• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2013



Celestia, like all ponies, has secrets. Though they aren't secrets if they don't stay, secret. One day, when Luna stumbles upon her secret by accident it will change the life of not just her, but her student Twilight Sparkle.

This somehow started as a story about Celestia and Luna going broke, don't ask me how it turned into this, I honestly have no idea. The story turned out as basically the prologue to every Twilestia story where Twilight goes back to Canterlot because Princess Celestia sends her a letter.

Special Thanks to: That_One_Brony, my awesome prereader!

Additional tags: [One Shot] [Twilestia]

August 15: Some grammar edits.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 49 )

First? Good story!:pinkiehappy:

Always up for a good Twilestia, well done!

On another note. Sequel. Now.

Hoooo pony. This is gonna be interesting...

Im gonna kill you for that last line...

"Shouldn't you buy me dinner first?"

Most amusing. :rainbowlaugh:


I'm writing on a tablet, so imagine that picture with :moustache: smoking a cigar, the word brilliant underneath. Okay?:rainbowhuh:

Because that is what this is. :pinkiehappy:

1077141 Yes, yes it will.

1077143 I *might*, key word *might* consider doing a sequel on what happens when she goes to Canterlot. It'll probably be a short story of a few chapters. I haven't decided yet, it'll depend on a lot of factors.

1077154 Indeed.

Yay, new book.


I just realized this thing is complete...what the heck,that last line didn't help either:rainbowhuh:

Anyway,it was cute but this definitely felt like the first chapter of a bit longer story.

Clearly, any sequel should focus on Twilight's hunt for this tasty new book, and her fury at her mentor for lying to her about it! Manipulating her for tawdry ends! The shame!

This was a good first chapter for a longer story. As a stand-alone work though, it doesn't hold up. It's not just open ended, because that would imply an ending of some sort.

1077292>>1077552 I meant this story to be a prologue to all the Twilestia stories that start with Twilight getting a letter than Celestia wants her back in Canterlot. I never meant it to be a full story, though I am thinking about writing about what happens when she goes to Canterlot in a sequel. This was never meant to be a full fic.

What do you mean 'Luna had a lower rank than Celestia'?
Are they not sisters who rule equally?

1078580 Pertaining to the command over the Royal Guards. Even in the canon you can tell that Luna isn't exactly equal in all respects. As the pig from Animal Farm said "All animals are created equal, but some are more equal than others," sorry if I got it wrong.

awesome!:pinkiehappy: love the last part with bibliophile-twilight


One chapter to rule them all. One chapter to find them. One chapter to bring them all and in FiMfiction bind them.

why is it complete...it doesn't feel complete

"Yay, new book!" <- Cute as Hell!
Also, I hope you'll give this a sequel. Your writing is great, and I love the way you made Celestia react (RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN). You got me intrigued :D

there needs to be more of this.. I must know how this went Did they get together!?! arrgh you... you are too good to leave this at just this.:raritycry:

I've been on the popular stories list for 20 hours!:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

'Never meant to be a full fic'
Thats what they aaaalll saaay.
'I never meant to kill the guy, I swear!
Or 'I never meant to steal the car! I just forgot to pay, is all'

You've done the crime, and now you gotta do the tiem.


1082445 Having a sequel to this is becoming more and more of a possibility.

Hey that was pretty good. I always enjoy Twilestia fics, as well as stories featuring plenty of interaction between the two royal sisters.

I'm curious; did you try running it through a prereader first? I ask because there were some minor grammar issues. Nothing major--it was mostly just using a comma where perhaps a semi colon or period would have been better. Also, in Celestia's letter it would either be "Dear Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student" or "My dear faithful student.."; otherwise it sounds kinda awkward. But like I said it's mostly pretty minor. You don't have to have a prereader, obviously; it's just an option, especially if grammar isn't really your thing (and trust me when I say it's definitely not my thing--I typically only notice mistakes when they mess with the flow of a sentence).

But nice job and keep up the good work!:twilightsmile:


Special Thanks to: That_One_Brony, my awesome prereader!

One obvious typo i found:

She immediately knew where she was, the statue was kept right outside of the thrown room

Unless its a room where they throw stuff or something... sounds like a really interesting room :D

And the last sentence made me think of it turning into a rapefic :twilightoops: :rainbowlaugh::trollestia:

1084968 Well that's embarrassing.

Edit: I didn't read the whole comment. Last sentence; LOL.

And I want it now. Not tomorrow. Not after breakfast. Now!

Andy Dufresne is missing pony?

1085230 All we need is a giant poster of Rita Hayworth.


I mean, seriously, how often do you really look at a colt's horseshoes?

You can't end it there! That's just lazy writing!

1092508 To everypony asking for a sequel:

There will be a sequel, focusing on Twilight's adventure in going to Canterlot, how she deals with her mentor manipulating her, how she deals with the book being a lie, and whether Twilight reciprocates the feelings for her mentor. The title will be Where's My Book!. And the tags will be [Romance], [Slice of Life], and [Comedy]. And I will update the story with a link to the new story when it has been published.

why wasn't i informed about this? also, i'm curious about if this fic had... any help in the... "secret" part? *wink wink*:raritywink: lol. good read!

1108434 OMG I am so happy you like my story!

Edit: What do you mean by "Help", because I suck at interpreting people being subtle.

1108590meh, nothing. forget about it.:rainbowdetermined2:

1108660 Tell me god damn it!!:twilightangry2:

One little typo:

>access its authenticity

I believe that should be "assess"

It wasn't that painful per say

"per se"

can't see link

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