• Published 30th Jan 2019
  • 1,660 Views, 257 Comments

Kamen Rider: What's Your Desire? - The Bricklayer

Adagio Dazzle, marine biologist. ...And apparently the next Kamen Rider OOO and someone who tried to take over the world a few years back?

  • ...

6: You Had One Job!/Inspiration Manifestation Mrk 2/Marine Combo

“Goddamnit Adagio!” Ankh roared at the woman back at the apartment, this close to tossing a lamp at her head. “You had just one job, just one!”

To her credit, Adagio didn’t look particularly fazed. “...Do I look like a psychic to you?” she deadpanned. “Do I look like the kind of person who can predict two Greeed showing up out of nowhere?”

“You should! They’re all going to be after you now,” Ankh stated, flicking Adagio on the forehead. “They all want their medals back.”

“...Medals which you stole in the first place, so to be more accurate they’re after you,” Adagio snapped back, poking Ankh in the chest. “Maybe I should have let Soarin' shoot you some more, get all those medals you grabbed spilling out onto the floor and kept them to myself. Lock them in a safe somewhere!”

“...You’d do a Greeed proud with that mindset.” Ankh huffed with his back to her and arms crossed.

“Gee, thanks for the comparison,” Adagio commented in a deadpan tone. “Look, you’re pissed, I get that. You had your precious medals stolen. Your precious medals. Medals, medals, that’s all there is to you!”

“So what?” Ankh replied.

“...Ever consider that there’s quite possibly a life beyond medals? Like… I dunno, maybe you can open up a costume-themed diner, and any money you make can go to feed your ice cream addiction.” Adagio remarked, before looking at the bill Ankh had managed to wrack up with his love of the stuff. They hadn’t even been together a month yet, and somehow the Greeed had managed to go through over half of her monthly pay. ...Question is, how did you put your foot down with a Greeed?

“So, is this us getting what you humans call a divorce?” Ankh asked. “So who gets the kids… I’m sorry, the Cube Animals? I’m taking the Condor. Leopard’s all yours, you’re certainly catty enough.”

“No, unfortunately, for the time being, we still have to work together -much as I hate that- just so we can save the world from your brethren,” Adagio sighed to herself. “So for right now, I’m stuck with you.”

“You should feel honored!” Ankh proclaimed.

“Tch,” Adagio muttered. “Yeah, really honored I get stuck with an ice pop addict. ...How’d I end up with you supporting me and me being your shoulder to cry on? ...This is just the blunder of my life.”

“...Do you want the long or the short version?” Ankh teased, and before Adagio could refute that a blast of green electricity blew the window open with the two diving to the floor.

“Spare me,” she muttered as outside, a certain insectoid-themed Greeed bellowed for Ankh to come out.

“ANKH, I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE! ALONG WITH MY MEDALS! COME OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN, AND GIVE ME BACK WHAT’S MINE!” Uva bellowed, and it wasn’t hard for Adagio to imagine him beating his chest like a gorilla.

“...He’s a persistent one isn’t he?” Adagio muttered. “Oh, he is so getting billed for blowing out my window. Ankh, medals!”

“...Hell no! I’m not just letting you toss them over to Uva!” Ankh snapped back.

“Ankh, medals. Now. Or else I let Uva come in and pry them from you by force. Or I cut off your ice pop supply. Whichever sounds more tempting really.”

Ankh considered his options, which didn’t take long really.

“Tch!” he muttered and tossed Adagio three medals. Leaping out of the window, Adagio slotted the three medals into her driver and scanned them.


“Kuwagata, Tora, Ookamiuo!” the driver shouted even as Uva fired off more electricity blasts from his horns, the hard-light medals circling around Adagio during her transformation sequence protecting her.

Rolling to the ground as soon as she hit it, Adagio grabbed her staff as it formed out of the water in the air and twirled it behind her back. She groaned at her current appearance.

“...Great, I look like a walking traffic light. Such an improvement over the beached whale look.” she muttered even as Uva stared her down. The Greeed tossed a brief glance upwards towards Ankh.

“I thought you two would be having a little lover’s spat after our last battle! You haven’t broken up already?” Uva remarked complete with small head tilt.

“THERE’S NOTHING TO BREAK UP!” both Ankh and Adagio bellowed before Adagio locked weapons with Uva, sparks flying off their weapons as they met again and again. Adagio kicked him in the stomach before activating the Kuwagata Medal’s power and blasting Uva backward with green electricity bolts of her own.

“One good turn deserves another, right?” Adagio teased twirling the Ookamiuo Spear as she’d begun to call it above her head and firing off a whirlpool towards Uva. Uva fired off more electricity in return, and the two attacks met in midair causing an explosion before Uva smirked as he brought out some cell medals.

“Ankh, you’re not the only one learning how to… evolve in this new world. So have I.” Uva stated, snapping each Cell in half creating what looked like one-eyed mummies staggering to their feet.

“Tch! Trash yummies, that’s all you managed to create!” Ankh stated in a fairly unimpressed tone even as the newly coined Trash Yummies surrounded Adagio. She responded by leaping upwards and spinning like a cyclone creating a small water spout to blow them away and using her spear to dispatch whatever was left.

With a loud roar, Uva charged towards Adagio and pinned her up against a car with his horns. Adagio did the only natural thing that came to her about then, namely kicking Uva in the groin.

Uva, roaring out in pain didn’t really get a chance to dodge the whirlpool thrown his way knocking him back and causing him to bleed out a few cell medals. Mind you, not one to waste a chance Uva broke these medals in half and created even more Trash Yummies.

“...Uh, Ankh? A little help here?” Adagio stammered out as she saw the mooks advance towards her.

“Sorry,” Ankh remarked licking on an ice pop. “Already done my good deed for the day. No more freebies!”

“I’m really beginning to hate that man at times…” Adagio grumbled to herself before slicing through the yummies with her spear and then tossing a massive whirlpool to mop up the rest. She was then hit across the face by a powerful right across from Uva who then walloped her in the gut.

“Oh… You’re not even worth the trouble,” Uva sighed as he and Adagio went blow to blow. “The last OOO, the King? His greed was so great I could create a yummy just as powerful as me! We all could! And now, I’m beating you even without all my Cores at hand!”

Suddenly, several blasts hit Uva in the stomach causing him to stagger back, and Adagio’s head whipped around to see Eiji holding what looked to be a fairly large-sized rifle. Tossing one ammunition clip aside, he attached another to the bottom of the rifle. Adagio did take the time to notice that said ammunition was actually cell medals.

“Overcompensating for anything?” Adagio teased as she and Eiji ganged up on Uva slicing and shooting at him making him bleed out more cell medals that were either grabbed by Taka Candroids or Ankh.

“Like I said… If there’s ever a hand that needs to be extended…” Eiji said looking somewhat flustered at Adagio’s remark.

“...So, is that a yes or a no then?” Adagio commented actually enjoying this. Eiji was much more fun to tease than Ankh. Actually fairly cute as well. She was pretty sure she was able to legally flirt with this one… Unlike say a certain Greeed. Eiji ignored her and fired his rifle at Uva some more. Adagio had also taken notice that Eiji was actually straining himself, like actually aiming the rifle or keeping hold of it was physically painful for him.

“Eiji… are you… are you alright?” Adagio asked in a concerned tone rushing over to him as Uva began to recover.

“Yeah… Yeah, I’m fine. This weapon, -the labs call it the Birth Buster- just has a bit of a kick to it. That’s all,” Eiji panted out. “I’ll manage. Besides, you have bigger issues than worrying about me I think.” he commented as Uva charged towards them horns crackling with energy. Both he and Adagio leaped backwards firing off green electricity blasts the attacks meeting in mid-air before Adagio landed atop a car and switched medals.

“Taka, Tora, Batta: Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!

Striking a pose resembling a cat holding out its claws, Adagio leaped off the car and the Tora claws flipped out striking Uva across the chest several times as she slashed into his body. Using Uva as a springboard, Adagio then leaped skywards with the Batta Legs and ran the scanner across her belt.


Three solid rings of color appeared in front of Adagio and two red wings sprouted from her back before Uva sizing up his chances flung a car in front of her and let it take the kick. He meanwhile, leaped off into the distance.

Adagio, holding her chest in pain and panting from exhaustion canceled the transformation before falling forwards towards the ground with Eiji calling out her name as she lost consciousness.

She later awoke to the slow ‘boop-boop’ of a heart monitor and found herself in a very sterile white room, Eiji sitting in a nearby chair. Ankh sat -of course, but where else?- in a nearby open window.

“Wh… What happened? Where’s Uva?” Adagio asked.

“He got away, and in your foolishness in using so many combos in such a short time period you over-exerted yourself,” Ankh chastised, tossing the Taka medal up in the air. “The trouble with combos, put quite the strain on your body. Or did I forget to mention that?” he remarked with a grin.

Adagio gave him a deadpan look. “Yeah, you sorta did. Something tells me you left that out on purpose.”

“Maybe, maybe not. I forget things in my old age. 800 years old, memory’s probably starting to go,” Ankh remarked. “So sue me!”

“I oughta… Right, you remember the Greeed and their end goals, and yet you ‘conveniently’ forget to tell me what happens if I use one too many combos,” Adagio stated sitting up in her bed and giving Ankh a very dirty look. “Forgive me if I don’t trust you right now.”

“Hello, a spirit of desire right here?” Ankh said placing a hand across his chest in mock-offense. “I’d have only given you this information if you asked for it, desired it. And it seemed you never did!”

Adagio muttered some very unkind things under her breath towards Ankh before sighing to herself. “...Great, how am I going to explain this one to my boss?”

“I’ve already taken the needed precautions and for the next few days while you rest up, someone will be taking your place at the Aquarium. Goes by the name of Erika Satonaka. Very competent woman.” Eiji explained.

Across town, a dark-haired Japanese woman with a rather bored look on her face and wearing a very fancy dress had taken Adagio’s duties. Currently, she was explaining the habits of the White-Blotched River Stingray -native to the Cortica River- to Ms. Cheerilee's class in a dull-would-rather-be-anywhere-but-here-type of tone. Every so often, she did her nails or checked her phone’s dating app.

“...Then why do I detect a hint of worry in your tone?” Adagio asked noting Eiji’s expression. “And anyways, who’s going to deal with yummies in case one shows up?” she asked and Eiji smiled in return before flinging a belt around his waist, and tossing a cell medal skywards letting it land in his belt.

“Already got that taken care of as well. Henshin.” he stated, turning a little knob on the belt.

With a popping sound like that of a capsule opening, Eiji was suddenly transformed into this grey and green armored warrior with a glowing red visor, and similarly toned lines running across the armor. Adagio blinked once at that sound, then twice before sighing.

“...We’re doomed.” she muttered.

Meanwhile across town at the Carousel Boutique, Rarity had defied Sassy’s orders and had actually returned to work with new vigor. Sassy didn’t quite know where the inspiration had come from, but she really wasn’t about to question it really. She already started scribbling down concepts for dresses, performing precise, curvy pencil strokes that normally would have taken surgical precision for her. In fact, not long after she had finished a design, she was already to work on it, sewing machine pounding away as she fed it her fabrics.

“Sequins and sashes, Rarity, they're exquisite!” Sassy cried. “You’re back in top form! But where did you ever get the ideas for these?”

“Honestly, I have no idea, Sassy. Something just came to me and spread like wildfire. All of my creative block just… vanished.” She gave her a brief look before taking the finished product out of the machine, moving on to decorating it. “I wish I could thank whatever it was, though. Now I’m sure to meet my deadline, no mistake.”

In the back of the room, unnoticed by anyone was this roe-like clutch, eggs inside it glowing. And if you were to look closely at the eggs, you would be able to see what lay inside. Small piranha-like creatures with fins and other features that scarily resembled that of human hands, painted with ruby-red nail polish. They thrashed around at the cocoons that concealed them, their demonic snarls muted by the hardened exterior.

Of course, nobody would take notice of this. That was the whole point. Mezool’s egg clutches always managed to keep themselves hidden… Right up until they hatched. Rarity meanwhile continued her stitching and sewing.

“Oh deary me, it’s like a flood! A dress, based on every one of my friends! And that Kamen Rider OOOs character as well!” Rarity cried. “Yes, yes that’s what I’ll do!” She planted the work she had been doing onto a nearby mannequin, then immediately went to work on the next, not letting a single word slip from her mouth as she ran some more fabrics under the violent nail of the sewing machine.

“Uh Rarity… are you sure you’re alright?” Sassy asked in a concerned tone, placing a hand on her friend’s shoulder having noticed Rarity’s possibly crazed expression and tone. She really should be questioning this, now that she thought of it. Just a few short hours before, Rarity had been close to experiencing creative burnout and now…? Now it was like she’d been given some sort of new vigor.

“What the Hell is going on around here…?” Sassy asked to herself as she headed towards the front door, oblivious to the nesting grounds that the back room had become as the edge of the door gleamed an eerie shade of amber. Not watching where she was going, she accidentally bumped into Vignette who was walking into the boutique with a cameraman in tow.

“H-hey! WWYW, girl!” Vignette exclaimed, the shock nearly sending her backwards into her cameraman.

“Oh… Vignette,” Sassy murmured tiredly rubbing her temples. “I’d actually forgotten you had planned to stop by for an interview and featurette on your program.”

“Yeah. I was gonna question Rarity’s CBOD, but from the looks of things, she’s fine.” Vignette looked over Sassy’s shoulders to see Rarity still engrossed in her work. “Still, I think she’s worth some words. The audience does love a good interview, don’t they?”

“Yes… Yes, they do.” Sassy muttered. Personally, she wanted Vignette out of the Boutique. One, she was a pain in the ass with all of her ‘relevance’ and love for acronyms and two, Rarity really shouldn’t have been disturbed in the middle of her creative frenzy.

“But then again…” Sassy thought to herself tossing a look backwards the half-crazed fashionista. “Maybe I should pry her away from the sewing machine. Just for a minute or so.”

“Wonderful! Well, I’ll BRB, Sassy. Time to get a scoop with the best girl,” Vignette strode by, the cameraman blindly following her towards the machine. “Hey, Rarity. Is this a bad time? I don’t wanna cause a bother, what with your rapid-fire frenzy of dresses you’ve got going for you. Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news after all!” she chirped.

“Well, as you can see I’ve never been so inspired in my life! Take this dress for instance,” Rarity said, gesturing to a number covered in reds and blues. “Inspired by Kamen Rider OOOs, and her seeming default combo. SaRaMiUo as it’s called am I correct?”

“Ooh. Your OOOs. Your One On Offense, right?” She grinned at the acronym usage. Rarity didn’t look quite so amused.

“Well… Yes, well... “ she said, clearing her throat. “After OOOs has defended the city for a few times now, I think she deserves some recognition, don’t you think dearie?” Rarity remarked, a half-finished dress based on Sunset Shimmer’s distinctive color scheme laying nearby. “You remember Sunset, don’t you? She was that fiery-haired girl you met back at that park you ran for a while, right?”

“Yes… I do remember…” Vignette muttered through gritted teeth remembering how she’d lost her job there no thanks to her. “She made it big as a musician, didn’t she? Off touring Europe right now last I checked. We’re all very proud of her, Denver producing yet another fine musician!”

Vignette grumbled something to herself before continuing and putting on her best Pulitzer winning smile. “The HOMA. I know it well, having been there a few times myself,” a small chuckle came out of her lips. “Well, I came to talk to you on a bit of a different subject. Didn’t you say that you were on the verge of burning yourself out?”

“Yes… Yes, I did say that didn’t I?” Rarity mused. “But lo and behold, something came to me last night. I don’t know what it was, but it gave me the power to manifest every idea I ever had! Even ones I didn’t know about!” she cried.

“Well, that’s wonderful! Did you by any chance get inspired by the recent CGPOF event that came around recently?” She leaned in with a smile.

“CGPOF?” Rarity blinked in confusion. “I’m sorry, me and acronyms don’t really… mix.”

“The Canterlot Grand Paradise of Fashion, Rarity. Get with the times! It’s only one of THE biggest events that’s been sweeping the town lately,” Vignette explained, using each of her fingers to list off the words. “There’s designers and brands from the world over coming to our little town to show off their works. I thought you’d be attracted to that like a moth to a flame.”

“No, sorry. I don’t follow current trends like you Vignette,” Rarity almost sneered remembering the woman all too well. “I just do what I want, when I want, and how I want it!”

“A shame. I bet the crowds would’ve loved to see what you came up with. But, I suppose pleasure always goes before business with you. That’s why you’ve got those friends of yours, right?”

“Exactly, now if you excuse me I’ve got dresses to make, and-”

It was right about then the egg clutch decided to burst open, the door giving way shortly afterwards and so came the flood...

Eiji as he drove up to the boutique with Erika in the passenger’s seat carrying spare ammo for the Birth Buster, found himself in the midst of chaos.

Vignette, still trying to report on what was going on had run out of the place along with her poor cameraman, Rarity and Sassy. A swarm of Piranha Yummies flew out after them, howling and screeching like they had just escaped from the darkest depths of the netherworld, ready to take vengeance against the surface-dwellers.

Atop a rooftop stood Mezool, laughing joyously as her children took to the streets.

“Yes, that’s right my darlings! Feed, feed! Bring me medals!” she laughed hugging one of the yummies close to her chest like a plushie. She kissed it atop the forehead and then flung it back into the fray.

“Oh, great. The one day I was hoping to see this town at peace, this happens.” He groaned to himself, drawing the Birth Buster as he stepped out of the car. He loaded it with several cell medals, and began firing into the crowd of yummies even as they swarmed the area.

“This is Vignette Valencia of CNN. A whole bunch of… fish things have burst out of Canterlot Carousel, and are wreaking havoc on the town!” She flinched as an explosion erupted by her side. “This literally just happened right now as I’m talking, so I’m sorry if I sound a bit more panicked than usual, but as they say in the business, FMAS! Fear Makes A Scoop!” Another detonation rang out and she stumbled over her own body, screaming as a Yummy drove itself into her.

Eiji shot the Yummy before it could kill Vignette, and walked over to her batting aside any other Yummies with the Birth System’s crane arm attachment. “Are you okay?” he asked.

“I guess so…” Vignette was breathing heavily, certain that she would have died if he wasn’t a second later. “You’re my hero, sir.”

Eiji blushed, before smiling underneath his helmet and giving her a thumbs-up. “If there is a hand reaching for help, and I don't reach out my hand when I can, the regret would make me wish I were dead... I reach out my hand, because I don't want that,” he stated, swinging the crane arm around and batting away yummy after yummy. Sadly, each one he managed to take out, another was to take its place.

“Damn him!” Mezool swore and was about to jump down to join in the fray as she saw Eiji and Erika go back to back with Rarity using her geode to create a shield for them. Sadly, before she could do so a voice cried out.

“Forehead flick!” Ankh stated doing just exactly that to the aquatic-based Greeed. Laughing, Ankh shook his head. “See some things never change. Rebirth of an age for you, least in your mind. Sorry to have to say this, but I believe you have a few things that belong to me. Or her at least.” Ankh remarked gesturing behind him where Adagio was limping up.

“Oh lovely, it’s the orca woman again,” Adagio sighed. “And here I was hoping I’d have the chance to kick Uva’s ass properly. Oh well, you do have my medals so… Every pinch counts as a chance I suppose.”

Eiji had stopped Adagio atop the rooftop and gave her a look of shock.

“Adagio, what the Hell are you doing? You should be in the hospital!” he shouted swinging the crane arm around to take out some more yummies. Rarity pushed her geode-created shield forwards clearing away some more, allowing for more breathing room. Several yummies leaped at her from behind, and she created yet another shield in mid-air to knock them away or allow Erika to shoot them down with her Birth Buster.

“Adagio… As in Adagio Dazzle?” Vignette asked in shock, Eiji realizing too late his mistake. “Adagio Dazzle, as in one of the three sirens who tried to take over the world some years back? Are you hearing this viewers, Adagio Dazzle is our Kamen Rider OOOs?”

“Yeah, I sorta took your expression about a hand reaching out to heart,” Adagio commented cracking her neck and ignoring Vignette for now. She’d deal with the fallout later. Right now she had people to save. “Besides, me and fish woman? We’ve still got scores to settle,” she stated as she slapped on the OOO driver, the belt wrapping itself around her waist.

“Now, know this for starters. The tides are as ever-changing as my own abilities. Henshin.” she stated as the driver sang out a familiar tune.

“Taka, Tora, Batta: Ta-To-Ba! Tatoba, Ta-To-Ba!it sang as Adagio marched forwards with the claws on her arms extending. Drawing a sword that Eiji had sent her as a sort of get-well gift in the hospital -the sword being named the Medajaribur- and began striking at Mezool with either the blade or the claws. Sadly, each time she managed to get in close enough for a strike, Mezool just turned into water and managed to get behind her and strike her with electricity drawing on the powers of the Unagi medal.

“Damnit…” Adagio thought to herself as she again and again tried and failed to hit the woman with her weapons. “How am I supposed to hit what I can’t see?”

Suddenly, the Taka Head activated and drawing on it’s pinpoint accuracy powers Adagio managed to slice downwards with the Medajaribur knocking Mezool out of her liquid form. She rolled along the rooftop, medals flying from her body. Adagio smirked as two blue medals came flying her way.

“Taka, Tora, Cheetah!” the belt sang out as Adagio went for another random combo hitting Mezool with a flurry of kicks and or slashes before running up and down the building clearing out some of the yummy hoard as well. But Adagio wasn’t going to let this go. Oh no, she still had to send Mezool packing and return the beating she’d been given by her before in full. A bit petty of her one supposed she mused to herself but it also offered up the chance to grab some more medals and depower Mezool even further.

“Same, Kujira, Ookamiuo: Sa-Ra-Mi-Uo! Sa! Ra! Mi-Uo!” the driver sang before Adagio flung a whirlpool towards Mezool knocking three more medals from her. Mezool’s armor crumbled as three deep blue medals -each depicting a different animal, an orca, an eel and an octopus respectively- rolled towards Adagio.

Picking them up, Adagio allowed herself a brief smirk.

“Adagio, you’re not thinking of-” Ankh cried out. “Full-Medal combos, they’re more dangerous than random combos! They exhaust you more than usual, and that’s if you're lucky! If you’re not careful, you could go completely berserk! You understand me?”

If Adagio didn’t know better, she could have sworn that was concern she heard in Ankh’s tone. Brushing it off, she sighed. “Well, I’ll just have to take that chance won’t I? My friends are in danger, and if I don’t stop those yummies then you can say goodbye to your ice pops along with just about everything else!” she stated, holding up the Shauta combo medals. Mezool’s eyes widened.

“Don’t tell me you’re serious, OOO Girl!” Mezool blanched taking a few steps backward in shock at Adagio’s sheer nerve. “Can you really handle the power of such a thing?”

“Oh, I’m quite serious. Never been more serious about anything in my life. Now that I see the lengths you bunch are willing to go to, all in the name of gathering up more medals for your end game I have only this to say,” Adagio stated tossing the medals up into the air and letting them land in her driver. “Never underestimate the powers of the animal kingdom!” she roared, running the scanner across her belt.

“Shachi, Unagi, Tako: Sha-Sha-Shauta, Sha-Sha-Shauta!” the belt sang as Adagio’s armor shifted into a more streamlined appearance with an orca-like helmet and two white whips attached to her arms. Suckers covered her legs as Adagio let out a scream of sharp pain as she felt the power course through her body. Her helmet’s eyes flashed briefly -a sharp yellow shade- before she turned into a liquid similar in fashion to how Mezool had done a few minutes before and ran rampant through the yummy school.

“I never… I never thought I’d say this, but go Adagio…” Rarity thought to herself as she watched the Rider decimate the yummies.

“Ladies and gentlemen, are you seeing this? Our hero, the Kamen Rider calling herself OOOs has come back strong from her previous showing and is actually saving our fair city!” Vignette shouted, before gesturing for her cameraman to get in a close-up shot of what was about to happen next.

“So… So that’s the power of a Combo…” Eiji whispered in awe as the school of yummies converged into one massive fish, snapping and biting at Adagio. Adagio’s legs split apart into eight octopus tentacles and began kicking away at the massive fish before she rebounded away from it using the body as a springboard.

“SCANNING CHARGE!” the driver shouted as Adagio ran the scanner across it once more before changing into a liquid form propelling herself upwards. She then grabbed the massive yummy school with her whips and pulled herself inwards the legs turning into one massive drill spinning like a corkscrew.

“Always wanted to say this and I know this sounds so unprofessional of me but… GIGA DRILL BREAKER!” Adagio shouted in a one-off moment of completely dropping her stoic composure as she burrowed into the yummy school.

The yummies exploded and it began to rain down cell medals, Ankh, Mezool and everyone else trying to catch whatever they could.

“See ya.” Adagio smirked with a small snap of her fingers as she watched the rain of coins. Canceling out her transformation, she began stumbling forwards clutching her chest and grunting out in pain.

“Tch… Baka,” Ankh muttered as he began supporting Adagio having taken control over Vignette’s body for the time being. “Why am I on your shoulder? This is the blunder of my life…” he muttered to himself as he helped Adagio to a nearby bench.

“Is she… is she going to be alright?” Sassy asked, having managed to find cover before the whole insanity started.

“Yeah… Yeah, she’ll be fine. Just fine…” Eiji smiled after canceling out his own transformation and allowed the woman her sleep. “Good job Adagio Dazzle, good job today. Now you get your rest, you understand? This is just the first of many battles to come…” he trailed off noting Mezool screaming out in rage as she vanished into a drain. “And that one? She’ll be back. You’ve made a grave enemy today, I just hope you know that.”

Author's Note:

Okay, not quite sure if I should have introduced a Full-Medal combo so early, but... Hey, what's done is done. And you get the TaToBa combo at last as well, so a twofer! Huges thanks to Shadowmane for the help on writing Rarity's scenes, especially with Vignette's lines. God, I hate her. Most annoying villain EQG ever made. If I make her a Yummy parent, I will have a ball with her.

Also, yes. While he's not the actual Secondary Rider... Eiji as Proto-Birth.