"Oh, well, my next photo shoot is coming up in a few hours, wanna attend?" Earthquake asked,

"Oh, I would love to, but I have to work here with my family, I'm sorry, Earthquake, but I must decline." Tsunami replied,

"Okay, maybe next time, then." Earthquake said with disappointment, and she turns into dirt and goes into the ground. Earthquake comes out of the ground in eastern Nature Valley, disappointed that Tsunami could not come, she did not bother asking Meteorite Hellfire because she knows she is not interested in such things, she makes a hill appear and looks at northern Nature Valley, she saw Raging Tornado working on her own,

"Yes, maybe Raging Tornado can come." Earthquake said to herself, and she makes the hill of dirt disappear and she goes into the ground. Raging Tornado was working and putting up banners for the Season Festival, Earthquake appears behind her while she put up the last banner and she sighs,

"Falling behind, Raging Tornado?" Earthquake asked from behind, Raging Tornado jumped forward and exclaimed with shock,

"Don't sneak up on me like that." Raging Tornado said,

"Really? You didn't hear me coming? I control the Element of Earth, I think I'd be the easiest to detect." Earthquake said,

"Why?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Because I control everything that makes up the ground, so I think I would be loud." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado looked at her with disapproval,

"That reminds me, my next photo shoot is coming up in a few hours, wanna attend?" Earthquake asked,

"Why can't you ask the other two to go?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Because Meteorite Hellfire isn't interested in that stuff, and Tsunami's busy." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado looks and sees the preparations were nearly done,

"Okay, I'll go." Raging Tornado said, Earthquake chuckles,

"Watch and learn, Raging Tornado, I'll show you how to win a stallion's heart." Earthquake said, and she left, Raging Tornado rolled her eyes while groaning and followed her. Raging Tornado and Earthquake arrived at the fashion show in Manehattan, Coco Pommel was doing the show, and by coincidence, Rarity was there as well,

"Excuse me." Coco Pommel said, and Raging Tornado and Earthquake look at her,

"The show's about to start, you two should get into costume." Coco Pommel said,

"Actually, I'm just her friend, I'm not part of the show." Raging Tornado replied,

"That's fine, we can always use an extra for background pictures, and extra ponies for the costumes, so go on and wear what you want." Coco Pommel said, and she did,

"I, Photo Finish, is ready to take pictures." Photo Finish said from afar, Rarity trotted to them,

"Go on and get into your costumes, darlings, the photo shoot is about to begin." Rarity said, and they do, Raging Tornado saw she had to wear a green dress with light green transparent silks flowing behind her, while Earthquake wore a yellow dress with gray trimmings, the two pose for the photos and Raging Tornado grew to like the dress,

"Okay, next, ze twin dresses." Photo Finish said, and the two had to wear black dresses with a purple fluffy blouse going from the neck to the abdomen, Raging Tornado wore it with modesty while Earthquake did not like it, she pulled the blouse apart to expose her chest, and ripped one side of the dress to make a slit on her hind left leg. Raging Tornado and Earthquake pose with Earthquake posing with heavy emphasis on her exposed chest and leg, Raging Tornado exclaimed with shock when she saw what Earthquake was doing,

"What are you doing?!" Raging Tornado asked, the ponies present look at her and saw Earthquake has modified the dress, much to Rarity's and Coco Pommel's shocks,

"I told you, I'll show you how to win a stallion's heart, so I'm exposing my skin." Earthquake replied, Rarity screamed with shock and ran to her,

"That is not what being a model is about!" Rarity said,

"What is it about, then?" Earthquake asked while smiling,

"Modeling is about promoting fashion, and showing your beauty to the world." Rarity replied,

"See, there you go, model is about showing off your beauty, so why can't I show off my skin and do seductive poses?" Earthquake asked,

"I, Photo Finish, demand a reason to why you think zat way." Photo Finish said,

"To win a stallion's heart." Earthquake replied,

"Gasp! I faint!" Photo Finish said, and she did,

"No! Modeling is not about winning a stallion's heart, if you are going to be seductive and subdue men with your physical beauty, then you have no place in the fashion industry." Rarity said, Earthquake was speechless, she put on a new outfit that was identical but not ripped,

"Thank you, now, let's get this fashion show done." Rarity said, and they do, Earthquake was not happy about the modesty of the dresses, she wanted to show off her body in order to make stallions fall for her, she did not have fun and was irritated, but she did the job until it was time to go home, she saw that same sky blue male unicorn again, and was hiding in the back and watching her.

Earthquake arrives home and Plate Tectonic has finished school, he saw Earthquake looked down,

"What's wrong, big sister?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Rarity was at my photo shoot, and forced me to be modest about my dressing style." Earthquake replied,

"I'm sorry, Earthquake. Come on, the others are helping with Season Festival, we should, too." Plate Tectonic said, and the two go together. Earthquake and Plate Tectonic were busy molding the ground so rocks could go up and down when Mother Nature uses her magic to move them as if they were dancing,

"I'm going to be fighting tomorrow morning, the ground ponies are already placing bets." Plate Tectonic said,

"I'm betting on you, little brother, knock your opponent out." Earthquake replied, Plate Tectonic smiled,

"I need you guys now." Earthquake said, two male ground ponies appear behind her,

"Spread the word about the fight." Earthquake said,

"Yes, duchess." the two ground ponies replied, and they go into the ground, the two continue helping with the preparations for the Season Festival and were close to done, they keep working and put up the banners last, the two finish and go to bed together.

Morning comes and Earthquake wakes up, Plate Tectonic was already getting ready for his fight, he was practicing his moves and was ready,

"Okay, time to fuel up." Plate Tectonic said, and the two have breakfast, Plate Tectonic had a big breakfast,

"Knock him out, Plate Tectonic." Landslide said,

"I'll try to, dad." Plate Tectonic replied,

"You better, show him what our family is made of." Diamond said,

"We'll be cheering for you, hope you win." Sinkhole said,

"Me too." Plate Tectonic replied, and they all finish breakfast. Earthquake, her family, and the ground ponies gather around the center of eastern Nature Valley, excited for the fight,

"Who are you betting on?" a male ground pony asked,

"Plate Tectonic." Earthquake replied, she hears the others speak and learn his opponent's name was Rock, a male ground pony appears behind Earthquake,

"Duchess, we actually went to western Nature Valley as well, one of them is coming here." the ground pony said,

"Who?" Earthquake asked,

"Me." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake looks over her own right shoulder and saw her trotting forward,

"I heard there was a fight happening, I'm so excited to see it." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"My younger brother's going to be in it." Earthquake replied,

"Excuse me." the first ground pony said, the two look at him,

"Who are you betting on?" the first ground pony asked,

"Um? What's your brother's name?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Plate Tectonic." Earthquake replied,

"Plate Tectonic." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Okay, you two should hurry, the fight's about to start." the first ground pony said, the two were caught by surprise and they trot forward with him. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake go near the center of the circle and join Earthquake's family, they see Plate Tectonic and Rock already fighting,

"Come on, Plate Tectonic!" Earthquake said loudly as her younger brother fought,

"Knock his teeth out!" Sinkhole said loudly, and the two continue punching one another with their front hoofs, the two were hitting one another hard,

"Aim for his head!" Meteorite Hellfire said loudly, Plate Tectonic and Rock both took her advice and began aiming for one another's head, Meteorite Hellfire, Earthquake, and the other ground ponies cheer,

"Pretend he's your father!" Diamond said loudly, the others laugh,

"You got this, grandson!" Dust Storm said loudly, they watch and Plate Tectonic delivers a heavy blow to Rock's head with his front left hoof, it knocks him down and everypony cheers. Plate Tectonic helps Rock back up and they shake hoofs with one another while they both smiled,

"Wait, he's not going to hold a grudge over losing?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, why?" Earthquake asked,

"Because from my experiences, beating someone at a game makes them extremely mad, my sister and mom were like that." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, yeah, we don't have that here." Earthquake said, and Plate Tectonic walks to his family,

"Good job, little brother." Earthquake said,

"Thanks." Plate Tectonic replied,

"This is Meteorite Hellfire, she's the current bearer of the Element of Fire." Eruption said,

"Ah, hello there, grandpa over there was good friends with your mother." Plate Tectonic said,

"I know." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Are you a fighter, too, like her?" Dust Storm asked,

"Sure am." Meteorite Hellfire replied with confidence, Earthquake and her family laugh,

"Can you show me a few moves?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Sure, watch and learn." Meteorite Hellfire replied as she walked forward. Plate Tectonic lifted his front legs up and covered his face, he moves around in case Meteorite Hellfire tries to hit him, she stays calm and waits patiently, he was about to punch her with his front right hoof, but Meteorite Hellfire grabs his hoof with her front hoofs and throws him over her right shoulder, he falls on the ground and grunts, he gets up quickly and tries doing a quick punch to her face with his front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire claps the back of her front hoofs together and catches his hoof between them, surprising Plate Tectonic. Meteorite Hellfire moves her front hoofs off and Plate Tectonic thinks for a minute, he ducks and was going to uppercut her, Meteorite Hellfire grabs his hind hoofs with her front hoofs and throws him into the air, he screams and falls,

"Okay, I think that's enough, not bad." Plate Tectonic said, Meteorite Hellfire chuckles,

"It's almost time for school, son, you should go." Landslide said, the ground pony goes to them and gives those who placed a bet on Plate Tectonic small chunks of rocks,

"Here you go." the first ground pony said,

"Wait, what is this?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It's this section's version of currency." Earthquake replied,

"Oh." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she begins to stretch and grunts,

"You look like you're about to do something." Earthquake said,

"Actually, I am, and I need some help." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Sure, lead the way." Earthquake said,

"This way." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she turns into fire and flows around while Earthquake disappeared into the ground. Meteorite Hellfire arrives at the area and Earthquake appeared out of the ground, she sees wooden joists, hammers, nails, and shingles,

"So, what are we doing?" Earthquake asked,

"Building a house, my sister and I fought around here and destroyed this house by mistake, come on, there's a family of four waiting for it to be finished." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why didn't you call the other two?" Earthquake asked,

"You know Raging Tornado and Tsunami don't like getting dirty or doing manual labor like this, I'd thought you'd be the best choice for help with a job like this." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake smiled,

"True, let's get started, Meteorite Hellfire." Earthquake said, and they do. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake pick up the ends of a wooden joist and carry it, they place it down and get the second one, they place it perpendicular to the left corner of the first joist, Meteorite Hellfire hammers a nail in it, the two carry the third joist and place it perpendicular to the first joist's right corner and Meteorite Hellfire hammers a nail in it, the two carry the fourth joist and place it parallel to the first joist, and perpendicular to the second joist's right corner and the third joist's left corner, the two hammer it in at the ends. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake pick up more joists and put them across the house's base frame and hammer nails in them,

"Oh, there's the family behind you." Meteorite Hellfire said, Earthquake looks back and saw a stallion, a mare, a colt, and a filly, they were Pegasi,

"Ah, they're Pegasi, they're usually not strong enough to move stuff like this." Earthquake said,

"Well, let's keep going." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Right." Earthquake said, and they continue carrying the joists with their front hoofs and hammering nail in them to build the house, they finish the joists after a while and Earthquake was tired,

"What? You're tired already?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sorry, but I'm not used to doing this type of job." Earthquake replied, and she rested since her back hurt, Meteorite Hellfire groaned a little and she continued trotting around, she put a piece of the floor on the house and nailed it in manually, she was going a lot slower than she hoped for since she worked alone for the time. Earthquake rests and the mare goes to her and offers her vegetable curry,

"Thanks." Earthquake said and she eats it, she eats slowly and finishes after several minutes. Meteorite Hellfire went to go rest and sits, she also received a bowl of vegetable curry from the mare, her meal was bigger because she did more work than Earthquake, she finishes after a while and rested a bit,

"You ready to continue?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Yeah." Earthquake replied, and they continue working. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake begin lifting up the walls, Meteorite Hellfire used her telekinesis to lift them while Earthquake held them stable when they were lifted, Meteorite Hellfire uses her telekinesis to hammer in nails to keep them in place, they do the same thing with the other three walls, the two then begin working on the frame of the roof, Meteorite Hellfire did all of it since she was the one who had telekinesis while Earthquake moved the boards towards her so she would not have to use her energy to get them from a distance. The frame was finished and the two begin hammering nails into wooden boards that made up the walls, they finish after hours of work and rest again, the stallion, filly, and colt give them pots of water to drink, they smile and drink, they get back to work after an hour and Meteorite Hellfire begins using her telekinesis to put wooden boards on the roof, she uses telekinesis on herself and goes up, she uses telekinesis on her hammer and some nails, she puts the boards in and lands on them. Earthquake bought the wooden boards to her and Meteorite Hellfire used her telekinesis to bring them up, she puts nails in them after placing them, she finishes after three hours and uses telekinesis to bring the shingles up, she brought Earthquake up as well. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake hammer nails into the shingles to keep them on the roof, they finish after about an hour and Meteorite Hellfire puts the last shingles on top of the roof by pushing them down firmly with her front hoofs,

"And that's everything." Meteorite Hellfire said, she uses her telekinesis on herself and Earthquake and they stand on the ground, the Pegasus family looks at it and were grateful, the stallion pays them bits, the two thank him and take it and trot home while the four Pegasi watch them while smiling. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake trot home by their gems start vibrating,

"What the?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"What's going on?" Earthquake asked, they look around and their gems vibrate faster when they look to their rights,

"Let's check it out." Earthquake said, Meteorite Hellfire nodded and they trot in the direction their gems vibrated faster. Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake travel together and they hear groaning,

"They sound like kids." Earthquake said,

"Come on, let's go." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and they run, they arrive at where they heard the groaning and a fire pony colt and a ground pony colt appear,

"Help, duchess." the ground pony said weakly,

"Help." the fire pony said weakly, the two run to them,

"Hey, what's wrong?" Earthquake asked the ground pony,

"Are you alright?" Meteorite Hellfire asked the fire pony, the two scream in pain and gray drills grow out of the ground pony while black locomotive parts grow out of the fire pony, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake become shocked,

"These must be the Corrupted." Earthquake said,

"Help us, we're sorry, we can't control ourselves." the ground pony said, and he tries to latch onto Earthquake and drill into her body, she makes the plants grow and tangles the drills, they spin around and cut them, but the plants get caught in them and jams them, the fire pony emits black smoke and they all cough except for the fire pony, he opens its mouth and shoots coal out at Meteorite Hellfire, she swings her front hoofs around and makes the coal pieces go in different directions, the fire pony begins to emit more smoke and Meteorite Hellfire tackles him down and punches him in the right side of his neck with her front left hoof to stun him. Earthquake's gem shoots out a yellow beam at the ground pony while Meteorite Hellfire's gem shoots out a red beam at the fire pony, the solid objects in the two disappear and they groan in pain,

"Are you two alright?" Earthquake asked, they continue to groan in pain,

"Come on, let's take you two to Mother Nature." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she puts the fire pony on her back while Earthquake puts the ground pony on her back and the two trot back to Nature Valley.

Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake arrive at the center of Nature Valley and saw they were the only two there,

"Looks like we're the first ones here." Earthquake said,

"It shouldn't be that surprising, Tsunami's always busying tidying up to look pretty, and Raging Tornado's always late." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake chuckles,

"True, at least I get ready early in the morning instead of worrying about my looks all day." Earthquake said,

"Yeah, and who knows, Tsunami was always a bed wetter when we were kids, too, maybe she had a relapse and wet the bed again." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I hope not, it'd destroy her mentally if that happened to her." Earthquake said,

"I hope not, either, she trained long and hard to not wet the bed anymore, I really hope it didn't happen." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"It didn't." Tsunami said as she flew down with a water pony filly on her back,

"Busy about your appearance again?" Earthquake asked,

"No, I was helping in Mount Aris, it's very far away from here." Tsunami replied,

"And once again, Raging Tornado's late." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"I wonder what it is this time." Earthquake said,

"Um, I think she has work today." Tsunami replied,

"Still, she represents the Element of Air, she's the fastest one out of all of us, and somehow, she's always the one that's late." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Maybe she's still working her shift." Earthquake replied,

"Now, if that's the case, I understand, but if she's off and having fun, then that's a problem." Meteorite Hellfire said, the two nodded in agreement,

"What'd you know, there she is right there." Earthquake said, and they see Raging Tornado fly and land with her wagon,

"You're late again, Raging Tornado." Tsunami said,

"Please, I've had a busy day." Raging Tornado replied,

"My apologies." Tsunami said, Mother Nature walked to them,

"You all encountered the Corrupted today, I'd like for you four to lay them down here." Mother Nature said, and Raging Tornado puts an air pony filly in front of her, Earthquake laid down the ground pony, Tsunami laid down the water pony, and Meteorite Hellfire laid down the fire pony, all four of them groaned in pain,

"Your gems only heal the Corrupted temporarily and partially." Mother Nature said, the four look at her with shock, the air pony has the wind turbine blades grow out of her body, the ground pony had gray drills grow out of his hoofs again, the water pony had white pipes grow out of her, and the fire pony had black locomotive parts grow out of his body again, the four foals screamed in pain,

"See, to purify it permanently, all four of you must have your gems at once, go on and let the gems purify them." Mother Nature said, and a beam shot out of each gem, they were the same color as their respective gem, the four come together and make a white light, white beams come out and go to the four foals. The beams disappear and the four foals sigh, they look at themselves and see they were cured,

"There you four go, go to your rulers tomorrow, Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine have things to say to you all tomorrow, good luck, my four inheritors." Mother Nature said, and she disappeared into the ground, the four take the foals and bring them to their homes. Earthquake takes the ground pony colt to eastern Nature Valley and he runs to his family, she goes and sees the ground ponies were practicing music for the Season Festival already, she looks and admires eastern Nature Valley's culture, the ground ponies all lived on the ground, either on the surface or under it, each house above the surface was made from mud and cut rocks, each house was cylinder shaped and standing from top to bottom while the roof was shaped like a cone, Earthquake looks and sees the ground ponies practicing playing music for the Season Festival, they were playing string and percussion instruments, she also sees ground ponies working to make a sculpture of her out of white marble since she was now the bearer of the Element of Earth, she was liking the sculpture so far, she also sees ground ponies giving air ponies powder created from crushed rocks, the air ponies used the powders to make art on the ground in northern Nature Valley, Earthquake thought eastern Nature Valley's culture was alright, they valued family, friends, being in physical shape, courage, honor, and hard work, their cuisine was the same as Equestria's cuisine, and when a ground pony died, they crumbled into pieces and would be buried under the ground. Earthquake decides to head home since she had a photo shoot early tomorrow,

"Going to bed, Earthquake?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Yeah, I have to get up early tomorrow for work." Earthquake replied,

"Alright, see you in the morning." Plate Tectonic said, and Earthquake enters her house, lays in her bed, and sleeps.

Earthquake wakes up early and puts her makeup on and uses the bathroom, she leaves and goes to her next photo shoot. Earthquake was in Fillydelphia and doing her next photo shoot, she had to wait for her turn and was near the end of the line, which irritated her, she rolled her eyes as she waited, her turn came and she went, she saw Rarity was there again, but away from her, she sees her dress was bright red and sleeveless, the skirt went halfway down her hind thighs, she puts it on and did not like it, she rips the dress at the chest area and tries posing with it, she looks and sees the other mares were impressed as well, Earthquake shrugs while smiling and begins posing while putting emphasis on her face, chest, and hind legs, she looks and sees the stallion taking her pictures was infatuated, Earthquake smiles, she sees the same sky blue unicorn watching her again,

"Um, excuse me, are you Earthquake?" a mare asked as she walked to her,

"Yes?" Earthquake asked,

"Princess Celestia wishes to see you now." the mare replied, and Earthquake took the dress off and left while the other mares murmured about it, she goes to the mare's bathroom and turns into dirt and goes underground, she appears in the Canterlot castle's hallway and Raging Tornado arrived a few minutes later, the two walk together and enter the throne room. Earthquake goes to Princess Celestia's throne room, Raging Tornado was standing to her left,

"I have already heard from Mother Nature that you two have encountered the Corrupted, this is why you two were called here." Princess Celestia said,

"What is it, Princess Celestia?" Raging Tornado asked,

"The Corrupted are appearing all over Equestria and beyond, you two, along with Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami, must find all of the elemental ponies who have been corrupted and purify them, I would send Twilight and her friends to deal with this, but the Elements of Harmony cannot purify the Corrupted, that is why you four have to do it, only the Elements of Nature can remove the industrial tools appearing the elemental ponies' bodies, I wish for you four to be quick, I cannot imagine the excruciating pain the elemental ponies are experiencing with those industrial tools growing out of their bodies." Princess Celestia said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake felt discomfort hearing about the pain they felt,

"Are you going to help, Princess Celestia?" Earthquake asked,

"I would, but I have to run all of Equestria, I'm entrusting you four to deal with this threat, but your duties don't just end there." Princess Celestia replied,

"Huh?" Raging Tornado asked,

"What?" Earthquake asked,

"If Twilight and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony fail to deal with a threat, then you two and the other two bearers of the Elements of Nature are to go and deal with them, your elements are more powerful than the Elements of Harmony, nature is not something to be messed with, go on now, and look for the other elemental ponies who are Corrupted, I'll be using my magic to try to find who's making them like this in the first place." Princess Celestia replied,

"Thank you, Princess Celestia." Raging Tornado said,

"You're welcome, and remember, you two have your predecessors to help you, unlike your two friends, go now, I wish all four of you the best of luck." Princess Celestia replied, Raging Tornado bowed to her while Earthquake waited, the two exited together. Raging Tornado and Earthquake walk out together and arrive outside, the wind and ground move around and form Airstrike and Eruption,

"How are things so far?" Airstrike asked,

"It's alright, a bit tiring, though." Raging Tornado replied,

"You'll get used to it, my oldest daughter, make sure you attend your duties to Mother Nature as well." Airstrike said,

"I am, mom, but I still consider my family more important." Raging Tornado replied,

"Good girl, you're thinking the right way, Mother Nature will be pleased with you." Airstrike said, Raging Tornado chuckles.

Earthquake was walking beside Raging Tornado's left, while Eruption slithered around on the ground to Earthquake's left,

"Tired already, Earthquake?" Eruption asked,

"Not at all, Aunt Eruption." Earthquake replied,

"I bet you won't accomplish as much as I did." Eruption said,

"I'm going to prove you wrong." Earthquake replied, Eruption laughs,

"I'll like to see that happen." Eruption said,

"Just you wait, Aunt Eruption, it will." Earthquake replied, Eruption smiled at the thought, Raging Tornado groaned and shook her head,

"Why do you two have to be so competitive?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Let it go, Raging Tornado, that's just Eruption's way of motivating people." Airstrike replied,

"Wait, it is?" Raging Tornado asked with confusion,

"Uh-huh, my aunt wants me to do good, and when I step down from wielding the Element of Earth, Aunt Eruption and I will compare our achievements." Earthquake replied,

"I'll never understand your family, Earthquake." Raging Tornado said, Earthquake and Eruption laugh,

"Look on the bright side, at least we're trying to teach and motivate you two to do better, unlike Blazing Inferno and Tidal Wave." Airstrike said,

"Did you two get along with them?" Earthquake asked,

"Blazing Inferno, yes, Tidal Wave, no, Blazing Inferno always had a rivalry with her younger sister, while Tidal Wave wanted power, she has left a black mark on Tsunami's family's history." Airstrike replied,

"How was she not kicked out?" Raging Tornado asked,

"She got a stern warning from Mother Nature, she said if she doesn't stop her conquest to grow more powerful, she will take the Element of Water away from her, and Tidal Wave fell in line because she didn't want to lose the power she already had." Eruption replied,

"Well, I'm heading to Ponyville, I'm done with my job for today." Earthquake said,

"I guess I'll go, too, I could use some fresh air." Raging Tornado replied, and they go to Ponyville.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake arrived in Ponyville while Airstrike and Eruption disappeared, and to their surprises, Tsunami was there as well, she was wearing a blue long-sleeve floor-length dress, a gold earring in each ear, and light blue eye shadow,

"Tsunami." Raging Tornado said as she and Earthquake ran to her,

"Good afternoon, you two." Tsunami said,

"What are you doing here?" Earthquake asked,

"I was just seeing Silverstream, she's attending the School of Friendship." Tsunami replied,

"Well, since we're here, why don't we hang out?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Sure, I could use a meal, I'm actually a little starving." Tsunami replied,

"Me too, I could use some food." Raging Tornado replied,

"Yeah, I skipped breakfast, girl's gotta watch her figure, I could use a snack." Earthquake said,

"Let's go, then." Raging Tornado replied,

"Wait, where's Meteorite Hellfire?" Tsunami asked, they look around and see she was nowhere to be found,

"Let's look for her." Raging Tornado said, the other two agree and they walk around.

Earthquake walked with Tsunami and Raging Tornado,

"So, what's Tidal Wave like as an adviser?" Earthquake asked, Tsunami was on the verge of tears,

"She still wants to desire power from beyond the grave." Tsunami replied,

"There, there, Tsunami, don't be sad, maybe Tidal Wave can be reasoned with." Raging Tornado said,

"I've tried, but she won't listen, she's been trying to talk me into trying to control Seaquestria." Tsunami replied,

"Then fight back." Raging Tornado said,

"I'm not like you two, it's improper for a lady to do that." Tsunami replied,

"What?! Oh, come on, Tsunami, you should rebel against Tidal Wave." Raging Tornado said,

"But I can't, she may be power hungry, but she's still my family." Tsunami replied,

"Then why don't you try talking her down a few pegs?" Earthquake asked,

"I tried it, it didn't work." Tsunami replied,

"Try to make her jealous." Earthquake said,

"How?" Tsunami asked,

"Say you're prettier than her." Earthquake replied,

"That doesn't work against her." Tsunami replied,

"Well, try to break your sister mentally." Earthquake said,

"Earthquake! We shouldn't do such things!" Raging Tornado replied,

"Why? It'll get the job done, right?" Earthquake asked,

"Well, yes, but try to think about their feelings, Earthquake, we still have to respect them, even if they're our enemies." Tsunami replied, Earthquake just exhaled while Raging Tornado smiled. The three keep walking and hear grumbling up ahead, they look and saw Meteorite Hellfire, they trot to her,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami said, she looks and saw her three allies,

"What are you three doing here?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Well, we were going to order food to eat since we're hungry, and we wondered if you wanted to join us." Raging Tornado replied,

"Really? Do I ever?! Come on, let's go!" Meteorite Hellfire said excitedly, they all smile and go back to Ponyville.

Earthquake sat at a table that was outside with Meteorite Hellfire to her right, Tsunami across from her, and Raging Tornado to her left, and by coincidence, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack were sitting at the table behind Raging Tornado, all four of them noticed them,

"Take your orders, madams?" a male waiter asked, and they ordered their meals, they came and Raging Tornado, Tsunami, and Earthquake ate with proper etiquette, but Meteorite Hellfire ate like a pig, she swallowed some of her food without chewing it,

"More please." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she was given a pizza, Meteorite Hellfire stretched her mouth open and put the entire pizza in her mouth, she swallowed it without chewing, her three friends look at her with shock,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado said with disbelief,

"More please." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she ordered ten extra large hayburgers, she ate the buns of nine of them, she took the hay, cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes of those burgers and put them in the buns of the last hayburger, she stretches her mouth open and puts the hayburger in her mouth, she chews a bit and swallows it. Meteorite Hellfire orders sandwiches next and chews them while angry and grumbling, she rolled them up together and stuffed them in her mouth with some of the flowers falling onto the ground. Twilight Sparkle and her friends enjoy their meals and time together until Rarity sees Meteorite Hellfire out of the corner of her right eye and saw her eating like a pig, Rarity screamed out of shock at seeing her, her five friends look and see Meteorite Hellfire eating like a pig, they were shocked at seeing her,

"Oh my, she must be hungry." Fluttershy said,

"Wait, is that... a kirin?" Applejack asked, Meteorite Hellfire kept ordering and eating food, she was grumbling with her mouth full, some of the food she chewed fell out of her mouth,

"Meteorite Hellfire, your meal." Raging Tornado said, Meteorite Hellfire ignored it,

"Uh, Meteorite Hellfire, are you alright?" Tsunami asked, Meteorite Hellfire just kept chewing, but slowed down,

"Huh? It looks like she's mad." Pinkie Pie said,

"Ah see what's goin' on, she's rage eatin', Ah guess it relieves her of her anger." Applejack said,

"That still doesn't excuse her from eating like a pig." Rarity replied,

"But it's fun eating that way." Pinkie Pie said,

"Yes, I must agree." Fluttershy replied, Meteorite Hellfire continues eating like a pig and was beginning to stuff her face without swallowing,

"You'll get wrinkles if you do that, Meteorite Hellfire." Earthquake said,

"Earthquake, I don't think now's the time." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire continues chewing without swallowing and the food begins to fall out of her mouth as she stuffs her face, grossing out her three friends, she soon swallows and lays back, she sighs,

"Alright, I feel better, go on and enjoy your meals without me." Meteorite Hellfire said, the three were speechless,

"I wonder what that was about." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Should we go see them?" Fluttershy asked,

"Well, if things go bad, then yes." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Huh? Is that you Raging Tornado?" Rainbow Dash asked, Raging Tornado looks back,

"Oh, hi, Rainbow Dash." Raging Tornado said,

"Friend of yours?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Kind of, she's one of my coworkers at the weather factory." Rainbow Dash replied, and the six go to them,

"What is wrong with her?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"We don't know." Earthquake replied, Rarity looks at her,

"Wait a minute, you're that pony who wanted to wear revealing outfits and do inappropriate poses the other day!" Rarity said, she had an angry face,

"Jealous of my beauty?" Earthquake asked smugly,

"No! I am not jealous!" Rarity replied angrily,

"Then why are you wearing makeup?" Earthquake asked,

"It's just how I prefer to look." Rarity replied,

"Honestly, what's the matter? What's causin' ya to eat like a fully grown stallion nervous on his wedding day?" Applejack asked,

"It's a family matter." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Did you have an argument?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Kind of." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, what happened?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I don't want to talk about it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"We're your friends, Meteorite Hellfire, you should open up a bit." Raging Tornado said, Earthquake and Tsunami smile,

"Another time, I'm not in the mood to talk about it." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the three order their meals and eat like proper ladies while Meteorite Hellfire sits back. Raging Tornado, Tsunami, and Earthquake finish their meals and got a massive bill, shocking the three,

"It's alright, I'll pay for it." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she did, much to the delight of the other three, the four decided they had enough and headed home while Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack continued hanging out together.

Earthquake walked with Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, and Raging Tornado, the four stop when eight elemental ponies appeared in front them, four were males, four were females, two were fire ponies, two were water ponies, two were ground ponies, and two were air ponies, they groan and were in pain while the four gems vibrate, Tsunami becomes worried and trots to them,

"Are you all alright?" Tsunami asked,

"Help." the male ground pony said weakly, Raging Tornado was very worried and trotted to them, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake look at one another with confusion,

"Uh, what are you two doing?" Earthquake asked, Raging Tornado felt a chord struck in her and she turns back,

"You two aren't going to help?!" Raging Tornado asked,

"It's a waste of time, let's just find the one creating the Corrupted and put that person down." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Tsunami turns around,

"But they're hurt." Tsunami said,

"So what? If we get rid of the one corrupting our citizens, all of them will be cured, and we won't have to worry about them." Earthquake replied, Tsunami was bewildered while Raging Tornado was angry,

"Come on, you two, we have to help them!" Raging Tornado said,

"It's wasting time! Let's just find the creator and be done with it!" Meteorite Hellfire said while raising her voice a little,

"How can you two just leave them here in pain?" Tsunami asked while almost crying,

"Tell them to endure it for a bit, we got our goal to take out the one corrupting them, and that is what we're going to do, so let's stop arguing and go." Earthquake replied calmly, Raging Tornado was shocked and angry while Tsunami was sad.

The eight elemental ponies scream and the two fire ponies had locomotive parts grow out of them, the water ponies have what appears to be parts of a dam grow out of them, the ground ponies had drills and oil come out of them, and the air ponies have big fans grow out of their bodies. The Corrupted begin attacking against their wills, the fire ponies shot coal out at the four, the water ponies shot pieces of the dam out of their bodies at them, along with changing their physical forms so they can punch the four with the dam pieces, the ground ponies throw the drills at them and the oil is shot at them, and the air ponies spin the fans around to cut whatever was around them. Meteorite Hellfire changes to a nirik and her horn glows red, she uses her fire powers to shoot fire out of her horn, her nirik form made her fire powers even stronger, she hits the ground ponies and burns them, Tsunami rises her front legs and makes water appear, she slams her feet down and makes the water fall on them, the fire ponies were extinguished, Earthquake makes plants and dirt go into the bodies of the water ponies and it makes them too heavy to move, Raging Tornado summons tornadoes under the air ponies and they get absorbed into them and fall.

The elemental ponies were still corrupted and the gems glow and shoot out beams, the eight elemental ponies were back to normal and groan, and the four go to them to check on them,

"Are you eight alright?" Tsunami asked, they groan,

"Come on, let's look for the corrupter." Earthquake said,

"We can't leave them like this." Raging Tornado said,

"We can worry about them after we take out the one corrupting them, now let's go." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"But what about them?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Look, Raging Tornado, I care about them, I really do, but if we don't take out the corrupter, there'll be more of them, so I say we take out the corrupter first, then tend to them." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"But how can you two leave them in pain like this?" Tsunami asked,

"We only ask for them to endure it, we'll try to eliminate the source as fast as possible, and if we're lucky, that'll cure them all." Earthquake replied,

"What if they're dead before that happens?" Raging Tornado asked, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake were speechless for a minute, Meteorite Hellfire groans with annoyance while Earthquake sighs,

"Fine." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they carried the eight back to Nature Valley.

Mother Nature was waiting for her four chosen ones to come and they arrived and sent the eight elemental ponies to their homes, they saw her in the center of Nature Valley and went to go see her,

"I am very disappointed in all four of you." Mother Nature said,

"But those two..." Raging Tornado said, Mother Nature raised her front right hoof and Raging Tornado became speechless,

"I understand you four have different ways to deal with problems, but all four of you must cooperate together, not be divided." Mother Nature said, the four were speechless,

"I would like for you four to work together next time, and not argue, it will only create more Corrupted as time goes on, rest now, and good luck next time." Mother Nature said, and she turned around and walked away and she disappeared into the ground. Raging Tornado just stood and looks down in shame, so did Tsunami, Meteorite Hellfire was angry, while Earthquake just sighed, Blazing Inferno, Tidal Wave, Eruption, and Airstrike manifested,

"What were you saying about doing better than me?" Eruption asked,

"I'm not in the mood, Aunt Eruption." Earthquake replied, Eruption just rubbed her front right hoof on Earthquake to comfort her while Earthquake remained silent and upset,

"ENOUGH!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled with rage and tried to physically attack her by bucking her, Blazing Inferno disappeared and appeared behind her, it startled Earthquake,

"Impulsive and stupid as always, I was always smarter than you, I was always stronger than you, and I was always more beautiful than you." Blazing Inferno said,

"I don't care about my appearance." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Oh, you're just saying that because you're jealous, and you know it's true." Blazing Inferno replied, Meteorite Hellfire was angry.

Tidal Wave continues to taunt and criticize Tsunami while Blazing Inferno tried to provoke Meteorite Hellfire into attacking her, then disappearing so Meteorite Hellfire would hit somepony else, Tsunami was on the verge of giving up while Meteorite Hellfire was boiling with rage, Tsunami buries her face into the ground while Meteorite Hellfire was about to attack, Earthquake runs to comfort Tsunami while Raging Tornado went to go restrain Meteorite Hellfire, Airstrike covers Tidal Wave's mouth while Eruption pulled Blazing Inferno away,

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Eruption yelled with rage,

"Why? It's not my fault my sister's a sniveling and pathetic mess." Blazing Inferno replied, Eruption looks and sees Raging Tornado restraining Meteorite Hellfire,

"Let me go, Raging Tornado!" Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, you need to calm down." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire tried to jump forward and hit Blazing Inferno while screaming with rage,

"What is your problem?!" Eruption asked,

"My problem? I'll treat this idiot as I wish." Blazing Inferno replied,

"SHE'S YOUR SISTER!!" Eruption yelled angrily,

"So what? Mom always liked me better than her." Blazing Inferno replied, Eruption was angry with Blazing Inferno while Earthquake hears Airstrike reprimanding Tidal Wave,

"This is how you treat your family?" Airstrike asked,

"It's not my fault, my sister's a weakling, physically and mentally, she can't do anything." Tidal Wave replied,

"You're supposed to support her." Airstrike said,

"No way, this weakling doesn't deserve it, she deserves to be broken, like a toy." Tidal Wave replied, Airstrike glared at her,

"You always were the troublemaker." Airstrike said,

"Me? I just wish to have more power, magic wise and authority wise, there's nothing wrong with that." Tidal Wave replied,

"How much power do you want?" Airstrike asked,

"To rule Mount Aris and Seaquestria." Tidal Wave replied,

"I'll be back." Airstrike said, and she grabbed Tidal Wave and the two disappeared into the sky, Eruption grabbed Blazing Inferno and they disappeared into the ground. Raging Tornado went to go comfort Earthquake while Meteorite Hellfire comforted Tsunami, Earthquake looked at Raging Tornado while Tsunami stopped crying,

"Come on, let's go home." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they all do. The four stay at their homes and were upset, Earthquake just sat at the dinner table with her eyes closed while Plate Tectonic, Landslide, and Eruption touched her to comfort her,

"There, there, Earthquake, I know Mother Nature's words must hurt right now." Landslide said,

"They do." Earthquake replied,

"You want to stay home tomorrow, big sis?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"No, I think I have work tomorrow." Earthquake replied,

"Did you score any hearts recently?" Dust Storm asked,

"Now that you ask, granddad, there is a unicorn that has been coming to my photo shoots recently." Earthquake replied,

"Where's his picture?" Landslide asked,

"He hides in the back." Earthquake replied,

"So, you haven't been able to get a picture of him?" Diamond asked,

"No, haven't got the time, either." Earthquake replied,

"That's a shame, what does he look like?" Stone asked,

"Yeah, is he handsome?" Sinkhole asked,

"About average. I'm sorry, but I need to sleep off my disappointment." Earthquake replied, and she enters her bedroom, goes into her bed, and sleeps instantly. Earthquake wakes up and looks at the calendar to the left side of her bed, she saw she was off today, so she decided to do some experimenting with her looks and went outside, Earthquake calls for three ground ponies and they come, she makes flowers grow out of the ground to make a garden and she begins posing while they hold mirrors, one to her left, one to her right, and one behind her, she does poses and looks at herself from every angle,

"That's good, thanks, bye, guys." Earthquake said, and they leave, she sighs as she looks at herself and decided to relax since she was still upset about yesterday, she goes in the house and has a snack at the dinner table, she puts her head down on the table with her front hoofs on the sides of her head, Eruption appears to her left,

"What is the matter, Earthquake?" Eruption asked,

"Mother Nature's words still hurt." Earthquake replied,

"You must be overthinking it, I doubt Mother Nature meant to hurt your feelings." Eruption said,

"What she said makes me feel like I'm incompetent, and I can't work well with others." Earthquake replied,

"That's not true, look at you and Plate Tectonic." Eruption said,

"Yeah, but he and I have similar personalities, it's those with different personalities I don't work well with." Earthquake replied,

"What about those three allies of yours?" Eruption asked,

"Raging Tornado and I don't see eye-to-eye often, Tsunami's too meek for my liking, and Meteorite Hellfire chooses to solve most of her problems through fighting rather than talking it out." Earthquake replied,

"Hmm, true, but it seems Raging Tornado is your closest ally." Eruption said,

"Still, we don't see eye-to-eye on most stuff, Raging Tornado has the interests of a little kid." Earthquake replied,

"For example?" Eruption asked,

"She reads silly romances, they are so cliche and ridiculous, they can't happen in real life, and she wants to get married and have children one day, if she'd let me, I could show her how to win stallions easily." Earthquake replied,

"Well, that's her way, and she'll have to learn eventually." Eruption said,

"I hope so, there isn't this 'perfect guy' in real life like there is in her silly romance novels." Earthquake replied,

"Well, why don't you go see how the others are doing? I'm sure they can use your company." Eruption said, and Earthquake walks out, she makes a hill appear and sees Raging Tornado was absent, so was Meteorite Hellfire, but Tsunami was present, she was crying while putting up a banner in southern Nature Valley, she makes the hill disappear and goes into the ground. Tsunami holds onto a banner with her talons and was in tears as she put it up, the ground to her left goes up and Earthquake appeared,

"Hi, Earthquake." Tsunami said,

"Hey, I just thought I should come check on you, since Raging Tornado and Meteorite Hellfire aren't around right now." Earthquake replied,

"Earthquake, please, I wish to be alone right now, I do not wish to be seen like this." Tsunami said,

"Then why are you out here working?" Earthquake asked,

"Because I have to, my family's giving me no choice." Tsunami replied,

"Well, do you need help?" Earthquake asked,

"Oh, I would love that, thank you." Tsunami replied with a smile, and Earthquake helps her, she was putting up banners around the southern Nature Valley, it was cold since it was all snow and ice for the ground,

"Thank you, Earthquake, I've been slow today." Tsunami said,

"You look tired, come on, let's go have some fun." Earthquake replied, and they decide to leave. Earthquake and Tsunami go to Equestria and it was dark, the two were at a bookstore,

"Ooh, there it is, I love these books." Tsunami said, and she takes one, Earthquake saw it was a romance novel, Tsunami also liked fantasy novels,

"You don't believe in those romance novels like Raging Tornado, do you?" Earthquake asked,

"No, I just like the story." Tsunami replied,

"Romance novels don't have stories." Earthquake said,

"Some of them do." Tsunami replied, Earthquake sighs while Tsunami flies around the bookstore and looks for books to read, Tsunami also checked out books on makeup hacks and beauty tips, and a book on fashion, which Earthquake was also interested in,

"Wow, you must be quite the reader." Twilight Sparkle said as she stood in front of Tsunami,

"I am, I'm always doing something in my free time." Tsunami replied,

"Well, do you want to come to my castle and check out some books?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"No, it's fine, I already have a lot to read." Tsunami replied,

"I noticed that, well, come by my castle if you want to check out a book, not just ponies are invited, everycreature can come." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I'll think about it, thank you." Tsunami replied,

"You seem to be quite the reader, too, you should come one day, too." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I'll think about it, Princess Twilight." Earthquake replied,

"Well, hope to see you two there one day." Twilight Sparkle said, and she leaves with a book that she did not have in her library at home,

"You going to visit her one day?" Earthquake asked,

"I'll think about it. How about you, what do you think of her as a princess?" Tsunami asked,

"I don't think she's fit to rule." Earthquake replied,

"Why not?" Tsunami asked,

"Think about it, too orderly, freaks out when something's not in order, has panic attacks, has meltdowns, and can throw a hissy fit at times." Earthquake replied,

"Yeah, I see your point, well, let's go, my family doesn't want me home late." Tsunami said, and the two head home. Earthquake and Tsunami exit the bookstore and were about to head home, but they heard a racket up ahead, they look and hear three males laughing, they look and saw them, one was pulling a wagon while the other two were riding on it, they look and saw the Pegasus pulling it was light pink, one riding on it was light yellow-orange, and the other one riding it was light blue, they were on purposely hitting the wagon into other people and destroying things with it,

"Hey, those three are hitting others with the wagon." Tsunami said,

"I noticed." Earthquake replied,

"Hey, wait a minute." Tsunami said, and she looks at the wagon,

"That's Raging Tornado's wagon!" Tsunami said,

"Well, sucks for her, come on, let's go, it's late." Earthquake replied,

"Earthquake! Raging Tornado is our friend, think about how upset she will be when she finds out her wagon was stolen." Tsunami said,

"Ugh, fine, but let's make this quick." Earthquake replied, and she disappears into the ground while Tsunami flies after them. The three Pegasi joyride with Raging Tornado's wagon and wreck everything with it and hit other ponies, they laugh as they cause destruction, they fly away and Tsunami flies and grabs the Pegasus pulling the wagon, she pulls him up while he exclaims with shock while his two friends fall off, but they fly up before they hit the ground, Tsunami has trouble holding the Pegasus and loses her grip. The Pegasus falls and continues causing destruction while his two friends join him and they go around the area and wreck Raging Tornado's wagon, Earthquake makes a boulder appear in front of the Pegasus pulling the wagon, he screams and flies into it headfirst. Earthquake jumps down and looks at the two Pegasi,

"Return the wagon where you got it from." Earthquake said, the yellow-orange Pegasus flies down and tries to punch her with his front right hoof, but she holds up her front left hoof and holds his hoof back, he exclaims in pain as she presses her hoof against his, he soon fell unconscious, the light blue Pegasus becomes scared,

"Return it, or you'll be next." Earthquake said, the third Pegasus nods in fear and flies the wagon back to Ponyville's rainbow factory. Earthquake looks and sees Tsunami was looking on with great distress in her face, Earthquake had no idea what was going through Tsunami's head, but she headed home while she watched the Pegasus return Raging Tornado's wagon to its original spot, she went home and went to bed as soon as she arrived home. Earthquake wakes up the next morning and felt better, she sees Plate Tectonic lifting barbells and went to go stand behind him and watched him, he finishes after a while and the two went to go have breakfast together,

"You two won't believe what happened last night, three Pegasi took Raging Tornado's wagon and joyrode with it." Earthquake said,

"Who was Raging Tornado again?" Diamond asked,

"You know, that Pegasus from northern Nature Valley I've known since we were little, the one's that's always late." Earthquake replied,

"Oh, her, I haven't seen her in a while." Sinkhole said,

"Yeah, well, she's going to be in for a bad surprise at work today, she's going to see her wagon destroyed." Earthquake replied, her family laughs,

"You have work today, Earthquake?" Landslide asked,

"Unfortunately, yes, I do." Earthquake replied,

"What time?" Dust Storm asked,

Earthquake looks at the sun through the windows of her house and saw she had to leave soon,

"Actually, I have to go now, I'm going to be late today." Earthquake replied,

"Okay, good luck." Landslide said, and Earthquake finished her breakfast and headed to work.

Earthquake had to do a photo shoot in Ponyville today and saw Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie present, Earthquake wore a tight black dress that exposed her sternum and hind left leg, much to her delight. Earthquake does her photo shoot and did poses with emphasis on her chest and exposed hind leg,

"EARTHQUAKE!!" Rarity yelled as she ran to her, Earthquake stops posing and facing her,

"At least have some modesty, there are colts and fillies around!" Rarity said,

"Oh, relax, what's a little leg going to do?" Earthquake asked, she and Rarity look and see the others watching Earthquake excitedly, Earthquake saw the same sky blue unicorn again,

"I think your friend Fluttershy there would like to try." Earthquake said,

"Oh no, I'd be embarrassed if I had to show off my body like that in the fashion industry." Fluttershy replied,

"It's not too bad, it's usually just your leg." Earthquake said,

"I'd still be embarrassed." Fluttershy replied,

"Okay then." Earthquake said, and she continues posing and showing off her exposed hind leg and chest, which made Pinkie Pie scream with shock,

"No! Worst poses ever!" Pinkie Pie said,

"You better watch out, Pinkie Pie, or Mudbriar might end up falling for me instead." Earthquake replied,

"No, he will not!" Pinkie Pie said sternly,

"We'll see." Earthquake replied, and she continued posing for her photos, she sees the stallions were ignoring her, much to her disappointment. Earthquake rests and hears arguing and saw two female Pegasi royal guards carrying Raging Tornado away in the sky,

"Raging Tornado?" Earthquake asked, she looks and saw a male Pegasus royal guard examining Raging Tornado's wrecked wagon, she got a bad feeling,

"Hey, I'll be leaving now, there's something I have to do." Earthquake said to her coworkers, and she trotted to somewhere private, turned into dirt, and disappeared into the ground. Earthquake slides through the ground and goes to Canterlot, she appears out of the ground in the mare's room and goes to the underground dungeon, where the jails were at. Earthquake goes there and hears Raging Tornado crying, she goes to a male unicorn who decided if a prisoner could be visited or not,

"Excuse me." Earthquake said,

"Yes." the unicorn said,

"Was a Pegasus just brought in here?" Earthquake asked,

"Yes, she is being held responsible for joyriding and causing destruction with her wagon last night." the unicorn replied,

"About that, I was a witness last night, the one who had her wagon wasn't her, it was a male Pegasus, he was light pink, and there was a yellow-orange Pegasus and a sky blue Pegasus with him, both male, they stole her wagon and used it, they returned it after somepony confronted them." Earthquake said,

"Okay, state your name for the record." the unicorn replied,

"Earthquake." Earthquake said,

"Alright, I'll send some guards to investigate, wait here." the unicorn replied, and Earthquake saw two male unicorn royal guards go out to investigate. An hour and a half passes and Earthquake waited impatiently, she hears walking and sees a unicorn royal guard return,

"We checked, we found evidence she's right." the royal guard said,

"Okay, go on and tell her she's free." the unicorn replied, and he casts a spell to open the door and the royal guard and Earthquake enter. Raging Tornado continued to cry in jail and saw the royal guard,

"You're free to go, somepony explained to us what happened, she's here to see you." the royal guard said, Raging Tornado was surprised, she looks and saw Earthquake coming,

"Earthquake!" Raging Tornado said elatedly, she runs to her and hugs her,

"Oh, thank you, Earthquake, thank you so much." Raging Tornado said while crying tears of joy,

"Alright, hug time later, I got to get back to work, you should get your wagon fixed up." Earthquake said, and she turned into mud and disappeared into the ground. Earthquake appeared back in Ponyville and saw the photo shoot was over, she decided to trot around and sees the other mares were gone, she shrugs and trots out of Ponyville, she was going back to Nature Valley and saw a male ground pony up ahead, she trots to him,

"What are you doing here?" Earthquake asked, he screams and a silver buzz saw comes out of his sternum and the middle of his abdomen, it begins spinning around and he goes towards Earthquake, her yellow gem shoots a beam out and cures him, he groans and Earthquake picks him up and goes home. Earthquake trots to Nature Valley while carrying the ground pony on her back, nopony was around when she headed home, she arrived at the center of Nature Valley and saw Meteorite Hellfire there, she arrived and Tsunami arrived a few seconds after she did, she was about to say Raging Tornado was late again until she saw her coming, she arrives a minute later and lands, five fire ponies covered in locomotive pieces were there, three water ponies with white metallic tubes on them, and two air ponies with vacuum cleaners in their torsos, the four gems shoot out a beam and cure the Corrupted, Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado headed home. Earthquake arrives home and hears cheering, she goes and saw a fight going on, she becomes excited and trots to see who it was, she arrives and saw it was Plate Tectonic and Landslide,

"Come on, little brother and dad." Earthquake said, the two hear her and look, they smile and continue fighting one another, Earthquake cheers them on and she saw Stone, Diamond, Sinkhole, and Dust Storm were cheering them on as well, they watch and the two continue fighting with Landslide winning, the ground ponies cheer while Plate Tectonic stood up,

"I still got it." Landslide said,

"You still do, dad." Plate Tectonic replied, and those who placed their bets on Landslide were given small chunks of rocks,

"You wanna try too, Earthquake?" Stone asked,

"I guess." Earthquake replied, and she goes forward, she sees Dust Storm walk forward,

"Granddad?" Earthquake asked,

"I was quite the fighter when I was your and Plate Tectonic's age, let's see if I can still do it." Dust Storm said, Earthquake smiles and the match begins. Earthquake stands on her hind legs with her front legs over her face, Dust Storm did the same thing, the two punch one another and Dust Storm's age made him slower and weaker than he used to be, but he was still a decent fighter, Earthquake threw punches and Dust Storm was surprisingly fast enough to dodge them and hit her in places where she did not protect herself, Earthquake can see how Dust Storm's prior experiences with fights was giving him an advantage, the two continue fighting and Earthquake was able to stun Dust Storm easily due to his old age, he was not durable as before, the two pant and Dust Storm does a hook punch with his front right hoof and hits Earthquake on the right side of her head, she grunts and falls, the crowd cheers since Dust Storm won,

"I'm not as good as I used to be." Dust Storm said while panting,

"You still got some fight left in you, granddad." Earthquake replied, and he helps her up and the two go,

"Wanna go, big sis?" Stone asked,

"Sure." Diamond replied, and they fight next, Earthquake and her family cheer them on and were excited at watching because while Stone was stronger, Diamond was faster, they continue and Diamond wins, they all cheer,

"Well, I guess that wraps it up." Sinkhole said,

"We still haven't fought yet, big brother." Eruption replied from Earthquake's right,

"Alright, one more match." Sinkhole said,

"You're on, big brother." Eruption replied, and they fight one another, Eruption made her body out of brown rocks to make it fair, everypony cheers them on and Sinkhole won in the end,

"Okay, that's everybody, time to go home." Dust Storm said, and they head home while the ground ponies cheered, Earthquake and her family were tired but laughed since they had fun, they go to sleep as soon as they arrived home. Earthquake wakes up the next morning and was still tired, but she was off from work today, much to her relief, she looks and sees it was a weekend, so Plate Tectonic was off from school, she heard him groan and breathing a little quietly,

"You still with us, Plate Tectonic?" Earthquake asked,

"Yeah, just a little tired from yesterday." Plate Tectonic replied,

"Yeah, I'm aching a bit, too." Earthquake said,

"Dad's punches hurt." Plate Tectonic said,

"I'd figured, he's still young, maybe he'll weaken over the years." Earthquake replied,

"I hope so, I'm still hurt from his punches." Plate Tectonic said, Earthquake chuckles and she and her brother continue laying in bed. Earthquake wakes up when she hears a beeping sound, she and Plate Tectonic look and see her gem was glowing,

"It's Mother Nature, she's calling." Earthquake said,

"How do you feel, big sis?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Better, but still sore." Earthquake replied, Plate Tectonic chuckles,

"I'll be going now, see you later, little brother." Earthquake said, and she walks out of her house and heads to the center of Nature Valley. Earthquake arrives and saw Mother Nature and Meteorite Hellfire there,

"Okay, good, you're both here, Raging Tornado and Tsunami will be back soon with Corrupted to cure, they should be arriving shortly." Mother Nature said, and she goes into the ground,

"I sacrificed my training time for this?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Your training time?" Earthquake asked,

"Yeah, I'm training to improve my body, I was going to continue, but Mother Nature called me and messed it up." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What are you training for?" Earthquake asked,

"To fight my sister, she's been attacking me a few times." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Speaking of fighting, my family and I did that fighting for money thing." Earthquake said,

"This isn't fighting for fun, Earthquake, this is serious." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, well, don't you have a job?" Earthquake asked,

"No." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Then what are you doing?" Earthquake asked,

"Either training, doing my hobbies, or seeing my friends, I'm actually kind of busy." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I figured, just try to take it easy, okay." Earthquake said,

"I am, how about you? How's work?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I like it, but Rarity does get on my nerves at times." Earthquake replied,

"Yeah, can't blame you, Rarity is more of Raging Tornado's type of person in terms of taste." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Why don't you like dresses for?" Earthquake asked,

"They're too tight, I don't have complete maneuverability, it drags on the floor and ground, it gets stuck onto things, and I have to hold it up with my telekinesis to go upstairs." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What about the dresses and skirts that only go partially down your legs?" Earthquake asked,

"I still don't like those, I think they're ugly." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Even though you can move more freely?" Earthquake asked,

"I'll stick to no clothes for the time being." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You still need an outfit for formal occasions." Earthquake said,

"I've got a tuxedo." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"A tuxedo?" Earthquake asked,

"Yup, I've got pants to go with it, too." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Most ponies in Equestria don't wear pants." Earthquake said,

"Well, I'm not from Equestria, and I think the pants completes the outfit." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You got shoes for it, too, right?" Earthquake asked,

"Yeah, just regular dress shoes for males, I'm not wearing high heels." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Why not?" Earthquake asked,

"They hurt, and I can't walk in them." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Is it just you that's like this in your family?" Earthquake asked,

"No, my mom and sister hated dresses and high heels, too." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh, so it's a family thing." Earthquake said,

"Yeah." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How have things been for you, Meteorite Hellfire?" Earthquake asked,

"Fine, I do get a bit lonely at home, though." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Oh right, you don't have a family like the rest of us do." Earthquake said,

"Yeah, so I ask the fire ponies to keep me company, Blazing Inferno isn't helping matters, either." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Earthquake looked down,

"How have you been, Earthquake?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Working on my modeling career, and trying to win a stallion's heart." Earthquake replied,

"I hope you're not as big as a romantic as Tsunami is." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"What are your adventures with her like?" Earthquake asked,

"Conflicting, Tsunami always worries about others and is always wanting to look at the fashion, smell the flowers, see the dancing, learn how to make the jewelry, ugh, she wastes so much time." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Fashion, flowers, and dancing, I agree, but making jewelry? That takes too long." Earthquake said,

"How about you, what's it like being with Raging Tornado?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I had to get her out of jail yesterday." Earthquake said,

"Really?" Meteorite Hellfire asked while laughing, Earthquake nodded,

"I accidentally busted a wall in her home last night." Meteorite Hellfire said, Earthquake chuckled a bit.

Raging Tornado and Tsunami arrive at the center of Nature Valley and the four use their gems to cure the Corrupted, they head back and Raging Tornado just stood there while the others left. Earthquake stood by her house and called for four ground ponies,

"I'll be back, let's see if my old dresses still look good on me." Earthquake said, and she went to her room and got her old dresses, they were all revealing outfits, she tries them on and looked at herself in the mirrors, she noticed she had trouble fitting in some of them,

"Either I gained weight, or I grew bigger." Earthquake said, the ground ponies almost chuckle, she continues and decides to change the area a bit, she uses her powers to make pink flowers grow behind her,

"That's better." Earthquake said, and she continues doing her poses before calling it a night,

"Alright, that's enough." Earthquake said, and she takes her current dress off and begins picking the flowers off of the ground,

"What are you doing, Earthquake?" a female ground pony asked,

"Picking the flowers, stallions fall in love more easily with the right type of flower and the right shape." Earthquake replied,

"What kind of flowers are those?" a male ground pony asked,

"Tulips, they symbolize love." Earthquake replied,

"Wow, I thought you would choose roses." a second female ground pony said,

"Roses are for mature ponies." Earthquake replied,

"Meaning?" a second male ground pony asked,

"Roses are for those who are already in deep love relationships, like Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence." Earthquake replied,

"Oh, you mean it's for those that are already in a relationship." the first female ground pony said,

"No, farther than that, it's for those who already made love to one another." Earthquake replied,

"Yeah, but why a rose for?" the second male ground pony asked,

"Because, it's a saying, every rose has its thorns." Earthquake replied,

"I don't get it." the second male ground pony said,

"You will when you decide to have a child." Earthquake replied, and Earthquake continues picking out flowers for her outfits,

"Um, duchess, Raging Tornado is watching us." the second female ground pony said,

"I know, she's just worried about me and making sure I'm alright, it's fine." Earthquake replied,

"Um, she just fell asleep." the first female ground pony said, Earthquake looks and saw Raging Tornado sleeping on her house's roof, Earthquake laughs a little while smiling,

"You four should head home, it's getting late." Earthquake said, they agreed and walked home while Earthquake picked flowers, she finished after a few minutes and made them go back into the ground, she enters her home and saw her family was asleep, so she went to her bed and slept. Earthquake wakes up and saw she was off today, she saw Plate Tectonic has already gone to school, she exits her bedroom and sees her family was already outside and getting on with their days, she leaves Nature Valley and decides to explore Equestria.

Earthquake looks around and was looking for places to be good for using as backgrounds in her next pictures, she looks and saw that same sky blue unicorn hiding behind rocks and taking pictures of her,

"Hey." Earthquake said, but the unicorn runs off,

"Huh." Earthquake said when she saw he was gone, she continues walking around and looking for a good spot until she heard flying and saw Raging Tornado coming,

"You just finished work?" Raging Tornado asked,

"No, I'm off today." Earthquake replied,

"There you two are." Tsunami said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake look forward and saw Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami coming,

"We're together, you guys wanna try buckball?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"I'll pass, I'm not into sports." Tsunami replied,

"I guess, it might be fun." Raging Tornado said,

"Get in shape, too, girl's got to watch her figure." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado and Tsunami laugh with her, Meteorite Hellfire did not laugh,

"Come on, let's play." Raging Tornado said, and they walk together. Earthquake was about to play buckball with Raging Tornado and Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami sat on the ground and read a book,

"Okay, here goes." Earthquake said, and she kicks a ball, Raging Tornado blocks it, Meteorite Hellfire held up the bucket with her telekinesis and was already getting bored, they play a bit and Meteorite Hellfire was bored out of her mind,

"Can I try shooting the ball?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sure, let's switch places." Earthquake replied, and they do. Meteorite Hellfire kicks the ball with her hind hoofs and Raging Tornado blocked it, she kicks the ball several times and was bored,

"Ugh, this is too boring, let's spice things up a bit." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she uses her telekinesis to look for a brown boulder, she finds one and places it down, Raging Tornado and Earthquake exclaim, Tsunami looks up and was shocked by what she saw,

"Meteorite Hellfire!" Raging Tornado said,

"Here we go." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she picks up the boulder with her front hoofs and throws it, Raging Tornado flies away while Earthquake rolls away, the two screamed in the process,

"Ha-ha! Now this is more like it!" Meteorite Hellfire said, and she uses her telekinesis to get the boulder back, she got more in the process. Meteorite Hellfire picks them up with her front hoofs and throws them, Raging Tornado and Earthquake scream while Meteorite Hellfire tried to throw a boulder into the bucket, Meteorite Hellfire keeps trying and was laughing since she had fun, she throws a boulder and it got kicked into pieces,

"What the?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, they look and saw Applejack coming, she walks to her,

"What in tarnation were ya thinkin'? Them buckets ain't for holdin' boulders." Applejack said,

"But those regular balls make it so boring." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"That ain't the point, the point is yer gonna destroy that bucket, and it's dangerous to throw boulders." Applejack said,

"Is it really that bad?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You almost hit us several times." Earthquake replied,

"See, there ya go, plus, holdin' up the goal is supposed to be yer job." Applejack said,

"Actually, Applejack, she tried it and got bored quickly." Raging Tornado replied,

"Well, ya shouldn't play somethin' dangerous like this, maybe y'all should try somethin' else." Applejack said, and she leaves, the four watch her and saw Ponyville was nearby,

"I know, let's try shopping." Tsunami said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake agreed and went with her, Meteorite Hellfire sighs and goes with them.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami have fun shopping and trying on outfits, while Meteorite Hellfire stood by and watched, she groaned while she waited impatiently for them to finish, Raging Tornado tried on modest outfits, while Earthquake tried on outfits that showed off her coat, while Tsunami tried on both types, and Meteorite Hellfire watched and waited impatiently. The gems on all four of them vibrate and Meteorite Hellfire runs out of the shop while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami took off their outfits and followed her.

The four run and Raging Tornado eventually passes Meteorite Hellfire, they go and see fire ponies, water ponies, ground ponies, and air ponies being carried away by telekinesis, the aura was sky blue, they look and see a male unicorn, they saw him from the back, he had a sky blue coat, and a gray tail,

"Halt!" Raging Tornado said, the unicorn stops and turns around, his cutie mark was a gray gear with three yellow millet plants inside of it, and his short mane and eyes were gray, Earthquake becomes shocked, it was the same unicorn who has been coming to her shows and taking pictures of her,

"Well, what have we here? The current bearers of the Elements of Nature." the stallion said,

"What are you doing?" Tsunami asked,

"Simple, just advancing the times, Mother Nature and her ways are outdated." the stallion replied,

"How did you find Nature Valley?" Earthquake asked,

"Magic, I found it by chance when practicing a spell." the stallion replied,

"Who are you?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Ah, apparently, the previous bearers didn't tell you, I, Big Business, am the next heir for Equestria's magic harvesting industry, my parents ran it, we are going to use the magic to empower Equestria's civilization." the stallion replied,

"You're destroying nature!" Raging Tornado said,

"That is not my concern." Big Business replied,

"What about the animals who live in nature?" Tsunami asked,

"Simple, we will have their magic extracted as well, and used to power Equestria." Big Business replied,

"What about them?! Why are you turning the elemental ponies into Corrupted?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked angrily,

"Need ponies to run my industry." Big Business replied,

"You're hurting them!" Earthquake said angrily,

"Well, too bad, I don't have time for this, get rid of them." Big Business replied, and he walks away while the fire ponies, water ponies, ground ponies, and air ponies begin to fuse together, the air ponies form the head, the fire ponies form the right upper half of the body and arm, the ground ponies form the left upper half of the body and arm, and the water ponies form the lower half of the body and legs, the elemental ponies scream in pain and form into one creature with ram horns on its head, it roars and a sword forms in its right hand, the sword had a blade of red-orange fire, a blue aura of water around it, a handle and guard made out of brown rock, and light green gusts of wind swirling around the blade.

The creature swings its sword around and sent waves of fire, water, pieces of rocks, and gusts of wind around, the four jump back and the creature runs towards Earthquake, Earthquake summons brown rocks in front of her, the creature swings its sword horizontally and cuts the rocks apart with gusts of wind, the rocks also caught on fire, Tsunami tries summoning water to harden the creature, the fire part of its body was doused, while the earth part of its body hardened and was immobile, the water and air parts of its body were unaffected, the creature roars and undoes Tsunami's water, which makes her exclaim with surprise. Raging Tornado flies around and teleports with her air magic, she flaps her wings to make gusts of wind appear, it does nothing but spread the fire from the creature's body farther, Raging Tornado focuses her mind and moves the clouds with her mind, she makes the clouds shoot out lightning to electrocute the creature, but the creature roars and does a horizontal slash with its sword, gusts of wind came out and they destroyed the clouds, much to Raging Tornado's surprise.

Meteorite Hellfire changes into fire and transforms her body into a demonic creature with two horns and big arms, she grabs the fire and earth parts of the creature, the fire part was unaffected while the earth part burned, Meteorite Hellfire shoots fire out of her mouth and onto the air part of the creature, it did nothing, the air in the creature spreads out and sends fire out everywhere,

"Look out!" Meteorite Hellfire said after she changed back, she and her three allies get on the ground to dodge the flames, Tsunami shoots water out of her talons to douse the flames. Earthquake controls the grass on the ground with her mind to make them grow into vines, they go into the water part of the creature, they grow bigger and longer and Earthquake tries to have them wrap around the creature, but only the earth part could be tied, the water part just had them float inside, the fire part burned the plants, and the air part blew them apart. The creature stretches its limbs out and the plants fly out, the creature swings its sword around diagonally and sends out waves of fire, water, and wind, along with chunks of rocks, Earthquake makes boulders appear in front of her to block the waves while the other three moved around to dodge them. The creature looks at Meteorite Hellfire and runs towards her with the intention of hitting her with its horns, Meteorite Hellfire changes back into her fire form and shoots fire out of her horn, it did not do much, only burn the earth part of the creature, Meteorite Hellfire grabs its horns with her front hoofs and holds it back, she lifts the creature off of the ground and throws it back, the creature lands on its feet.

The creature swings its sword around and sent out rocks with abstract shaped holes in them, Raging Tornado exclaims several times as she flies around to dodge them, Tsunami was bending and contorting her body to fit into the holes in the rocks, Earthquake just stood and let the rocks hit her and break, it did not hurt her, and Meteorite Hellfire punched and kicked the rocks to break them. The creature stops after sometime and roars,

"I don't think we can take it down alone. Earthquake, let's try combining our powers." Meteorite Hellfire said, and their gems glow, meteors come down from the sky and hit the creature, it destroyed the earth part of the creature, but the part regenerated,

"It didn't work, let's try ours, Tsunami." Raging Tornado said, and they do, the storm extinguishes the fire part, destroys the earth part, and overflows the water part, it regenerated from it, Meteorite Hellfire and Raging Tornado combine their powers together and create a wildfire, it did nothing but burn the earth part a little,

"Uh, I think we should combine all four of our powers together." Tsunami said in a quiet voice,

"Let's do it." Earthquake said, and they do, they create a tornado with fire, water, plants, soil, sand, dirt, rocks, stones, grass, wood, and clay in it, the creature roars and screeches, its sword got destroyed and the creature got destroyed. The elemental ponies who were used to create the creature fell onto the ground and groaned in pain, the four pick them up and hurry back to Nature Valley, they take them to the center of Nature Valley and use their gems to cure them, they head home while Earthquake and her allies decided to continue spending time together.

Earthquake walks with Meteorite Hellfire, Tsunami, and Raging Tornado,

"So, how are you guys holding up with your roles?" Raging Tornado asked,

"It's not too bad, I like wielding the Element of Earth." Earthquake replied,

"It's alright, but I'm constantly compared to my sister, and I hate it!" Meteorite Hellfire said while raising her voice at the last part,

"Hard, so much pressure and expectations, but I can't show it, for I will bring shame upon myself if I do." Tsunami said,

"Come on, Tsunami, enough with being a proper lady, show your feelings so others will understand you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Yes, Tsunami, please, we're allies, we're supposed to work together." Raging Tornado said,

"Actually, I don't show the pressures and responsibilities it has on me, either." Earthquake said,

"You don't sound like you have any pressure on yourself." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I do, but just a little bit." Earthquake said,

"Please, Earthquake, tell me, how do you do it?" Tsunami asked,

"Simple, I just don't think about it." Earthquake replied,

"What about you, Raging Tornado, how are you handling it?" Tsunami asked,

"I like it, but it is a bit stressful for me from time to time as well." Raging Tornado replied,

"What's stressful about it to you?" Earthquake asked,

"Well, fighting the Corrupted, and making sure everypony in Nature Valley is okay." Raging Tornado replied,

"You don't like fighting?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"No, I hate it." Raging Tornado replied,

"I don't like fighting very much, either." Earthquake said,

"I'm sorry, Meteorite Hellfire, but I must agree with Raging Tornado and Earthquake, I dislike the fighting as well." Tsunami said,

"Am I the only one who actually likes fighting?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It seems that you are." Earthquake replied,

"Wow, I really am different from you guys." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"That doesn't mean we dislike you, Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado replied,

"Thank you, that means a lot to me, I don't like being alone." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Me neither." Raging Tornado replied,

"I can handle it." Earthquake said,

"Me too." Tsunami said,

"Well, what should we do?" Raging Tornado asked, she and the other three were speechless,

"Well, I have a model shoot coming soon, you three could come." Earthquake said,

"No way, I want to do bear wrestling." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, I'd like to visit the animal shelter and see all of the cutsie woosie animals." Tsunami said as she rubbed her own talons on her left cheek while her eyes were closed and with a smile on her face,

"Sorry, guys, but I'd rather go to the library and check out a book." Raging Tornado said,

"No way, reading's boring." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No, it isn't, reading is fun!" Raging Tornado replied a little angrily,

"Why are you getting all mad all of a sudden?" Earthquake asked calmly,

"Because she just insulted my hobby!" Raging Tornado replied a bit annoyed,

"That's no reason to get mad, Raging Tornado, I just don't like reading." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You still said it in a harsh tone, Meteorite Hellfire, you should apologize." Tsunami replied,

"What?! Me? Apologize?! I can't even voice my opinion?!" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"You said it in an way that offended her, Meteorite Hellfire." Tsunami replied,

"What about you two, Earthquake and Tsunami, what do you all want to do?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I still want to see all of cute little critters in the animal shelter." Tsunami replied,

"No way, they'll make me dirty, I say that I do poses and have photos of myself taken now." Earthquake said,

"Neither one's appealing to me." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Me neither." Raging Tornado replied,

"Don't you three want your pictures taken?" Earthquake asked,

"Oh no, I can't imagine that, I can't look pretty all the time." Tsunami replied,

"Sorry, but I don't like camera flashes." Raging Tornado said,

"I don't like people following me around like that." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"What do you want to do, Meteorite Hellfire?" Tsunami asked,

"Train, improve my physical abilities." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Really? You don't wish to hang out?" Earthquake asked,

"I do, but I wish to improve my physical shape." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Ah, so you'll look better in a photo shoot." Earthquake said,

"No! It's so I can surpass my sister!" Meteorite Hellfire replied annoyed, Raging Tornado was not enjoying the time they were spending together,

"We're arguing instead of spending time together, this isn't what I had in mind." Raging Tornado said,

"Then maybe it would be best for us all to do what we want on our own, then." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake agreed and the two and Tsunami went their separate ways while Raging Tornado was standing there with shock, she looks down with disappointment and flies away.

Earthquake was wondering around Equestria's wilderness and looking for places to act as good backgrounds for her pictures,

"I need you guys here." Earthquake said, and two female ground ponies appeared,

"Put mirrors up, one in front of me and one behind me." Earthquake said, and they disappear into the ground, they come back with mirrors and Earthquake looks at herself, she looks at her surroundings and saw a lot of grass and flowers on the ground around her, she thought it looked nice,

"Ooh." Pinkie Pie said as she hopped forward,

"Can I try?" Pinkie Pie asked, Earthquake thought it was awkward to have the ground ponies around, but Pinkie Pie did not seem to mind,

"I guess it wouldn't hurt." Earthquake said, and Pinkie Pie does poses with Earthquake, the two ground ponies were as nervous as Earthquake, but Pinkie Pie did not react to them,

"Thank you for helping, ground enchanted magic." Pinkie Pie said, Earthquake and the ground ponies realize Pinkie Pie thought they were magic and continue holding up mirrors of Earthquake and Pinkie Pie,

"You two want to join?" Earthquake asked, the two ground ponies refuse and Earthquake and Pinkie Pie continue posing, Earthquake looks back and saw Big Business watching her from afar, he was using his magic and watching her,

"That's enough, time to wrap things up." Earthquake said,

"Aw, it's done?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Sorry, Pinkie Pie, but yes." Earthquake replied, Pinkie Pie groaned but hopped home,

"You two head on home, I've got some personal matters to take care of." Earthquake said, and the two ground ponies grab the mirrors and disappear into the ground with the mirrors while Earthquake followed Big Business when he began to walk away. Earthquake disappears into the ground and follows Big Business, she looks and sees he has pictures of Earthquake appear in midair with his magic,

"Oh, my Earthquake, you are so beautiful, if only we were not enemies, you and I could be lovers and be together." Big Business said, Earthquake looks on with surprise, but she had no feelings for him due to his actions, she comes out of the ground behind him,

"You were saying?" Earthquake asked as she walked forward, Big Business was startled and turned around,

"My, yes! What perfect timing, I, Big Business, has scored the beautiful Earthquake as his date." Big Business said, Earthquake smiled,

"Come here, you lucky stallion." Earthquake said, and Big Business runs to her, he hugs her and begins smelling her body, the two share a brief kiss,

"Tell me about yourself, I like to get to know about my stallions." Earthquake said,

"Very well, prepare yourself for the rise of the one, the only, the almighty, the glamorous, the glorious, the handsome, Big Business, leader of Equestria's industrialization of magic." Big Business said, Earthquake was surprised because she has never heard of him,

"There I was, as a little foal, watching mommy and daddy industrialize magic for Equestria by draining it out of nature, saying they are doing it to make magic available for unicorns to use, Pegasi to make weather, and earth ponies to grow food more easily, and there I was, standing there, showing me how it's done, and that point, that point of my life, was when my parents named me, Big Business, spelled with B as in "Behold the success of Big Business", I as in "I'm basking in the presence of Big Business", G as in "God of this land's future, Big Business", space because my name is too important to be one word, B as in "Bow to the leader of Equestria's future, Big Business", U as in "Unveil the land's most important pony that is Big Business", S as in "Stand in the presence of Big Business", I as in "Inferior to Big Business", N as in "Nobody is as important as Big Business", E as in "Equestria's fate depends on Big Business", S as in "Show your respects to Big Business", and S as in "Say your praises of Big Business", and thus, the most important pony to shape Equestria was born, and inherited his mother's and father's business after they passed. Everypony thought Big Business would go to their funeral, but no, I have more important matters at hoof, I had to carry on their dream of an industrialized Equestria, and I have set hoof. Behold! Many years later, I find Nature Valley by chance, and I had the perfect idea, I can use their elements and control them by turning them into Corrupted, and I don't have to pay anypony, the money is all mine. I thought I could be fine, but no, I needed a heir, a colt, to be preferred, and that was when I saw you, Earthquake, posing for a photo shoot in Las Pegasus, with your revealing outfits and seductive poses, I fell for you, and that was when I decided, you will be my wife, the most beautiful mare in Equestria, as beautiful as me, shall be my wife, and now here we are, together, alone, let's go, my love." Big Business explained, Earthquake groaned as she listened to him, she found him to be very tiring,

"Come, my future wife, let's get to know one another better." Big Business said, and he begins to rub his head on her chest, where her heart was at, Earthquake was not enjoying his company, she would have preferred if Big Business fell in love with Raging Tornado, Tsunami, or Meteorite Hellfire instead. Big Business' cutie mark glows and he groans,

"Sorry, love, I got to take this, it's work." Big Business said, and he teleports away, Earthquake was very relieved, she begins to walk away and sees a female Pegasus royal guard flying down to her,

"Are you Earthquake?" the royal guard asked,

"Yes." Earthquake replied,

"Princess Celestia calls for you." the royal guard said, and she flies away, Earthquake turns into dirt and goes into the ground, she slithers to Canterlot and goes to the throne room.

Earthquake arrives into Canterlot and was in the throne room with Princess Celestia and Raging Tornado, Princess Celestia ordered the royal guards and Princess Luna to leave, Raging Tornado stood to Earthquake's left,

"I have sensed the Corrupted, I realized you four found the one creating them." Princess Celestia said,

"Yes, a unicorn named Big Business." Raging Tornado replied,

"Big Business? I think I've heard of him, this isn't the first time he's caused trouble." Princess Celestia said,

"You know him, Princess Celestia?" Earthquake asked,

"To an extent, yes, he's focused on destroying nature in order to use it to make Equestria more industrialized, to be specific, he wants to use that magic in order to build more factories that can power Equestria with magic everywhere, but as you all saw, he harms nature, and is using the elemental ponies as slaves, he's hurting Mother Nature indirectly as well, and she's a friend of mine, I pray you all stop him before Twilight and her friends notice his actions." Princess Celestia replied,

"It'll be done, Princess Celestia." Raging Tornado said,

"I know it will, but I am going to warn you two now, keep an eye on Tidal Wave and Blazing Inferno, the threat Big Business poses right now is minor when compared to them." Princess Celestia replied,

"I didn't think Big Business was that big of a threat." Earthquake said,

"Not at the moment, but still, please deal with him before he does become a big threat, I don't think my star pupil will take it well if she discovers there are some threats not even the Elements of Harmony can deal with, and there are so many threats, she and her five friends can't deal with all of them, so please deal with Big Business, I have royal duties to attend to, unfortunately, so I can't help completely." Princess Celestia replied,

"Yes, Princess Celestia." Raging Tornado said,

"Understood." Earthquake said,

"Good, Big Business' headquarters is around here." Princess Celestia replied as she used her magic to project a map, Big Business' headquarters was in Las Pegasus,

"I'd figured it'd be around there." Earthquake said,

"Go on and get Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami, I wish you all good luck." Princess Celestia said, and the two leave the throne room.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake walk together and were outside, Airstrike and Eruption appeared to the outer sides of the two,

"So, what did you think about meeting Big Business?" Airstrike asked,

"It was... quite an introduction he gave." Raging Tornado replied,

"Too loud if you ask me." Earthquake said,

"Now is your chance, Earthquake, I couldn't catch him, maybe you'll be able to." Eruption said,

"I'm up to challenge, Aunt Eruption." Earthquake replied, Eruption chuckled,

"Remember to keep a cool head, Raging Tornado, I know you want to prove yourself, but you have to stay calm." Airstrike said,

"Yes, mother." Raging Tornado replied,

"You should go see your family, family always comes first, Raging Tornado." Airstrike said,

"Now that you mention it, mom, you never were gone that much." Raging Tornado replied,

"See, there you go, family comes before your duties, always does." Airstrike said,

"You want to race back home?" Eruption asked,

"Sure." Earthquake replied,

"Alright, ready, set, go." Eruption said, and the two run home, Raging Tornado sighs and she turns into gusts of wind and heads home.

Earthquake and Eruption run home and the other ponies look at them, some saw Eruption running with Earthquake, but their friends reassured them that it was just Earthquake kicking up dirt from running, the two keep running and arrive home at night, they pant and Earthquake was nearly out of breath,

"You seemed to have lost your stamina a bit, Earthquake." Plate Tectonic said as he stood in front of her,

"Yeah, we don't run races like how we used to when we were young." Earthquake replied,

"You alright, big sister?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"No, I found the guy creating the Corrupted, his name is Big Business, and he has romantic feelings for me." Earthquake replied,

"What was he like?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Obnoxious." Earthquake replied,

"That reminds me, I got two mares sleeping with me tonight, so it might be a little loud." Plate Tectonic said,

"It's fine, little brother, congratulations." Earthquake replied, Plate Tectonic smiles,

"You going to sleep?" Eruption asked,

"Not yet, I want something." Earthquake replied,

"Alright, see you later, big sis." Plate Tectonic said, and Earthquake went to her room and saw the two female ground ponies,

"Hi, duchess." the two ground ponies said,

"Evening." Earthquake replied, and Earthquake got small chunks of black rock from under her bed, she heads out and goes to a ground pony selling ice cubes imported from southern Nature Valley, she buys one with a chunk of rock and she rubs it on her forehead, Big Business has tired her out and hurt her head, she felt better and waited for the ice cube to melt, she heads back to her bed and saw Plate Tectonic spending time with the two ground ponies,

"Did you get your picture taken yet, little brother?" Earthquake asked,

"Yup, dad's proud of me." Plate Tectonic replied, Earthquake smiled,

"I'm going to bed, try to keep it down, okay?" Earthquake asked, the three nod and Earthquake sleeps while the three chuckle and giggle as they have fun. Earthquake wakes up early and was ready to go after Big Business, but saw she had to go to work, she rolled her eyes and saw Plate Tectonic was already awake with the two female ground ponies helping him lift weights,

"Going after Big Business?" Plate Tectonic said,

"Yeah, but I have work to do first." Earthquake replied in a little annoyed tone,

"If you want, I can come with you." Plate Tectonic said,

"No, stay here, little brother, I don't want you to become Corrupted." Earthquake replied, Plate Tectonic nod, he finishes exercising and the two went down to have breakfast, Diamond made breakfast for the two female ground ponies,

"Head on home, you two, if your parents ask you two where you've been, just say you got turned into Corrupted, and Earthquake saved you." Diamond said, the two female ground ponies nod,

"So, what was this guy creating the Corrupted like?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"So full of himself, and wants to be the center of attention, he acts like he's the center of the universe." Earthquake replied,

"Yeah, that does sound annoying." Landslide said,

"Well, head on home, you two, you shouldn't worry your families." Stone said, the two female ground ponies nod and they head home after finishing their meals,

"We're going to have a party today." Dust Storm said,

"Oh, right, today's graduation day, Plate Tectonic's finishing school." Earthquake replied,

"Yup, no more school for this family after today." Sinkhole said,

"Thank goodness for that, I hated school." Plate Tectonic replied,

"We all did, Plate Tectonic; Landslide, Stone, and I struggled to pass every grade." Diamond said,

"Sandstorm and Eruption struggled too, I did as well." Sinkhole said,

"I nearly failed every grade, too." Dust Storm said,

"And so did I, and Plate Tectonic is just barely passing." Earthquake said,

"Yeah, we're going to be done after me, and after me, we're homeschooling ourselves from then on." Plate Tectonic replied, the family nods while smiling,

"Well, I have to finish, I have to go to work." Earthquake said,

"Alright, have fun." Diamond replied, and Earthquake finishes her breakfast, and heads to work. Earthquake was in Canterlot and doing a photo shoot, she wore a dark yellow sleeveless dress with slits to expose her chest and hind left leg, she goes up next and saw Photo Finish was taking the pictures, there were many ponies watching, Big Business was among them,

"Next, Earthquake, stay here and watch, everypony, you will like what you see." Photo Finish said, and Earthquake began doing poses while showing off her chest and exposed hind leg, she saw Big Business was barely restraining himself from going over to kiss her, many of the other stallions around also fell for her, she saw colts watching as well, but she was careful not to win their hearts as well,

"What are you doing?!" Photo Finish asked,

"You did say they would like what they see." Earthquake replied,

"I mean as in ze outfits, not ze body!" Photo Finish said,

"I'm just giving what the crowd wants." Earthquake said,

"Ze crowd does not need to see your body!" Photo Finish replied,

"The crowd seems to disagree." Earthquake said, Photo Finish looks back and sees the stallions were excited to see more of Earthquake,

"Only ze stallions are interested, ze mares are not!" Photo Finish said,

"Some of them are." Earthquake replied, Photo Finish looks again and sees some of the mares were liking the show,

"Get off ze stage before you make ze ponies unable to control their urges." Photo Finish said, and Earthquake walked away while the stallions booed the show, Earthquake smiled at the fact that the stallions were enjoying her. Earthquake takes her dress off and wanders around, she decided her work was over and was about to leave until she saw Raging Tornado fly down to her,

"You ready to go take down Big Business?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yeah, might as well, let's get rid of him before he becomes a big threat." Earthquake replied,

"Come on, let's go get Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami." Raging Tornado said,

"I'd rather not give Big Business a head start." Earthquake replied,

"We'll stand a better chance if all four of us are together, now come on, let's get them." Raging Tornado said, and the two walk together,

"Why do you have your wagon with you?" Earthquake asked,

"It's for getting the ponies Big Business has kidnapped, we need to take them home." Raging Tornado replied,

"Alright, let's go." Earthquake said, and they run together.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake look for Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami as they run around Equestria to look for them, Airstrike appeared to Raging Tornado's left,

"Tsunami's in Mount Aris, you all should just use your powers to go there." Airstrike said,

"What about Meteorite Hellfire?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Eruption's looking for her right now." Airstrike replied,

"Come on, Earthquake, let's go get her." Raging Tornado said, and she flies there while Earthquake disappears into the ground.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake arrive into Mount Aris and see Tsunami was putting on blue eye shadow, Tidal Wave was behind her,

"Wear as much makeup as you want, you'll never be as pretty as me." Tidal Wave said,

"I'm fine with how I look, thank you very much." Tsunami replied,

"Then why are you wearing makeup?" Tidal Wave asked,

"To make myself presentable in public." Tsunami replied,

"Uh-huh, so you're not comfortable, you see yourself as ugly, because you are. Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror, and saw how ugly you truly are?" Tidal Wave asked, Tsunami's feelings were hurt, she was on the verge of tears,

"Look at yourself, you can't even hold your eye bladders, you're wetting your own face just like how you used to wet the bed when you were young." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami has flashbacks of wetting the bed when she was younger and cries more with embarrassment,

"Look at that, Tsunami the bed wetter." Tidal Wave said,

"I was young." Tsunami replied,

"Doesn't matter, I bet you still wet the bed." Tidal Wave said,

"No, I don't." Tsunami replied,

"Yes, you do, admit it, you still burp and fart in public, you still wet the bed, and you failed school, and yet, you still try to pass yourself off as a proper lady, when you're actually a slob who can't do anything right, you're an idiot, a loser, if any boy is going to fall in love with you, it's going to be one who physically harms you and insults you, because his physical harm will be your punishment for being something you're not, and his insults about you will be true." Tidal Wave said,

"Stop it." Tsunami said with her talons over her face, her voice was breaking, Raging Tornado was shocked and flies down to help Tsunami, Earthquake went over to help as well. Tsunami was in tears while Tidal Wave smiled, she was about to speak again but Raging Tornado covered Tidal Wave's mouth with her front right hoof while Earthquake held Tsunami away,

"Don't listen to her, Tsunami, you're fine the way you are." Raging Tornado said,

"Pick yourself up, we have to go after Big Business." Earthquake said,

"We have to find Meteorite Hellfire first, Earthquake." Raging Tornado replied, Tidal Wave tries to speak but her words were muffled,

"Come on, Tsunami, we need your help now." Raging Tornado said, but Tsunami was too distraught to move, so Earthquake rolled her eyes and carried Tsunami on her back,

"Let's go." Earthquake said, and the two leave while Tidal Wave disappears into the ground while smiling.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake look for Meteorite Hellfire while Tsunami did not even react to anything,

"You okay, Tsunami?" Raging Tornado asked, Tsunami did not respond,

"I'll take that as a no." Raging Tornado said, and they keep going, Eruption appeared out of the ground,

"Meteorite Hellfire's in the forest around Kirin Grove, let's go." Eruption said, and she and Earthquake go into the ground while Raging Tornado picks up Tsunami and puts her in her wagon, she flies to Kirin Grove. Raging Tornado flies to Kirin Grove and was careful not to have Tsunami fall out of her wagon, she arrives and saw explosions of fire in the forest, she looks and saw Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno having a hoof fight, Tsunami was snapped back to reality by the loud noises, she looks and saw Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno fighting, Raging Tornado flew down to avoid the flames flying around, she landed to Earthquake's left,

"Come on, Earthquake, we have to stop this." Raging Tornado said,

"No, this is Meteorite Hellfire's fight, she has to deal with this on her own." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado and Tsunami look at her with shock.

Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno keep fighting and Meteorite Hellfire was letting out grunts and screams of rage while she attacked relentlessly while Blazing Inferno was calm and dodged all of them, she was smiling at the fact that Meteorite Hellfire could barely land any hits on her, she hits Meteorite Hellfire in her left jaw with her front right hoof and Meteorite Hellfire grunted as she fell onto the ground,

"Pathetic, little sister, I was the faster, stronger, more skilled, and more disciplined fighter back when we were kids, and apparently, I still am." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire growled,

"Remember that time I knocked all of your baby teeth out with one punch? Remember that time when I broke your snout? Remember that time when our mom teamed up with me and we beat you to a pulp?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"SILENCE!!" Meteorite Hellfire yelled with a distorted voice and changed into her nirik form, she also had regular red and orange fire on her as well, she tries to hit Blazing Inferno, but Blazing Inferno holds her front hoofs back with her own front hoofs,

"Pathetic, Meteorite Hellfire. Pathetic. You're weak, you're slow, and you're unskilled, I know they insult weaklings by saying their hit like girls, you hit like a little girl." Blazing Inferno said, and she quickly moves her front right hoof and punches Meteorite Hellfire in her mouth, hurting her teeth, she then places her front right hoof on Meteorite Hellfire's sternum and her front left hoof on her hind right thigh, she lifts Meteorite Hellfire over her head and throws her, she screams and hits the ground, she was stunned and in pain, Blazing Inferno chuckles and disappears.

Raging Tornado and Earthquake run to Meteorite Hellfire while she stood on her hoofs and changed back to normal,

"Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado said,

"I'm fine." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and she stands up while grunting,

"Come on, let's go stop Big Business." Earthquake said, Tsunami came out of Raging Tornado's wagon,

"I'm better now, let's go." Tsunami said, and Raging Tornado and Earthquake lead the way.

Earthquake was in Las Pegasus with her three allies, they were already up a road and Raging Tornado was last, she was panting and sweating when she got to them, the harness to her wagon comes loose and rolls down the road,

"Wait, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Raging Tornado said as she and her three allies ran after it, a loud crashing sound was heard and they find the wagon, it crashed into the side of a building and the wagon was completely destroyed, Raging Tornado groaned with disappointment that she needed to fix it again,

"Come on, Raging Tornado, now's not the time, let's go." Earthquake said, and they go up the road while Tsunami comforted the disappointed Raging Tornado.

The four go back to Big Business' headquarters and saw a lot of neon lights, it was a skyscraper with many windows, all four of them thought it was ugly,

"Let's just get this over with." Meteorite Hellfire said, they agree and enter the building. The four enter and see the building was filled with many workers, the four were uncomfortable, but they continued, there was no Corrupted to be seen, so they go up the elevator to the top floor. Earthquake and her allies arrive at the top floor and see elemental ponies fused into industrial objects, they groan and cry in pain, Raging Tornado and Tsunami were worried and go to check on them,

"Guys, now is not the time!" Meteorite Hellfire said impatiently,

"Come on, you two, let's stop Big Business, we'll get them after we do." Earthquake said, Raging Tornado and Tsunami agree reluctantly and go forward. Earthquake and her allies arrive at a room that had replicas of their gemstones on podiums, Big Business used his magic on them to bring himself the elemental ponies, the red gem brought fire ponies, the blue gem brought water ponies, the yellow gem brought ground ponies, and the green gem brought air ponies. Big Business hears them and turns around,

"Well, well, looks like I am popular with Mother Nature after all." Big Business said,

"Put your front hoofs in the air, Big Business, it's over!" Raging Tornado said,

"Over? Oh please, we're just getting started, my dear, I, Big Business, has been waiting for you all." Big Business replied,

"Why?" Earthquake asked,

"I have a surprise for you four." Big Business replied,

"Well, we don't want it, now please, step down so we can get this over with." Tsunami said,

"You all don't sound enthusiastic." Big Business said,

"We have bigger problems than you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What do you plan to do with an industrialized Equestria?" Raging Tornado asked,

"It is not just Equestria that will be industrialized, after Equestria, Yakyakistan, the Changeling Kingdom, Mount Aris, Seaquestria, the Dragon Lands, Griffonstone, Kirin Grove, Kludgetown, all will be industrialized and bow to me!" Big Business replied, shocking the four,

"We won't let that happen!" Raging Tornado said,

"Really? You already serve me indirectly by working at the weather factory." Big Business replied, surprising Raging Tornado,

"You're really surprised by that? I wonder why, plus, three out of four of you are wearing cosmetics." Big Business said, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami were caught by surprise that he has noticed,

"Look at yourself, Pegasus, you're wearing powder on your face, that's also industrialized by my company." Big Business said,

"My power is created by crushed rocks and minerals that are bright green before they are crushed." Raging Tornado replied,

"And you, earth pony, you're wearing powder makeup, too, along with lip gloss and eyeliner." Big Business said,

"My powder makeup is also crushed rocks and minerals, my lip gloss is made from coconut oil, and my eyeliner is yellow paint created by mixing powdered yellow minerals in water." Earthquake replied,

"Especially you, hippogriff, you have on eye shadow, eyeliner, facial powder, mascara, and manicure on your hoofs and talons." Big Business said,

"My eye shadow and eyeliner are made from crushed and powdered rocks mixed in water, my mascara is squid ink, and manicure for my hoofs and talons doesn't require industrial items, just a filer." Tsunami replied,

"Oh, so you guys don't use modern cosmetics, and I can tell that kirin doesn't wear any makeup." Big Business said,

"I don't care about my own appearance." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami look at her with surprise,

"Well, anyway, you four fell right into my trap." Big Business said, confusing the four, Big Business uses his magic and the red gem summons fire ponies with black explosives on them, red lights on them beep,

"Look out!" Meteorite Hellfire said, and the top of the building exploded while Big Business teleported away.

Raging Tornado turned into gusts of wind and flew out, Earthquake turned into mud and went into the floor, Tsunami turned into water and flowed out of the skyscraper, and Meteorite Hellfire turned into fire and moved around in the sky, the four form at a place where other ponies were not present, the four pant while Earthquake closed her eyes, she had a tear roll down her left eye,

"What's the matter, Earthquake?" Tsunami asked,

"We failed our task." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado's attention was caught,

"Hold on, I'm going to go check on the elemental ponies." Raging Tornado said, and she flies back, she saw the elemental ponies Big Business has corrupted were gone, Raging Tornado was devastated and began to cry a little uncontrollably, but she flew back to her allies. Tsunami comforted Earthquake while Meteorite Hellfire looked down with disappointment, she flies back to them and they notice her with tears in her eyes,

"You okay, Raging Tornado?" Tsunami asked,

"No, the corrupted ponies from Nature Valley were teleported away, too." Raging Tornado replied tearfully, Tsunami was shocked and tears fell from her eyes as well,

"Come on, you three, don't cry, we'll just have to wait until Big Business pops up next time." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Think about it, Meteorite Hellfire, so far, every task we've been given, we've failed." Earthquake replied sadly, but her voice did not crack,

"Meteorite Hellfire, Earthquake, please, just this once, think about the citizens from Nature Valley who were taken away by him, we couldn't reunite them with their families." Tsunami said sadly, her voice cracked as well,

"Seeing you all makes me sad as well, and we couldn't save our citizens this time, either, we're failures." Raging Tornado said sadly, her voice also cracked, Raging Tornado and Tsunami begin to cry openly while Earthquake kept herself composed as she had a tear stream on her face from her left eye. Blazing Inferno and Tidal Wave appeared behind their respective sisters,

"Look at yourself, little sister, you can't even rescue a few of our citizens, that's what you get for refusing to achieve any might or power." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami closed her eyes tighter and clenched her teeth,

"Yes, another point for me, you're slower than me, you're weaker than me, you're less skilled than me, you're less durable than me, and you just proved right there that you're dumber than me." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire turns around and punches Blazing Inferno in her left jaw with her front right hoof, Blazing Inferno looks back at her and smiles,

"Is that really your hardest? That didn't even hurt." Blazing Inferno said, Meteorite Hellfire growled, Airstrike and Eruption appeared,

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Airstrike yelled angrily,

"Leave them alone!" Eruption said angrily,

"Why? Tsunami here can't do anything right." Tidal Wave said,

"You're supposed to help her, guide her and support her, not antagonize her." Airstrike replied,

"Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami are your families, family is most important, if you two don't stop hurting them physically and mentally, Airstrike and I will report you two to Mother Nature." Eruption said,

"No! Anything but that!" Tidal Wave replied,

"No, please, don't do it!" Blazing Inferno said,

"Then stop antagonizing them!" Airstrike replied, and the two go into the ground and disappear. Airstrike goes to comfort Tsunami while Eruption calms Meteorite Hellfire down, two male fire ponies, a male water pony, a female water pony, two female ground ponies, a male air pony, and a female air pony appear,

"Duchesses, Mother Nature wishes to see you all." the female air pony said,

"Go ahead and take us there, we need time to rest." Raging Tornado replied, and the elemental ponies take the four to Nature Valley. Mother Nature was waiting for the four and they were brought there,

"Okay, you all are here, and I saw how you felt, and I'm sorry about what has happened, but you four need to pick yourselves up." Mother Nature said,

"I'm already up, it's those three that need it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Now, now, Meteorite Hellfire, hide it all your want, but you need emotional support as well, everycreature does, that is why I have several people here to help you guys." Mother Nature said, they look and they saw Dust Storm, Sinkhole, Diamond, Stone, Landslide, Plate Tectonic, Tsunami's older brother, younger twin sister, younger brother and his younger twin sister, maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, paternal grandfather, father, paternal aunt, paternal uncle, and Raging Tornado's younger sister, youngest sister, her younger sister's boyfriend, and father,

"I called them here to help boost your confidences, you all must keep in mind there are people always supporting you and here to help you, you don't have to do everything alone." Mother Nature said, Airstrike and Eruption appear,

"See, you all have your previous bearers to help as well, well, except for Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami here, but you all have each other, so go on and relax for now." Mother Nature said, and Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami go to their families.

Earthquake was comforted by her family, so was Raging Tornado and Tsunami, Meteorite Hellfire watches and begins to feel sad since she did not have her family with her like how the other three did, Mother Nature touches her back with her front left hoof, Meteorite Hellfire looks to her right,

"Remember, Meteorite Hellfire, I'm here, too, so if you need any emotional support, you can come to me." Mother Nature said with a smile on her face, Meteorite Hellfire smiled and they hugged one another, they all converse and go home.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Airstrike, and Eruption stay at the center of Nature Valley,

"We're going to go check on Tsunami, Tidal Wave has been getting to her." Airstrike said,

"What about Meteorite Hellfire?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Take a look for yourself." Eruption replied, and Raging Tornado flies up while Earthquake changes into a pile of dirt, they see Meteorite Hellfire was exercising to make herself stronger, she growled and grunted loudly as she practiced her fighting moves, they then look at Tsunami and saw her in her room, she was crying,

"See, she's not taking it well, we'll stay with her tonight and make sure Tidal Wave doesn't hurt her feelings anymore today." Eruption said,

"Okay, Aunt Eruption, see you later." Earthquake replied,

"Bye, mother." Raging Tornado said, and the two went over to comfort Tsunami while Earthquake headed home, loud streamers go off and she saw a big cake there and a lot of male and female ground ponies,

"Congratulations, Plate Tectonic." Landslide said,

"Thanks." Plate Tectonic replied, Earthquake chuckles and she trots forward and celebrates Plate Tectonic's graduation from school and went to sleep a little late at night. Earthquake wakes up early the next morning and saw Plate Tectonic was still staying in shape,

"Okay, from now on, homeschooling." Plate Tectonic said,

"Amen to that, little brother." Earthquake replied, and the two head to the dinner table and have breakfast, knocking was heard at the door and Dust Storm got the door,

"Hi, is Earthquake home?" a female voice asked, Earthquake realized it was Tsunami, she stands up and walks to the door, she saw Tsunami was wearing a blue long-sleeve, floor-length dress with light blue square patterns around the end of the sleeves, the sleeves were wide and Tsunami could hide things in it, along with blue eyeliner, blue eye shadow, mascara, and dark blue powder on her face, and small gold chain drop earrings in each ear with a small gold shark tooth at the bottom of each earring, she thought the outfit and makeup she had on looked pretty,

"What is it?" Earthquake asked,

"Well, I thought you'd still be upset over yesterday, and wanted to spend time together and have fun today." Tsunami replied,

"Yeah, I'm still a bit disappointed." Earthquake said,

"Well, do you want to hang out?" Tsunami asked,

"Sure, just let me finish breakfast first." Earthquake said, Tsunami smiled while Earthquake trotted back, she finishes her breakfast and went to Tsunami, the two leave the house,

"Let's go get Meteorite Hellfire, since Raging Tornado's probably still sleeping." Tsunami said,

"Yeah, she's always been a heavy sleeper." Earthquake replied, and they trot to western Nature Valley to go see Meteorite Hellfire. Earthquake and Tsunami trot to Meteorite Hellfire's home and sees a lot of sports equipment outside, and her own cart,

"Meteorite Hellfire was always the strange one out of all of us." Earthquake said,

"Well, she does have her own interests, even though none of them are in common with ours." Tsunami replied,

"I spoke to her about it once, I think it's a family thing, since her sister and mother had the same interests." Earthquake said,

"That makes sense, it runs in her family, I don't think any girl would grow up to like fighting or military stuff unless they got the interests from their parents." Tsunami replied, and they go to her house's door and Tsunami knocks on it three times with her right talon,

"In a minute." Meteorite Hellfire said, and they wait, she opened the door after less than a minute,

"Hey, I was thinking we should hang out and rest today." Tsunami said,

"Sure, I could use the company." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Okay, let's go get Raging Tornado." Earthquake said, and the three trot to her home. Earthquake knocks on Raging Tornado's house's door three times with her front right hoof and Raging Tornado opens it,

"Hey, we thought we should hang out together and relax today, especially after what happened yesterday." Earthquake said,

"Sure, I could use the time to unwind a bit." Raging Tornado replied,

"Who is it, big sis?" a small filly asked as she walked to the door, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Meteorite Hellfire saw Raging Tornado's youngest sister,

"Aw, you look so cute." Tsunami said as she looked down at the filly, Raging Tornado's youngest sister chuckles while Tsunami rubbed her mane with her right talon,

"You all want to come along?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Sorry, but she and I have school today." Raging Tornado's younger sister replied,

"Yeah, I'll be home a little late today." Raging Tornado's youngest sister said,

"And he and I have to prepare for the Season Festival." Raging Tornado's father said,

"Yeah, sorry, but we're too busy." Raging Tornado's younger sister's boyfriend said,

"Aw, your family's not coming, either." Earthquake said,

"What about you guys?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Nope, my family's got school, work, and getting ready for the Season Festival, too." Earthquake said, even though she was lying since Plate Tectonic finished school, and only she had a job,

"My family's like that, too." Tsunami said,

"Come on, let's go have fun in Ponyville." Earthquake said, her three friends agree and they all leave.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, and Meteorite Hellfire go to Ponyville and walk together, all four of them liked the town,

"Let's be careful, Rarity lives here, and she and I aren't exactly on the best terms." Earthquake said,

"What does she do?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"She's a fashion designer, she makes dresses." Raging Tornado replied,

"And since I work as a model, she and I work together sometimes, and we have very different opinions." Earthquake said,

"Speaking of dresses, how do I look?" Tsunami asked, Meteorite Hellfire groaned,

"You're really going to ask that, Tsunami?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"It took me a lot of time to put on my makeup and pick out this dress." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire rolled her eyes,

"It looks great on you, Tsunami." Raging Tornado replied,

"It's nice, but I think it'd look better if you exposed your chest a bit." Earthquake said,

"It's not that kind of dress, Earthquake." Tsunami replied,

"Well, it looks good, I like it." Earthquake said, Tsunami chuckled and smiled, the four were standing on a bridge, they were walking from left to right,

"Pathetic, Tsunami." Tidal Wave said from behind, the four look back and see her,

"Look at that, little sister, you're so insecure about your looks, you need compliments from others, look at all of that makeup you're wearing, and those earrings, it all pretty much spells ugly underneath, you're hideous on the inside and the outside." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami's spirit was already broken,

"Look, you're already broken mentally, because you know everything I say about you is true. You all talk about friendship? Who wants to be friends with someone like you? If you do marry, your husband is going to think you're ugly, and he'll make you beautiful his own way." Tidal Wave said,

"But..." Tsunami said,

"No buts, Tsunami, I see you crying every night, you always were a crybaby, and you make yourself more beautiful when you cry, because it ruins your makeup, you will never be beautiful until you are beaten to the point where your face is covered with your own blood." Tidal Wave said while smiling, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire get ready to defend Tsunami, who was on her hind knees and crying with her talons on her face, Tidal Wave sees people coming and she disappears. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire hear running from behind and turn around, they saw Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack running to them, they stop when they were in front of the four,

"Who is sayin' that?" Applejack asked,

"This hippogriff's sister." Raging Tornado replied,

"Where is she?!" Twilight Sparkle asked sternly,

"She just left." Earthquake replied, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony calm down and look at the crying Tsunami, they trot to her,

"Darling?" Rarity asked, Tsunami looks at them,

"My, you're not ugly under your makeup at all, you're actually a very beautiful hippogriff." Rarity said,

"Really?" Tsunami asked, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony nod,

"Actually, I think you're prettier without your makeup." Fluttershy said, Tsunami was caught by surprise,

"Come on, darling, let's get you cleaned up." Rarity said,

"Actually, one reason I'm here is because I want to see her cottage." Tsunami replied,

"Really? That's wonderful, this way." Fluttershy said, and the four follow her while she walks there.

Earthquake and the other three arrive at Fluttershy's cottage,

"Make yourselves at home." Fluttershy said, and they do. Raging Tornado liked the birds, Earthquake liked the domesticated cats, Tsunami liked the marine animals, and Meteorite Hellfire liked anything that was a predator,

"Wow, these animals are so cool." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Be careful around them, they'll bite you if you're not, and it will hurt." Fluttershy replied, Meteorite Hellfire continued feeding them,

"Aw, you all are so cutsie woosie." Tsunami said as she looked at the fish, Fluttershy chucked,

"Good kitty, use your charm to win male cats." Earthquake said,

"Be careful with cats, they are loud and fight a lot when the female cats are in heat, and they like to scratch your things." Fluttershy said,

"You birds are so pretty, I can listen to your chirps all day." Raging Tornado said,

"They are wonderful to listen to on a relaxing afternoon, soothes the mind." Fluttershy said, and they continue looking at the animals all afternoon. Earthquake goes home and sees eastern Nature Valley was ready for the Season Festival,

"Wow, looks like it's time to celebrate already." Earthquake said,

"It does, but come on, your family and I worked all day today, we need to rest." Dust Storm replied, Earthquake chuckled and they all went to sleep since they were tired. Earthquake wakes up the next morning and saw she was off from work again, she wastes no time and puts her makeup on, has breakfast, and heads to Las Pegasus. Earthquake arrives in Las Pegasus and was looking at the building Big Business operated in hopes of finding clues, Earthquake hears walking to her left and saw Raging Tornado coming,

"Any idea where he went?" Earthquake asked,

"Not a clue." Raging Tornado replied, and the two look up, they hear trotting from behind and look, Meteorite Hellfire went to them,

"I checked around Kirin Grove, Big Business isn't there." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"Where's Tsunami?" Earthquake asked,

"She's at Mount Aris right now, I doubt he'd be there." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"He isn't." Tsunami said from above as she flew down,

"Any ideas?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Come on, let's go up there and see if there's any clues on where he went." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"I'll go." Raging Tornado said, and she turns into gusts of wind and flies up to the top of the skyscraper. Raging Tornado arrives at the top and looks for clues on where Big Business went, there was none, Raging Tornado was about to lose her temper, but composed herself and went back down,

"There's nothing." Raging Tornado said,

"What? No clues?" Earthquake asked, the other three noticed she was about to snap and lash out in anger,

"I'm sorry, but there isn't anything." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire grew fangs and nirik fire appeared above her eyes, while Tsunami growled and grumbled while she tried to compose herself, surprising her three allies,

"I found out where he's at." Princess Celestia said as she flew down to them,

"Big Business is in a building in Baltimare, it's a private building, nopony's there except him, go on now, you four, I have to clean this mess up." Princess Celestia said, and she flies up to top of the skyscraper,

"Where's Baltimare?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"This way, follow me." Raging Tornado replied, and she flies there while Tsunami flies with her, and Meteorite Hellfire turns into a body of fire to float in the air while Earthquake disappears into the ground. Earthquake and the others arrive into Baltimare and their gems vibrate, they look and notice Big Business in a smaller skyscraper and see him summoning elemental ponies to turn them into Corrupted. Raging Tornado lands on the ground while Earthquake came out of the ground, Meteorite Hellfire changed to normal, and Tsunami landed with Raging Tornado,

"Okay, let's regain our energy first and then storm his headquarters, he's not getting away this time." Raging Tornado said, the other three agree and they rest a bit. Tidal Wave appears to Tsunami's right,

"Well, well, you couldn't find Big Business on your own, then again, you can never find anything or solve anything ever since you were a little girl, you always were stupid, and always had to ask mommy and daddy for help." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami closed her eyes, clearly in distress,

"Are those tears I see? Crybaby as always." Tidal Wave said, Raging Tornado and Earthquake got angry and were about to report Tidal Wave to Mother Nature,

"What's this? Your allies have to defend you? You always were a big coward, you always run instead of facing your problems, you had to ask mommy and daddy to defend you, you are a stupid, ugly, cowardly, and weak crybaby, you always were one, and always will be, I treat you like this and make you miserable because you deserve it, and it's fun." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami was clenched her teeth and had tears roll down her eyes, she whimpered as well, Tidal Wave chuckled and was about to speak again. Meteorite Hellfire jumps in the air and lets out a grunt, she moves her hind left leg up and kicks Tidal Wave in her right cheek while there was orange and red fire on her hoof, Tidal Wave screams as she fell onto the ground.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami look at Meteorite Hellfire with dropped jaws and widened eyes', they hear Tidal Wave whimpering and she looks at Meteorite Hellfire while holding her right cheek with her right talon,

"You hit me." Tidal Wave said in a whiny voice while crying,

"Unless you wish to receive a full on beating, begone!" Meteorite Hellfire said, and Tidal Wave disappeared into the ground while crying. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami still looked at Meteorite Hellfire with shocked faces,

"What?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"How can you do something like that?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Oh, come on now, she was going to hurt Tsunami's feelings even more, I just prevented her from doing that." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You could've stopped her by talking things out." Earthquake said,

"Oh no, I learned from dealing with my sister, there is no talking things out with people like her, you have to fight it out." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"My sister isn't like that, Meteorite Hellfire, one trick I found that works is just listen to her and wait for her to finish." Tsunami said,

"But her words are clearly getting to you." Raging Tornado replied,

"I know, but I found it to be the most effective way without resorting to violence." Tsunami said,

"Come on, you two, now's not the time to be talking about feelings, we got a criminal to catch." Earthquake replied, the two did not argue and all four of them enter the building.

Earthquake and her allies enter the building and they see the inside was mostly empty,

"Uh, guys, I'm kind of scared." Tsunami said,

"Now's not the time, let's go." Earthquake replied, and they run to the door, but a dam appears to block them, they see water ponies and ground ponies were embedded into it and crying for help, Raging Tornado and Tsunami were both stunned with shock for a brief moment,

"Come on, you two, let's free them." Meteorite Hellfire said, and their gems shoot beams out and frees them, Raging Tornado and Tsunami check on them for a second and head to the next room with Meteorite Hellfire and Earthquake. The four get on an elevator and it starts going up, the floor breaks open and ground ponies with pipes in them appear, they were embedded into the ground, they start releasing toxic fumes, the four use their gems to cure them, the ground erupts again and air ponies come out with wings made out of lightweight junk that can be blown in the air. The air ponies vomit sharp objects out of their mouths, which clearly hurt them, the four quickly use their gems to cure them, they fall and groan in pain while Raging Tornado and Tsunami check on them,

"We're here." Earthquake said after a few minutes and the elevator's doors open,

"We'll be back, hang in there until then." Raging Tornado said, the elemental ponies nod and she and the other three enter the next room. Earthquake and the other three enter the next room and see a door at the front, they run to it but fire comes out in front of Meteorite Hellfire, she changes into fire and tries to go past it, but grunts when she saw she could not, Blazing Inferno laughs a little and makes fire appear in front of Meteorite Hellfire every time she tried to go a different direction, the other three watch with surprise while water formed below Tsunami and she looks, Tidal Wave's talons appear out of the water and breaks the floor, Tsunami screams as she falls,

"Tsunami!" Raging Tornado said,

"You two go on, I'll catch up." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"But what about Tsunami?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Raging Tornado, now's not the time, we have to go!" Earthquake replied, and she pulls her into the next room while Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno fight again. Raging Tornado and Earthquake arrive into the next room and see the elevator was just up ahead,

"Wow, this is a pretty small building." Raging Tornado said,

"Well, Princess Celestia said it's a private building, so only he's allowed in here." Earthquake replied, and they continue, a massive fire appears in front of them and the two see fire ponies with burning objects in their bodies, the two use their gemstones to try to cure them, but could not cure them completely,

"Come on, let's go get Big Business, let's see if taking him down will cure all of the Corrupted." Earthquake said, and she turns her body into stone and goes through the fire unharmed while Raging Tornado turns into gusts of wind and flies through it, the two change back to normal and go into the elevator. Raging Tornado and Earthquake ride the elevator and it becomes filled with water, the two hold their breaths and they hear moaning and groaning, the two look and see water ponies were fused into one body and had plastic inside of them, Raging Tornado was very disturbed while Earthquake kept herself together, their gems shoot beams out to cure them partially but the plastic remained embedded in them, they groan in pain while Raging Tornado comforted them, the elevator's door opened afterwards,

"We're here." Earthquake said, and the two enter the next room. Raging Tornado and Earthquake walk forward, and to Raging Tornado's surprise, Big Business was right there, he was looking at his four gems and using his horn to summon more elemental ponies from Nature Valley for him to corrupt,

"Big Business!" Raging Tornado said, Big Business looks over his right shoulder and sees her and Earthquake, he turns around while Earthquake gives Raging Tornado a look of disapproval,

"Well, it's just you two, I always did find you two beautiful, now that we're alone, we could spend some quality time together." Big Business said, Raging Tornado was disgusted while Earthquake smiled,

"You're right, we can, why don't you and I have some fun since my friend here isn't interested." Earthquake said, Raging Tornado looks at her with shock while Big Business chuckled,

"Come on, then, come to papa." Big Business replied, and Earthquake went to him, the two smile and touch one another on their shoulders,

"I never got to say this, but you are a really handsome stallion." Earthquake said,

"Thank you, you're more beautiful in person than in magazines." Big Business replied, Earthquake chuckled,

"Earthquake!" Raging Tornado said with disapproval, Big Business and Earthquake look at her,

"Come on, keep her distracted." Earthquake said,

"Yeah, she might kill the mood." Big Business replied, and he uses his magic to make more Corrupted appear, the elemental ponies come out of the gems and the gems then shoot beams at them and change them to Corrupted. Earthquake flirts with Big Business and distracts him while Raging Tornado deals with the Corrupted, and Earthquake was waiting for Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami to come up,

"Oh, my beautiful Earthquake, after I finish here, you and I can marry." Big Business said,

"Yes, and I will be looking forward to bearing your children." Earthquake replied, even though she was not,

"You are so beautiful, even more beautiful than Raging Tornado over there." Big Business said,

"I know I am, Raging Tornado's just shy, and she enjoys silly romances." Earthquake replied, Big Business chuckles,

"She will be more into real romances when she hangs out with me, I will give her the romance of her life." Big Business said,

"That raises a problem, if you marry me, you have to stick with me." Earthquake said,

"I'm sure having two wives won't hurt, I think you and Raging Tornado will get along just well." Big Business replied, Earthquake was not happy, but she hid her feelings on the subject,

"Tell me, how would you like to live with me? In a big mansion, filled with technology to make our lives easier, with all of the wine and Fool's Gold Loaf sandwiches you can eat?" Big Business asked,

"That sounds good, I'm excited." Earthquake replied, even though she did not eat meat of any kind,

"Good, you and I will be Equestria's future, Big Business and Earthquake, leading Equestria, with Raging Tornado a close second." Big Business said, Earthquake was already tired of him,

"When I finish here, you and I will rebuild my business, and you will never have to work a day in your life again." Big Business said,

"Sounds very appealing." Earthquake replied, Big Business chuckles and rubs his snout on her while Earthquake was waiting for Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami to appear, she was getting impatient, she also hears Raging Tornado fighting the Corrupted and was nearly out of breath,

"Come, my love, we shall leave this place, and live on a private island alone, just you and me, and forget everybody here." Big Business said,

"I've got a family, Big Business." Earthquake replied,

"They don't matter, it's what my family wants that matters, and my family needs a heir to continue ruling the world after I pass." Big Business said, Earthquake glared at him briefly,

"Come on, Earthquake, say you will be my bride right here, right now, this is my proposal." Big Business said, Earthquake was silent and pretended to think about it to buy time, she rolled her eyes due to the current situation she was in.

The ground bursts open and fire and water come out, Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami came up, much to Big Business' surprise. Earthquake and her three allies use their gems to cure the Corrupted, Earthquake runs back to her three allies while Big Business' gems were about to corrupt the elemental ponies again, but the four use their gems and shoot beams out at the corrupting gems and destroys them,

"Ohhhhh nooooooo! My gems! My dream! My life!" Big Business said, he was devastated with them being destroyed,

"How could this be?! They were my main workers, now, I cannot industrialize the entire land!" Big Business said with his voice cracking,

"It's over, Big Business." Raging Tornado said,

"Earthquake, my love, how can you do this to me?" Big Business asked with his voice getting more high pitched,

"Should've thought about that before you decided to flirt with me, Big Business." Earthquake replied, Raging Tornado groaned while covering her own face with her front left hoof and shaking her head,

"Come on, defend yourself!" Meteorite Hellfire said,

"What?! I'm not a fighter!" Big Business replied with a high pitched voice, he also sounded like he had an accent,

"What?! You're corrupting our citizens, and you don't even know how to fight and defend yourself?! You've gotta be kidding me!" Meteorite Hellfire said in a very annoyed tone,

"Meteorite Hellfire, it's also improper for gentlemen to fight as well." Tsunami replied, Meteorite Hellfire growled,

"I, Big Business, leader of Equestria's industrialization of magic, was going to drain all magic out and use it to reform this world into one of technology and machines. I was going to have all magic under my command! I was going to be the god of this world!" Big Business said in a high pitched, squeaky voice with cracks in his voice and an accent on a few words,

"God? Yeah, here's your crown." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she shoots a beam of fire out of her horn, Big Business is shot back and the wall behind him breaks and Big Business flies out and hits the ground, Meteorite Hellfire had a scowl on her face while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami were behind her and looking at her with extremely shocked faces with their mouths and eyes' wide open.

Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami quickly head outside to make sure Big Business was alright, Meteorite Hellfire rolled her eyes and went with them, they see Big Business groaning and laying on the ground, clearly in pain, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami give Meteorite Hellfire disapproving stares,

"Oh, come on now, he would've continued to antagonize us if I didn't do that." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"You really need to learn some lessons in friendship." Raging Tornado replied,

"Good work, you four." Princess Celestia said from behind Raging Tornado, the four look and see her walking to them,

"Now that Big Business has been incapacitated and ready to be arrested, you four have stopped the Corrupted, and him trying to drain all magic out of this world to be used for technological advances, you four saved my magic as well, and Meteorite Hellfire, Raging Tornado is right, please try to restrain yourself a bit more next time, and that is not how we do things in Equestria, we forgive and offer them our friendship." Princess Celestia said,

"How often has that worked?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"Almost always, actually, Meteorite Hellfire." Raging Tornado replied, Meteorite Hellfire eyes' widened with bewilderment,

"Have you ever tried offering friendship?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Yes, I did it all the time as a kid." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How often did it work?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Never." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Princess Celestia was surprised,

"Well, maybe you should try again, and things will be different." Princess Celestia said,

"I'll think about it." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Okay, come on now, guards, let's put him in jail." Princess Celestia said, and she leaves while four of her royal guards carry Big Business away,

"What happened to you two?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Blazing Inferno wanted a rematch, she won the fight again." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Tidal Wave tried to hold me down and make it look like I couldn't stop Big Business, and someone else had to do it, she wanted to make me look incompetent and bring shame onto me." Tsunami said, Earthquake shook her head, she has decided that the two had to go,

"Well, we should go check on the Corrupted in the skyscraper and make sure they're okay." Raging Tornado said, and the four enter, they see the Corrupted were cured,

"See, told you taking down Big Business would cure them." Earthquake said,

"Well, come on, let's take them home." Tsunami replied, the others agree and they take the elemental ponies to Nature Valley.

Mother Nature was waiting for the four bearers of the Elements of Nature to come and she hears them, they arrive in Nature Valley with the cured elemental ponies,

"Congratulations and good job, all four of you, Nature Valley has been saved and the Corrupted are no more, the Season Festival is tomorrow night, but not everything is finished. Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami, you two know what I'm talking about." Mother Nature said,

"Why can't you deal with them, yourself, Mother Nature?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I think it would be best if Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami dealt with their sisters on their own accords, but your job doesn't end there, you and Earthquake are to support and comfort them if it's needed, that is what you four must do to stay together as a team." Mother Nature replied,

"Why isn't Tsunami's family doing anything about Tidal Wave?" Raging Tornado asked,

"She doesn't appear when I'm with my family, only when they're not around." Tsunami replied,

"But do they know about her doings, though?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yes, I already told them." Tsunami replied,

"You and Meteorite Hellfire should rest, Tsunami, I already contacted Queen Novo and Rain Shine, they will be standing by to offer help if the sibling rivalries get too extreme." Mother Nature said,

"Thank you." Tsunami replied,

"Meh, I doubt I'll need it." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she and Tsunami head home while Mother Nature disappeared back into the ground,

"And thus, the sister rivalries begin." Earthquake said,

"Is sister rivalry bad?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Oh yes, my mom and Aunt Eruption had a rivalry, it was a bad one." Earthquake replied,

"Since when do sisters fight?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Don't you have sisters of your own?" Earthquake asked,

"Yes, but we're really close to one another, I'm closer to those two than I am to you three." Raging Tornado replied,

"Ah, no wonder why, it's true, when sisters are close, they can be your best friends, but when sisters don't get along, they can be your worst enemies." Earthquake said, Raging Tornado was very uncomfortable,

"Well, we should sleep, I'll be going back home now." Earthquake said, and she went, Raging Tornado went home as well. Earthquake arrives home and streamers go off,

"Congratulations, Earthquake." Earthquake's family said, and they saw a cake was made for her,

"Thanks." Earthquake said, and she sits with her family and has cake with them,

"So, what happened?" Plate Tectonic asked, and Earthquake tells them everything,

"Wow, Big Business must've been annoying." Stone said,

"He was, I'm glad that's over." Earthquake replied, her family chuckles,

"Well, you look tired, you should rest." Sinkhole said, and Earthquake went to bed two hours later.

Earthquake wakes up and saw she was off from work, she saw Plate Tectonic was still asleep, she smiles and puts face powder, lip gloss, and yellow eyeliner on and heads outside, she makes a hill of dirt appear under her and she looks at western Nature Valley and southern Nature Valley to see how Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami were, she saw Raging Tornado flying in the air, she was looking at Meteorite Hellfire and Tsunami as well. Earthquake looks and sees Tsunami through the window in her home, she saw her father in her room, but could not hear them, so she looks and sees Meteorite Hellfire lifting weights while breathing hard and fast, which made her uncomfortable, but she soon finishes and begins eating a huge meal of plants, fruits, and vegetables, she calms down and trots to the center of Nature Valley.

Earthquake makes the hill disappear and she goes into the ground and heads to the center of Nature Valley while Raging Tornado flew there, Earthquake comes out of the ground and was in front of Meteorite Hellfire while Raging Tornado was to Earthquake's right,

"You okay?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Yeah, just training." Meteorite Hellfire replied, they hear slow walking to the south and Tsunami came,

"I'll be heading to Mount Aris soon, Tidal Wave's waiting for me." Tsunami said,

"For what?" Earthquake asked,

"She didn't say." Tsunami replied,

"Come on, Tsunami, stand up for yourself." Raging Tornado said,

"But what am I supposed to do?" Tsunami asked,

"It's easy, just do the things Tidal Wave says you're no good at, do good at them, and prove her wrong." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"How? Tidal Wave was always better at everything when we were kids." Tsunami said,

"What kind of things did she and you do together?" Earthquake asked,

"Drawing, painting, making music, sewing, memorizing books we read, putting on makeup, school grades, and who was more beautiful, Tidal Wave always won." Tsunami replied while almost in tears,

"Then why don't you make her do something you like that she has never done before?" Earthquake asked,

"She's not going to do it." Tsunami replied,

"Well, what does she take great pride in?" Meteorite Hellfire asked,

"She really values her beauty." Tsunami replied,

"Easy, just find some way to ruin it if you can." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"She values her natural beauty, too." Tsunami replied,

"A physical beating can solve that." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami gasped with her left talon over her mouth,

"Meteorite Hellfire!" Tsunami said with shock,

"You should know by now that Tsunami isn't one to fight, Meteorite Hellfire, it's better to solve this in a nonviolent way." Raging Tornado said,

"Sometimes, it's the only way." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Hmm, true." Earthquake said,

"You too, Earthquake?" Tsunami asked,

"Sometimes, I usually just slap them, though." Earthquake replied, Tsunami's eyes and mouth were wide open,

"Sorry, Tsunami, but you might have to fight your sister." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No!" Tsunami replied sternly,

"Have you tried standing up to her and telling her she's just a bully?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I tried that when she was the bearer of the Element of Water, it didn't work." Tsunami replied,

"What do you do, then?" Earthquake asked,

"I found just listening to her and submitting to her to be the only thing that works." Tsunami replied,

"But look at what it's doing to you." Raging Tornado said,

"I know, but that's the only thing that works." Tsunami replied,

"Then fight her, break her beak if you have to." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No!" Tsunami replied sternly,

"You are lucky you don't have my sister, Tsunami, if you just submitted to her just like how you do to Tidal Wave, Blazing Inferno would give you physical beatings all the time." Meteorite Hellfire said, Tsunami exclaimed with horror while reeling up onto her hind legs,

"What about you, Meteorite Hellfire, what would you do if Tidal Wave tried to break you with words?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I'd ignore it, and if she doesn't stop, I'd tell her to show me and prove it if she says she's better than me at whatever she brings up." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"You wouldn't fight her?" Earthquake asked,

"Only if she gets physical with me first." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Well, I should go, I don't want to keep Tidal Wave waiting." Tsunami said, and she flies to Mount Aris, her three allies follow her.

Earthquake and the other three go to Mount Aris and Tsunami lands, Tidal Wave appeared in front of her,

"Look at that, you actually came, submissive and obedient as always." Tidal Wave said,

"I have a reason on why I came." Tsunami replied, Tidal Wave becomes a little speechless,

"What is it?" Tidal Wave asked,

"All of those things you said to me about you being better, I'd like for you to prove it, I'd like a competition with you." Tsunami replied,

"Really? You know that I'm going to win." Tidal Wave said,

"You did back then, maybe things will be different now." Tsunami replied,

"Very well, let's do this." Tidal Wave said, and they begin. The first thing they did was a review on hippogriff history, Tidal Wave recalled more, next was reading a book and recalling what they read, Tidal Wave won again, the third challenge was sewing a dress, Tidal Wave won by finishing first and her sewing being more accurate, the fourth challenge was painting Mount Aris, Tidal Wave won once again by painting faster and it was more detailed, the fifth challenge was playing music, they both played the flute, Tidal Wave won because she could hit the high notes while Tsunami could not, the sixth challenge was cooking, Tidal Wave cooked the kelp perfectly while Tsunami burned it, the seventh challenge was putting on makeup, Tidal Wave got her makeup on perfectly while Tsunami struggled, the eighth challenge was drawing Mount Aris with crayons, Tidal Wave made an accurate drawing while Tsunami could not draw well, the ninth challenge was controlling the water, Tidal Wave could control the tides of the water, along with boiling and freezing it, she also had control over ice and steam, while Tsunami could only change her body into water and flow around, and control the sea with her front legs,

"Admit it, Tsunami, I'm better than you, I was back then, and apparently, I still am, and I will always will be." Tidal Wave said, Tsunami was on the verge of tears with her confidence broken,

"No, one more challenge." Tsunami said,

"Name it." Tidal Wave replied,

"Win Queen Novo's favor." Tsunami said,

"Ha, easy, there she is right there." Tidal Wave replied, and the two run to her. Queen Novo was in her hippogriff form and watching Mount Aris,

"Queen Novo." Tidal Wave said,

"Your majesty." Tsunami said, the two bow to her,

"Ah, I didn't think you'd be here, Tsunami, what can I help you with?" Queen Novo asked with a smile on her face,

"Actually, my sister and I were wondering if you needed help with anything." Tsunami replied, Tidal Wave nodded while smiling,

"Well, now that you mention it, the palace on Mount Aris does need cleaning, you two can help there." Queen Novo said, and the two head there while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire follow them to watch. Tsunami and Tidal Wave clean the palace and were racing, the two were also trying to be as precise and as clean as possible as well, Tsunami cleaned the right half while Tidal Wave cleaned the left half, they finish and go back to Queen Novo and bow,

"We're done!" Tsunami and Tidal Wave said together, and Queen Novo looks, she sees Tidal Wave cleaned the palace a lot better than Tsunami, there was not a speck of dust, Tsunami looks and was shocked,

"Good job, Tsunami, you did great, I'll let you go clean the pearl later." Queen Novo said, Tsunami looks at Queen Novo with surprise,

"WHAT?!" Tidal Wave asked, the two stood up and Tsunami was happy while Tidal Wave was in disbelief,

"Thank you, Queen Novo." Tsunami said,

"HOW?! I did a better job than she did!" Tidal Wave said angrily,

"You think I've forgotten who you are, Tidal Wave? You think I've forgotten that you tried to use the Element of Water to try to gain power by overthrowing me and trying to rule Mount Aris and Seaquestria for yourself? You are forbidden to even look at the pearl." Queen Novo replied,

"No! My dreams! My ambitions! I was going to be the queen of this land!" Tidal Wave said,

"You are not fit to rule." Queen Novo replied,

"You are not fit to wield the Element of Water, either." Mother Nature said from behind, Tidal Wave looks back and sees her coming, scaring her,

"Your time is over, Tidal Wave, Tsunami is better off without you." Mother Nature said, and she casts a spell with her horn, her magic aura was red, blue, yellow, and green, she zaps Tidal Wave with her magic and she began to move around in a wavy motion,

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Tidal Wave said, and she exploded with blue water flying everywhere. Mother Nature walked to Tsunami and Queen Novo,

"Good job, Tsunami, I'm proud of you, you have proven yourself a better bearer than your sister already." Mother Nature said,

"Thank you." Tsunami replied with a smile, and she and Queen Novo bowed to one another,

"Queen Novo." Mother Nature said,

"Mother Nature." Queen Novo said, and Mother Nature turned around and walked to Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Meteorite Hellfire,

"Blazing Inferno's all that's left, I'd like for you to settle your problems with her before tonight, Meteorite Hellfire." Mother Nature said,

"Yes, ma'am." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"What did you do to Tidal Wave?" Raging Tornado asked,

"I sent her soul to the Void, her soul will be judged, now take care of Blazing Inferno before the Season Festival starts tonight." Mother Nature replied, and she went into the ground. Tsunami walks to her three allies,

"How do you feel?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Still hurt." Tsunami replied, Raging Tornado rubs the back of her neck with her front right hoof to comfort her,

"You three should avoid me, conflict between me and my sister can get real ugly." Meteorite Hellfire said,

"No, we're going with you." Raging Tornado replied, Tsunami nodded,

"Okay, but don't say I didn't warn you." Meteorite Hellfire said, and she leads the way. Meteorite Hellfire goes to the water body near Kirin Grove while Raging Tornado and Tsunami flew and carried Earthquake,

"Why here for?" Earthquake asked,

"Trust me, it's for the best, plus, Blazing Inferno thinks I'm dead, so it's not going to be pretty when she finds out I'm alive." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Raging Tornado and Tsunami were not comfortable, the two see a nearby land and fly there since their wings and front hoofs were tired, the sun begins to set and the blue water changes to a yellowish orange color. Meteorite Hellfire trots around and Blazing Inferno was heard growling, an explosion happens in front of Meteorite Hellfire and she jumps back, Blazing Inferno appeared with an enraged face,

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE!!" Blazing Inferno said with rage,

"I don't go down that easily, and I finished my mission to stop Big Business, faster than any mission you've ever done, I guess there's one thing I'm better at than you after all, I get results faster than you." Meteorite Hellfire replied, Blazing Inferno screams with rage and flies towards Meteorite Hellfire, leaving a trail of fire behind her and on top of the water. Blazing Inferno tries to attack Meteorite Hellfire, but she reels up on her hind hoofs and holds Blazing Inferno back with her front hoofs,

"I'M THE SUPERIOR SIBLING!!" Blazing Inferno said with rage,

"You're already better than me at pretty much everything, and I never got mad, I was happy for you at succeeding, but you made fun of me and tried to hinder me when I tried something, and now that I have done something better than what you've done, you're mad, and ready to attack me!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily and pushes her back,

"You already have all of these achievements, and this is my first one, just let me have at least one!" Meteorite Hellfire said angrily,

"No, I'm superior to you, mom always liked me better than you, and I'm not going to let you have you be better than me at anything, not even one." Blazing Inferno replied, she was huffing and exhaling sharply,

"I will remain the superior sibling, after I KILL YOU AND SEND YOUR SOUL TO THE VOID, PREPARE TO DIE!!" Blazing Inferno said in a distorted voice as her nirik fire appeared, orange fire appears around the water and it separated the two from Meteorite Hellfire's allies, and the two begin to fight.

Meteorite Hellfire makes orange fire appear on her hoofs and she and Blazing Inferno engage in a hoof-to-hoof fight,

"No! Stop!" Raging Tornado said,

"No! You two are sisters!" Tsunami said, and the two fight for sometime before Blazing Inferno makes a double edged broadsword with a lava blade and fire handle appear in her front right hoof, Meteorite Hellfire summons the same sword in her front right hoof and the two begin clashing swords with one another. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno clash swords with one another and the two cut one another with fire coming out of each cut, they grunt each time they were hit, the two continue slashing one another while Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami watch with horror,

"You are not worthy to face me." Blazing Inferno said while a shield of fire appeared around her, her sword has an aura of fire around it, she swings it diagonally and sends waves of fire out, Meteorite Hellfire changes to regular fire and dodges each wave, Blazing Inferno stopped after a few minutes and Meteorite Hellfire appears in front of her and begins slashing her with her sword again, Blazing Inferno does a swipe with her front left hoof to block Meteorite Hellfire's attack, she does a horizontal slash with her sword and cuts Meteorite Hellfire's abdomen, she grunts as she was shot back, she gets back up quickly and does a grunt while holding her sword out, she slides across the water and stabs Blazing Inferno, she grunts but was not fazed,

"There's a reason why mom liked me better." Blazing Inferno said while a shield of fire appeared around her, she changes into a stronger form of fire, they went up higher than before, and she disappears. Blazing Inferno begins flying in the air while swinging her sword, she teleported after each swing and hit Meteorite Hellfire several times, each hit also sent out a stream of fire that also hurt if it touched Meteorite Hellfire, Blazing Inferno soon appears in front of Meteorite Hellfire while in midair and does clockwise spin while she was floating in midair and at an angle, orange circles of fire fly out everywhere and Meteorite Hellfire changed to her fire form to move back and dodge them. Blazing Inferno lands and Meteorite Hellfire shoots a beam of fire out of her horn, Blazing Inferno uses telekinesis to bring Meteorite Hellfire forward and held her sword out in an attempt to stab her, Meteorite Hellfire uses her telekinesis to fling the sword out of Blazing Inferno's hoof, but she just uses her fire powers to make that one disappear and another one appear in her front right hoof. Meteorite Hellfire uses telekinesis on herself to hold herself back from getting stabbed, but Blazing Inferno forces her forward and Meteorite Hellfire blocks her sword with her own, Meteorite Hellfire then shoots fire into Blazing Inferno's face, she screams as she lost focus, she growls and changes to her nirik form.

Blazing Inferno screams with rage and her nirik fire gets higher and stronger,

"Stop it, you two!" Raging Tornado said as she tried to use her wind powers to put the fire out, Tsunami was also using her water powers in an attempt to douse the flames,

"It's hopeless, you two, the fire won't go down until one of them wins." Earthquake said, and the two stop and look at her with shock. Blazing Inferno shoots nirik fire and regular fire out of her horn at Meteorite Hellfire while screaming in rage, Meteorite Hellfire runs around and jumps around to dodge it, Meteorite Hellfire gets angry and changes to her nirik form, she swings her sword around faster than before, Blazing Inferno bites Meteorite Hellfire on her left cheek, she screams in pain and slashes Blazing Inferno's right cheek with her sword, Blazing Inferno jumps back,

"Prepare to get burned." Blazing Inferno said in a distorted voice with a shield of fire around her, she disappears and spheres of nirik fire appear everywhere, along with sword slashes inside the spheres, Meteorite Hellfire runs around on the water to dodge them, one hits her and she grunts as she was shot back, she got back up and moved around to dodge the spheres. The spheres stopped and Blazing Inferno reappeared, changing back to normal, so did Meteorite Hellfire, the two continue swinging their swords around and cut one another,

"Come on, you two, stop it!" Raging Tornado said,

"You two are family, I know siblings fight sometimes, but not like this." Earthquake said,

"You two are sisters, why must you two fight to the death?" Tsunami asked while crying,

Meteorite Hellfire slashes her sword around a few times and lands a few hits on Blazing Inferno, she parries one slash and teleports away while changing into stronger flames, Blazing Inferno makes eight swords float around her and they move in a counterclockwise direction. Blazing Inferno shoots the swords at Meteorite Hellfire and she dodges each one, Blazing Inferno growls since Meteorite Hellfire was a lot faster, stronger, and more durable than before,

"You're going down." Blazing Inferno said, and her flames rise again while she disappears. Meteorite Hellfire braces herself as if she knew what was coming up, Blazing Inferno falls from the sky and tries to cut Meteorite Hellfire from above with her sword, Meteorite Hellfire jumps back while Blazing Inferno disappeared and reappeared above her, she does another downward slash while she fell from the sky, Meteorite Hellfire dodged each one. Raging Tornado looks past the fire as she tries to put it out, she looks and saw Blazing Inferno was aiming to cut Meteorite Hellfire's head, much to her horror. Blazing Inferno continues trying to cut Meteorite Hellfire as she fell from the sky, Meteorite Hellfire dodges each one by jumping and rolling around, she holds her sword out and slides across the water, she stabs Blazing Inferno and she stumbles as she grunts loudly and changes back. Blazing Inferno jumps back and does more slashes with her sword that sent out waves of fire, which Meteorite Hellfire dodged, she was losing her temper and decided enough was enough,

"Prepare to die." Blazing Inferno said, and her flames rise up again and she changes to her nirik form, Meteorite Hellfire becomes shocked and quickly changes to her fire form and nirik form together, it was almost like she knew what was coming up. Blazing Inferno disappears and her fire form begins doing downward slashes while falling from the sky, her nirik form begins making spheres of nirik fire with sword slashes appear, and her regular form flies and teleports around while doing diagonal slashes, each slash she did sent waves of fire out. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami watch with horror at what Blazing Inferno could do,

"Mother Nature!" Raging Tornado said, she did not respond, she looks back and watches Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno fight. Meteorite Hellfire was hit many times and in pain, she pants and Blazing Inferno stops when her three forms come together, she does the counterclockwise spin in midair again while at an angle, she swings her sword again and sends out waves of regular fire, nirik fire, and lava together, Meteorite Hellfire jumped back and dodged them, the two change back to normal at the same time. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno pant as they look at one another, they run to one another and slash each other with their swords, but Meteorite Hellfire manages to land hits on Blazing Inferno and stun her each time. Blazing Inferno turns around and falls as she grunts, she pants and coughs,

"How? How can I lose to my little sister?" Blazing Inferno asked,

"Because I have trained ever since I was a little girl to beat you, and it seems I have finally surpassed you." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"No." Blazing Inferno said, and she stands up and turns around to face Meteorite Hellfire,

"I won't believe it, I'll be the superior sibling again when you're dead." Blazing Inferno said,

"Then let's end this, whoever gets the last hit wins." Meteorite Hellfire replied, and the two run to one another. Meteorite Hellfire and Blazing Inferno hold their swords out and scream with rage as they run to one another, the two jump in the air when they were near one another, Meteorite Hellfire does a horizontal slash from right to left while Blazing Inferno does a downwards slash, Meteorite Hellfire lets out a loud grunt and cuts Blazing Inferno across her abdomen while Blazing Inferno stood and was holding her sword, Meteorite Hellfire pants while holding her sword in front of herself and to her left side with her front hoofs while Blazing Inferno was frozen with her sword in front of her face, she grunts loudly and drops her sword, she screams in pain and explodes along with her sword.

The flames around Meteorite Hellfire extinguish themselves and Meteorite Hellfire stood in place for a minute before making her sword disappear, she falls to her hind knees and cries silently with tears falling out of her eyes. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami run to her and saw the water was not deep, they go in front of her and look at her with shocked faces, the three see Meteorite Hellfire did not notice them and just sat there with tears falling from her eyes, they hug her while she did not return it, Raging Tornado felt bad for her since she saw Meteorite Hellfire still cared for Blazing Inferno, even though Blazing Inferno hated her,

"Let's go home." Raging Tornado said, and the three pick up Meteorite Hellfire and carry her to Nature Valley.

Mother Nature was in the center of Nature Valley and she sees the four arrive, she walks to Meteorite Hellfire and touches the back of her neck with her front left hoof, Meteorite Hellfire looks up,

"I'm sorry about how far the rivalry between you and your sister escalated, Meteorite Hellfire, but I'm also proud that you proved her wrong, if you wish, you can stay home for the Season Festival tonight and rest." Mother Nature said, Meteorite Hellfire nodded while still crying,

"Well, let's go on and celebrate the night, and please be aware of Meteorite Hellfire's feelings, I already informed Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine, they'll be at the festival as well." Mother Nature said, and she disappears into the ground.

The Season Festival begins and there were food and music everywhere, the air ponies sang and played woodwind and brass instruments while the ground ponies played the percussion and string instruments, and the water ponies and fire ponies danced, there were leaves blowing to the north of Nature Valley, rocks going up and down to the east, snow, rain, and tidal waves to the south, and volcanic activity and high flames to the west. Raging Tornado, Earthquake, and Tsunami were with their families and seeing the children, Airstrike and Eruption were present as well, they patted the children and gave them autographs, Earthquake looks to her right and saw Meteorite Hellfire patted the head of each child who came to her, she saw Mother Nature, Princess Celestia, Queen Novo, and Rain Shine were checking on her to make sure she was alright,

"Dang, her fight with her sister must've hurt her deep down." Plate Tectonic said,

"Yes, Sandstorm and I fought a lot, but never to the extent of those two." Eruption replied,

"Poor girl, it looks like she never had a good parental figure in her life." Diamond said,

"Yeah, maybe we can be a substitute for her." Stone replied,

"I think so, Meteorite Hellfire might be happier to have us as parental figures." Landslide said,

"Everybody deserves a good parent, no matter how bad they are." Dust Storm said, they nod,

"Come on, let's go see how she is." Earthquake said, and they go to her,

"Meteorite Hellfire?" Tsunami asked, she looks to her left and sees Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, and their families coming to her,

"Are you alright?" Tsunami asked, Meteorite Hellfire shakes her head,

"Please, tell us, what is the matter?" Raging Tornado asked,

"Look at yourselves, all happy and getting to spend time with your families, I don't have that, a mom who played favorites and favored my sister, a sister who wants to be superior to me in every way and was willing to kill me if I proved to be good at anything, and a dad who walked out on my family when I was born, I never got to know him." Meteorite Hellfire replied,

"Meteorite Hellfire, we're all allies, and that makes us all family to one another, that includes you, too." Earthquake said,

"Really?" Meteorite Hellfire asked, Raging Tornado, Earthquake, Tsunami, and their families nod while smiling,

"Remember, Meteorite Hellfire, we're here, too, you, Tsunami, Earthquake, and Raging Tornado are like daughters to me, I will try to the best of my ability to be a surrogate mother to you." Mother Nature said, Meteorite Hellfire was very touched by Mother Nature's words,

"Remember, Kirin Grove is your home, too, you're always welcome to come to me for help." Rain Shine said,

"Sorry, but I'm already busy with Tsunami, so I won't be able to do much." Queen Novo said,

"I'll be in Canterlot if you wish to see me, Meteorite Hellfire, believe me, I know the pain of losing a sister." Princess Celestia said, Meteorite Hellfire looked down in sorrow, still deeply hurt over losing her sister,

"How are you dealing with the loss of your sister, Tsunami?" Raging Tornado asked,

"It hurts, a lot, a part of me actually wishes for her to be back." Tsunami replied,

"Come now, let's enjoy the night, and remember, there's two therapists in Ponyville, one is Doctor Whooves, and the other is Starlight Glimmer, you four can see them if you need help." Princess Celestia said, and they all enjoy the Season Festival for the rest of the night.

Earthquake wakes up the next morning and sees she had work,

"You leaving?" Plate Tectonic asked,

"Yeah, I have work." Earthquake replied, and she got ready, she put on her makeup, took a shower, has breakfast, brushes her teeth, and heads out.

Earthquake does a photo shoot in Appleloosa and had an easy day with the stallions admiring her, she chuckles and leaves, she goes somewhere private and practices her magic, she makes a boulder fly into the air, she makes a hill appear and watches it, it goes to Ponyville and smashes Raging Tornado's wagon, which made her exclaim with shock,

"Sorry." Earthquake said as loud as she could, she makes the hill disappear and continues practicing until evening, she heads home and continued to live in Nature Valley with her friends and family.

Author's Note:

For the story being told from the points of view of the other three characters, click the names.

Raging Tornado
Meteorite Hellfire